Experimental Determination of Stern Tube Journal Bearing Behaviour

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Davor VERKO1

UDC 629.5.026:621.82

Experimental Determination
of Stern Tube Journal Bearing
Preliminary communication
The most sensitive component in the propulsion shafting system is the aft stern tube bearing,
which is exposed to heavy static and dynamic propeller loads exerted to the bearing surface by
the propeller shaft.
The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb, and the
American Bureau of Shipping intend to work on the development of the theoretical model of the
stern tube journal bearing behaviour, which is proposed to be done in several stages. The initial
stage is to consider nonlinear uid structural interaction, and this is the theory shown in this article.
Owing to the fact that the shaft journal in operation lies on a lubricating uid lm, which separates
the journal in the bearing from the bearing liner, the theoretical nonlinear model of the journal bearing
may provide more insight in the behaviour of the shaft inside the bearing and help us to determine a
more realistic elastic line of the shafting. The American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) initiated a research
project to measure actual interaction between the shaft and the stern tube bearing with the goal of
applying obtained knowledge in development of an accurate analytical/numerical model for shaftbearing analysis. The initial focus of the investigation was to capture the transient operation of the
shaft inside the bearing and to observe the shafts hydrodynamic lift during starting, stopping and
reversing of the engine. Proximity probes were used to monitor the shaft bearing interaction with
micron precision. The installed probes measure the distance between the shaft and the bearing at
eight locations inside the aft stern bush and at four locations inside the forward stern bush, and
utilize obtained data to dene the shaft orbit and dynamics as it revolves in the bearing.
The results of presented measurements show that the shaft behaviour inside the stern bush is
very different depending on the location inside the bush. Therefore, an analytical approach, which
uses a simplied theory of shaft bearing interaction, provides no practical value since it neglects
shaft dynamics and interaction between uid and the structure.
Keywords: propulsion shafting system, stern tube bearing, shaft alignment, proximity sensors,
alignment condition monitoring, nonlinear model of radial journal bearing

Eksperimentalno odreivanje ponaanja rukavca vratila u statvenom leaju

Prethodno pripoenje

Authors Addresses (Adrese autora):

American Bureau of Shipping,
Technology Department,
Houston, USA;
E-mail: [email protected]
University of Zagreb, Faculty of
Mechanical Engineering and Naval
Architecture, I. Luia 5,
Zagreb, CROATIA;
E-mail: [email protected]

Received (Primljeno): 2009-02-09

Accepted (Prihvaeno): 2009-09-30
Open for discussion (Otvoreno za
raspravu): 2011-06-30


61(2010)2, 130-141

Jedna od najosjetljivijih sastavnica sustava vratilnog voda je stranji statveni leaj, koji je u
radu izloen velikim statikim i dinamikim optereenjima. Optereenja potjeu od brodskog vijka,
a prenose se putem vratila brodskog vijka na kliznu povrinu leaja.
Fakultet strojarstva i brodogradnje, Sveuilita u Zagrebu i American Bureau of Shipping, USA,
namjeravaju zajedniki raditi na razvoju teorijskog modela koji e opisivati ponaanje rukavca vratila
u statvenom leaju. Razvoj modela planira se u nekoliko faza. U prvoj fazi analizira se nelinearni
model radijalnog leaja i teorijske osnove su prikazane u ovome radu. Polazei od injenice, da u
stabilnom radu rukavac vratila lei na sloju uida za podmazivanje koji odvaja rukavac vratila od
kouljice leaja, pomou teorijskog nelinearnog modela leaja moe se dobiti bolji uvid u ponaanje
rukavca unutar leaja i na taj nain olakati odreivanje realne elastine linije vratilnog voda. ABS
je zapoeo realizaciju istraivakoga projekta s ciljem eksperimentalnog utvrivanja stvarnih
odnosa izmeu rukavca vratila i stranjega statvenog leaja, s ciljem primjene rezultata mjerenja
u razvoju raunalnog modela za analizu odnosa vratilo-leaj. Poetno zanimanje u istraivanju
su prijelazne pojave rada vratila u leaju i promatranje djelovanja hidrodinamikoga sloja uida
za vrijeme upuivanja, zaustavljanja i prekreta stroja. Senzori za mjerenje zranosti koriteni su
za praenje odnosa vratilo-leaj. Senzori mjere udaljenost izmeu vratila i leaja na osam mjesta
unutar stranjega statvenog leaja i na etiri mjesta unutar prednjega statvenog leaja i koristei
te podatke odreuje se putanja vratila unutar leaja.
Rezultati mjerenja pokazuju da je ponaanje vratila unutar statvenih leajeva vrlo razliito
ovisno o mjestu unutar leaja. Zbog toga analitiki proraun koji se zasniva na pojednostavljenom
linearnom modelu interakcije vratilo-leaj ne daje rezultate koji odgovaraju stvarnom stanju, jer
zanemaruje dinamike pojave i interakciju izmeu uida i konstrukcije.
Kljune rijei: vratilni vod, statveni leaj, polaganje vratilnog voda, senzori zranosti, nadzor
stanja polaganja, nelinearni model radijalnoga kliznog leaja


