Methology Assign 1

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Assignment #1

01 - 29 2017.
Student names: Lilibeth V. Rivera S.
1. According to the tenets of sociocultural theory, what is the relationship
between development (linguistic, cognitive and social) and society?
Social and emotional development is complex and includes many different areas
of growth:

Temperament: the way a young child acts and responds to different

situations, caregivers, and strangers

Atachment: the emotional bond between a child and caregiver

Social skills or social competence: the ability to get along with other people

Emotion regulation: the ability of a child to control his or her emotions and
reactions to the environment.

2. What is the relationship between instruction/learning and


Learning often follows a design in which learners first receive instructional

explanations that communicate new principles and concepts and second
examples thereof

Experts are individuals who know a great deal about a domain and
understand how the discipline is organized. This includes an ability to
comprehend and contribute to the language and methodology of the
discipline. As an expert, performance becomes more intuitive and
automatic. In the contrary way we have a novice, who is someone who
have limited or no experience in situations characteristic of their domain.

3. Find (in one of the sources) a clear explanation of this statement:

performance supported by the mediation of others?

What learners can do today with assitance and guidance from his/her

4. Graphical explanation about Zone of Proximal Development

5. What is co-construction in sociocultural theory?

It is when people can work together. When the cognitive abillity get a
developing from assistance of others.

6. What Scaffolding means?

Is the interaction between the expert and novice in a specific problem

solving task.

7. The relationship between the ZPD/scaffolding and the gradual release of


Is when the students could be indepedent. By the scafolding of his/her

learning which they aquire by teachers assistance.

8. Write an example of a situation in which you have used scaffolding in one of

your classes (or how you would use it). Explain.
When I as teacher ask to them to develop a dialogue and I lead them to
carry on on it; and at the same time they are able to scaffolds his / her own
9. What is the relationship between the gradual release of responsibility and
learning strategies?
All these concepts the students can show when they are able to:
a. Emphasize the role of personal choice, effort, and persistance in enacting
learning strategies.

b. Motivate students strategy use by showing how applaying strategies

improves comprehension and learning.
c. Highlight the vital role of prior knowledge activation and conecction in
d. Explain the benefits of strategy use in general and the value of using
specific strategies.
e. Mentally model to make thinking transparent to student.
f. Provide guided and independent practice so that students learn to use
strategies when cued by a diverse array of goals needs, task demands and
g. Promote independent strategy use by gradually shifting responsability for
strategy application to student.

10. What does the sequence below exeplify?

I do. You watch and respond.

We do together. I help and respond.
You do together . I watch and respond.

You do independently. I watch and respond.

11. Is the process above a linear one? Explain.

Sure is not a linear one, because all this process represents a cicle in which
they start with teachers help, and by running of the time there is a moment
in which they can continue alon

12. Select and explain the uses of a Graphic organizers in a topic that you teach in one of your classes:

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