Moving Goal Search in Dynamic Environments: Satish Dinakar B Faculty of Science & Technology ICFAI University Tripura
Moving Goal Search in Dynamic Environments: Satish Dinakar B Faculty of Science & Technology ICFAI University Tripura
Moving Goal Search in Dynamic Environments: Satish Dinakar B Faculty of Science & Technology ICFAI University Tripura
Faculty of Science & Technology
ICFAI University Tripura
The shortest path searching algorithm plays a major role in various applications like video games,
operational management, system analysis and design, logistics, transportation, project management,
network and production line. Typical heuristic search algorithms usually make assumptions such as
using a single agent, having one fixed goal and a static environment. In this report, we deal with
multiple agents who search for a moving goal in a dynamic environment. This is akin to a number of
cops who cooperate to catch a fleeing thief. The agents always move on the shortest path towards the
goal, which is a reasonable strategy for computer controlled characters in video games. Some of the
states are blocks and it is necessary to find a path which does not have any blocked states. Designing the
realistic movement of agents in computer games is a major challenge. This re-port investigates several
effective approaches for solving problem instances in this domain.
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1. Introduction
The classic algorithms (such as A*) are effective for solving search problems that satisfy the
properties: one search agent, the agent has perfect information about the environment, the
environment and goal state do not change, and enough time is given to make an optimal decision.
Relaxing even one of the assumptions gives rise to new algorithms (e.g., moving target search [Ishida
and Korf, 1995 ]) . Many real search [Korf, 1990 ], and world problems do not satisfy all of these
properties. In this paper we use an application domain which deals with multiple agent, a moving goal
and a dynamic environment. A moving goal search problem is a planning problem where multiple
agents having to catch a moving goal [5]. One application of this area of research is
games, where computer characters (= Cops) has to chase or catch up with other character (= Thief).
Here the agents keep changing their positions randomly. While the thief is changing its position, the
shortest distance have been traced with respect to the nearest Cop. The moving goal search problem is
solved once the cop and thief are in the same state (= maze cell).We designed a test environment that
is as realistic as possible. We assume a maze with obstacles where agents can only \see" what is
directly visible to them. Agents are allowed to communicate with any agent that they can see. As the
goal flees, it may become obscured from sight. Given whatever knowledge of the goal and other
agents is available, an agent must decide how to pursue the goal. The goal's possible locations provide
information of where to search; the other agents' possible locations provide information that can be
used to coordinate the search e ort. The challenge is to have the agents act autonomously to catch the
goal as quickly as possible.
Most real-time search algorithms limit the look ahead of each search and thus nd only a pre x of a
path from the cop to the thief before the cop starts to move. Their advantage is that the cop starts to
move in constant time, independent of the number of states. Their disadvantage is the trajectory of the
cop can be highly suboptimal and that it is di cult to determine whether there exists a path from the
cop to the thief. Furthermore, they do not scale to large environments due to their memory
requirements that typically grow quadratic ally in the number of states. Incremental search algorithms,
on the other hand, nd a path from the cop to the thief before the cop starts to move. They run
sufficiently fast and they provide alternatives to real time search algorithms that avoid their
disadvantages. We therefore investigated incremental search algorithms in this paper. There are
generally two classes of incremental search algorithms: 1. Incremental search algorithms of the first
kind use information from previous searches to update the h values to make them more informed
over time and to make the search more focused. 2. Incremental search algorithms of the second kind
transform the previous search tree to the current search tree. The current search then starts with the
current search tree instead of from scratch. Examples include Differential A*, Fringe Retrieving A*
(FRA*) and its generalization, Generalized FRA* (GFRA*). Most incremental search algorithms[12]
of the second kind were designed for search problems with stationary start states or in static
environments (whose blocked states do not change over time). Thus, they are not e cient for moving
goal search problems in dynamic environments (whose blocked states can change over time) since
both the start and goal states can change over time for moving goal search problems. Here, we used
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2. Related Work
There are generally two classes of approaches for solving moving goal search problems with search
algorithms. The first one is, offline approach", that take into account all possible contingencies
(namely, movements of the goal and changes in the environment) to find the best plan for the cop, for
example, using minimax or alphabeta search. Unfortunately, offline approaches do not scale to large
environments due to the large number of contingencies. The second one is , on-line approach, that
sacrifice optimality for smaller computation times by interleaving planning and movement, for
example, by finding the best plan for the cop with the information currently available and allowing
the cop to gather additional information while moving. For example, they can determine a cost
minimal path from the current state of the cop to the current state of the thief in the current
environment. This allows them to find plans for the cop efficiently while being reactive to movements
of the thief and changes in the environment. Examples include real-time search algorithms and
incremental search algorithms..
3. Problem Definition
Moving goal environment has the following properties:
MOVES: All moves are horizontal or vertical and are made simultaneously. The cop can
move from its current unblocked state to any unblocked neighboring state with cost 1 and
blocked neighboring state with cost infinity. We make no assumptions about how the goal
COMMUNICATION: Between moves, agents communicate with any agent that is visible to
them. The agents exchange information as to where they believe the goal and other agents
are located.
