Planning Brief: Production Name: Duration: Deadline: Group Members and Roles: Brief Outline: Temptation
Planning Brief: Production Name: Duration: Deadline: Group Members and Roles: Brief Outline: Temptation
Planning Brief: Production Name: Duration: Deadline: Group Members and Roles: Brief Outline: Temptation
Production Name:
2 minutes+
Group members and roles:
Brief outline:
Target Audiences:
Elise Thompson- Director
Paige Edwards- Camerawoman
Chloe Lashley- Editor
Our protagonist Chelsea is a virgin, she
wants to set a romantic atmosphere for
her first time with boyfriend Shane so
spends time decorating her house with
different things with connotations of
romance and love (e.g candles, rose
petals etc), when Shane arrives they
begin to get intimate but as the intensity
climaxes Shanes aggression does to.
After a struggle Chelsea manages to
escape Shanes grasp but as she runs
away, fate catches up to her...
Age: Our targeted age range is between
15-35, the reason for this is because
themes around sexual intercourse and
drama are subjects of higher interest to
the younger generation. Based on our
focus on similar films that we were
influenced by we found that they were
targeted towards similar ages however
some such as Gone Girl bbfc was 18 due
to the nudity and graphic scenes of death
involved however as Temptation does
not involve any of these aspects we
aimed it at a bbfc of 15 as we also want
to be able to educate the younger
generation on violence within
Gender: We are aiming for diversity in
respect to the targeted gender, however
we do believe that is more likely that we
will receive a higher reception from
females instead of males.
Socio-economic: We do not want to
segregate any socio-economic groups
when it comes to our production ,
however due to our bbfc certification,
target audience and themes we believe
that it likely we will attract socio-