End Game Notes
End Game Notes
End Game Notes
The Photon
Lets give a name to a chunk of light, the photon and
hypothesize an energy and a momentum for the photon:
E=hf; p=h/l=E/c.
A useful formula. If a photon has energy E in eV, then the
wavelength is l=(1234 nm/E).
h is Planks constant: h=6.610-34 J s.
With this, we can identify px=(h/l)sinq=hq/l.
Then the uncertainty relationship becomes Heisenbergs
Uncertainty Principle: DxDpx=h/2.
Interference effects.
A diffraction grating
ID that element
Use your
spectrometer and
the bar code key on
the slide to identify
the element.
A. Hydrogen
B. Helium
C. Neon
D. Sodium
E. Mercury