SG - Closed Sets in Topological Spaces: Pauline Mary Helen M

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International Journal of Computer Application

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Issue 3, Volume 2 (April 2013)

ISSN: 2250-1797

sg**-closed sets in topological spaces

Pauline Mary Helen M
Associate Professor in Mathematics, Nirmala College, Coimbatore, India.

PG Student, Nirmala College, Coimbatore, India.


In this paper we introduce a new class of sets namely sg**-closed sets which is settled
properly in between the class of semi-closed and the class of g**-closed sets. The notion of
sg**-continuous maps, sg**-irresolute maps, Ts**- space and*Ts*- space are introduced and
Keywords:sg**-closed set,sg**-continuous maps,sg**-irresolute maps, Ts * * spaces and
*Ts* -space.

Levine[6] introduced the class of g-closed sets, a super class of closed sets in 1970. H. Maki,
K. Balachandran[10] and R. Devi defined gs-closed sets in 1996, which were used for
characterizing s-normal spaces andDontchev,[3] introduced gsp-closed sets respectively. We
introduce a new class of sets called sg**-closed sets, which properly placed in between the
class of closed sets and the class of g*-closed sets. We also showed that this new class is
properly contained in the class of gs-closed sets, gsp-closed sets , g*s-closed sets and sg*closed sets.
Levine[6], Mashhour AS and Abd El-Monsef[8] introduced semi-open sets and pre-open sets
respectively. Andrijevic[1] called -sets as semi-pre open sets. H. Maki[10] and P.
Bhattacharya[2] and B. Lahiri introduced and studied gs-closed sets. M. Paulin Mary Helen,
Ponnuthaiselvarani and Veronica vijayan[13] introduced and studied g**-closed sets.
Throughout thus paper (X,), (Y,), (Z,) represent non-empty topological spaces on which
no separations axioms are assumed unless otherwise mentioned. For a subset A of a space
(X,), cl(A) and int(A) denote the closure and the interior of A respectively.

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International Journal of Computer Application

Available online on

Issue 3, Volume 2 (April 2013)

ISSN: 2250-1797

The class of all closed subsets of a space (X,) is denoted by C(X,). The smallest semiclosed (resp. pre-closed) set containing a subset A of (X,) is called the semi-closure (resp.
pre-closure) of A and is denoted by scl(A) (resp. pcl(A))

Definition 2.1: A subset A of a topological space (X,) is called

1) apre-open set [12] if A int(cl ( A)) and a preclosed set if int(cl ( A)) A .
2) a semi-open set[1] if Acl(int(A)) and semi-closed set if int(cl(A))A.
3) a semi-pre-open set[3] if Acl(int (cl(A))) and a semi-pre closed set if

Definition 2.2: A subset A of a topological space (X,) is called

1) generalized- closed set[6]( briefly g-closed) if cl(A)U whenever A and U is open
in (X,).
2) semi-generalized closed set [2] (briefly sg-closed) if scl(A)U whenever AU and U
is semi-open in (X,).
3) generalized-semi closed set [10]( briefly gs-closed) if scl(A)U whenever AU and
U is open in (X,).
4) generalized semi-pre closed set [15](briefly gsp-closed) if spcl(A)U whenever AU
and U is open in (X,)
5) generalized *-closed set[11](briefly g*-closed) if cl(A)U whenever AU and U is gopen in (X,).
6) generalized star semi- closed set [11] (briefly g*s-closed) if scl(A)U whenever AU
and U is gs-open in (X,).
7) semi generalized star- closed set [11] (briefly sg*-closed) if scl(A)U whenever AU
and U is sg-open in (X,).

Definition 2.3: A function f: (X,) (Y,) is called

1) continuous[8] if f -1(V) is a closed set of (X,) for every closed set V of (Y,).
2) g*-continuous[14] if the inverse image of every closed set in (Y,) is g*- closed in
3) gs-continuous[14] if f-1(V) is a gs-closed set of (X,) for every closed set V of (Y,).
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International Journal of Computer Application

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Issue 3, Volume 2 (April 2013)

ISSN: 2250-1797

4) gsp-continuous[4] if f -1(V) is a gsp-closed set of (X,) for every closed set V of (Y,).
5) g*-continuous[16] if f -1(V) is a g*-closed set of (X,) for every closed set V of (Y,).
6) sg*-continuous[4] if f-1(V) is a sg*-closed set of (X,) for every closed set V of (Y,).
7) g*s-continuous[16] if f -1(V) is a g*s-closed set of (X,) for every closed set V of (Y,).
8) g*-irresolute[17] if f -1(V) is a g*-closed set of (X,) for every g*-closed set V of (Y,).

