CVEN303 ELearn Lec 11 - Intro To Leveling

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Lecture 11 Introduction to Leveling Direct Differential Leveling

(Ch. 2) - 2013

horizontal Line of Sight



Developed by Nasir G. Gharaibeh, Ph.D., P.E.
Zachry Department of Civil Engineering
Texas A&M University 1 From Univ. of WF 2

Instruments for Measuring Elevation

Direct Differential Leveling Rod Reading (Altitude)
Read this leveling rod measurement.
Common Leveling Instruments:
Automatic level
Laser levels
Other instruments:
Total station

From Joiana Nascarella 3 4

Leveling Concepts Leveling Process

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Leveling Errors Effects of Curvature and Refraction

( R c) R K
2 2 2

K2 K2
2R c 2R
Curvature error (c): divergence between a level line and
For R=6,370 km,
horizontal line over a specified distance
c = 0.0000785 K2, where K and c in km .Eq. 1
Refraction error (r): all sight lines are refracted downward by
the earths atmosphere. c = 0.0785 K2, where K in km and c in meters .Eq. 2

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Effects of Curvature and Refraction Curvature and Refraction Errors--

C Calculate the error due to curvature and refraction for 100 ft, 200 ft, 300 ft, 400ft,
500 ft, 1,000 ft, and 1 mile.

Distance, ft Distance, 1000ft (c+r), ft

100 0.1 0.000
200 0.2 0.001
300 0.3 0.002
It is generally accepted that r is one-seventh of c, 400 0.4 0.003
r = 0.14cEq. 3 500 0.5 0.005
By substituting c from Eq. 2 into Eq. 3 and then adding Eq. 2 & 3: 1,000 1 0.021
1 mile 5.28 0.574
c+r = 0.0675 K2, where ( c+r) in meters and K in kilometers
c+r = 0.574 K , where ( c+r) in feet and K in miles
9 10
c+r = 0.0206 M2, where ( c+r) in feet and M in thousands of feet

Benchmark (BM) Reference Surface

Benchmark: Permanently
affixed object with
recorded elevation Mean seal level (MSL), as modeled by:
(altitude) and/or location. Station Name -
These objects are replaced with a National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NGVD)
usually small brass or unique a

aluminum disks that are

Permanent North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD 88)
Identifier (PID)
permanently attached to
a stable foundation. NAVD 88 is a refined version of NGVD
Elevation is almost never Year of More than 500,000 benchmarks are included in NAVD 88.
written on BM. placement


There are some websites that allow you to search for benchmarks:

Types of Leveling Closure Error
Direct differential leveling: Line of sight
is horizontal, so the difference in Closure error: discrepancy between the known elevation of a benchmark
elevation is measured directly. (BM) and its measured elevation at the end of the survey route
Advantage: Most accurate leveling
Disadvantage: it can be time
consuming to move the level
many times.
Trigonometric Leveling: Line of sight is
not horizontal, so the difference in
elevation is computed from vertical
angle and slope distance.
Advantage: Less time in hilly
areas. Acceptable closure error is computed as a function of the length of the
Disadvantage: low to moderate leveling route or as a function of the number of instrument setups.
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1st, 2nd, and 3rd Order Surveys

First-order surveys
Closure error 3mm (K)0.5 to 5mm (K)0.5

Second-order surveys
Closure error 6mm (K)0.5 to 8mm (K)0.5

Third-order surveys
Closure error 12mm (K)0.5

where K = length of leveling route in km.


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