2012 ASEE Is Technology Determ

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Dr. J. Douglass Klein, Union College

J. Douglass Klein is the Kenneth B. Sharpe Professor of Economics at Union College. Klein joined the
Union faculty in 1979, after earning a B.A. in mathematics at Grinnell College and a M.A. and Ph.D. in
economics at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. At Union College, he has held several administrative
positions, including most recently, Dean of Interdisciplinary Studies, and from 2008-2011 served as Cochair of the Symposium on Engineering and Liberal Education. His research is in the areas of energy, the
economics of auctions, the measurement of efficiency, and the integration of engineering and liberal arts.
He has recently developed and team-taught with an engineering faculty member, a new interdisciplinary
course Energy: How Much is Enough?

Society for Engineering Education, 2012

Do We Control Technology or Does Technology Control Us?

William Wulf has suggested that the use of tools, i.e. technology, is what defines us as
human. Might technology also be a genie that once released cannot be returned to its bottle?
This paper describes a course for a mixed group of first-year engineering and liberal arts
students, designed to explore the history and future of the human-technology relationship. This
course is part of a college-wide program that develops students critical reading, writing and
discussion skills. The expectation is that exploring the relationship between technology and
society will engage both engineering and liberal arts students.
From the classical myth of Prometheus to Mary Shelleys Frankenstein to IBMs Watson
computer and beyond, the course explores the relationship between technology and progress,
technology and happiness, and technology and human freedom, offering students contrasting
views of what drives technology and how best to cope with its uncertainties. Students examine
the social context in which technology operates, ethical considerations related to technology, and
gain practice in critical reading, writing and presentation skills.

1. Introduction
Do we control technology, or does technology control us? Since technology is a human
activity indeed the former Director of the National Academy of Engineering, William Wulf,
suggests that technology is what defines us as human the answer seems self-evident: of course
we control technology.8 But might it be the case that technology is a genie, which once released
cannot be coerced back into its bottle? 43 How does this change us as humans?
These fundamental questions provide the opportunity to engage first-year students from both
engineering and the liberal arts with important issues regarding the direction of technological
progress and more generally, the relationship between technology and society. Addressing these
questions will also help students develop critical reading, thinking and communication skills and
more importantly will help prepare them to live in a more technologically complex future.
While not specifically created as a course in technological literacy, certainly it is the
expectation and intention that students understanding of the social aspects of technology will be
enhanced, and success in this endeavor will be tested. To provide context for the technology
component of this course, consider the four Standard Models developed at a 2007 workshop
sponsored by the NSF and the National Academy of Engineering.38 Four general types of tech lit
courses were described, along with examples of each. The course here fits in category 4:
1. Technology Survey courses, which address a broad range of technologies
2. Technology Focus or Topics courses, which cover a single technology in more depth
3. Engineering Design for Everyone, often with a hands-on design component
4. Technological Impacts, Aspects and History courses

The paper proceeds as follows. The next two parts describe the overall content of the course,
and a sample of readings. The material is chosen to promote the objectives of the course, namely
to provide students with opportunities to practice the critical reading, writing and discussion
skills which are important learning outcomes of a college education. An additional goal of this
course is to promote students ability to address the relationship between technology and society,
and the fourth section describes the course design, assignments used, and an overview of how
specifically students awareness of social aspects of technology will be assessed. The
concluding section suggests ways in which this course fits into the broader national initiative to
better integrate engineering and liberal education.35, 73
The goal of this latter initiative, as demonstrated at Unions annual Symposium on
Engineering and Liberal Education, 74 is to lead students to think broadly and see how ideas from
different disciplines can be brought to bear on questions of mutual interest, rather than addressed
in isolation. When problems are pigeon-holed into disciplinary boxes, answers may be easier,
but without context, those answers may not be correct or complete. Forcing students to relate
ideas from different disciplines is intended to force them to think at higher levels in Blooms
taxonomy, and engage in synthesis and evaluation.39 In 1959, C.P. Snow lamented the
breakdown in communication between the Two Cultures: humanities and science/ technology.67
The course described is also intended to provide a model of the type of social discourse desirable
for managing the future directions of technology.
2. Course content
Advances in artificial intelligence, as exemplified by the success of the IBM computer
Watson on the TV game show Jeopardy,31 driverless cars developed by Google,45, 71 and smart
systems that control urban traffic,75 illustrate the beginnings of technologies that think. As
technology becomes smarter, the self-replicating robots of Capeks R.U.R.10 seem less
fantastical, and the coming singularity, when machines overtake or merge with humans,42 seems
a real possibility. Even today, we can ask whether we can live without our technologies. We are
certainly inconvenienced or worse when our technologies fail. Moreover, when technologies bite
back, we wonder what should or could have been done.72
As modern society becomes more entwined with its technologies, a host of other questions
arise: Does technology make us happier? If not, what is its purpose? Is technology creating a
new class structure, a technological ruling class? And ultimately, how is technology changing
what it means to be human?
Ours is not the first generation to ponder the relationship between humans and our
technologies. Myths were created to describe what happens when humans step outside of nature
and 19th Century Luddites felt powerless during the industrial revolution. We are not the first to
feel that we live at a pivotal time, but something undeniably new and dramatic is happening to
us, with technology at its core. Population is exploding, we have discovered and rapidly
exploited new energy sources, and we have dramatically enhanced the capabilities of the human
brain with computational tools that dwarf human abilities.