OBJECTIVE: Catch the goal in the fewest number of moves by the nearest agent. Agent
always follows a minimal cost path from its current state to the current state of the goal until
it reaches the current state of the goal, which is often a reasonable strategy for the goal that
can be computed
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Back Ground
A*[14] is the most popular search algorithm in artificial intelligence and the basis of all
search algorithms described in this paper. A* maintains four values for every state s S: (1)
The h value h(s, sgoal ) is a user provided approximation of c(s, sgoal ).The h values have to be
consistent.(2) The gvalue g(s) is an approximation of c(sstart , s).Initially, it is infinity.
The f value f (s) := g(s) + h(s, sgoal ) is an approximation of the smallest cost of moving
(4) The parent pointer par(s) Pred(s)
are used to extract a cost minimal path from the start state to the goal state after the
search terminates A* also maintains two data structures: (1) The OPEN list contains all states
to be considered for expansion. Initially, it contains on ly the start state wi t h gvalue zero. (2)
The CLOSED list contains a l l states that have been expanded. Initially, i t is empty. Actually,
none of the search algorithms described in this paper require a CLOSED list but, for ease of
description, we pretend they do. A* repeatedly deletes a state s with the smallest fvalue from
the OPEN list, inserts it into the CLOSED list and expands it by performing the following
operations for each state s0 Succ(s) .
If g(s) + c(s, s0 ) < g(s0 ), then A* generates s by setting g(s0 ) := g(s) + c(s, s0 ) and par(s0 )
:= s and, if s0 is not in the OPEN list, inserting it into the OPEN list. A* terminates when
the OPEN l i st is empty or when it expands the goal state. The former condition indicates that
no path exists from the start state to the goal state, and the latter condition indicates that
A* found a cost minimal path Therefore, one can solve moving goal search problems in dynamic
environments by finding a cost minimal path with A* from the cur- rent state of the cop to
the current state of the thief whenever the environment changes or the goal moves off the
known path.
a l g o r i t h m s . G-FRA*
problems in
Page 54
search iteration. In each search iteration, G- FRA* first transforms the previous search tree
to the initial search tree, which consists of the initial OPEN and C LO SE D l i s t s .
It then
s t a r t s A* with t h e i n i t i a l OPEN and CLOSED lists instead of from scratch. Thus, GFRA* inherits the properties of A*, for ex- ample, it finds cost-minimal paths from ties of
A*, for example, it finds cost-minimal paths from the current state of the cop to the
current state of the thief. The initial search tree is the sub tree of the previous search tree
rooted at the current start state. Thus, th e initial and previous search trees are different if the
cop moved.
DELETED list, which contains all states that are in the previous search tree but not the
initial search tree. Then, the initial CLOSED list contains those states that are in the
previous CLOSED list but not the DELETED list, and the initial OPEN list contains
both those states that are in the previous OPEN list but not the DELETED list and those
states that are in the DELETED list and are successors of states in the initial CLOSED
Moving Goal A* is an incremental search algorithm that forms the basis of the
In each search
iteration, Moving Goal A* first shifts the map to keep the start state stationary (for
example, it shifts the map one unit south if the cop moved one unit north) and then
updates the gvalues and parent pointers of states as necessary until it has found a cost
minimal path from the current state of the cop to the current state of the thief.
1 function ComputeKey(S)
2 return
[min(g(s), rhs(s))
h(s, sgoal )
km ; min(g(s), rhs(s))];
3 procedure Initialize()
5 km := 0;
Page 55
6 for all sS ;
7 rhs(s) := g(s) := ;
8 par(s) := N U LL ;
9 sstart := the current state of the Cop ;
10 sgoal := the current state of the Thief ;
11 rhs(sstart ) := 0 ;
12 OPEN.I nsert(sstart , C omputeK ey(sstart )) ;
13 procedure Upadatestate(u)
14 if (g(u)= rhs(u) AND u OPEN)
15 OPEN.U pdate(u, C alculateK ey(u)) ;
16 elseif (g(u)= rhs(u) AND u OPEN)
17 OP EN.I nsert(u, C alculateK ey(u)) ;
18 else if (g(u)= rhs(u) AND u OPEN) ;
19 OP EN.Delete(u);
20 procedureCalculateMinimalCostPath()
21 while(OP EN.T opK ey() < C alculateK ey(sgoal ) OR
rhs(sgoal ) > g( sgoal ))
22 u := OP EN.T op() ;
23 kold := OP EN.T opK ey() ;
24 knew := C alculateK ey(u) ;
25 if (kold < knew )OP EN.U pdate(u, knew );
26 else if (g(u) > rhs(u)) ;
27 g(u) := rhs(u) ;
28 OP EN.Delete(u) ;
29 for all s Succ(u) ; if (s = sstart AND (rhs(s) > g(u)
+ c(u, s))) ;
30 par(s) := u ;
31 rhs(s) := g(u) + c(u, s) ;
