Basics: Music 4Th Grade Course Plans Unit 1
Basics: Music 4Th Grade Course Plans Unit 1
Basics: Music 4Th Grade Course Plans Unit 1
October November
The main point of this unit is to seize the silence as that indispensable mark of
active listening. This is the only way one can appreciate music as a living art
form. We perceive its beats through the pulse that continually flows through
time, combining them in a magical way with sound. We maintain this conductive
thread with activities that range from practical experiment to concept
We begin with the assumption that music plays a part in a child’s reality. The
intention is not to raise the child so as to learn music, but rather to raise the
child through music. It contributes to the development of other multiple
intelligences, always, from an active methodology, in which the teacher gives
prominence to the pupil, helping them to discover for themselves the pleasure
of feeling music, from the word, the rhythm, the movement and the
The ear
• Differences between hearing and listening.
• Rhythmic dictation.
• Identification of pulse in rhythms and chants.
• Listening: “Farandola,” La Arlesiana, by Bizet.
Evaluation Criteria
1. Appreciating the value of silence in music.
2. Identifying rhythmic schemes by means of attentive listening to a dictation.
3. Enjoying listening to classical musical works.
Learning Standards
1.1. He/She distinguishes with examples the difference between hearing and
2.1. He/She corrects completely a rhythmic dictation.
3.1. He/She accompanies the active listening.
Evaluation Criteria
4. Valuing the musical contribution of the great composers.
5. Getting to know examples of various works related to the musical heritage.
6. Valuing artistic manifestations of other cultures.
Learning Standards
4.1. He/She reads and answers correctly the questions about Echo and
5.1. He/She gets to know the character of French composer George Bizet.
6.1. He/She actively participates in the performance of a foreign song with
cumulative lyrics.
The voice
• Songs:
- Little elf.
- Dem Bones.
• Rhymes and chants.
Evaluation Criteria
7. Singing expressively the proposed songs.
8. Internalising musical pulse from prosodic rhythms of the rhymes and chant.
9. Singing, with the help of hand gestures, the notes MI, SOL, LA.
Learning Standards
7.1. He/She participates in the collective song, following the basic
recommendations of intonation.
8.1. He/She follows the rhythmic cadence of the rhymes and chants
9.1. He/She plays simple melodies that contain the notes MI, SOL, LA.
• Accompanying with body percussion and with small percussion instruments.
Evaluation Criteria
10. Following the pulse with body percussion in the reciting of a chant.
11. Integrating the accompaniment with percussion instruments in an active
Learning Standards
10.1. He/She accompanies the active listening with instruments, following the
corresponding score.
11.1. He/She shows interest in the diversity of collective activities in the
instrumental performance.
Musical language
• The musical pulse.
• Main musical figures and their rests.
• Musical notation.
• The stave and the SOL clef.
Evaluation Criteria
12. Getting to know the basic elements of musical notation.
13. Recognising musical messages with various conventional and non-
conventional graphic symbols.
Learning Standards
12.1. He/She completes writing activities and discerning the black and white
notes, the quavers and semiquavers and black and white silence.
12.2. He/She knows and transcribes the symbols of the key and the stave.
13.1. He/She reads and interprets simple musical messages with conventional
The body
• Prosodies and accompaniment with body percussion.
• Dancing in groups: “Farandola,” La arlesiana.
• Hand gestures and intonation of the notes MI, SOL and LA.
Evaluation Criteria
14. Adapting the movement of the body to the beat of the music of one of the
listenings, as an experience of body expression.
Learning Standards
14.1. He/She participates in the active listening following the beat of the rhythm
in the shifts and reactions of each part of the music.
Linguistic competency
- Having fun reading.
- He/She reads and understands the main ideas in the mythological text
Narcissus and Echo.
Digital competency
- Using different means of audiovisual communication to transmit different
- He/She uses the digital board and the Internet to do activities and also,
to look for information about the contents in the unit.
Learning to learn
- Developing different multiple intelligences.
- He/She applies models that serve as a reference to do the proposed
Cultural awareness
- Appreciating the beauty of artistic expressions in everyday life.
- He/She appreciates the artistic contribution of composers to cultural
November December
Among the habitual contents that appear in all units, in this presentation we
highlight the double metre time signature and the seven musical notes the most
relevant. We will learn its name and the order they follow on the scale and we
will discern the difference in pitch of each. We will also start playing the
recorder, following the basic recommendations to assimilate the elementary
technique of the interpretation.
