You Can Access All These Resources From Home or School!
You Can Access All These Resources From Home or School!
You Can Access All These Resources From Home or School!
Experience the cultures of 187 world nations
as well as all 50 U.S. States. Presented in a
colorful and interesting format, reports feature EBSCO Middle Search
cultural and geographical information, maps, Created specifically for middle school
flags, statistics and more. students, Gale In Context: Middle This database contains full text for a variety of
School combines the best of Gale's reference popular middle school magazines. All full-text
content with age-appropriate videos, articles are assigned a reading level indicator
Home access:
newspapers, magazines, primary sources, and (Lexiles). Full text is also available for
much more. Categories cover a range of the thousands of biographies and historical
most-studied topics including cultures, essays.
User name: IL0431 Password: 62258 government, people, U.S. and world history,
literature, and many more. Home access for both:
Home Access: User name: s8134788
Password: masc_log