Sp-Rm-Bu-A033-Supervision of Room Attendants-Srs
Sp-Rm-Bu-A033-Supervision of Room Attendants-Srs
Sp-Rm-Bu-A033-Supervision of Room Attendants-Srs
Procedures: 程序:
1. All Butlers will have full knowledge about the procedures and standards of a 1. 所有专职管家都必须了解一间干净、用品齐备的房间的标准与准备
Clean and proper supplied Guest Room. 程序。
2. Butlers will organized and update Room Attendants on Guest arrival times
2. 专职管家必须提前通知客房服务员客人到达的时间及要求,以便顺
and requirements in advance so room product can be completed.
3. Butlers will inspect room upon completion by room attendants. 利布置好房间。
4. If diffiencies are determined, Butlers will advise RA the problem and request 3. 在客房服务员结束布置后,专职管家应再检查一遍。
for them to redo, or if it is an item that a Butler can completed (cleaning a 4. 如果发现有不妥之处,专职管家可通知客房服务员,让他们重新布
mirror or adjusting a bed,) completed it and inform the RA later. 置。但如果是专职管家可以自己完成的(如擦镜子或整理一下床
5. Direct and organize room assignment in order to achieve a ready and proper 铺),先完成再通知客房服务员。
Guest Room Product for all Arriving Guests. 5. 为了使将到的客人的房间准备就绪,为每位客人提供正确的服务,
6. Ensure that the Room Attendants maintain a clean and orderly Pantry room
with proper stocked linen/towels and guest room supplies at all times.
Cleanliness and hygiene are high priority. 6. 确保任何时间客房服务员在工作间里有足够的毛巾和房间用品储备。
7. Communicate with the RA team on an hourly basis or whenever required. 7. 每小时应与客房服务员通一次话或有需要的时候与其通话。
8. Work as a team and lead by example by assisting and working with each 8. 注意团队合作,以身作则与其他员工一起协作或工作。
other. 9. 在监督客房服务员和铺夜床服务员工作时,不要咆哮的发出命令,
9. Do not bark out commands, use teamwork language and gestures when 而是用合作的语言与姿态来监督。
supervising RA and Turndown Attendants. 10. 将房间服务员与铺夜床服务员的工作表现与态度告知客房部领班。
10. Communicate effectively with Housekeeping Shift leaders with regard to
behavior and attitude of RA/TDA