Testing Outline/Guide: Set Status Is Resolved Go Through Each Ticket and Test It
Testing Outline/Guide: Set Status Is Resolved Go Through Each Ticket and Test It
Testing Outline/Guide: Set Status Is Resolved Go Through Each Ticket and Test It
Deploy applcication
Deploy the new war file and make sure you can login to the
backoffice (try with older database too from a bigger restaurant
(db with older version), sometimes db script doesnt finish the
upgrade and you cannot login.
Add new user with manager, one with server and another one with employee right
(e.g.:dishwasher), and check the results of the following things by login on client
set email and hourly rate for a user in user admin and different rate for a
job roles for a different user
set weekly overtime hours for a user and for a job role with overtime
set default section and department for them try with different selections
Lock/unlock user and hide it try to use password again drop down list
will show these employees with a * (star)
Edit job roles if you dont have any create new roles
Set an auto logout time for users
Leave a messages to a user and to a role, modify it and after revoke on of
the message
-Room Width
-Room Height
- Change texture
Modify Tables
Carte Manager
Set all day and limited time interval for a carte and try it (you have to
assign an item to the carte to be able to see at the ipad)
Set different days also
Set a priority for it and check on the client
Create a category with mark alphanumeric order of menu items and
create one without it
Create a Gift card carte if it doesnt exist
Assign a printer to a carte open items should print there
Create New Menu Item to the new category and one to an existing one
Discount carte
Printed Documents
Set an interval and check all the columns
Print some of them to default and different printers
Open and view every report, numbers should be the same on each report (total
sales inc. tax and media total should be the same, also discount amount on
different reports). If you find any difference please repeat orders until you can tell
what is the problem.
Organizational Editor
-Add Organization
-Remove Organization
Product Editor
-Remove a product
-Add new
-Remove new
Create Delivery Invoice
Inventory Reports
-Order Test menu item using the Client to track the increase or decrease of
Create Sections
General Settings:
Change and save all fields per test, test after each changing because parameters
could have an influence on each other. (e.g. bug from the past: when grouping by
togo was active then change pre-fix on to go parameter didnt work.
-rest name
-rest address
-rest phone
-rest site
Dont change Inventory
-Add a Picture
- Kitchen display grouping similar prop. and named elements: if this parameter is
enabled should group together the similar items on kitchen chit, if using positions
then chit should be printed like this: Each Position's ordered items should be labeled
by "Position #" and grouped together when starting a new position.
- Check grouping similar properties and name elements: if enabled should group
any similar item on customer check
-Set different opening and closing time for restaurant and check on the house report
(some of the restaurant close after midnight so for them a business day is over
when they pass the closing time)
- Change commission from cc tips : try with decimals (e.g..2,5%) and 0 and after
making some transactions check on reports (server checkout, house,sales an.)
Enable open table with table num popup : try the fast navigation button to
open a table with typing in the table number
Move the guest count prompt to the order close: if enabled will ask to
confirm number of customers at the payscreen, try with cash, cc,gift card,
compensation and split check
Default percent values on tip screen: try with different values (with
decimals too) and do some sorders
Auto grat. popup when navigate to payment screen: if enabled when hit
pay at order screen will ask for auto grat, test with different amounts and
scenarios, try to re do it and check result on the check
-Create new gift card and coupon on client and check here and invalidate one of
Guest Client Parameter Editor
Syneweb Settings
Guest editor: create life events and interests first and assign them to different
guests. (create new guests and edit them)
Time Management
try different scenarios (e.g.: if you are an employee shouldnt ask for cash
declare or if you are a server and checkout before shouldnt ask cash
declare again
if you are an employee shouldnt let you login to the main screen
print the pre-set message and after modifying that check results
Try quick login (would you like to login question: yes) and regular login
Create multiple job roles for an user and login with that
If you have created sections before try all of them
when clock out check for time sheet receipt if parameter enabled
-Break feature: go to a few minutes brake and check result on reports (time and att.,
employee work hours editor)
-Reports (Daily,Weekly,House) we not really use them now need to check if we have
to change something on this
-Instant Login
-Edit Hours : edit a server or employee hours ( manager appr.) : you can see the
entry when it is closed (start,end date), check result on reports
Create and Send items on Tables, Tabs, Quick TO-Go, To-Go looking for connection
Check every pop up window when you have to type in numbers or letter looking
for errors, invisible characters.
Change table
Transfer table ( try also to transfer a table to a server who is not clocked in
or an employee for example dishwasher)
Clock in with server A and B, place and order with B, clock out with A and
after a few minutes clock in and transfer this order from B to A. The
payment should be on A second shift server report.