The ear
• The pitch on the stave.
• Listening: “Antique dance,” Faust, by Gounod.
Evaluation Criteria
1. Perceiving the difference of pitch of the different notes of the scale.
2. Respecting the norms of the listening.
3. Analysing the structure of simple musical pieces and enjoying the active
participation in the listening.
Learning Standards
1.1. He/She distinguishes the pitch of the seven musical notes.
2.1. He/She knows, understands and behaves according to the norms in the
listenings and musical representations.
3.1. He/She accompanies the active listening respecting the beat and following
the corresponding score.
Music, culture and society
• A musical: The Sound of Music.
• Composer: Charles Gounod.
• Story: The Flute Player from Hamelin.
• Christmas songs from other cultures: Rueda, Rueda (popular Peruvian carol).
Evaluation Criteria
4. Knowing examples of different works of our culture and appreciating the
musical heritage.
5. Appreciating the artistic expressions of other cultures.
Learning Standards
4.1. He/She reads and answers correctly the questions about the story
The Pan Flute player from Hamelin.
4.2. He/She knows one of the examples of musical theatre: The Sound of
4.3. He/She knows the French composer Charles F. Gounod.
5.1. He/She actively participates in the interpretation of a carol from another
The voice
• Songs:
- DO, RE, MI.
- Rueda, rueda.
Evaluation Criteria
6. Singing in an expressive way the proposed songs.
7. Singing a song internalising groups of beats and highlighting the first as the
strongest to recognise the double metre.
8. Knowing and playing songs from different places, periods and of different
styles with or without accompaniment.
Learning Standards
6.1. He/She sings together with the others, following the basic
recommendations of intonation.
7.1. He/She follows the beat and perceives the double metre time signature
with the interpretation of a famous song, while bouncing a tennis ball.
8.1. He/She knows and plays/songs songs from other places/periods and of
other styles, with or without accompaniment.
• Interpretation with barred instruments:The Green Fairy.
• Accompaniment with percussion: “Old dance,” Faust, by Gounod.
• Recorder: Christmas in my city. (SI).
Evaluation Criteria
9. Following the beat with percussion in the activities that require it.
10. Integrating the percussion accompaniment in an active listening.
11. Playing a simple melody on the recorder with the note SI.
Learning Standards
9.1. He/She accompanies the active listening with instruments, following the
score it corresponds to.
10.1. He/She shows interest in different group activities of instrumental
11.1. He/She obtains a good sound on the recorder when playing a simple
melody with the SI note.
Musical language
• The scale and the names of the notes.
• The pulse and the beat.
• Double metre.
Evaluation Criteria
12. Knowing the names of the musical notes and their places on the stave.
13. Knowing the double metre time signature and its graphic representation on
the stave.
14. Reading and interpreting, simple musical measures with conventional
symbols following the beat.
Learning Standards
12.1. He/She knows the names of the musical notes and their places on the
13.1. He/She recognises and reads correctly the double metre time signature
at the beginning of the stave.
14.1. He/She reads and interprets a score of instrumental accompaniment for a
dance, following the beat.
The body
• Postural control and breathing for playing the recorder.
• Group dance: Minoesjka (Holland).
Evaluation Criteria
15. Paying attention to the recommendations given regarding the different body
parts that are involved in getting a nice sound on the recorder.
16. Participating in a popular dance following the beat and reacting to each part
of the music.
Learning Standards
15.1. He/She shows interest in following the recommendations to get a good
sound on the recorder by means of body control.
16.1. He/She participates in a popular dance following the beat when moving
and reacting to each part of the music.
COMPETENCIES – Descriptions and Skills
Linguistic competency
- Having fun reading.
- He/She reads and understands the main ideas in the mythological text
Pan Flute.
Digital competency
- Using different means of audiovisual communication to convey different
- He/She uses the digital board and the Internet to do activities and also,
to look for information about the contents of the unit.
Learning to learn
- Developing different multiple intelligences.
- He/She applies models that serve as a reference to do the proposed
Cultural awareness
- Appreciating the beauty of the artistic expressions and in everyday life.
- He/She appreciates the artistic contribution of composers to cultural
January February
The stimulating and magical figure of the elf invites pupils to delve deeper into
the contents of the unit. The novelty for the pupils will be, for the first time, to
participate in an artistic musical experience that we consider appropriate for this
moment of their development. They will start to learn to play the recorder. We
hope they will learn with a solid technique, and that with time it will give them
great enjoyment playing it, just as they enjoy attentive listening and performing
songs, dances and instrumental accompaniments.