32 UpdateState(s) ;
33 else
34 g(u) := ;
35 for all s Succ(u) {u}if (s= sstart AN Dpar(s) = u)
Page 56
P red(s) (g(s )
+ c(s0 , s));
40 U pdateState(s) ;
41 function main()
42 I nitialise()
43 whie (sstart = sgoal )
44 soldstart := sstart ;
45 soldgoal := sgoal ;
46 CalculateMinimalCostPath()
47 if (rhs(sgoal ) = ) / nopathexists /
48 return false;
49 identify a path from sstart to sgoal using the parent
pointers ;
50 while (Thief not caught AND Thief on path from
sstart tosgoal AND no edge costs changed)
51 Cop follows path fromsstart tosgoal ;
52 if Cop caught the Thief
53 return true;
54 sstart := the current state of the Cop ;
55 sgoal := the current state of the Thief ;
56 km := km + h(soldgoal , sgoal ) ;
57 if (soldstart = sstart )
58 shift
+ c(s0
Page 57
P red(s
oldstart ) (g(s
) + c(s0 ,soldstart )) ;
71 if (rhs(soldstart ) = ) ;
72 par(sstart ) := NULL ;
73 else
74 par(soldstart ) :=
75 UpdateState(soldstart );
76 procedure Optimized Deletion()
77 DELET ED := ;
78 par(sstart ) := NULL ;
79 for all sS in the search tree but not the subtree rooted at sstart
80 par(s) := NULL ;
81 rhs(s) := g(s) :=;
82 if (s OPEN)
83 OPEN.Delete(s);
84 DELETED := DELET ED {s} ;
85 for all sDELETEDf orallspred(s)
86 if (rhs(s) > g(s0 ) + c(s0 ,s))
87 (rhs(s) := g(s0 ) + c(s0 , s))
88 par(s) := s0
89 if (rhs(s)<)
90 OP EN.I nsert(s, C omputeK ey(s));
of all states
in the
OPEN list.
OPEN.TopKey() returns the smallest priority of all states in the OPEN list.
(If the
Page 58
where c = 0. Thus, the rhs-value is basically is a one step lookahead g-value. State s is
called locally inconsistent if g(s) = rhs(s). The f -value of state s is
Moving goal A* calls OptimizedDeletion() on Line 58 instead of shifting the map.It
expands the states in the previous search tree that are not in the subtree rooted at the
current start state one at a time to set their g-values to infinity when needed. Whenever
it sets the g-value of a state to infinity, it needs to update the rhs-values, parent pointers
and memberships in the OPEN list for all successors of the state.
Moving goal A*, on the other hand, eagerly uses a specialized procedure that operates in
two phases.
Moving goal A* maintains a DELETED list, which contains all states in the previous
search tree that are not in the subtree rooted at the current start state, which is exactly
the definition that G-FRA*
current start state to NULL on Line 78. Then, Phase 1 on Lines 79-84 eagerly sets the gvalues of all states in the DELETED list to infinity in one pass.
We perform our experiments in four-neighbor maze- worlds of size up to 200 x 200 with
20 percent ran- domly blocked states and randomly chosen start and goal states.
Page 59
minimal path from its current state to a randomly se- lected unblocked state and repeats the
process when- ever it reaches that state or cannot move due to its path being blocked.
The goal randomly skips move to ensure that the goal catches it.
We perform the
Page 60
2 on
Page 61
list if they are locally inconsistent. Overall, Phase 1 is thus simi- lar to Step 2
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It took too long to find the shortest paths on grids of size 200 X 200 , which is why these
search trees from scratch and thus expand about the same number of states
of B. GFR-A*
per search
Moving goal A* has smaller runtimes than GFR-A* because GFR-A* con- structs its current
search tree from scratch.
Basic Moving goal A* on the other hand, reuse the previous search
Moving goal A* expands the states in the previous search tree that are not in the subtree
rooted at the current start state to set their g-values to infinity. Moving goal A*, on the other
hand, uses OptimizedDeletion() instead, which runs faster and results in only a slightly larger
number of deleted and expanded states. In static environments Moving goal A*, expands all
locally inconsistent states whose f -values are smaller than the f -value of the goal state. In static
environments, Moving goal A* has the smallest runtime in dynamic environments, where it is
four to five times faster than GFR-A*.
Page 63
Existing incremental search algorithms are slow on moving goal search problems in
dynamic environments. In this paper, we therefore introduced Moving Goal A* for improving
the performance of exisiting Generalized Fringe-Retrieving A*,that uses the princi- ple behind
A* to solve moving goal search problems in dynamic environments fast.We demonstrated
experi- mentally that Moving Goal A* is four to five times faster than Generalized Adaptive
A*, which so far was believed to be the faster incremental search algorithm for solving moving
goal search problems in dynamic environments. It is future work to investigate how to
speed up the computation of more sophisticated strategies for the cop [13].
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