1 Introduction
The modern ocean going merchant vessels are highly efficient
to the benefit of the whole industry (ship builders, ship operators,
and the environment). In general, most of the vessels are:
- larger, with optimized, and therefore more flexible hull structure,
- have high-powered engines of very low revolution, thus
requiring bigger shaft diameters,
- have optimized cargo-carrying capacity and minimized engine
room space, making shafting short and rigid,
- optimized propulsion train and engines for low fuel consumption, resulting in low revolution, and large diameter of the
propellers of very high efficiency.
Shipbuilding practices are modified to increase ship building
efficiency, so that more vessels are built in mega-blocks, which
minimizes production and dock occupancy time. Unfortunately,
with all the benefits achieved by structural optimization, the
shafting alignment bears the unfavourable consequences for the
following reasons:
- with an optimized more flexible hull, the propulsion system
becomes more sensitive to hull deflections,
- the low revolution and the heavy loads from a big shafting
and the propeller results in more load exerted and more pronounced misalignment on the bearings, and
- the production of the vessel in mega-blocks makes it difficult
to control the alignment accuracy, particularly the misalignment angle inside the aft stern tube bearing.
1.1 Propulsion system
Although most of the excitation on the propulsion shafting
comes from the diesel engine, the aft stern tube bearing is more
affected by loads from the propeller. In service, the propeller is
rotating in a non-uniform wake field resulting in periodic hydrodynamic loads on the propeller blades. Further, this causes
varying thrust loads, as well as dynamic forces and moments on
the tip of the propeller shaft. Bearings supporting the shafting are
directly exposed to those dynamic loads. Among bearings, the aft
stern tube bearing is in the least favourable position. Experience
shows that the primary reasons for the after stern tube bearing
damage and failure are mainly related to:
- shaft alignment to excessive static misalignment (edge contact) between the shaft and the bearing,
- propeller dynamics; high propeller loads, unfavourable wake
field, cavitation,
- shaft dynamics; whirling, bending vibration.
In order to prevent bearing damage, avoid failures and extend
bearing life, it is imperative that our analytical model represents,
as closely as possible, the actual service conditions of the propulsion system.
If our analytical models are not able to replicate the exact
operating conditions of the propulsion system, and are unable to
capture all relevant parameters which influence the propulsion
system operation, our analytical effort may be wasted. The aft
stern tube bearing is the most sensitive bearing in the propulsion
train system. It is almost exclusively exposed to heavy propeller
loads. Moreover, the aft stern tube bearing is the only bearing
the access to which is limited and where there are no simple
means to verify and monitor the bearing condition and the shaft
bearing interaction.