Definition 2.4: A topological space (X,) is said to be

1) a Tb-space if every gs-closed set in (X,) is closed in (X,.)
2) a Tc-space if every g*-closed set in (X,) is closed in (X,).
3) a T1/2*-space[5]if every g*-closed set in (X,) is closed in (X,).

3.Basic properties of sg**-closed sets

We now introduce the following definition.
Definition 3.1: A subset A of (X,) is said to be a sg**-closed set if scl(A)UwheneverAU
and U is g**-open in X.
The class of sg**-closed subset of (X,) is denoted by sg**C (X,).

Proposition 3.2: Every closed set is sg**-closed.

Proof follows from the definition.
The converse of the above proposition need not be true in general as seen in the following

Example 3.3:Let X = {a,b,c} and = {,X,{a,b}}. Let A={c}, then A is sg**-closed but not
So, the class of sg**-closed setg is properly contained in the class of closed sets.

Proposition 3.4: Every g*-closed set is sg**-closed.

Proof follows from the definition.
The converse of the above proposition need true and in general it can be seen from the
following example.

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International Journal of Computer Application

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Issue 3, Volume 2 (April 2013)

ISSN: 2250-1797

Example 3.5:Let X={a,b,c}, ={,X,{b},{b,c}}. Let A={b} . Then A is sg**-closed but not
Proposition 3.6: Every sg**-closed set is gs-closed.
Proof follows from the definition.
The converse of the above proposition need true and in general it can be seen from the
following example.

Example 3.7:Let X={a,b,c}, = {,X,{a}}and let A={c} & {a,c}. Then A is gs-closed but
not sg**-closed.

Proposition 3.8: Every sg**-closed set is gsp-closed.

Proof follows from the definition.
The converse of the above proposition need true and in general it can be seen from the
following example.

Example 3.9:Let X={a,b,c}, ={,X,{a},{b,c}}. Let A={c},{a,b},{a,c}. Then A isgspclosed but not sg**-closed

Proposition 3.10: Every sg*-closed set is sg**-closed.

Proof follows from the definition.
The converse of the above proposition need true and in general it can be seen from the
following example.

Example 3.11: In example [3.7] and let A={c}.ThenA is gs-closed but not sg**-closed.

Proposition 3.12: Every g*s-closed set is sg**-closed.

Proof follows from the definition.
The converse of the above proposition need true and in general it can be seen from the
following example.

Example 3.13: In example [3.7] and let A={a,b}. Then A is sg**-closed but not g*s-closed.

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Issue 3, Volume 2 (April 2013)

ISSN: 2250-1797

Remark: 3.14:sg**-closedness is independent from g**-closedness.

In example [3.5] A= {b} is sg**-closed but not g**-closed. In example [3.9] A={c} is g**closed but not sg**-closed.

Theorem 3.15: A subset A of X is sg**-closed in X if scl(A)\A contains no non-empty gclosed set in X.

Proof: Suppose f is a non-empty g-closed set in scl(A)\A.
Therefore fscl(A)\A= scl(A) AC f scl(A) and f AC implies A FC.
Now fC is g-open and A is sg**-closed scl(A) fC (ie), fscl(A)C.
Hence fscl(A)scl(A)C = scl(A)\A contains no non-empty g-closed set.
Theorem 3.16: For each x in X, either {x} is g**-closed or {x}c is sg**-closed in X.
Proof: If {x} is not g**-closed,Then the only g**-open set containing {x}c is X.

scl{x}c X and hence {x}c is sg**-closed in X.

The above results can be represented in the following figure.

Where A

B (resp. A

B) represents A implies B (resp. A does not imply B)**-CONTINUOUS MAPS AND sg**-IRRESOLUTE MAPS.

