Positive Affirmations
Positive Affirmations
Positive Affirmations
Daily Positive Affirmation: Achieve Anything Your Heart Desires With Positive Affirmation
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intended for information only and is designed to be accurate to the best of the author’s knowledge.
The publisher and author do not imply any results to those using the information contained herein.
Negative thoughts are the most common source of emotional baggage that causes bitterness and
discontent. By using positive affirmation to change these thoughts you increase your chances of
becoming successful and of leading a happy life.
behavior, and attitude until it gets into the system. It is a person’s awareness of his or her thoughts,
moves, and words everyday. Once a person can perfectly inject and integrate the things he or she
wishes to do into action, then that person has learned to apply and make use of positive affirmation.
The best way to use it is to start with a serious reflection of what you wish to do or to become, most
especially the specific areas you wish to improve on. You may be too occupied with life’s comforts
and threats that your thoughts might have been juggled up a bit resulting to your being undecided
of which path to take. Enough time is needed for self-reflection and meditation to really figure out
what the heart longs to do. Using positive affirmation entails you to delve less on the negative
aspects. Instead of thinking what you cannot do and blaming others or yourself for not having done
it, it would be best to simply focus on the positive light by thinking about what you can do. The
creation of your affirmation is not done by anybody else but by yourself. From the word “affirm”, it
means the self creates, applies, and preserves a certain idea or thought to one’s being. One way of
using it is by constantly reminding yourself about the positive things that you ought to do. Experts
suggest that there is no better way to remind yourself about what you can do than by talking to
yourself in front of the mirror. The most absorbed messages are those that passed through the eyes.
People who talk to you straight in the eye are said to be leaving the most effective messages. It
means that you tend to become more receptive if you talk to yourself once in a while and remind
yourself about what your heart is longing for. Looking at yourself in the mirror can actually help you
magnify the significance of the message which the subconscious mind absorbs. Another way of using
it is by saying it with passion. What comes out of the mouth is deemed powerful as it usually comes
as a result of various brain processes as well as a burning desire from the heart. Keeping positive
affirmations to yourself is good but it is best when it is put into words and shared with others.
Passionate speakers have influenced so many people. If you are passionate enough about what you
say to yourself then in due time, you would also benefit from your affirmations. You can also use
affirmation by writing them down or jotting down some important positive reminders that you can
have access anytime of the day. What the eyes can see is always a good reminder to the brain and
the heart as well. Writing it down not just once but several times, like 20 times, can make the
affirmation more effective.
negative terms like “not”, “no”, “can’t”, “won’t”, and others. The statement must be in itself
positive in order for it to yield positive results. Affirmation must take the present tense form as it
would influence the urgency of achieving the action or reaction being sought. Thinking in present
tense will push you to act on it now and not tomorrow or time in the future. This is a vital
component in stressing the need for the urgency of the desired result. Another key principle is
brevity. Experts agree that an affirmation statement must be short and specific to be effective. The
mind can easily absorb ideas that are easy to say and short in form. Thus, shorter positive
affirmation will have a greater impact at the subconscious level than statements which are lengthy
and very wordy. Positive affirmation must be uttered and thought of repeatedly. Studies claim that
repetition imprints the affirmations into a person’s subconscious mind, hence supporting the belief
that ideas or statements that have been stored into one’s unconscious or subconscious processes
can easily affect your behavior. This principle is a result of a study made and supported by Sigmund
Freud who became the founder of psychoanalysis. Thus, advocates of affirmation bank on the
power of the subconscious as well as the power of repetition to change a person’s mindset. Studies
also link the significance of repetition to the principle of auto-suggestion, the process whereby a
person trains the unconscious mind into believing something. This is done through mental
association keeping a particular goal in mind. It is different from brainwashing since the origin of
that particular thought or suggestion specifically comes from the individual and not from any other
person. The effects of auto-suggestion can be hastened by an active mental visualization of the
particular thing or action that that you want to realize. Another key principle is the involvement of
emotions. Becoming passionate about a particular goal in mind is so powerful that it can actually be
the tool which will help you realize your aspirations. Believing in your affirmation can also influence
the effects that it will have in your subconscious. If you do not have a strong belief that you can
achieve a particular affirmation, then you would have a hard time finding the perfect ingredient for
goal realization. Having a clear objective, believing in it, and feeling confident and capable in
achieving it are enough for you to keep the energy level high. A sustained energy level will help you
achieve what you wish for. The intensity of the effects of affirmation is all the more heightened if
you believe that it is real.