Moores law, which states that the number of transistors on a standard chip will double every
two years, has held since 1970. It is, of course, a law in neither the political nor the scientific
sense, but rather is a pattern of technological evolution, spurred by human ingenuity and
competitive spirit. The human genome project, predicted to take 15 years to complete in 1990,
was finished in only ten and the life-cycle of technology products gets shorter and shorter.
McKibben talks about our moment in technological history as being at the knee of the curve of
exponential growth in technological change, adding the rate of exponential growth itself seems
to be exponentially growing.46 Kurzweil dubs this the law of Accelerating Returns.41
To some, it appears that technology is willing itself forward. This is the idea of technological
determinism, sometimes also called the technological imperative. Authors like Kevin Kelly
and Neil Postman suggest that technological evolution is an extension of biological evolution,
and follows an evolutionary pattern of its own. 34, 58 Others see the sweep of human history as
having been shaped in response to technology.66 The unifying theme of the determinists is that
technology becomes so pervasive in culture that people lose the ability or the will to exercise
Minor exceptions notwithstanding, the evidence suggests a fairly continuous evolution
toward more complex and ubiquitous technology. But evolution toward what? How much of a
step is it from IBMs Watson,31 to the HAL of 2001,40 to The Matrix?79 How far are we from
technology as servant to technology as master? Who or what is in charge here, and should we
care? Unless we are to become the proverbial frog in a frying pan, we (engineers and everyone
else) must be prepared to think proactively about these questions. Proactive thinking does not
mean trying to stop technology, but rather trying to understand and plan for where it is heading.
The intent of this course is to lay the groundwork for this kind of thinking.
3. Core readings
Core readings for the course will be drawn from many times, places and disciplines, and will
include a mix of primary and secondary material. The organization will be loosely
chronological, from past to present to future.
a. Origins of technology: Mythical and historical origins
Diamond, The Worst Mistake in the History of the Human Race,15 and Guns, Germs and
Steel (excerpts)14
The Book of Genesis (excerpts)24
Hesiod, Works and Days, (excerpts on the myth of Prometheus)28
Panofsky, Pandoras Box (excerpts)55
In this portion of the course, students explore the beginnings of technology, as humans first
begin to use tools and systems. Neil Postman has dubbed this long era of human development as
the tool-using era.58 Technology existed to solve specific problems, although then as now,
technologies like agriculture (Diamond15) and fire (Hesiod15) began an apparently irreversible
process of technological change.

b. Technology and progress: The human drive/obsession with technology-based progress

Allenby and Sarewitz, The Techno-Human Condition 3
Kubrick, 2001: A Space Odyssey40
Miller, A Canticle for Leibowitz 48
Petroski, Remaking the World (excerpt: Men and Women of Science)56
Shelley, Frankenstein, or the Modern Prometheus64
Stoll, The Great Delusion: A Mad Inventor, Death in the Tropics, and the Utopian Origins of
Economic Growth70
Winner, The Reactor and the Whale (excerpts)80
While technology carries with it the connotation of being utilitarian, it was with the scientific
and technological revolutions of the 16th 18th centuries that the idea of equating technology and
progress was born. Mumford credits Francis Bacon with the idea of scientific and technological
progress as the engine to better the human condition.49 The readings in this section examine the
ways that progress has been interpreted. While most 19th century observers accept the notion of
a technological utopia, Mary Shelley is among the first to challenge the blind faith in technology
as progress. 64
c. Technology and happiness: (How) Is technology making us better off?
Easterbrook, The Progress Paradox: How Life Gets Better While People Feel Worse17
Csikszenmihalyi, Future of Happiness12
Sahlins, The Original Affluent Society60
Sarewitz, Science and Happiness61
One element of progress is assumed to be happiness. In this section, students explore the
links between technological advance and the human condition. This includes examining the
(inexact, to be sure) science of happiness, and the connection between material wealth and a
sense of satisfaction. Postman views us as having moved from the tool-using era, through a
technocracy, to what he calls a technopoly.58 In this current stage, according to Postman,
technology has become the source of meaning in our lives, replacing older forms of meaning and
identity. The question posed by the readings in this section deal with what choices people have
regarding their engagement with technology.
d. The future of technology: Visions of the technological future in fact and fantasy
Capek, R.U.R.10
Fukyama, Our Posthuman Future (excerpt)21
Joy, Why the Future Doesnt Need Us32
Kaku, Physics of the Future (excerpt: Future of Humanity)33
Kurzweil, The Age of Spiritual Machines41
Stephenson, The Diamond Age 69
Verne, Paris in the Twentieth Century76
Vinge, Rainbows End 78
Wachowski Brothers, The Matrix79