We now introduce the following definitions.

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International Journal of Computer Application

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Issue 3, Volume 2 (April 2013)

ISSN: 2250-1797

Definition 4.1: A map f : (X,)(Y,) from a topological space (X,) to a topological space
(Y,) is called sg**-continuous if the inverse image of every closed set in (Y,) is sg**-closed
in (X,).

Theorem 4.2: Every continuous map is sg**-continuous.

Proof:Let f : (X,) (Y,) be continuous. Let F be closed set in (Y,) then f


(F) is closed

in (X,). Since every closed set is sg**-closed, f-1(F) is sg**-closed in(X,).

f issg**-continuous in (X,).
The converse of the above theorem need not be true and in general it can be seen from the
following example.

Example 4.3:Let X = Y= {a,b,c} and = {X,,{a,b}}, = {Y,,{a}}.

f : (X,) (Y,) is defined as f(a) = b,f(b) = c, f(c) = a. The inverse image of all closed sets
in (Y,)aresg**-closed in X. Butf -1({b,c}) ={a,c} is not closed.

Theorem 4.4.: Every g*- continuous map is sg**-continuous.

Proof:Let f : (X,) (Y,) be g*-continuous. Let F be closed set in (Y,) thenf


(F) is g*-

closed in (X,). Since every closed set is g*-closed, f-1(F) is sg**-closed in(X,). f issg**continuous in (X,).
The converse of the above theorem need not be true and in general it can be seen from the
following example.

Example: 4.5Let X = Y= {a,b,c} and = {X,,{a,}}, = {Y,,{b,c},{b}}.

f : (X,) (Y,) is defined as f(a) = b,f(b) = c, f(c) = a. The inverse image of all closed sets
in (Y,)aresg**-closed in X. Butf -1({a}) ={b} is not g*-closed.

Theorem 4.6: Every sg**- continuous map is gs-continuous.

Proof:Let f : (X,) (Y,) be sg**-continuous. Let F be closed set in (Y,) then f


(F) is

sg**-closed in (X,). Since every closed set is sg**-closed, f (F) is gs-closed in(X,).

isgs-continuous in (X,).
The converse of the above theorem need not be true and in general it can be seen from the
following example.
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International Journal of Computer Application

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Issue 3, Volume 2 (April 2013)

ISSN: 2250-1797

Example: 4.7Let X = Y= {a,b,c} and = {X,,{a}}, = {Y,,{a,b}}.f : (X,) (Y,) is

defined f(a) = b, f(b) = a, f(c) = c. The inverse image of all closed sets in (Y,)aregs-closed in
X. Butf -1({c}) ={c} is not sg**-closed.

Theorem: 4.8Everysg**- continuous map is gsp-continuous.

Proof: Let f : (X,) (Y,) be sg**-continuous. Let F be closed set in (Y,) then



is sg**-closed in (X,). Since every sg**-closed set is gsp-closed, f-1(F) is gsp-closed in (X,).

f isgsp-continuous in (X,).
The converse of the above theorem need not be true and in general it can be seen from the
following example.

Example: 4.9: Let X = Y= {a,b,c} and = {Y,,{a},{b,c}}, = {X,,{a,b}. f : (X,)

(Y,) is defined as a identity map. The inverse image of all closed sets in (Y,)aregsp-closed
in X. Butf -1({c}) ={c} is not sg**-closed.

Theorem 4.10: Every g*s- continuous map is sg**-continuous.

Proof: Let f : (X,) (Y,) be g*s-continuous. Let F be closed set in (Y,) then
is sg**-closed in (X,). Since every g*s-closed set is sg**-closed, f -1(F) is



sg**-closed in

(X,). f issg**-continuous in (X,).

The converse of the above theorem need not be true and in general it can be seen from the
following example.

Example 4.11: Let X = Y= {a,b,c} and = {X,,{a,b}}. = {Y,,{b},{b,c}},

f : (X,) (Y,) is defined as f(a) = c, f(b) = b, f(c) = a.The inverse image of all closed sets
in (Y,)aresg**-closed in X. Butf -1({a}) ={c} is not g*s-closed.