The first thing to remember is that it must be in the present form. As long as you desire a particular
action to achieve a particular goal, then there will always be a need to influence your subconscious
mind. And if you want to make your affirmation effective, there is no better time to start and start
influencing the subconscious through your positive affirmation than “now”. Belief that the desire is
already a reality Another tip to developing good affirmation is a belief that what you aim for and
what you wish to do is something that has already been accomplished. Experts believe that people
saying “I am becoming happy” is more effective as this conveys the message that you are already
seeing the positive results of your affirmations. Positive The affirmation must be positive and veers
away from any negative note. Creating an affirmation with the words “I am safe” is believed to be
more effective than saying the words “I am not scared”. The presence of the negative word “not”
may affect your attitude and behavior negatively. Thus, that there is no better way to use a positive
affirmation by staying positive all the time. It is also believed that the word “scared” may grab your
attention more and make you think about the negative thought of not being safe often. Everyday
language It is best to come up with a positive affirmation that fits your language style. It means that
action like your desire to pass an examination, find the right person, or it can even be as simple as
reaching a certain destination safely.
“I am powerful”, or “I face the world with high intention and purposeful awareness”, or “I make
every act and act of love.”
automatically bombard your subconscious with positive messages, one that sends the subliminal
messages to the subconscious directly, bypassing the conscious mind. What was your reaction the
last time when you were asked to do certain things which you have never attempted before? Your
initial reaction, as dictated by your conscious mind, will be “that’s impossible!” Quite
understandable because the conscious mind has a tendency to be critical. At the same time, the
conscious mind fears the unknown, and every new challenge is faced with trepidation. But with a
powerful affirmation tool that can train the subconscious mind, achieving what you set out to do is
half the battle won.
Author Claude M. Bristol said it nicely when he claimed: “It's the repetition of AFFIRMATIONS that
leads to belief. And once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen.”
• Friend
I am loving and accepting of others and this creates lasting frienships for me.
I look forward to and love spending time with my FAMILY and FRIENDS, instead of thinking about what I
have to do next.
I am open to friendship, and I now attract the most wonderful new friends to me.
I now easily create new and lasting friendships with the most wonderful and compatible people.
Friend Page 7
I now easily create new and lasting friendships with the most wonderful and compatible people.
I am in the process of Happily Attracting All that I need to Experience My Ideal Friendships.
I have wonderful friends who are kind, loyal, supportive, and trustworthy.
My soul dances in the sunshine of my best friend's lasting, living, giving love!
Friend Page 8
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
10:40 PM
Heart Page 9
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
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Soul Page 10
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
10:40 PM
I AM content and safe during all my travels.
My safety is always first.
God has given my Guardian Angel charge over me; to protect me and to keep me safe.
I AM Divinely protected by God Himself.
My safety is a 'given' because God is on my side.
My mature and responsible actions and reactions keep me safe at all times.
My living environment is safe, secure and Divinely protected.
I AM confident my environment is safe and Divinely guarded.
My security is 'guarded' by Guardian Angels.
I AM comforted knowing my Guardian Angels are 'guarding' me.
Safety Page 11
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
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Money Page 12
I do not concern myself with any negative
appearances. I live my life, knowing my prayers are
already answered.
I choose goals that reflect what I want most in my
Bountiful miracles and blessings manifest in my life.
I deserve the best and accept it now.
Abundance is limited only by my unconsciousness.
My prosperity thoughts create my prosperous world.
All that I have ever given is being returned to me in
many forms.
My life is filled with an abundance of good.
With God's guidance, my life is filled with joyous
successes and rich abundance.
I release all feelings of lack and limitation and joyfully
accept blessings of joy and abundance.
Today is rich with opportunities and I open my heart
to receive them.
I think of the things I want and see them as already
Money flows freely and abundantly into my life.
Abundance is mine! I give thanks for the unlimited
flow of good into my life.
Wonderful things happen to me because I live with an
attitude of gratitude.
Gratitude moves me from perceptions of lack to
manifestations of abundance in all facets of my life.
I am worthy of all that my heart desires. It is my
divine heritage!
I am infused with a spirit of excess. Today, I give new
life to my goals and dreams.
I create my own security.
In this moment, I asked for what I need, knowing that
God responds throughout the day. I remember that
God is my source.
I manifest my goals at the perfect time.
I accept the miracles God has for me.
I am the source of my abundance.
I focus on what I love and thus draw it to me.
My thoughts are loving and positive.
My choices and possibilities are expanding every day.
I love and trust my imagination.
Money Page 13
I am an unlimited being. I can create anything I want.
I picture abundance for myself and others.
I live in an abundant universe. I always have
everything I need.
I radiate self-esteem, inner peace, love, well-being,
and happiness.
