Production: Retribution: Treatment

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Luwang Gitteh

Production: Retribution
Marketing possibilities
Due to our group having a limited budget we can only produce a smallscale production. We do not possess top of the range equipment in
reference to the camera and editing software. This is a major setback as
we cannot advertise and promote. In an ideal way we would see
advertising methods such as posters adverts billboards and television
advertisements. This would automatically attract a larger target audience
making more people outside the people we are targeting want to watch it.

Target audience
Our target audience has an age range between 15-30 years and our socioeconomic group is C1-E. We decided to choose this as our target audience
because we believe that the majority of people who enjoy horror films are
located in this age range. In the course of young adulthood they are
important stages of developing themselves and experimenting with
different emotion and feelings etc. Many rush through life without wanting
to be guided and therefore seek all thrill they can get. Horror films provide
this thrill and excitement. The young audience are also less receptive to
being put off by the film of violence and unnatural images, which, to an
older audience would seem unreal and pointless.

Psychologically, there is something insightful and intriguing about horror that
speaks directly and instinctively to the human animal. The most significant
elements of horror are the tension, which is amplified in films. This is created
through mystery, suspense, terror and shock. Humans are seen as the most
curious species on earth, supporting the fact that this genre is extremely popular
and suitable. This genre was chosen as we thought we could get really creative
with this genre in order to be able to produce a successful opening sequence to a
film. We also imagined that when it comes to horror films there can be an
infinitive amount of conclusions to a film. This makes it so great and unique.
Additionally this genre falls into many other sub-genres that we can implement
and adapt into our opening sequence, like the sub-genre we are currently using,

The main representation of this film is the counter-typical dominance of a
female character as gender stereotypes puts men dominantly above in
our so-called patriarchal society. Our opening sequence juxtaposes the
stereotypical viewpoint that many people support (that men are superior
to women). Our film represents and supports female power but supporting
the feminist view that woman and just as good as men. In our opening

Luwang Gitteh
sequence the audience have a front row view of how woman are
rising in the gender hierarchy and they are becoming more
dominant as opposed to how they were in the 1950s. The female
protagonist connotes the fact that women are becoming more powerful,
this would result in a larger amount of female viewers.

Media institutions
Our production company is called Big Haus brews. We decided to name it
this because as a group thought this name was quite unusual and creative
therefore it makes our name stand out as we are one of a kind.

Codes and conventions

Codes are systems of signs, which invoke meaning.

Technical codes: are all the ways in which

equipment is used to tell the story in a media
text, for example camera work in a film.
Symbolic codes: this shows what is beneath
he surface of what we see (the deeper
meaning) for example a characters actions
can explain their emotions.

Conventions are the permitted ways of doing something. All genres have
specific conventions, which the audience will expect to see. The
collaboration of codes and conventions are what make up the genre of any
film. In this case, for horror, the technical code for lighting or camera
work, (close up to show character emotions, or quick cut to create tension
and shock) aids set the mood for the genre. It is a convention of the horror
genre that back lighting is used to emphasise mystery and suspense and
fundamental part of any horror film.

Style of product
The style of our product is horror film entitled Retribution. It has an
unusual and later on turns dramatic and gruesome at our opening
sequence as our aim is to showcase a contrast in character and how
everything is always as it seems. This creates enigma and it opposes
Todorovs narrative linear theory as ours isnt set in a chronological order
as we begin with the middle/end scene.

Luwang Gitteh

Context where will our product be seen?

Our product will be uploaded to YouTube, which will place it in a public
domain making it easier for everyone to view, as YouTube is easily
accessible resulting in globalisation. Furthermore it will also be uploaded
to our group blog as well as our personal ones.

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