The future of technology is a large and rich area to explore. Many authors and artists have
considered either technological utopias or dystopias, and the poles are if anything getting farther
apart. In 2001, HAL affects the lives of the astronauts aboard Discovery One. The sentient
machines of The Matrix enslave the human race. Bill Joy sees the time when machines will
supplant humans; Ray Kurzweil sees the day when machines and humans will merge. These
issues all seem far-fetched, but so did humans on the moon in 1969 when the Wright brothers
first flew in 1903, a mere 66 years earlier.
e. Is technology deterministic? (How) Can we control technology if we want to?
Drexler, Engines of Creation (excerpt: Strategies and Survival)16
Ellul, The Technological Bluff (excerpt: Human Mastery over Technique)18
Kelly, What Technology Wants (excerpt: Lessons of Amish Hackers)34
Nye, Does Technology Control Us?53
Postman, Technopoly: the Surrender of Culture to Technology58
Smith, Technological Determinism in American Culture66
Did the flight of the Wright brothers make a trip to the moon inevitable? Did the utilization
of oil make the automobile inevitable? Does the human genome project make human cloning
inevitable, and does Watson make the Singularity inevitable? The readings in this section raise
many questions about how technology develops, and what controls humans can and should have
over technological change. There are isolated examples of human control of technology: the
Japanese decision not to adopt gun technology; the Chinese destroying their ocean-going fleet;
the banning of thalidomide in the U.S., and the global elimination of chlorofluorocarbons for use
as refrigerants. Other attempts to slow or restrict technology have been less successful. As one
small example, in December, 2011 The New York Times reported on government efforts to block
the publication of scientific information on a virile form of bird flu. The researcher, however,
expressed doubts that the information can be kept out of the wrong hands.11
Beyond the question of technological determinism, students also explore in this section ways
that the citizenry can be prepared for the changes technology brings. For example, Drexler,
Kelly and Postman each offer proactive approaches to ensuring that future technologies are
developed to serve mankind in the best sense of that phrase.
4. Course design
A key design feature of the course is that the readings will be drawn from across the
academic spectrum: from humanities, the social sciences, the natural sciences and engineering.
The variety of readings will mean that no one will be expert in everything, but a desired outcome
is for students to develop a comfort level with many different types of texts.
In addition to the assigned readings, students will be encouraged to focus on material from a
particular discipline or historic era, including but not limited to: histories of technology
(Basalla,5 Brown,9 Diamond,13,14 Petroski57); philosophy of technology (Allenby,3 Elull,18,19
Fukyama,20,21 Haraway,25 Kelly34); social studies and visions of technology (Esterbrook,17
Heinberg,27 Hughes,29 MacKenzie,44 Smith,66 Staudenmaier68, Stephenson69); visions of the
future (Brockman,7 Kaku,33 Miller,48 Nye,53 Schmidt62); and among the latter, the blurring line