I create money and abundance through joy, aliveness,
and self-love.
Everything I do brings me aliveness and growth.
I know the essence of what I want and I get it.
Everything I create fulfills me.
The things I create are even better than I imagine
them to be.
My energy is focused and directed toward my goals.
I am increasingly magnetic to money, prosperity, and
I create what I want with energy. Good things come to
me easily.
I trust and follow my inner guidance.
I spend quiet reflective time; I hear my inner
I am always in the right place at the right time.
I follow my highest joy.
I honor myself in everything I do.
I always choose the path of most light.
I honor my integrity in all that I do.
I am a success. I allow myself to feel successful.
I congratulate myself often.
I forgive myself, knowing that I did the best I knew
how at the time.
I give myself permission to have what I want.
My beliefs create my reality. I believe in my unlimited
I choose beliefs that bring me aliveness and growth.
My beliefs create good things for me.
I deserve abundance.
Money flows in my life. I am prosperous.
My energy is open and flowing in every area of my life.
I always have more money coming in than going out.
I allow myself to have more than I ever dreamed
Money Page 14
The universe works in perfect ways. It always serves
my higher good.
My debts represent my and others' belief in my
future earning ability.
My value and worth are increased by everything I do.
All my experiences are opportunities to gain more
power, clarity, and vision.
I send love to my fears. My fears are the places
within me that await my love.
I speak of success and prosperity. My words uplift and
inspire others.
I live in an abundant work. All is perfect in my
The universe is safe, abundant, and friendly.
I expect only the best to happen and it does.
I trust my ever-increasing ability to create abundance.
I accept prosperity and abundance into my life.
I trust that everything comes at the perfect time and
in the perfect way.
I surrender to my higher good.
I demonstrate love with action every day.
I am linked with the unlimited abundance of the
As I do what I love, money and abundance flow freely
to me.
I have a unique, special contribution to make.
Everything I do adds beauty, order, and light to the
I am in charge of my destiny. I am the builder of my
I honor and use my special skills and abilities.
I find my life's work by looking within rather than
I have a wealth of valuable skills and talents.
I now have my ideal life.
I know what I love to do and I do it.
I allow myself to think and dream in unlimited ways.
All answers are within me. I follow my inner wisdom.
I am a valuable person. My path is important.
I value my time and energy.
My path and life's work are my higher priorities.
Money Page 15
My path and life's work are my higher priorities.
I accept and love myself for who I am right now.
I honor and value my creativity and ideas.
My days are filled with fun and meaningful activities.
I am a special, unique person.
I give myself permission to be all I can be.
I commit to my path. I choose aliveness and growth.
I follow my heart.
I can have what I want.
I invite and allow good to come into my life.
I flow with the current. I know that everything
happens for my higher good.
I am alert to my opportunities and I use them well.
I release anything that is not for my higher good and
ask it to release me.
I love and honor everything I create.
I change the world around me by changing myself.
I bring love and a positive attitude to everything I do.
I create what I want easily and effortlessly.
I am magnetic to my higher good and it is magnetic to
I am abundantly provided for as I follow my path.
I know my value. I honor my worth.
People value and honor my work.
I always give my best.
All the money I spend enriches society and comes
back to me multiplied.
All the money I spend and earn brings me joy.
I surround myself with things that reflect my
aliveness and energy.
I appreciate all that I am and all that I have.
I appreciate myself. I give thanks for my wonderful
I am open to receive.
Everything I give to others is a gift to myself. As I
give I receive.
Every gift I gives serves and empowers other people.
Everything I give others honors and acknowledges
their worth.
I give generously to myself.
I serve others to the best of my ability in all I say and
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I serve others to the best of my ability in all I say and
I experience clarity and harmony in all my energy
I feel good about all the money I spend.
I am always being guided to the higher solution.
I listen to the wisdom of my heart.
I always look for ways to make the other person a
winner; as I help others win, I win as well.
I have abundance in every area of my life.
My prosperity prospers others.
Everyone's success contributes to my success.
I send others thoughts of their increased prosperity.
My money is a source of good for myself and others.
My savings act as a magnet to draw more money.
I am financially independent and free.
All my money is energy awaiting my command to create
good in my life.
All my money is working for me to increase my
abundance, joy, and aliveness.
I choose to live an abundant life.
