Comparative Dhammapada
Comparative Dhammapada
Comparative Dhammapada
of the
nandajoti Bhikkhu
(2nd revised edition July, 2007 - 2551)
(two additional parallels: June 2011)
(additional parallel: September 2016)
Table of Contents
Part 1: A Study of the Dhammapada Collection.....1
1: Chapters.....1
2: Contents.....4
3: Collocation.....24
4: Themes.....26
5. Summary and Conclusion.....31
Part 2: The Comparative Dhammapada.....34
1. Yamakavagga.....34
2. Appamdavagga.....41
3. Cittavagga.....45
4. Pupphavagga.....49
5. Blavagga.....54
6. Paitavagga.....62
7. Arahantavagga.....67
8. Sahassavagga.....71
9. Ppavagga.....78
10. Daavagga.....82
11. Jarvagga.....89
12. Attavagga.....93
13. Lokavagga.....97
14. Buddhavagga.....101
15. Sukhavagga.....108
16. Piyavagga.....113
17. Kodhavagga.....116
18. Malavagga.....121
19. Dhammahavagga.....127
20. Maggavagga.....133
21. Pakiakavagga.....139
22. Nirayavagga.....144
23. Ngavagga.....149
24. Tahvagga.....155
25. Bhikkhuvagga.....163
26. Brhmaavagga.....171
The present work gathers together all the Middle Indo-Aryan (MIA) parallels to the Pi
Dhammapada found in the surviving remains of the various Buddhist traditions, and
studies the principles underlying the way the collection has been organised and
Part 1 of this book presents an abstract of the parallels to give a clear overview of how
the various versions relate to each other. There are detailed notes discussing such matters
as the titles of the chapters, the content and sequence of the verses, and the way the
material has been collected and organised.
Part 2 is the main portion of the book and contains the text of the Pi Dhammapada
itself, along with all the parallels that have been collected here. When presented in this
way the complex relationships between the various texts becomes evident.
There is also a complete Comparative Index to the Dhammapada verses presented here,
which acts as a kind of comparative vocabulary of the texts, showing the morphology of
the words in the various recensions of the verses.
This work was originally published on my website in
2004. For the printed edition a new Introduction has been written; and the Studies have
been somewhat revised in the light of various comments I have received from readers and
scholars. The electronic edition of this text has also been updated.
I am very grateful to Professor R. S. Bucknell, who read through the Introductions and
Studies of both the main text and the Appendix, which helped me clarify the text. I am
also indebted to Dr. Andrew Glass and Ven. Anlayo who read through the Introduction
and whose scholarship helped me correct a number of oversights, and generally improve
the text.
I would also like to thank the Head of the Department of Pali and Buddhist Studies at the
University of Peradeniya, Dr. G. Somaratne, for being so supportive of the publication of
this work; and I am grateful to Mr. Kulatunga of Printel Private Limited for undertaking
to publish this work.
In compiling this work I have been greatly assisted by the labours of previous scholars,
amongst whom I should mention J. Brough (The Gndhr Dharmapada), F. Bernhard
(Udnavarga), M. Cone (Patna Dharmapada), O. von Hinber and K.R. Norman
(Dhammapada), K.L. Dhammajoti (The Chinese Version of Dhammapada), and the
unknown author of an article on The Origin of Dhammapada Verses (Buddhist Studies
Review 6, 2 - 1989), all of whom gave parallels to the various texts. During the course of
research for this work I was also able to find some other parallels that had not previously
been listed.
In preparing the main work I have had to prepare 4 major texts, and extracts from 4
others, and then compile it all. Although every care has been taken to ensure accuracy, it
is quite possible that there are still some mistakes in this edition. If anyone has any
corrections or additions that they could pass on, I could include them in any future
edition. Kindly write to [email protected].
nandajoti Bhikkhu
September, 2006/2550
Texts of the early Buddhist tradition are preserved in Pi, Gndhr, and various other
forms of Sanskritised Prakrit; besides being found in Chinese and Tibetan translation. Of
the MIA versions the only one that has come down to us in anything like a complete
recension is preserved in the Pi Tipiaka,2 and it is certainly the Pi texts, mainly in
modern translations, that constitute the best known version of the early teachings, which
is not surprising as they belong to a living Buddhist tradition.
Of the Pi texts the Dhammapada is perhaps the best-loved collection of the Buddhas
teachings. There have been many editions,3 and almost innumerable translations of this
ever-popular text in nearly all modern languages.4 And in countries that have a
Theravda tradition there is a copy of the book in most Buddhist homes, and many people
know at least some of the verses by heart.
Apart from the Pi Dhammapada, however, there are comparable collections of the
Dharmapadni verses available in complete, or very nearly complete, editions in three
other MIA recensions, and these parallels can often throw light on the early teachings,
and act as a complement, and sometimes also as a corrective, to the Pi verses. There are
also parallels to individual verses found in other texts belonging to the early Buddhist
traditions of other schools.5
This term seems to me to be preferable to the usual Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit or Mixed
Sanskrit, which makes it sound as if we are dealing with forms of Sanskrit, whereas the
languages underlying all the early texts, including Pi, are forms of Prakrit that have
been Sanskritised to a greater or lesser degree.
The Tipiaka, of course, contains texts of various ages, but undoubtedly in the four main
nikyas it preserves a fairly reliable recension of the original teaching.
The main editions in Roman script were made by V. Fausbll (1855, 2nd ed. London,
1900); S. Sumangala Thera (London, 1914); D.J. Kalupahana (Lanham, 1986); J.R.
Carter & M. Palihawadana (Oxford, 1987); O. von Hinber & K.R. Norman (Oxford,
1994). I also made a New Edition myself in 2002, which is the text used here.
For a survey of the Dhammapada translations up to 1989, see Russel Webb: The
Dhammapada - East and West (Buddhist Studies Review 6.2 1989: 166-175).
According to Bhikkhu Kuala Lumpur Dhammajoti, in The Chinese Version of
Dharmapada (Colombo, 1995, p. 26), there are "2 versions of the Dharmapada and 2
versions of the Udnavarga in Chinese ... and two or three versions of the Udnavarga
in Tibetan".
Moreover, there are parallels in the Jaina and Brahmanical traditions. Jaina Parallels
have been enumerated by W.B. Bolle, in his Reverse Index of the Dhammapada,
Suttanipta, Thera- and Thergth Pdas with Parallels from the yraga, Syagaa,
Uttarajjhy, Dasaveyliya and Isibhsiyi (Reinbek, 1983).
The Brahmanical parallels have been collected by W. Rau in his essay: "Bermerkungen
und nicht-buddhistische Sanskrit-Parallelen zum Pli-Dhammapada", which was
published in Jnamuktval. Commemoration Volume in Honour of Johannes Nobel...
edited by Claus Vogel (New Delhi, 1959).
None of these, however, have been dealt with here, as we are concerned in this work with
the relationship of the recensions of the verses in the various collections made in MIA.
There are 4 editions of this text at present. The first, made by N. S. Shukla under the
name The Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit Dharmapada, was published in Patna itself in 1979;
a much more reliable version of the text was made by G. Roth, and published as a part
of The Language of the Earliest Buddhist Tradition, ed. by Prof. Heinz Bechert
(Gttingen, 1980); the third was made by Margaret Cone as part of her doctrinal thesis,
and published in the Journal of the Pali Text Society, Volume XIII (Oxford, 1989); the
fourth was made by K. Mizuno in A Study of the Buddhist Sanskrit Dharmapada in
Buddhist Studies Vol. 11 & 19 (Hamamatsu, 1982, 1990).
Exactly when is not clear, but it was probably during the trip to Tibet in 1934 or 1936.
A transcription of the material in France was published by . Senart under the title Le
manscrit kharoh du Dhammapada: les fragments Dutreuil de Rhins (Journal
Asiatique, 1898); a 2nd edition of this material was made by B. Barua and S. Mitra in
1921, under the title Prakrit Dhammapada (University of Calcutta Press); a 3rd edition
of the same material was made in 1945 by Prof H.W. Bailey under the title The Khotan
Dharmapada (Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, volume xi,
London). But it was not until Prof. John Broughs edition, entitled The Gndhr
Dharmapada that all the remaining parts of the text were collated and published in
London in 1962 (School of Oriental and African Studies, London; reprinted by Motilal
Banarsidass in Delhi, 2001).
Chapter xxix was published by R. Pischel in 1908; part of chapter xxii, and chapters xxix
- xxxii were published by L. de la Valle Poussin in 1912; N.P. Chakravarti in Paris in
1930 published chapters i - iii; v - xxi; and B. Pauly published chapter xxxiii in 1961; but
the first complete edition of the remains of the Sanskrit text were published by Dr.
Franz Bernhard in 1965 in Gottingen.
See for two studies of
the Udnavarga relating to its prosody and to the Sanskritisation of the text.
Even if we could determine with certainty the relative ages of the various recensions of
the Dharmapadni material, that would tell us almost nothing about the genuineness of
the verses contained in them. It may be that a verse that has been heavily Sanskritised
reflects an authentic saying of the Buddha; and another verse in an early form of
Prkrit is intrusive. As all the recensions are in fact collections of already extant verses
we can be quite sure they contain material of various ages.
What counts as a parallel is often a purely subjective judgement, and no doubt others
may disagree occasionally with what has been included and what excluded; however,
there seems to be no way to avoid this. Similarly, given the great mass of material at
hand, there may be some inconsistencies in the presentation. For these failings I can
only beg the readers indulgence.
This was an essential policy to adopt, as there are many series of verses in all the
editions that simply extend the number of verses by substituting keywords. If every
parallel line had been printed everywhere it occurs, the situation would have been
confused, I feel, rather than clarified.
Time permitting, I hope to produce a similar collection using the Udnavarga as the
basis, which has the advantage of being the largest collection of verses, and therefore
offering the largest amount of material to compare.
Chapter and verse numbers have been added to the parallels, alongside the sequential
I have somewhat simplified the punctuation to bring it into line with the parallel
Patna Dharmapada edited by Margaret Cone (JPTS Vol XIII, Oxford 1989)
(reproduced by permission of PTS).
I am grateful to Prof. K.R. Norman, who sent a few small corrections to be made to the
printed text. These include the accidental omission of a half-verse (145cd), and a
repetition of a quarter-verse (149b).
Changes in presentation made in this edition:
Chapter and verse numbers have been added to the parallels, alongside the sequential
The use of the avagraha (elipsis sign) in the original has been replaced with " ".
The vowel ri sign in Sanskrit is written with a ring underneath, not with a dot e.g.
d (not d).
Line breaks in the original manuscript, which were noted in the text by the first
akara being written in bold type, have been omitted.
Uncertain readings are marked with red coloured italic text.
Dr. Cone occasionally discussed uncertain readings in the notes, these discussions
have had to be omitted, and the akaras in question are marked with red coloured
italic text.
Missing words and akaras that were marked by empty square brackets " [ ] " are
here marked by elipsis " . . . "
A few characters that Dr. Cone (in private correspondence) said she thought had no
semantic meaning, have also been omitted.
Chapter and verse numbers have been added to the parallels, alongside the sequential
In his edition Brough provided titles for the last 13 vaggas of the text; he put them in
square brackets and wrote them in Sanskrit. Here the brackets have been retained, but
the Sanskrit has been replaced by Prakrit, which is more in keeping with the nature of
the work.
Uncertain readings which were marked with italic text are here marked with red
coloured italic text.
Brough sometimes entered conjectural readings into the text, and placed them in
square brackets. The square brackets have been removed here, and they have been
marked with green coloured italic text.
Brough occasionally made suggestions in his footnotes for correcting mistakes in the
readings in his footnotes; here I have inserted them into the text: they are also marked
with green coloured italic text. The footnotes themselves, which were in any case very
few in number, have had to be dropped.
The numbering of the chapter titles has been changed from Roman to Arabic
numerals (e.g. 33: Brhmaavarga, not XXXIII: Brhmaavarga), which is the way
they appear at the end of the chapters in the original edition anyway.
The sequential numbers have been omitted.
The vowel ri sign in Sanskrit is written with a ring underneath, not with a dot, e.g.
dv (not dv or div).
Uncertain readings are marked with red coloured italic text.
Verses which had 2 irreconcilable versions have been given separate numbering (as
[a], [b]), rather than printed side by side.
Divyvadna edited by E.B. Cowell & R.A. Neil (Cambridge 1886). The transliteration
of this text has been modified to accord with the other texts presented here.
Excerpts from the following have been transliterated by the present writer:
Mahvastu, edited by E. Senart (Paris, 1882, 1890, 1897).
Gilgit Manuscripts, edited by Prof. Nalinaksha Dutt (Calcutta, 1950).
Avadna-ataka, edited by J.S. Speyer (St. Petersburg, 1902, 1906).
Mah-karmavibhaga, edited by Sylvian Lvi (Paris, 1932).
The Arthavinicaya Stra & its Commentary (Nibandhana), edited by N. H.
Samtani (Patna, 1971)
Method of Presentation
When lines in a verse of one of the parallels are not found in the Pi Dhammapada, I
have included those lines, so as to represent better the form of the original, but have
placed them in square brackets [ ], and they are written in grey coloured text.
It should also be pointed out here that a verse that is only partially paralleled in the
Dhammapada may find a complete parallel elsewhere in the Pi Tipiaka, though it
appears that normally when a verse as a whole is absent from the parallels it is also absent
from the rest of the Canon.
I have occasionally included more than one parallel where it seemed to me that the
inclusion was justified by the light it throws on the Pi verse. But normally I have only
chosen the closest parallel to the Pi verse that I could find - this applies particularly to
the Udnavarga, where there are often a number of parallels to choose from.
The layout adopted in regard to the parallels has been maintained throughout this
This layout has normally been preserved even when it leads to a lot of white space, as it
makes referencing a lot easier if one is looking for a parallel from a particular text; also
it seems useful to be able to see where no parallel exists in any of these texts.
There are a few parallels from other sources, the Mahvastu, Divyvadna,
Avadnaataka, & Mlasarvstivdivinaya; these have normally been omitted from the
table if no parallel has been found, but when they are included the layout is expanded
Other Texts
Other Texts
I have given the reference numbers by chapter and verse number to the 3 main parallels,
even though Broughs edition of Gndhr and Cones edition of Patna give only
sequential numbers,15 as this allows us to see at a glance whether verses in the parallels
are, for instance, at the beginning of a chapter.
In these cases I give the sequential numbers also; Udnavarga has sequential numbers,
but these have been omitted here, as any quotation can easily be found under the chapter
and verse number.
1. Yamaka
2. Appamda
3. Citta
4. Puppha
5. Bla
6. Paita
7. Arahanta
8. Sahassa
9. Ppa
10. Daa
11. Jar
12. Atta
13. Loka
14. Buddha
15. Sukha
1. Jama
2. Apramda
19. Citta
8. Pupa
11. Bla
13. Yamaka
7. Apramadu
8. Cita
[18. Pupa]16
9. Bala
[14. Paida]
5. Araha
[19. Sahasa]
4. Pavu
29. Yuga
4. Apramda
31. Citta
18. Pupa
21. Sahasra
28. Ppa
12. Daa
10. Jara
17. tta
23. tma
11. Suha
30. Sukha
Brough gave titles to a number of chapters that lacked them, and put them in square
brackets, in most cases the title seems certain.
16. Piya
17. Kodha
18. Mala
19. Dhammaha
20. Magga
21. Pakiaka
22. Niraya
23. Nga
24. Tah
25. Bhikkhu
26. Brhmaa
[17. Kodha]
5. Priya
20. Krodha
6. Magu
[16. Prakiaka (?)17]
12. Mrga
16. Prakiraka
3. T
32. Bhiku
33. Brhmaa
10. Mala
20. Mgga
9. Tahna
4. Bhiku
3. Brhmaa
The Patna Dharmapada has, besides those listed, the following nine chapter titles that
find no parallel in the Pi: 5. Attha; 6. oka; 7. Kaly; 13. Saraa; 14. Khnti;
15. sava; 16. Vc; 18. Dadant; & 22. Uraga.
The Gndhr Dharmapada has, besides those listed, the following four chapters
titles: 12. Thera; [15. Bahouda]; [20. ila (?)]; [21. Kica (?)]; and Chapters 23 - 26 are lost
along with their names.
The Udnavarga, besides those listed, has the following nineteen chapters
titles: 1. Anitya; 2. Kma; 6. la; 7. Sucarita; 8. Vca; 9. Karma; 10. raddh;
11. ramaa; 13. Satkra; 14. Droha; 15. Smti; 17. Udaka; 19. Ava; 21. Tathgata;
22. ruta; 24. Peyla; 25. Mitra; 26. Nirva; & 27. Paya.
We can see from this that there are parallel chapter titles to most of the Pi chapters, and
some of the categories seem very well established, such as: 1. Yamaka; 2. Appamda;
3. Citta; 4. Puppha; 5. Bla; 8. Sahassa; 20. Magga; 24. Tah; 25. Bhikkhu; &
26. Brhmaa.
However, there are no parallels to these 4 chapters titles: 13. Loka; 14. Buddha;
19. Dhammaha; & 22. Niraya; also 6. Paita & 23. Nga may also not find parallels, as
Broughs titles are only a guess, working from the extant contents of the work.
It is interesting to note that it is clearly the opening and end chapters in the Pi that are
paralleled; and the same can be said about the Patna Dharmapada, in which the first four
chapters and three of the last four chapters find parallels in the Pi. Again with the
Gndhr Dharmapada, chapters 1-3; 5-11; 13-14; 16-19 all find parallels in the Pi; in
this case, however, we do not know how the collection closed because the material is lost.
Udnavarga breaks from this pattern in the opening, but has the last 6 chapters paralleled.
