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An Ancient Indian Work on



_- , Q~n "RV" 'l''J:rm .no Ti' rr!"R" T'-' A. ~.n.

. v


In 1874 Kern ublished at Leiden a text called the

Aryabha{iya which claims to be the work of ... Aryabhata, and which gives (III, 10) the date of the birth of the author as 476 A.D. If these claims can be sub-

astronomical text bearing the name of an individual author, the earliest Indian text to deal specifically

. .

edly preceded Aryabhata, but the abstracts from it given early in the sixth century by Varahamihira in

his Poiicaeiddhiiniikti show that t e preserved text

has under one considerable revision and rna be later

than Aryabhata, Of the old Paulisa and Romaka Siddhantas, and of the transitional Vf1si?tha Siddh/inu», nothing has been preserved except the short

. .

eral astronomers who prece e Aryab ata, or who were his contemporaries, are known, but nothing has been preserved from their writings except a few brief



stanzas have been discussed. The aim of this work is to give a complete translation of the Aryabhafiya with

the considerable gap after IV, 44, which is discussed by Kern (pp. v-vi), The names of other commenta-

tors have been noticed b Bibhutibhusan Datta in

XVIII (1927), 12. All available manuscripts of the text should be consulted, all the other commentators should be studied, and a careful comparison of the

commentators on Brabmagupta and Bhaskara, should be collected and verified. Some of those noted by Colebrooke do not seem to fit the published Arya-



, ,

from Sudhakara's use of him in his edition of the Brtihmaephutosiddhnmta, frequen tly disagrees with

in India with unpublished manuscript material and the help of competent pundits would be required for

the production of an adequate translation. I have

thou ht it better to ublish the material as it is rather

than to postpone publication for an indefinite period. The present translation will have served its purpose if it succeeds in attracting the attention of Indian

1 See especially Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 1865, pp. 392-93; Journal asiatique (1880), II, 473-81; Sudhakara Dvivedi, Ga'(ULkatarangi'(l,i, p. 2.





a, ry~

bhata is the correct spelling. It is pointed out that Kern ives the name of the commentator whom he

in another at the end, but in the prose colophons at the ends of the first three sections the name is given

However until more definite historical or metrical

evidence favoring the spelling Aryabhatta is produced I prefer to keep the form Aryabh,a tao

. .,. .


planets. But rules are given f~r calculating the true

places from the mean places by applying certain corrections, although even here there is no statement of




a yuga more than the other, one beginning the yuga at sunrise, the other at midnight. He does not seem

"Aryabhata maintains that the beginning of the day is to be reckoned from midnight at Lanka; and the

. .


gupta is distinguishing between two works of one Aryabhata, The published Aryabhafiya (I, 2) begins the u a at sunrise. The other. work ma not have

the fact that it follow"'ed orthodox tradition.

Alberuni refers to two Aryabhatas, His later 1 Brahmasphutasiddhanta, XI, 5 and 13-14.

ordinary language or in numerical words the material would have occupied at least four times as many

. .. .,




The published text begins with 13 stanzas, 10 of ,I which give in a peculiar alphabetical notation and in

• 1 For a discussion of the whole problem of the two or three Arya-

bhatas see Kaye, Bibliotheca mathematica, X, 289, and Bibhutibhusan Datta, Bulletin of the Calcutta Mathematical Society, XVII (1926), 59.




, , , '"

17) of stanzas 1, 3, and 4 of our Dasagitika, and XI,

15 (although corrupt) almost certainly contains a

ca e a a nyti, or e ec onmg 0 nne. e fourth section in 50 stanzas is called Gala, or "The Sphere." Together they contain 108 stanzas .


devoted to severe criticism of previous works on astronomy, is chiefly devoted to criticism of Aryabhata, In this chapter, and in other parts of his work,




os 0 ese passages con am very genera cri icism

of Aryabhata as departing from emrti or being ignorant of astronomy, but for some 30 stanzas it can be

. . .

. .

108 stanzas. No stanza from the section on mathe-

matics has been quoted or criticized by Brahma-

in character, either forming a separate chapter or

lOp. cit., X, 291-92.

2 For criticism of Kaye see Bibhutibhusan Datta, op. cit., XVIII (1927), 5.




even a er IS impossi e, as a comparison 0 texts would have shown.

I feel justified in assuming that the Aryabhatiya

. .. .

Aryabhata's theory of the rotation of the Earth.

Brahmagupta criticizes some astronomical mat-

bitterest and most frequent criticisms are directed against points in which Aryabhata was an innovator

. .

and for the volume of a sphere, which are both given incorrectly by Aryabhata (II, 6-7). This is as likely to rove i norance of the true values on Brahma-

"What other rules of the Gar;itaplida could be open to adverse criticism? On the positive side may be pointed out the very close correspondence in termi-



e 0 the mathematicians to decide which of the two rules


ing. Indian astronomy, in general, maintains that the

Earth is stationary and that the heavenly bodies


the common Indian tradition.

was known in its present form from the eleventh century on. Is it capable of some different interpretation? Is it intended merely as a statement of the





arhsais cakram

words are not found in the part of the Marici which has already been published in the Pandit.

janaty ekam api yato naryabhato ganitakalagolanam I

na maya proktani tatah prthak prthag du~aI).any e~am II

- - . - .,

I possible way, yet at the beginning of his Khasulakhiidyaka, a kararpagrantha which has recently been

· B Mi . h harvva Hlniversi

, .

khar;ujakhiidyakam iicaryaryabhatatulyaphalam. I t is curious that Brahmagupta in his Kha1J~khadyaka should use such respectful language and should follow

the authorit of an author who was damned so un-

mercifully by him in tlfe Tantrapar"ik~a of his Brtihma- 8phutasiddhanta. Moreover, the elements of the Khom-

1 Miscellaneous Essays, II, 378.



that Brahmagupta here is following an older and a different Aryabhata? If so the Brahmasphutasiddhanta gives no clear indication of the fact. Or is he fol-

essentials with the old form of the Suryasiddhanta rather than with the Briihmuiephnuaeiddh/inia. Just as

work may have been cast in a traditional mold, may have been based on the old St~ryasiddhanta, or have

forme a commentary upon It.

The Mahasiddhanta of another Aryabhata who

lived in the tenth century or later declares (XIII, 14) : vrddharyabhataproktat siddhantad yan mahakalat I

• .. • .(IJ • •


1 Cf. Pancasiddhantika, p. xx, and Bulletin of the Calcutta Mathematical Society, XVII (1926), 69.


.55 59.

3 See Bulletin of the Calcutta Mathematical Society, XVII (1926), 66-67, for a brief discussion.

This monograph is based upon work done with me
at the University of Chicago some five years ago by
Baidyanath Sastri for the degree of A.M. So much
additional material has been ~dded, so many changes
have been made, and so many of the views expressed
would be unacceptable to him that I have not felt
justified in placing his name, too, upon the title-page
as j oint-author and thereby making him resnonsible
for many things of which he might not approve.
April, 1929

wrnle reading the nnal page-proof 1 learned of
the publication by Prabodh Chandra Sengupta of a
translation of the Aryabhattya in the Journal of the
Department oj Letters (Calcutta University), XVI
. (1927). Unfortunately it has not been possible to
make use of it in the present publication.
April, 1930

. 15



A. Invocation . 1

B. System of Expressing Numbers by Letters of

2. Revolutions of Apsis of Moon, Conjunctions of Planets, and Node of Moon in a yuga; Time

kala in a pra'l)a; Orbit of Sun One-sixtieth

That of Asterisms 13

of Apsides of Sun and Planets . 16

8-9. Dimensions of Epicycles of Apsides and Conjunctions of Phaets; Circumference of Earth-

Wind . 18

10. Table of Sine-Differences 19

C. Colophon . 20



. .

