Nytimesraprubric 2017

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Group Members:_________________________________________________ Date____________

NY Times

rap about 2016 contest (adapted from NY Times Learning Network

Outcome Target

Not Yet

Meets Standards

Create a product
or expresses an
idea using the
features of a
given genre

See below
on ways to

Student expresses an idea using the basic

style/format and included required
elements of a specific genre.

Exceeds Standards

Student experiments with style/format

and elements of a specific genre to
produce an original piece.

Ways to improve this outcome:____ Complete all parts of the task, ____ review the task and sample to format your response,,
_______ spend more time revising your draft before moving on to your final published copy, ___ Captivates the reader/listener with
humor, character, and style, _____ experiments with figurative language, _____Tone matches the seriousness of each news story.
____ other:

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