Reopen table: reopen last order on this table and pay with cash and credit
card too if it had credit card you are not able to reopen from here
Cancel Unsent: try to cancel unsent orders
Fire table:
o Try with send/hold feature
o Try with course line feature
Send message: to every printer
Quick cash pay : after confirmation close check from here
If you have enabled Single tap opens tables order at ipad synetouch
settings and use back arrow it should take you back to the table layout
screen otherwise the table mod .screen
With the small printer icon you can print the check
After each transaction check the total amount and total inc. tax on screen
and on printed check!
Payment screen
Credit card:
o make a few payment with test credit card and check that you are
able to swipe the card every time and you can confirm it
o check credit card receipt every time
o Try to pay as external credit card
o Pay as a manual entry use Heartland test cards excel
- Cash: if open cash drawer after pay user role active should open drawer
after each cash payment
- Gift cards: Pay with ID and gift card swipe also and add gift card tip (try to
exceed gift card balance, it shouldnt let you)
- Mixed payments:
and lLink guest to a previously added customer points should increase button!
Other Features
Home screen:
Check out : declare cash tip, check out and check report and clock out
with a new feature you can choose clock out right after the check out, test
this in different scenarios(from Home screen and from Time Management
o did a checkout and no new order
o checkout is not possible because of the open order/transaction
o did a checkout and there is a new order
Fast switch user function
Change section
Opened orders: all the open orders here if you are manager
To Go:
o Create to go orders but do not close them
o Press and hold for an order and try all of them separately(always
check results):
Change name
And move it to a table
Tabs: for bar orders if user doesnt have a right can not go into, same
workflow then to go
o Create some orders, send them and open from opened orders icon
and place more item it shouldnt have TG (to go) prefix
o Create a coupon and pay with that
o Try to find a guest (first you have to create some guests)
o Choose a guest and create coupon from available points
Gift card:
o Choose the previously sold gift card and generate ID and make
another one by swiping empty gift card
o Check balance with info
Reopened: if you void a credit card or reopen any cash transaction should
be here
No sale: open the cash drawer If user has rightTip Screen:
Check input mode when adding tip or total amount (not allowed to enter
characters and should fill out from left to right)
Make sure you are able to add tip (or ask for approval if you dont have a
right) and sent it
Check that you are able to change tip or total amount without leaving tips
Search for a part of a transaction ID
If you set before try to send high tip amount and look for the manager
Try to void transaction (it should ask for approval if you dont have a right)
Set tip for more items and send them together
Reopen Manager Feature
Try to reopen cash and credit card tables (credit card should be void first)
Reopen multiple checks (split checks, open just one of them and all of
Place an order to a table with multiple items, send items, split check and
pay only one check with credit card and cash. Leave the other split check
unpaid. Reopen the paid one and close with different payment method
Report screen:
Reprint doc:
o Try to refresh to get the most recent one
o Use filtering (table,time)
o Print some of them with changing printers
House report: check numbers
Server report: check numbers
Limited items: previously set quantity for some items or 86 ( order screen,
press and hold, remaining quantity) and after check this report
Time report: you can check all the clocked in users here, but doesnt print
in a right format
Cash close: print a cash close form
You can change department at the left bottom corner reports will goes
under this name
Manager screen:
Reopen order
Try to reopen cash and credit card tables (cash should be void first and
you can only void credit card under Tips)
Reopen multiple checks (split checks, open just one of them and all of
Place an order to a table with multiple items, send items, split check and
pay only one check with credit card and cash. Leave the other split check
unpaid. Reopen the paid one and close with different payment method.
Change auto grat what has been previously added and pay.
Change card: make a new manager card and try it, hardly working
Unstuck printer: in case of rendering complete you can delete the last job in cups
Guest: same surface then Coupon, but instead of coupon you can create a new
customer, so create a new one and fill out the missing fields in backoffice after that.
Notification: if you have any push notification you can reach from here
Main screen:
Check out : declare cash tip, check out and check report and clock out
Gift card:
Choose the previously sold gift card and generate ID and make another one by
swiping empty gift card
Tip Screen:
Check input mode when adding tip or total amount (not allowed to enter
characters and should fill out from left to right)
Make sure you are able to add tip (or ask for approval if you dont have a
right) and send it
Check that you are able to change tip or total amount without leaving tips
Search for a part of a transaction ID, use filters
If you set before try to send high tip amount and look for the manager
Try to void transaction (it should ask for approval if you dont have a right)
Set tip for more items and send them together