Vocabulario 1 Ev 4º ESO

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Vocabulary 4 ESO

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1st term

Getting Started:

Vocabulary. Places in town

church = iglesia
shopping centre = centro comercial
Tennis court = campo de tenis
art gallery = galera de arte
amusement park = parque de
deparment store = grandes almacenes
museum = museo
library = biblioteca
nightclub = discoteca
post office = oficina de correos
railway station = estacin de tren
bowling alley = bolera
playground = parque
office = oficina
university = universidad

hard - working = trabajador/a
brave = valiente
cheerful = alegre
lazy = vago
generous = generoso
kind = amable
stubborn = terco
energetic = energtico
easy-going = fcil de tratar
arrogant = arrogante
selfish = egosta
moody = de humor cambiante
sensitive = sensible
nasty = canalla, despreciable
rude = mal educado
sensible = sensato
pushy = ambicioso; agresivo;
proud = orgulloso

unique = nico
honest = honesto


carbohydrates = hidratos de carbono

protein = protenas
sugar = azcar
minerals = minerales
fat = grasa
fruit = fruta
spinach = espinacas
cauliflower = coliflor
carrots = zanahorias
milk = leche
soup = sopa
tomatoes = tomates
vitamins = vitaminas
caffeine = cafena
sweet = dulce
sour = agrio, cido
spicy = picante
fried = frito
salty = salado
mashed = machacado, aplastado
fresh = fresco
frozen = congelado

The animal world

crocodile = cocodrilo
chimpanzee = chimpanc
snake = serpiente
salamander = salamandra
tiger = tigre
goldfish = pez dorado, carpa dorada
frog = rana
shark = tiburn
butterfly = mariposa

Vocabulary 4 ESO

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1st term

horse = caballo
fly = mosca
worm = gusano
whale = ballena
parrot = loro
sheep = oveja
claws = garra, ua
trunk = trompa

paws = patas; garras

tusks = colmillo
fin = aleta
tail = cola
wing = ala
whiskers = bigotes
beak = pico

Unit 1: Taking Risks

Vocabulary. Risks and dangers

amaze = asombrar a
avoid = evitar
dare = atreverse
encourage = animar
give up = rendirse
go wrong = equivocarse
prove = probar
regret = arrepentirse
struggle = prueba; costar (esfuerzo)
support = apoyar
take risks = arriesgarse
turn back = regresar

ambitious = ambicioso
charming = encantador
courageous = valiente
daring = audaz, intrpido
determined = decidido
fearless = sin miedo, valiente
humble = humilde
influential = influenciable
inspiring = inspirador
passionate = apasionado
sceptical = escptico (le cuesta creerse
las cosas)
tough = fuerte (de carcter)

Functional language: Interviewing

How would you describe yourself? =
Cmo te describiras a ti mismo?
Whats the most exciting thing youve
ever done? = Qu es la cosa ms
emocionante que has hecho nunca?
What do you think youll be doing in
five years? = Qu crees que estars
haciendo dentro de cinco aos?
How have you changed in the last few
years? = Cmo has cambiado en los
ltimos aos?
What are you passionate about? =
Qu te apasiona?
Are you a risk taker? = Te gusta
tomar riesgos?
What are you going to do after
school? = Qu vas a hacer despus
del colegio?
Who do you admire and why? = A
quin admiras y por qu?

Functional language: Reacting to

I wouldnt dare = No me atrevera
Thats too scary for me = eso es
demasiado atrevido para m

Vocabulary 4 ESO

That sounds really terrifying = eso

parece realmente terrorfico
Id love to try that, too. = A m tambin
me encantara intentar eso.

Functional language: Comparing

future activities

So will I = Yo tambin lo har

Me, too = yo tambin
Same here = lo mismo por aqu
Not me = yo no

Functional language: Expressing


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1st term

I had no idea = no tena ni idea

Thats amazing! = eso es increble!
I dont believe it. = No me lo creo
You really did that? = Realmente
hiciste eso?