In order to validate the analytical method, actual information obtained from the propulsion system in exploitation is
needed. The data derived by measuring are an essential factor in
development of theoretical calculation models. The American
Bureau of Shipping (ABS) initiated the research project in order
to investigate stern tube journal bearing behaviour. Measurements were customized to investigate the static misalignment
condition between the shaft and the bearing, to correlate the
static to dynamic transition with the misalignment angle, and
to investigate the shaft bearing interaction under the service
conditions of the vessel. The focus of the investigation was to
capture the transient operation of the shaft inside the bearing and
to observe the shafts hydrodynamic lift during starting, stopping
and reversing of the engine.
With a sufficient number of field samples, the measured
information can be utilized to calibrate the developed software,
compare theoretical and measured values and derive a conclusion
on necessary improvements to achieve a more realistic theoretical
model in the next stage of investigation.

2 Modelling of the radial journal bearings

Due to the complexity of the interaction between shaft dynamics and lubricant hydrodynamics, a theoretical investigation will
be performed in several stages.
In the first stage, the theoretical model is simplified so that
the angular velocity of the journal and the orientation of the
magnitude of reaction force in the bearing are considered to be
time-independent and the curvature of the journal within the bearing is neglected. The second stage will define a more complex
theoretical/numerical model where the shaft bending curvature
within the bearing will be accounted for. The third stage will
attempt to apply transient propeller loads and investigate shaft
transition from static to dynamic operation as a function of the
misalignment angle between the shaft and the bearing. All of the
above theoretical models will be calibrated based on the information collected by field measurements.
This article addresses the first stage only, and the theoretical
background for the same is presented in detail in the text below.
2.1 Theoretical background
The theoretical model of the propulsion shafting is represented
by a linear system of girders. The system is modelled using the
finite element method, with beams describing the moving parts,
bearings to define shaft journal supports, and fluid (oil) as the
interface between the beam elements and the bearings. The bearing can be modelled in a few different ways:
- absolutely stiff,
- linear elastic,
- linear elastic radial journal bearings,
- nonlinear model of radial journal bearings.
The nonlinear model enables a more complex and more
realistic description of the radial journal bearing behaviour, as it
takes into account the properties of the lubricant which appears
between the journal and the bearing in operation. This model
is based upon the theory of the hydrodynamic lubrication in
journal bearing. The analysis is performed on a model of the

61(2010)2, 130-141




radial journal bearing schematically shown in Figure 1, with all

basic geometry and load characteristics. The theory evolves from
Reynolds differential equation (1) and its solutions. Reynolds
differential equation describing stationary hydrodynamic lubrication in journal bearing is as follows:

2.2 Basic characteristics and relationship of non-linear

model numerical structure

h 3 p 1 h 3 p
= 6
+ 2

x x r

a) The Sommerfeld number represents the bearing load characteristic and is defined by the following expression:


p - hydrodynamic pressure in the lubricant film,
h - thickness of the lubricant film,
x, r, - geometric characteristics of radial journal bearing
- dynamic viscosity of the lubricating fluid,
- speed of revolution.

The basic characteristics related together within this model

are the following:

SO =

R 2
bd R


R = bearing reaction force R,
d dR
= relative bearing clearance, defined as = L
= dynamic viscosity of the lubricating fluid,
= journal revolution,

Figure 1 Schematic view of the model of nonlinear radial journal bearing

Slika 1 Shematski prikaz modela nelinearnog radijalnog leaja

Equation (1) can be solved numerically by the finite-element

or by the finite-differences method. The solutions describe the
static elastic properties of the radial journal bearing, i.e., the
behaviour of the shafting journal lying on a film of a lubricating
fluid in a journal bearing, and are presented in [3,4].The nonlinear
model of the radial journal bearing besides the hydrodynamic
properties of the fluid film also takes into account the geometric
properties of the bearing and alignment properties of the journal
into the bearing liner. The model is based upon the following
- the angular velocity of the journal is time independent,
- the absolute value and the direction of the reaction force in
the bearing are time independent,
- the angle of inclination of the journal axis with respect to the
bearing axis is taken into account,
- owing to the nonsymmetrical pressure distribution along the
lubricating fluid film in the bearing, the bearing reaction is
axially displaced from the midsection of the bearing,
- the curvature of the journal within the bearing is neglected,
- the component of the bearing reaction in the axial direction
may be neglected.


