Engineering Structures: Leonardo M. Massone, Daniel Moroder
Engineering Structures: Leonardo M. Massone, Daniel Moroder
Engineering Structures: Leonardo M. Massone, Daniel Moroder
Engineering Structures
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Department of Civil Engineering, University of Chile, Blanco Encalada 2002, Santiago, Chile
Article history:
Received 29 April 2008
Received in revised form
3 November 2008
Accepted 20 November 2008
Available online 3 January 2009
Reinforcing bar
Reinforced concrete
a b s t r a c t
Reinforced concrete columns in seismic zones are subjected to combined actions, resulting in axial loads
in longitudinal reinforcing bars. Thus, knowing the bars response, especially when it is subjected to
important axial compressive forces that might lead to buckling, is important. A bar buckling model based
on concentrated plasticity and with the capability of introducing an initial imperfection is described.
The initial imperfection is imposed by bending the bar with a transversely applied nonpermanent force.
Additionally, a comprehensive study of the monotonic tensile response beyond the peak stress point
and a simple cyclic rule, complete the physical approach of the model. Comparisons of the model with
experimental results reveal that peak capacity (average axial stress) is well captured, as well as the postpeak response shape (average axial stress versus strain), with differences observed basically in the peak
capacity for specimens with high bar imperfection-to-diameter ratio, and in the shape of the post-peak
response for specimens with low bar length-to-diameter ratio.
2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
Reinforced concrete columns in seismic zones are subjected to
combined actions that include mainly axial, moment and shear
forces. Longitudinal reinforcing bars act as members that resist
axial loads, which also contribute in maintaining the columns
moment. Thus, the axial response of longitudinal bar becomes
relevant. In absence of buckling effects the axial response can
be associated with the monotonic or cyclic response of bars.
That situation, although ideal, might not represent all cases.
Reinforced concrete columns under cyclic lateral displacement,
which represents a seismic action, would remain elastic under
small displacements. Under severe loading, lateral displacement
would increase, and in combination with compressive axial forces,
deterioration of cover concrete that ends with spalling would
reveal part of the longitudinal bars which are laterally supported by
stirrups. A large distance between stirrups would trigger buckling
at lower loads, which also affects the columns response. Therefore,
a buckling modeling is required to establish a good understanding
of column behavior, especially when the longitudinal bar response
may be affected by relatively large stirrup separation.
The study of buckling begins with Euler in the 18th century.
He developed a simple equation to calculate the critical load for
the elastic case. More recent developments have included material
inelasticity. The application to reinforced concrete modeling
0141-0296/$ see front matter 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
u,p = m +
u,g m lg +
fu fm
lg lp
where u,g is the ultimate strain based on the gauge length, and
under the assumption that the unloading response follows the
initial elastic stiffness, Es . Common mild reinforcing steel bars
present a large ultimate strain, which leads to the approximation
of Eq. (1) given by
u,p m + u,g m .
s,c =
1 + s,t
where fs,c and s,c are the stress and strain coordinates (engineering coordinates) in compression (negative) for the corresponding
stress, fs,t , and strain, s,t , coordinates (engineering coordinates) in
tension (positive), respectively. Thus, once the constitutive steel
material response is characterized in tension through tests, and
the post-peak is corrected in order to represent the strain values
in the strain concentration zone, Eqs. (3) and (4) can be used to
determine the compressive constitutive steel response. Although,
tensile tests end with bar fracture, that ultimate point value may
not be consistent with a failure mechanism in compression when
using Eqs. (3) and (4). Post-peak points for the tensile response can
be extrapolated assuming no fracture failure in order to estimate
the compressive response.