Right-Angle Triangle Formed by Gnomon and


15-16. Shadow Problems

31 . 31-2





1. Invocation 21

2. Names and Values of Classes of Numbers Increas-

ing by Powers of Ten 21

3. Definitions of Square (varga) and Cube (ghana) 21

4. Square Root . 22

5. Cube Root 24

6. Area of Triangle; Volume of Pyramid 26

7. Area of Circle; Volume of Sphere " 27

8. Area of Trapezium.; Length of Perpendiculars from

Intersection of Dia onals to Parallel Sides 27

cumference Equal to Radius 27

10. Relation of Circumference of Circle to Diameter 28

11. Method of Constructin Sines b Formin Tri-

12. Calculation of Table of Sine-Differences from

First One . 29

13. Construction of Circles, Triangles, and Quadrilaterals' Determination of Horizontal an P r-

Bisects Chord. 34

18. Calculation of sampatasaras When Two Circles

Intersect 34


of an Arithmetical Progressien . 37

22. Sums of Series Formed by Taking Squares and

Cubes of Terms of an Arithmetical Progression. 37





ence Are Known . 38

25. nterest

26. Rule of Three (Proportion

27. Fractions .

28. Inverse Method .

29. To Find Sum of Several Numbers When Results

Obtained by Subtracting Each Number from Their

Sum Are Known . 40

30. To Find Value of Unknown When Two Equal Quantities Consist of Knowns and Similar Un-

knowns 41

31. To Calculate Their Past and Future Conjunctions

from Distance between Two Planets . 41

32-33. Indeterminate Equations of First Degree

(kuttaka) 43

3. Conjunctions and vyatipatas of Two Planets in a

yuga 51

4. Number of Revolutions of Epicycles of Planets;

52 . 52-3

8arp~'I')~, ava8arp~'I')~, susama, an u~~ama as

Divisions of yuga ,. . 53

10. Date of Writing of Aryabhatiya; Age of Author at

T~e . M



J .,L.;,IJ.,L,u.Lv,,,,,,,,

Planets and Asterisms 55

12. Planets Move with Equal Speed; Time in Which They Traverse Distances Equal to Orbit of Aster-

. .

14. For Same Reason Signs, Degrees, and Minutes

Differ in Length . 56

17. Planets Move with Their Mean Motion on Orbits and Eccentric Circles Eastward from Apsis and

. .

of Epicycle 58

20. Movement of Planet on Epicycle; When ahead of

22-24. Calculation of True Places of Planets from

Mean Places . 60

25. Calculation of True Distance between Planet and


1. Zodiacal Signs in Northern and Southern Halves of Ecliptic; Even Deviation of Ecliptic from

Equator 63

o es of Moon and Planets, and Earth's

a ow ove along Eoliptiq, 63

3. Moon, Jupiter, Mars, and Saturn Cross Ecliptic at Their Nodes; Venus and Mercury at Their

Conj unctions . 63





ecome lSI e

5. Sun Illumines One Half of Earth, Planets, and Asterisms; Other Half Dark

6-7. Spherical Earth, Surrounded by Orbits of


.~u.~u nc c

yojana during Day and Night of Brahman

9. At Equator Stationary Asterisms Seem To Move

. . . .



Wind, Move Straight Westward at EquatorHence Rising and Setting


13. Four Cities on Equator a Quadrant Apart; Sunrise at First Is Midday, Sunset-s-Midnight at

15. From Level Place Half of Stellar Sphere minus Radius of Earth Is Visible; Other Half plu8 Radius

of Earth Is Cut Off by Earth . 68-9

e Ion 0

Horizon 69

19. East and West Hour-Circle Passing through Pole~

( unman4ala) . 69



Is . 70

21. Vertical Circle Passing through Planet and Place Where Observer Is (dr-nmarpcjala) ; Vertical Circle

. "

volve So as To Keep Pace with Revolutions of

Heavenly Bodies 70

Is koti (Perpendicular to Base) . 70

24. Radius of Day-Circle 71

27. Oblique Ascension of Signs of Zodiac . .. 72

28. Sanku of Sun (Sine of Altitude on Vertical Circle Passin throu h S n t


,30. Amplitude of Sun (agra) 73

31. Sine of Altitude of Sun When Crossing Prime

Vertical 74

32. Midda sanku and Shadow . 74

34. Sine of Ecliptic Altitude (drggatijya); Parallax . 75 35-36. Drkkorman. (lik/Ja and ayana) . 76-7

37. Moon Causes Eclipse of Sun; Shadow of Earth

Causes Eclipse of Moon. 78

38. Time at Which Eclipses Occur. 78

39. Length of Shadow of Earth e . 78

40. Diameter of Earth's Shadow in Orbit of Moon 79

41. Sthityardha (Half of Time from First to Last

Contact) . 79

42. Tlimardiirdha (Half of Time of Total Obscuration) 79
4;) • .t'art or l\loon \V men Is Not .tt;cllpsed . · lid
A II. f' rn. . 4 r'< • rT"'I" ""1'1. on
":1:":1:. ~VUtill Vi VU;:;\,;Ul(:llJlV.ll i:tt. ,ru.J.J- '31\'1:;::11 .l..11ll1;; • , •• 7" -au
45. Valana. · . · 80
46. Color of Moon at Different Parts of Total Eclipse 81
47. Eclipse of Sun Not Perceptible if Less than One-
eighth Obscured · · . 81
48. Sun Calculated from Conjunction (yoga) of Earth
ana esun, lHoon rrom conjUnctIon or esun ana
"I."" _, f'"'\ L'. T"\1 1'. ....... . ,.
... ,"'..\.VVll, .:tJ..LU '-' 1..111:;::1 .L lUll\:: l.~ IlVLU vVllJ Ull\,; LIUll VI
Planet and Moon · 81
49-50. Colophon · · · · · . · · 81
n. }. T, T· Q'l
~ . · · · · · · · ~~
C"I T. ..... ,."
OA.l'i Ob..n.,L·,L· .l..L'i JJ J:Jj.h.. . · · · · · . · . · Otf

· llfathe-


eruru I ..


vised by Ramachandra Gupta. Benares (no date).

Edited by Girija Prasad Dvivedi.

Lucknow: N ewul Kishore Press,


Bhattotpala : The Btha; Smhhita by Varaha-

mihira with the commentary of Bhattotpala. "Vizianagram

.... , ..

Brahmagupta Refers to Brahmasphutasiddhanta.

Brahmasphutasiddhanta Edited by Sudhakara Dvivedin in

the Pandit (N.S.), Vols. XXIII-

skrit Series," Vol. X. Benares, 1895-97 .






T1, me ,wan en sura um,

from the Sanscrit oj Brahmegupta and Bluiscara: London, 1817.

Colebrooke, Essays Miscellaneous Essays (2d ed.), by

e y 0 g an

cintflma'Y}i. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. St. Petersburg, 1847.

I A Indian Antiquary.



aye, n uni Calcutta, 1915.

Kaye, Hindu Astronomy ..... "Memoirs of the Archaeological Survey of India," No. 18. Cal-

cutta, 1924.

y ra agupta. dited by

Babua Misra Jyotishacharyya.

University of Calcutta, 1925.

Lalla The Bi$yadhif,vrddhida of Lalla.

Edited by Sudhakara Dvivedin.

Benares (no date).

M aha siddhan ta By Aryabhata. Edited by Sudha-

kara Dvivedin in the "Benares Sanskrit Series." 1910.

Marlci. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Ga1}itadhyaya of Bhaskaras
Siddhamiasiromami WlfliVasana-
vasanavarttiKa, .
onasya, ana
Martci. Pandit (N.S.), Vols.
xx.....X-XXXI. Benares, 1908-9.
Pancasiddhantika ........... G. Thibaut and Sudhakara Dvi-
vedl The Paiicaeiddhaniika. The
Astronomical Work of Variiha
M ihira. Benares, 1889.
Sud h A.kara, Ga'Y}akatarangt'Y}'i .. Benares, 1892.
Suryasiddhanta ............. Edited by F. E. Hall and Bapu
Deva Sastrin in the Bibliotheca
"·",,ri,,;,.rr {'1nl,.,,++o lQJ:::Q
. ,
rrrHn,:.:l~.t,p.rl hv RllrIJ'P~~ Hnn Whit-
nev, Journal of the American
Oriental Society, Vol. VI.
Vasanavarttika .............. The Ga'lJ-itiidhyaya of Bhaskaras
Siddhantasiroma1'}i with Vasa-
-, , - .... .,... ., ..1
lll:1. LI:1.i:?ya, Y . v aL·IJIJ.lK.<:l, llIllU
1\ ,f' . -' D~. ,1.~-I- /1\.T Q \ ~T. ,1""
..Ll'..La.. ......... ... ..... J(.oUJ .. 1.I ,... .o.J. J, .... ~ .....
ZDMG .................... Zeitschrift der Deuiecheri 2\,£ orgen-
liindischen Gesellschajt.
I, II, III, and IV refer to the four sections of the Aryabhafi,ya. 1



A. Having paid reverence to Brahman, who is one (in causality, as the creator of the universe, but) many (in his manifesta-

[kalakriya], and the sphere [gola].

Baidyanath suggests that satya devaUi may denote


tator Paramesvara in translating "the true deity," God in the highest sense of the word, 38 referring to

Ion ,

of the word kam seems to indicate that Aryabhata based his work on the old Pitamahasiddhanta. Sup-

. ... .

a our ex , ,arya a.~yam namna purvam svayambhuvarh sada sad yat. However, as shown by Thibaut' and Kharegat," there is a close connection

- .

