Hydromechanical Adaptive Dampers For Locomotives and Cars: L. A. Savin, S. J. Radin Cand., E. V. Slivinskiy

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International Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering 2012, 1(3): 32-39

DOI: 10.5923/j.ijtte.20120103.01

Hydromechanical Adaptive Dampers for Locomotives and

L. A. Savin, S. J. Radin cand., E. V. Slivinskiy*
M echanical Technological Faculty, Elets State University I.A. Bunin, Elets, 399770, Russia

Abstract In given article questions on creation of perspective hydromechanical dampers of adaptive type are considered.
The design procedure of the basic kinematic and geometrical characteristics on an example of one of them is offered. The
analysis of the carried-out researches allowed to prove constructive characteristics of the offered technical solutions with
reference to cars UAZ 451, ZIL 131 and to the carriage, and also to other rail and trackless vehicles. Results of
researches are recommended to design, research and machine-build ing structures for their possible use in practice.

Keywords Damper, Rod, Piston, Cylinder, Fluctuations

1. Introduction
Aware that the existing design of hydraulic dampers have
a number of shortcomings and the most significant of them is
the complexity of construction, due to the availability of
valve device, and therefore, low reliability, the inability to
automatically modify your damper feature, and most
importantly, not all the details involved in the process of
energy dissipation.
The crew part of loco motives and carriages consists of
wheel pairs which are connected with a frame of carts and a
body through system of elastic elements, balance weights,
b e a ms an d t h e e l e me n t s a b s o r b i n g e n e r g y o f
fluctuat ions[1,2]. As a whole such dev ices n ame spring
suspension. When wheel steams pass roughness of a way
(jo in ts a rail, d et ails t rans fers , ab yss etc.) In sp ring
suspension there are dynamic loadings, including the shock.
Thus, parts of crews test considerable accelerations on size.
To occurrence of dynamic loadings promote as defects of
wheel pairs, local defects of a surface of driving, eccentric
landing of a wheel to an axis, an unbalance of wheel pair etc.
Th erefo re, sp ring susp ens ion , redu cing accelerat ions
structures and vertical loadings by it and the way, provides
smoothness of a cou rse to a ro lling stock. To the bas ic
characteristics of spring suspension carry total rig idity of
steps of spring co mplete sets, deg ree o f a damp ing and
damping distribution on steps. The damping of fluctuations
is carried out both in elements of suspension, and in specially
intended devices - quenchers of fluctuations. Depending on
t he p hys ical natu re, fo rces o f clearing subd iv ide o n :
* Corresponding author:
[email protected] (E.V. Slivinskiy)
Published online at http://journal.sapub.org/ijtte
Copyright 2012 Scientific & Academic Publishing. All Rights Reserved

Frictional, hydraulic and forces of a constructional damping.

Size of a damping frict ional quenchers estimate a zone of a
friction of suspension , hydraulic quenchers - dimensionless
parameter of damp ing D and quenchers of a constructional
damping decrement of fluctuations /[2,5]. The Most simp le
on the device are frict ional quenchers of fluctuations which
are characterized by that dependence of force of friction F
realized in them on relative speed of sliding of rubbing
surfaces has rupture. Essential lacks of frictional quenchers
of fluctuations are: the big forces of a frict ion of rest
blocking spring suspension at revolting force, smaller force
of a friction of a quencher that prevents to correct
distribution of weight structures on the crew wheels, the
raised deterioration of surfaces of a friction of details of a
quencher, instability of creation of forces of resistance etc.
The most widespread and effective now are hydraulic
quenchers of fluctuations[1-5]. The principle of their action
consists in consecutive moving of a viscous liquid by the
piston through narrow channels, as a result there is a transfer
of mechanical energy in thermal to its subsequent dispersion
in environment. At designing of such quenchers force of its
resistance define proceeding fro m speed of relative
deformation of mob ile elements and factor of proportionality
which is quencher parameter. The design of a modern
hydraulic quencher represents the working cylinder in which
the rod with the piston is movably located, and last is
supplied by valves with throttle apertures. The same valves
are available in the bottom of the working cylinder. The
working cylinder is in the oil tank. For increase of
smoothness of a course of locomotives and cars hydraulic
quenchers of fluctuations establish in the lean ing position in
the second step of spring suspension that allows to
extinguish not only dynamic co mponents of vertical loadings
but also horizontal. Despite the efficiency of use such
quenchers possess a number of lacks and most essential of


International Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering 2012, 1(3): 32-39

them are co mplexity of a design, at the expense of presence

valve devices and consequently also low reliability,
impossibility in an auto matic mode to change the damping
the characteristic, and all its details participate in energy
dispersion not.