61(2010)2, 130-141

b = bearing length,
dR = journal diameter.
b) The angle of the bearing loading can be approximated
by the following expression [3]:
1 2 4
= arctan
B + B 1, j
j =0 0, j


B0,j and B1,j = approximation coefficients presented in [3].
The equation (3) is valid within the range 0.125.
c) The relative axial shift of the bearing reaction, X can be
approximated as:
x = axial shift of the bearing reaction,


4 i

X = ( B X )i , j AiW j
i=0 j =0


4 i

H = ( BH )i , j Ai (1 )


i=0 j =0

W is estimated from:


Coefficients B in equation (11) are based upon estimates

presented in [3].

W = ( BW )i , j i log j ( 2 So )


i=0 j =0

Coefficients B in equations (5) and (6) are based upon estimates presented in [3].
d) The relative inclination angle, A:

2 b
dL dR


= inclination angle of journal,
dL= bearing diameter.



f) The relative journal eccentricity in the bearing, is defined as:

2e RL
dL dR


eRL eccentricity of the journal in the bearing central plane.
According to (8) and (2), using expression (9), the following
expression can be used to relate with So and , as presented
in [8]:
9 1
So +
1 +
The equation (10) is valid within the following range:
0.15 2


In operation, the shafting journal floats on a lubricant which

separates the journal from the bearing liner. The subject model will
describe the behaviour of the shaft in the bearing and determine
an elastic line of the shafting. The complication is that the model
requires a nonlinear calculation procedure. The results of such
calculations, and developed theory may be used as a starting point
for the analysis of the shaft/bearing interaction, gradually improved
as compared with experimental results from ships in service.

3 Measurements

e) The relative bearing length, is defined as:

2.3 Implementation of non-linear numerical model of

the radial journal bearing

0.01 So 10

g) The relative thickness of the lubricant film H, can be approximated by the following expression:

Measurements were performed on the vessel specified in

chapter 3.1 in order to investigate the static misalignment condition between the shaft and the bearing, and to correlate this information with shaft speed and hydrodynamic lift of the shaft. The
focus of the investigation was to capture transient operation of the
shaft inside the bearing, and to observe the shafts hydrodynamic
lift during starting, stopping and reversing of the engine.
The subject report compiles only one segment of the recorded
information, namely:
Static measurements conducted in the dry dock,
Static measurements with waterborne vessel - before the sea
trials of the ship.
Diesel engine start and stop test.
Dynamic operation under various vessel operating conditions.
Due to a very large amount of recorded dynamic data (collected during the sea trial), only selected information is presented
in this article.
3.1 Propulsion system data
Type of ship: 9600 TEU container carrier
Main Engine:
- Type: 2-stroke, slow-speed diesel engine, MAN B&W
- MCR : 68500 kW at 104 min-1

Figure 2 Shafting arrangement

Slika 2 Dispozicija vratilnog voda

61(2010)2, 130-141




- Fixed Pitch Propeller, 6 Blades, 8800 mm in diameter, Mass
84000 kg
Shafting data (Table 1)
Table 1 Propulsion shafting system data
Tablica 1 Podaci o propulzijskom vratilnom vodu

Propeller shaft
No.1 Intermediate shaft
No.2 Intermediate shaft

Dia x Length (mm)

975 x 13079
795 x 13348
795 x 9870

The actual propulsion system drawing and its equivalent

model for shaft alignment analysis are shown in Figure 2 and
Figure 3 respectively.