3.3. Simple cyclic material model
The previous analysis defines the monotonic behavior of
steel reinforcement. A cyclic response requires a more detailed
description. Many steel constitutive material models have been
proposed to predict cyclic response (e.g., [9,8,7]), although most
of them have assumed an identical compressive and tensile
response of the steel. Such an assumption is reasonable for
relative small strain values. However, the analysis of bars that
exhibit buckling with an initial imperfection shows relative high
axial strain even for the first loading steps (e.g., induction of
the initial imperfection imposed by bending the bar with a
transversely applied nonpermanent force at bar midheight). For
the analysis of reinforcing bar buckling under monotonic axial
loading, cyclic response of steel is required in order to describe
initial imperfections or model deviation from a uniform strain
distribution in the cross-section once buckling is onset. In this
case, usually no full cycles are achieved. Thus, a calibrated material
model, capable of reproducing few or incomplete cycles, for not
only small strains, but also relatively large strains is required to
capture the response of buckling bars that consider imperfections.
The suggested simple cyclic material model for steel is depicted
in Fig. 3. The model maintains both envelope monotonic responses
for steel in tension and compression. Once reversal loading occurs
from the envelope (e.g., fr,1 , r,1 or fr+,1 , r+,1 in Fig. 3) outside the
linear range a curve (called curve A) joins the current unloading
point (origin) and a point with the same strain coordinate of the
previous unloading point from the opposite envelope (end). The
end stress of curve A is determined based on the assumption that
straining in one direction shifts the origin of the opposite envelope
curve (dashed lines). The shifted envelope curve, that is connected
with an elastic stiffness to the unloading point, starts from a virtual
plastic strain point (e.g., point (0, p+,1 ) in Fig. 3) and defines the
new stress value. In case of unloading from the envelope for the
first time, the zero strain point in the opposite envelope is selected
as the previous unloading point in that branch. After following
curve A, it is considered for simplicity that the material model
follows the remaining envelope curve (initiation or connection to
the envelope curve is marked with a dot in Fig. 3). In the linear
range, i.e., before yielding, the response is maintained within the
linear-elastic behavior. In case of unloading or reloading within
curve A, a similar curve can be defined that joins the reversal from
curve A to the previous unloading point from the opposite envelope
or another unloading point from curve A. For the purposes of this
study, it is considered that unloading or reloading within a curve
A forces joining to the previous point from the opposite envelope,
maintaining the same model parameters for curve A.
The curve A represents the Bauschinger effect, that is, softer
unloading and reloading branches affected by the strain previously
attained. Chang and Mander [10] present a formulation to
characterize curve A, based on the MenegottoPinto equation,
which allows defining, among others, the initial and final
unloading/reloading stiffness values. Although this formulation
is general, it presents the disadvantage of requiring a numerical
iterative scheme in order to connect initial and end points of curve
A. Such a formulation is simplified in this study by adopting a final
unloading/reloading stiffness value that guarantees connecting the
initial and end points of curve A. The modified stress (fs ) versus
strain (s ) expression that characterizes curve A is given by
fs = fo + Eo (s o )
Q +
1 + Eo
s o
ff fo
iR 1/R
Esec /Eo a
f fo
(with Esec = f
is then fully known after defining the parameter R and the stiffness
Eo . According to the cyclic formulation by Chang and Mander [10]
and after calibration with experimental data of tests performed
by Panthaki (1991) (reported by Chang and Mander [10]), these
parameters for the unloading branch are
Eo = Es (1 31)
R = 16
(1 101)
(1 201)
Fig. 4. Cyclic model comparison: (a) Kent and Park, 1973, specimen 8, (b) Ma,
Bertero and Popov, 1976, specimen 1, and (c) Panthaki, 1991, specimen R5 (reported
by Chang and Mander, 1994).
axial load would deform the bar even further, but in this case
the axial load would result in a constant vertical force along the
length of the bar and a moment distribution similar to what is
e = tan1
L/2 lp
lp .
i = + xi .
i Ai
i Ai xi
= P
Fig. 7. Buckling plastic hinge model of reinforcing bar with initial imperfection
(quarter bar).