between humans and machines (h+ Magazine,65 Huxley,30 Kurzweil,41,42 McKibben,46 Vinge78).
Students will be particularly encouraged to examine the modern passion for growth and whether
the human need/desire for economic growth is a primary driver of technology (Heinberg,26
Meadows,47 Nelson,52 Olson,54 Schumacher,63 Victor77). Within the context of the course, the
plan is to develop T shaped students, with each student becoming expert in one aspect of the
readings, with general knowledge about the broader subject of the course.
Since one of the college-wide objectives for courses in this program is improved writing,
students work will include written reactions to the readings and prepared questions. Students
will also complete four or five papers, each three-to-five pages in length, on topics which mirror
the organization of the readings. Each week students will prepare either a new or a revised
paper, drawing evidence from the assigned readings and beyond. Editing and revision based on
peer and instructor feedback are a key component of the course. Students will prepare a poster
based on one of their papers for an open presentation. This exercise will give them the
experience of condensing their argument into a clear, visually compelling format, and will give
them practice in oral expression.
The seminar format of the class means that students will frequently voice their questions, and
are expected to prepare for class in small in-person and online groups. In particular, students
will frequently work in pairs, a format which offers the pedagogical advantages of groups, while
ensuring participation of all (both) members.22 In addition to the motivating and creative
aspects, pairwork enables students to explore the questions they bring to class, and to try out
their arguments on their peers.
In addition to a college-wide end-of-term student course evaluation, students course are
assessed using a six-point writing rubric. Because of the highly interdisciplinary nature of this
section, there will also be some formative assessment administered during the course to help
gauge how well students are engaging with one another and with the diverse text material. The
success on the latter score will also be evident in the quality of the written work submitted.
An important component of the assessment process will be to examine how students
awareness of the social aspects of technology have developed. The course will utilize a variant
of the exercise and rubric developed by Krupczak and Misovich which was designed to assess
ABET outcome (h) among first-year engineering students.39 The exercise simply asks students
to predict possible social impacts of some recently introduced technology. Responses are scored
on the basis of the quantity and quality of listed impacts. Table 4.1 describes the KrupczakMisovich rubric. Versions of this exercise will be administered on the first and last days of the
course, and to a random group of students in other sections of Union Colleges First-Year
Preceptorial, sections which do not deal with the topic of technology and society.
Table 4.1: Rubric for Scoring Predictions of Societal and Global Impacts.39
0 points
Answer is not an impact
1 point
Direct, obvious, readily apparent.
3 points
Insightful and less obvious direct impact.
5 points
Second-order impact, such as an impact from an impact

Although as first-year undergraduates, the students will not be very far into their disciplines
some may not have even declared a major the course will seek to overcome some of the
documented problems with interdisciplinary courses. Following Richter and Paretti,59 students
will be asked to observe how each discipline addresses a particular problem, to see the strengths
and weaknesses of different disciplinary approaches, and in particular to see the modes of
thinking and methodologies of different disciplines.
5. Conclusion
As noted, in 1959 C.P. Snow suggested that the language barrier between the sciences and
the humanities ill serves both.67 Whether or not technology is truly deterministic, beyond
anyones control, when scientists and engineers do not, or cannot communicate with the broader
public, then as far as that public is concerned, the path of technology is beyond control. One
objective of the course is to foster informed, mutually intelligible discourse.
The learning outcomes listed by ABET for engineering students1 and by AAC&U for liberal
education4 both include the ability to integrate information from multiple sources in addressing
new questions and issues. It is important for the next generation of humanists and engineers to
think collectively about where technology taking us. The phrasing is deliberate, because it
appears that technology is indeed leading. Or more accurately, technology is continuously
opening doors through which we are powerless to resist entering. We sometimes resist for a
short time, and some will refuse to pass through, but experience suggests that once something
can be done, it very likely will be done.
It is equally important for engineering students, indeed for all students to be open to new
ideas and methods of inquiry. In recognition of the need, there is a rising chorus of voices calling
for a more holistic approach to engineering education, and the same desire for integrative
thinking exists in other parts of the academy.6, 23, 35, 36, 37, 50, 51, 73, 74 It is the authors hope that this
paper will provide the motivation and an entry into the literature on one particularly relevant area
of discourse, technological determinism, and encourage others to challenge their students, both
in engineering programs and in other fields to work together in addressing questions about the
evolution of technology.
A New Yorker cartoon from the 1940s by Charles Addams depicts a long row of humanoid
robots standing in front of a workbench on which they are assembling identical humanoid robots.
Two men are walking along the row and the one in the white lab coat remarks, Sometimes I ask
myself, Where will it ever end?2 Today we may feel that we have lost control of technology,
but todays students may well live to see technology actually begin to create itself and actively
take control. This course is designed to help students critically examine different theories about
how technology moves, and to prepare them to guide it wisely. The question in the balance is,
will we control technology, or will technology control us? We may not have the answers, but
todays students should at least be armed with the tools to pursue them.



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77. Victor, Peter A., 2008. Managing without Growth: Slower by Design, Not Disaster. Cheltenham, UK: Edward
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78. Vinge, Verner, 2007. Rainbows End. New York: Tom Doherty Associates, LLC.
79. Wachowski Brothers, dir., 1999. The Matrix. Burbank, CA: Warner Home Video.
80. Winner, Langdon, 1986. The Whale and the Reactor: A Search for Limits in an Age of High Technology.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

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