The ear
• Listening: “Le basque,” Five antique french dances, by Marais.
• Melodic dictation.
Evaluation Criteria
1. Respecting the norms regarding listening.
2. Using the body as means of describing the structure of the selected piece
of a listening.
3. Identifying melodic schemes by means of attentive listening during a
Learning Standards
1.1. He/She knows, understands and behaves according to the norms in the
listening exercises and musical representations.
2.1. He/She accompanies the listening with body movements adjusted to the
structure of the selected piece.
3.1. He/She completes correctly a melodic dictation.
Music, culture and society
• Composer: Marin Marais.
• Mythological story: Pan Flute.
• Working songs: Banana boat song (US)
Evaluation Criteria
4. Knowing several examples of different musical pieces of our culture and
appreciating the musical heritage.
5. Appreciating artistic expressions of other cultures.
Learning Standards
4.1. He/She reads and answers correctly the questions about the story Pan
4.2. He/She knows the composer Marin Marais.
5.1. He/She participates actively in the interpretation of a foreign song.
The voice
• Songs:
- The martians.
- Banana boat song.
Evaluation Criteria
6. Singing the proposed songs in an expressive way.
7. Knowing and playing songs from different places, periods and of different
styles with or without accompaniment.
Learning Standards
6.1. He/She sings together with others, following the basic recommendations
of intonation.
7.1. He/She knows and sings songs from different places, periods and of
different styles with or without accompaniment.
• The recorder
• The pan flute
• Articulation exercises on the recorder.
• Playing barred instruments and small percussion instruments.
• Recorder: March of the elves (LA).
Evaluation Criteria
8. Integrating the accompaniment with percussion instruments in an active
9. Learning about and playing the pentatonic scale on barred instruments.
10. Learning about and playing a simple melody on the recorder with the notes
Learning Standards
8.1. He/She shows interest in different group activities and musical
9.1. He/She plays simple melodies with the pentatonic scale on barred
10.1. He/She obtains a good sound on the recorder when playing a simple
melody that contain the notes SI, LA.
Musical language
• Note duration in non-conventional notation.
• Writing notes on the stave.
Evaluation Criteria
11. Learning about the names of the musical notes DO, MI, SOL, LA and
knowing where they are placed on the stave.
12. Representing a sound message with non-conventional graphic symbols to
play the duration of the sound applying it to the articulation on the recorder.
13. Reading and playing, following the beat simple musical messages with
conventional graphic symbols.
Learning Standards
11.1. He/She knows the names of the musical notes DO, MI, SOL, LA and their
places on the stave.
12.1. He/She reads and creates sound messages with non-conventional
graphic symbols to play the duration of the sound.
13.1. He/She reads and plays a score of instrumental accompaniment following
the beat in the activities that require it.
The body
• Articulation and fingering for playing a recorder.
• Hand signs and intonation of the notes MI, SOL, LA and DO.
• Group dance: “Le Basque,” Five old French dances, by Marais.
Evaluation Criteria
14. Controlling the articulation and fingering to obtain a good sound on the
15. Participating in a popular dance following the beat and reacting to each part
of the music.
Learning Standards
14.1. He/She shows interest in following the recommendations to get a good
sound on the recorder by means of body control.
15.1. He/She participates in a dance following the beat and adjusting the body
movements to the structure of a musical piece.
COMPETENCIES – Descriptions and Skills
Linguistic competency
- Having fun reading.
- He/She reads and understands the main ideas in the story The Pan
Flute player from Hamelin.
Digital competency
- Using different means of audiovisual communication to transmit information.
- He/She uses the digital board and the Internet to do activities and also,
to look for information about the contents in the unit.
Learning to learn
- Managing resources and personal motivations in favour of the learning
- He/She shows an interest to overcome new challenges in the artistic
February March
The wind, one of the most basic elements in nature, is at the centre of this unit.
As an atmospheric phenomenon, it is associated with stories of sailors and
pirates who ply the seas with sails charged by the wind. This topic is present in
several activities and it favours the motivation for a rich and varied artistic
experience that awaits us when reading the mythological text or in songs and
instrumental pieces.