Proximity probes were used to monitor shaft bearing interaction (Table 2).
Table 2 Proximity probes data
Tablica 2 Podaci o senzorima zranosti

Bently Nevada:
3300 11mm XL Underwater
Probe, 5/8-18

Measurement accuracy
is expected to be within
+/- 0.01 [mm] (probe
accuracy is 0.001 mm)

For the considered vessel, the shaft position inside the stern
tube bearing was measured in four equidistant planes, with four
pairs of probes (Figure 4). Probes are 90 degrees apart (45 degrees port and starboard of the top of the bearing). Our point of

Figure 3 Propulsion shafting shaft alignment model

Slika 3 Propulzijski vratilni vod dispozicijski model

3.2 Measurement equipment and installation

Figure 4 Location of proximity sensors in four planes of the aft
Slika 4 Prikaz razmjetaja senzora zranosti u etiri ravnine
stranje leajne blazinice

interest is to find the shafts position relative to the centre of the

bearing. The proximity probe measures the distance from the tip
of the probe to the closest distance on the shaft. Knowing the
bearing/shaft clearance, we can define the shaft position relative
to the bearing and observe the interaction between the shaft and
the bearing at a particular plane (as in Figure 5).

Figure 5 Probe location in the bearing bush

Slika 5 Razmjetaj senzora u blazinici leaja


61(2010)2, 130-141


4 Measurement procedure and results

4.1 Static measurement
Static measurements were conducted in the dry dock, and
for the waterborne vessel, before the sea trials of the ship. The
purpose of the static measurement was:
to obtain a misalignment angle between the shaft and the
observe how the construction process of the ship affects shaft
bearing misalignment, and
to capture the influence of different draught conditions on the
shaft bearing interaction.
For the considered vessel, the shipyard conducted slope
boring of the aft stern tube bearing in order to obtain acceptable
shaft bearing contact. The slope boring angle designed by the
yard was 0.46 mm over 1940 mm of the effective length of the
bearing. The slope boring is conducted in order to minimize the
misalignment angle. In the case of the considered vessel, the
measurement has shown that the slope boring was very successful, as the misalignment angle was verified to be almost zero. For
the purposes of comparison, we conducted the analysis using the
ABS Shaft Alignment Software. The accuracy of the conducted
calculations is presumed to be very close to the actual measurements when only the propeller shaft is put in place (the rest of the
shafting is disconnected). Two such conditions were investigated
and shown below:
propeller shaft only, no propeller attached (Figure 6, Figure
propeller shaft only with propeller attached (Figure 8, Figure


bearing (the four points coincide with the location of proximity

probes). The maximum diametric clearance between the shaft and
the bearing is 1.48 mm. Calculation is conducted with a bearing
slope boring angle of 0.46 mrad. The forward stern tube bearing
is not considered in the measurement; however, it is included in
the analytical evaluation. In this case, the point contact is obtained
on the aft edges of the aft stern tube bearing and forward stern
tube bearing.
Measured misalignment (Table 3)
Table 3 Measured distances - propeller shaft only
Tablica 3 Izmjerene zranosti samo propelersko vratilo

Measured: Shafts distance from the bearing (measured):

Vertical offset of the
Transverse offset of
shaft center from the
the shaft center from
bearing C/L
the bearing C/L[mm]

4.1.1 Propeller shaft only (no propeller)

Analysis results
The analytical estimate of the bending curvature of the shaft
inside the aft stern tube bearing is from the four points along the
Figure 6 Analytical investigation of the shaft/bearing interaction
- propeller shaft only no propeller
Slika 6 Analitiko odreivanje meusobnog poloaja izmeu
rukavca vratila i leaja - samo propelersko vratilo bez

Figure 7 Measured distances- propeller shaft only

Slika 7 Izmjerene zranosti samo propelersko vratilo

It is observed that the shaft is sitting on the forward edge of

the aft bearing and is raised up on the aft end, as expected when
the propeller is not attached. It can also be noticed that there is
a transverse offset of the shaft (when resting inside the bearing)
relative to the centre of the bearing. Distances are compliant with
the analytically predicted position of the shaft.
4.1.2 Propeller shaft with propeller
The propeller was installed; shafts were not assembled. The
results of the analysis and measurements are illustrated in Figure 8
and Figure 9. As expected, the weight of the propeller resulted in
shaft bending which deflected the shaft so that the contact between
the shaft and the bearing was obtained on the aft end as well.
Analysis results
This represents the analytical estimate of the bending curvature of the shaft inside the aft stern tube bearing. The maximum