2. Objectives
Considering the above-stated, in Bunins ELSU and
OSTU, working out of practical recommendations about
increase of reliability, technical and economic, technological
and operational indicators is spent research on a theme at
operation and repair of a ro lling stock and other equipment
used on Yelets branch of the Southeast railway and one of
its sections is working out of perspective dampers for the
main, shunting and industrial loco motives, and as carriages.
The analysis of research reports in this area of technics,
references, do mestic, and fo reign patents has allowed to
develop more simple and effect ive on a design adaptive
hydromechanical shock-absorbers which can be used not
only on loco motives, but also cars. Such designs are
recognized by inventions: RU 2230241, RU 2234013, RU
2247269, RU 2268419, RU 2301363, RU 2317456, RU
2324090, RU 2324089, RU 2324087, RU 2324088, RU
2339856, RU 2371617, RU 2385425, RU 2388949, RU
2390638, RU 2427742, RU 2427741, RU 2427740, RU
2427738. Therefore the purpose of work is carry ing out
analytical researches on determination of kinematic and
geometrical parameters of an adaptive hydromechanical
damper of fluctuations, manufacturing of a model samp le
and carrying out pilot studies of the last in bench conditions.

Let's take as an examp le, one of the options proposed

technical solutions (RU2385425), wh ich most fully reflects
the construction associated with the creation of Adaptive
Hydromechanical dampers.
This type of Adaptive Hydromechanical damper (fig. 1)
consists of working cylinder 1, wh ich is fluid in stock 2 its
vertical plane located the upper part 3 of the piston and lower
part of the piston 4. This parts are connecting with rod 2
performed by groove 5, manufactured by rod 2 and keys 6
located on the top of the piston 3 and the lower part of the
piston 4. At the top of the piston 3 and the lo wer part of the
piston 4 implemented vertical channels 7, turning into
horizontal channels 8 and ribs 9. Between the top of the
piston 3 and the lower part of the piston 4 installed
compression spring 10, while at the lower part of the piston 4
implemented additional vertical channels 11, turning into
horizontal sections of 12. The upper part of the piston 3 and
lower part of the piston 4 fixed by emphasis 13 on the rod 2
and nut 14. Working cylinder filled with fluid 15. The upper
part of the piston 3 equipped with a cy lindrical deepening 16,
and the lower part of the piston 4 has guide 17.

3. Methods
The essence of the offered technical decisions consists that
pistons are supplied by vertical throttle channels which pass
to sites of channels "" of the figurative form executed in
inflow, ad joining with a backlash to radially located edges,
and the mentioned pistons are rigid ly fixed on rods of
continuous and hollow sections. Quencher work occurs in
such a manner that at a working course and return rods are
exposed to pure torsion, disseminating thus energy at such
angular deformations, simultaneously creating forces of
resistance at the expense of course of a working liquid
through throttle channels. For the analysis of working
capacity of such quenchers of fluctuations and calculation of
their basic kinematic and geometrical parameters, settlement
schemes have been developed and known techniques on
studying of law of working process are used at an unsteady
mode of a damper in the conditions of close to the
operational. The p rogram co mp lex therefore rat ional
geometrical values of diameters of elastic rods of the
quencher answering to set reliability of their work in
operational conditions are proved is developed for the
numerical decision of mathematical models.

Figure 1. Hydromechanical damper

The device works as follows. When the vehicle is in

motion, in which his suspension can be installed in the
dampener fluctuations and breaking his wheel track ruts can
be periodic working rod 2 arrow and return it to drop in this
case the amp litude of rod 2 and therefore the top of the piston
3 and lower part of p iston 4 occur together without causing
elastic deformat ion compression springs 10. The working
flu id 15, for examp le, in the working stroke, tributary of the
arrow C, getting into additional vertical channels 11, doing
in the space between the top of the piston 3 and lower part of
the piston 4 also the arrow C. Further the working fluid 15
comes in both vertical channels 7 the lower part of piston 4
and top of the piston 3 and, until the pressure of horizontal
channel 8, interacts with ribs 9, creat ing a torque on the rod 2.
Rod, elastic deformation an on its longitudinal axis of

