(1942) W. B. Henning, An Astronomical Chapter of Bundahisn
(1942) W. B. Henning, An Astronomical Chapter of Bundahisn
(1942) W. B. Henning, An Astronomical Chapter of Bundahisn
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The remaining portion of the second chapter is omitted in the Indian Bd.
Presumably two of the stars " whose names are known " mentioned before.
= Av. Parendi- ? One can hardly read Parend-i mazdadad.
Read : starag-i 'wyd'p'nyk = a-wiyaban-ig. The latter word has survived in
Persian as biyabani, according to Ahmed b. 'Abd-al-Jalfl Sagzi (cited by S. H.
Taqizadeh, Gdh-sumari, 335, n. 469) = " the fixed stars of the first to the third
magnitude and the lunar mansions ". Since verbs derived from wiyaban- mean
" to lead astray " (wiyabanenidan, etc.), it becomes clear that a-wiyabanig " not
subject to being led astray " is a translation of dirhavqs, inerrans. The Persian
astronomers naturally preferred this clear term to the ambiguous axtar (1) fixed
(2) constellation, (3) zodiacal sign.
The copyists evidently did not understand this passage. They left out two,
and wrongly divided one word (n-hwstyn). Bead : tvuzurgih-i noyustin, wuzurgih-i
< dudigar, wuzurgik-i > sidigar. The first astronomer to classify the stars according to their " magnitudes " was Hipparchus (second century B.C.); he distinguished
six6 magnitudes.
See Note B at the end of this paper.
* These seven tethers constitute the " light" counterpart to the seven ties
which connect the seven planets with the lower regions, and through which the
planets exercise their influence upon terrestrial events. The inventor of this
etymology of Haftoreng probably employed the word rag " vein " for these ties
(haft rag " seven veins ") for which band " tie, tether " has been substituted here.
In unpublished Manichsean texts MPers. rag (also Sogdian r'k) is actually in use
for these invisible and indestructible connecting lines (besides words like land,
of. e.g. Mir. Man., i, 196). A Sogdian passage (on the " dark " ties, from M 178):
'ty en wyspw Sywtyy ley 'ty wy' 'nxrwznyy flstyt xnd wyx r'k 'ty plfind w'fnd 'ty
ptyw'fnd, " They wove to and fro roots, veins, and connections from all the demons
who were imprisoned in the zodiacal circle." The Kephalaia, chaps. 48 and 49,
contain a detailed description of these pipe-lines (Coptio lihme).
' Read: 'YK (DH.).
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the time of the aggressor's arrival they should repel him in battle
and not let him carry his pollution (lit. " mixing ") higher up.
Aa the General over them, Ohrmazd appointed the Tyche of the
Good Religion of the Mazdayasnians. There it (= the sphere of
the Unmixable Stars) is called : " the Corps of the Immortals,"
the manifestation of purity in the mixed state. They are called
" Unmixable Stars " for this reason that at the time of the
adversary's < arrival > they were not subjected to becoming
mixed. The astronomers < nowadays > use the expression " the
sphere above the sphere ". This sphere lacks computation and
precession (I),1 since they (i.e. the astronomers) are unable to observe
in the pure ones any characteristics of the mixed ones.2
[A 2810] Over that (sphere) Ohrmazd created the moon " in
which the seed of the animals is stored " (= Av. gaodidra-). Over
the moon he created the sun " whose horses are swift" (= Av.
aurvat.aspa-). He appointed sun and moon to the chieftainship
over the stars, the mixed ones as well as the unmixable ones, so
that all of them should be tied to the sun and the moon. Over
the sun he created the Throne of the Amaa Spantas which is in contact with the Endless Light, the throne of Ohrmazd. These are the
" six stations", six works corresponding to the six material creatures.3
[A 292] Between the earth and the (lower) sphere 4 Ohrmazd
placed the wind, the clouds, and the lightning-fire, so that at the
time of the aggressor's arrival Tishtrya, with (the help of) the
transcendent water,6 could take the water and cause the rain to
fall.6 He tied these also to the sun, the moon, and the stars. Thus
Tishtrya, the General of the East, is the helper and assistant of
the lightning-fire, the wind, and the clouds.