The fact that there are parallels to most of the chapter titles, however, tells us little about
what is collected within those chapters. We need therefore to look more closely at the
contents of each chapter to gain a better overall view of the collection.
2: Contents
One of the most striking things about the Pi Dhammapada is that nearly all of its verses
(95%) are found in at least one of the other collections, and not infrequently in all of
them. Given the fragmentary nature of the Gndhr Dharmapada, and its close
resemblance to the Pi where it does exist, we could expect that the figures would be
even higher if we had more of that text available.
Below are tables covering the twenty-six chapters in the Pi Dhammapada, with the
information relating to the correspondence between chapter and verse abstracted, so that
it is possible to see at a glance the correspondences in the four main collections.18
Following each of the tables I have made a few notes highlighting certain aspects they
bring out in regard to content and sequence, together with other explanatory notes
whenever necessary.
There are certain verses in the Pi collection that find no parallel in any of the other
collections; in that case I have also inspected the Pi Canon itself to see whether they are
parallels there, and I give the findings in the notes that follow the tables.
Where the verses only partially parallel the Pi, this is noted by indicating the quarters
that are parallel (as a, b, c, d, etc). Where parts of two verses together make up a parallel,
this is also clearly indicated.
Parts of the Gndhr Dharmapada are, unfortunately, badly damaged or lost, so that
sometimes we no longer know the contents of the whole verse, and therefore how well it
parallels the Pi. The verses affected in this way have therefore been marked with an
asterick in the tables that follow.
Normally the information concerning the Mahvastu and the other texts is not
presented here, as they are generally not collections of verses, and only contain
incidental parallels (the Mahvastu contains a Sahasravarga, and maybe a Bhikuvarga,
and the information concerning these chapters is summarised).
1.1 Yamaka
1.2 Yamaka
1.3 Yamaka
1.4 Yamaka
1.5 Yamaka
1.6 Yamaka
1.7 Yamaka
1.8 Yamaka
1.9 Yamaka
1.10 Yamaka
1.11 Yamaka
1.12 Yamaka
1.13 Yamaka
1.14 Yamaka
1.15 Yamaka
1.16 Yamaka
1.17 Yamaka
1.18 Yamaka
1.19 Yamaka
1.20 Yamaka
1.1 Jama
1.2 Jama
1.5 Jama
1.6 Jama
14.15 Khnti
14.16 Khnti
1.7 Jama
1.8 Jama
6.11 oka
6.12 oka
10.15 Mala
10.16 Mala
19.10 Citta
19.11 Citta
1.3 Jama
1.4 Jama
13.1 Yamaka
13.2 Yamaka
31.23 Citta
31.24 Citta
14.9 Droha
14.10 Droha
14.11 Droha
13.17 Yamaka
13.18 Yamaka
12.11 Thera
12.12 Thera
13.13 Yamaka
13.14 Yamaka
13.19 Yamaka
13.20 Yamaka
13.5 Yamaka
13.6 Yamaka
29.15 Yuga
29.16 Yuga
29.7 Yuga
29.8 Yuga
29.3 Yuga
29.4 Yuga
31.11 Citta
31.17 Citta
28.34 Ppa
28.35 Ppa
16.13 Vc
16.14 Vc
12.9 Thera
12.10 Thera
4.22 Apramda
4.23 Apramda
It is clear, when looking at this table, that although the Yamaka category is well
established, which verses belong to it is not. In the parallels most of the verses appear,
but roughly half of them have been collected under different rubrics.
There are no good parallels to the verses 17 - 18 of the Pi collection, and these also
find no parallel elsewhere in the Canon.
Patna is quite close to the Pi, having the first eight verses in common, albeit in
different order.
Gndhr has twenty-three verses collected in its Yamakavaga, but only ten parallels
from that chapter (it is very possible that other pairs appeared in different chapters,
the contents of which have been lost).
Udnavarga knows of all but three of the verses, but only six are in its Yugavarga.
2.1 Appamda
2.2 Appamda
2.3 Appamda
2.4 Appamda
2.5 Appamda
2.6 Appamda
2.7 Appamda
2.1 Apramda
2.2 Apramda
2.3 Apramda
2.15 Apramda
2.16 Apramda
2.4 Apramda
7.6 Apramadu
7.7 Apramadu
2.8 Appamda
2.9 Appamda
2.10 Appamda
2.11 Appamda
2.12 Appamda
2.6 Apramda
2.5 Apramda
2.10 Apramda
2.9 Apramda
7.3 Apramadu
7.2 Apramadu
7.8 Apramadu
7.20bc & 25cd
7.10 Apramadu
7.9 Apramadu
7.11 Apramadu
2.24 Bhikhu
2.23 Bhikhu
4.1 Apramda
4.2 Apramda
4.3 Apramda
4.6 Apramda (abd)
4.5 Apramda
4.10 Apramda
4.12 Apramda
4.4 Apramda
19.4 Ava
4.24 Apramda
4.29 Apramda
4.32 Apramda
In the 2nd chapter the agreement is very high, there being thirty-three out of a
potential thirty-six parallels, and all but three of them belong to an Appamda
The Pi, Patna, and Udnavarga chapters all open with the same three verses, but
after that the sequence breaks down.
3.1 Citta
3.2 Citta
3.3 Citta
3.4 Citta
3.5 Citta
3.6 Citta
3.7 Citta
3.8 Citta
3.9 Citta
3.10 Citta
3.11 Citta
19.1 Citta
19.2 Citta
19.4 Citta
19.5 Citta
19.3 Citta
18.9 Dadant
19.6 Citta (abc)
19.9 Citta
19.8 Citta
31.8 Citta
31.2 Citta
31.1 Citta
8.19 Jara
All of the verses find a parallel in one or other of the collections, and nearly all are in
a Cittavagga (four are in other vaggas).
The Gndhr Dharmapada, it should be stressed, is very badly broken in its Citavaga
and may have contained other parallels that are lost.
4.1 Puppha
4.2 Puppha
4.3 Puppha
4.4 Puppha
4.5 Puppha
4.6 Puppha
4.7 Puppha
8.11 Pupa
8.12 Pupa
8.14 Pupa
8.8 Pupa
8.9 Pupa
8.7 Pupa
17.4 tta
18.1 Pupa
18.2 Pupa
18.18 Pupa
18.14 Pupa
18.15 Pupa
18.8 Pupa
18.9 Pupa (abc)
4.8 Puppha
4.9 Puppha
4.10 Puppha
4.11 Puppha
4.12 Puppha
4.13 Puppha
4.14 Puppha
4.15 Puppha
4.16 Puppha
8.5 Pupa
8.6 Pupa
8.10 Pupa
8.1 Pupa
8.2 Pupa
8.3 Pupa
8.4 Pupa
8.15 Pupa
8.16 Pupa
18.3 Pupa
16.13 Prakiaka?
18.1 Pupa
18.2 Pupa
18.4 Pupa
18.6 Pupa
18.7 Pupa (cd)*
18.8 Pupa
18.14 Pupa
18.15 Pupa
18.6 Pupa
18.7 Pupa
18.10 Pupa
6.16 la
6.17 la (acd)
6.18 la
6.19 la
18.12 Pupa
18.13 Pupa
The collection of verses having a simile about flowers seems to have been well
established, and there are good parallels not only to the chapter name, but to the
contents also.
Patna has sixteen verses in its Pupavargga, and fifteen are parallel to its Pi
counterpart; Gndhr Pupavaga has fifteen verses and thirteen are parallel to the
verses in the Pupphavagga.
The sequence 11 - 14 finds a parallel in Patna and Udnavarga, and partly so in
5.1 Bla
5.2 Bla
5.3 Bla
5.4 Bla
5.5 Bla
5.6 Bla
5.7 Bla
5.8 Bla
5.9 Bla
5.10 Bla
5.11 Bla
5.12 Bla
5.13 Bla
5.14 Bla
5.15 Bla
11.12 Bla
5.16 Bla
11.11 Bla
11.18 Bla
11.19 Bla
11.1 Bla
11.2 Bla
11.3 Bla
1.19 Anitya
14.15 Droha (acd)
1.20 Anitya
25.22 Mitra
25.13 Mitra
25.14 Mitra
9.13 Karma
9.14 Karma
9.15 Karma
28.18 Ppa
24.17 Peyla (abd)
9.17 Karma
13.2 Satkra
13.3 Satkra
13.4 (bd) & 13.5
(ab) Satkra
13.5cd & 13.6
Gndhrs Balavaga is one of the lost chapters, and there are therefore only two
verses parallel to the Pi in this chapter, that have been collected in its Paidavaga.
The sequence 6 - 9 is paralleled in Patna and Udnavarga; as is the sequence 13 - 16,
but in the latter the division of the verses does not agree with the parallels, which
however, agree with one another.
6.1 Paita
6.2 Paita
6.3 Paita
6.4 Paita
6.5 Paita
6.6 Paita
6.7 Paita
6.8 Paita
6.9 Paita
6.10 Paita
6.11 Paita
6.12 Paita
6.13 Paita
12.12 Attha
12.13 Attha
12.11 Attha
19.7 Citta
14.8 Paida
14.7 Paida
6.10 oka
15.15 sava
5.16 Attha
17.21 tta
15.1 sava
15.2 sava
15.3 sava
15.4 sava
14.16 Paida
14.2 Paida
14.3 Paida
20.3 ila?
28.7 Ppa
5.26 Priya
25.3 Mitra
30.13 Sukha
17.10 Udaka
29.49 Yuga
17.11 Udaka
30.52 Sukha
6.14 Paita
15.5 sava
14.1 Paida
29.33 Yuga
29.34 Yuga
16.14 Prakiraka
16.14 Prakiraka
31.39 Citta
7.1 Arahanta
7.2 Arahanta
7.3 Arahanta
6.3 oka
13.16 araa
6.4ab oka &
15.10c-f sava
15.10 sava
6.6 oka
29.35 Yuga
17.1 Udaka
29.26 Yuga
6.5 oka
18.7 Dadant
14.7 Khnti
9.19 Tahna
31.45 Citta
29.23 Yuga
29.18 Yuga
29.17 Yuga
7.4 Arahanta
7.5 Arahanta
7.6 Arahanta
7.7 Arahanta
7.8 Arahanta
7.9 Arahanta
7.10 Arahanta
29.29 Yuga
19.3 Ava
The Gndhr had an Arahavaga, but it is lost, together with all the verses it
Neither Patna nor Udnavarga know of the rubric, and the parallels are scattered
throughout those collections.
There is no good parallel to 6, but compare Udnavarga 17.12.
8.1 Sahassa
8.2 Sahassa
8.3 Sahassa
8.4 Sahassa
8.5 Sahassa
8.6 Sahassa
21.1 Sahasra
19.2 Sahasa
19.4 Sahasa
19.5 Sahasa
19.1 Sahasa
8.7 Sahassa
21.4 Sahasra
8.8 Sahassa
21.5 Sahasra
8.9 Sahassa
8.10 Sahassa
8.11 Sahassa
8.12 Sahassa
8.13 Sahassa
8.14 Sahassa
8.15 Sahassa
8.16 Sahassa
21.6 Sahasra
21.15 Sahasra
21.16 Sahasra
21.17 Sahasra
21.18 Sahasra
21.20 Sahasra
21.19 Sahasra
19.12 Sahasa
19.13 Sahasa
19.14 Sahasa
24.3 Peyla
24.4 Peyla
24.5 Peyla
24.6 Peyla
24.15 Peyla
24.14 Peyla
21.2 Sahasra
21.3 Sahasra
17.14 tta
17.15 tta
24.2 Peyla
23.3 tmavarga
23.4 tmavarga
23.5 tmavarga
24.16 Peyla
24.30 Peyla
9.1 Ppa
9.2 Ppa
9.3 Ppa
9.4 Ppa
9.5 Ppa
9.6 Ppa
9.7 Ppa
9.8 Ppa
9.9 Ppa
9.10 Ppa
9.11 Ppa
9.12 Ppa
9.13 Ppa
7.1 Kaly
7.2 Kaly
7.3 Kaly
7.7 Kaly
7.8 Kaly
11.20 Bla
11.21 Bla
7.21 Kaly
7.11 Kaly
7.20 Kaly
15.14 sava
13.7 Yamaka
13.8 Yamaka
13.9 Yamaka
13.10 Yamaka
28.23 Ppa
28.21 Ppa
28.22 Ppa
28.19 Ppa
28.20 Ppa
17.5 Udaka
17.6 Udaka
28.14 Ppa
28.15 Ppa
28.9 Ppa
9.5 Karma
1.25 Anitya
There are many parallels from the verses in the Udnavarga Ppavarga, but the
sequence is very different.
In Patna the Kalyvargga corresponds closely to the Ppavagga, and has the
opening three verses in common.
The Pavuvaga in Gndhr is one of the chapters that we know is lost, so there are
only a few parallels in that collection, coming from its Yamakavaga.
10.1 Daa
10.2 Daa
10.3 Daa
10.4 Daa
10.5 Daa
10.6 Daa
10.7 Daa
10.8 Daa
10.9 Daa
10.10 Daa
10.11 Daa
10.12 Daa
10.13 Daa
10.14 Daa
10.15 Daa
10.16 Daa
10.17 Daa
2.30 Bhikhu
1.17 Anitya
9.12 Karma
28.26 Ppa
28.28 Ppa
28.27 Ppa (cdab)
28.29 Ppa (abc)
33.1 Brhmaa
33.2 Brhmaa
19.5 Ava (ad)
19.2 Ava (abcde)
17.10 Udakavarga
In Patna there is sequential correspondence for the Pi verses 2 - 4, and it also knows
of a Daavargga.
The Udnavarga has parallels to virtually all the verses, but they are dispersed
throughout that collection.
11.1 Jar
11.2 Jar
11.3 Jar
11.4 Jar
13.18 araa
10.? Jara
14.21 Khnti
10.? Jara
10.?ab & 10.?cd
17.11 Kodha
10.? Jara
1.4 Anitya
27.20 Paya
1.34 Anitya
1.5 Anitya
11.5 Jar
11.6 Jar
11.7 Jar
11.8 Jar
11.9 Jar
11.10 Jar
11.11 Jar
16.23 Prakiraka
1.28 Anitya
12.15 Daa
13.14 araa
13.15 araa
139b Jara
31.6 Citta
31.7 Citta
17.3 Udaka
17.4 Udaka
12.1 Atta
12.2 Atta
12.3 Atta
12.4 Atta
12.5 Atta
12.6 Atta
12.7 Atta
12.8 Atta
12.9 Atta
17.7 tta
17.12 tta
17.13 tta
17.16 tta
17.2 tta
17.1 tta
10.11 Mala
17.10 tta
17.3 tta
12.10 Atta
17.20 tta
16.7 Prakiaka?
5.15 Priya
23.7 tma
23.8 tma
23.11 tma
28.12 Ppa
11.10 ramaa
28.16 Ppa
8.7 Vca
28.11 & 28.12ab
23.10 tma
14.4 Paida
20.9 ila?
16.6 Prakiaka?
15.16 Bahouda
Both Pli and Patna have well-defined Attavaggas, with Patna being the more
extensive of the two.
Udnavarga also has an tmavarga, but only four out of twenty-six verses are parallel
to verses in the Pi Attavagga, though many of them are variations of Pi 12.4.
13.1 Loka
13.2 Loka
13.3 Loka
13.4 Loka
13.5 Loka
13.6 Loka
13.7 Loka
13.8 Loka
13.9 Loka
13.10 Loka
13.11 Loka
13.12 Loka
2.18 Apramda
2.14 Apramda
13.9 araa
14.20 Khnti
7.12 Apramadu
7.1 Apramadu
20.7 ila?
2.7 Apramda
7.13 Apramadu
4.8 Apramda
4.35 Apramda
30.5 Sukha
27.15 Paya
27.17 Paya (bcd)
16.5 Prakiraka
16.9 Prakiraka
27.5 Paya
17.2 Udaka (abc)
9.1 Karma
10.2 raddh
Here we can see that although a number of the verses are found in both Patna and
Udnavarga, the Lokavagga rubric is unique to the Pi collection.
The first two verses are found in the Apramdavargas of the other collections.
14.1 Buddha
14.2 Buddha
14.3 Buddha
14.4 Buddha
14.5 Buddha
14.6 Buddha
14.7 Buddha
14.8 Buddha
14.9 Buddha
14.10 Buddha
14.11 Buddha
14.12 Buddha
14.13 Buddha
14.14 Buddha
14.15 Buddha
14.16 Buddha
14.17 Buddha
14.18 Buddha
15.16 sava
15.17 sava
14.6 Khnti
18.8 Dadant (abd)
19.16 Citta
14.1 Khnti
13.4 araa
5.15 Attha
5.4 Attha
11.12 Suha
9.9 Tahna
9.10 Tahna
13.1 araa
13.2 araa
13.3 araa
29.52 Yuga
29.53 Yuga
21.9 Tathgata
16.5 Prakiaka?
28.1 Ppa
26.2 Nirva
31.50 Citta
2.17 Kma
2.18 Kma
27.31 Paya
27.32 Paya
27.33 Paya
27.34 Paya
27.35 Paya
30.27 Sukha
30.22 Sukha
The verses in this chapter are dispersed in the Patna and Udnavarga collections.
We might have expected more than one of the verses from the Pi Buddhavagga to
be paralleled in the Udnavarga Tathgatavarga, but such is not the case.
The fact that all but one verse is not found in Gndhr would seem to suggest that
that is one of the missing chapters from that collection.
The absence of parallels to the last two verses is striking here; they also find no
parallel in the Canon.
