I.C. Engine (Lesson Plan)

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ICE/Course Hand-Out/VSY/January 1, 2017


Department of Mechanical Engineering


Instructor: Dr. Vinod Singh Yadav Lectures: 3/1/0 : 4 Hrs
Designation: Associate Professor Quiz: Acc. to Lecture Plan
Session: 2016-17/Sem VI

Mathur and Sharma, A Course in I C engine, Dhanpath Rai Publisher, 1981.

Perhaps the invention of the engine, or even introducing its concept, was the most important
scientific event in the human history. Replacing the horse carriage by the automobile or the
horse-less carriage, as it was initially called, was an event that increased the distance human
beings can endeavor into space. Engines are basic mechanical engineering devices, and they
have variety of applications in moving and non-moving machines.

The objective of Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) is to provide the knowledge of operation of
ICE and its different kinds based on the operation mechanism, specially the two stroke and four
stroke engines to the students. It also involves the thermodynamics relations that govern the
processes of these engines, highlighting two main important cycles, which are: Otto Cycle and
Diesel cycles. Thus, it uses both cycles to introduce the second categorization of ICE based on
the thermodynamic relations; introducing Gasoline engines and Diesel engines.

CO1: Compare the working of 4-S & 2-S for both SI & CI.
CO2: Design the model of conventional engines.
CO3: Solve & analyze the performance parameters.
CO4: Describe the alternate fuels in IC engines.
CO5: Judge the process of fuel supply & Injection system.
CO6: Select & analyze the different parts of conventional engines.


It is a lightweight and reasonably compact way to get power from fuel. It is also significantly
safer and more efficient than the engine it replaced - steam. Even today, it has better power-to-
weight ratio - still - than electric batteries and motors, and offers similar overall efficiency.
Small, lightweight IC engines made personal transportation possible. It transformed how we
built cities and did business. Later, powered aircraft brought the world closer, creating a more
interconnected world society.
ICE/Course Hand-Out/VSY/January 1, 2017


The course contents, with a lecture wise break-up, reading and problem assignments, are given
on the attached sheet. I may or may not necessarily use the methodology or the approach
followed in the text book referenced above. However, it is strongly recommended that the
students buy the text book and read the appropriate material (topics) conscientiously
before coming to class.

The following shall be the grading scheme for this course:
Short-quizzes (according to hand-out) 5%
2 Mid- Semester Exams 40%
1 End- Semester Exam 50%
Home Assignments 5%
All graded answer books (exams, quizzes, assignments) shall be made available to the students-
under the policy of transparency that will be followed in this course. Your grade in this course
is in your hands- you will make it or break it!


It is strongly recommended that you do not miss any of my classes- if you miss one of my
classes, it will become difficult for you to catch up with me; if you miss two of my lectures in a
row, you will find it extremely difficult to come up to the level of the class; and, if you happen
to miss three of my classes, it will become almost impossible! Also, you never know what you
may miss which you may regret later. PLEASE ATTEND ALL CLASSES.
I emphasize punctuality also- if I can be on time, so you can! Also, it is unfair to your fellow
students who are on time and disrupts the class causing distractions and disturbing the train of
thoughts. No late-comers will be allowed to attend my lectures. PLEASE BE ON TIME.
No make-up for missed short quizzes or exams will be allowed except in extenuating
circumstances, with prior permission of the instructor(s), and the decision of the instructor(s) in
this regard shall be final.


Home and class assignments are an integral part of this course- you can only learn by doing!
All home work has been pre-assigned lecture wise (see following pages) and is due at the start
of the following lecture from the one in which it is assigned, in the format as explained on the
next sheet. No late assignments handed in after the due date shall be accepted under any
circumstances. It is expected that the students shall work on the assignments independently and
not copy the solution from each other- this is for your own good! Otherwise, beware!!!!
Note: All assignments are to be done in pencil, only on one side of every sheet, and are to be
handed in on A4 size white paper in the following format;
Assignment No:
Name: Page: 1/ (total pages)
Reg. No.: Date:

Problem No:

Figure (if applicable)

ICE/Course Hand-Out/VSY/January 1, 2017


ME1602: Internal Combustion Engine [L-T-P-C] [3-1-0-4]