Money Page 17
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
10:41 PM
Sobriety Page 18
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
10:41 PM
List of Love Affirmations. I love easily. I love myself. I love children. I love dogs/cats/animals. I
love nature. I love my work. I love my body. I love my slender sexy body. I appreciate, value and
respect those with opposite views on abortion. I appreciate, value and respect all Democrats and all
Republicans. I appreciate, value and respect all those who are violent. I respect, value and appreciate
gays, lesbians and others of alternate sexual persuasions. I respect, value and appreciate all men, all
women and all those not of my skin color. I have great sex with a new partner. I love ____. I
appreciate, value and respect ____. (Fill in the name of someone with whom you have difficulties.)
Love Page 19
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
10:41 PM
I am an efficient, energetic, healthy, fit woman who can handle anything that arises today
Body fat and Calories are melting off me like ice in the hot summer sun.
I am a fit person.
Fitness Page 20
I am slender.
Fitness Page 21
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
10:41 PM
God will always forgive me when i ask for forgivness without finding fault
Affirmations Tagged Under 'forgivness'
I forgive myself.
Forgiveness Page 22
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
10:41 PM
I FEEL GOOD about myself and speak confidently in front of friends and strangers, dismissing anxiety,
nerves and self-awareness.
I am able to let go of my anger and speak from a place of love and kindness to those around me
I FEEL GOOD about myself when speaking in front of friends and strangers.
A strangers face is an unapproached potentiality, to be opened if one makes the choice and effort.
I deserve only happiness and now am free of anger. I live and let live. I am in control of my life.
I realize that being angry with someone ties me to that person and keeps me from growing and reaching
higher vibrational levels. I have no need for anger in my life.
May all sentient beings abide in equanimity, free from the attachment and anger that holds some close
and others distant.
I have no place for anger in my life for I know that anger destroys the beauty of the heart as well as the
beauty of the face.
I feel good about myself and speak confidently in front of friends and strangers.
Anger Page 23
Anger is my bitter enemy.
I love danger
I constantly and effortlessly find little ways to uplift and encourage those around me, including strangers
Beginning today, I will allow anger to be part of my family of emotions. Anger has a place in my life,
along with sadness, joy, and all my other feelings.
It's ok to feel anger and be mad, work through it, let it go, and move on
Anger Page 24
It's ok to feel anger and be mad, work through it, let it go, and move on
anger makes energy.... I can choose to oulet my energy at the gym however I choose to work out
I make it a point to listen for the message behind the anger, and I am not afraid.
i now command my subconscious mind to completely let go of all anger and resentment concerning past
events. i am now free.
i am now free of all anger and resentment concerning past events. i completely forgive everyone
God is healing and removing the deep seated anger from my husbands inner being.
I know what Gods promises are to me, so I will wait patiently. Never in anger because that will make me
foolish & I may miss my blessing.
I now release any fear or anger to my financial situation i now receive lots of money from unexpected
area i am so happy!
I now release any fear or anger to my financial situation i now receive lots of money from unexpected
areas i am so happy!
Affirmations Tagged Under 'anger'
Anger Page 25
I am able to let go of my anger and speak from a place of love and kindness to those around me
I have no place for anger in my life for I know that anger destroys the beauty of the heart as well as the
beauty of the face.
I realize that being angry with someone ties me to that person and keeps me from growing and reaching
higher vibrational levels. I have no need for anger in my life.
I deserve only happiness and now am free of anger. I live and let live. I am in control of my life.
When I see or hear others enter into a heated argument or become angry, I am always able to maintain
a cool head.
My reason always prevails over any negative emotion I may feel or experience
Anger Page 26
I am not responsible for your anger. I am responsible to be my best self.
Beginning today, I will allow anger to be part of my family of emotions. Anger has a place in my life,
along with sadness, joy, and all my other feelings.
I make it a point to listen for the message behind the anger, and I am not afraid.
Nothing can rob me of my personal power and perspective. I am not afraid of rage, intimidation,
or criticism.
Anger Page 27
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
10:42 PM
I decide not to go on for the rest of my life surrendering to sorrow and tears. I decide that this
nonconstructive sorrow mixed with self-pity has to STOP.
Today I will add up my joys and never count my sorrows. I will relive my happy memories.
I will turn my sorrow into a servant. I know that grief can be a demonic dictator if I let it. It can turn me
into a cynical, doubting, resentful, self-pitying recluse or drunkard.
I am healed of all pain, sorrow and regret. I face the future wiser, stronger, and at peace.
I am now divinely healed of all past trauma, sorrow, mistakes, and regret.
I face the future wiser, stronger, and at peace. I am healed of all pain, sorrow and regret.
I face the future wiser, stronger, and at peace. I am healed of all pain, sorrow and regret
Sadness Page 28
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
10:42 PM
I am fearless
I have self esteem and confidence because I am a child of God and I was fearfully and wonderfully made.
Rich people act in spite of fear. Poor people let fear stop them.