15.1 Sukha
15.2 Sukha
15.3 Sukha
15.4 Sukha
15.5 Sukha
15.6 Sukha
15.7 Sukha
15.8 Sukha
15.9 Sukha
15.10 Sukha
15.11 Sukha
15.12 Sukha
14.17 Khnti
11.5 Suha
14.18 Khnti
14.19 Khnti
5.17 Attha
11.4 Suha
11.7 Suha
11.19 Suha
30.47 Sukha
30.45 Sukha
30.43 Sukha
30.49 Sukha
30.1 Sukha
5.11 Attha
5.12 Attha
11.2 Suha
11.1 Suha
5.5 Attha
5.6 Attha
5.7 Attha
11.14 Suha
11.15 Suha
11.16 Suha
26.7 Nirva
26.6 Nirva
28.5 Ppa
30.25 Sukha
30.26 Sukha
16.1 Piya
16.2 Piya
16.3 Piya
16.4 Piya
16.5 Piya
16.6 Piya
16.7 Piya
16.8 Piya
16.9 Piya
16.10 Piya
16.11 Piya
16.12 Piya
16.8 Prakiaka?
5.9 Priya
5.5 Priya (acd)
5.8 Priya
5.1 Priya
16.17 Vc (bd)
2.3 Kma
2.2 Kma
There are very few parallels in the Gndhr collection here, and it may be that a
Piyavaga has been lost.
The category is established in the Udnavarga, but absent from Patna, and there are
very few parallels from that collection.
Again we have two verses in the Pi that fail to find exact parallels elsewhere in
these collections, but perhaps it is easier to explain this time, as the verses in question
are variations of a succession of verses, which all have the same structure, with a
change of keyword. Neither of them is paralleled in the Canon either.
17.1 Kodha
17.2 Kodha
17.3 Kodha
17.4 Kodha
17.5 Kodha
17.6 Kodha
17.7 Kodha
17.8 Kodha
17.9 Kodha
13.23 araa
17.1 Kodha
17.2 Kodha
17.7 Kodha
17.8 Kodha
17.10 Kodha
17.11 Kodha
17.12 Kodha
17.13 Kodha
17.14 Kodha
16.10 Vc
16.2 Vc
16.3 Vc
16.4 Vc
16.5 Vc (abc)
14.19 Paida
2.1 Bhikhu
20.1 Krodha
20.22 Krodha
20.19 Krodha
20.16 Krodha
7.7 Sucarita
15.8 Smti
29.45 Yuga (cdef)
29.46 Yuga
29.47 ab & 29.48ab
22.11cd Tathgata
7.1 Sucarita
7.2 Sucarita
7.3 Sucarita
7.10 Sucarita
16.15 Vc
14.2 Khnti
15.9 sava
16.6 Vc
16.7 Vc
16.9 Vc
14.14 Paida
14.17 Paida
14.18 Paida
Both Gndhr and Udnavarga know of a Krodhavarga, but only a handful of verses
found in the Pi are also in those chapters, the rest being scattered.
Patna doesnt have a Krodhavargga, but most of the parallels are found in its
The Pi sequence 8 - 10 is also sequential in Gndhr and Udnavarga, though the
division of the verses differs in the latter. Two of the three verses are also sequential
in Patna.
Pi sequence 11 - 14 is also found in Patna, and 11 - 13 occurs also in Udnavarga.
18.1 Mala
18.2 Mala
18.3 Mala
18.4 Mala
18.5 Mala
18.6 Mala
18.7 Mala
18.8 Mala
18.9 Mala
18.10 Mala
18.11 Mala
18.12 Mala
18.13 Mala
18.14 Mala
18.15 Mala
18.16 Mala
18.17 Mala
18.18 Mala
18.19 Mala
18.20 Mala
18.21 Mala
10.5 Mala
10.6 Mala (cd)
10.7 Mala
10.4 Mala
10.1 Mala
10.2 Mala
10.3 Mala
10.8 Mala
10.9 Mala
16.3 Prakiraka
2.10 Kma
9.19 Karma
13.21 Yamaka
13.22 Yamaka
27.3 Paya
27.4 Paya
16.14 Prakiaka?
21.8 Kica? (ef)*
10.12 raddh
10.13 raddh
29.37 Yuga (bcd)
27.1 Paya
27.2 Paya (ab)
29.38 Yuga
29.38 Yugavarga
18.1 Dadant
18.2 Dadant
10.10 Mala
15.8 sava
The sequence 12 - 14 finds no parallel in the other collections, or in the Canon; nor do
they mention mala or a synonym for mala, so it very much seems that they are
intrusive here.
There is no parallel for 3, either amongst the other collections or in the Canon.
Patna is the only other collection that has a Malavarga, although it is possible that
there was also one in Gndhr, which has been lost.
The sequence 7 - 9 is also found in Patna; and the pair 10 - 11 also occurs in all three
parallel collections.
2.19 Apramda
7.5 Apramadu
12.1 Thera
4.21 Apramda
11.11 ramaa
12.5 Thera
12.6 Thera (d)*
12.7 Thera
1.1cd & 12.8cd
2.17 Bhikhu
2.18 Bhikhu (bcd)
29.10 Yuga
10.7 raddh (cd)
11.13 ramaa
33.8 Brhmaa (cd)
16.12 Vc (abc)
16.11 Vc
16.12 Vc (cd)
13.20 araa
13.21 araa
19.11 Dhammaha
19.12 Dhammaha
19.13 Dhammaha
19.14 Dhammaha
19.15 Dhammaha
19.16 Dhammaha
19.17 Dhammaha
32.18 Bhiku
32.19 Bhiku (abd)
15.11 sava
15.12 sava
32.31 Bhiku
32.32 Bhiku
We can see that none of the other versions knows of a Dhammahavagga,20 and the
verses are pretty much scattered throughout the other collections.
Again we find that some of the verses in this chapter are unrepresented in the
parallels, with two sequences of three verses being absent from the other collections.
These also find no parallel in other parts of the Canon.
20.1 Magga
20.2 Magga
20.3 Magga
20.1 Mgga
20.3 Mgga
20.3ef & 20.2ab
20.2 Mgga (cdef)
6.13 Magu
12.4 Mrga
20.16 Mgga
6.10 Magu
6.11 Magu
6.12 Magu
7.4 Apramadu
20.4 Magga
20.5 Magga
20.6 Magga
20.7 Magga
20.8 Magga
20.9 Magga
20.10 Magga
20.11 Magga
20.12 Magga
20.13 Magga
20.14 Magga
20.15 Magga
20.16 Magga
20.17 Magga
20.17 Mgga
2.17 Apramda
16.1 Vc (abc)
20.18 Mgga
20.4 Mgga
20.5 Mgga
20.6 Mgga
20.7 Mgga
20.8 Mgga
20.9 Mgga
18.3 Pupa
18.4 Pupa
18.5 Pupa
1.38 Anitya
1.39 Anitya
1.40 Anitya
6.15 la
Although the Maggavagga seems very well established and there is close agreement
between the Pi and Patna texts, the Gndhr and Udnavarga material only agrees
The sequence 5 - 8 is followed in Gndhr and Udnavarga (with an addition in the
latter), but one of the verses is missing in Patna.
The sequence 11 - 16 is followed in Patna, and the sequence in two groups in different
chapters is also followed by Udnavarga, but the verses are scattered in Gndhr.
21.1 Pakiaka
21.2 Pakiaka
21.3 Pakiaka
21.4 Pakiaka
21.5 Pakiaka
21.6 Pakiaka
5.13 Attha
7.22 Kaly
15.6 sava
15.7 sava
3.14 Brhmaa
11.3 Suha
11.18 Suha
21.8 Kica? (abc)*
21.9 Kica? (abe)*
1.12 Brammaa
14.5 Khnti
14.3 Khnti
14.4 Khnti
6.4 Magu
6.5 Magu
6.6 Magu
6.7 Magu
6.8 Magu
6.9 Magu
16.4 Prakiaka?
20.2 ila? (abd)
30.30 Sukha
30.2 Sukha
4.19 Apramda
4.20 Apramda
29.24 Yuga
33.62abc & 33.61d
15.12 Smti
15.13 Smti
15.14 Smti
15.15 Smti
15.17 Smti
15.25 Smti
11.8 ramaa
10.8 raddh (abd)
29.19 Yuga
23.2 tma (abc)
21.7 Pakiaka
21.8 Pakiaka
21.9 Pakiaka
21.10 Pakiaka
21.11 Pakiaka
21.12 Pakiaka
21.13 Pakiaka
21.14 Pakiaka
21.15 Pakiaka
21.16 Pakiaka
18.5 Dadant
17.8 tta
16.1 Prakiaka?
It is perhaps not surprising that there is little agreement about what belongs to a
Miscellaneous chapter, which the Pi, Gndhr (perhaps), and Udnavarga
collections have.
The sequence 7 - 12 is found in Gndhr and also in Udnavarga, but there are many
additions in the latter which intervene. Three of the verses are found sequentially in
Patna also.
22.1 Niraya
22.2 Niraya
22.3 Niraya
22.4 Niraya
22.5 Niraya
7.19 Kaly
7.18 Kaly
16.18 Vc
12.16 Daa
12.17 Daa (abc)
16.11 Prakiaka?
22.6 Niraya
22.7 Niraya
22.8 Niraya
22.9 Niraya
22.10 Niraya
16.19 Vc
13.15 Yamaka
22.11 Niraya
22.12 Niraya
10.13 Mala
21.6 Kica?
7.22 Apramadu
16.15 Prakiaka?
16.15 Prakiaka?
22.13 Niraya
22.14 Niraya
10.14 Mala
20.10 ila?
16.12 Prakiaka?
16.4 Prakiraka
None of the other collections knows of a Nirayavagga, and the verses are therefore
scattered throughout those editions.
The sequence 11 - 13 is followed in Patna.
The last verse in the Pi, which is the reverse of the preceding verse, is not paralleled
elsewhere, and is not found in the Canon either.
23.1 Nga
23.2 Nga
23.3 Nga
12.21 Daa
6.7 oka
6.8 oka
20.8 ila?
29.21 Yuga
19.6 Ava
19.7 Ava
23.4 Nga
23.5 Nga
23.6 Nga
23.7 Nga
23.8 Nga
2.11 Apramda
23.9 Nga
23.10 Nga
23.11 Nga
1.9 Jama
1.10 Jama
1.11 Jama
23.12 Nga
23.13 Nga
23.14 Nga
5.1 Attha
5.2 Attha
5.3ab & 5.18cd
7.23 Apramadu
29.13 Yuga
31.5 Citta
4.27cd & 4.36ad
14.13 Droha (acd)
14.14 Droha (acd)
14.16a & 14.16b
30.34 Sukha
30.21 Sukha
30.20 Sukha (abd)
Gndhr may have had a Nagavaga, the fragments that remain being too few to be
certain; but the category is unknown to Patna and Udnavarga.
5 is not found in any of the other collections, and has no Canonical parallel either.
The sequence 2 - 4 agrees with Patna, and also the sequence 12 - 14, but it breaks
down in the last verse.
24.1 Tah
24.2 Tah
24.3 Tah
24.4 Tah
24.5 Tah
24.6 Tah
24.7 Tah
24.8 Tah
24.9 Tah
24.10 Tah
24.11 Tah
24.12 Tah
24.13 Tah
24.14 Tah
24.15 Tah
24.16 Tah
24.17 Tah
24.18 Tah
24.19 Tah
24.20 Tah
24.21 Tah
24.22 Tah
24.23 Tah
24.24 Tah
24.25 Tah
24.26 Tah
9.1 Tahna
9.2 Tahna
9.3 Tahna
9.4 Tahna (ab)
9.20 Tahna
13.22 araa
3.4 T (abd)
3.9 T
3.10 T
3.11 T
3.16 T
9.12 Tahna
9.13 Tahna
9.13 Tahna (ab)
9.15 Tahna
9.7 Tahna
9.8 Tahna
9.14 Tahna
7.17 Apramadu
3.5 T
3.6 T
3.6 T (ab)
27.29 Paya
2.5 Kma (abd)
2.6 Kma
29.57 Yuga
3.1 T
3.2 T
9.11 Tahna
21.1 Tathgata
26.31 Nirva (abd)
2.16 Kma
16.16 Prakiraka
16.17 Prakiraka
16.18 Prakiraka
16.21 Prakiraka
9.16 Tahna
9.17 Tahna
9.18 Tahna
9.18 Tahna (acd)
Although the Tah category is well-established and occurs in all the parallels
(though the Gndhr edition is fragmented at this point), again what it contains is
There are four verses in the Pi that are not paralleled in the other editions, and they
are not found elsewhere in the Pi Canon either.
The sequences 2 - 4 and 23 - 26 also occur in Patna and Udnavarga,21 with the
exception of the last verse.
Udnavarga has 3 other parallels with the substitution of mnado, lobhado, and
tdo in the 2nd line.
4.2 Bhiku
4.3 Bhiku
4.5 Bhiku
13.11 araa
4.6 Bhiku
4.7 Bhiku
7.11 Sucarita
32.7 Bhiku
8.10 Vca
32.8 Bhiku
13.8 Satkra
4.10 Bhiku
4.8 Bhiku
2.19 Apramda
4.13 Bhiku
4.11 Bhiku
4.12 Bhiku
4.14 Bhiku
25.17 Bhikkhu
25.18 Bhikkhu
25.19 Bhikkhu
25.20 Bhikkhu
25.21 Bhikkhu
25.22 Bhikkhu
25.23 Bhikkhu
2.8 Bhikhu
2.5 Bhikhu
2.6 Bhikhu
2.9 Bhikhu
2.10 Bhikhu (abcd)*
18.9 Pupa
32.17 Bhiku
32.21 Bhiku
26.12 Nirva
31.31 Citta (bc)
32.9 Bhiku
32.10 Bhiku
32.26cd & 32.27ab
32.6 Bhiku (bcde)
18.11 Pupa
32.24 Bhiku
19.14 Ava (abd)
16.7 Prakiraka
We can see again here the close connection between the Pi and Gndhr
collections, with fifteen verses in the latter also being found in its Bhikhuvaga,22 and
only one from elsewhere in that collection.
Udnavarga also has a Bhikuvarga, but only about half of its parallels occur in that
chapter, even though it has no fewer than eighty-two verses.
The two verses that find no parallel also have no parallels in the Canon, but the 1st
verse is paralleled in Mahvastu, which also has parallels to the following verses: 2, 3,
5, 9, & 10.
The Gndhr Bhikhuvaga has 39 verses, but the extra verses are mainly parallel to
what is now the Uragasutta of Suttanipta in Pi.
26 of these parallel the Uragasutta, but that still leaves a large collection of verses, of
26.1 Brhmaa
26.2 Brhmaa
26.3 Brhmaa
3.1 Brhmaa
3.8 Brhmaa
3.7 Brhmaa
1.10 Brammaa
1.14 Brammaa
1.35 Brammaa
26.4 Brhmaa
3.16 Brhmaa
26.5 Brhmaa
26.6 Brhmaa
26.7 Brhmaa
26.8 Brhmaa
3.6 Brhmaa
26.9 Brhmaa
26.10 Brhmaa
26.11 Brhmaa
26.12 Brhmaa
26.13 Brhmaa
3.12 Brhmaa
3.2 Brhmaa (acd)
3.4 Brhmaa (ab)
33.60a Brhmaa
33.72 Brhmaa
33.24 Brhmaa
33.32 Brhmaa
33.74 Brhmaa
11.15 ramaa
33.63 Brhmaa
33.75 Brhmaa
3.13 Brhmaa
26.14 Brhmaa
26.15 Brhmaa
26.16 Brhmaa
26.17 Brhmaa
26.18 Brhmaa
26.19 Brhmaa
26.20 Brhmaa
26.21 Brhmaa
1.42 Brammaa
1.28 Brammaa
3.5 Brhmaa
3.15 Brhmaa
26.22 Brhmaa
26.23 Brhmaa
26.24 Brhmaa
26.25 Brhmaa
3.11 Brhmaa
26.26 Brhmaa
26.27 Brhmaa
26.28 Brhmaa
26.29 Brhmaa
26.30 Brhmaa
3.10 Brhmaa
26.31 Brhmaa
26.32 Brhmaa
26.33 Brhmaa
26.34 Brhmaa
1.21 Brammaa
1.30 Brammaa
1.49abd & 1.25cd
1.32 Brammaa
1.18 Brammaa
1.29 Brammaa
1.27 Brammaa
1.22 Brammaa
1.19 Brammaa
1.46 Brammaa
1.36 Brammaa
1.20 Brammaa
33.16 Brhmaa
33.66 Brhmaa
33.7 Brhmaa
33.6 Brhmaa
33.15 Brhmaa
33.49 Brhmaa
33.58a Brhmaa
33.18 Brhmaa
33.19 Brhmaa
33.30 Brhmaa
33.27 Brhmaa
33.33 Brhmaa
33.20 Brhmaa
33.36 Brhmaa
33.40 Brhmaa
33.17 Brhmaa
33.25 Brhmaa
33.43 Brhmaa
33.54 Brhmaa
33.29abd & 33.22cd
33.31C Brhmaa
33.41 Brhmaa
33.35 Brhmaa
33.42 Brhmaa
26.35 Brhmaa
26.36 Brhmaa
26.37 Brhmaa
1.44 Brammaa
1.43abd & 1.26cd
1.34 Brammaa
1.41 Brammaa
1.5 Brammaa
26.38 Brhmaa
26.39 Brhmaa
26.40 Brhmaa
26.41 Brhmaa
33.45 Brhmaa
33.44 Brhmaa
33.48 Brhmaa
33.46 Brhmaa
33.29A Brhmaa
33.50 Brhmaa
33.47 Brhmaa
The last chapter in the collection is also the one showing the strongest correspondence
in chapter title and contents in the parallels, with only one verse being found under
another rubric, Udnavargas parallel to 26.6.
Patnas Brhmaavargga is comparatively small, having only sixteen verses, but
fourteen of them are parallel to the Pi.