Modern musical educational trends agree that children can only become
musical through music. The more the pupil feels that he/she is in the centre of
the artistic experience, the more likely it is that he/she will be able to develop
multiple intelligences and discover hidden talents. It is obvious that there is a
basic principle: using an active methodology that leads the pupils to active
participation and the child to engage with this process.
The ear
• Listening: Light cavalry, by Suppé.
• Recognising pulse in a quadruple metre.
Evaluation Criteria
1. Perceiving the beat and the structure of a selected piece in a listening to
participate in an active way using instruments.
2. Discovering the stress as the strongest beat of those that form a rhythmic
cadence and the frequency with which it is repeated is every fourth beat.
3. Respecting rules of listening.
Learning Standards
1.1. He/She follows the beat and the structure of a selected piece of a
listening by means of active participation, using instruments.
2.1. He/She discovers in an empirical way the quadruple metre as a group of
four beats in which the first one is the strongest.
3.1. He/She knows and understands and behaves according to the norms in
listenings and musical representations.
Evaluation Criteria
4. Knowing several examples of different musical pieces of our culture and
appreciating the musical heritage.
5. Appreciating artistic manifestations of other cultures.
Learning Standards
4.1. He/She knows different types of recorders made of natural materials.
4.2. He/She reads and answers correctly the questions about the story of
4.3. He/She knows of the Austro-Hungarian composer Suppé and at least one
of his works.
4.4. He/She enjoys one piece of Renaissance music.
5.1. He/She learns a Bulgarian popular song participating actively when
performing it.
The voice
• Songs:
- Sail with your sail.
- Jump, Kalinke.
• Intonation of notes of different pitches.
• Prosodies.
Evaluation Criteria
6. Understanding the voice as an instrument and an expressive resource
starting with songs and their possibilities to create and improvise.
7. Knowing and playing songs from different places, periods and of different
styles with or without body or instrumental accompaniment.
Learning Standards
6.1. He/She expresses with his/her voice the different sound parameters
7.1. He/She knows and plays songs from different places, periods and of
different styles with or without body or instrumental accompaniment.
• Playing rhythms with small percussion instruments.
• The recorder: A treasure in the galleon (SOL).
• Accompaniment with percussion: Light cavalry by Suppé.
Evaluation Criteria
8. Applying knowledge of musical language in the vocal and instrumental
performances of simple musical compositions.
9. Knowing and playing the triad of DO on barred instruments learning some
10. Knowing and playing a piece on the recorder that contains the notes SI, LA
and SOL.
Learning Standards
8.1. He/She plays scores of simple compositions with instrumental
9.1. He/She knows and plays the triad of DO on barred instruments.
10.1. He/She obtains a good sound on the recorder playing a piece that
contains the notes SI, LA and SOL.
Musical language
• Quadruple metre.
• The semiquaver.
• Conventional and non-conventional scores.
Evaluation Criteria
11. Knowing the quadruple metre and its graphic representation on the stave.
12. Playing sound messages with non-conventional graphic symbols to
accompany a more complicated part in an active listening.
13. Reading and playing, following the beat simple musical messages with
conventional graphic symbols.
Learning Standards
11.1. He/She knows the graphic representation of the quadruple metre at the
beginning of the stave.
12.1. He/She reads sound messages with non-conventional graphic symbols to
play the duration of the sound.
13.1. He/She reads and plays a score of body or instrumental accompaniment
following the beat in the activities that require it.
The body
• Playing rhythms with body percussion.
• Group dance: Branle of the horses.
Evaluation Criteria
14. Controlling the articulation and fingering to obtain a good sound on the
15. Acquiring expressive skills that are offered by a Renaissance dance and
appreciating its contribution to the cultural heritage and enjoying performing
Learning Standards
14.1. He/She shows interest in following the recommendations to obtain a good
sound on the recorder by means of body control.
15.1. He/She knows, plays and enjoys one of the examples of renaissance
music and dance: Branle.
Linguistic competency
- Having fun reading.
- He/She reads and understands the main ideas in a mythological text –
story of Eolo.
Digital competency
- Using different means of audiovisual communication to transmit different
- He/She uses the digital board and the Internet to do activities and also,
to look for information about the contents of the unit.
Learning to learn
- Developing different multiple intelligences.
- He/She applies models that serve as a reference to do the proposed
Cultural awareness
- Appreciating the beauty of the artistic expressions and in everyday life.