61(2010)2, 130-141




The forward stern tube bearing was not considered in the

measurement; however, it is included in the analytical evaluation. In this case, the point contact is obtained on the aft stern
tube bearing: two points (forward and aft edge of the bearing),
and on the forward stern tube bearing: aft edges of the bush.
Distances between the shaft and the bearing are compliant with
the analytically predicted position of the shaft.
4.1.3 Shafting assembled
After shafting assembly, analytical results are sensitive to the
actual alignment condition. Since the analysis cannot match the
required precision of the proximity probe measurements, analytical analysis is not performed for the rest of the cases presented
in this paper.
Measured misalignment (Table 5)
Figure 8 Analytical investigation of the shaft/bearing interaction
- propeller shaft with propeller attached
Slika 8 Analitiko odreivanje meusobnog poloaja izmeu
rukavca vratila i leaja - propelersko vratilo spojeno s

Measured misalignment (Table 4)

Table 4

Measured distances - propeller shaft with propeller attached

Tablica 4 Izmjerene zranosti propeler spojen na propelersko

Measured :Shafts distance from the bearing (measured):

Vertical offset of the
Transverse offset of
shaft center from the
the shaft center from
bearing C/L [mm]
the bearing C/L[mm]

Table 5 Measured distances - shafting assembled

Tablica 5 Izmjerene zranosti vratilni vod spojen

Measured: Shafts distance from the bearing (measured):

Vertical offset of the
Transverse offset of
shaft center from the
the shaft center from
bearing C/L [mm]
the bearing C/L [mm]

diametric clearance between the shaft and the bearing is 1.48

mm. Calculation is conducted with a bearing slope boring angle
of 0.46 mrad.
Figure 9 Measured distances - propeller shaft with propeller attached
Slika 9 Izmjerene zranosti propeler spojen na propelersko
Figure 10 Measured distances - shafting assembled
Slika 10 Izmjerene zranosti vratilni vod spojen

4.2 Dynamic measurement

The second goal of our investigation was to correlate the
shaft-bearing misalignment to the revolution corresponding to
the hydrodynamic lift. We also used this opportunity to examine
the interaction between the shaft and the bearing under other operating conditions, as mentioned below. Dynamic measurements
were conducted during the preparation for sea trials and during the
actual sea trials of the vessel. For shaft speed, an analog proximity
switch was used. The switch was placed above the flywheel, and it
counted flywheel teeth. The same information provides the speed
of the shaft when combined with the time readings.


61(2010)2, 130-141


Before the sea trial, measurements were used to verify proper

operation of the installed equipment and to set up the sea trial
measurement schedule. We will show only selected readings
which in our opinion capture the most interesting parts of the
shaft behaviour:

Engine start (Figure 11, Figure 12)

Engine shut down (Figure 13, Figure 14, Figure 15)
Manoeuvring: Astern Stop -Astern Stop (Figure 16)
Running at 61 rpm - sea trials (Figure 17)
Full Ahead - 112 rpm Rudder 0 deg - sea trials (Figure
Rudder test 111 rpm Rudder 36 deg Port to 36 deg Stbd
- sea trials (Figure 19)


4.2.1 Starting the engine

Draught Aft: 9.8 m, Fwd: 5.6 m; 34 C
Ahead operation.
Ahead shafting revolution is clockwise.
Record is taken over a period of 207 seconds.
Figure 11 and 12 show the orbit of the shaft as it moves
from the idle position (static) to the steady operation at 38 rpm.
Figure 12 shows the shaft orbit inside the bearing during starting
of the engine. It is observed that the shaft hydrodynamic lift occurs within one revolution (at 270 of one rpm). The shaft then
stabilizes at 38 rpm. One can notice that the shaft is not sitting
exactly at the bottom of the bearing. This is due to imperfections