I do not fear being unhealthy because I know that I control my own body.
I do not fear success. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
When I am afraid, I embrace my inner strengths and transform fear into power
Fear Page 29
There is nothing to fear.
Ihave made solid decision to resist fear and confidently trust in Him
I have made solid decision to resist fear and confidently trust in Him
Fear Page 30
I have the courage to overcome any fear
I relax, put my doubts and fear aside and trust the laws of nature.
I have a life with no worries, no fears, no limitations, with nothing to fight against, nothing standing in
my way, nothing to hold me back.
God is by my side at all times. When I am weak, he holds me up. when I need courage, he helps me step
away from my fear and do what I need to do. I place my trust in Him & it is easy to follow in His path!
As I free myself from my own fears, my presence automatically helps others to free themselves.
I choose to change my life from one of limitation and fear, to one of joy and abundance.
I know that I have the best seat & best vision of my life journey. Not everyone will see what I seeee.
They are limited by their own vision, doubts & fears. I refuse to accept their limitations.
%u201CIf you wish to travel far and fast, travel light. Take off all of your envies, jealousies,
unforgiveness, selfishness and fear%u201D CESARE PAVESE
My inner truth and light frees me from the bonds of fear! I am not afraid.
Fear Page 31
My inner truth and light frees me from the bonds of fear! I am not afraid.
Love dissolves all fears in my life and casts aside all doubts that once kept me captive.
To live in the present, I release all my fears and worries. Only then am I able to break free from the
burdens and weights of yesterday and the worries of what may come tomorrow.
I should never fear the darkness, for I know that only in the darkness can I see the stars.
I will fear nothing knowing that God will always be there for me !
I can decide what l think. I do not allow fear to warp or distort my vision. I am fear-free, happy
and fulfilled.
"It is amazing what you can accomplish when you do not give in to fear."
"It is amazing what you can accomplish when you do not give in to fear." Kenton Oakes
I am Fearless.
I know that the greatest mistake in life is to give and surrender to fear. The most potent force is to
remain positive in all situations.
Fear Page 32
I understand that most people are insecure and consumed by fear
Love tends to outweigh fear to the point where it takes courage to the next level. You can be
courageous without love, but courage fueled by love is the stuff history is made out of.
When in need of courage, I find the love and the problem of fear takes care of itself
winners are people like you and me,winners do not fear life, they fear failing, but they refuse to let fear
control them and i wiil never allow fear to control me!
Changing the limiting beliefs I have is the key to releasing the blocks to achieving my desires. I now
release all limiting beliefs and fears in my life.
I have no doubts, no worries, no fears - EVER in my life. I have, instead, I have confidence, love,
and abundance.
I am now free of every worry and fear. Nothing can bring me down.
I am willing to release all my old patterns of fear and insecurity to live with joy and well-being now.
I choose to forgive and remember that nasty and negative people are just living in fear
Fear Page 33
I walk into my fears unafraid
I am a relaxed great public speaker, I have no fear of speaking in front of any group of people.
Love dissolves all hate, fear, anxiety and insecurity which cause imbalance in my life.
I am allowing deep fear-based beliefs to come into my awareness and transforming them into positive
images and outcomes.
I now move away from fear and ago and towards spirit
Now and always, I am willing to change any negative, fearful, or limiting vibration.
I now move away from fear and ego and towards spirit
Fear Page 34
I help my loved ones to see without fear
To live in the present, I release all my fears and worries. Only then am I able to break free from the
burdens and weights of yesterday and the worries of what may come tomorrow.
To live in the present, I release all my fears and worries of yesterday and what may come tomorrow.
I live in the present releasing all my fears & worries of yesterday & what may come tomorrow
I live in the present releasing all fears & worries of yesterday & what may come tomorrow.
I release all my fears & worries. I able to break free from the burdens and weights of yesterday and the
worries of what may come tomorrow.
I have self esteem & confidence. I am a child of God & was fearfully & wonderfully made.
I am happy, I have released all my fears & worries from the past.
I am happy and I have released all my fears and worries from the past
I am happy, and I have released all my fears and worries from the past
*Being myself involves no risks. It is my ultimate truth, and I live it fearlessly. (It will be difficult.)
Fear Page 35
* Being myself involves no risks. It is my ultimate truth, and I live it fearlessly. (It will be difficult.)
I release all anxiety, doubt, worry, fear to the power within me and I am filled with love, peace and joy.