- He/She appreciates the artistic contribution of composers to cultural
April May
The season of spring, a source of inspiration for many great artists, in addition
to the explosion of life and colour it brings, is one of the most favourable
moment to express childlike happiness with games and song. This will be the
setting that will frame the activities of this unit. The playful environment in which
they are developed, in addition to helping with the acquisition of capacities, will
benefit the interest through active participation and will contribute to reinforce
the bonds of coexistence between all.
The design of the activities in the unit is conceived to present to the pupils with
a methodology that, not unlike previous units, is least indispensable: we refer to
active participation. The fact is that the majority of the activities can be enjoyed
in free time to facilitate the initial task of motivation. And there is no better
motivation than that which comes from one’s own life and experience.
The ear
• Listening: Symphony No. 6, Pastoral, by Beethoven.
• Melodic and rhythmic dictations.
• Identifying low-, middle- and high-pitched sounds.
Evaluation Criteria
1. Identifying the sound properties of nature, of the atmosphere and the
environment by listening to various examples.
2. Learning about the importance of the maintenance of an acoustic
environment appropriate for the improvement of health and communal
3. Identifying the auditory difference between low-, middle-, and high-pitched
Learning Standards
1.1. He/She is aware of the sounds around him/her recognising their nature.
1.2. He/She recognises the evocation of the sounds of nature in a listening.
2.1. He/She appreciates silence as something necessary for musical listening.
3.1. He/She identifies the auditory difference between low-, middle-, and high-
pitched sounds.
Evaluation Criteria
4. Learning about examples of different pieces of our culture and appreciating
the musical heritage.
5. Appreciating artistic expressions of other countries and cultures.
Learning Standards
4.1. He/She reads Kokopelli and answers related questions correctly.
4.2. He/She learns about the German composer L. van Beethoven and at
least one of his musical works.
5.1. He/She participates actively in the performance of a foreign song.
The voice
• Songs:
- Al jardín de la alegría.
- The good wise chaman.
- Lavender’s blue.
• Intonation of notes of different pitches.
Evaluation Criteria
6. Knowing the sound and musical possibilities of the voice, adjusting
breathing and body posture according to vocal interpretation.
7. Participating in the performing songs from different places, periods and
styles with or without body and instrumental accompaniment.
Learning Standards
6.1. He/She recognises the expressive, sound and musical possibilities of the
7.1. He/She knows and participates in performing songs from different places,
periods and styles with or without body and instrumental accompaniment.
• Playing barred instruments of the When the day dawns.
• Playing a recorder, barred instruments and percussion of The purple flower.
Evaluation Criteria
8. Applying the knowledge of musical language to the vocal and instrumental
performance of simple musical pieces.
9. Improvising with the pentatonic DO, variations to alternate with a given
10. Learning about and performing with barred instruments a piece on the
recorder with the notes Si, LA and SOL.
Learning Standards
8.1. He/She plays scores of simple melodies with instrumental
9.1. He/She improvises variations of the DO pentatonic scale, alternating with
a given theme.
10.1. He/She obtains a good sound on the recorder when performing a piece
that contain the notes SI, LA and SOL.
Musical language
• Writing notes on the stave.
• Variation.
• The pitch of the sound.
• Reviewing different musical graphic symbols.
Evaluation Criteria
11. Reading and performing, following the beat, simple musical messages with
conventional graphic symbols.
Learning Standards
11.1. He/She reads, writes and plays a simple written score in conventional
musical language in the key of SOL.
11.2. He/She reads and plays a score of instrumental accompaniment.
The body
• Game in a group: To the garden of happiness.
• Hand signs and intonation of the notes DO, RE, MI, SOL and LA.
Evaluation Criteria
12. Controlling the articulation and the fingering to obtain a good sound on the
13. Appreciating the contribution of traditional songs and games to musical
heritage, enjoying performing them and interacting socially.
Learning Standards
12.1. He/She shows interest in following the recommendations to obtain a good
sound on the recorder through body control.
13.1. He/She enjoys participating in a collective singing and game that
originates from popular tradition.
Linguistic competency
- Having fun reading.
- He/She reads and understands the main idea in the text about the
legendary figure Kokopelli.
Digital competency
- Using different means of audiovisual communication to transmit different
- He/She uses new technologies to do activities and also, to look for
information about the contents of the unit.
Learning to learn
- Developing different multiple intelligences.
