The Success-Driven Life
The Success-Driven Life
The Success-Driven Life
Eugene C. Onyibo
Pathway to Success: Roadmap to Unlimited Sustainable Success
Guides to Achieving
a Life of Significance Page 2
Pathway to Success: Roadmap to Unlimited Sustainable Success
Dedication Page 3
Pathway to Success: Roadmap to Unlimited Sustainable Success
Table of Contents
Author‟s Note
Part One: Understanding Success
Chapter One
Success Talk
Things to know about Success
The Starting Point of Success
The Motivations of Success
The Challenge of Success
Chapter Two
The Meaning of Success
Common Notions of Success
The Definition of Success
Success in Motivational Teachings
Success and Happiness
Chapter Three
Success is Rule-Governed
Success is Predictable
There is Orderliness in Nature
The Natural Law Doctrine
Features of the Natural Law
Chapter Four
The Dynamics of the Laws of Success
The Natural Law and the Laws of success Page 4
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Acknowledgements Page 7
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I thank Rev. Fr. Ethelbert Arua OSJ for his prayerful support. I
thank Chief Frank Odita in a very special way. Indeed, he is a
father and mentor to me. May the almighty God continue to bless
him, his spouse and his descendants for his paternal love to me. I
owe a debt of lifetime gratitude to Prof. Michael. O. Ogunjimi for
the opportunity of learning, earning and personal development he
afforded me in his business empire. I also thank Engr. Humphrey
Mgbemena for his paternal love, care and support. I am also
indebted to Hon. Justice (Sir) J. G. O. Aneke (Rtd.) for his paternal
love, care and support. I say a big thank you to Engr. Martin Page 8
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Onovo MNSE, SPE, Paul Ibeh and Hon. Francis Ibirinde for being
friends indeed. I also extend my gratitude to my childhood friends
- Felix Obiekwe, Humphrey Mmuoneke and Nelson Chiezie - in
whose friendships I still find true love. I extend my sincere thanks
to my fans always believing in me. Page 9
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Author’s Note
It is fun being a coach. Assisting people to achieve happy lives by
setting and accomplishing the right goals is something I love
doing. For me, being a life coach is not just a job. Rather, it is
more of a hobby. It is what I can do in the absence of any financial
reward. I am happy that I love what I do because I do what I love.
Empowering people is a task life coaches/trainers perform as a
professional obligation. Their success in their profession is largely
determined by the impacts they make on people‟s lives. Anyone
who calls himself a coach but is not positively impacting lives
should have a rethink because he is only bearing a title. Page 11
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Though every success starts with desire, desire alone is insufficient
to occasion success. Desire is a necessary, though insufficient,
precondition for achieving success. If wishes were sufficient to
translate desires into realities, everyone would have been
successful. If wishes and desires were enough to make every
human aspiration and ambition a reality, everyone would also have
been successful. Every human being naturally desires, values,
loves, appreciates and yearns for success.
But why do some people succeed while others fail? Why do some
people succeed with very little effort while others work very hard
but have nothing (meaningful) to show for their efforts, even year
after year? Why do some people accomplish (almost) every goal
they set while others cannot accomplish most (if not the least) of
their set goals? Why are some people very successful while others
are failures? What are the secrets of success? How can a person
become a success? How can failure be avoided? Page 15
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realising that the questions are usually asked by people who are
(consistently) unable to achieve success, despite all the efforts they
channel towards its pursuit. It is natural to be confused when you
put in the best of your efforts in the pursuit of a goal; yet, the goal
consistently and continuously proves unrealisable. Such experience
can easily lead to frustration and depression in life.
Though the above questions can be, has been, and is being,
answered in different ways, as there is no single route to success or
failure; one of the answers I usually give to the questions is that
people should identify where they belong in life. In the journey to
success, there are basically twelve categories of people. The
people in each of the categories desire success, but differ in their
attitudes towards its pursuit. The category you belong, which is
determined by your attitudes, determines the results you get.
Perhaps, this is why it is usually said that what you get in life is not
determined by what you want, but by who you are. Who you are
determines what you do, and what you do determines what you
get. Hence, who you are determines what you get. When you
understand these categorisations of people, you may decide to
change your present condition by migrating to a better group. This Page 16
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One attitude some people in this category have is that they are very
good at devaluing people‟s accomplishments. For instance, when
someone builds a house, they will say something like, “Why is that
man being celebrated for building only a house? When I am ready
to build, I will build an estate.” When they also hear that someone
has bought a car, they will say something like, “Buying a car is not
Eugene C. Onyibo and Ethelbert Arua OSJ, Rich God, Poor
Believers: The Secrets of Overcoming Poverty by God’s
Children, (Lagos: Skyheight Success Consult, 2013), p.108. Page 17
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a sign of being rich.” This is why they have serious difficulty with
celebrating other people‟s achievements.
Though a dream may lead to reality, it is not, and will never be, the
same with reality. No matter how good and beautiful a dream may
be, it will remain a dream until it is acted on. Besides, you must
wake up and go to work before your dream will become a reality.