I realize that courage isn't lack of fear. It is moving forward despite fear
I realize that courage isn't lack of fear. It is moving forward despite fear and I am moving forward
I am opening my envelop of prosperity I have sound health , peace of ming, a labor of love of my own
choice, freedom from fear and worry, positive mental attitude, material wwalth of my own choice
I now open my envelop of prosperity which contains sound health, peace of mind, a labor of love of my
own choice , freedom from fear and worry, positive mental attitude, material wealth and possessions of
my own choice
I fear no human
Fear Page 36
I do not fear being unhealthy because I know that I control my own body
No Fear!
i now confidently move past any fear with courage and determination
i easily move past fear with positive expectations and the willingness to try
Fear Page 37
I laugh in the face of fear
looking past doubt and fear i see the good God is bringing to me
You cannot fully embrace your future, if you fearfully cling to the past.
I RISE above FEAR or any emotion that would hold me back from my goals.
I am totally independent of the good and bad opinions of others. I am beneath no one. I fearlessly
handle any and all situations in my life.
I am fearless! I am unafraid of new challenges, new experences, new directions, new opportunities. I
am safe.
Fear Page 38
I overcome all my fears
I do not fear.
God is my rock & refuge, I shall not fear anyone. He always puts his anointed servants on a strong hard
rock once their foot has slipped onto quicksand.
Fear of failure, is not an option. Make Perseverance, Faith & Courage your motivations.
Today I surrender all fear and doubt, I choose to live in faith trusting that All is in Divine Order.
I absolutely, eternally, no longer have any pain, fear, anxiety, stress, harm, discomfort, depression,
illness, injury, evil of any kind in bodies and lives of myself and my entire family and my closest
friends...so mote it be....Abracadabra...Amen!!!!!!!
There is absolutely, eternally, NO longer any pain, fear, anxiety, stress, harm, discomfort, depression,
illness, injury, evil of any kind in the bodies and lives of myself, my entire family and my closest
friends...So Mote It Be....Abracadabra...Amen!!!!
I lead people fearlessly into the future, and they are deeply grateful to me for it.
There is absolutely, now & always, eternally: NO pain, NO fear, NO anxiety, NO stress, NO harm, NO
discomfort, NO depression, NO illness, NO injury, NO evil of any kind in the bodies & lives of myself &
Fear Page 39
discomfort, NO depression, NO illness, NO injury, NO evil of any kind in the bodies & lives of myself &
my entire family! So Mote It Be! Abracadabra!
I let go of all my fears of lack about money so I can live in abundance of wealth and share what i have
with others..
I am free from anxiety and fear! I am protected and cared for by God and the angels!
I now release any fear or anger to my financial situation i now receive lots of money from unexpected
area i am so happy!
I now release any fear or anger to my financial situation i now receive lots of money from unexpected
areas i am so happy!
I practice unconditional love knowing that trying to control or manipulate another brings fear
and unhappiness
"Fear of failure and fear of the unknown are ALWAYS defeated by faith." Georgette Mosbacher
My source of energy shines brightly within me. I replace thoughts of fear with feelings with love.
I do not fear success. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
I am fearless
When I am afraid, I embrace my inner strengths and transform fear into power
Fear Page 40
When I am afraid, I embrace my inner strengths and transform fear into power
I am Fearless.
As I free myself from my own fears, my presence automatically helps others to free themselves.
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Tuesday, June 22, 2010
10:42 PM
I FEEL GOOD about myself and speak confidently in front of friends and strangers, dismissing anxiety,
nerves and self-awareness.
I choose to see smoking for what it really is: weak, stress and anxiety driven, stupid, deadly, AND self-
destructive - and I know that just has no more place in my life, at all.
Love dissolves all hate, fear, anxiety and insecurity which cause imbalance in my life.
I release all anxiety, doubt, worry, fear to the power within me and I am filled with love, peace and joy.
My faith in God sets me free from all worry, anxiety and doubt.
My new life rests on joy instead of depression, peace instead of turmoil, trust instead of anxiety,
confidence instead of guilt and shame.
My new life is grounded in joy not depression, peace not turmoil, trust not anxiety, confidence not guilt
or shame.
I absolutely, eternally, no longer have any pain, fear, anxiety, stress, harm, discomfort, depression,
illness, injury, evil of any kind in bodies and lives of myself and my entire family and my closest
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illness, injury, evil of any kind in bodies and lives of myself and my entire family and my closest
friends...so mote it be....Abracadabra...Amen!!!!!!!
There is absolutely, eternally, NO longer any pain, fear, anxiety, stress, harm, discomfort, depression,
illness, injury, evil of any kind in the bodies and lives of myself, my entire family and my closest
friends...So Mote It Be....Abracadabra...Amen!!!!