Theorem 4.12: Every sg*- continuous map is sg**-continuous map.

Proof: Let f : (X,) (Y,) be sg*-continuous. Let F be closed set in (Y,) then
is sg**-closed in (X,). Since every sg*-closed set is sg**-closed, f -1(F) is



sg**-closed in

(X,). f issg**-continuous in (X,).

The converse of the above theorem need not be true and in general it can be seen from the
following example.
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International Journal of Computer Application

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Issue 3, Volume 2 (April 2013)

ISSN: 2250-1797

Example 4.13:Let X = Y= {a,b,c} and = {X,,{a}}. = {Y,,{b},{b,c}},

f : (X,) (Y,) is defined by f(a) = b, f(b) = a, f(c) = c. The inverse image of all closed sets
in (Y,)aresg**-closed in X. Butf -1({a,c}) ={a,b} issg*-not closed.
We introduce the following definition.

Definition: 4.14A map f: (X,)(Y,) from a topological space (X,) to a topological space
(Y,) is called sg**-irresolute if the inverse image of every sg**-closed set in (Y,) is sg**closed in (X,).

Theorem 4.15: Let f : (X,)(Y,) and g:(Y,)(Z,), then


gof: (X,)(Z,) is sg**-continuous if f is sg**-irresolute and is g issg**continuous.


gof: (X,) to (Z,) is sg**-irresolute if f and g are sg**-irresolute.


gof: (X,) to (Z,) is sg**-continuous


f is sg**-continuous

and g isg-

Proof follows from the definition.

Theorem 4.16: Every g*-irresolute map is sg**-continuous.

Proof follows from the definition.
From the above theorems we have the following figure.

Where A

B (resp. A

B) represents A implies B (resp. A does not imply B)

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International Journal of Computer Application

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Issue 3, Volume 2 (April 2013)

ISSN: 2250-1797


As applications of sg**-closed sets , new spaces namely, Ts**-space and *Ts*-space are
We introduce the following definitions.
Definition 5.1:A space (X,) is said to be Ts**-space if every sg**-closed set in X is closed
in (X,).

Theorem 5.2: Every Ts**-space isT1/2*-space.

Proof follows from the definition.
The converse of the above theorem need not be true in general it can be seen from the
following example.
Example 5.3:In example[ 3.7] Let X = {a,b,c} and = {,X,{a}}.g*-closed sets are

(X,) is T1/2*-space.In example[3.7], we have ,sg**-closed sets are

X,,{b},{a,b},{b,c}.and closed sets are X,,{b,c}. {b}&{a,b} are not closed sets in (X,)

sg**-closed sets are closed in (X,). Hence (X,) is not a Ts**-space.

Theorem 5.4: Every T1/2*-space and Tc-spaceisaTs**-space.
Proof follows from the definition.

Theorem 5.5: Every Tb-space is a Ts**-space.

Proof follows from the definition.

Theorem 5.6:Let f: (X,)(Y,) be a sg**-continuous map.


If (X,) is Ts**-space, then f is continuous.


If (X,) is a Tb-space, then f is a continuous map.


Let f: XY be sg**-continuous.Let F be a closed set in Y.Thenf -1(F) issg**-closed

in (X,). f -1(F) is closed in (X,).Hence fiscontinuous.


Let f: XY be sg**-continuousmap.Let F be a closed set in Y.Thenf -1(F) is sg**closed in (X,). f -1(F) is closed in (X,).Hence f is continuous

We introduce the following definition.

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International Journal of Computer Application

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Issue 3, Volume 2 (April 2013)

ISSN: 2250-1797

Definition 5.7:A space (X,) is said to be *Ts*-space if every sg**-closed set in X is g*closed in (X,).

Theorem 5.8: Every Tc-space is a *Ts*-space.

Proof: Let (X,) be a Tc-space.Let A be sg**-closed.But by proposition (2.8), sg**-closed set
is gs-closed.Since (X,) is a Tc-space,A is g*-closed set in (X,)
* *
Which implies, sg**-closed set is g*-closed. (X,) is a Ts -space.

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Available online on

Issue 3, Volume 2 (April 2013)

ISSN: 2250-1797

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