VW 2016 Article On Water Based Paint
VW 2016 Article On Water Based Paint
VW 2016 Article On Water Based Paint
Photos courtesy of Jim Ellis Collision Center, a Volkswagen Certified Collision Repair Facility in Atlanta, Georgia.
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As the water evaporates after spraying waterbased paint, latex molecules are attracted to each
other, creating a strong chemical bond (polymer
chains) as the particles join together. Once the
water has fully evaporated, water-based paints are
thermoset. The surface is permanent, and the only
potential repair is to sand it and re-spray.
Avoiding the need for re-work is easy. Paint
manufacturer worksheets spell out step-by-step
procedures, such as how to select the spray nozzle
opening, set spray pressure and the number of coats,
and the way to check the dry layer thickness. Follow
the paint manufacturer instructions for these and
other painting steps, and you are on the way to a
great water-based finish.
Volkswagen-approved paint manufacturers
have developed water-based paints that offer
outstanding color match to OEM finishes. Study the
manufacturers instructions to help you develop
a plan before you begin spraying. For example,
for some colors there may be special instructions
about selecting a substrate color that is similar to
that of the basecoat. There may be tips about how
best to apply a pearl or other translucent finish.
Following the manufacturer instructions are critical
to achieving the desired result.
Use only primer that is approved for water-based
paint systems. Each primer has a different tooth,
or ability to grip the surface.
Water-based Paint
approximately 176 deg. F. until the paint has skinned
over. However, the vehicle body temperature must
be reduced back down to 104 deg. F. before the
clear coat can be applied. If the body is too hot, the
clear coat will dry before it has time to completely
flow-out, resulting in the always undesirable
orange peel.
Different color substrate? Consider using a tinting
primer or sealer. Worried that a color may not cover
well? Dont. Technological advancements have
come a long way since the introduction of waterbased paints, and todays products offer excellent
coverage. Dont make the mistake of spraying
heavily to compensate for an assumption of low
coverage. Also, dont spray too wet in an attempt
to get two-coat coverage in less time. The moisture
in an excessively heavy coat may not evaporate
fully before you spray the next coat, and can lead to
blistering and adhesion problems.
Instead, thin the paint per the paint
manufacturers mixing instructions. Spray a thin
first coat for adhesion, flash-off, then apply up to
two finish coats, depending on the product. If after
drying you have a problem, sand and re-paint.
Water is simple
Differences in
formulation of
paints alters
their chemical
properties and
and makes
between paint
products a big
question mark.
To optimize
the results of
your job, use
products from
within the same
brand, including
primer, filler,
distilled water,
hardener, tints, topcoats, and clears.
Volkswagen TechConnect
To prevent topcoat/clear coat swelling or
blistering, allow time for water to evaporate
after each step. If you must wet sand to remove
a problem, allow approximately two hours at 68
deg. F. for water to evaporate. Your paint technical
data sheet will tell you how much time to allow for
flash-off between basecoat, additional coats, and
clear. If in doubt, you can use a non-contact infrared
thermometer to check whether the basecoat is dry
enough to spray the next coat.
First, take a temperature reading of an area not
in the freshly-repaired panel, for use as a baseline
measurement. Next, measure and record the
temperature of the just-painted panel. As water
evaporates from the film, the panel will cool
measurably. Check the temperature of the new
paint every five minutes, until it has warmed back
up enough to match the temperature of the panel
that you did not paint. When a freshly-painted panel
is as warm as nearby unrepaired areas, you can feel
comfortable that enough water has evaporated to
make it safe to spray the next coat.
Refer to the manufacturers paint data sheet,
and always follow the manufacturers film
thickness instructions.
Houston, Vegas,
Seattle, Denver
Water-based Paint
You can compensate for climate conditions at
the mixing stage by including viscosity adjuster
additives. Some are good for partial repairs, others
for complete panel re-spray. Always consider
temperature, humidity, and whether the job involves
re-spraying a small area or the full panel, before
deciding which additive is best for your repair.
The list of OE-approved reducer and hardener
additives differs for different water-based paint
product, e.g., two-part or three-part systems, solid
color, or pearl/effects finishes, etc., but you must
make the appropriate decisions to adapt the paint to
temperature and humidity conditions in the booth.
Each Volkswagen-approved paint manufacturer
provides all of these options and more in a chart
format that lets you see the choices side-by-side, so
decision-making is easy. Check the climate chart in
the paint manual to identify which reducer is best for
a given set of in-booth environmental conditions.
Is It Dry Yet?
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