L. A. Savin et al.: Hydromechanical Adaptive Dampers for Locomotives and Cars

symmetry, disperses the energy of the environment. When

the rod 2 in a ret reat by the arrow B in the current fluid 15
occurs in the direction of reverse arrow and damping
process is similar to the above. Suppose that the path has
been pretty much roughness and vehicle wheel impacts it is
hit, and then the lo wer part of the piston 4 under the influence
of pressure working fluid 15 will move the arrow E, the
elastic by twisting the spring compression 10. This
movement at the lower part of the piston 4 will be
accompanied by a guide 17 in cy lindrical deepening 16 the
top of the piston 3 and then the current working liquid 15 into
additional vertical channels 11 reduced by overlapping their
horizontal stations 12 by guide 17 and deepening of
cylindrical form 16. As additional vert ical channels 11 have
different diameters and are incrementally with each other on
height, cancelled the load increase, and the work of a damper
will be more effective. In a mode of return of a damper there
will be a movement of the top part of the piston 4 will move
the arrow K, as above will cause the elastic deformat ion of
compression springs 10, together with the overlay of
additional vertical channels 11 and then the working flu id
will not be able to proceed in the direction opposite arrows C
with that would also enhance the resistance of the rod and the
effectiveness of such dynamic shock cushioning. Further
steps can be repeated many times.
The mathematical model is developed for an estimat ion of
geometrical and kinematic parameters of the offered design
of the hydromechanical shock-absorber[3]. At format ion of
mathematical model the known equations of dynamics, the
elasticity and hydromechanics theory are used. As the basic
accounting ratios accepted equation of concentrated mass m0 ,
which in cases of power, kinematic and mixed excitation is:
m0 &&
z + a z& z& + cz = F0 sin wt ,

- coefficient of resistance head for cushioning channel;

K - generalized coefficient, taking into account the
influence of turbulence flow and local resistances for
bandwidth throttle input with sharp edges.
The last factor is defined as:

= e

4 1,5 Re d


where Re* - crit ical Reynolds number and Reynolds

Re =

number Re:

V d

where - kinematic v iscosity fluid, and V - average

speed it flo w and it can be calculated by the formu la

V =

S V In the latest dependence V progressive piston

n f

velocity dependence, and n the number of chokes and f

cross-sectional area of one throttle. As a result, you can set
the numeric value of the equivalent diameter of throttle
channel conditions change square cross-section with angular
movements of rod by the formula:

p r 2

2 arccos R sin / r - rR sin (4)

where r - the radius of the throttle channel 12 carried out

on the ledge 17 of the lower half of the piston 4;
R - radius of the location of throttle channels on crest of
Because when the piston is pure torsion rod, an absolute
angle of twist can be defined by dependency:

j =

32 1800

p 2 d 4 G

the torque rod is

T = nF1 R where the

district effort due to the flu id flow at the edges of the p iston is

m0 &&
z + a z& z& + cz = c sin wt + a cos wt ,
m0 &&
z + a z& z& + cz = F0 sin wt + c sin wt + a z& w cos wt(1)
where m0 - the sprung mass of the crew, kg;
- rig idity of an elastic element of spring suspension,
N/ m;
- variab le damping factor, Ns/m;
z - generalized coordinate, m;
h - height of roughness, m;
- frequency of oscillation of the body's crew, s -1 .
Known[4, 5] that the damping factor depends on the
hydraulic resistances in the channel for cushioning, shock
absorber fluid viscosity, turbulence and flo w it can be
determined by the formula:

128 m K l S 2 z
a z& =
p d4



where - dynamic viscosity coefficient, Ns/ m2 ;

l - total length of the throttle channel, which includes the
length of the vertical and horizontal plots, m;
S - reduced piston area, m2 ;
d - the equivalent diameter of throttle channel, m;

defined according to halves F1

g f kV w
f0 g

. In this equation

is an important parameter is the instantaneous flow flu id w,

which can be calcu lated by the formu la:

w = m1 f k 2Dp / r ,


where 1 -coefficient of the working fluid, depending on its

viscosity, the pressure drop in the throttle channel their form
and size.
After the establishment of a regime of working liquid and
compare it with the crit ical value of Re( ) you can define the
pressure her dependency:

D = 2 - 1 =


(V2 - V2 ) +

g Vcp2

l + z (6)

where 1 - Coriolis coefficient;

- resistance factor of working flu id on a straight stretch
of channels of piston and guide 17.
Analyzing set out how you can see that unknown in the
equations are the movings of element base of a damper on an
axis z, damp ing factor , equivalent diameter d, angular
displacement of rod , torque T , d istrict fo rce F1 , instant


International Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering 2012, 1(3): 32-39

consumption w and pressure p.