Udnavargas Brhmaavarga, is its largest collection of verses, having eighty-three
verses in that chapter. Only two parallels to the Pi are missing here, and one of
those is found in its related ramaavarga.
Perhaps surprisingly, no sequences seem to occur in the parallels.
We can summarise the tables thus: the Pi Dhammapada has 423 verses, of which 23 do
not find a parallel (5%); it is interesting that all of the verses which fail to find a parallel
in the other editions also have no parallel in the rest of the Canon.
There are 304 parallels in the Patna Dharmapada, of which 29 are partial; 214 in
Gndhr, of which 41 are partial; & 370 in the Udnavarga, of which 56 are partial. That
gives a total of 888 parallels of which 126 are partial (14%).
Or, to put it another way, there is a close resemblance in the parallels for 86% of the
verses. Many of the others differ only by a line or so. In fact 165 verses (39%) find
parallels in all the other collections, despite the fact that the Gndhr collection is
3: Collocation
Below I examine the chapters where collocation seems to occur on the keyword occurring
in the title, and will discuss the other chapters in the next section on Themes. In what
follows the verses that do not have the keyword are placed in brackets, and are discussed
in the notes that follow.
Special attention has been paid to the grouping of the verses in the commentary and the
parallels in this section, as this throws light on how a verse that is lacking a keyword has
5. Blavagga: 1c; 2d; 3b; 4acd; 5a; (6); 7a; (8); (9); 10ad; 11b; 12c; 13bc; (14); 15e; (16).
5 & 6 are a pair occurring together in all the collections, though they are treated
separately by the commentary.
7 - 9 is a sequence, the first verse of which has bla in its opening line, and occurs also
in Patna, and Udnavarga (the Balavaga is known to have existed in Gndhr, but
the verses are missing from the extant collection).
13 - 16 are a sequence also occurring in Patna and Udnavarga, bla occurring in 2 of
the verses.
6. Paitavagga: 1d; (2); (3); 4d; 5d; 6d; 7d; 8d; (9); (10); (11); 12b; 13d; (14).
1 - 3 are not found in sequence in the other collections, and are separated by the
commentary, but they are certainly thematic, and seem to have formed a group in the
Pi tradition. The keyword occurs in the first of these verses.
9 - 11 appear to be intrusive. 9 might have been better collected under the
Dhammaha rubric, dealing as it does with the righteous man (dhammika); 10 & 11,
which are a pair in the commentary, and also in the Patna and Udnavarga
collections, might have been better placed in the Arahantavagga, given thematic
12 - 14 form a sequence in both the commentary and in Patna (but are absent from
Gndhr, and dispersed in Udnavarga).
This chapter, then, is on the borderline between being classified here as having been
organised through collocation; and in the next section, organised by theme.
4: Themes
7. Arahantavagga: (1); (2); (3); (4); (5); (6); (7); (8); 9c; (10).
There is no keyword collocation at all in the Arahantavagga, and the word only occurs
once, in verse 9, but the theme is clear enough, as they all describe the character of the
Arahant. Not surprisingly, there is no parallel to this chapter title in the other collections,
and the parallels to the verses, where they exist, are dispersed throughout the various
8. Sahassavagga: 1a; 2a; (3); 4a; (5); (6); 7a; (8); (9); (10); (11); (12); (13); (14); (15); (16).
The verses 3, 8, and 11 - 16 all include the number 100 (-sata, in vassasata), and so are
included here through thematic considerations (they also all occur in Patnas
5, 6 & 10 seem to be intrusive, as no numbers are mentioned, and they do not form a
pair or a sequence.
8 & 9 are a pair occurring also in Patna and Gndhr (the two verses, though clearly
related, are separated by a long sequence of verses in Udnavarga).
The thematic consideration in this chapter appears, then, to be numbers, principally
thousands, but also hundreds are mentioned, although three of the verses seem to have no
connection to the main theme.
My study of the Udna produced the same result, with half the chapters being
organised through collocation.
Although I havent analysed the other Dharmapada collections as yet, there is no doubt
that the same will hold true for them also.
Although there is good collocation in the first half of this chapter, it continues according
to the theme of stains or defilements.
19. Dhammahavagga: 1a; 2d; (3); (4); (5); (6); (7); (8); (9); (10); (11); (12); (13); (14;
(15); (16); (17).
1 & 2 are a pair in the commentary but are not found in the parallels. They are the
only verses to mention the righteous person (Dhammaha).
The other verses, however, describe the same thing under different names, which we
can enumerate here (pairs are grouped together according to the commentary. 7 & 8;
9 & 10; 11 & 12 also occur as pairs in one or more of the parallels): 3ad; paita; 4ae
Dhammadhara; 5a & 6d thera; 7c & 8d sdhurpa; 9ad & 10d samaa; 11ad & 12d
bhikkhu; 13a & 14bd muni; 15ad ariya.
16 & 17 are a pair in the commentary and in the parallels, concerned with the proper
course of practice for a bhikkhu who is mentioned at 17c.
The theme in this collection is very loose, and one cant help thinking that a number of
the verses belong under different rubrics, as indeed they are found in the parallels, which
have no Dhammahavagga.
20. Maggavagga: 1a; 2a; 3c; (4); 5d; 6d; 7d; 8d; 9d; (10); (11); (12); 13c; (14); (15); (16);
4 is part of the sequence 1 - 4, which is grouped by the commentary; they are not
found in sequence in any of the parallels.
10 mentions the road (patha), which is the connection to path (magga).
11 & 12, which are a pair in the commentary and in all the parallels, speak about
clearing away the (metaphorical) forest (vana), thereby presumably clearing a path
for oneself, which must be the connection here.
14 - 16 are a sequence in 2 of the parallels, but are separated by the commentary;
One cant help feeling that 14 really belongs in the Blavagga.
Neither 15 nor 16 mention a path, and are really concerned with death, and might
have been better placed in Jarvagga through thematic considerations.
Although there appear to be a number of intrusive verses in this chapter, nevertheless
collocation on the keyword magga appears in 11 of the verses.
The theme of craving seems to have been loosely maintained, through including
synonyms for tah on the one hand and manifestations of tah on the other.
We can see from this that some of the chapters have well-established themes, and even
though collocation doesnt always occur, nevertheless the theme prevails; on the other
hand some of the chapters are very loose. Quite a number of the verses might have found
better homes under diffferent rubrics.
There are still 2 chapters that need to be discussed:
1. Yamakavagga: the title is normally translated as The Pairs, but in fact when
examining it, it is clear that the verses are comprised not simply of pairs, but of opposites,
and ethical opposites at that. It is therefore the grouping of contrasting pairs of verses
that has served as the underlying organisational principle in this chapter. On a cursory
examination, this also appears to be the case in the parallel chapters in the other
21. Pakiakavagga:
There is no theme, of course, in a miscellaneous chapter!
But it is interesting to note that the first 2 verses mention sukha no less than 5 times,
and might have been better placed in the Sukhavagga.
3 & 4 are a pair in all the collections. The chapters they are collected in have different
names sava (Patna), Kica ? (Gndhr, Brough adds a question mark as the chapter
title is unsure) and Apramda (Udnavarga), presumably because of the occurrence of
pamatta in 3c).
5 & 6, which are a pair, are concerned with the aloofness of the true Brhmaa, and
might have been better placed in the Brhmaavagga.
7 - 12 form a sequence in Pi, Gndhr (Maguvaga), & Udnavarga (Smtivarga),
and the last 3 verses are a sequence in Patna (Khntivargga). As the first verse
mentions contemplation of the Buddha, it might have been possible to place them in
the Buddhavagga.
16, with its mention of damayam attna, could have found a place in the Attavagga.
See his Introduction to The Gndhr Dharmapada, pg 26 ff. Brough only had the Pi,
Gndhr and Udnavarga to compare, but his conclusions still hold true after the
publication of the Patna Dharmapada.
See my Comparison of the Pi Udnas and the Sanskrit Udnavarga\Buddhist-Texts\C2-Udana-Parallels\index.htm.
These are not the same thing, though they do, of course, overlap - very often the verses
collected by collocation do not have a theme as such running through them, whereas
those collected by theme do not necessarily have a keyword repeated in the verses.
That is, as we now have them, it is possible that Gndhr did contain one or both of
these rubrics, but that they have been lost.
It is interesting in this regard to compare the Dhammapada with some of the other
collections in the Tipiaka, where the criterion has sometimes been length (Dgha,
Majjhima), or theme (Sayutta), or numbers (Aguttara), but where the exact contents
that have been collected and organised under these rubrics appears to have been similarly
fluid amongst the various schools that arose after the parinibbna of the Buddha.
In the light of this it may be suggested that what was established at the 1st Council was
not a Canon as such, but a set of baskets (piaka) for the collection of the materials that
were being memorised and passed on from teacher to pupil; and that the eventual
contents of these baskets, was very much according to the recensions made in the various
schools, which were more or less separated in time and location.
nandajoti Bhikkhu,
November 2004
siddha nama
1. Yamakavagga
Pi 130 [1.1] Yamaka
manopubbagam dhamm,
manoseh manomay,
manas ce paduhena
bhsati v karoti v,
tato na dukkham anveti
cakka va vahato pada.
Pi 12 [1.12] Yamaka
sra ca srato atv
asra ca asrato,
te sra adhigacchanti
Pi 13 [1.13] Yamaka
yath agra ducchanna
vuh samativijjhati,
eva abhvita citta
rgo samativijjhati.
Pi 14 [1.14] Yamaka
yath agra succhanna
vuh na samativijjhati,
eva subhvita citta
rgo na samativijjhati.
Pi 15 [1.15] Yamaka
idha socati pecca socati,
ppakr ubhayattha socati,
so socati so vihaati
disv kammakiliham attano.
Pi 16 [1.16] Yamaka
idha modati pecca modati,
katapuo ubhayattha modati,
so modati so pamodati
disv kammavisuddhim attano.
Pi 17 [1.17] Yamaka
idha tappati pecca tappati,
ppakr ubhayattha tappati,
ppa me katan ti tappati,
bhiyyo tappati duggati gato.
Pi 18 [1.18] Yamaka
idha nandati pecca nandati,
katapuo ubhayattha nandati,
pua me katan ti nandati,
bhiyyo nandati suggati gato.
Pi 19 [1.19] Yamaka
bahum pi ce sahita bhsamno,
na takkaro hoti naro pamatto,
gopo va gvo gaaya paresa,
na bhgav smaassa hoti.
Pi 20 [1.20] Yamaka
appam pi ce sahita bhsamno,
dhammassa hoti anudhammacr,
rga ca dosa ca pahya moha,
sammappajno suvimuttacitto,
anupdiyno idha v hura v,
sa bhgav smaassa hoti.
Yamakavaggo pahamo.
2. Appamdavagga
Pi 21 [2.1] Appamda
appamdo amatapada,
pamdo maccuno pada,
appamatt na myanti,
ye pamatt yath mat.
Pi 22 [2.2] Appamda
eta visesato atv
appamdamhi pait,
appamde pamodanti,
ariyna gocare rat.
Pi 23 [2.3] Appamda
te jhyino statik,
nicca dahaparakkam,
phusanti dhr nibbna,
yogakkhema anuttara.
Pi 24 [2.4] Appamda
uhnavato satmato,
sucikammassa nisammakrino,
saatassa ca dhammajvino,
appamattassa yasobhivahati.
Pi 25 [2.5] Appamda
sayamena damena ca,
dpa kayirtha medhv,
ya ogho nbhikrati.
Pi 26 [2.6] Appamda
pamdam anuyujanti
bl dummedhino jan,
appamda ca medhv
dhana seha va rakkhati.
Pi 27 [2.7] Appamda
m pamdam anuyujetha
m kmaratisanthava,
appamatto hi jhyanto
pappoti vipula sukha.
Gndhr 129 [7.20] Apramadu
[apramadi pramodia]
ma gamiradisabhamu
[viea adhikachadi.]
Pi 28 [2.8] Appamda
pamda appamdena
yad nudati paito,
papsdam ruyha,
asoko sokini paja,
pabbataho va bhummahe
dhro ble avekkhati.
Pi 29 [2.9] Appamda
appamatto pamattesu,
suttesu bahujgaro,
abalassa va sghasso
hitv yti sumedhaso.
Pi 30 [2.10] Appamda
appamdena maghav
devna sehata gato,
appamda pasasanti,
pamdo garahito sad.
Gndhr 120 [7.11] Apramadu
apramadea makavha
devaa samidhi gadu
pramadu gara hidu sada.
Pi 31 [2.11] Appamda
appamdarato bhikkhu,
pamde bhayadassiv,
sayojana au thla
aha aggva gacchati.
Pi 32 [2.12] Appamda
appamdarato bhikkhu,
pamde bhayadassiv,
abhabbo parihnya,
nibbnasseva santike.
3. Cittavagga
Pi 33 [3.1] Citta
phandana capala citta
drakkha dunnivraya,
uju karoti medhv
usukro va tejana.
Pi 34 [3.2] Citta
vrijo va thale khitto
okam okata ubbhato,
pariphandatida citta
mradheyya pahtave.
Pi 35 [3.3] Citta
dunniggahassa lahuno
cittassa damatho sdhu,
citta danta sukhvaha.
Pi 36 [3.4] Citta
sududdasa sunipua
citta rakkhetha medhv,
citta gutta sukhvaha.
Pi 37 [3.5] Citta
dragama ekacara
asarra guhsaya,
ye citta saam essanti
mokkhanti mrabandhan.
Pi 38 [3.6] Citta
saddhamma avijnato,
pa na pariprati.
Pi 39 [3.7] Citta
natthi jgarato bhaya.
nsti durgatito bhayam ||
Pi 40 [3.8] Citta
kumbhpama kyam ima viditv,
nagarpama cittam ida hapetv,
yodhetha mra pavudhena,
jita ca rakkhe anivesano siy.
Pi 41 [3.9] Citta
acira vataya kyo
pahavi adhisessati,
chuddho apetavio
nirattha va kaligara.
Pi 42 [3.10] Citta
diso disa yanta kayir
ver v pana verina
micchpaihita citta
ppiyo na tato kare.
Udnavarga 31.9 Citta
[na dve dveia kuryd]
vair v vairio hitam |
mithypraihita citta
[yat kuryd tmantmana] ||
Pi 43 [3.11] Citta
na ta mt pit kayir
ae v pi ca tak
sammpaihita citta
seyyaso na tato kare.
Udnavarga 31.10 Citta
na ta mt pit vpi
kuryj jtis tathpara |
samyakpraihita citta
[yat kuryd dhitam tmana] ||
Cittavaggo tatiyo.
4. Pupphavagga
Pi 44 [4.1] Puppha
ko ima pahavi vicessati
yamaloka ca ima sadevaka.
ko dhammapada sudesita,
kusalo puppham ivappacessati.
Pi 45 [4.2] Puppha
sekho pahavi vicessati
yamaloka ca ima sadevaka.
sekho dhammapada sudesita,
kusalo puppham ivappacessati.
Pi 46 [4.3] Puppha
phepama kyam ima viditv,
marcidhamma abhisambudhno,
chetvna mrassa papupphakni,
adassana maccurjassa gacche.
Pi 47 [4.4] Puppha
pupphni heva pacinanta
bysattamanasa nara,
sutta gma mahogho va
maccu dya gacchati.
Pi 48 [4.5] Puppha
pupphni heva pacinanta
bysattamanasa nara,
atitta yeva kmesu
antako kurute vasa.
Pi 49 [4.6] Puppha
yath pi bhamaro puppha
vaagandha ahehaya
paeti rasam dya,
eva gme mun care.
Pi 50 [4.7] Puppha
na paresa vilomni,
na paresa katkata,
attano va avekkheyya
katni akatni ca.
Pi 51 [4.8] Puppha
yath pi rucira puppha
vaavanta agandhaka,
eva subhsit vc
aphal hoti akubbato.
Pi 52 [4.9] Puppha
yath pi rucira puppha
vaavanta sagandhaka,
eva subhsit vc
saphal hoti pakubbato.
Pi 53 [4.10] Puppha
yath pi puppharsimh
kayir mlgue bah,
eva jtena maccena
kattabba kusala bahu.
Pi 54 [4.11] Puppha
na pupphagandho paivtameti,
na candana tagaramallik v,
sata ca gandho paivtam eti,
sabb dis sappuriso pavyati.
Udnavarga 6.16 la
na pupagandha prativtam eti
na vhnijt tagarac candand v |
sat tu gandha prativtam eti
sarv dia satpurua pravti ||
Pi 55 [4.12] Puppha
candana tagara v pi,
uppala atha vassik,
etesa gandhajtna
slagandho anuttaro.
Udnavarga 6.17 la
tagarc candanc cpi
[vrikys tathotpalt] |
etebhyo gandhajtebhya
lagandhas tv anuttara ||
Pi 56 [4.13] Puppha
appamatto aya gandho
yya tagaracandan,
yo ca slavata gandho
vti devesu uttamo.
Pi 57 [4.14] Puppha
tesa sampannaslna
sammad avimuttna,
mro magga na vindati.
Udnavarga 6.19 la
te viuddhalnm
apramdavihrim |
mro mrga na vindati ||
Pi 58 [4.15] Puppha
yath sakradhnasmi
ujjhitasmi mahpathe,
paduma tattha jyetha
sucigandha manorama.
Pi 59 [4.16] Puppha
eva sakrabhtesu
andhabhte puthujjane,
atirocati paya
5. Blavagga
Pi 60 [5.1] Bla
dgh jgarato ratti,
dgha santassa yojana,
dgho blna sasro
saddhamma avijnata.
Pi 61 [5.2] Bla
cara ce ndhigaccheyya
seyya sadisam attano,
ekacariya daha kayir,
natthi ble sahyat.