There is absolutely, now & always, eternally: NO pain, NO fear, NO anxiety, NO stress, NO harm, NO
discomfort, NO depression, NO illness, NO injury, NO evil of any kind in the bodies & lives of myself &
my entire family! So Mote It Be! Abracadabra!
I am free from anxiety and fear! I am protected and cared for by God and the angels!
My anxiety, control, and high expectations are part of the past. Today I am free to live with gratitude
and love knowing that God is providing me with ALL I need!
Affirmations Tagged Under 'anxiety'
I am confident
I am socially skilled
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With each breath I become more relaxed
I am relaxed
There is no reason to get stressed over the small stuff, in the end you will always do what is right
There is no need to worry, problems... big and small... will only benefit you in the long run
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Tuesday, June 22, 2010
10:42 PM
I will face this day with the joy of a child and the courage of a giant
I will use my life to instill courage, faith and laughter, permanently, into the lives and minds of
other people
The possibility i'm inventing for myself and my life is the possibility of being courageous
and unreasonable.
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I am now bold and courageous. I now seize my opportunities immediately.
I'll get what I ask for out of life... I'll have the courage to ask.
We give generously to many charities and encourage others who we have helped generate substantial
incomes to do the same
God is by my side at all times. When I am weak, he holds me up. when I need courage, he helps me step
away from my fear and do what I need to do. I place my trust in Him & it is easy to follow in His path!
I courageously and openly choose to face whatever may be necessary to create health, vitality, peace
and harmony NOW!
I share more of myself with others and encourage others to do the same!
I respond to the call of my gift and find the courage to follow its path.
Serenity: May I have the courage to change the things I need to change, the strength to leave the things
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Serenity: May I have the courage to change the things I need to change, the strength to leave the things
I can%u2019t, and the wisdom to know the difference.
Serenity: May I have the courage to change the things I need to change, the strength to leave the things
I can't, and the wisdom to know the difference.
I am a compasionate person who can easily identify the qualities that make each person special. I
encourage others in times of need.
I have the courage to face any difficulty without a solution, but instead the knowing that God has his
hand outstretched to me to pull me through.
I have the courage to believe in my vision and to take the steps towards it.
Love tends to outweigh fear to the point where it takes courage to the next level. You can be
courageous without love, but courage fueled by love is the stuff history is made out of.
When in need of courage, I find the love and the problem of fear takes care of itself
I now seize my opportunities boldly and courageously, decisively applying my faith through my actions.
Courage doesn't always roar, sometimes it is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, "I will try
again tomorrow!"
I constantly and effortlessly find little ways to uplift and encourage those around me, including strangers
I have lifelong friends who encourage and add to the joy of life.
God grant me the wisdom,the courage and the strength and to know the difference between.
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God grant me the wisdom,the courage and the strength and to know the difference between.
I have the courage to be who I really am and share my truth with the world.
I seize my opportunities boldly and courageously, decisively applying my faith through my actions
I set healthy boundaries. I have the courage to speak my wants and preferences.
I encourage myself
May I have the courage to change the things I need to change, the strength to leave the things I can%
u2019t, and the wisdom to know the difference.
May I have the wisdom to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and
the wisdom to know the difference.
I have the wisdom to accept things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can & the
wisdom to know the difference.
I realize that courage isn't lack of fear. It is moving forward despite fear
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I realize that courage isn't lack of fear. It is moving forward despite fear
I realize that courage isn't lack of fear. It is moving forward despite fear and I am moving forward
People come to me for inspiration and encouragement because I make them feel better and stronger!
I am sexy, i am gorgeous, i am full of health, strength, courage and vitality each and every day
"Accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can."
i start each day with courage and confidence and an attitude of joyful optimism
i have all the courage and confidence and powerful new beliefs necessary to achieve my goals
i now confidently move past any fear with courage and determination
God gives me to courage to talk to people I would normally shy away from.
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God gives me to courage to talk to people I would normally shy away from.
I am bold and courageous enough to share what this opportunity can do for them, in helping them
accomplish their dreams or goals.
Fear of failure, is not an option. Make Perseverance, Faith & Courage your motivations.
I am courageous
I am courageous.
I can not change what is to come, but I can choose to meet it head on with strength and courage
trusting that I have divine guidance from above.
Affirmations Tagged Under 'Courage'
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My goals are more important than my fear
I have the courage to be who I really am and share my truth with the world.
God is by my side at all times. When I am weak, he holds me up. when I need courage, he helps me step
away from my fear and do what I need to do. I place my trust in Him & it is easy to follow in His path!
I set healthy boundaries. I have the courage to speak my wants and preferences.
I have the courage to believe in my vision and to take the steps towards it.