1 Paficasiddhantika, pp. xviii, xxvii. 2 JBBRAS, XIX, 129-31.

varge va.

Aryabhata's system of expressing numbers by means of letters has been discussed



specify the sources from which Aryabhata drew.

The stanza has been translated by Fleet.1 As pointed out first by Bhau Daji,2 a passage of Brahma-


, 0 e

last three sections of the Aryaohatiya (which contain exactly 108 stanzas), their occurrence there this

B. Beginning with ka the varga letters (are to be used) in the varga places, and the avarga letters (are to be used) in the avarga

. . .

, pp. " .


2 Ibid., 1865, p. 403. 4. JRAS, 1911, pp. 115, 125.

Ii Transactions of' the Literary Society of Madras, I (1827), 54, translated with additional notes by Jacquet, J A (1835), II, 118.



adduced by him to prove either assertion.

The varga or "square" places are the first, third,

etc., counting from the right. The words varga and avarga seem to be used in this sense in II, 4. There is no good reason for refusing to take them in the same

1 Zeitschriftjur die Kunde des Morgenlandes, IV, 81.

2 JRAS, 1863, p. 380. 8IHQ, III, 110.



5 J ASB, 1907, p. 478. • 6 Op. cii., 1911, p. 109.

7 BCMS, XVII (1926),195.

11 BCMS, XVIII (1927), 128 12 Op. cit., 1908, p. 120.

13 Ibid., p. 118.



, ,

like manner the vowel i refers the letters k to m to the second varga place, the place of hundred's, multi-

multiplies them by 1,000. And so on with the other seven vowels up to the ninth varga and avarga places.

- ,


values. They merely serve to refer the consonants

(which do have numerical values) to certain places. 1 See Sarada Kanta Ganguly, OPt cii., XVII (1926), 202.




terpretation seems to be impossible. Fleet suggests as an alternate interpretation the emendation of va to

when expressed in digits. There is no reason why such a statement should be made in the rule. Rodet


not seem to warrant the translation given by Rodet.

If the words can mean "at the end of a group," and if nava can be taken- with what precedes, Rodet's in-




, , [Those] nine


is to be taken as a compound, the translation "in the group following the nine" is all right. But Ganguly's

ning of a compound can mean "the following."

If nava is to be separated from antyavarge it is

. .


passage is of no consequence for the numbers actually dealt with by Aryabhata in this treatise. The largest number used b Ar abhata himself I 1 runs to onI


Rodet, Barth, and some others would translate' 'in

the two nine's of zero's," instead of "in the two nine's of places." That is to say, each vowel would serve to



sonant. This, of course, will work from the vowel i on, but the vowel a does not add two zero's. It adds no zero's or one zero depending on whether it is used


Aryabhata's time. It is possible that computation may have been made on a board ruled into columns.

There is no evidence to indicate the way in which the actual calculations were made, but it seems cer-



the preceding." .

There is nothing to prove that the actual calculation was made b means of these letters. I t is rob-

notation to be used in calculation but was devising a system by means of which he might express large, 1 Cf. Fleet, op. cit., 1911, p. 116.



, , " "

That is to say, 57,753,336. It happens here that the

digits are given in order from right to left, but they

may e given In reverse order or in any order which

to believe that such a descriptive alphabetical notation was not based on a place-value notation.

. . . .

meter which give the astronomical elements of the system. The discrepancy offers no firm support to the contention of Ka e that this stanza is a later addition.

fifteen instead of thirteen stansss is doubtless comI See JA (1880), 11,454, and BOMS, XVII (1926), 201.

20p. cit., 1908, p. 111.



tion, and not in the Arya metre."

1. In a yuga the revolutions of the Sun are 4,320,000, of the Moon 57,753,336, of the Earth eastward 1,582,237,500, of Saturn

146,564, 0 Jupiter 364,224, of Mars 2,296,824, of ercury an

e apSIS 0 e loon , , 0 e conjunc Ion 0

Mercury 17,937,020, of (the conjunction of) Venus 7,022,388, of (the conj unctions of) the others the same as those of the Sun, of

. . .

number given corresponds to the number of sidereal

follows the normal tradition of Indian astronom

and believes that the Earth is stationary, tries to prove that here and in IV, 9 (which he quotes)

of the actual westward movement of the planets (see note to I, 4).

In stanza 1 the ~yllable §U in the phrase which

. .. .

1 Ibid., 1865, p. 397.

2 See ibid., 1911, p. 122 n.

{(" -




tions (see Pancasiddhantika, pp. xviii-xix, and Kharegat- for the closer relationship of Aryabhata

Bibhutibhusan Datta 2 in criticism of the number

of revolutions of the planets reported by Alberuni (II, 16-19), remarks that the numbers given for the

akrtaryabhatab. sighragam induccam patam alpagaril svagateh I

. .


revolutions of the apsis and node of the Moon."

1 JBBRAS, XVIII, 129-31. 2 BCMS, XVII (1926), 71.

3 See further Bragmagupta (V, 25) and Alberuni (I, 376).



are fixed:

ary~tasate pat a bhramanti dasagltike sthirah pat.ii1:;t 1

ayor yugam

trisatI ravyudayanarh tadantaram hetuna kena. 112

1 See Suryasiddhtinla, pp. 27-28, and JRAS, 1911, p. 494.

2 Cf. JRAS 1

tiona of the Sun as 4,320,000 but one reckoning 300 savana days more than the other. Cf. Kharegat (op. cii., XIX, 130). Is the reference to another book by the author of our treatise or was there another earlier Aryabhata? Brahmagupta (XI, 13-14) further implies that

- . .

, ,

1863, p. 384; JBBRAS, XIX, 130-31; JRAS, 1911, p. 494;.IHQ, IV, 506). At any rate, Brahmagupta does not imply knowledge of a second Aryabhata. For the whole problem of the two or three ArYabhatas see Kaye (Bibl. math., X, 289) and Bibhutibhusan Datta




there is no reference to the traditional method of dividing the yuga into four parts in the proportion of

four equal parts. For the traditional division see Suryasiddhanta (I, 18-20, 22-23) and Brahmagupta

.. .

Compare Brahmagupta (I, 9)

yugapadan aryabhatas catvari samani krtayugadlni I

yad abhihitavan na te~am smrtyuktasamanam ekam api II

aryabhato yugapadams trill yatan aha kaliyugadau yat I tasya lqtantar yasmat svayugadyantau na tat tasmat II

from midnight at Lanka; and the same 'teacher again says that the day begins from sunrise "at Lanka," ascribes the two theories to one Aryabhata.

lOp. cit., 1911, pp. 111, 486.



manusandhirh yugam icchaty aryabhatas tanmanur yatah skhayugah i

kal as catur 'Uo-anam sahasram a tadhikam tasya. III

Bhau Daji2 first pointed out the parallels in Brahmagupta I, 9 and XI, 4 and XI, 11.3

degrees multiplied by 60 are nunutes. e mmutes m tIP e

by 10 are yojana.s (of the circumference of the sky). The Earth moves one minute in a priirpa..5 The circumference of the sky (in

In translating the words sasirasaya? iha cakram I have followed Paramesvara's interpretation saSinas


8 cr. Alberuni, I, 370, 373-74.

4 A ram is a sign of the zodiac or one-twelfth of a circle. s For prti1),a see III, 2.

ranenaiti kalam bhtir adi tarhi k t



The word yojanani must be taken as given a figure in yojanas for the circumference of the sky (akasa-

the followers of Aryabhata,

It is sufficient for us to know the s ace which is reached b

the solar rays. We do not want the s ace which is not reached

by the solar rays, thou h it be in itself of an enormous extent.

That which is not reached by the rays is not reached by the perception of the senses, and that which is not reached by perception is not knowable,

yajnana) as could I, 1 and IV, 9 and therefore was changed. The true reading is bhul}, as is proved conclusively by the quotation of Brahmagupta (XI, 17):

avarttanam urvyas cen na patanti sasnucchrayah kasmat. II Compare Brahmagupta (XXI, 59) and Alberuni (I, 276-77, 280).