[A 298] Among these stars, the large ones are like a piece
of rock the size of a room,7 the medium-sized ones are like a
Bead : uS angarag ud wihez padis nest ? wihez " to leave, or progress (in an
upwards direction) " (cf. Nyberg, Mazd. Kal., 60 sq.) is often confused with wiieb" to shake, toss ", and with nUeb- " below ", in astrology = " dejection " (S. H.
l.l., p. 336 ; " nUast " is a misspelling of nUeb).
On the two " spheres " see Note C at the end of this paper.
See Note 0 at the end of this paper.
*5 Read : miyan zam <%g ud> spihr.
MSS. pwn ZK-y ms mynwg ZK, to be read: pwn ZK MY'-y mynwgyk ?
Cf.6 37 Ttitr t e n him ab started, menogiha 6 wad abispared, etc.
Read tyhl (TDa twMytwl) MY' YNSBWN-yt, w'Vn w'lynyt. Cf. 63", 67*.
1307 10, m 1 -", 1371, etc.
ii'-i Wc-ms'd is evidently the same as Av. asma leato.masti Yt. 17, 20, cf. Vd.
19, 4. " Stone " fits also Gr.Bd. ID14 where Nyberg (JA., 1929, i, 222, 291) offers
the reading: senmun I In that passage it is related that before the creation of
the plants, etc., one-third of the surface of the earth was " hard as &S'-d'r " (read
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rolling* wheel,2 the small ones like the head of the domesticated
ox.3 The moon is the size of a racecourse of two MOras, each
geographical hadra being about as much as a parasang of average
length.4 The sun is the size of Eran-vej.
[A 2912] Before the aggressor's arrival, the moon, the sun, and
the stars stood still, did not revolve. In purity they passed the
time. It was noon perpetually. After the aggressor's arrival, they
started revolving, and they will not stop revolving until the end
(of the world).
[A 3(Fj The velocity of the sun is that of a large three-feathered
arrow which a large man shoots8 from a large bow. The velocity
of the moon is that of a medium-sized three-feathered arrow which
a medium-sized man shoots from a medium-sized bow. The velocity
of the stars is that of a small three-feathered arrow which a small
man shoots from a small bow.6 Among the fixed stars the following
have the greatest velocity7: Tishtrya (Sirius), Basn (Betelgeuse),
flf-sV = sangsar) = stony or rocky country, another was gard-agand " filled
with sand " (Nyberg : vyard ayvand ! Cf. 13611 yak ud gard = 14014 MY'-Vy = 1
'pi' = yak ud gard ; wad-% gardag " sand-storm "). Another clear passage is 140
where 6i' alternates with sng 139". Considering that &' is (1) an ideogram, (2) the
equivalent of sang " stone ", it can be hardly anything but a strongly corrupt
spelling of KYP' (Frah., xvi, 3 ; Syr. Ic'p' = kefa). We have to keep apart the
iff of Frah., viii, 1 (one of the worst lines in that book) on which Nyberg based
his1 explanation.
Uncertain. The word (deceptively resembling padiyw " thriving ") recurs
44*2 as " revolving ".
Hardly iahragan " spinning-wheels " ? Possibly to be read c'hrkw'n =
iahragwan,10cf. Man. MPers. r'stw'n " circuit, circumference " (= Pahl. " r'stk'n "
Gr.Bd. 210 , corrupted " rah-wiran " Jamaspi, vii, 2, p. 49, ed. Messina t But
sees Pahl. Eiv. Dd. 49U, p. 160, ed. Dhabhar).
A similar comparison was contained in a lost Avestic text from which a few
words are quoted in the Frahang-i Oim, iv a, p. 15, ed. Reichelt: " And the
of those stars are like the head of a medium-sized man."
The Avestic original to our passage probably merely said: " The moon is
On measures see Note A at the end of this paper.
The present is spelt wh- in Man. MPers. texts (e.g. in M 819), i.e. weh- from
wid- (= Yaghnobi wid-, Pashto wul-, etc.), cf. the h in Parachi yuh-.
Since the sun reappears in the same meridian about four minutes later than
a star, and the moon 527 minutes later than the sun, we should expect the statement that the stars were swifter than the sun, and the sun swifter than the moon.
However, according to the Bundahishn the lunar and solar spheres are further
from the earth than the sphere of the stars so that, to keep pace with the stars,
sun and moon have to travel at a considerably greater velocity to cover the greater
distances of their orbits.
