7L Solar System and Beyond - Scheme of Work
7L Solar System and Beyond - Scheme of Work
7L Solar System and Beyond - Scheme of Work
Learning objectives:
To be able to:
recall the length of days, months and years
model the orbit of the Earth around the Sun
Some: model the orbit of the Moon around the Earth
Creative thinkers
Reflective learners
Effective participators
Team workers
Independent enquirers
Self managers
ICT Opportunities
Homework opportunity:
Learning objectives:
To be able to:
define luminous and non-luminous
Most: explain how we can see the moon
Some: describe how an eclipse happens
Creative thinkers
Reflective learners
Effective participators
Team workers
Independent enquirers
Self managers
Describe the Moon and how it orbits the earth (recap from previous lesson) ask students how we can see the Moon? List answers
on the board and go through misconceptions until students arrive at the Sun as a possible answer
Students to write down definitions for luminous and non-luminous, then sort various objects from space as luminous or non-luminous
in pairs
With a lamp, globe and moon demonstrate phases of the moon
Show Power Point slides demonstrating a the phases of the Moon and get students to make a phases of the Moon flick book
Homework opportunity:
Lesson: 4 Seasons
Learning objectives:
To be able to:
identify north and south hemisphere and different seasons
Most: explain how the tilt of the earth affects seasons
Some: link tilt of the Earth, seasons and global temperatures
Creative thinkers
Reflective learners
Effective participators
Team workers
Independent enquirers
Self managers
introduce the idea of the north and south hemisphere and the tilt of the earth
Ask students what makes summer and winter different? Then ask them to explain how a tilt of the earth and seasons are linked
elicit responses that lead to the correct answer
show the tilt of the earth and how that affects the earth and amount of sun use a temperature probe to show the temperature
differences on the globe between summer and winter (use the UK and South Africa as comparisons)
Questions and diagrams from the board
ICT Opportunities
Homework opportunity:
Learning objectives:
To be able to:
name the planets in order
Most: recall information on the structure of planets
Some: identify satellites of different planets
Creative thinkers
Reflective learners
Effective participators
Team workers
Independent enquirers
Self managers
Students to label a diagram of the solar system show students pictures of each planet to let them become familiar with them
Describe rocky and gassy planets to students and ask them to add this to their diagram
Discuss the discovery of planets how and who found them?
Using provided planets data student to complete the planets information table
ICT Opportunities
Learning objectives:
To be able to:
identify planets able to support life
Most: recall the differences between stars and planets
Some: explain the formation of stars
Creative thinkers
Reflective learners
Effective participators
Team workers
Independent enquirers
Self managers
Using the planets data sheet they compiled yesterday ask students which (if any) planets in the solar system could support life in any
Discuss stars with students make clear the differences between stars and planets, ask students why the stars appear to move in
the sky? Elicit responses that link with planetary orbits and rotation
Students to make a visual dictionary using descriptions and diagrams of a planet, moon, star and galaxy
Show students pictures of stars and galaxies and ask them to complete a size order card sort on the different parts of the universe
Extension: Questions about stars and how they are made (for higher students this includes details of atom collisions)
Plenary (allow 20 25 mins):
Alien postcard home about everything students have learnt in this topic show students criteria and allow peer marking to provide levels.
Students to peer mark and level against the criteria
Resources: visual dictionary booklets, size order card sort, questions on stars, alien postcard Homework opportunity:
writing frame
Cross curricular:
What is the evidence for and against the
existence of life on Mars.
ICT Opportunities