As pointed out by Bhau Daji,l Brahmagupta (XI,

~O .asagaVlYOJana pan m pra 1 uvyasam p ava a a atmajiianam khyapitam aniscayas tanikrtakanyat II bhiivyasasyajfianad vyartham desantararn tadajfianat I

emended. See the commentary of Sudhakara, who suggests for the first stanza

Lalla eM adhyamildhiktira, 56 and Candragrahar:didhiktira, 6) gives the same diameters for the Earth and the Sun but gives 320 as the diameter of the


(I, 168) quotes from Brahmagupta

1 JRAS, 1865, p. 402.

2 Cf. Suryasiddhanta, I, 59; IV, 1; VII, 13-14; Brahmagupta, XXI, 32; Kharegat (op. cit., XIX, 132-34, discussing Suryasiddhanta, IX, 15-16).



samiiJ; as yugasama yugarkabhaga'J'}asama, the nominative plural sama~ has been contracted after sandhi.

6. The greatest declination of the ecli tic is 24 de ees. The

greatest deviation of the Moon from the ecliptic is 4~ decrees of

Saturn 2 degrees, of Jupiter 1 degree, of Mars Ii degrees, of Mercury and Venus 2 degrees. Ninety-six angulas or 4 hastas make 1 ns:

virhsatibhaga apakromah; paramapakrama ity arthah, The construction is as strange as that of stanza 4

and Saturn having moved (are situated) at 20, 60, 40, 80, and 100 degrees from the beginning of Mesa, The apsides of the Sun and of the above-mentioned planets (in the same order) (are situated) at 78, 210, 90, 118, 180, and 236 degrees from the

beginning of Mesa,

I have followed Paramesvara's explanation of gatvamsaklln as ukiam. etiin evamsakiin me?adito gatva vyavasthital'}.

1 Cf. Suryasiddhanta, I, 68-70 and II, 28; Brahmagupta, IX, 1 and XXI, 52.



figures for the revolutions of the nodes and apsides of all the planets. These seem to be based on theory

several thousand years for them to move so far that their motion could easily be detected by ordinary


gitika the nodes are stationary while in the Arya~ta8ata they move. This refers to I, 2 and IV, 2. In the DasagUika only the revolutions of the nodes of

the Moon are · ven · in the A r astasata the nodes and

apsides are said explicitly to move along the ecliptic. In the present stanza the word gatva seems clearly to

1 Of. Suryasiddhanta, pp. 27-28.



For the revolutions of the nodes and apsides see Brahmagupta, I, 19-21, and Suryasiddhanta, 1,41-44,

8. Divided by 4t the epicycles of the apsides of the Moon

the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn (in the first and third quadrants) are 7, 3, 7, 4, 14, 7, 9; the epicycles of the conjunctions of Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus, and Mercury (in the first and third quadrants) are 9, 16, 53, 59, 31;

9. the epicycles of the apsides of the planets Mercury, Venus,

Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn in the second and fourth quadrants are 5, 2, 18, 8, 13; the epicycles of the conjunctions of the planets Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus, and Mercury in the second and fourth quadrants are 8, 15, 51, 57, 29. The circumference within

which the Earth-wind blows is 3,375 yojanas.

The criticism of these stanzas made by Brahma-: gupta (II, 33 and XI, 18-21) is, as pointed out by lOp. cit., III, 154.

Brahmagupta's epicycles see II, 34-39).

Lalla (Spa?ttldhikara, 28) agrees closely with stanza 8 and (Grahabhra'ma'(W" 2) gives the same figure





10. The (twenty-four) sines reckoned in minutes of arc are 225, 224, 222, 219, 215, 210, 205, 199, 191, 183, 174, 164, 154, 143, 131, 119, 106,93 79, 65, 51 37, 22, 7.

Compare Suryasiddhanta (II, 15-27) and Lalla (Spa?tlldhikara, 1-8) and Brahmagupta (II, 2-9).

Aryabhata as furnishing a precedent for the use of twenty-four sines. 1

Krishnaswami Ayyangar" furnishes a plausible

1 For discussion of the stanza see Barth, ibid., III, 150 n., and

2 JIMB, XV (1923-24), 121-26.

3 See also N araharayya, "Note on the Hindu Table of Sines," ibid., pp. 105-13 of "Notes and Questions."

in a footnote to the stanza and Ayyangar (p. 125 n.)
point out that the text-reading for the sixteenth and
seventeenth sines violates the meter. This, however,
may be remedied easily without changing the values.'
c. Whoever knows this DasagUika Stura which describes
the movements of the Earth and the planets in the sphere of the
asterisms passes through the paths of the planets and asterisms
ana goes to nne mgner J:Sranman.
1 Cf. JRAS, uno, pp. 752, 754, and lA, XX, 228 .

. [thousand], ayuta [ten thousand], niyuta [hundred thousand], prayuta [million], koti [ten million], arbuda [hundred million], and vrnda thousand million are from lace to lace each ten times


1. Having paid reverence to Brahman, the Earth, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, the Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and the asterisms, Aryabhata sets forth here [in this work] the science which

• 1

science" is possible. At any rate, Aryabhata states the school to which he belongs. Kusumapura mayor

2. The numbers eka [one], dasa [ten], sata [hundre ,sahasra

3. A square, the area of a square, and the product of two equal quantities are called varga. The product of three equal uantities and a solid which has twelve ed es are called hona)

, , ,.

his edition of the Brho: Sarhhitli, p. 57, and BCMS, XVIII (1927), 7.

2 See JRAS, 1911, p. 116; IHQ, III, 112; BCMB, XVII (1926), 198. For the quotation in Alberuni (I, 176), which differs in the last





to the number in the last odd place on the left is set down in a place apart, and after this are set down the

root represented by the quotient of the preceding division. The divisor is the square of that part of the


e a er 00 s.

This process seems to be substantially correct, but there are several difficulties. Sthanantare may mean

." ".

Nit yam ("always") may merely indicate that such is the regular way of performing the operation. All the translators except Saradakanta Gan I

think he is correct in taking it with what follows. In that case the parallelism with the following rule is exact. Otherwise the first rule would give the opera-

1 See Colebrooke, op. cit., p. 280 n. 2 J ASB, 1907, pp. 493-94.

3 BCMS, XVIII (1927), 124.

4 JBORS, XII, 78. 50p. cit., 1908, p. 120.


place while the second rule would give first the operations for the aghana places and then that for the ghana place. However, for purposes of description, it

. ..

m tya, w c aghana." Kaye" insists that this rule and the next are per-

. .

varga places, and the sign places.

indicates the avarga



s interpretation. To what do the words "square" and "non-square" of his translation refer? The words of Aryabhata exactly fit the method employed in later

. .

Twice the root

2)05(2= quotient (or next digit of root)


Square of the quotient Twice the root {2X12)


24)72(3= quotient tor next digit of root) 72


Square of the quotient

9 o

Square root is 1 2 3

. ne s 0 VI e t e secon aghana y t ee times the

square of the (cube) root of the (preceding) ghana. The square (of the quotient) multiplied by three times the purva (that part of the cube root already found) is to be subtracted from the first

places; and the third, sixth, etc., places are called the second aghana (non-cubic) places. The nearest cube root to the number in (or up to and including) the last

e succesleaves no


The translation given by ... Avadhesh Narayan Singh! as a "correct literal rendering" is inaccurate.

. .. ..

trighanasya for triqunena ghanasya.2

Kaye" remarks that this rule is given by Brahma-

the content is exactly the same.

Counting from right to left, the first, fourth, etc.,

1 BCMS, XVIII (1927), 134.

2 The rule has been discussed in JBORS, XII, 80. Cf. Brah .. magupta (XII, 7) and the translation and note of Colebrooke (op. cit., p. 280).

30p. cit., 1908, p. 119.

ree times square 0 root

or next digit of




1860867 (root = 1

26 12



Three times square of root 432) 1328(3 = quotient (or next digit


Square of quotient multiplied 324

by three times the purva

(32X3X 12) 27

Cube of quotient 27

Cube root is 1 2 3

6. The area of a triangle is the product of the perpendicular

. . .

If samadalakoti can denote, as Paramesvara says, a perpendicular which is common to two triangles the rule refers to all triangles. If samadalakoti refers to a

1 For asra or aSri in the sense of Hedge" see note to stanza II, 3.

See JBORS, XII, 84-85, for discussion of the inaccurate value given in the second part of the rule.

Ar _c(a+b)

ea- 2 .


is the exact volume of a sphere.'

8. The two sides (separately) multiplied by the perpendicular and divided by their sum will give the perpendiculars (from

. ... .


which two sides are parallel, i.e., trapezium. The word translated "sides" refers to the two parallel

In the example given above a and b are the parallel sides, c is the perpendicular between them, and d and e are the perpendiculars from the point

. . .