Udnavarga 14.15 Droha
cara ca ndhigaccheta
[sahya tulyam tmana] |
ekacary dha kuryn
nsti ble sahyat ||
(Gilgit III.ii.185)
cara cen ndigaccheta
reya sadam tmana |
ekacary dh kuryn
nsti ble sahyat ||
Pi 62 [5.3] Bla
putt matthi dhanam matthi
iti blo vihaati,
att hi attano natthi
kuto putt, kuto dhana.
Udnavarga 1.20 Anitya
putro me sti dhana me stty
eva blo vihanyate |
tmaiva hy tmano nsti
kasya putra kuto dhanam ||
Pi 63 [5.4] Bla
yo blo maati blya,
paito v pi tena so,
blo ca paitamn
sa ve blo ti vuccati.
Pi 64 [5.5] Bla
yvajvam pi ce blo
paita payirupsati
na so dhamma vijnti,
dabb sparasa yath.
na sa dharma vijnti
darv sparasn iva ||
Pi 65 [5.6] Bla
muhuttam api ce vi
paita payirupsati
khippa dhamma vijnti,
jivh sparasa yath.
Pi 66 [5.7] Bla
caranti bl dummedh
amitteneva attan,
karont ppaka kamma
ya hoti kaukapphala.
Pi 67 [5.8] Bla
na ta kamma kata sdhu
ya katv anutappati,
yassa assumukho roda
vipka paisevati.
Pi 68 [5.9] Bla
ta ca kamma kata sdhu
ya katv nnutappati,
yassa patto sumano
vipka paisevati.
Pi 69 [5.10] Bla
madhuv maati blo,
yva ppa na paccati,
yad ca paccati ppa,
atha (blo) dukkha nigacchati.
Udnavarga 28.18 Ppa
madhuvad manyate blo
yvat ppa na pacyate |
yad tu pacyate ppam
atha dukha nigacchati ||
Pi 70 [5.11] Bla
mse mse kusaggena
blo bhujetha bhojana,
na so sakhtadhammna
kala agghati soasi.
Pi 71 [5.12] Bla
na hi ppa kata kamma
sajju khra va muccati,
ahanta blam anveti
bhasmacchanno va pvako.
Pi 72 [5.13] Bla
yvad eva anatthya
atta blassa jyati,
hanti blassa sukkasa
muddham assa viptaya.
Pi 73 [5.14] Bla
asata bhvanam iccheyya,
purekkhra ca bhikkhusu,
vsesu ca issariya,
pj parakulesu ca.
Pi 74 [5.15] Bla
mameva kata maantu
gih pabbajit ubho,
mameva ativas assu
kicckiccesu kismici,
iti blassa sakappo
icch mno ca vahati.
Pi 75 [5.16] Bla
a hi lbhpanis,
a nibbnagmin,
evam eta abhiya
bhikkhu buddhassa svako
sakkra nbhinandeyya,
vivekam anubrhaye.
6. Paitavagga
Pi 76 [6.1] Paita
nidhna va pavattra
ya passe vajjadassina,
niggayhavdi medhvi
tdisa paita bhaje,
tdisa bhajamnassa
seyyo hoti na ppiyo.
Pi 77 [6.2] Paita
asabbh ca nivraye,
sata hi so piyo hoti,
asata hoti appiyo.
Pi 78 [6.3] Paita
na bhaje ppake mitte,
na bhaje purisdhame,
bhajetha mitte kalye,
bhajetha purisuttame.
Pi 79 [6.4] Paita
dhammapti sukha seti,
vippasannena cetas,
ariyappavedite dhamme
sad ramati paito.
Pi 80 [6.5] Paita
udaka hi nayanti nettik,
usukr namayanti tejana,
dru namayanti tacchak,
attna damayanti pait.
Udnavarga 17.10 Udaka
udakena nijanti nejak
iukr namayanti tejas |
dru namayanti takak
hy tmna damayanti pait ||
Pi 81 [6.6] Paita
selo yath ekaghano
vtena na samrati,
eva nindpasassu
na samijanti pait.
Pi 82 [6.7] Paita
yath pi rahado gambhro
vippasanno anvilo,
eva dhammni sutvna
vippasdanti pait.
Pi 83 [6.8] Paita
sabbattha ve sappuris vajanti,
na kmakm lapayanti santo,
sukhena phuh atha v dukhena,
noccvaca pait dassayanti.
Pi 84 [6.9] Paita
na attahetu na parassa hetu,
na puttam icche na dhana na raha,
na iccheyya adhammena samiddhim
sa slav paav dhammiko siy.
Pi 85 [6.10] Paita
appak te manussesu
ye jan pragmino,
athya itar paj
tram evnudhvati.
Pi 86 [6.11] Paita
ye ca kho sammad akkhte
dhamme dhammnuvattino
te jan pram essanti,
maccudheyya suduttara.
Pi 87 [6.12] Paita
kaha dhamma vippahya
sukka bhvetha paito,
ok anoka gamma
viveke yattha drama.
Pi 88 [6.13] Paita
tatrbhiratim iccheyya
hitv kme akicano,
pariyodapeyya attna
cittaklesehi paito.
Pi 89 [6.14] Paita
yesa sambodhi agesu
samm citta subhvita,
anupdya ye rat,
khsav jutimanto
te loke parinibbut.
7. Arahantavagga
Pi 90 [7.1] Arahanta
gataddhino visokassa
vippamuttassa sabbadhi,
pariho na vijjati.
Pi 91 [7.2] Arahanta
uyyujanti satmanto,
na nikete ramanti te,
has va pallala hitv
okam oka jahanti te.
Pi 92 [7.3] Arahanta
yesa sannicayo natthi,
ye paritabhojan,
suato animitto ca
vimokkho yesa gocaro,
kse va sakuntna
gati tesa durannay.
Pi 93 [7.4] Arahanta
yasssav parikkh
hre ca anissito,
suato animitto ca
vimokkho yassa gocaro,
kse va sakuntna
pada tassa durannaya
Pi 94 [7.5] Arahanta
yassindriyni samatha gatni,
ass yath srathin sudant,
pahnamnassa ansavassa,
dev pi tassa pihayanti tdino.
Pi 95 [7.6] Arahanta
pahavisamo no virujjhati,
indakhlpamo tdi subbato,
rahado va apetakaddamo,
sasr na bhavanti tdino.
Pi 96 [7.7] Arahanta
santa tassa mana hoti,
sant vc ca kamma ca,
sammad avimuttassa,
upasantassa tdino.
Pi 97 [7.8] Arahanta
assaddho akata ca
sandhicchedo ca yo naro,
hatvakso vantso
sa ve uttamaporiso.
Pi 98 [7.9] Arahanta
gme v yadi vrae,
ninne v yadi v thale,
yattharahanto viharanti
ta bhmi rmaeyyaka.
Pi 99 [7.10] Arahanta
ramayni arani,
yattha na ramat jano,
vtarg ramissanti,
na te kmagavesino.
8. Sahassavagga
Pi 100 [8.1] Sahassa
sahassam api ce vc
eka atthapada seyyo
ya sutv upasammati.
apayann udayavyayam |
ekha jvita reya
payato hy udayavyayam ||
9. Ppavagga
Pi 116 [9.1] Ppa
abhittharetha kalye,
pp citta nivraye,
dandha hi karoto pua
ppasmi ramat mano.
10. Daavagga
Pi 129 [10.1] Daa
sabbe tasanti daassa,
sabbe bhyanti maccuno,
attna upama katv,
na haneyya na ghtaye.
Divyvadna p. 339
also Mlasarvstivdivinaya
Divyvadna p. 339
also Mlasarvstivdivinaya
(Gilgit III.iv.40 41)
alakta cpi creta dharma
dntendriya nta sayato brahmacri |
sarveu bhteu nidhya daa
sa brhmaa sa ramaa sa bhiku ||
(Gilgit III.iv.40)
na nagnacary na ja na pako
nnana sthailayik v |
na rajomala notkuukaprahna
viodhayen moham avirakkam ||
11. Jarvagga
Pi 146 [11.1] Jar
ko nu hso kim nando
nicca pajjalite sati.
andhakrena onaddh
padpa na gavesatha.
12. Attavagga
Pi 157 [12.1] Atta
attna ce piya ja
rakkheyya na surakkhita
tiam aatara yma
paijaggeyya paito.
Attavaggo dvdasamo.
13. Lokavagga
Pi 167 [13.1] Loka
hna dhamma na seveyya,
pamdena na savase,
micchdihi na seveyya,
na siy lokavahano.
14. Buddhavagga
Pi 179 [14.1] Buddha
yassa jita nvajyati,
jita assa no yti koci loke,
tam buddham anantagocara
apada kena padena nessatha.
Mahvastu iii. p. 91
yasya jita ntha jvati
jitam asya na jinti antako |
ta buddham anantagocara
apada kena padena neyatha ||
Mahvastu iii. p. 92
yasya jlin samhat
t nsya kahi pi netrik |
ta buddham anantavikrama
apada kena padena neyatha ||
15. Sukhavagga
Pi 197 [15.1] Sukha
susukha vata jvma
verinesu averino,
verinesu manussesu
viharma averino.
16. Piyavagga
Pi 209 [16.1] Piya
ayoge yujam attna,
yogasmi ca ayojaya,
attha hitv piyaggh,
17. Kodhavagga
Pi 221 [17.1] Kodha
kodha jahe vippajaheyya mna
sayojana sabbam atikkameyya
ta nmarpasmi asajjamna
akicana nnupatanti dukkh.
na i aha na i bheida
na yi edarahi vijadi.
auija uhauhu
achidravuti medhavi
18. Malavagga
Pi 235 [18.1] Mala
paupalso va dnisi,
yamapuris pi ca ta upahit,
uyyogamukhe ca tihasi,
ptheyyam pi ca te na vijjati.
19. Dhammahavagga
Pi 256 [19.1] Dhammaha
na tena hoti dhammaho
yenattha sahas naye,
yo ca attha anattha ca
ubho niccheyya paito,
20. Maggavagga
Pi 273 [20.1] Magga
maggnahagiko seho,
saccna caturo pad,
virgo seho dhammna,
dipadna ca cakkhum.
dukha hi sarvasaskr
prajay payate yad |
atha nirvidyate dukd
ea mrgo viuddhaye ||
21. Pakiakavagga
Pi 290 [21.1] Pakiaka
passe ce vipula sukha,
caje mattsukha dhro
sampassa vipula sukha.
ye div ca rtrau ca
nitya dharmagat smti ||
imi godamaavaka
yea diva ya radi ca
ahitsa rado mao.
Pakiakavaggo Ekavsatimo.
22. Nirayavagga
Pi 306 [22.1] Niraya
abhtavd niraya upeti,
yo vpi katv na karom ti cha,
ubho pi te pecca sam bhavanti,
nihnakamm manuj parattha.
avajadi paradarovasevi
amualabha aniamasaya
23. Ngavagga
Pi 320 [23.1] Nga
aha ngo va sagme
cpto patita sara
ativkya titikkhissa,
dusslo hi bahujjano.
24. Tahvagga
Pi 334 [24.1] Tah
manujassa pamattacrino
tah vahati mluv viya,
so palavat hurhura
phalam iccha va vanasmi vnaro.
Udnavarga 3.4 T
manujasya pramattacrias
t vardhati mluteva hi |
[sa hi sasarate puna puna]
phalam icchann iva vnaro vane ||
Udnavarga 3.11 T
tad vai vadmi bhadra vo
yvanta stha samgat |
t saml khanata
urrthva bram |
[ty khtamly
nsti oka kuto bhayam] ||
25. Bhikkhuvagga
Pi 360 [25.1] Bhikkhu
cakkhun savaro sdhu,
sdhu sotena savaro,
ghena savaro sdhu,
sdhu jivhya savaro.
Mahvastu iii. p. 423 [Bhiku]
caku savaro sdhu
sdhu rotrea savara |
ghrena savaro sdhu
sdhu jivhya savaro ||
dharmam evnucintayan |
dharma cnusmara bhikur
dharmn na parihyate ||
26. Brhmaavagga
Pi 383 [26.1] Brhmaa
chinda sota parakkamma,
kme panuda brhmaa,
sakhrna khaya atv,
akatasi brhmaa.
aakarehi yuha
aovasari apicha
tam aho brommi brammaa.
yo na hanti hi bhtni
bravmi brhmaa hi tam ||
Brhmaavaggo chabbsatimo.
Comparative Dhammapada
Word Index
(Indian order of letters)
In this index the reference number for the parallel
refers to the Pi verse number.
For example to find the 1st word in this index
Patna: aa, 165 go to Pi verse 165, and check the Patna parallel.
Only words identified as being in a parallel line have been indexed here,
therefore words in lines printed in square brackets have not been included.
The parallels to the Uraga Verses have had to be omitted here.