Lect Topics Subtopics Assignments
1. Introduction to IC Engines: Basic Introduction, History Exercise 1, Section A,
2. Reciprocating internal combustion engines 1.2, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6
3. Basic engine components- nomenclature
4. Working principle of four stroke engines Exercise 1, Section A,
5. Working principle of two stroke engines 1.9, 1.11, 1.14, 1.16
6. Engine cycles, Air standard cycles Exercise 2, Section A,
7. Otto cycle 2.15, 2.19
8. Diesel cycle Exercise 2, Section B,
9. Dual cycle 2.4, 2.6, 2.11, 2.17
10. Review Quiz
11. Testing & Performance: Performance parameters Exercise 18, Section A,
12. Measurement of operating parameters e.g. speed, fuel & air 18.14, 18.17, 18.28
consumption Exercise 18, Section B,
13. Powers, IHP, BHP, FHP, Efficiencies Thermal, Mechanical, 18.4, 18.6, 18.9
14. Emission Measurement, Indian & International standards of Exercise 18, Section A,
Testing, Emission 18.5, 18.7
15. Review Quiz
16. Fuels and its ratings : Types of IC engine fuels Exercise 8, Section A,
17. Conventional Petroleum, structure, Refining Fuels for SI & CI 8.8, 8.10, 8.22, 8.23
18. Knock rating, Additives
19. Alternative Fuels: Methanol, Ethanol, Comparison with Exercise 9,
gasoline 9.3, 9.4, 9.6
20. Engine performance with pure Methanol, Ethanol & blends,
Alcohols with diesel engine, Vegetable oils, Bio gas
21. Review Quiz
22. Engine combustion: Ignition Limits Exercise 5,
23. Stages of combustion, Combustion parameters. Delay period 5.1, 5.2, 5.4, 5.7
and Ignition Lag,
24. Turbulence and Swirl, Effects of engine variables on
combustion parameters
25. Abnormal combustion in CI & SI engines, Detonation & Exercise 5,
knocking, Theories of detonation, 5.18, 5.22, 5.31, 5.35
26. Control of abnormal combustion, Combustion chamber design Exercise 6,
principles, Types of combustion chamber. 6.10, 6.20, 6.24, 6.29
27. Basic introduction to combustion pre mixed and diffusion
28. Review Quiz
29. Engine Systems & Components: Fuel System (SI Engine), Exercise 11, Section A,
Carburetion & Injection, 11.7, 11.18, 11.19
ICE/Course Hand-Out/VSY/January 1, 2017
30. Electronic injection systems, MPFI engines, CRDI engines Exercise 11, Section B,
31. process & parameters, properties of A/F mixture, 11.2, 11.7
Requirements of A/F ratios as per different operating Exercise 12, Section A,
conditions, 12.10, 12.12
32. Carburetors, types, Aircraft carburetor, comparison of
carburetion & injection, F/A ratio calculations.
33. Review Quiz
34. Modern developments in IC engines: Rotary (Wankel engine) Exercise 23,
combustion engine 23.7
35. VCR engines Exercise 24, 24.2
36. Dual fuel engines and hybrid engines Exercise 19, 19.5
37. Review Quiz
38. Ignition system: Conventional & Modern ignition systems Exercise 13,
Magneto v/s Battery 13.4, 13.7, 13.19
39. Engine Friction, Lubrication & Cooling : Determination of Exercise 14, Section A,
friction, Lubrication principles, 14.6, 14.8, 14.14
40. Types of lubrication, Places of lubrication Bearings and piston Exercise 14, Section B,
rings etc., 14.2
41. Functions of Lubrication, Properties, Rating and
Classification of lubricating oil,
42. Additives, Lubrication systems. Engine Cooling:
Requirements of cooling, Areas of heat flow,
43. High temperature regions of combustion chamber. Heat Exercise 15,
Balance, Cooling Systems, Air, Water Cooling, Cooling 15.11, 15.16, 15.27
system components.
44. Review Quiz
45. Engine Pollutants: Formation, Pollution control techniques, Exercise 20,
Laws and regulations 20.3, 20.8, 20.12
46. Supercharging: Objectives, Thermodynamic cycle & Exercise 17
performance of super charged SI & CI engines, 17.6, 17.10, 17.12
47. Methods of super charging, Limitations, Turbo-charging
48. Two stroke engines: Comparison of 4s & 2s engines Exercise 16
construction & valve lining scavenging. Process parameters, 16.2, 16.6, 16.9
systems, supercharging of 2 stroke engines.
49. Review Quiz
50. I.C. Engine Review A Special/Guest Lecture


i) Learning outcomes
ii) Program outcomes
iii) Mapping of outcomes on syllabus contents
After learning I.C. Engine as a subject, the students will be able to make the small and large
industrial project such as ATV design, use of alternate fuels in diesel and petrol engines etc.
ICE/Course Hand-Out/VSY/January 1, 2017


a) Knowledge already acquired by the students while studying the related subjects in previous
semesters / years.
The related subjects already studied in previous years are:
1. Engineering Thermodynamics
2. Heat Transfer

b) Other course modules or subject topics of inter-disciplinary nature, knowledge of which is

essential for better understanding of this subject.
1. Engineering Thermodynamics
2. Automobile Engineering
Performance Parameter Testing
Measurement of operating parameters
Speed Measurement
Fuel & Air consumption
Powers such as IHP (Indicated Horse Power), BHP (Brake Horse Power), FHP
(Frictional Horse Power),
Efficiencies (Thermal, Mechanical, Volumetric)


1. John B. Heywood, Introduction to Internal Combustion Engines, McGraw Hill, 2000.

2. C.Ferguson, Internal Combustion Engines, John Wiley & Sons, 2004.
3. R.Stone, Introduction to Internal Combustion Engines, The McMillan Press, 1999.
4. L.C. Lichty, International Combustion Engines, McGraw Hill New Delhi, 1951.

Instructor Signature

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