9. The area of any plane figure is found by determining two sides and then multiplying them together.

The chord of the sixth part of the circumference is equal to

1 ee '2. • an uu, mat" , ,or SCUSSlon 0 e mac-

curate value given in the second part of the rule, For a possible '-~"

reference to this passage by Bhaskara, Goliidhyfiya, Bhuoanokosa, •

stanza 61 (Vasanabhfirga) (not stanza 52 as stated), see BCMS, I.

XVIII (1927), 10.

The exact method of workin out the table i



less handed down by oral tradition.

Rodet thinks that the rule directs that the figure be

10. Add 4 to 100, multiply by 8, and add 62,000. The result is approximately the circumference of a circle of which the diameter is 20000.


By this rule the relation of circumference to diameter is 3.1416.1

11.. One should divide a quarter of the circumference of a circle (into as many equal parts as are desired). From the triangles and quadrilaterals (which are formed) one will have on the radius as many sines of equal arcs as are desired.'

known. It is uncertain what is intended by the triangle and the quadrilateral constructed from each point marked on the quadrant."

e ve ill , e erences e ween e SInes.

Twenty-four sines taken at intervals of 225 minutes of arc are regularly given in the Indian tables.

3 Note the methods suggested by Kaye and Rodet and cf. JIMB, XV (1923-24), 122 and 108-9 of "Notes and Questions."



, .. ~

preceding sines by the first sine, by the sum of these two quanti-

ties the following sines are less than the first sine.

The last phrase may be translated "the sine-

cliff erences are less than the first sine." 1

This rule describes how the table of sine-differ-

ences given in I, 10 may be calculated from the first one (225). The first sine means always this first sine

. . .

Divide 225 plus 224 by 225 and the nearest quotient is 2. Add 2 and 1 and subtract from 225. The third

owmg smes.

If this method is followed strictly there results several slight divergences from the values given in I, 10. It is possible to reconcile most of these by assum-

. .

among the sines. But of this there is no indication in the rule as given.

1 For discussion of the Indian sines see the notes of Rodet and

Kaye; Pancasiddhlintika, chap. iv; Silryasiddhanta, II, 15-27; Lalla,

p. 1; ra agup a, ,.oJ-; , , pp. , ; , , 228; Brennand, Hindu Astronomy, pp. 210-13; JIMS, -xv (1923-24), 121-26, with attempted explanation of the variation of several of the values given in the table from the values calculated by means of this rule, and ibid., pp. 105-13 of "Notes and Questions."



Tribhuia denotes triangle in general and catur-

izes the meaning of kama to that of one chosen side of a trian le and to that of the diagonal of any quadri-


Paramesvara interprets it as referring to the construction of a trian Ie of which the three sides are

and one diagonal are known. One side of the triangle is taken as the karna. Two sticks of the length of the other two sides, one touching one end and the other

the other end of the karna are brou ht to such a osi-

tion that their tips join. The quadrilateral is made by constructing two triangles, one on each side of the diagonal.

mesvara reads 8VatTtta which is correct.



14. Add the square of the height of the gnomon to the square of its shadow. The square root of this sum is the radius of the

mesvara has chayagramadhyam sanku8ira~priipi yan mandalam. urdhvadha~sthitam tat 8vavrttarn ity ucyate,

15. Multiply the length of the gnomon by the distance be-

"_ .

e 0

The quotient will be the length of the shadow measured from

the base of the gnomon.'

1 For arallels to the stanza see Lalla (Yantroohyliya, 2) and

Brahmagupta, XXII, 7. See BCMB, A""VIII (1927), 68-69, which is

too emphatic in its assertion that kama must mean "diagonal not "hypotenuse."

2 See Brahmagupta, XII, 53; Colebrooke, op. cii., p. 317; Brennand, op. cit., p. 166.




rule Rodet is incline to t that the gnomon and the bhuja were not perpendicular but projected horizontally from a wall. Bhuja denotes any side of a


BA is the bhuja which holds the light, DE is the gnomon,


16. The distance between the ends of the two shadows multiplied by the length of the shadow and divided by the difference in length of the two shadows gives the koti. The koti multiplied

The literal translation of chayagur;itam chayagravivaram iinena bhajitli kOfi seems to be "The dis-


divided by the difference in length of the two shad-

ows." This is equivalent to the translation given above.



C AB is the bhuja,

AE is the koti,

CD is the gnomon in its first position,

C'D' is the gnomon in its second position,

The length of the bhuja which holds the light and the distance between the end of the shadow and the

a secon s a ow.

The length of the shadow is its length when the gnomon is in its first position. The kOfi is the dis-

words bhuja and kot?, also refer to the sides of a rightangle triangle without much regard as to which is horizontal and which is upright.




o n 17. The square of the bhuja plus the square of the kot1., is the square of the kama.

In a circle the roduct of two saras is the s uare of the half ~

chord of the two arcs.

triangle. The kama is the hypotenuse.

The sara» or "arrows" are the segments of a

bite") denotes that part of the common diameter of the two circles which is cut off by the intersecting chords of the two circles.

",.. ... ~ .. ..- ~ - - ~

nand, op, cit., p. 166.

2 Cf. Brahmagupta, XII, 41. See BCMB, XVIII (1927), 11, 71, with discussion of the quotation given by Colebrooke, op. cit., p. 309, from Prthudakasvamt's commentary to Brahmagupta.

AB is the grasa, AE and BE are the sam aiasaras.



D+d-2AB' D+d-2AB J

where d and D are the diameters of the two circles.


number of terms taken anywhere within an arithmetical progression. Let n be the number of terms extending from the (p+l)th to the (p+n)th terms

difference between the terms, let a be the first term of the progression, and l the last term.

1 Cf. Brahmagupta, XII, 43; Colebrooke, op. cit., p. 311.



aramesvara IS correc IS s a ement

bahusutrarthapradarsaka1n etat sutram. ato bahudha o 'ana kar a and subse uent ex osition seems

the rule.'

As Rodet says, the development of this formula from the one in the preceding rule seems to indicate

1 Of. Oolebrooke, op. cit., p. 290.

2 See Brahmagupta, XII, 18; Colebrooke, op. cit., p. 291. 3 See also JA (1878), 1,28, 77, and JBORS, XII, 86-87.

s= n(n+l)(n+2) 6


(n+ 1)3 - (n+ 1) 6


Form the series 1 3 6 10 15, etc., by taking for the terms the sum of the terms of the first series. The


As Rodet remarks, it is curious that in the face of this rule the rule given above (stanza 6) for the

volume of a ramid is incorrect.

22. The sixth part of the product of three uantities con-

sisting of the number of terms, the number of terms plus one,

and twice the number of terms plus one is the sum of the squares. The square of the sum of the (original) series is the sum of the cubes.

1 Cf. Brahmagupta, XII, 19; Colebrooke, op. cit., pp. 292-93.

Brabmagupta (XII, 20) directs that the summation of certain series be illustrated by means of piles of round balls.



third series.'

The rule for finding the sum of the first series was

n(n+l)(2n+l) 6

the two factors.



V 4ab+(a-b)2± (a-b) will . d b

2 give a an .

Add to this result the square of half the principal. Take the square root of this. Subtract half the principal and divide the remainder by the time. The result will be the interest on the

1 Of. Brahmagupta, XII, 20; Colebrooke, op. cit., p. 293; BCMS, XVIII (1927), 70.

2 Cf. the somewhat similar problem in Brahmagupta, XII, 15; Colebrooke, op. cit., pp. 287-28, and see the discussion of Kaye.

X=- .2 a


principal be A. Let t be the time.

The following example is given by Paramesvara .


The interest received on 100 in one month was 10. 26. In the rule of three multiply the fruit by the desire and

The rule of three corresponds to proportion.

In the proportion a is to b as c is to x the measure is a, the fruit is b, the desire is c, and the fruit of the

. .

1 See JBORS, XII, 87.

2 See Brahmagupta, XII, 10 and Colebrooke, Ope cit., p. 283.



o ~

other denominators in order to reduce fractions to a common


For the first part of the rule I have given what

translates, "The denominators are multiplied by one another in multiplication and division." If that is the

taken for granted.

I t is tempting to take gU1Jakarabhagahara as mean-


28. Multipliers become divisors and divisors become multipliers, addition becomes subtraction and subtraction becomes addition in the inverse method.

end and working backward. As, for instance, in the question, "What number multiplied by 3, divided by 5, plus 6, minus 1, will give 5?"

29. If you know the results obtained b subtractin sue-

cessively from a sum of quantities each one of these quantities set these results down separately. Add them all together and divide by the number of terms less one. The result will be the sum of all the quantities.

b-a .


x-d=a+b+c .




