New Zealand Mathematical Olympiad Committee Primes That Are Sums of Two Squares

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New Zealand Mathematical Olympiad Committee

Primes that are Sums of Two Squares

Arkadii Slinko


These notes give a number of number theoretic applications of the Pigeonhole Principle. In particular we prove
Fermats theorem on primes of the form 4n + 1.


First a short summary of some facts about congruences. An excellent reference for this sections results is
Richard Courant and Herbert Robbins What is Mathematics? (Section 2, Supplement to Chapter 1).
Let m be an integer. We write
a b (mod m),
and say that a is congruent to b modulo m, if a and b have the same remainder on division by m. Equivalently,
a b mod m if and only if a b is divisible by m. The following facts about congruences will be used without
explicit mention, and can be easily proved:
1. If a b mod m and c d mod m, then a + c b + d mod m.
2. If a b mod m and c d mod m, then ac bd mod m.
Lemma 1. Let p be a prime. Then for every positive integer a such that 0 < a < p there exists a unique
positive integer b such that ab 1 mod p and 0 < b < p.
The number b will be called the inverse of a modulo p.
Proof. Let us consider the numbers
1 a, 2 a, . . . , (p 1) a
or rather their remainders on division by p. These remainders must be all different. For if

(mod p)

for some integers 1 i < j p 1 and j, then i a j a = (i j)a must be divisible by p, which is impossible
as i j and a are both smaller than p.
Therefore (Pigeonhole Principle!) one of these remainders must be 1. Thus k a 1 mod p for some integer k
such that 0 < k < p 1, and we can set b = k. Suppose that this inverse is not unique; that is, that there is
another positive integer c such that 0 < c < p and ac 1 mod p. Then we can consider the product bac, for
which we will have
bac = (ba)c 1 c = c (mod p),
bac = b(ac) b 1 = b (mod p).
Hence b c mod p, which implies b = c.
Theorem 2 (Wilson). Let p be a prime. Then
(p 1)! 1 mod p.

Proof. Modulo p, the residues 1 and p 1 are their own inverses. We claim there are no other such residues.
Indeed, if x2 1 mod p, for some 0 < x < p, then x2 1 0 mod p. That is, x2 1 = (x 1)(x + 1) is divisible
by p, which means either x 1 or x + 1 is divisible by p. Thus x = 1 or x = p 1.
This means that all numbers 2, 3, . . . , p 2 can be split into pairs so that in each pair the integers are mutual
inverses. Hence
(p 2)! 1 (mod p).
(p 1)! = (p 2)!(p 1) p 1 1

(mod p).

and Wilsons theorem follows.

Fermats theorem

Lemma 3. Let n > 1 be

a positive integer.Then for every positive integer u there exist integers x, y,not both
zero, such that 0 |x| n and 0 |y| n and xu y mod n.

Proof. Let k = b nc be the integer part of n. Then k 2 n < (k + 1)2 . Let us consider the (k + 1)2 integers
xu y,
where both x and y take values from the set {0, 1, 2, . . . , k}. As n < (k + 1)2 , we have more such differences than
remainders on dividing by n. Thus, by the Pigeonhole Principle, two such differences are congruent modulo n;
that is,
x1 u y1 x2 u y2 (mod n)
for some x1 , x2 , y1 , y2 , where either x1 6= x2 or y1 6= y2 . Hence
(x1 x2 )u y1 y2 ,
and x = x1 x2 and y = y1 y2 satisfy the conditions of the lemma.
Theorem 4 (Fermat). Let p = 4n + 1 be a prime. Then there exist positive integers x and y such that
x2 + y 2 = p.
Proof. We will prove, first, that u2 1 mod p for u = ((p 1)/2)!. We note that

(mod p),


(mod p),

(p 1)/2 + 1

(p 1)/2

(mod p)

where we have (p 1)/2 = 2n, i.e. an even number, of such pairs. Multiplying them all, we get
(p 1)!
(1)2n (((p 1)/2)!) = (((p 1)/2)!)
((p 1)/2)!

(mod p).

Since, by Wilsons theorem

(p 1)! 1

(mod p),

this implies
1 (p 1)! (((p 1)/2)!)2 = u2
Now we will use Lemma 3, to find two integers x, y such that
1. 0 |x|

p and 0 |y|

p; and,

(mod p).

2. xu y mod p.

Since p is not a whole number, the inequalities in the first property are strict; that is, 0 |x| < p and

0 |y| < p. So x < p and y < p, and hence
0 < x2 + y 2 < 2p.
From the second property, we get that y 2 x2 u2 x2 mod p, so
x2 + y 2 0 mod p
Combining these gives x2 + y 2 = p, which proves the theorem.

1. Given n pairwise coprime positive integers which are greater than 1 but smaller than (2n 1)2 , prove that
at least one of them is prime.
January 24, 2009

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