abhinandanti, 219 Pi
abhibhuyya, 328 Pi
abhibhya, 328 Mahvastu & Other Texts
abhibhya, 328 Udnavarga
abhimatthati, 161 Pi
abhimathnti, 161 Udnavarga
abhiroyadi, 59 Gndhr
abhivaha, 335 Pi
abhivdana, 108 Mahvastu & Other
abhivdana, 108 Udnavarga
abhivdanaslissa, 109 Pi
abhivdan, 108 Patna
abhivdan, 108 Pi
abhiehiti, 41 Patna
abhisabudhn, 46 Patna
abhisambudhno, 46 Pi
abhudavadi, 306 Gndhr
abhtavd, 306 Patna
abhtavd, 306 Pi
abhtavd, 306 Udnavarga
abhyantara, 394 Udnavarga
abhykhyna, 139 Udnavarga
abhramuktaiva, 172, 173, 382 Udnavarga
abhramutto, 172 Patna
amauaradi, 373 Gndhr
amata, 114 Patna
amata, 114, 374 Pi
amatapada, 21 Patna
amatapada, 21 Pi
amat, 374 Patna
amatogadha, 411 Pi
amattau, 7 Pi
amatrao, 7 Gndhr
amtta, 7 Patna
amtraja, 7 Udnavarga
amnu, 373 Patna
amnu, 373 Udnavarga
amnus, 373 Pi
ami, 306 Gndhr
amittea, 66 Patna
amitteneva, 66, 207 Pi
amittehi, 207 Patna
amitrehi, 207 Gndhr
amitrair, 66, 207 Udnavarga
amualabha, 309 Gndhr
amudapada, 21 Gndhr
amudu, 374 Gndhr
amta, 114 Mahvastu & Other Texts
arahanta, 420 Pi
arahanto, 98 Patna
aria, 208 Gndhr
ariaa, 22, 164, 206 Gndhr
ariapravedidi, 79 Gndhr
ariya, 208 Pi
ariya, 191 Pi
ariyappavedite, 79 Pi
ariyabhmim, 236 Pi
ariyasaccni, 190 Pi
ariyna, 22, 164, 206 Pi
ariyo, 270 Pi
arihati, 9, 10, 230 Patna
aruka, 147 Udnavarga
arukya, 147 Pi
aruu, 28 Gndhr
aroga, 204 Gndhr
arghati, 70, 106 Mahvastu & Other Texts
arghati, 70, 106 Udnavarga
artha, 363 Gndhr
artha, 209, 363 Udnavarga
rtha, 166 Udnavarga
arthapada, 100 Udnavarga
arthayogine, 209 Udnavarga
arthavat, 100, 101 Mahvastu & Other
artheu, 331 Mahvastu & Other Texts
arhatm, 164 Udnavarga
arhati, 9, 10, 230 Udnavarga
alai, 149 Gndhr
alakato, 142 Patna
alakta, 142 Mahvastu & Other Texts
alakta, 142 Udnavarga
alakto, 142 Mahvastu & Other Texts
alagido, 142 Gndhr
alakato, 142 Pi
alajidavi, 316 Gndhr
alajjitavye, 316 Udnavarga
alajjitavve, 316 Patna
alajjitye, 316 Pi
alajjina, 316 Udnavarga
aladdh, 155, 156 Patna
aladdh, 155, 156 Pi
alabdhv, 155, 156 Udnavarga
alasie, 280 Gndhr
alasu, 280 Gndhr
alaso, 280 Patna
alaso, 280 Pi
alpneva, 149 Pi
kakha, 343 Pi
ke, 175, 254, 255 Udnavarga
ke, 92, 93 Patna
kaiva, 92, 93 Udnavarga
kse, 92, 93, 175, 254, 255 Pi
kirate, 313 Pi
kkhto, 275 Patna
kroan, 3, 4 Mahvastu & Other Texts
kroan, 3, 4 Udnavarga
kro, 399 Udnavarga
kroi, 3, 4 Patna
khytras, 276 Udnavarga
khyte, 86 Udnavarga
khyto, 275 Udnavarga
gama, 87, 189 Patna
gata, 219, 220 Pi
gatam, 219 Udnavarga
gamiyati, 121, 122 Patna
gamiyati, 121, 122 Udnavarga
gamissati, 121, 122 Pi
gamma, 192 Patna
gamma, 87, 189, 192 Pi
gamya, 189, 192 Mahvastu & Other
gamya, 87, 189, 192 Udnavarga
crakualo, 376 Patna
crakualo, 376 Udnavarga
crakusalo, 376 Pi
cina, 121, 122 Patna
cina, 121, 122 Pi
jny, 322 Pi
jneya, 322 Udnavarga
jney, 322 Patna
tappa, 276 Patna
tappa, 276 Pi
tpina, 144 Udnavarga
tpino, 144 Patna
tpino, 144 Pi
tura, 147 Pi
tura, 147 Udnavarga
tureu, 198 Udnavarga
icch, 74 Pi
icchdos, 359 Pi
icchmnbhivardhak, 74 Udnavarga
icchmno, 74 Patna
icchlobhasampanna, 264 Udnavarga
icchlobhasampanno, 264 Patna
icchlobhasampanno, 264 Pi
icche, 84 Pi
icche, 84, 291 Patna
icchet, 291 Udnavarga
iccheyya, 73, 84, 88 Pi
ichadi, 162 Gndhr
ichalohasamavaro, 264 Gndhr
ichi, 84 Gndhr
icho, 334 Gndhr
ijita, 255 Pi
itar, 85, 104 Patna
itar, 85, 104 Pi
itar, 85, 104 Udnavarga
itar, 331 Mahvastu & Other Texts
itartarena, 331 Pi
itaretarea, 331 Mahvastu & Other Texts
itaro, 222 Pi
iti, 62, 74, 186, 261, 286 Pi
iti, 63, 74, 186 Udnavarga
iti, 74, 186, 286 Patna
ittha, 337 Patna
ida, 19, 20, 44, 45, 46, 148, 172, 227, 371
ida, 148, 286, 338 Patna
ida, 148, 326, 338 Udnavarga
ida, 40, 144, 148, 326, 338 Pi
idan, 371 Patna
idan, 371 Pi
idara, 222 Gndhr
iddhiy, 175 Patna
iddhiy, 175 Pi
idriagoti, 375 Gndhr
idrieu, 7, 8 Gndhr
idha, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 286, 375 Pi
idha, 15, 16, 20, 286 Gndhr
idheva, 247, 402 Pi
idheva, 402 Gndhr
indakhlpamo, 95 Pi
indriyagutti, 375 Pi
indriyagott, 375 Patna
indriyeu, 8 Patna
indriyesu, 7 Patna
indriyesu, 7, 8 Pi
ukkuikappadhna, 141 Pi
ukkuukapradhna, 141 Patna
ukkhittapaligha, 398 Pi
ukta, 388 Udnavarga
ukitaphalia, 398 Gndhr
ucayu, 118 Gndhr
ucavaya, 83 Gndhr
uccayo, 117, 118 Pi
ucchinda, 285 Pi
ucchindi, 285 Udnavarga
ucchinna, 285 Patna
ucyate, 260 Udnavarga
uchina, 285 Gndhr
uju, 33 Pi
ujukadeu, 108 Gndhr
ujju, 33 Patna
ujjugateu, 108 Mahvastu & Other Texts
ujjugatesu, 108 Patna
ujjugatesu, 108 Pi
ujjujjanti, 91 Patna
ujjhnasaino, 253 Pi
ujjhitamhi, 58 Patna
ujjhitasmi, 58 Pi
uhaklamhi, 280 Patna
uhavato, 24 Patna
uhen, 25 Patna
uhnaklamhi, 280 Pi
uhnavato, 24 Pi
uhnenappamdena, 25 Pi
uhya, 240 Patna
uhey, 168 Patna
utamatha, 386, 403 Gndhr
utamu, 103, 115 Gndhr
utkiptaparikha, 398 Udnavarga
utta, 234 Patna
uttama, 115 Gndhr
uttama, 115 Mahvastu & Other Texts
uttama, 115 Udnavarga
uttama, 115, 189, 192 Patna
uttama, 115, 189, 192 Pi
uttamattha, 386, 403 Pi
uttamapruam, 78 Udnavarga
uttamaporiso, 97 Pi
uttamam, 189, 192 Mahvastu & Other
uttamam, 189, 192 Udnavarga
uttamttha, 386 Patna
uttamttham, 403 Patna
uttamrtham, 403 Udnavarga
ju, 33 Udnavarga
jjugateu, 108 Udnavarga
abha, 422 Udnavarga
ipraveditam, 281 Udnavarga
eka, 37, 100, 101, 102, 103, 106, 107, 305
eka, 100, 101, 102, 176, 395 Pi
eka, 100, 102, 103 Patna
eka, 102, 103 Udnavarga
eka, 362 Udnavarga
ekakhao, 81 Gndhr
ekaghano, 81 Patna
ekaghano, 81 Pi
ekaghano, 81 Udnavarga
ekacara, 37 Patna
ekacara, 37 Pi
ekacaram, 37 Udnavarga
ekacariya, 61 Pi
ekacariym, 305 Patna
ekacary, 61 Mahvastu & Other Texts
ekacary, 61 Udnavarga
ekacarym, 305 Udnavarga
eka, 103, 106, 107 Pi
eka, 106, 107 Patna
ekada, 228 Gndhr
ekadhamam, 176 Patna
ekadharmam, 176 Udnavarga
ekanta, 228 Pi
ekapjan, 107 Mahvastu & Other Texts
ekam, 100 Udnavarga
ekarajjena, 178 Pi
ekarjjena, 178 Patna
eka, 329 Mahvastu & Other Texts
eka, 329, 330 Udnavarga
ekaayym, 305 Udnavarga
ekaeya, 305 Patna
ekasaa, 305 Gndhr
ekasaya, 305 Gndhr
ekaseyya, 305 Pi
ekasya, 330 Mahvastu & Other Texts
ekasya, 330 Udnavarga
ekassa, 330 Patna
ekassa, 330 Pi
ek, 100, 101 Mahvastu & Other Texts
ek, 114, 115 Patna
eknta, 228 Patna
eknta, 228 Udnavarga
ekntanindita, 228 Udnavarga
ekntanindito, 228 Patna
ettha, 6 Patna
ettha, 6 Pi
etha, 171, 344 Pi
etha, 344 Patna
eda, 22, 203, 346, 347 Gndhr
edarahi, 228 Gndhr
edehi, 224 Gndhr
edhati, 193 Mahvastu & Other Texts
edhati, 193 Patna
edhati, 193 Pi
edhate, 193 Udnavarga
ena, 157 Udnavarga
ena, 313 Pi
ebhis, 224 Udnavarga
em, 240, 338 Patna
emu, 13, 14, 49, 51, 52, 53, 59, 81, 82, 377
eva, 158, 206, 285, 344 Gndhr
eva, 47, 48, 63, 72, 125, 137, 158, 179, 203,
206, 240, 276, 285, 286, 289, 313, 338,
344, 353 Udnavarga
eva, 72, 106, 107, 118, 125, 206, 240, 265,
285, 338, 344 Patna
eva, 72, 125, 137, 158, 206, 240, 285, 289,
338, 344, 390 Pi
eva, 13, 14, 49, 51, 52, 53, 59, 81, 82, 135,
146, 170, 240, 248, 315, 377 Pi
eva, 13, 14, 49, 51, 52, 53, 59, 81, 82, 135,
146, 170, 315, 377 Patna
eva, 13, 14, 51, 52, 53, 59, 62, 81, 82, 135,
146, 170, 177, 240, 315, 338, 377
eva, 146 Gndhr
eva, 146 Mahvastu & Other Texts
evam, 286 Udnavarga
evam, 75 Patna
evam, 75, 338 Pi
evnukatati, 311 Patna
evnukantati, 311 Pi
evnucintayan, 364 Udnavarga
evnudhvati, 85 Patna
evnudhvati, 85 Pi
evnudhvati, 85 Udnavarga
evpakntati, 311 Udnavarga
evbhinandanti, 220 Udnavarga
ea, 5 Mahvastu & Other Texts
ea, 5, 134, 252, 277, 278, 279, 349
e, 181 Udnavarga
kayira, 313 Pi
kayirati, 292 Pi
kayir, 42, 43, 53, 61, 105, 117, 118, 159,
281, 330 Pi
kayir, 53, 105, 117, 159, 330 Patna
kayirtha, 25, 117, 118, 211 Patna
kayirtha, 25, 117, 118, 211 Pi
kayirtheta, 118 Pi
kayirthena, 313 Pi
kayu, 41 Gndhr
kara, 136 Pi
karayam, 276 Udnavarga
karato, 116 Patna
kariamu, 286 Gndhr
kariyatha, 275 Patna
kariyasi, 154 Udnavarga
kariymi, 286 Patna
kariymi, 286 Udnavarga
karissati, 376 Pi
karissatha, 275 Pi
kare, 42, 43 Pi
kare, 67 Patna
karoti, 1, 2, 25, 33, 349 Udnavarga
karoti, 1, 2, 33, 162 Patna
karoti, 1, 2, 33, 162, 349 Pi
karoto, 116 Pi
karoty, 162 Udnavarga
karodi, 1, 2, 25, 306 Gndhr
karont, 66 Patna
karont, 66 Pi
karonti, 83 Patna
karom, 306 Patna
karom, 306 Pi
karohi, 236, 238 Pi
karka, 408 Udnavarga
kartavya, 53 Udnavarga
karma, 15, 16, 66, 67, 68, 71, 127, 173, 312
karma, 127, Mahvastu & Other Texts
karmapath, 281 Udnavarga
karmabhi, 136, 307 Udnavarga
karmi, 136, 240 Udnavarga
karmro, 239 Udnavarga
karpaavarea, 186 Udnavarga
kala, 70 Pi
kalm, 70, 106 Mahvastu & Other Texts
kalm, 70, 106 Patna
kalm, 70, 106 Udnavarga
kali, 202 Pi
kilisseyya, 158 Pi
kileehi, 88 Patna
kia, 395 Gndhr
kisa, 395 Pi
kismici, 74 Pi
kihne, 87 Patna
krati, 292 Patna
kubhopama, 40 Patna
kukida, 314 Gndhr
kuktc, 314 Udnavarga
kujjheyya, 224 Pi
kua, 327 Gndhr
kujara, 322 Udnavarga
kujara, 327 Udnavarga
kujar, 322 Patna
kujar, 322 Pi
kujaro, 324, 327 Pi
kujaro, 327 Patna
kuto, 212 Mahvastu & Other Texts
kuto, 62, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216 Pi
kuto, 62, 212, 214, 215 Udnavarga
kudayio, 166 Gndhr
kudcana, 5, 210 Pi
kubbna, 217 Pi
kumuda, 285 Patna
kumuda, 285 Pi
kumudu, 285 Gndhr
kumbhpama, 40 Pi
kumbhopama, 40 Udnavarga
kummovamu, 40 Gndhr
kuya, 53, 117, 118, 162 Gndhr
kuradi, 217 Gndhr
kurute, 48, 217 Patna
kurute, 48, 217 Pi
kurute, 48, 217 Udnavarga
kurudhva, 238 Udnavarga
kuryc, 117, 118, 159 Udnavarga
kuryj, 43 Udnavarga
kuryt, 117, 281, 329 Udnavarga
kuryt, 329 Mahvastu & Other Texts
kuryd, 330 Udnavarga
kuryn, 53, 61 Udnavarga
kuryus, 105 Udnavarga
kurva, 136 Udnavarga
kurvata, 52, 116 Udnavarga
kurvanta, 66 Udnavarga
kurvanti, 293 Udnavarga
kurvta, 117, 118, 211 Udnavarga
kurvvato, 52 Patna
kn, 87 Udnavarga
keja, 108 Gndhr
kena, 179, 180 Mahvastu & Other Texts
kena, 179, 180 Patna
kena, 179, 180 Pi
kena, 179, 180 Udnavarga
kenaci, 196 Pi
keu, 74 Udnavarga
kesuci, 74 Patna
ko, 146 Mahvastu & Other Texts
ko, 44, 146, 160 Udnavarga
ko, 44, 160, 230 Patna
ko, 44, 146, 160, 230 Pi
ko, 44, 146, 230 Gndhr
koia, 403 Gndhr
koci, 143, 179 Pi
kothu, 221 Gndhr
kodha, 223 Gndhr
kodha, 221, 222, 223 Pi
kodhu, 222 Gndhr
korvia, 118 Gndhr
kovida, 403 Patna
kovida, 403 Pi
kovidam, 403 Udnavarga
kosajja, 241 Patna
kosajja, 241 Pi
krae, 371 Patna
kradava, 223 Gndhr
krmati, 124 Udnavarga
kriyate, 292 Udnavarga
krujjhey, 224 Patna
krudhyed, 224 Udnavarga
krodha, 221 Patna
krodha, 221, 222 Udnavarga
krodham, 223 Udnavarga
kliyate, 165 Udnavarga
kliyeta, 158 Udnavarga
kliam, 15 Udnavarga
katt, 315 Udnavarga
kae, 239 Udnavarga
katrio, 387 Gndhr
katriyas, 387 Udnavarga
kadibala, 399 Gndhr
kano, 315 Udnavarga
kaya, 383, 402 Gndhr
kaya, 383 Udnavarga
kayam, 154, 402 Udnavarga
knti, 184 Udnavarga
garhita, 30 Udnavarga
gaveatha, 146 Mahvastu & Other Texts
gaveatha, 146 Patna
gaveatha, 146 Udnavarga
gavesatha, 146 Pi
gavesanto, 153 Pi
gahakraka, 154 Pi
gahakraka, 153 Pi
gahaka, 154 Pi
gahahehi, 404 Pi
gahaa, 394 Gndhr
gahana, 394 Pi
gahana, 394 Udnavarga
gaho, 251 Pi
g, 19, 135 Udnavarga
gha, 349 Udnavarga
gth, 101 Pi
gthnm, 101 Mahvastu & Other Texts
gthpada, 101 Pi
gthata, 102 Patna
gthata, 102 Udnavarga
gthsata, 102 Pi
gma, 47, 287 Pi
gme, 49, 98 Pi
gra, 373 Patna
gvo, 19, 135 Patna
gvo, 19, 135 Pi
gira, 408 Gndhr
gira, 408 Pi
gira, 408 Udnavarga
gir, 408 Patna
gila, 371 Patna
gili, 371 Gndhr
gil, 371 Pi
gile, 371 Udnavarga
gih, 74 Pi
gu, 7, 8, 163, 366 Gndhr
gutta, 36, 315 Patna
gutta, 36, 315 Pi
gutto, 257 Pi
guptam, 315 Udnavarga
gupti, 375 Udnavarga
guruka, 310 Udnavarga
guhaya, 37 Patna
guhayam, 37 Udnavarga
guhsaya, 37 Pi
ghakraka, 154 Udnavarga
ghakrakaiamas, 153 Udnavarga
ghaka, 154 Udnavarga
citta, 13, 14, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 88, 89,
116, 371 Patna
citta, 13, 14, 33, 34, 35, 42, 43, 89, 116
cittakata, 147 Pi
cittakkhepa, 138 Pi
cittaklesehi, 88 Pi
cittakepam, 138 Udnavarga
cittam, 40, 326 Pi
cittam, 40, 326, 371 Udnavarga
cittam, 40, 327 Patna
cittasya, 35 Udnavarga