30. One should divide the difference between the pieces of

money possessed by two men by the difference between the ob-

[ects possessed by them. The quotient will be the value of one of

the objects t e wea tot ae two men IS equa .

Two men possess each a certain number of pieces

two men, and let m and p be the number of cows possessed by them.


is equal.

31. The two distances between two planets moving in epposite directions is divided by the sum of their daily motions. The

. .. . ..

(in each case) will give the time of meeting of the two in the past and in the future.

1 Cf. JBORS, XII, 88-90.

sighragatihino mandagatir omtaram. bhavati. mandagatihinaS M,ghragatiS

- . .




to do full justice to the word dve.1

The next two stanzas give a method for the solu-


portant exception. In place of the enigmatic statement matiqunam. agrantare k~iptam, "(The last re-

gupta has, "The residue (of the reciprocal division) is multiplied by an assumed number such that the product having added to it the difference of the

e own un erneath) and the quotient last." It is possible that this same process is to be understood in Aryabhata.

1 Cf. Paramesvara, doe iti vacanam asuaras a dvaividh ilt.


Cf. Brahmagupta, IX, ~ and Bhaskara, Ga'J)itadhyaya, Grahayutyadhikiira, 3-4, and Viisanab~ya, and see J.A (1878), 1,28.

2 Colebrooke, op. cit., p. 325.


32-33. Divide the divisor which gives the greater agra by the divisor which gives the smaller agra. The remainder is reciproca1-

1y divided (that is to say, the remainder becomes the divisor of

the original divisor, and the remainder of this second division

becomes the divisor of the second divisor, etc.). (The quotients are placed below each other in the so-called chain.) (The last remainder) is multiplied by an assumed number and added to the

The word agra denotes the remainders which constitute the provisional values of z, that is to say, values one of which will satisfy one condition, one of

tion of matigurpam aqrtmtore ksipiam, "An assumed number together with the original difference is thrown in," is an impossible translation, and any method

1. First rocess. To find a value of x whi



tion .... ~ second possible interpretation, which will be given below, would supply "quotient" instead of

8x . . d f 4 17x. . d f 7

29 gives a remain er 0 45 gives a remain er 0 •

Y= an Z=I

where y and z are the quotients of the division (y and z to be whole numbers).

e uation:

8)29(3 24






Take an assumed number such that multiplied by 1 (the last remainder of the reciprocal division) and

6 5)6(1 5


6· 6-4

IS taken bee a use -~ = l.


to form the chain.

3 73 29)73(2


6 which will satisfy the equation.





Take an assumed number such that multiplied by 1 (the last remainder of the reciprocal division)

. . ..


3 is taken because 5 = 2.




2 34 1 13

34)45(1 34

2 which will. satisfy the equation.

agras is 4, i.e., 15-11.

3. Third process. To find a value of x which will satisfy both




13 3)13(4 12

Take an assumed number such that multiplied by 1 (the last remainder of the reciprocal division) and

. .

reciprocal division).

2 is taken because 2!4 =2.

Mazumdar,' who was misled in some details by following Kaye's translation, and by Sen Gupta," and full worked out b Sarada Kanta Gan ul .3


1 34 1 22

45)34(0 o


Then in accordance with the rule 34 X 29 = 986

will satisfy both equations.

Strictly speaking, the rule applies only to the third

given in full. There is nothing to indicate how far the reciprocal division was to be carried. M ust it be

.. . .

2 Journal of the Department oj Letters (Calcutta University), XVI, 27-30.

3 BCMS, XIX (1928), 170-76.



32-33. Divide the divisor corresponding to the greater remainder by the divisor corresponding to the smaller remainder.

.. ., ..

is below it. (Continue this process to the top of the chain.) Divide (the lower of the two top numbers) by the divisor cor-

res ondinz to the smaller remainder. M ti .

number) which will satisfy the two divisors and the two remainders.

conditions can also be obtained by multiplying the remainder, obtained as the result of division of the upper number by the divisor corresponding to the greater given remainder, by the divisor correspondin to the smaller . ven remainder and then

adding the smaller remainder to the roduct.

From this point of view the problem would be that of finding a number which will leave given remainders when divided bv zi ositive inte ers.

ber divided by 3 and 7 will leave as remainders 2 and I?

Following the rule literally, even though a smaller

number has to be divided by a larger number we get
the following:
Multiply the last quotient (3) by an assumed
number (for instance, 3) and set this product and the
,01'1" , _j_ _1 o _1 _n _1_-f_ . 1 .. '
uurereuce ueuweeu lilltj rerna tuers £J auu 1., i.e., \.1)
down below the quotients to torm the cham.
0 28 7)65(9
2 65 63
? ')Q
9 .........
Then 2X3=6 and 6+2=8.
or 3)28(9
Then lX7=7 and 7+1=8.
Therefore 8 is the number desired.
The two methods attach different significations to
tJh~ WI J o,_' onra ~,nrl snnnlv diffp.-p,..,t words with bhliiite_
v ....... v .,
in the third line ("remainder," in one case; "quo-
tient," in the other). They differ fundamentally in
their interpretations of the words maiiqumam. agrii-
niare ksipiam: In the first method it is necessary to
supply much to fill out the meaning, but the transla-
tion of these words themselves is a more natural one.
In the second method it is not necessary to supply
anything except "quotient" with matiqunarn. (in the
first method it is necessary to supply "remainder").
But if the intention was that of stating that the
product of the Quotient and an assumed number, and
the difference between the remainders, are to be
added below the quotients to form a chain the
thought is expressed in a very curious wav. Ganguly
finds iustification for this interpretation (0. 172) in
his formulas. but I cannot heln feeling that the San-
skrit is stretched in order to make it fit the formula.
The general method of solution by reciprocal
division and formation of a chain is clear. but some
of thp. details are uncertain and we do not know to
wha.t sor-t of nroblems Arvabhata anolied it.


1. A year consists of twelve months . .A. month consists of thirty days. A day consists of sixty niiq,Ts. A n6.i!J consists of

beginning with a revolution.'

3. The difference between the number of revolutions of two

This is a yoga of the Sun and Moon when they are

4. The difference between the number of revolutions of a planet and the number of revolutions of its ucca is the number of

. . .

1 Cf. Suryasiddhanta, I, 11-13; Alberuni, I, 335; Bhattotpala, p.


2 Cf. Suryasiddhanta, I, 11, 28; Bhattotpala, p. 24; Pa:iicasi-


3 See Lalla, J.""fadhyamadhikara, 11; Brahmagupta, XIII, 42, for the first part. For vyatipiUa see Sil1'yasiddhanta, XI, 2; Paiicasiddhantika, III, 22; Lalla, ~fahapatlidhikara, 1; Brahmagupta, XIV, 37,39.

4 For the first part see Lalla, J.lladhyamadhikara, 11; Brahms-

gupta, XIII, 42 j Bhaskara, ar;titadhyaya, Bhaga1),ad yaya, 14. or the second part see JRAS, 1863, p. 378; ibid., 1865, p. 404; Suryasiddhanta, I, 55; Bhattotpala, p. 182.






of revolutions of the epicycles of their apsides is equal to the number of revolutions of, the planets;

and that the number of revolutions of the epicycles

of the coni unctions of Mercur Venus Mars

Jupiter, and Saturn is equal to the difference between the revolutions of the planets and the revolutions of

. . .

5. The revolutions of the Sun are solar years. The conjunctions of the Sun and Moon are lunar months. The conjunctions of the Sun and the Earth are [civil] days. The revolutions of the

. .

The word yoga apphe to the Sun an the Earth (instead of bhaqoma or avarta) seems clearly to indicate that Aryabhata believed in a rotation of the

seems to be impossible.

6. Subtract the solar months in a yuga from the lunar months in a yuga. The result will be the number of intercalary months in



ays days in a y·uga.1 7. A solar year is a year of men. Thirty of these make a year of the Fathers. Twelve years of the Fathers make a year of the

Alberuni (1, 370-71) remarks:



kalpa goes, but the remark about the sun's ascending and descending is not correct. If he meant the sun who makes our day, it was his duty to explain of what kind that ascending and

. .. .

describe him to us. I almost think that the author meant by these two expressions the progressive, increasing development of things during the first half of this period, and the retrograde,

. in th second half."

. , ,

Brahmagupta, I, 24 and xm, 26.

