Tantra Shaastra
Tantra Shaastra
Tantra Shaastra
All Shaastraa-s are but for fun, as there are none that can vouch for the result
s, whereas tantra shaastra is akin to medical practice or like astrology where r
esults could be demonstrated at every step !
Therefore the need of the hour is to preserve this ancient miraculous science an
d study them for a life of fulfilment. The same is reflected by a western philos
opher thus;
"The Indian who has lost his Indian soul must regain it if he would retain that
independence in his thought and in the ordering of his life which is the mark of
a man that is of one who seemks svarajyasiddhi"
However, such attention bestowed by the westeners has still not kindled the desi
re to study the tantra scriptures in the right earnest.
Sir John Woodroffe, the celebrated writer of the classic "The serpent power" and
other great books, says thus:
"Again the cause of this ignorance is the fact that the Tantra Shaastra is a saa
dhana Shaastra. The greater part of which becomes intelligible by Saadhana"
Tantra shaastra is primarily of three types:
That which declares supremacy of Shiva is Shiva tantra.
That which declares supremacy of Shakti is Shaakta tantra.
That which declares supremacy of Vishnu is Vaishnava tantra.
These Tantra Shaastraa's thus could be also classified as 'Saatvika, raajasika a
nd taamasika" shaastaa-s!
With this basic understanding of Tantra, we would then move to understand the me
aning of mantra and yantra in the next few blogs!