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ENVI Tutorial: Introduction To ENVI Plot Functions

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ENVI Tutorial: Introduction

to ENVIPlot Functions
Introduction to Plot Functions
Files Used in this Tutorial
ENVI Plot Functions
Create a Plot Function
Add the Plot Function to the Menu
Set up ENVI to Run the Plot Function
Open a Spectral Library and Plot Spectra


ENVI Tutorial: Introduction to ENVIPlot Functions

Introduction to Plot Functions

This tutorial describes how to implement an ENVI plot function, which is a user-defined function that
you can add to and call from the Plot_Function menu of any ENVI plot window. This tutorial assumes
that you are familiar with the Interactive Data Language (IDL) and that you understand how to write
functions and procedures in IDL. ENVI+IDL is required for this tutorial.

Files Used in this Tutorial

ENVIResource DVD: Data\programming


pf_1st_derivative.pro Plot function to take the first derivative of a spectrum

pf_2nd_derivative.pro Plot function to take the second derivative of a spectrum

Modified (replacement) version of useradd.txt, which resides in the menu

directory of your ENVI installation

ENVIResource DVD: Data\spec_lib



usgs_min.sli (.hdr) USGS mineral spectral library

ENVI Plot Functions

Plot functions are a special class of ENVI user functions that modify data in an ENVI plot window, such
as a Z Profile window. For example, ENVIs built-in plot functions (which are listed in the Plot_
Function menu in any plot window) include items such as Binary Encoding and Continuum Removal.
Define user plot functions by adding a new line to the useradd.txt file that resides in your ENVI menu
directory. However, while ordinary user functions are automatically called by XMANAGER and
receive the event structure variable as a positional parameter, plot functions are automatically called by
ENVI and receive several variables (as both parameters and keywords) that are related to the data in the
plot window.
When you call a user plot function, normal plot data (all the spectra in the plot window) are passed to the
user plot function. The plot function is applied to the data, and the resulting data are returned to the plot
window where they are displayed. The user plot function is applied to every spectrum placed in that
window until a different plot function is selected.
All user plot functions must have the following function definition statement:

X_DATA: Data values for the x-axis
Y_DATA: Data values for the y-axis

ENVI Tutorial: Introduction to ENVIPlot Functions

BBL: Vector whose values identify the band positions of the bad bands in the Z Profile data. For
example, if the Z Profile contained 224 bands, but bands 3, 4, and 5 were in marked as bad bands
in the ENVI header file, then BBL would be set to [2,3,4]. This applies only to Z Profile windows
and will be undefined for all other plot windows.
BBL_ARRAY: Vector of ones and zeros with as many elements as x-axis data points. A value of
1 indicates that the corresponding y-axis value is good, and a value of 0 means it is bad (i.e., for Z
Profiles, a value of 0 means the band is in the bad bands list).
L_POS: Indicates the index into the X_DATA array where the x-axis plot begins. If the plot
window is not zoomed-in, then L_POS is 0.
R_POS: Indicates the index into the X_DATA array where the x-axis plot ends. If the plot
window is not zoomed-in, then the value of R_POS is n_elements(X_DATA)-1.
_EXTRA: Keyword variable that must be present to receive extra variables that ENVI may need
to pass into the plot function. If the plot function is defined without this keyword, then you will
likely receive errors when trying to use it in ENVI.

ENVI Tutorial: Introduction to ENVIPlot Functions

Create a Plot Function

1. Start ENVI+IDL.
2. From the IDL menu bar, select File > Open File. The Open File dialog appears.

3. Navigate to Data\programming and select pf_1st_derivative.pro. The following

code appears in the IDL Editor:

This function accepts x and y data and a list of bad bands. Excluding the bad bands, the function
takes the first derivative of the y value and returns it to the plot window.
4. Follow Steps 2-3 to open the file pf_2nd_derivative.pro. When you understand how
these functions work, close the files.

ENVI Tutorial: Introduction to ENVIPlot Functions

Add the Plot Function to the Menu

To add a new button to a plot windows Plot_Function menu, add a new line to useradd.txt in the
menu directory of your ENVI installation. For this tutorial, you will copy a previously edited version of
useradd.txt to your menu directory. The following steps outline this process.
1. From the IDL menu bar, select File > Open. A file selection dialog appears.
2. Navigate to Data\programming and select useradd.txt. Click Open. This file contains
the following code. Note the fourth and fifth lines:

Using the fourth field above as an example, the format is as follows:

{plot}: Tag that indicates the following definition is a plot function (since useradd.txt can
contain several different types of routines)
{1st Derivative}: Menu button name for the Plot_Function menu. Note that 1st Derivative
will be placed immediately after the Binary Encoding menu option.
{pf_1st_derivative}: Name of the user plot function
{type=0}: Type of plot function updates. Set {type=0} to call the plot function only when
new data are available. Set {type=1} to call the plot function when new data are available or
the plot is zoomed.
you are satisfied that you understand the user function format, exit ENVI+IDL.

3. Copy and paste Data\programming\useradd.txt to the menu directory of your ENVI

installation, overwriting the existing file. On a Windows platform, this directory is in the
following location (where xx indicates the software version):
C:\Program Files\ITT\IDLxx\products\envixx\menu

ENVI Tutorial: Introduction to ENVIPlot Functions

Set up ENVI to Run the Plot Function

1. ENVI requires that IDL functions reside in the save_add directory of your ENVI installation.
Copy Data\programming\pf*.pro to the following directory (assuming a Windows
C:\Program Files\ITT\IDLxx\products\envixx\save_add

2. Restart ENVI+IDL. ENVI looks in the save_add directory for new functions and automatically
loads them when it starts.

ENVI Tutorial: Introduction to ENVIPlot Functions

Open a Spectral Library and Plot Spectra

1. From the ENVI main menu bar, select Spectral > Spectral Libraries > Spectral Library
Viewer. A Spectral Library Input File dialog appears.
2. Click Open and select Spectral Library. A file selection dialog appears.
3. Navigate to Data\spec_lib\usgs_min and select usgs_min.sli. Click Open.
4. Click OK in the Spectral Library Input File dialog. The Spectral Library Viewer dialog appears.
5. Select one or more spectra; the corresponding spectral profiles appear in a Spectral Library Plots
6. From the Spectral Library Plots window menu bar, select Plot_Function > 1st Derivative. ENVI
calculates the first derivative spectra of all plots and displays the results in the Spectral Library
Plots window.

7. From the Spectral Library Plots window menu bar, select Plot_Function > 2nd Derivative.
ENVI calculates the second derivative spectra of all plots and displays the results in the Spectral
Library Plots window.
8. From the Spectral Library Plots window menu bar, select Plot_Function > Normal to return to
the standard reflectance spectrum.
9. When you are finished, select File > Exit from the ENVI main menu bar.

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