- He/She applies models that serve as a reference to do the proposed
Cultural awareness
- Appreciating the beauty of the artistic expressions and in everyday life.
- He/She appreciates the artistic contribution of composers to cultural
May June
Music is a heritage for all; for adults and for children alike, there being many
musical pieces by great composers that were especially composed for children.
Some composers, like Mozart for example, were already showing signs of
genius even as children. The unit focuses on vocal expressions and songs
(singing activities): the basic technique of singing, popular traditional songs, the
classification and grouping of voices and the examples of songs of culture from
other countries. We salute the summer by singing.
The ear
• Listening: Turkish march, by Mozart.
• The human voice and singing.
• Identifying high- and low-pitched voices.
• Identifying vocal groups.
Evaluation Criteria
1. Recognising different types of voices through listening to them.
2. Learning about vocal musical pieces with polyphony in different choral
3. Recognising some musical elements in pieces that pupils have listened to
in the classroom.
Learning Standards
1.1. He/She knows the difference between male, female and children’s
2.1. He/She identifies the polyphonic vocal musical pieces in different types of
2.2. He/She discovers the organisation of a simple musical work.
Evaluation Criteria
4. Learning about examples of different works of our culture and appreciating
the musical heritage.
5. Learning about different types of choirs – different types of voices and
different types of choral music.
6. Appreciating artistic manifestations of other countries and cultures.
Learning Standards
4.1. He/She learns about W. A. Mozart reading a short comic about his life
and listening to his most popular works.
5.1. He/She identifies different types of choirs depending on the type of music
they play.
6.1. He/She learns to play foreign songs by means of active participation in
performing a foreign song.
The voice
• Songs:
- De Colores.
- Uahed, yus, tleta.
• Intonation of notes of different pitches.
Evaluation Criteria
7. Knowing the sound and musical possibilities of the voice, adjusting
breathing and body posture to vocal performance.
8. Knowing and performing songs of other places, periods and styles with
accompaniment of other voices.
9. Practising the intonation of the seven notes.
Learning Standards
7.1. He/She recognises the expressive, sound and musical possibilities when
an appropiate vocal technique is applied.
8.1. He/She participates in vocal activities in groups with musical
accompaniment of other voices.
9.1. He/She does intonation exercises with the seven notes.
• Recorder: The fox.
• Accompaniment with small percussion instruments.
Evaluation Criteria
10. Applying knowledge of musical language to vocal and instrumental
performance of simple musical compositions.
11. Learning about and playing a piece that contains the notes SI, LA and SOL
on the recorder with the fingers of the left hand.
Learning Standards
10.1. He/She plays scores of simple compositions with instrumental
11.1. He/She shows a certain level of skills to obtain a good sound on the
recorder when playing a piece that contains the notes SI, LA and SOL.
Musical language
• Writing notes on the stave.
• The timbre and the pitch of the sound.
Evaluation Criteria
12. Reading and playing, following the beat, simple musical messages with
conventional and non-conventional graphic symbols.
13. Placing the seven notes in the appropriate place on the stave, beginning
with the time signature and the key of SOL.
Learning Standards
12.1. He/She reads and plays a score of instrumental accompaniment following
the beat in the activities that require it.
13.1 He/She writes a simple score placing the seven notes of the scale in the
appropriate place on the stave, beginning with the time signature and the
key of SOL.
The body
• Hand signs and intonation of the notes of the DO scale.
• Dance in a group: Oh, Susana!
• Good intonation techniques: relaxation, respiration, resonance and
Evaluation Criteria
14. Controlling relaxation, breathing, resonance and articulation to improve
vocal performance.
15. Using the body as a way to express feelings, emotions and imagination
with the appropriate postural control and coordination with music.
Learning Standards
14.1. He/She shows interest in following the recommendations to improve the
quality of vocal performance by means of body control.
15.1. He/She adjusts his own movements to space and to the others when
moving during a dance.
COMPETENCIES – Descriptions and Skills
Linguistic competency
- Having fun reading.
- He/She reads a text in a comic form about the life of W. A. Mozart.
Digital competency
- Using different means of audiovisual communication to transmit different
- He/She uses new technologies to do activities and also, to look for
information about the contents of the unit.
Learning to learn
- Developing different multiple intelligences.
- He/She applies models that serve as a reference to do the proposed
Cultural awareness
- Appreciating the beauty of the artistic expressions and in everyday life.
- He/She appreciates the artistic contribution of composers to cultural