Buddist Studies Seminar

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Department of Social Welfare, A.

P and Centre for Mahayana Buddhist

Studies, Acharya Nagarjuna University

On the Eve of 125th Birth Anniversary of Dr.B.R.Ambedkar

International Conference on
Dr. B.R.Ambedkar and Buddhism
24-25 February 2017

Sir/ Madam

Buddhism founded by Siddhartha Gowthama in best summed up as a means of individual

enlightenment through compassion, brotherhood and equanimity. Its antecedents go back
to the sixth century B.C. It was the period of great religious awakening. Buddhism took
root in India as a protest against the backdrop of Vedic sacrificial rites and the
philosophical speculations current before and to Buddhist time; soon it became the most
popular religion in entire world and Asia in particular.

Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, the chief architect of Indian constitution and an unusual intellectual
of modern India was converted into Buddhism in 1956 as a symbol of self- assertion and
respect. His conversion into Buddhism can be considered as a mile stone in the history of
Indian Buddhism. When Buddhist monuments are buried under the soil and the
philosophy of Buddha was forgotten and considered as part of Hinduism, Ambedkars
conversion into Buddhism gave a new life to Buddhist thought. As Ambedkar declared
that he considers Buddhism as an alternative to Brahmanical Hinduism, Buddhas
thought received great attention from the society and the renaissance of Buddhism is
initiated with the efforts of Dr. Ambedkar. The impact of Buddhism on Dr. Ambedkar is
reflected in his draft of the constitution which is based on the foundations of liberty,
equality and fraternity.

While other leaders and intellectuals of his time view Buddha as part of Hindu religious
philosophy, Ambedkar considers Buddha as a great revolutionary, who questioned the
authority of Vedic Brahmanism. He highlighted the anti- Brahmanical dimensions of
Buddhas preaching and interpreted Buddhism in non- Brahmanical perspective.
Ambedkar says that Buddha made a stress on humanism and propagated equanimity, love
and compassion among the people of different classes. As Buddha gave top priority for
the emancipation of mankind Ambedkar was attracted towards Buddhism right from his
childhood. Ambedkar says that religion must be a matter of principles and he found that
Buddhism is such an unique and human centric religion.

Ambedkar differs with the traditional notions on Buddhas life and preaching. He gave
different version to Buddhas renunciation, an important event in his life. Ambedkar
gives the reasons for the renunciation of worldly life by Buddha in connection with the
dispute of river water between his fathers clan, Sakya and mothers clan, Koliya. He
argues that the concepts of Dukka and Karma are introduced by others. These pessimistic
and superstitious ideas are not propagated by Buddha as he is known for rationalistic

Ambedkars conversion made an impact on Dalits and Dalits are identifying themselves
as Buddhists. Modern Buddhist organizations are being formed by the followers of
Ambedkar. As Ambedkar dreamt that India must become a fore bearer for the thought
and propagation of Buddha Dhamma, Ambedkarites are converting into Buddhism and
organizing programmes on Neo-Buddhism, as viewed by Ambedkar.

Objectives of the Conference

On the occasion of 125th Birth Anniversary Bharat Ratna Dr. Babasaheb Bheem
Rao Ambedkar, it is proposed to celebrate the occasion by understanding and analyzing
his contribution to different fields of his interest including religion and philosophy. The
main objective of the conference is to allow debate on Ambedkars perspective of
Buddhism and its impact on contemporary society and marginalized sections.

Sub themes

Influence of Buddhism on Ambedkars life and career

Ambedkars Views on Different Religions
Religion and Educational Philosophy
Ambedkars Perspectives of Buddhism
Ambedkars Analysis of Buddhism and Hinduism
Buddha and his Dhamma
Revolution and Counter Revolution
Impact of Buddhism on Drafting of Indian Constitution
Buddhism and Hindu Code Bill
Buddha or Karl Marx
Historical Event of Dhamma Deeksha
Conversion for Emancipation
Impact of Ambedkars Conversion on Dalits
Concept of Navayana

Submission of Papers
Abstract of the Paper should reach the Seminar organizers on or before 31st Dec
2016. Full length Papers should reach the Seminar organizers on or before 31 st Jan 2017.

Guidelines for Contributors

The contributors are requested to follow the guidelines given while sending their

Fonts : Arial, Times New Roman

Font Size : 12pt
Margins : 2.6 cm
Pages : Abstract 300 words
Full Length Paper : 5-10 pages of A4 size

Soft copy of the paper a long with one hard copy of the paper mentioning the
name, surname, organization represented, address, telephone number, e-mail address of
contributor (s) at the end of the text should be sent to the Coordinator of the Conference.

Registration Fee

Rs. 1500/ for employees

Rs. 750/ for students/ research scholars

The registration fee is to be sent to the Coordinator, International Conference on

Ambedkar and Buddhism payable at State Bank of India, Code no. 4973, A.N.U,
Nagarjuna Nagar. We will provide accommodation and hospitality for out station
delegates on first come and first serve basis. Due paucity of funds, the conference
organizers can not pay T.A/ D.A.

About the University

The Name, Acharya Nagarjuna University, is quite significant in that the greatest
Buddhist preceptor and philosopher Acharya Nagarjuna founded a University on the
banks of river Krishna some centuries ago, and made it great of center learning, attracting
a large number of teachers and students from distant parts of the world. The present
Acharya Nagarjuna University is not very far from the hallowed spot, as it derives its
moral and intellectual sustenance from Acharya Nagarjuna.
In 1967, Andhra University started a Post-graduate centre in Nallapadu, Guntur
District, Andhra Pradesh, as an Extension Center to cater to the needs of higher education
of the people of this region. It is in the fitness of things that a university should grow
from this Center to fulfill the desire of the people of this belt. Accordingly, Nagarjuna
University came into being in September 1976.

Acharya Nagarjuna University since then has grown into a large University with
37 Academic Departments. Its jurisdictions was extended to two districts now having
over 360 affiliated colleges offering Under-Graduate, Post Graduate, engineering,
Education, Law, Pharmacy and oriental Languages courses. Now it has 55 Post- graduate
teaching cum research courses on the campus, while around 70 affiliated colleges
offer P.G. Courses.

Presently on the campus apart from Colleges of Arts, Commerce & Law and College of
Sciences, there are Colleges of Engineering & Technology, College of Pharmaceutical
Sciences, College of Architecture & Planning and College of Physical Education. A
number of foreign students from SAAC and South East Asian Countries are pursuing
their higher education on the campus.
The University is located on National Highway no. 5, about 15 Kms from Guntur and 18
Kms from Vijayawada. It is well connected by road transport from both Guntur and
Vijyayawada railway stations.
International Conference on
Dr. B.R.Ambedkar and Buddhism
24-25 February 2017

Registration form

Name :
Age : Sex : Male / Female
Mobile No./ Phone No:
e-mail ID:
Whether you are presenting a paper: Yes/No
Mention Title:
Details of the Registration fee:
Accommodation Required: Yes/No
Date and time of Arrival and Departure:
Arrival Date. Time:
Departure Date Time:

Date : Signature
Prof. Ch. Swaroopa Rani
Centre for Mahayana Buddhist Studies.
Coordinator of the Conference, Acharya Nagarjuna University,
Nagarjuna Nagar 522510,

Prof. M.V.Ramkumar Ratnam

Treasurer of the Conference
Ch. Swaroopa Rani
Coordinator of the Conference

Contact no: 9440362433, 9849420831

e. mail:[email protected]
[email protected]

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