Ajinomoto: Term Paper On

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Term Paper On

Effective Marketing Strategies of AJINOMOTO

for Recovering the Declined Sales in International


Bangladesh Institute of
Management (BIM)
(Ministry of Industries)
4, Sobhanbag, Mirpur Road, Dhaka

Post Graduate Diploma in Marketing Management


(Academic Year-2016)

Term Paper On
Effective Marketing Strategies of AJINOMOTO for
Recovering the Declined Sales in International Market
Submitted To:Dr. Uttam Kumar Datta
Senior Management Counsellor
Bangladesh Institute of Management (BIM)

Submitted By:
Name: Shakhawat Hossen
Roll: 16MM006
PGDMM, Evening Batch
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Date of Submission: 28th December, 2016


Table of Contents





Background of the organization


Importance of the study



General Objective

Specific Objectives


Scope of the Study


Methodology of the Study

Data Collection Tools and Techniques

Sample Size
Sampling Scheme
Source of Information:
(a)Primary Data
(b)Secondary data


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Activity Schedule

1. Title of the Study: Effective Marketing Strategies of AJINOMOTO for

Recovering the Declined Sales in International Market
2. Background of the Organization: The Ajinomoto Group was founded on 1909 the
aspiration to help people Eat Well, Live Well. and has continuously developed its business,
contributed to healthy living in various regions around the world, and then created economic
value. Along with the change of the times and the expansion of its business, the Group has
expanded this ambition to include not only its products and services, but also all of its processes
and the entire global value chain. Each of the approximately 33,000 employees of the Ajinomoto
Group will continue to strive toward a healthy and sustainable future together with people in
local communities. Currently it is operating its business more than 100 one hundred countries in
the world and its a number 1 food seasoning company in the world with the reputation of 100
years of selling its products.

3. Importance of the study: Every company has ups and down from its inception after a
certain period of time. It may happen when a product goes a certain stage in its life cycle. So as
a marketer we must know how to overcome that situation if sales is declined and find out the key
problems for sales declining. As such this topic carries a significant importance for future and
current marketers.

4. Objectives
General objective of the study:
The main objective of this study is to find out the reason for sales declining and initiating
effective marketing strategy for its recovery.
Specific objectives: The specific objective of the study will be:
To examine the products Quality
To consider the price impressions
To evaluate the distribution channel
To assess the effectiveness marketing communication strategies.
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5. Scope of the study:

It will cover all the key marketing concept and strategy including Marketing mix strategy,
product strategy, pricing strategy, promotion strategy and distribution strategy can make
successful in declining sales situation also just need redefined these strategies at right

6. Methodology:
This term paper aims to study reason for sales decline and how to overcome through
effective marketing strategies. Data will be collected through structured questionnaire,
organization visit, group discussion, personal interview and observation. In addition it
will get an access to a huge collection of secondary data to ensure more authentic
statistical analysis as researchers belongs to same company.
a. Phase- I:

In the first phase theoretical study will be carried out to understand AJINOMOTO
current marketing practices, product offerings, market competitiveness, factors associated
with measuring sales falling reason and developing effective marketing strategies to
recover it. As well as some relevant theoretical part of marketing.
b. Phase- II:

1. With the theoretical understanding some customer or respondents or top executives of the
organization or outside experts will be interviewed with selected questionnaire to know
sales declining reason. The participants of this survey will be answering some close
ended questions.
2. After collecting their opinions through the questionnaire, some open ended questions may
ask for own understanding of the surveyor. This will be followed by some formal and
informal discussions.

Phase-III: Data Collection Tools and Techniques:

For the convenience respondents will be chosen randomly. The criteria for selecting
sample will remain same for all the respondents and it may varies for internal executives
through focus group discussion.

Sample Size:
The sample size for the study will not be large one. The sample size will be 30-50 with
representation of the domestic and international respondents from different countries.

Sampling Scheme:
Having fixed up sample extent, sample size and sample units, it will take couple of days
to complete the task of collection information.

Source of Information:
Both primary and secondary data will be used to reach a convincing result;
a. Primary Data:

Primary data will be collected through Structured Questionnaire, Personal Interview and
Focus group Discussion.
b. Secondary Data:

Secondary data will be collected from AJINOMOTO overseas marketing

department by physical observation and magazines, publications, sales reports etc.

Data Processing Method:

Collected data will be coded and verified. Moreover data will be processed by making
consistency checking with the help of computer and relevant knowledge on the subject as well as
the knowledge and application of statistical tools such as Frequency Distribution,
Tabulation , Mean, Median, Mood. Graphical model, Correlation, Regression etc.

7. Activity Schedule:
This study will be accomplish between December 1 st to 30th December 2016, the study
duration is five weeks-


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Disapproved __________

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Approved with Revision



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Approved with Revision __________

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