study allows analyzing only one quarter of the bar that stands in
between two consecutive stirrups. Fig. 7 shows the element under
analysis. The upper end of the selected segment of the bar (quarter)
falls in the inflection point, resulting in no moment, but just axial
force. The other end, however, has a resultant moment m. From
(e + w)
where w is the additional transverse displacement at bar midlength. The transverse displacement is determined based on
the geometry of the deformation mechanism assuming that all
transversal deformations appear after rotation of the plastic
hinges. The total transverse displacement at mid-length can be
determined by
e+w =
sin e + p
cos e
where e and p are the rotation due to the initial imperfection and
rotation after applying the axial load (p), respectively. All rotations
are assumed were formed by a uniform distribution of curvature
over the plastic hinge length (lp ). The rotations are calculated by
e = e lp = tan1
L/2 lp
p = p lp
v = v + v = L 2lp
The present study validates a plastic hinge formulation capable
of reproducing the average axial stress versus average axial strain
response of reinforcing bar with an initial imperfection under
compression. The methodology, although described and compared
with experimental evidence on isolated reinforcing bars, can be
used to study column performance. Two different approaches
from the literature could be adopted to obtain moment versus
curvature responses: the Gomes and Appleton [5] formulation and
the Bayrak and Sheikh [11] formulation. Gomes and Appleton [5]
developed a stress versus strain constitutive law for reinforcement
under compression incorporating bar buckling as three plastic
hinges that form once spalling of cover concrete occurs. The plastic
hinges are defined based on a fully plasticized cross-sectional area.
The compressive constitutive law for the reinforcement is then
applied into a sectional analysis by limiting the cyclic response that
would be obtained if no buckling were present. Thus, an identical
procedure can be followed, replacing the compressive envelop for
the longitudinal bar with the proposed approach.
Bayrak and Sheikh [11] followed a different direction. In
their formulation experimental stress versus strain responses for
reinforcing bar affected by buckling are used to predict sectional
response. In this case, initiation of bar buckling occurs after
spalling of the cover concrete. At that point, ties are strained
and confined concrete tends to push and bend the longitudinal
reinforcement between ties outwards. The acting transverse
force on the longitudinal reinforcement generates a midheight
deflection, calculus based on an assumed shape function for
the force distribution along the bar. The midheight deflection is
set as the initial imperfection assuming that further actions are
controlled by the axial force. Thus, an identical procedure can be
followed, replacing the compressive envelop for the longitudinal
bar with the proposed approach for a predefined imperfection.
cos e + p
cos e
+ 4lp p
Using a zero axial strain would result in a small axial force, due to
the asymmetry of the material model in tension and compression,
which has little impact on the overall response. Incorporating the
axial strain can be done in the same numerical schemes by adding
this new variable. Most nonlinear numerical procedures can be
used to solve the problem, such as NewtonRaphson, bisection
method, etc.
The specimens that presented no initial imperfection can be
treated as bars with small imperfections in order to observe buckling (with transversal displacement), which deviates from the trivial solution that basically reproduces the compressive constitutive
material response with signs of only axial displacement.
3.5.2. Application of axial force
The numerical procedure that applies the incremental axial
force is described in Fig. 9. The scheme allows incrementally
determining different loading stages by increasing the average
axial strain ( ) in the bar. The new strain value results in a new
equilibrium, which is solved iteratively. The model has an iterative
scheme over one variable: the additional curvature (p ), that is, the
additional curvature induced in the bar by the axial load, which
already has the imperfection included. As in the previous section,
most nonlinear numerical procedures can be used to solve the
Fig. 9. Numerical procedure for buckling analysis of the plastic hinge model.
Fig. 10. Test setup: (a) transversal deformation (initial imperfection), and (b) axial
Fig. 12. Average stressaverage strain bar buckling response: model without alternative 1 (initial axial force equilibrium).
Fig. 13. Average stressaverage strain bar buckling response: model with and without alternative 1 (initial axial force equilibrium).
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