' This statement is puzzling. That the " fixed " stars possess " proper motion "
is a modern discovery (made by Halley in A.D. 1718), and the stars enumerated
here (= lunar mansions 1, 2, 6, 8, 9, and Sirius) are not noteworthy for particularly
great proper motion (except for Sirius and Procyon). Possibly the text means
that the apparent absolute distance travelled by stars close to the equator is
greater than that covered by stars near the poles during the same time (the angular
distances measured in right ascension being equal); hence stars in proximity
to the equator would appear to move quicker than others. Even so it is difficult
to understand the reason for selecting only the stars enumerated here (all of which
are fairly close to the equator).
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A. Measures
E. Lunar mansions
B. Degree and minute
F. Satavaesa
C. The spheres
G. Vanant
H. TiStryaenI
A. Measures. The Pahlavi commentators of Sassanian times
did not know (and could not be expected to know) the exact value
of the measures mentioned in the Avestic texts. Their lack of
information is most noticeable in their comments on Av. hadra,
the basic Olr. road-measure, the length of which they determined
variously as a parasang or a quarter-parasang. This is due to the
fact that the measures current in Sassanian Persia were fundamentally different from those employed in ancient times. In the
case of the hadra they merely substituted the common roadmeasures of their own period. For the determination of the real
length of the hadra this has as much value as a modern translator's
use of the word "mile" equally for, e.g. Russ. Verst and Pers.
As regards the measures for short distances, the Avestic system,
or rather that of the Vendidad and the Nirangistan, so closely
resembles the common Greco-Roman system, as a whole and in
all details, that its foreign origin can be taken for granted. It was
presumably introduced into Persia by the Macedonian conquerors.
The comparative table given below may be of use :
1 finger S<IKTVXOS
2 fingers KOVSVXOS
4 iraAaioTTJ
8 Si^as
10 Ai^as
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vfjx s
j8rj/xa of 3 ft. (Macedonian) Av. gaya, gaman, Pahl. gram " pace
Av. vibazu (Pahl. jud-nay) " fathom ".*
KaXa/ios (aKawa) Pahl.TOCM/" reed, pole, perch ". 6
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moon, a word sw$ occurs which seems to be " degree " (w'frySS
sw xrtyh f3wt c'/n/SS pt&m'r wfiyh " the resulting number indicates
the number of degrees passed ", M 767). It is doubtful if the word
can be derived from Greek acbaaos, Babl. Sussu " sixty, a unit of
sixty", as the latter does not seem to have been used for
" sixty minutes = a degree".
The change in the sibilants
(u&$u: Sogd. su$: Pahl. sus or su$) might be due to dissimilation.1
C. The Spheres. The Zoroastrians originally distinguished four
spheres : (1) stars, (2) moon, (3) sun, (4) paradise, to which the
" station of the clouds " is sometimes added as a fifth and lowest.
A locus classicus for this division is a passage from the Hadokht
Nask apud Jamasp-Asana, Pahl. Texts, p. 172 (cf. also Barthelemy,
Guj. Ab., p. 55): mdno staro mdnho hvaro anayra raocd, Pahlavi
translation " cloud-station, star-station, moon-station, etc." (Air,
Wb., 1168 s.v. mdno, to be corrected accordingly). Cf. Y. 1,16, etc.
The later scheme of six spheres (or seven, with the " clouds ")
is due partly to mere juggling with numbers (six Amasa Spontas,
seven with Ohrmazd, etc.; cf. Gr.Bd. 1948 sqq.), but partly to the
desire to fit in astrological concepts which (coming from Babylonia)
had gained such wide acceptance in Persia that the leaders of the
Zoroastrian Church could withhold their oflicial recognition no
longer. With this purpose in view the " station of the stars "
was split up in two : the " Unmixable Stars " and the " Sphere "
par excellence, i.e. the sphere of the ecliptic (including the spheres
of the planets), which according to the astrologers exercises a farreaching influence upon terrestrial beings and events. Together
with the idea of this sphere (which is entirely alien to the original
Zoroastrianism), the word for it was borrowed: Pahl. spihr, New
Pers. sipihr = a<f>alpa. The derivation of spihr from Old Iranian
which Noeldeke proposed (Pers. Stud., i, 36 sqq.), is not convincing.2
The -h- is due to faulty analogy (mihr, widely pronounced rmr; hence
Another hitherto unrecognized MPers. word of Babylonian origin is Man. MP.