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Courageous transformation preceeds a more powerful God-ward transfiguration.
God gives me to courage to talk to people I would normally shy away from.
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Tuesday, June 22, 2010
10:43 PM
I am successful in whatever I do
Today I will try not to hate .. but to spread the love with in my own heart to those who need it.
I participate good naturedly in life, wherever I am - whatever is going on, I am a force for powerful,
positive change!
My children are a wonderful, delightful diversion from whatever I am doing at the present moment.
I now step up with total power and passion to take whatever positive action is necessary to achieve my
desired results.
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desired results.
I know that whatever I need to accomplish my goal will be drawn to me once I have planted the seed in
my mind.
I know I am a magnet who attracts, at any point, whatever prosperity, health and relationships I choose.
I have an unlimited supply of abundance and prosperity. I share this with others and help them improve
the quality of their lives.
%u2018Whatever the mind of a man can conceive and believe, it can achieve%u2019 Napoleon Hill,
author of 'Think and Grow Rich'
Whatever the mind of a man can conceive and believe, it can achieve Napoleon Hill author of Think and
Grow Rich
I courageously and openly choose to face whatever may be necessary to create health, vitality, peace
and harmony NOW!
I have strong roots and a strong foundation on which to stand! These assist me to weather whatever
storms or trials may come in life.
I know that whatever thoughts, desires, or attitudes that I put out return to me.
Please give everyone who would benefit from my products the time, the money and whatever else they
need to puchase from me today.
Please give everyone who would benefit from my products the time, the money and whatever else they
need to place an order with me today.
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need to place an order with me today.
Whatever I desire and am reaching toward is, in turn, reaching for me!
I have total faith that whatever is happening is good. I always remain carefree.
Whatever form of erotic pleasure that I desire is given to me by sexy, attractive women!!
I is my duty to help others in whatever way possible. I am able to help relieve suffering and misery in
the world.
WHATEVER I dream about, I can visualize it coming true!! I am truly grateful to the Universe for that!!
I love humanity by letting it be whatever it wants to be. I love myself by becoming that which I wish
to be.
Do not let your peace depend on the hearts of others; whatever they say about you, good or bad, you
are not because of it another, for as you are, you are.
Whatever I expect to happen is determined by the thoughts that I dwell upon plus the intensity of the
emotions behind those thoughts.
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Reality shifts, bends and becomes whatever I will it to be.
I deserve all good in my life and that includes prosperity I am a money magnet, and prosperity of all
kinds is drawn to me Life is easy, I have an abundance of whatever I need.
I am surrounded by a powerful circle of Divine Substance that protects, strenthens me, and repells all
negativity from whatever the source.
I am surrounded by a powerful circle of Divine Substance that protects, strengthens me, and repells all
negativity from whatever the source.
Once I set an evil spell on someone that I hate it always works and brings me more good luck at the time
no matter what
I trust myself enough that whatever you decide, I will be able to handle.
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I make a positive contribution at work in whatever role I am asked to take.
Love dissolves all hate, fear, anxiety and insecurity which cause imbalance in my life.
I am determined to be cheerful and happy in whatever situation I may find myself. For I have learned
that the greater part of my misery or unhappiness is determined not by my circumstance but by
my disposition.
there is a deep lake inside me and whatever happens in outside there is always calmless inside of me
I am so arrogant and whatever i say should happen. I punish anyone who question my attitude.
With strength from God, I am mentally tough and can handle whatever comes my way
With strength from God, I am mentally tough, and I can handle whatever comes my way
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I always make the right decision.. I always stick to whatever decision i take.
I have the wisdom to take the right decisions. I always stick to whateverdecision I take.
I AM doing whatever it takes to feel good. I AM emiting the emotions of JOY and HAPPINESS for they are
O Divine Providence I ask not for more riches but more wisdom wellness wealth to make use of the
riches you gave me at birth consisting of the power to control and direct my own mind to whatever ends
I desire
I am refreshed, and in the mode of operation for whatever I need and want.
whatever im going through, its not worthy to be compared with the happiness there will be for me,
when i get home
Whatever needs to be known will be revealed in the exact moment that I need to know it (from
Intenders of Highest Good)
I am focused in whatever I do
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I have a powerful mind and I manifest whatever I desire
I can handle whatever God sends my way, he never gives us more than we can bear
I train however many reps and sets I wish to train on whatever exercises!
I exercise whenever I want, how much I want and whatever exercise I want to do...and whatever I do
and how much and when ...it is all perfect and exactlly what I am meant to do! By Christ, The Spirit &
Yahweh I decree this! So Mote It Be! Abracadabra!
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