Journal Prompts The Last 3 Months

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The Last 3 Months – Journal Prompts

Look back over the last three months of your life. Social
Use the following prompts to journal about your 35. Did you attend any special events?
experiences. You might want to flip back through 36. Did you host any social events?
your recent journal entries to jog some memories. 37. What was the most memorable social event you
Starting Point 38. What was the worst social event you attended?
1. What period of your life are you looking at? 39. Were there any events that you would have like
2. Did you journal regularly through this period? to attend but could not get to?

Home Books
3. Where were you living for this period of time? 40. Did you do much reading?
4. How far is this from your hometown? 41. Was there an increase or decrease in the
5. What kind of dwelling were you living in? amount of reading you did?
6. Did this place feel like home to you? 42. What did you read?
7. Were you settled or did you feel the need to 43. Was there a particular book, article or magazine
move somewhere new? that had an impact on you?
8. Did you share this place with others or were you 44. Did you recommend anything you read to friends
on your own? or others?

Self Music
9. How did you generally feel about yourself during 45. Did you listen to much music?
this time? 46. Where did you listen to music the most?
10. Did you discover anything new about yourself? 47. What song most defines this period of your life?
11. Did you form any habits, good or bad? 48. Was there a particular album or singer/band that
12. Were you happy? you listened to more than others?
49. Did you find that your music tastes changed,
Relationships stayed the same or perhaps returned to an
13. Did you share this period of your life with a earlier period of your life?
significant other?
14. Did you make any new friends? Television
15. Did you reconnect with any old friends? 50. Did you watch much TV?
16. Was there anyone you met during this time who 51. Did your television viewing habits change at all?
had a major impact on your life? 52. What shows were you most drawn to?
17. Were there any major upheavals in your 53. Was there anything you watched that had a
relationships with others? particular impact on you?
18. Did anyone bring you to tears?
19. Did someone make you feel angry? Movies
20. Did you miss the prescence of someone? 54. Did you see many movies?
21. Were there any shared moments of pure 55. What movies did you see?
happiness? 56. Where did you see these movies?
22. Were there any shared moments of pure 57. Did you go and see any movies on your own, or
sadness or pain? were they more social outings?
23. Did you feel loved? 58. Was there any movie you watched that had a
particularly strong impact on you?
24. What was your main occupation? Posessions
25. Did your occupation earn you sufficient income? 59. Did you acquire any important posessions during
26. Did you enjoy this occupation? this period?
27. How did this occupation impact on your time 60. Did you
each week? 61. What was your favourite posession?
28. How did you get from home to your place of 62. What was your least favourite posession?
occupation each day?
29. Did you make any occupation changes during World Events
this time? 63. What major world events happened during this
Travel 64. Did any of these events personally effect you?
30. Did you travel anywhere, near or far?
31. Did you visit any places that had a strong impact The Future
on you? 65. Did this period of time in your life prompt you to
32. Were there any places that you would like to make any decisions for your future?
revisit someday?
33. Were there any places that you would not like to End Point
visit again? 66. What are you most looking forward to in the next
34. Did you make any plans for future travels? 3 months?

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