Figure 11 Starting the engine from stop to 38 rpm

Slika 11 Pokretanje motora od stop do 38 o/min

p j

Red Green

Blue Pink

Starting up the engine (0-38 rpm)

Breaking point when shaft floats on the lube
Stable operation at 38 rpm
Initial shaft position
Red location closest to the propeller

Figure 12 Engine starting

Slika 12 Pokretanje motora

Engine stopped.
Shaft rests at the

Start up: transition

Start up: transition

Steady operation at
38 rpm

61(2010)2, 130-141




Red Green

Blue Pink

Shutting down the engine (33 rpm - 0)

Stable operation at 38 rpm
Breaking point when shaft completely loses
the oil support
Resting shaft position
Red location closest to the propeller
Figure 13 Engine shutting down from 33 rpm to stop
Slika 13 Zaustavljanje motora od 33 o/min prema stop

Steady operation at
33 rpm

Shut down:

Shut down:

Engine stopped.
Shaft rests at BDC.

Figure 14 Shutting down the engine

Slika 14 Zaustavljanje motora
Figure 15 Enlarged view of the engine shut down curves
Slika 15 Uveani prikaz putanje sredita rukavca pri zaustavljanju motora

Red Green

Blue Pink

Shutting down the engine (33 rpm - 0)

Stable operation at 38 rpm
Breaking point when shaft completely loses
the oil support
Resting shaft position


61(2010)2, 130-141


Red Green


Blue Pink

Reverse operation (Start-Stop)

Stable operation at 38 rpm
Shut-down curve
Breaking point when shaft completely loses
the oil support
Start-up curve
Resting position
Figure 16 Manoeuvring (astern: start-stop-start- stop)
Slika 16 Manevar (krmom: start-stop-start-stop)

Red Green

Blue Pink

Stable operation at 61 rpm

Red location closest to the propeller

Figure 17 Steady running ahead 61 rpm

Slika 17 Jednolika vonja pramcem 61 min-1

in the bearing surface and the plastic deformation which results

from pressure exerted from the shaft.
4.2.2 Engine shutting down
Ahead operation.
Draught Aft: 9.8 m, Fwd: 5.6 m; 34 C
Record is taken over a period of 89 seconds.

The charts in Figure 13 and Figure 14 capture the snapshots

of the shaft behaviour at the aftmost measured plane during the
process of engine stopping. Figure 15 shows an enlarged view
of the shutdown curves. The shaft bending inside the stern bush
is obvious, as we see the shaft is sitting at both edges of the
bearing and is detached from the bearing in between (see static
measurements above).

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Red Green

Blue Pink

Stable operation at MCR

Red location closest to the propeller

Figure 18 Steady running ahead at rated speed 112 min-1

Slika 18 Jednolika vonja pramcem s nominalnim brojem okretaja 112 min-1

Red Green

Blue Pink

Rudder test MCR, 112 rpm

Rudder 32 Starboard
Rudder 0
Rudder 32 Port

Red location closest to the propeller

Figure 19 Shaft behaviour inside the bearing during the rudder test
Slika 19 Ponaanje vratila unutar leaja za vrijeme testa upravljivosti

4.2.3 Manoeuvring (Astern operation)

4.2.4 Steady operation ahead at 61 rpm

Run Astern Stop Run Astern Stop

Draught Aft: 9.8 m, Fwd: 5.6 m; 34 C
Record is taken over a period of 35 seconds.
Ship manoeuvring is shown in Figure 16. Recording started
at the 33 min-1 astern run for 35 seconds. Engine stopped for 8
seconds, then followed astern running for 18 seconds, and then
engine stopped.

Draught Aft: 9.8 m, Fwd: 5.6 m; 34 C

Running steady ahead at speed of 61 rpm. Rudder angle
Shaft is closer to the forward edge of the bearing and raised
up as we look towards the aft edge, Figure 17.