cittassa, 35 Pi
cittassa, 35, 374 Patna
citte, 154 Udnavarga
citra, 171 Udnavarga
citrakta, 147 Udnavarga
cid, 108, 179, 390, 408, 409 Udnavarga
cira, 248 Pi
cira, 342 Patna
cirappavsi, 219 Pi
cirapravsina, 219 Udnavarga
cirartram, 342 Udnavarga
cirya, 342 Pi
cuti, 419 Pi
cuttaribhvaye, 370 Pi
cudi, 419 Gndhr
cbhaya, 404 Patna
cbhaya, 404 Pi
ce, 1, 2, 19, 20, 61, 64, 65, 100, 101, 102,
106, 107, 117, 118, 124, 142, 157, 159,
229, 267, 290, 308, 313, 329, 366 Pi
ce, 19, 20, 64, 65, 100, 117, 118, 124, 157,
158, 290, 329, 366 Patna
cet, 20, 117, 118, 136, 157, 382 Udnavarga
ceta, 250 Patna
ceta, 250, 263, 336 Pi
cetarahi, 228 Patna
cetarahi, 228 Pi
cetas, 79 Pi
cetas, 79 Udnavarga
cetas, 79, 234 Patna
cet, 336 Patna
ced, 64, 396 Udnavarga
cedaso, 79 Gndhr
cen, 61 Mahvastu & Other Texts
cena, 118 Patna
ceyam, 104 Udnavarga
cel, 328, 329 Mahvastu & Other Texts
atta, 72 Pi
atva, 12, 22, 166, 203, 383 Gndhr
atv, 12, 22, 203, 282, 289, 319, 383 Pi
adihi, 207, 288 Gndhr
tak, 43 Pi
timitt, 219 Pi
tisu, 284 Patna
tisu, 288 Pi
t, 204 Patna
t, 204 Pi
tna, 139, 207 Pi
tna, 207 Patna
tn, 139 Udnavarga
tva, 220 Pi
tsu, 288 Patna
tta, 72 Patna
tt, 166, 203, 282, 383 Patna
yy, 157, 158 Patna
o, 274 Patna
tt, 12 Patna
yy, 352 Patna
ha, 225 Patna
hesu, 391 Patna
hehi, 224 Patna
tathrpassa, 105 Pi
tatheva, 220 Pi
tathaiva, 20 Udnavarga
tathobhayam, 404 Udnavarga
tada, 277, 278, 279, 322, 389 Gndhr
tadai, 158 Gndhr
tadi, 76 Gndhr
tadia, 76, 208 Gndhr
taduhya, 240 Pi
tadutthya, 240 Udnavarga
tado, 1, 2, 369 Gndhr
tadha, 162, 375 Gndhr
tanukettha, 174 Pi
tanuko, 174 Udnavarga
tapa, 194, 312 Udnavarga
tapati, 314, 387 Patna
tapati, 314, 387 Pi
tapati, 314, 387 Udnavarga
tapas, 184 Udnavarga
tapo, 184, 194 Patna
tapo, 184, 194 Pi
tapt, 308 Udnavarga
tappati, 17, 136 Pi
tapyate, 136 Udnavarga
tam, 125, 179, 180, 222, 240, 362, 385, 386,
391, 395, 396, 397, 398, 399, 400, 401,
402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 407, 408, 409,
410, 411, 412, 413, 414, 415, 416, 417,
418, 419, 420, 421, 422, 423 Pi
tam, 125, 240, 362, 385, 386, 391, 401, 403,
404, 408 Patna
tam, 222, 362, 385, 386, 391, 395, 396, 398,
399, 401, 402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 407,
408, 409, 412, 413, 415, 419, 420, 421, 422
tam, 25, 125, 133, 240, 362, 385, 386, 391,
396, 397, 398, 399, 400, 401, 402, 403,
404, 405, 407, 408, 409, 410, 411, 412,
413, 414, 415, 416, 417, 418, 419, 420,
421, 422, 423 Udnavarga
tam, 362 Mahvastu & Other Texts
tamh, 336 Pi
tamhi, 117, 118 Patna
tamhi, 117, 118 Pi
tayo, 281 Pi
taruva, 345 Gndhr
tarhi, 86 Udnavarga
tava, 146 Gndhr
tavada, 259, 260, 266 Gndhr
damayam, 305 Pi
damayej, 322 Udnavarga
damasaccena, 9, 10 Patna
damasaccena, 9, 10 Pi
damasoraca, 9, 10 Gndhr
damea, 25 Gndhr
dametha, 159 Pi
damena, 25 Patna
damena, 25 Pi
damena, 25 Udnavarga
damey, 159 Patna
damo, 261 Patna
damo, 261 Pi
daya, 224 Gndhr
dayesu, 384 Patna
dayhamno, 371 Patna
dareu, 345 Gndhr
darv, 64 Udnavarga
daraa, 206 Gndhr
daranam, 206, 210 Udnavarga
daha, 61, 112, 345, 346, 349 Pi
dahaparakkam, 23 Pi
daham, 313 Pi
dahe, 338 Pi
daayadi, 83 Gndhr
danm, 137 Udnavarga
dasannam, 137 Pi
dassana, 210 Pi
dassanam, 206 Pi
dassanassa, 274 Pi
dassayanti, 83 Pi
daha, 31 Patna
dahati, 140 Udnavarga
dahanta, 71 Patna
dahantad, 71 Udnavarga
dahann, 31 Udnavarga
daharo, 382 Pi
daharo, 382 Udnavarga
do, 142 Udnavarga
dna, 177 Patna
dna, 177 Pi
dna, 177, 354 Udnavarga
dnam, 177 Udnavarga
dni, 235 Patna
dnisi, 235, 237 Pi
dnena, 223 Pi
dnena, 223 Udnavarga
dnta, 35, 321 Patna
dnta, 35, 321 Udnavarga
dharmam, 115, 364 Udnavarga
dharmarati, 354 Udnavarga
dharmarato, 364 Mahvastu & Other Texts
dharmarato, 364 Udnavarga
dharmavinicayaja, 144 Udnavarga
dharmasya, 20, 194 Udnavarga
dharm, 1, 2 Udnavarga
dharm, 266 Mahvastu & Other Texts
dharm, 87, 167, 266, 373 Udnavarga
dharm, 273 Udnavarga
dharmn, 364 Udnavarga
dharmnudarina, 86 Udnavarga
dharmrmo, 364 Mahvastu & Other
dharmrmo, 364 Udnavarga
dharmi, 79 Gndhr
dharme, 79, 86, 259 Udnavarga
dharmeu, 353 Mahvastu & Other Texts
dharmeu, 353, 384 Udnavarga
dharmai, 353 Udnavarga
dharmo, 151 Udnavarga
dhmiko, 84 Patna
dhraye, 222 Pi
dhrayet, 124, 222 Udnavarga
dhrey, 124 Patna
dhvati, 344 Patna
dhvati, 344 Pi
dhvati, 344 Udnavarga
dhi, 189, 192 Udnavarga
dhi, 389 Gndhr
dhik, 389 Udnavarga
dhig, 389 Udnavarga
dhibhtassa, 288 Patna
dhira, 83, 208, 345, 346, 422 Gndhr
dhiru, 28, 122 Gndhr
dhiro, 290 Gndhr
dh, 389 Patna
dh, 389 Pi
dhra, 208 Patna
dhra, 76 Udnavarga
dhra, 290 Udnavarga
dhra, 208 Pi
dhr, 23, 175, 181, 207, 234, 345, 346
dhr, 23, 175, 181, 234 Udnavarga
dhr, 23, 175, 181, 234, 345, 346, 347 Pi
dhr, 122, 234 Udnavarga
dhrais, 207 Udnavarga
nikete, 91 Pi
nikete, 91 Udnavarga
nikkha, 230 Patna
nikiptadaa, 405 Udnavarga
nikhu, 230 Gndhr
nigacchati, 69, 137 Pi
nigacchati, 69, 137 Udnavarga
nigiavadi, 76 Gndhr
nighyavdi, 76 Patna
nighyavdina, 76 Udnavarga
niggayhavdi, 76 Pi
niggahessmi, 326 Pi
nica, 109, 245, 293, 296, 297, 298, 299
nicam, 206 Gndhr
nicca, 23, 104, 109, 146, 225, 245, 253,
293, 296, 297, 298, 299 Pi
nicca, 23, 146, 225, 245, 253, 293, 299
niccam, 206 Patna
niccam, 206 Pi
niccheyya, 256 Pi
nijanti, 80, 145 Udnavarga
niha, 351 Pi
nitya, 23, 104, 125, 225, 245, 293, 296,
297, 298, 299, 408 Udnavarga
nityam, 7, 8, 22, 94, 159, 206, 387
nityvadhynasajina, 253 Udnavarga
niddaro, 205 Pi
niddyit, 325 Pi
niddhantamalo, 236, 238 Pi
niddhame, 239 Patna
niddhame, 239 Pi
niddhntamalo, 236 Patna
nidhya, 142 Mahvastu & Other Texts
nidhya, 142 Patna
nidhya, 142 Udnavarga
nidhya, 142, 405 Pi
nidhino, 76 Patna
nidhna, 76 Pi
nina, 309 Gndhr
ninadi, 227 Gndhr
ninidu, 230 Gndhr
ninido, 228 Gndhr
ninda, 143, 309 Pi
ninda, 309 Patna
nindanti, 227 Patna
pajnti, 402 Pi
paje, 370 Gndhr
pajjalite, 146 Pi
pajvalide, 146 Gndhr
paca, 370 Pi
pacama, 295 Udnavarga
paa, 208 Pi
paavantassa, 111 Pi
paav, 84 Pi
paassa, 375 Pi
pa, 38, 152, 229, 372 Pi
papsdam, 28 Pi
paya, 59, 277, 278, 279, 280, 333, 340
pavudhena, 40 Pi
paslasamhita, 229 Pi
paikkosati, 164 Pi
paikroati, 164 Patna
paigahanti, 220 Pi
paijaggeyya, 157 Pi
paijggreya, 157, 158 Patna
paida, 133 Patna
paida, 133 Pi
paipajjatha, 274 Pi
paipajjahvo, 274 Patna
paipann, 275, 276 Patna
paipann, 275, 276 Pi
paibaddhamano, 284 Patna
paibaddhamano, 284 Pi
paimsettam, 379 Pi
pailbho, 333 Pi
paivadeyu, 133 Patna
paivadeyyu, 133 Pi
paivta, 125 Patna
paivta, 125 Pi
paivtam, 54 Patna
paivtam, 54 Pi
paivtameti, 54 Pi
paivijjhi, 368 Patna
paisanthravuttassa, 376 Pi
paisandharavai, 376 Patna
paisevati, 67, 68 Patna
paisevati, 67, 68 Pi
pahama, 158 Pi
pahama, 294 Patna
pahavi, 41, 44, 45 Patna
pahavi, 41, 44, 45 Pi
pahavisamo, 95 Pi
paikoadi, 164 Gndhr
pad, 273 Pi
padpa, 146 Pi
paduhena, 1 Pi
paduma, 58 Patna
paduma, 58 Pi
padumu, 58 Gndhr
padena, 179, 180 Mahvastu & Other Texts
padena, 179, 180 Patna
padena, 179, 180 Pi
padena, 179, 180 Udnavarga
padesa, 303 Pi
padma, 58, 285 Udnavarga
pana, 42, 252, 271, 292 Pi
panuda, 383 Pi
panta, 185 Pi
pannabhra, 402 Pi
papacasamatikkante, 195 Pi
papacbhirat, 254 Pi
papatanti, 336 Pi
papupphakni, 46 Pi
pappoti, 27 Pi
pabujjhanti, 296, 297, 298, 299, 300, 301
pabbaja, 345 Pi
pabbajit, 74 Pi
pabbajito, 184, 388 Pi
pabbata, 8 Pi
pabbataho, 28 Pi
pabbatna, 127, 128 Pi
pabbatni, 188 Pi
pabbato, 304 Pi
pabbjayam, 388 Pi
pabhagura, 139, 148 Pi
pabhseti, 172, 173, 382 Pi
pabhinna, 326 Pi
pamajjitv, 172 Pi
pamattacrino, 334 Pi
pamatt, 21 Pi
pamattna, 292 Pi
pamattesu, 29 Pi
pamatto, 19, 309, 371 Pi
pamda, 28 Pi
pamdam, 26, 27 Pi
pamde, 31, 32 Pi
pamdena, 167 Pi
pamdo, 21, 30, 241 Pi
pamuccati, 189, 192, 361 Pi
pamucati, 377 Pi
pamokkhanti, 276 Pi
parihnya, 32 Pi
parihyati, 364 Mahvastu & Other Texts
parihyati, 364 Patna
parihyati, 364 Pi
parihyate, 364 Udnavarga
parua, 133 Patna
parua, 133, 138 Udnavarga
parpaght, 184 Pi
pare, 410 Udnavarga
pare, 6 Mahvastu & Other Texts
pare, 6, 184 Patna
pare, 6, 257, 266 Pi
parea, 19, 50, 252 Gndhr
pare, 19, 50, 249 Udnavarga
paresa, 19, 50, 249 Patna
paresa, 19, 50, 249, 252 Pi
paresm, 252 Patna
paraiti, 49 Udnavarga
paro, 160 Patna
paro, 160 Pi
paro, 160 Udnavarga
paropaght, 184 Patna
paropatp, 184 Udnavarga
paryupsate, 64, 65 Udnavarga
parvata, 304 Udnavarga
parvatasthaiva, 28 Udnavarga
parvat, 188 Mahvastu & Other Texts
parvat, 188 Udnavarga
parvatn, 127, 128 Udnavarga
parvatn, 127, Mahvastu & Other
parvada, 8 Gndhr
parvahia, 388 Gndhr
parvvata, 8 Patna
parvvataho, 28 Patna
parvvate, 188 Patna
palavat, 334 Pi
palita, 260 Pi
palita, 260 Udnavarga
palipatha, 414 Pi
pallara, 91 Patna
pallare, 155 Patna
pallala, 91 Pi
pallale, 155 Pi
palvala, 91 Udnavarga
palvale, 155 Udnavarga
paeti, 49 Pi
pava, 117 Gndhr
pavakamu, 15 Gndhr
pasannena, 2 Pi
pasanno, 368, 381 Pi
pasavati, 201 Pi
pasahati, 7 Pi
passa, 147 Pi
passat, 245 Pi
passati, 119, 120, 170, 190, 259, 277, 278,
279, 423 Pi
passato, 113, 114, 115 Pi
passatha, 344 Pi
passathima, 171 Pi
passe, 76, 170, 290 Pi
pahatvna, 243, 415, 416 Pi
pahareyya, 389 Pi
pahassatha, 144 Pi
paha, 331 Pi
pahtave, 34 Pi
pahya, 20, 329, 346, 347 Pi
pahnamnassa, 94 Pi
pceti, 135 Pi
pcenti, 135 Pi
pam, 246 Pi
pni, 270 Pi
pina, 135 Pi
pin, 124 Udnavarga
pin, 124, 285 Patna
pin, 124, 285 Pi
pimhi, 124 Patna
pimhi, 124 Pi
pau, 124 Udnavarga
pupalo, 235 Patna
ptayet, 72 Udnavarga
ptito, 407 Pi
ptimokkhe, 185, 375 Pi
ptt, 79 Patna
ptheya, 235 Patna
ptheyyam, 235, 237 Pi
pdasayato, 362 Pi
pdasayato, 362 Udnavarga
pdasayyato, 362 Patna
pnabhojane, 249 Patna
pnabhojane, 249 Pi
pnabhojane, 249 Udnavarga
ppa, 117, 119, 120, 124, 125, 161, 165,
176, 267 Patna
ppa, 17, 69, 71, 119, 120, 124, 125, 161,
165, 173, 176, 267 Pi
ppa, 267 Mahvastu & Other Texts
ppa, 69, 117, 119, 120, 125, 161, 267, 412
ppue, 138 Pi
ppe, 165 Udnavarga
ppeu, 116 Udnavarga
ppehi, 307 Patna
ppehi, 307 Pi
ppai, 388 Udnavarga
ppair, 121, 307 Udnavarga
ppo, 119 Patna
ppo, 119 Pi
ppo, 119 Udnavarga
pmado, 371 Pi
pmojjabahulo, 376, 381 Pi
pra, 385 Pi
pra, 86 Patna
praga, 348 Udnavarga
pragato, 414 Pi
pragato, 414 Udnavarga
pragavesino, 355 Pi
pragmina, 85 Udnavarga
pragmino, 85 Patna
pragmino, 85 Pi
prag, 348, 384 Patna
prag, 348, 384 Pi
prago, 384 Udnavarga
pram, 385 Patna
pram, 86 Pi
pram, 86, 385 Udnavarga
prpra, 385 Patna
prpra, 385 Pi
prpra, 385 Udnavarga
priplavaprasdasya, 38 Udnavarga
priplavaprasdassa, 38 Patna
pruk, 154 Udnavarga
pvako, 71, 140 Pi
pi, 108, 180 Mahvastu & Other Texts
pi, 19, 20, 43, 49, 51, 52, 53, 55, 63, 64, 82,
94, 108, 119, 120, 121, 122, 138, 142, 151,
166, 180, 181, 220, 224, 227, 230, 235,
237, 259, 284, 288, 306, 338, 346, 347, 366
pi, 19, 20, 49, 51, 52, 53, 64, 94, 108, 119,
120, 121, 122, 166, 180, 181, 206, 224,
227, 230, 235, 259, 284, 288, 306, 310,
338, 342, 361, 366 Patna
pi, 64, 108, 119, 120, 121, 122, 180, 206,
338, 382, 410 Udnavarga
pitara, 294, 295 Pi
pitara, 294, 295 Udnavarga
pit, 288 Patna
pup, 49 Patna
pupi, 47, 48, 377 Patna
pupy, 47, 48 Udnavarga
pupd, 49 Udnavarga
pjan, 106, 107 Patna
pjan, 106, 107 Pi
pjan, 107 Udnavarga
pjayato, 195, 196 Pi
pjaye, 106, 107 Patna
pjaye, 106, 107 Pi
pjayet, 107 Mahvastu & Other Texts
pjayet, 107 Udnavarga
pj, 73 Pi
pj, 73 Patna
pj, 73 Udnavarga
pjrahe, 195 Pi
pjito, 303 Pi
pjiyo, 303 Patna
pjyate, 303 Udnavarga
ptisadeho, 148 Patna
ptisandeho, 148 Pi
pty, 148 Udnavarga
prati, 121, 122 Patna
prati, 121, 122 Pi
prate, 121, 122 Patna
pram, 107 Udnavarga
pryate, 121, 122 Udnavarga
pryanti, 121, 122 Udnavarga
prva, 172 Udnavarga
prvenivsa, 423 Udnavarga
prvvpari, 352 Patna
prvve, 172 Patna
pthagjane, 59 Udnavarga
pthiv, 44, 45 Udnavarga
pthivpradeo, 127, 128 Udnavarga
pthivpradeo, 127, Mahvastu & Other
pthivm, 41 Udnavarga
pthivym, 178 Patna
pthujjane, 59 Patna
phayantatthnuyogin, 209 Patna
pecca, 15, 16, 17, 18, 131, 132, 306 Pi
petteat, 332 Patna
petteyyat, 332 Pi
pemato, 213 Pi
pokkharapatte, 401 Pi
pokkhar, 336 Pi