1 Of. Silryasiddhanta, I, 13-15; I, 20. Brahmagupta (1, 12) criticizes Aryabhata's figure of 1,008 yugas instead of 1,000 yugas. Of. JRAS, 1865, p. 400. Cf. also I, 3 and see JRAS, 1911, p. 486.



e 0 e yuga seems 0 e ca e su~ama ~ even

because good and bad are evenly mixed. The beginning and the end are called du?~ama ("uneven") be-


given no explanation. Then he quotes from the Bhataprakasika a statement to the effect that our

'bhiyuktair nirupya vaktavyal!) of the last phrase of the stanza. He then continues by saying that he does

e rna er un er ISCUSSlon, as no SIg cance for the calculation of the places of the planets. Then he adds two forced e lanations. The meanin of

emendation to agnyarhsat.

The terminology is distinctively J aina.'

If Aryabhata began the Kaliyuga at 3102 B.C. as later astronomers did, and if his fourth yugapada

,. " ,.,'

LX, 320-21; Stevenson, The Heart of J ainism, pp. 27'2:fl. See also

Hardy, Manual of Buddhism, p. 7.

2 See JRAS, 1863, p. 387; ibid., 1865, p. 405; Kern, Brhai Sarhhif4, Preface, p. 57; JRAS, 1911, pp. 111-12.



a .ne a e A.D.

date of composition of the treatise. Paramesvara quotes the Prakasiktlkara to the effect that this is to

t .



11. The yuga, the year, the month, and the day began all together at the beginning of the bright fortnight of Caitra, Time, which has no bezinnin and no end is measured b (the move-

of this stanza by Brabmagupta (XI, 6): yugavarsadtn vadata caitrasitadeh samarh pravrttan yat]

- .

dhyaya, Kalamantldhyiiya, 15, who refers to an earlier commentary in which time is called endless."

12. The planets moving equally (traversing the same distance

. ... .

age [cat·uryuga].

In sixty years they move a distance in yojanas equal to the circle of the asterisms. In a caturyuga

e CITCum.-

1 JRAS, 1865, p. 401.

2 For discussion of the stanza see Fleet, ibid., 1911, pp. 489-90; cf. I, 2.




The nearer ones seem to move more rapidly than the more distant ones because their orbits are smaller.'

13. The l\Ioon, being below, completes its small orbit in a

. .

known as small in a small circle and large in a large circle. Likewise the degrees and minutes are the same in number in the

. .

, ,

situated in the center of space like a hitching-post.'

16. These seven lords of the hours, Saturn and the others,

,.. . .

They are called "swifter than the preceding" betheir orbits

the planets is Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, the Sun, Venus, Mercury, and the Moon. Therefore they become rulers of the da s of the week as follows:

Ii, a, , Paiicasiddhantika, XIII, 39; 69; JRAS, 1911, p. 112.

2 Of. JRAS, 1863, p. 375; Suryasiddhanta, XII, 76--77; Paiicaei-

, ,p. 5; ancasiddhantikti, XIII, 40; Suryasi-

ddhanta, XII, 75; Brahmagupta, XXI, 14; Bhattotpala, p. 45.

4 Of. JRAS, 1863, p. 375; Pancasiddhantika, XIII, 39; Lalla, M adhyamadhikara, 12; Brahmagupta, XXI, 2; Bhattotpala, p. 44.

XXI, 13;


stanza made by Brahmagupta (XI, 12):

sfiryadayas caturtha dinavara yad uvaca tad asad aryabhutabl

. ...

17. All the planets move by their (mean) motion on their orbits and their eccentric circles from the apsis eastward and from the con . unction westward."

The true planet moves with its (mean) motion on an eccentric circle the center of which does not coincide

with the center of the Earth.

the orbit on which the mean planet moves. The pratima1}rtala is the eccentric circle on which the true planet moves. Because of the eccentricity of this

and sometimes back of its mean place."

1 See Barth (CEuvres, III, 151) concerning this as the only reference to astrology in Aryabhata's treatise. The reference to vyatipata (IT I, 5) should be added.

2 JRAS, 1865, p. 401.

3 See Lalla, Chedyakiidhikara, 12-13; Brahmagupta, XIV, 11 and XXI,24.

4 See Brennand, Hindu Astronomy, pp. 224 ff.; Surya.siddhanta, p.64.

e SIX signs



The kakf$yama1J,r)ala is determined by I, 4.

Brahmagupta, XI, 52, has

has an anuloma motion on its epicycle.

mandocca. On the epicycle of the apsis the motion should be exactly the reverse of these."

Anulomameans "eastward" or "ahead"; Pratiloma

means "westward" or "behind."

Paramesvara remarks that anuloma and pratiloma refer to the planet's position with reference to the mean planet as ahead of it or behind it. He also re-

1 Cf. Lalla, Chedyakiidhikara, 8-9; Brahmagupta, XIV, 10 and XXI,24-26.

2 See Brahmagupta, XXI, 25-26 and Suryasiddhanta, pp.63--64, 67-68.

1 Cf. Lalla, Bhuoanakoia, 38.

2 Cf. Brahmagupta, XXI, 25.


are below t e ucca. When proiiloma the true planet is below the mean planet. When anuloma the true planet is above the mean planet.'

Paramesvara sums up , e content 0 e stanza wit

madhyamiU sphutasya praiilonuinulomaqaiituun ukiam, . f

revolution is behind the mean planet.

21. The epicycles move eastward from the apsis and west-

ward from the conjunctions. The mean planet, situated on its

orbit, appears at the center of its epicycle."

The next three stanzas state briefly the method of calculating the true places of the planets from their

place. (2) From this corrected place the 8ighraphala is calculated and half of it is applied to the corrected lace. 3 From this result the mandaphala is again

this result the 8ighraphala is again calculated and applied to the place obtained in the third process.


~~RYABHArIY ... f\.

essary: rom t e mean p ace the sighrap/Lala is calculated and half of it is applied vyastam (in reverse order) to the mandocca (apsis). (2) This corrected

junctions are just the reverse.

In the case of Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars in the first process

h 1 f th ma d' .

sphutamadhya. They become sphuta (by applying the correction from the conjunction).

The first half of stanza 22 gives the general rule as

conjunction is plus in the half of the orbit beginning with Mesa, minus in the half of the orbit beginning with Tula.



tion from the conjunction. The commentary to stanza 24 gives in detail the process of calculating the

Brahroagupta (II, 19, 33, 46-47) criticizes .A .. r a-

bhata for the inaccuracy of his method of calculating the true places.

its orbit.

calculating the true places of the planets.

The second half of the stanza is uncertain. This same statement was made in unmistakable terms in

Brahmagupta, II, 34-40; Lalla, Spa~tijdhikara, 31-36; Bhaskara, Ga1J,itlidhyaya, Spar;¥Ldhikara, 34-36 and Goladhyaya, Chedyakadhikara, 10 ff.; JRAS, 1863, pp. 353-59; Brennand, Ope cis., pp. 214- 28; Kaye, Hindu Astronomy, pp. 87-89.

III, 19. Paramesvara quotes the author of the earlier
Prakasika, bhiLtartigrahavivaravyasardhaviracitaYiirh
kak~yayarh yo grahasya [aoas sa mandomicocce bhavati.
tavatprama1']fiyarh kak~yayarh graho mandasphutagatya
gacchatUy arthah, ity aha. aeman. kim tv etan nopa-
pannam iti pratibhati. Then he explains that thA
meaning may be that the radius of the epicycle is;
equal to the greatest distance bv which the mean
orbit lies inside or outside of the eccentric circle.
Grahavegalp is reminiscent of grahajaval), in I, 4,
but the meaning can hardlv be the same.
Karna ("hypotenuse") is the distance between t.h~
center of the Earth and the nlanet..'
1 Cf. Brahmagupta, XXI, 31; Bhaskara, Ga1J,itadhyaya, Candra-
grahar:UJ,dhikara, 4-5; Suryasiddhanta, p. 69 .

. dezrees from the Sun. Venus when 9 degrees.


1. From the beginning of Mesa to the end of E~anya is the northern half of the ecliptic. The other half from the beginning of Taulya to the end of Mlna is the southern half of the ecliptic.

south are equal, and the declinations of the first three si ns in each half are equal to the declinations of the

, ,

Moon move constantly along the ecliptic. The shadow of the Earth moves along the ecliptic at a distance of 180 degrees from

passage made by Brahmagupta, XI, 8.3

Barth" questions the stanza, but without good

, ,

ward of the ecliptic. Likewise Jupiter, Mars, and Saturn. Venus and Mercury do the same from their conjunctions,"

4. When the Moon has no declination it is visible when 12

1 Of. JRAS, 1863, p. 374; Bhattotpala, p. 45. 2 JRAS, 1865, p. 401.

3 Of. I 7 and note; Brahmagupta, XXI, 53; Suryasiddhanta,

IV 6.