61(2010)2, 130-141


4.2.5 Steady operation ahead at rated speed

Draught Aft: 9.8 m, Fwd: 5.6 m; 34 C
Running steady ahead at speed of 112 min-1. Rudder angle
Record is taken over 60 seconds
For the rated speed operation, with rudder angle zero, the shaft
behaviour inside the shaft is as shown in Figure 18:
Red - location aft (closest to the propeller) 100 mm from
the bush edge: the shaft is hovering around the centre of the
Green - at 700 mm from the aft bearing edge: the shaft is
more stable but closer to the bearing.
As we move towards the forward edge of the bearing, the shaft
exerts more pressure on the bearing. On the foremost location
(Pink), 100 mm from the edge, the distance of the shaft from the
bearing is still very satisfactory although the shaft moves half the
clearance towards the edge (approximately 0.3 mm clearance).
4.2.6 Rudder test
Draught Aft: 9.8 m, Fwd: 5.6 m; 34 C
Running at rated speed of 112 min-1.
Comprehensive measurements were conducted during the
rudder test as well (Figure 19). The rudder was tested for maximum inclination under full vessel speed of 112 rpm: the rudder
moved from 36 port to 36 starboard. Instability of the wake field
during turns results in the propeller loads which are:
when turning portside: downward force
when turning starboard; upward force.
The dynamics of the shaft is quite different in different positions inside the stern tube bearing. It shows that the shaft dynamics is much more stable when closer to the forward edge of the
bearing. On the contrary, forces from the propeller are pushing
the shaft extremely close to the bearing as we get close to the aft
edge of the stern bush.

5 Conclusion
The ABS initiated the stern tube bearing misalignment measurement research project in order to investigate static bearing
misalignment, to correlate static to dynamic transition with the
misalignment angle, and to investigate shaft/bearing interaction under the service conditions of the vessel. The focus of the
investigation is to capture the transient operation of the shaft
inside the bearing and to observe the shafts hydrodynamic lift
during starting, stopping and reversing of the engine. In the case
presented in this paper, the measurement revealed that the static
misalignment angle between the shaft and the bearing is almost
nil. Accordingly, in the static condition, a very low misalignment
angle results in shaft contact at both edges of the after stern tube
bearing (front and aft). Data recorded for dynamic operation did
not indicate any anomalies of the shaft operation inside the stern
tube under measured conditions.
Very important information that we obtained from the
measurement is that the simplified analytical models (which are
presently used in some shaft alignment analyses) are not capable of accurately representing the propulsion system operation


which results in most critical shaft/bearing interaction. Namely,

the critical interaction between the shaft and the bearing can be
generally attributed to the following:
- Starting the propulsion system (transition from static to dynamic state),
- Operation is highly nonuniform, unsteady wake field during the rudder operation, inclement weather, shallow water
operation, etc.
Conducted measurements enabled us to observe and record
actual behaviour of the shaft inside the stern tube, and correlate
this behaviour with other operational parameters (speed, rudder
angle, draught/trim, shaft vibration, and in some cases structural
vibration and cavitation). Therefore, if in the analytical approach
the applied software does not account for operational condition
which can result in damage and failure of the stern tube bearing, then the same software does not have significant practical
Accordingly, the ABS and the University of Zagreb, Faculty
of Mechanical Engineering intend to collaborate on the theoretical model development. The theoretical model is proposed to be
developed in several stages. The initial stage, as laid out in this
article, is to consider nonlinear fluid structural interaction. Owing
to the fact that the shaft journal in operation lies on a lubricating fluid film, which separates the journal in the bearing from
the bearing liner, the theoretical nonlinear model of the journal
bearing is expected to provide much closer compliance with field
data than the analytical approach which uses a simplified theory
of the shaft/bearing interaction.
The ABS will need a few more years to complete the investigation into shaft/bearing interaction. However, the results of the
current investigations are already in use in the ABS in order to
design software which will enable an accurate evaluation of the
shaft/bearing interaction and to improve existing software for
propeller loads prediction.

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61(2010)2, 130-141


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