The Effect of Service and Food Quality On Customer Satisfaction and Hence Customer Retention
The Effect of Service and Food Quality On Customer Satisfaction and Hence Customer Retention
The Effect of Service and Food Quality On Customer Satisfaction and Hence Customer Retention
result, five aspects of food quality were adopted from Ryu et al. (2012), namely: the food is fresh, the food is
delicious, the food is nutritious, there is a variety of menu items and the smell of the food is enticing. Qin and
Prybutok (2009) explored the potential dimensions of service quality and examined the relationships between
service quality, food quality, perceived value, customer satisfaction and behavioural intentions in fast-food
restaurants and pointed out that food quality has a positive and direct influence on customer satisfaction. "customer
retention indicates customer's intention to repurchase a service from the service provider". They used customer
retention as a measure of the customer's intention to stay loyal to the service provider. For them, service quality and
customer satisfaction are important antecedents of customer retention. The aim of the study was to examine the
relationship between service and food quality dimensions and customer satisfaction, as well as the relationship
between service quality and customer retention. The study presumed that both service and food quality would have a
positive influence on customer satisfaction, which in turn would positively affect customer retention. In addition, the
study proposed that customer satisfaction would mediate the relationship between service quality and customer
retention. In conclusion, the study found a significant relationship between service quality and food quality and
customer satisfaction. In addition, service quality has a positive influence on customer retention. Similarly, customer
satisfaction has a positive influence on customer retention and mediates the relationship between service quality and
customer retention. The results of this study suggest that service quality not only enhances customer satisfaction,
but also leads to customer retention. It is recommended that the same constructs be examined using a larger sample
size spread through Amman as well as other governorates. It is also recommended that other constructs, such as
temperature and the presentation of food, be studied as key dimensions of food quality. In terms of the relationship
between customer satisfaction and customer retention, the findings demonstrated that customer satisfaction has a
positive influence on customer retention. The same result was found by Danesh et al. (2012). Moreover,
Boonlertvanich (2011) regarded re-purchase intention and word-of-mouth as sub-dimensions of customer loyalty
and indicated that customer satisfaction is a key driver to increase these aspects. Finally, consistent with Ahmed et
al. (2010), this study found that customer satisfaction mediates the relationship between service quality and
customer retention.