poraai, 156 Mahvastu & Other Texts
poraam, 227 Gndhr
brahetva, 265, 388 Gndhr
brahmacariya, 155, 156, 312 Pi
brahmacariyav, 267 Pi
brahmacarya, 312 Udnavarga
brahmacaryam, 155, 156 Udnavarga
brahmacaryav, 267 Mahvastu & Other
brahmacaryavn, 267 Udnavarga
brahmacri, 142 Mahvastu & Other Texts
brahmacr, 142 Mahvastu & Other Texts
brahmacr, 142 Pi
brahmacr, 142 Udnavarga
brahmacera, 155, 156 Patna
brahmaat, 332 Pi
brahmaa, 142 Udnavarga
brahmu, 105, 230 Patna
brahmun, 105, 230 Pi
brhmaa, 383 Patna
brhmaa, 383 Pi
brhmaa, 383 Udnavarga
brhmaa, 385, 386, 391, 395, 396, 397,
398, 399, 400, 401, 402, 403, 404, 405,
406, 407, 408, 409, 410, 411, 412, 413,
414, 415, 416, 417, 418, 419, 420, 421,
422, 423 Pi
brhmaa, 385, 386, 391, 396, 397, 398,
399, 400, 401, 402, 403, 404, 405, 407,
408, 409, 410, 411, 412, 413, 414, 415,
416, 417, 418, 419, 420, 421, 422, 423
brhmaa, 385, 386, 391, 401, 403, 404,
408 Patna
brhmaa, 142 Mahvastu & Other Texts
brhmaa, 294, 295, 384, 387, 389, 393
brhmaasya, 389 Udnavarga
brhmaasyedam, 390 Udnavarga
brhmaassa, 389 Patna
brhmaassa, 389 Pi
brhmaassetad, 390 Pi
brhma, 105 Udnavarga
brhmao, 142 Mahvastu & Other Texts
brhmao, 142, 294, 295, 384, 387, 388,
389, 392, 393 Pi
brhmao, 142, 294, 384, 387, 389, 392, 393
brhmao, 388 Udnavarga
brhmayat, 332 Udnavarga
bhrisakhayo, 282 Pi
bhr, 282 Patna
bhe, 104, 177 Patna
bhetsidi, 148 Gndhr
bhetsyate, 148 Udnavarga
bhedana, 138 Pi
bhedanam, 138 Udnavarga
bhed, 140 Pi
bhedt, 140 Udnavarga
bheida, 228 Gndhr
bheidi, 369 Gndhr
bheyati, 369 Mahvastu & Other Texts
bho, 248 Pi
bhoa, 288 Gndhr
bhogatahya, 355 Pi
bhogatnbhir, 355 Udnavarga
bhog, 355 Pi
bhogna, 139 Pi
bhogn, 139 Udnavarga
bhogo, 355 Udnavarga
bhojana, 70 Mahvastu & Other Texts
bhojana, 70 Patna
bhojana, 70 Pi
bhojanam, 70 Udnavarga
bhojanamhi, 7, 8 Patna
bhojanamhi, 7, 8 Pi
bhojane, 7, 8 Udnavarga
bhoti, 266 Mahvastu & Other Texts
bhodi, 19, 20, 52, 76, 77, 259, 260, 262, 266,
373, 384, 390, 393, 396 Gndhr
bhodha, 283, 327 Gndhr
bhoma, 28 Patna
bhoma, 98 Patna
bhoyaasa, 7, 8 Gndhr
bhova, 396 Gndhr
bhovd, 396 Pi
bhovd, 396 Udnavarga
bhramara, 49 Udnavarga
bhramaro, 49 Patna
bhramesu, 371 Patna
bhrntam, 222 Udnavarga
bhri, 339 Patna
m, 167 Patna
m, 185, 247, 390 Pi
m, 21 Gndhr
ma, 27, 315, 371 Gndhr
ma, 3, 4 Patna
ma, 3, 4, 121, 122 Pi
maey, 121 Patna
mamyita, 367 Pi
mamyitam, 367 Udnavarga
mameva, 74 Patna
mameva, 74 Pi
mayam, 6 Pi
may, 275 Patna
may, 275 Pi
may, 275 Udnavarga
maraa, 243 Patna
maraanta, 148 Pi
maratta, 148 Patna
maranta, 148 Udnavarga
marasa, 46 Gndhr
mariyi, 46 Gndhr
marcika, 170 Patna
marcika, 170 Pi
marcikm, 170 Udnavarga
marcidhamma, 46 Patna
marcidhamma, 46 Pi
marcidharma, 46 Udnavarga
maro, 57 Gndhr
margamargasa, 403 Gndhr
martya, 141 Udnavarga
martyam, 220 Udnavarga
martyena, 53 Udnavarga
mala, 388 Gndhr
mala, 240, 241, 242, 243, 388 Pi
mala, 243 Patna
mala, 240 Udnavarga
malagua, 53 Gndhr
malatara, 243 Patna
malatara, 243 Pi
malam, 239 Patna
malam, 239 Pi
malam, 239 Udnavarga
mal, 242, 243 Pi
maln, 388 Udnavarga
malia, 54 Gndhr
malitthiy, 242 Pi
malua, 162 Gndhr
malut, 162 Patna
male, 243 Patna
malo, 240, 241, 242 Patna
mavadi, 272 Gndhr
masamasi, 106 Gndhr
masuru, 363 Gndhr
mahagghaso, 325 Pi
mahaddhano, 123 Patna
mahaddhano, 123 Pi
mtari, 284 Pi
mt, 43 Pi
mt, 43 Udnavarga
mtvyat, 332 Udnavarga
mtsabhavam, 396 Udnavarga
mttsukha, 290 Patna
mttsukhapariccg, 290 Patna
mtraja, 8 Udnavarga
mtrajat, 185 Udnavarga
mtrsukha, 290 Udnavarga
mtrsukhaparitygd, 290 Udnavarga
mtreat, 332 Patna
mtsarya, 73 Udnavarga
mna, 221 Patna
mna, 221 Pi
mna, 221 Udnavarga
mnphassamay, 339 Patna
mnue, 103 Patna
mnuyak, 417 Udnavarga
mnusaka, 417 Pi
mnuse, 103 Pi
mno, 150, 407 Udnavarga
mno, 74, 150, 407 Pi
mpdi, 272 Pi
mppamaetha, 121, 122 Pi
mm, 3, 4 Mahvastu & Other Texts
mm, 3, 4, 121, 122 Udnavarga
myv, 262 Udnavarga
mra, 40 Patna
mra, 40 Udnavarga
mra, 40, 175 Pi
mradheya, 34 Patna
mradheya, 34 Udnavarga
mradheyya, 34 Pi
mrabadhan, 37, 276 Patna
mrabandhana, 350 Pi
mrabandhanam, 276 Udnavarga
mrabandhan, 37, 276 Pi
mrasya, 46 Udnavarga
mrassa, 46 Patna
mrassa, 46 Pi
mrasse, 274 Patna
mrasseta, 274 Pi
mro, 57, 105 Udnavarga
mro, 7, 8, 57, 105 Patna
mro, 7, 8, 57, 105, 337 Pi
mrga, 191 Mahvastu & Other Texts
mrga, 57, 191, 280, 289 Udnavarga
mrgam, 123, 281 Udnavarga
v, 141, 271 Mahvastu & Other Texts
vk, 96 Udnavarga
vkkaraamattena, 262 Pi
vkkaraamttea, 262 Patna
vgurm, 342, 343 Udnavarga
vca, 232 Udnavarga
vc, 51, 52, 232, 234, 280, 361, 391
vc, 51, 52, 96, 100 Patna
vc, 51, 52, 96, 100 Pi
vcduccarita, 232 Patna
vcn, 100 Mahvastu & Other Texts
vcnurakkh, 281 Patna
vcnurakkh, 281 Pi
vcnurak, 281 Udnavarga
vcpradoa, 232 Patna
vcya, 232, 234, 361, 362, 391 Pi
vcya, 232, 234, 361, 391 Patna
vcsayata, 362 Udnavarga
vcsayyato, 362 Patna
vco, 232 Udnavarga
vijo, 123, 380 Patna
vijo, 123, 380 Pi
vta, 8 Udnavarga
vti, 56 Patna
vti, 56 Pi
vti, 56 Udnavarga
vtena, 81 Patna
vtena, 81 Pi
vto, 7 Udnavarga
vto, 7, 8 Patna
vto, 7, 8 Pi
vnaro, 334 Pi
vnaro, 334 Udnavarga
vntakaya, 10 Udnavarga
vntakayassa, 10 Patna
vntados, 89 Udnavarga
vntadoo, 261, 263 Patna
vntadoo, 263 Udnavarga
vntalokmio, 378 Patna
vntalokmio, 378 Udnavarga
vnta, 97 Udnavarga
vnto, 97 Patna
vnnaro, 334 Patna
vpi, 142 Mahvastu & Other Texts
vpi, 306 Pi
vpi, 43, 138, 312 Udnavarga
vpy, 139 Udnavarga
vijneyya, 392 Pi
vijita, 329 Patna
vijita, 329 Pi
vijitvina, 422 Pi
vijitvinam, 422 Udnavarga
vijeyate, 44, 45 Udnavarga
vijehiti, 44, 45 Patna
vijjati, 90, 134, 143, 186, 228, 235, 237, 385
vijjati, 90, 134, 186, 228, 235, 385 Patna
vijjat, 127, 128 Pi
vijjanti, 211 Patna
vijjanti, 211, 410, 411 Pi
vijapan, 408 Udnavarga
vij, 229 Udnavarga
vijya, 186 Mahvastu & Other Texts
vijya, 186 Udnavarga
via, 229 Gndhr
viamai, 408 Gndhr
viu, 65 Gndhr
vi, 229 Patna
viapani, 408 Pi
viya, 186 Pi
vi, 65, 229 Pi
viati, 57 Patna
vitakkapamathitassa, 349 Pi
vitakkupasame, 350 Pi
vitarkapramathitasya, 349 Udnavarga
vitarkavyupaame, 350 Udnavarga
vitiaparalokassa, 176 Pi
vitinnaparalokassa, 176 Patna
vitraparalokasya, 176 Udnavarga
viditt, 40, 46 Patna
viditva, 46 Gndhr
viditv, 40, 46 Pi
viditv, 40, 46 Udnavarga
vidyate, 127, 186 Mahvastu & Other Texts
vidyate, 90, 127, 128, 134, 186, 228, 385,
410, 421 Udnavarga
vidyante, 211 Udnavarga
vidyd, 157 Udnavarga
vidhnacriya, 240 Patna
vinadi, 57, 280 Gndhr
vinbhva, 139 Udnavarga
vinodaye, 343 Pi
vindati, 57 Udnavarga
vindati, 57, 280 Pi
vinnapai, 408 Patna
vipayaka, 174 Udnavarga
ver, 291 Pi
veri, 5 Patna
verni, 5 Pi
veriesu, 197 Patna
verina, 42 Pi
verinesu, 197 Pi
ver, 42 Pi
verea, 5 Patna
verena, 5 Pi
vevitaayaea, 271 Gndhr
vema, 266 Gndhr
vem, 266 Udnavarga
vehyasa, 175 Patna
vai, 63, 103, 267 Mahvastu & Other Texts
vai, 7, 10, 34, 65, 97, 103, 131, 151, 163,
170, 172, 177, 184, 205, 225, 250, 259,
267, 283, 284, 321, 328, 329, 337, 341,
367, 397 Udnavarga
vaira, 3, 4, 201 Mahvastu & Other Texts
vaira, 3, 4, 201 Udnavarga
vairasasargasasakto, 291 Udnavarga
vairi, 5 Mahvastu & Other Texts
vairi, 5 Udnavarga
vairikeu, 197 Udnavarga
vairio, 42 Udnavarga
vair, 42 Udnavarga
vairea, 5 Udnavarga
vo, 275, 315, 337 Udnavarga
vo, 275, 315, 337, 371 Patna
vo, 315, 337 Pi
votkuukapraha, 141 Mahvastu &
Other Texts
votkuukapraha, 141 Udnavarga
vyatibhindati, 14 Udnavarga
vyatirocante, 59 Udnavarga
vyantikhiti, 350 Pi
vyapetavijno, 41 Udnavarga
vyghra, 295 Udnavarga
vysaktamanasa, 47, 48, 287 Udnavarga
vysattamanasa, 47, 48, 287 Patna
vyujjhite, 58 Udnavarga
vrajanti, 177 Udnavarga
vrajanti, 177, 346 Patna
vrajet, 224 Udnavarga
vrao, 124 Patna
vrao, 124 Udnavarga
vratavanta, 400 Udnavarga
vridhavayario, 109 Gndhr
aadi, 41 Gndhr
sayyamena, 25 Patna
sayyamehinti, 37 Patna
sayyamo, 261 Patna
sarambhakath, 133 Udnavarga
sarambhas, 134 Udnavarga
savacchara, 108 Pi
savatsara, 108 Mahvastu & Other
savatsara, 108 Patna
savatsara, 108 Udnavarga
savanamukto, 344 Udnavarga
savara, 185, 361, 375 Udnavarga
savara, 360, 361 Mahvastu & Other
savaro, 185, 360, 361, 375 Pi
savaro, 360, 361 Gndhr
savaro, 360, 361 Mahvastu & Other
savaro, 360, 361 Udnavarga
savaro, 360, 361, 375 Patna
savase, 167 Pi
savaset, 167 Udnavarga
savso, 206, 207 Patna
savso, 206, 207 Udnavarga
savso, 207 Pi
savijit, 144 Udnavarga
savuta, 391 Pi
savut, 225, 234 Pi
savuto, 231, 232, 233, 361 Pi
savta, 391 Patna
savtacria, 104 Udnavarga
savtam, 229, 390 Udnavarga
savt, 225, 234 Patna
savt, 234 Udnavarga
savt, 225, 234 Udnavarga
savtendriyo, 362 Patna
savto, 231, 232, 233, 361 Patna
savto, 232, 233, 361 Udnavarga
savto, 361 Mahvastu & Other Texts
savegino, 144 Pi
sasannasakappamano, 280 Patna
sasannasakappamano, 280 Pi
sasra, 414 Pi
sasra, 60 Udnavarga
sasr, 95 Pi
sasro, 60 Patna
sasro, 60 Pi
sasraugham, 414 Udnavarga
saskr, 203 Udnavarga
sramatino, 11 Pi
srambhakath, 133 Patna
srambhakath, 133 Pi
srambh, 134 Patna
srambho, 134 Pi
srasaino, 11 Patna
sre, 11 Patna
sre, 11 Pi
sre, 11 Udnavarga
srdhacara, 328, 329 Mahvastu &
Other Texts
slam, 162 Patna
slamivotata, 162 Pi
slav, 162 Udnavarga
svake, 195 Pi
svako, 75 Patna
svako, 75 Pi
ssana, 164, 183, 185 Pi
ssapo, 401, 407 Pi
ssavo, 401 Patna
shu, 206 Pi
si, 134, 154 Udnavarga
si, 134, 235, 383 Patna
si, 383 Gndhr
sia, 84, 166, 167, 206, 365 Gndhr
sica, 369 Mahvastu & Other Texts
sikt, 369 Mahvastu & Other Texts
sikt, 369 Udnavarga
sija, 369 Gndhr
sica, 369 Patna
sica, 369 Pi
sica, 369 Udnavarga
sieha, 285 Gndhr
sita, 369 Gndhr
sitt, 369 Patna
sitt, 369 Pi
sithila, 312, 346 Pi
sineham, 285 Patna
sineham, 285 Pi
sinehitni, 341 Patna
sinehitni, 341 Pi
sindhav, 322 Pi
siy, 40, 84, 160, 166, 167, 206, 218, 231,
232, 233, 302, 305, 376 Pi
siy, 40, 84, 160, 166, 167, 206, 231, 232,
233, 305, 376 Patna
siro, 260 Pi
sisavudu, 8 Gndhr
sghasso, 29 Pi
supradhu, 296, 297, 298, 299, 300, 301
suprabuddha, 296, 297, 298, 299, 300, 301
suprabuddha, 299, 300, 301 Patna
subahv, 19 Udnavarga
subbat, 145 Pi
subbato, 95 Pi
subhaida, 51, 52 Gndhr
subhnupassi, 7 Pi
subhnupassino, 349 Pi
subhvita, 14 Udnavarga
subhvita, 14, 89 Patna
subhvita, 14, 89 Pi
subhvitam, 89 Udnavarga
subhit, 51, 52 Patna
subhit, 51, 52 Udnavarga
subhsit, 51, 52 Pi
subhsubha, 409 Pi
suman, 68 Udnavarga
sumano, 68 Patna
sumano, 68 Pi
sumarati, 324 Pi
sumedha, 208 Gndhr
sumedha, 208 Patna
sumedha, 208 Pi
sumedhasam, 29 Udnavarga
sumedhasu, 29 Gndhr
sumedhaso, 29 Patna
sumedhaso, 29 Pi
suyikamasa, 24 Gndhr
suyiga-, 58 Gndhr
surakkhita, 157 Pi
surakkhita, 157, 158 Patna
surakitam, 157 Udnavarga
surakida, 14 Gndhr
surmerayapna, 247 Pi
suriu, 172 Gndhr
sulnenpragalbhena, 245 Udnavarga
suvimuttacitto, 20 Pi
suve, 229 Patna
suve, 229 Pi
susavuta, 8 Pi
susavuto, 281 Pi
susavta, 391 Udnavarga
susavta, 8 Patna
susavta, 231, 281 Udnavarga
susavtam, 8 Udnavarga
seveyya, 167 Pi
sehi, 136 Pi
saindhavam, 322 Udnavarga
so, 32, 70, 106, 142, 193 Udnavarga
so, 70, 106, 142, 193 Mahvastu & Other
so, 9, 10, 15, 16, 20, 65, 70, 84, 103, 106,
142, 162, 172, 193, 259, 267, 291, 367,
372, 396 Gndhr
so, 9, 15, 16, 45, 63, 70, 84, 106, 131, 132,
142, 162, 172, 187, 193, 249, 284, 303, 379
so, 9, 15, 16, 63, 64, 70, 77, 106, 127, 128,
131, 132, 140, 142, 162, 172, 177, 187,
193, 236, 238, 249, 252, 253, 269, 284,
291, 334, 379, 393, 396 Pi
sok, 335, 336 Pi
sokini, 28 Pi
soko, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216 Pi
socati, 15, 207, 367 Pi
socanti, 315 Pi
socare, 225 Pi
sota, 347, 383 Pi
sot, 339 Patna
sot, 339, 340 Pi
sotpattiphala, 178 Patna
sotpattiphala, 178 Pi
sotena, 360 Pi
soto, 337 Pi
sottna, 259 Patna
sotthim, 219 Pi
sotthiye, 295 Pi
sodu, 347 Gndhr
sodhenti, 141 Pi
soma, 172, 173, 382 Pi
somanassni, 341 Patna
somanassni, 341 Pi
soasi, 70 Pi
sohu, 201 Gndhr
sau, 127, 128 Udnavarga
saumanasyni, 341 Udnavarga
skandhnm, 374 Udnavarga
sti, 62 Udnavarga
stty, 62 Udnavarga
stukastoka, 121 Gndhr
stoka, 239 Udnavarga
stokastuka, 122 Gndhr
stokastoka, 121, 122 Udnavarga
stha, 146, 337 Udnavarga