Swd'b " companion " (in h'm-Swd'b, BBS.;
differently Bailey, B808., ix, 230)
= Akkadian Sutapu (Syr., etc., s~uttapa, s'uttafa). In unpublished Parthian texts
$w$myn " best man (at a wedding) " occurs, also originally Akkadian, cf. Syr.
gu&bina. In MPers. fragments I noticed m'Vh " sailor " = Akk. nutlahu (Syr.
The name Spithridates on which Noeldeke based his opinion, does not prove
the existence of an Old Ir. word spidra- " heaven " (anyway, spihris n o t " heaven ",
but " sphere ", hence also " fate "). For all we know, Spithridates could mean
" having white teeth, \CVK68OVS " (Av. data-, Pahl. dot " tooth "). The first to
suggest the identity of spihr with o<j>aZpa was Lagarde.
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" the sphere free from mixture, and the sphere subject to mixture ".
This sphere was believed to lie beyond the Sphere proper. Apparently
it is based on a stellar zone outside the zone of the ecliptic to which
the " mixed" activities (such as eclipses, the movement of the
planets, etc.) are confined. The " General" over this sphere is the
Tyche (Farrek) of the Good Eeligion of the Mazdayasnians,2 i.e. the
deity presiding over and embodying the Zoroastrian Church (the
term was borrowed by the Manichaeans : MPers. Farreh-i Den,
Sogd. 8eni-farn,3 Uyyur Nom-quti, etc.; the Avestic equivalent is
Vanuhi Daena Mdzdayasnis", without xvardndh-). In other passages
(see below) the " Tyche of the Religion " is compared to a girdle
around the sky. The word " girdle " naturally suggests the ,<x>vt] *
of the ecliptic which, however, cannot be meant here. As there is
only one other celestial phenomenon that could be likened to a
girdle, we have to conclude that the seat of the " Tyche of the
Religion " was assumed to be the Milky Way.5 The " Sphere of
the Unmixable Stars ", therefore, is the galactic sphere (i.e. a sphere
the greatest circle of which is the Milky Way); it was believed to
encase the lower sphere (the greatest circle of which is the ecliptic).
The remark on the "lack of computation and precession (?)"
(289) is justified ; thus, the galactic latitude of a star is not subject
to any change (save proper motion).
The paragraph on the " Unmixable Stars " has been translated
(somewhat differently) by Nyberg, JA., 1929, i, 298 sq. For a proper
understanding it is necessary to consider the parallel passage,
A similar case is possibly provided by the Parthian spelling of zyncyhr " chains "
(Pers. zanjir). The routine etymology {*zaina/i-i0ra-) is proved false by Sogdian
zyniry'kh (P 2, 1065), in Man. script jyncry'. Bailey, BSOS., x, 596, compares
Cf. e.g. DkM. 130 V ; Antia, Paz.T., 212, apu.
In Sogdian this deity is even dubbed Synmzt'yzn, pyyy, hen-mazdayazn fiayi
(M 140, unpublished; for the spelling, cf. mzdyzn Cowley, Aram. Pap., nr. 37, 6,
p. 133). The Manichseans, it is well known, unblushingly called their own religion
dyn-m'zdys, den-mazdes.
The Greek word appears in Parthian as zwnws (Mir. Man., iii). The spelling
is distressing, but not more startling than that of dpovos in Parthian : trnys
where the translation is wrong).
Under its common Persian designation, the galaxy is briefly referred to 60".
The interpetation of Tasna 9, 26, by Junker, Aion-Vorst., p. 162, is unacceptable.
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71 sqq.: the tenth battle was fought by the Unmixable Stars when
they did not let (BKWN-t) the darkness and sinfulness carry
their pollution higher up. As HE says : "He put on the Tyche
of the Good Religion of the Mazdayasnians like a girdle, i.e. like
a kustig, decked with stars, by spirits made, three-fold with four
knots, around the sky in that station." These stars were fighting
in <her> company until the end. As I have written above,1 there
it is called " the Corps of the Immortals ", demonstrating2 purity in
Bead barend ?