The methodology used when calculating the rational
parameters above design shock absorber under which
conditions the efficiency of the vehicle specified vibration
protection frequency range of external in fluences.
To evaluate the health of proposed designs Hydromechan
ical dampers adaptive type during the period 2008-2009 in
science laboratory in Bunins ELSU manufactured layout
designs advanced hydraulic silencers systems fluctuations
performed under patent RU2230241 and tested in bench
conditions compared with conventional models.
Such dampers had overall characteristics similar to serial
designs type MKZ and KVZ widely used in the suspension
brackets of modern vehicles such as automobiles
UAZ-451M, ZIL-131V and compart ment passenger carriage
length of 24.6 meters. Figure 2 shows, for examp le, the
exhibit ion sample p rospective damper designed for the
compart ment all-metal passenger carriage length of 24.6
meters. The damper consists of working cylinder 1, a solid
rod of circular cross-section rod hollow ring 2, section 3, the
top half of the piston 4, lo wer half of the piston 5, sealing
rings 6, enclosure, with a lower and upper drawbar eye
during the 7 and 8, rod guide co mpaction 9, nuts 10.

Figure 2. The model sample of a hydromechanical damper

Experiments were conducted during the period of

December-March 2008-2009 on stand designed by using the
cross-section-planning machine tool model 7A33 (fig. 3)
have been carried out comparat ive experimental study on
power load, three layout designs of Hydromechanical
dampers perfo rmed under patent RU2230241 and production
models used for the above vehicles. On a machine using slide
pusher force hinge bracket fixed chassis serial or
hydromechanical damper, rod also jointed joins arm rigid ly
attached to its base plate using bolts installed on a desktop
mach ine. At rods, both solid and hollow cross-section as
serial and layout samples of dampers were pasted
tensoresistors located on the base 5 mm to wards each other at
an angle of 90 degrees and locking torques T arising at

rods with longitudinal their movements. The tensoresistors

using shielded cables were connected to the amplifier
-12, oscilloscope model C1-55. For recording
waveform on paper the oscilloscope as the cable is attached
to the computer system unit. Using the printer connected to
the system unit, was a printout of the waveform.

Figure 3. Experimental researches of a hydromechanical damper

Test each of the above samples are made according to the

available literature and works on power load fluctuations,
and efficiency of dampers of various rail vehicles as
follows[6, 7]. Having analy zed a damper fluctuations on the
stand and consecrate it to the appropriate brackets, the rod
was half fu ll stroke and stroke cross machine installed 50
mm. Operator set stroke the cross-section-planning machine
tool on the amplitude of the linear motion of 50 mm and
chose his progressive speed corresponding to a frequency
move slide equal to fluctuations in the second. At the same
time fixing the character of change of loadings and torque
mo ments host oscilloscope and then on the printer. Record
each waveform over 10 seconds. Experiences were spent in
fivefo ld frequency on each of investigated designs of
shock-absorbers. As a result waveform were received, of
which two examples are shown in fig. 4 and recorded for
damper model KVZ for passenger carriage with a length of
24 m.
Left figure provides the inert ia forces of the waveform
follows a change P for serial and pilot damper and right
figure - torque M at its rods.
Waveform processing these phases of tests carried out on
the basis of numerous papers[8] on the statistical processing
of experimental data. Measurement of peak amp litudes have
been using the meter with an accuracy of 0.3 mm and the
reference value in a nu mber o f peaks have distribution in
ascending number of repetitions. A graphical representation
of statistical series in the form of histogram was a stage when
choosing a distribution law and calculation it was found that
the distribution correspond to the normal distribution law.
Tests showed that the normal distribution curves correspond
to statistical nu mber satisfactorily that evidenced by found
criterion consent Pearson, for the examp le is based on an
average between 0,613 to 0,232. Total error of waveform
processing lies within the tests fro m 0.68 to 6.1%, and the
average error fo r all experimental data is 6.63%.

