Newsletter Dec 2010
Newsletter Dec 2010
Newsletter Dec 2010
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December 2010
cWoIfsf] dGtJo
;b:o dxfg'efjx?,
;fkmfsf] @^ jif]{ Oltxf;df klxnf] k6s
g]kfn rf6{8{ PsfpG6]G6\; ;+:yfn] ;fkmf
;ld6 @)!) sf] cfof]hgf ug]{ lhDdf
kfO{ ;kmntfk"j{s ;DkGg u/]sf] s'/f
hfgsf/L u/fpg kfpbf dnfO{ v'zL nfu]sf]
5 . klxnf] k6s /fi6 k|d'vsf] pkl:yt
/x]sf] ;+:yfsf] o; sfo{qmddf 7"nf] ;+Vofdf
ljb]zL n]vfJoj;foLx?sf] ;d]t ;xeflutf /x]sf] lyof] . ;+:yfsf]
o; sfo{qmddf pkl:yt eO{ xfdL n]vfJoj;foLx?sf] xf};nf a9fO{
lbg' ePsf]df ;DdfggLo /fi6klt 8f= /fdj/0f ofbj k|lt xflb{s
s[t1tf JoQm ug{ rfxG5' . xfdLn] ;kmntfk"j{s cfof]hgf u/]sf]
o; sfo{qmdsf nflu ;a} ljb]zL;+:yfx?af6 ;d]t awfO{ k|fKt
ePsf] 5 . o; sfo{qmd ;DkGg ug{ ;xof]u ug'{x'g] kl/ifb,
e"tk"j{ cWoIfx?, ljleGg ;ldltsf ;b:ox?, sd{rf/L tyf
;'e]R5'sx? k|lt d xflb{s wGojfb lbg rfxG5' h;sf] ;xof]u
ljgf o; sfo{qmd ;DkGg x'g ;Dej lyPg .
;+:yfn] o; cjlwdf u/]sf / cfufdL s]xL sfo{qmd lgDgfg';f/
/x]sf 5g\ .
8 afsL k[i7 @ df
Central Council
Member, ICAI
Partner, IT Risk
Need for and Developing
Advisory Services SMP Auditing Standards in
and Business
SAARC Region
Advisory Services,
Ernst & Young
Central Council
Cost Accounting Standards
Member and Past A necessity for SAARC
President, ICWAI Region
President, ICAB
Assessment of
Sustainability in Power
Sector in Sri Lanka and its
Reporting Lesson
Council Member
eljiosf sfo{qmdx?
;DaGwL ;]ldgf/
Joj:yf ug]{ .
;+:yf ;"wf/tkm{
;+:yfdf sfo{/t sd{rf/Lx? ;+:yfsf] d]?b08 x'g] ePsfn]
cGt/f{li6o ;DaGwtkm{
;+:yf :yfkgf k"j{bl] v xfn;Ddsf x/]s ultljlwx?df ;xof]u
sf] b[io
dxfdlxd /fi6klt 8f= /fdj/0f ofbj ;fkmf ;ld6sf] cj;/df sfo{qmdsf] pb\3f6g ug'{x'b} .
;fkmf la=lk=P cjf8{ lah]tfx? dfggLo cy{dGqL >L ;'/]Gb| kf08]sf ;fy
sf] b[io
hgfsf] ;xeflutf
/x]sf] lyof] . rf/
lbg;Dd ;+ r fng
ePsf] pQm Congress
df rf/j6f Plenary
Sessions tyf
k}l+ t;j6f Concurrent g]kfnsf] tk{maf6 WCOA 2010, Kuala Lumpur,
Malaysia df ;xefuL k|ltlgwL d08n .
;+rfng ePsf lyP . pQm ;];gx? ljz]if ?kdf k|:t't ePsf]
lyof] . ;f]xL cj;/df SAFA n] ;d]t SAFA Forum cGtu{t
Implementation of IFRS & IPSAS in Developing Countries
;+rfng u/]sf] lyof] .
;b:o;DaGwL ;dfrf/
ljBfyL{;DaGwL ;dfrf/
s]l/o/ sfpG;ln
sd{rf/L;DaGwL ;dfrf/
;+:yfdf sfo{/t al/i7 clws[t >L lji0f' k|;fb ;'j]bL tyf
al/i7 ;xfos >L k|df]b g]kfnn] cfkm\gf] kbaf6 /flhgfdf lbg'
ePsf] 5 .
Invitation to Join a Panel of
Resource Person
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nepal (ICAN)
is about to build up a pool of resource person who are
to be employed/consulted for the various technical
activities to enhance the quality of the Chartered
Accountancy Education offered by the institute.
Accordingly, ICAN hereby seeks application from the
chartered accountant members to be enlisted in the
said pool of resource person. The interested are allowed
to select from amongst various areas of their particular
experience and expertise from the below list:
The potential candidates may apply for empanelment
by filling up the Expression of Interest (EOI) Form which
is available upon request or can be downloaded from
the Institutes website .
g]kfn rf6{8{ PsfpG6]G6\; ;+:yf n] ldlt @)^&)()^ ut]sf lbg g'jfsf]6sf] ssgLdf
cfof]hgf u/]sf] jgef]h sfo{qmdsf] Ps b[io .