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a few words from its end are preserved. We learn that the total
number of the mansions was 28 (ii qmbyy xxx ptSmyrtyy = duodetriginta),and that the mansions of m'sy'g = Pisces were [frwxs] pS8
prw frwxSpS 'tyy[ryw'] ndyy1 = Nos. 24, 25, 26 of Beruni's list.
This shows that the Manichaean catalogue began with No. 27 = Skt.
Asvirii, like the Bundahishn, while Freiman's list and the two
lists given by Beruni commenced with the Pleiades = Skt. Krttikdh?
For the identification of individual mansions it is important to
know that Beruni's Sogdian list agrees most closely of all with Skt.
This is manifest in those cases where the name was borrowed from
Skt. Thus we have 3 :
Skt. No. 8 Maqha = Sogd. No. 8 my
but No. 9 in Khw. and Fr.
Skt. No. 26 Sevatt = Sogd. No. 26 rewand, but No. 27 in Khw. and Fr.
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A passage from the third book of the Dinkard (40321 sqq., ed.
Madan), recently translated by Nyberg (Mazd. Kal., 34 sqq.),
gives the lunar mansions within which the first points of Aries,
Cancer, Libra, and Capricornus lay.1 Aries began with Ptyspl,z
clearly = Pahl. Ptyspl, Ptspl, Paz. Padevar, the first lunar mansion
according to the Bundahishn (= Skt. Akvini). In other words, the
lunar mansions were counted from the point of the vernal equinox.
Now, if the number of the mansions were twenty-eight the first
point of Cancer would coincide with the beginning of the eighth
lunar mansion (since seven mansions = 90 exactly), but it should
fall within the seventh mansion if the total number was twentyseven (one mansion = - - = 13 20', hence the seventh mansion
from 80 to 93 20'). The latter is the case according to the
Dinkard :
Aries .
0 " Plyspl"
. 90 " Lhyt "
. 180 " <8W "
. 270 " TWS' "
Nyberg has not seen that the passage refers to the lunar mansions.
Presumably misspelling.
= Pahl. *lhwt. It is difficult to say which form (Ihwt or lhyt ?) is right.
= Pahl. *spwl; stl probably incorrect.
Pahl. gaw = ideogr. TWR\ DkM. has twy twr' (Nyberg's *dit-gav),
but twy
should be cancelled (the scribe miswrote twy in the place of TWB\ and corrected
himself without striking out the wrong form).
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26-66- 39-99
40-00- 53-33
53-33- 66-66
66-66- 79-99
80-00- 93-33
17 Tauri
a Tauri
a Orionis
a Geminorum
a Leonis
A Scorpii
a Lyrae
a Aquilae
39 -11
280 -65
A glance at this table shows that the date which fits best is about
A.D. 500. A terminus post quern is provided by No. 6 (A.D. 413
approx.), and No. 22 (A.D. 454 approx.), whilst a terminus ante quern
is given by No. 3 (A.D. 564 approx.), and No. 20 (A.D. 668 approx.).
We know from other sources that under Sassanian rule there were
two periods of contact with Greek and Indian science during which
the study of astronomy was promoted : one under Shapur I after
the conclusion of the Roman war,4 the other " towards the end of
the Sassanian period ", possibly under Khosrou I or even a little
earlier.6 We may conclude that the introduction of the Pahlavi
lunar mansions took place during the second period.6 Incidentally,
= " goat's head " ? However, the reading of 'pysr = " crown " is equally
Pazend go%. In Pahlavi script, goy " ball " and yoy " yoke " are indistinguishable. I read Yoy because that is the name of the equivalent (21st) Sogdian and
Khwarezmian lun. man. (corresponding to Skt. No. 21 Sravana = Altair). The
longitude of the 22nd Pahlavi l.m. is 280-293 20', that of the 21st Sogdian mansion
should be 282 53'-295 45'.
Based on the values for right ascension and declination (interval of 100 years)
in Neugebauer's Tables (Ckr. i).
See S. H. Taqizadeh, BSOS., ix, 133 sqq.
See Nallino's paper in A volume of Oriental Studies presented to E. 0. Browne,
and cf. Taqizadeh, Gah-Sumari, 316-322; BSOS., ix, 136 sq.
This conclusion, however, is necessarily based on the assumption that the
Persian astronomers were able to find the point of the vernal equinox and to
measure the longitudes fairly accurately, and that they exercised some care in
fixing the lunar mansions.
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