SKILLS Lateral Thinking Test
SKILLS Lateral Thinking Test
SKILLS Lateral Thinking Test
Analyse your employability skills
Find the skills needed for graduate jobs
Which jobs suit my skills?
Skills map
The top 10 skills employers' want?
Skills inventory
Progress file
How to develop employability skills
Analyse your personal styles
Competency-based questions
Practice aptitude tests
The skills game
Making effective presentations
Action planning
Decision making
Time management
Commercial awareness
Spoken communication
Written Communication
Persuading & negotiating
Language skills
Computing skills
Striving for excellence
Lateral Thinking Test
2nd Lateral Thinking
Riddles Lateral Thinking
Lateral Maths Test
Creative jobhunting
Maintaining morale
Assertiveness in interviews
it, they just saw something. It seemed obvious to them after a while.
Thats because they were able to connect experiences theyve had and
synthesise new things.
Steve Jobs
Lateral thinking, is the ability to think creatively, or "outside the
box" as it is sometimes referred to in business, to use your inspiration
and imagination to solve problems by looking at them from unexpected
perspectives. Lateral thinking involves discarding the obvious, leaving
behind traditional modes of thought, and throwing away preconceptions.
It's very important in careers such as advertising, marketing, the
media and art and design where you may get questions in the selection
process along the lines of "Write down one hundred ways to use a
brick/paperclip", but it can also be of value in the jobhunting process
children until they have a girl. If they have a girl, they stop having
children. What is the ratio of girls to boys in Zorgania?
17. How many hands does the clock of the
tower of Big Ben have?
18. John's mother has 3 children, one is
named April, one is named May. What is
the third one named?
19. You are running in a race. You
overtake the second person. What
position are you in?
20. In the same race, if you overtake the
last person, then you are in what
21. Using just ONE straight cut, how can
you cut a rectangular cake into two
equal parts when a rectangular piece
has already been removed from it?
22. A man and his son were in a car
crash. The father was killed and the son
was taken to hospital with serious
injuries. The examining doctor exclaims:
"But, this is my son!".
How can this be?
23. You have to choose between three
The first is full of raging fires
The second is full of tigers that havent
eaten in 3 years.
The third is full of assassins with loaded
machine guns.
Which room should you choose?
24. Three of the glasses below are filled
with orange juice and the other three
are empty. By moving just one glass,
can you arrange the glasses so that the
Offer to buy her a drink! The captain
of course a woman. Many airlines
now hot on equal opportunities and
candidate who had difficulty
envisaging that an airline captain
might be female would not go very
26. The
letter e
once in
27. Here is one possible solution. Of
course you have to go beyond the
boundaries of the square of dots to
solve this.
Out of interest this particular puzzle is
where the expression "to think outside
the box" originally came from.