Uoi 4 Overview Y2tdtt 2016-17
Uoi 4 Overview Y2tdtt 2016-17
Uoi 4 Overview Y2tdtt 2016-17
Unit of Inquiry 4
How We Express Ourselves An inquiry into the ways in which we discover and express ideas, feelings, nature, culture,
beliefs and values; the ways in which we reflect on, extend and enjoy our creativity; our appreciation of aesthetic.
Central Idea
Celebrations, music and traditions are expressions of shared beliefs and values.
Form and Perspective
Related concepts
Beliefs, values, belonging, traditions and culture
Lines of Inquiry
Celebrations, music and traditions from around the world.
Different ways cultures, beliefs and values are expressed.
Phonics, spelling and vocabulary
Build and use collections of interesting and significant words.
Discuss the meaning of unfamiliar words encountered in reading.
Choose interesting words and phrases, e.g. in describing people and places.
Read aloud with increased accuracy, fluency and expression.
Identify and describe story settings and characters, recognising that they may be from different times and places.
Talk about what happens at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of a story.
Show some awareness that texts have different purposes.
Write with a variety of sentence types.
Choose some interesting words and phrases, e.g. in describing people and places.
Speaking and Listening
Listen carefully and respond appropriately, asking questions of others.
Learn and recognise multiples of 2, 5 and 10 and derive the related division facts
Find and learn doubles for all numbers up to 10 and also 15, 20, 25 and 50
Relate counting on/back in tens to finding 10 more/less than any two-digit number and then to adding and
subtracting other multiples of 10, e.g. 75 30
Add and subtract a single digit to and from a two-digit number
Add pairs of two-digit numbers
Find a small difference between pairs of two-digit numbers
Problem Solving
Choose appropriate mental strategies to carry out calculations and explain how they worked out the answer
Explain methods and reasoning orally
Explore number problems and puzzles
Make sense of simple word problems (single and easy two-step), decide what operations (addition or
subtraction, simple multiplication or division) are needed to solve them and, with help, represent them, with
objects or drawings or on a number line
Check the answer to an addition by adding the numbers in a different order or by using a different strategy, e.g.
35 + 19 by adding 20 to 35 and subtracting 1, and by adding 30 + 10 and 5 + 9
Check a subtraction by adding the answer to the smaller number in the original subtraction
Describe and continue patterns which count on in twos, threes, fours or fives to 30 or more
Chinese Vietnamese Language and Culture (VLC)
Chinese songs and music
*Language focus: FEELINGS AND USEFUL
Family members EXPRESSIONS (Collaborate)
Year 2 will continue their next VLC topics with Feelings
Week 1-5 Learn about: and Useful Expressions. During VLC lessons, the
students will learn how to say different feelings through
Chinese children songs: a variety of language games. They will also learn some
useful phrases and a new sentence structure to express
their feelings in Vietnamese.
Chinese traditional music nad instruments
pinyin study g,k,h *Culture focus: Music for Festivals
Radical study: Central Idea: Music styles from around the world
Spelling and writing: key words and key provide a reflection of cultures, beliefs and values.
sentences VLC lessons focus on different music styles from the
three different regions of Vietnam and how music is
Assessment used for celebrating in festivals
Students learn a repertoire of simple melodies as part of a whole class ensemble on the glockenspiels and perform it in front
of their peers.
Focusing on the Music Concepts of tempo, dynamics, timbre and structure, the Year 2s will learn dances and songs from a
variety of countries/cultures including the E Papa and Maori Stick Game from New Zealand, Sur le Pont Avignon from
France, Log Drivers Waltz from Canada, Nutbush from the USA, and Kookaburra Sits in the Old Gumtree from Australia.
In unit 4, year 2 VNC will be continued on Vietnamese phonics, story-telling and handwriting:
- Phonics and handwriting: eng/ing/ung/ng, ang/anh/inh/nh, om/am/m/m, m/m/em/m, im/um/im/ym,
- Story about how people behave with the environment.
Stories/ educational games/ activities.will be added.
Physical Education
During the fourth unit of inquiry, students in Physical Education will be involved in a variety of minor games including running
and tag games. These will be used to develop the students ability to follow instructions and move safely around others.
There will be a focus on enjoying movement and being actively involved in games.
Emilie Knight and Catherine Levick Ryan Haines and Megan Lavelle