4 (Euvres, III, 154.

5 Of. Suryasiddhdnta, I, 68-69 and Aryabha~iya, I, 6. 63

g SIzes



Compare Brahmagupta, Vl, 6; Sflryasiddhanta, IX, 6-9 and X, 1; Pancasiddhantika, XVII, 12 and

_. -1· .

a YOJana ill SIze


1 JRAS, 1865, p. 401.

2 Of. Lalla, Madhyagativasana, 40-41; Bhattotpala, p. 100; Pancasiddhantikii, XIII, 35, for the Moon.

3 Of. III, 15. Cf. Lalla, Bhugoladhyiiya, 1; Pancasiddhantika,

4 Of. Lalla, Bhugoladhyaya, 6; Bhattotpala, p. 58 (and see JRAS, 1863, pp. 373-74); Bhaskara, Goladhyaya, Bhuuanakosa, 3.

S Of. Lalla, Grahabhramasarhsthadhyiiya, 20; Bhaskara, Goladhyaya, Bhuoanakoia, 62.




tionary 0 bj ects on the Earth moving eastward. As Barth' points out, this explanation is quite unac-


10). It is curious that Aryabhata should be quoted

against himself, and that Bhattotpala should not indicate clearly which view really represents Arya-

regarded the first stanza as containing a pilrvapakl$a or erroneous view. 2

lOp. cit., III, 158 n.

2 Of. JRAS, 1863, pp. 375-77.

6 See Barth, op. cit., III, 158.

7 Pandit, Vol. XXX.



, ; a a, ~ yaJnana-

dhyaya, 42-43; Sripati as reported in the Lucknow edition of Bhaskara's Goladhyfiya, page 83; see also

bhapafijarah sthiro bhnr evavrtyavrtya pratidaivasikau I udayastamayau sampadayati naksatragrahanam. 113


that according to Aryabhata the planets move toward the east, the asterisms are stationary, and the Earth

10. The cause of their rising and setting is due to the fact

that the circle of the asterisms, together with the planets, driven by the provector wind, constantly moves straight westward at Lanka.s

JRAS, 1863, p. 377).6

The Marlci (p. 43) to Bhaskara's Grahaga~ita7 quotes this stanza.

3 See JRAS, 1865, pp. 403-4; IHQ, I, 666 (the words given as a direct quotation from Aryabhata are incorrect); BCMS, XVII (1926), 175. The author of the last article remarks that it is not clear whether Aryabhata had in mind the geocentric or the heliocentric

motion of the Earth. The latter is out of the question. Cf. III, 15,

umir me i uta +Pandit; Vol. XXXI.

5 Cf. Suryasiddhiinta, II, 3: Lalla, Madhyamiidhikara, 12.



nza apparen y wi, ou seeing in it anything contradictory to the preceding stanza which was quoted on page 113, and 'with the remark that Ar abhata is here followin the 0 inio of

to see how the two stanzas can be brought into agreement. The ninth stanza states unequivocally that

asterisms, together with the planets, are driven by the provector wind. This would imply the ordinary

.. .

C Y b

mind brought about by mithyajniina ("false knowl-

edge"). But since several other stanzas (I, 1; I, 4;


the rotation of the Earth, it is impossible to follow

Paramesvara, We might understand in stanza 10 the phrase "they seem to move" as stating a purvapak~a


"The Hundred and Eight Stanzas" (and our text con-

tains 1 08 stanzas).

1 Ibid., Vol. XXXI.

s com-



yojana in mea ure a era ig, s g, surroun e y

the Himavat Mountains, made of jewels, quite round.!

12. Heaven and Meru are at the center of the land, Hell and Vadavamukha are at the center of the water. The gods and the

. .

Quoted by Bhattotpala, page 58.3

13. Sunrise at Lanka is sunset at Siddhapura, midday at 4

suryadayas caturtha dinavara yad uvaca tad asad aryabhatal). I lankodaye yato 'rkasyastamayarii praha siddhapure II


. , . , " , a 0 a,

18-19; Bhaskara, Goladhyaya, Bhuoamakosa, 31; Alberuni (I, 244, 246). Quoted by Bhattotpala, p. 58 (cf. JRAS, 1863, p. 373).

2 Cf. Paficasiddhantika, XIII, 2-3; Suryasiddhanta, XII, 35-36,

- - -

4 Of. Kern, Brhat Sarhhita, Preface, p. 57; Suryasiddhanta, XII, 38-41; Pancasiddhantika, XV, 23; Lalla, BhUgoladhyaya, 12; Bhaskara Goladh a a Bbnuanokosa. 17 44· Alberuni I 267-68' JRAS

1865, p. 402.

15 Cf. Suryasiddhanta, I, 62; Pancasiddhtintika, XIII, 17; Lalla, M adhyamadhikara, 55, and Bhnuxmakosa, 41; Brahmagupta, XXI, 9; Bhiskara, Goladhyaya, Bhauxmakosa, 50 (Vasanabhawa), and Madhyagati, 24; Alberuni, I, 316 (cf. BOMB, XVII [1926], 71).



, y e r

16. The gods, who dwell in the north on Meru, see the northern half of the sphere of the asterisms moving from left to right. The Pretas, who dwell in the south at Vadavamukha, see

. .

Quoted by Bhattotpala, page 324.3

17. The gods and the Preias see the Sun after it has risen for

erum, , 18. There is a circle east and west (the prime vertical) and another north and south (the meridian) both passing through

zenith and nadir. There is a horizontal circle, the horizon, on

which the heavenly bodies rise and set.5

19. The circle which intersects the east and west points and two points on the meridian which are above and below the horizon by the amount of the observer's latitude is called the unmaiuiola.

On it the increase and decrease of day and nig t are measure .

which passes through the poles. I t is also called "the horizon of Lanka."?

1 Cf. Lalla Bhuoanokoia, 36; Brahmagupta, XXI, 64; Bhaskara,

GoliJdhyaya, TripraSnavasanll, 38.

! Cf. Suryasiddhilnta, XII, 55; Paficasiddhantika, XlII, 9; Brahmagupta, XXI, 6-7; Lalla, Grahabhramasarhsthiidhyaya, 3-5; Bhsskara, GoZOOhyaya, Bhuoanakosa, 51.

a Cf. JRAS, 1863, p. 378.

4 Cf. Suryasiddhiinta, XII, 74 and XIV, 14; Lalla, Grahabhra-

masarhsthadyaya, 14; Brahmagupta, XXI, 8; Paficasiddhantika, XIII, 27, 38.

5 Cf. Lalla, Golabandhadhikara, 1-2; Brahmagupta, XXI, 49.

6 Cf. Lalla, Golabandhadhikara, 3; Brahmagupta, XXI, 50.


e nonagesnna



The nonagesimal or central-ecliptic point is the point on the ecliptic which is 90 degrees from the

22. A light wooden sphere should be made, round, and of

. . .. .

Sukumar Ranjan Das" remarks that two instru-

23. On the visible half of the sphere one should depict half of the sphere of the asterisms by means of sines.

The equinoctial sine is the sine of latitude. The sine of colatitude is its koti.

zenith at midday of the equinoctial day is the equinoctial sine. This is the same as the equinoctial shadow and e uals the sine of latitude. It is the bas.

. urya n.; aye, ~ u stronomy, p. 76.

2 Cf. Suryasiddhanta, XIII, 3 ff.; Lalla, Yantradhyaya, 1 ff.; IHQ, IV, 265 fI.

3 IHQ, IV, 259, 262.



e sine 0

e perpen-

diculat to t

24. Subtract the square of the sine of the given declination from the square of the radius. The square root of the remainder

. eli f th E


and divide by the radius of the day-circle of the desired sign of the zodiac. The result will be the equivalent in right ascension of

• III. •

the zodiac, that is to say, the time which each sign of the ecliptic will take to rise above the horizon at

1 Cf. Brahmagupta, III, 7-8; Lalla, Samanyagolabandha, 9-10; Bhaskara, Ga1}itadhyaya, TripraSnadhikara, 12-13.

2 Cf. Lalla, Spa~tiidhikara, 18; Pancasiddhantika, IV, 23; Surya-

SpfUJ¥1dhikara, 48 asanii - a; aye, op, ., p. 3 Cf. Lalla, TripraSnadhikara, 8; Brahmagupta, II, 57-58; Suryasiddhilnta, III, 42-43 and note; Pafi..ca8iddhiLntikti, IV, 29-30; Bhjskara, Ga1J,itadhyaya, SpQ,lJ¥1dhikara, 57; Kaye, op. cit., pp. 79-80.

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