Functional language: Everyday

English : Giving warnings
Beware of (his dog)! = Cuidado con
(su perro)!
Make sure you dont (slip and fall) =
Asegrate de que no (te resbales y te
Watch out (for falling rocks)! = Estate
atento a (las rocas que se estn
Its dangerous (to dive in some
places). = Es peligroso (bucear en
algunos sitios)
Dont touch (it)! = No toques (eso)!

army = ejrcito
assassination = asesinato
crown = corona
downfall = prdida de poder
execute = ejecutar
fate = muerte
heir = heredero
kill = matar
lead to = llevar a
loyalty = lealtad
outbreak = comienzo; brote
plot = conspiracin
power = poder
reign = reino
relative = familiar
rule = gobernar
throne = trono
treason = traicin

Films and television

blockbuster = taquillazo
cast = elenco, reparto
leading role = papel principal
low-budget film = pelcula de bajo
main character = personaje principal
minor character = personaje
plot = argumento
rating = clasificacin (premios)
remake = hacer una nueva versin
scene = escena
setting = escenario
soundtrack = banda sonora
special effects = efectos especiales

Unit 2:
advisor = consejero
ally = aliado

spoiler = informacin que revela

informacin del argumento de la pelcula
twist = giro en el argumento

Vocabulary 4 ESO

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1st term

Functional language: Talking

about films
What type of film is it? = Qu tipo de
pelcula es?
Whats it about? = De qu va?
What is the setting? = En qu est
ambientada la pelcula?
Is the cast good? = Tiene buen
What did you like about the film? =
Qu te ha gustado de la pelcula?
Whats your favourite scene? = Cul
es tu escena favorita?
Has it got special effects? = Tiene
efectos especiales?
Did it get good ratings? = Ha tenido
buenas valoraciones?

Functional language: Giving

Thats right = eso es
Im afraid youre wrong. = Me temo que
te equivocas.
Try again = intntalo otra vez.
Good for you! = Bien por ti!

Functional language: Everyday

English: Meeting friends
Will you be free on (Saturday
afternoon)? = Estars disponible el
(sbado por la tarde)?
Is (Sunday) convenient for you? = Te
viene bien el (domingo)?
Im sorry. Ill be tied up (all day). = Lo
siento. Estar ocupado (todo el da)
Thats a shame. (Friday) isnt so good
for me = Qu pena. (El viernes) no me
viene tan bien a m.
Im not sure. Can I get back to you
later? = No estoy segura. Puedo
confirmarte ms tarde?

I wish I could. Unfortunately, I wont

be available. = Ojal pudiera.
Desafortunadamente, no estar
Sure. I can make it. = Claro. Podr
llegar a tiempo.

Unit 3
assume = suponer
attempt = intentar, tratar de
develop a theory = desarrollar una
disturbed = trastornado
get to the bottom of = llegar al fondo de
look into = investigar
missing = desaparecido
notice = darse cuenta
occurrence = caso, incidente
research = investigar
reveal = revelar, demostrar
source = fuente, origen
turn out = acabar, resultar
vanish = desaparecer, esfumarse
wonder = preguntarse

Natural and supernatural


anxious = ansioso, inquieto, nervioso

corpse = cadver
dust = polvo
eruption = erupcin
flame = llama
flashing = parpadeo
glowing = brillante
haunted = encantado, posedo
laughter = carcajada
proof = prueba
relief = alivio

Vocabulary 4 ESO

1st term

roar = rugido
shadow = sombra
smoke = humo; fumar
wave = ola
whisper = susurro

Functional language: Talking

about unusual phenomena
What happened exactly? = Qu pas
Where did they see it? = Dnde lo
When did this occur? = Cundo
ocurri esto?
Has anyone else reported seeing it? =
Hay alguien ms que haya informado
ver lo mismo?
What did it look like? = Qu
apariencia tena? A qu se pareca?
How did people feel when they saw it?
= Cmo se sinti la gente cuando lo
What could be a possible explanation
for this? = cul podra ser una posible
explicacin para esto?

Functional language: Reacting to

Really? = Enserio? De verdad?
You dont say! = No me digas!
Thats too bad! = Eso es demasiado
Thats terrible! = Eso es terrible!
That was lucky! = Tuviste suerte!

Functional language: Empathising

I can only imagine how = Puedo
imaginarme cmo
Thats really scary. = Eso es realmente

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I bet you were = Apuesto que tu


Functional language: Everyday

English: UK and US English
biscuits - cookies = galletas
boot - trunk = maletero
cinema - movie theater = cine
film - movie = pelcula
hire - rent = alquilar
holiday - vacation = vacaciones
lorry - truck = camin
motorway - highway = autopista
shopping centre - mall = centro
sweets - candy = caramelos
taxi - cab = taxi
trainers - sneakers = deportivas

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