Zion Resume

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Zion Flores

[email protected]
LAUSD / USC Media Arts & Engineering (CAE) Magnet - Los Angeles, CA 2011 - Present

Senior standing, expected graduation June 2017

GPA: 3.4

Relevant Courses Taken: Speech, Photography, Filmmaking 1 and 2


M.E.S.A , Math Engineering Science Achievement, USC MAE Magnet

- Los Angeles, CA
October 2013 Present
Club Secretary
Expert in creating projects from basic materials
Organizes meetings of MESA Cabinet
Files and distributes information
Arranges club meetings
A C Bilbrew Public Library - Los Angeles, CA
February 2014
Worked with others of different backgrounds to complete tasks without delay
Improvement in social skills and speaking in a professional tone
Open to Socratic seminars
DreamWorks, USC MAE Magnet - Los Angeles, CA
Winter 2016
Winner of Animation competition
Met animation artists for insight of their field
Had lunch with a Public Relations agent
Fur Baby Rescue - Los Angeles, CA.
Worked with animal trainers
Walked dogs
Cleaned the facility
Los Angeles Unified School District- Los Angeles ,CA
Film Crew
Filmed for Choices 2017 TV program
Participated in editing process

Spring 2016

Fall 2016

High Honor Roll, Perfect Attendance, Photography showcased in an USC Art Gallery
Informative film published in High School Insider of LA Times

Member of MESA Cabinet, M.E.S.A (September 2013 Present)
Member, Jr. Helenes (September 2014 Present)
Computer/Technology: Proficient in Photoshop, Microsoft Excel
Visual Arts: Photography, Film, Mac Movie Maker

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