Bmcg2513 - Project Guideline - Transformer Toys
Bmcg2513 - Project Guideline - Transformer Toys
Bmcg2513 - Project Guideline - Transformer Toys
This project is for BMCG 2513 students. The mini project represents 30% of total
coursework marks with 5 % for proposal and 25% for final report.
3.1 Group
Each group consists of maximum 5 students.
Task for every member shall divided evenly and clearly specify.
Any members that not perform their task will be penalized.
Proposal should be submitted for the approval in week 9.
3.2 Theme
Toys specifically which can be transform to two type of toys as shown in Figure 1
Design ideas must be original and has not yet been commercialized, displayed or
shown to any manufacturer.
Design must be realistic, means it is the size of regular toys and be specific for what
range of users.
Minimum components for that product are 10 items, not including any standard
parts (screw, bolt & nut, washer etc).
Design must include all part design and assembly applications (example pad,
pocket, rib, slot, loft, sweep, sheet metal, surface, Digital Mockup/DMU kinematic
(is optional) and etc) in CATIA software.
Figure 1: Example for transformer toys
No Items Remarks
1 Front page UTeM logo, title of the projet, section and group
2 Table of contents
3 Abstract A brief review made in a single paragraph which explain
objective of the project, introduction to the toys, explanation on
the how the toys works and the conclusion.
6 Discussion -Discussion on how the toys works
-Discussion on techniques/new techniques and difficulties to
design the toys
-Ideas to improve the toys
No Items Marks
1 Front page
2 Table of contents
3 Abstract 5
4 Introduction and design ideas 15
5 Product technical specifications and methodology 20
6 Discussion 10
7 Technical Drawings 40
8 Conclusion 5
9 References 5
Total 100
The rest of your works (documentation, animation etc.) must be submitted on the week 15.
Lecturers Approval
BMCG 2513
Team Members