L. A. Savin et al.: Hydromechanical Adaptive Dampers for Locomotives and Cars


Figure 4. Waveform

4 Results
As a result of co mputing experiment on modeling system
"wheel-damper-body" are received in the form of schedules
of dependence of variable factor of a damp ing (fig. 5, 6),
based on the use of generalized mathemat ical models and

these using MathCad software package, and also algorithm

(fig. 7) calcu lation of parameters of hydromechanical
Analysis of the numerical solutions and the graphs shows
that the effectiveness of vehicle vibrat ion damping is
achieved by a set of active resistance to the process of the


International Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering 2012, 1(3): 32-39

piston motion and angular turns elastic rod above design of

Hydromechanical damper hesitation to mechanical and
hydraulic components of the resistance movement. While
varying in a wide range of throttle diameter value channels,
step their horizontal sections and stiffness of elastic
connection between halves of the piston (fig. 1), as well as
the viscosity of the fluid, you can obtain optimal of variab le
factor of a damping , d irect ly associated with the smooth
running of various construction rail vehicle.
As a result of studies, taking into account the statistical
processing of received waveform are average values of the
characteristics of the parameters, the numbers are presented
in table 1.
As an examp le, look at the registered parameters of
damper variat ions used in designs for pendants UAZ-451M.
For examp le, table 1 shows that if serial samp le load
disconnect compression modes and damper respectively
represent 1200 N and 300 N, the prototype they slightly
above and also for appropriate modes of retreat and
compression are 1350 N and 460 N. shows that they
increased by an average of 11.1 and 34.8% respectively and
have slightly higher resistance at a damping. This increase in
workload due to the fact that its growth is aimed at creating
torque arising at rods annular cross section and a solid round,
equal respectively 19.2 and 16 Nm, which facilitates the
dispersal of energy in the day when clean and compress the
torsion rod. Therefore, you can take it that the damping
ability of the test sample damper in this case would be mo re
effective than normal. It should also be noted that the
convergence in M estimates compared with experimental
data demonstrate consistent average of 28.2% (estimated
value of M , impact and compression are 16 and 9 Nm).

Figure 5. Dependence of factor of a damping on an angle of rotation of a


Figure 6. Dependence of forces of resistance of the shock-absorber on

speed of moving of the piston on courses of compression and a release

Table 1. Results of experimental researches

Serial design of a damper

Perspective design of a damper

F, cm2

f0 , cm2

P, N

F, cm2

f0 , cm2

P, N

, Nm

UAZ 451M







16 9

ZIL 131V







20 15

Carriage impact







46 36

Note. - calculated
value in the numerator, denominator - experimental received, hollow rod solid rod.
F - piston area cm2 ;
f0 - area of throttle openings, cm2;
P - power inertial resistance shock absorber, N.

L. A. Savin et al.: Hydromechanical Adaptive Dampers for Locomotives and Cars

Set geometry and operating parameters of damper - l, S, D,

D, d, r, R etc.

The task of co-ordinates and speeds of the piston of the


The decision of the equation of balance of expenses definition of pressure in cavities


Definition of pressure force of a stream of the working liquid 4

enclosed to an edge, p

Definition of the torque moments arising on rods,

Definition of corners of a twisting of rods, j

Definition of diameter of the channel,

T = f ( p)

= f (T )

d = f (j )

The decision of the equation of movement of sprung mass - 8

definition of its trajectory


yi yi +1


p1 p2


Definition of factor of a damping

Calculation of compression and rejecting of




Figure 7. Algorithm of calculation of factor of a damping and working efforts and moments of the damper

5. Discussion and Conclusions

Analysis of bench experiments showed that the
Hydromechanical dampers, executed on patent RU2230241,
contributes not only to concentrated forces contributing to
the curvature of the fingers to structural elements of
fastening spring suspension and vehicle crew and flexu ral
mo ments. However, such load elastic bellows are located in
eye rings of rods and dampers case that allows you to create
additional reactive bending mo ments involved in energy
dissipation and waking mo ments, compression together with
by at rods ring and solid sections of a dampers. At the same
time, co mparing the test pilot, constructional and
technological parameters of serial and p rototype of
Hydromechanical dampers can be seen that the latter are
easier on the device, do not have co mplex spillway valves

are robust, maintainable and easy to handle in manufacture.

Results of research are recommended for the further
studying, complet ion and possible introduction of the offered
perspective quenchers of fluctuations at the enterprises of
domestic and foreign mechanical engineering.


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