No wishful thinking, desire, wish, expectation, aspiration,
ambition, etc can translate any dream into reality without work.
Nothing will work in your life until you work. Their ugly
conditions of living will last for the rest of their lives, except they
The second category consists of people who have no personal
focus, dream, vision, direction, ambition, target, goal, etc in life.
Consequently, they follow the wishes of others. The events of their
lives are dictated by people‟s opinions, wishes, expectations and
preferences. People in this category live as others wish, rather than
as they wish. This is a very dangerous category for any adult to
belong because such life is best for underage children. It is a
lifestyle that is most unworthy and most undesirable of any adult. Page 18
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The difference between people in the first category and those in the
second category is that while those in the first category have no
focus, dream, vision, direction, ambition, target, goal, etc in life at
all; the focus, dream, vision, direction, ambition, target and goals
of those in the second category are not self-made. As an adult,
though you should allow people (though not anyone or everyone)
to advise you, you should not allow anyone to take decision on any
issue that (directly) concerns or affects your life. Life is best when
it is lived on personal convictions, resolutions and decisions.
Since you will be praised for your success, but blamed for your
failures; you should take 100% responsibility for your life.2 This
attitude should start from taking decisions on issues about your
life. As a rule of life, decision on an issue of life should always be
made by the person who will accept responsibility for it. It is
inappropriate to allow anyone to decide how your adult life will be
lived. No human being is more qualified than yourself to take that
decision. It is your responsibility to do so. So, accept it!
The third category consists of people who set goals, plan, but do
not act. The factor that differentiates them from those in the former
categories is planning, which is necessary but insufficient for
success. Sometimes, people in this category have so many goals
and plans that they are confused about the steps to take. They are
usually excited about their dreams, visions, hopes, desires,
expectations, goals and plans. This is why, sometimes, they even
celebrate their dreams, visions and desires as accomplishments.
Jack Canfield, How to Get from Where You Are to Where You
Want to Be: The 25 Principles of Success, (Great Britain: Clays
Ltd., 2007), p.1-4. Page 19
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They are often delighted with sharing their dreams with people,
only to go back later to justify why they could not be executed.
They are very energetic when it comes to talking, but very weak
and incapacitated in taking actions. This is why they often waste a
great deal of time talking, rather than taking actions. This is also
why I describe people in this category as talking people. However,
like people in the first category, there is no provision for action in
their lives. People in this category are not candidates for success.
The fourth category consists of people who set unrealistic and
irrational goals. People in this category fail because they set
unreasonable goals. Some good features they have, unlike the
people in the first and third categories, are that they are not only
action-oriented, but also very hardworking. Unfortunately, their
efforts towards achieving success are usually wasteful and
unproductive because they always fail. This is why, like people in
the above categories, they are also not candidates for success.
But why does this category of people also fail in life, despite
having big visions, being very hardworking and action-oriented?
The reason is that they do not believe that life‟s journey is one step
at a time. They believe in starting from the top. This is why they
always bite more than they can chew. According to Martin Luther
King (Jnr.), “Nothing in this world is more dangerous than sincere
ignorance and conscientious stupidity.” People in this category will
never succeed, as success starts from setting the right goals.
The fifth category consists of people who act with neither goal-
setting nor planning. People in this group always do things at
random, though they may be working very hard. One of their
unique features is that they are the most confused about success.
The reason is that they often work very hard, even more than Page 20
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When they abandon a goal at the middle of the road, even the new
goals that fascinate their attentions are also not completed before
they are also abandoned for other goals. They have a reputation for
attempting many things, but never completing anything. They are
very excellent at trying many things, but failing in all of them.
They just cannot get anything done. People in this category
continuously remain unable to achieve success because it is
difficult to succeed in something that is not completed. Success
necessarily implies accomplishment or completion.
The eighth category consists of people who set more goals than
they can accomplish at a time, but strive to actualise all of them at
the same time. The attitudes of people in this category are very
closely related to those in the fourth category above. The people in
both categories cannot get anything done simply because they Page 22
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always bite more than they can chew. However, the difference
between them is that while those in the fourth category set
irrational and unreasonable goals, those in the eighth category set
multiple reasonable goals they cannot accomplish.
People in this category always strive to achieve beyond their
natural and human capacities because they cannot prioritise.3 They
are usually perfectionists. They love doing things perfectly. They
are hardly satisfied with other people‟s performance. This is why
they believe that no one can perform any task better than
themselves. This is also why they cannot delegate the least of their
tasks, even when they have competent subordinates who are
available to assist them. People in this group are not candidates for
success because they waste a lot of time on simple tasks.
The ninth category consists of people who set goals, plan but act
without their plans. Can you imagine going to an examination hall,
but refusing to write with your pen? Can you also imagine going to
a farm with a hoe and a cutlass, but refusing to work with neither
of them when you get to the farm? These examples best describe
what people in this category do. They waste time setting goals and
planning because they always do nothing with their plans and set
goals. People in this category, like those in the former categories,
are also not candidates for success.
In the tenth category, there are people who set goals, plan, act, fail
but give up. They are convinced that the fact that they failed
implies that they will never succeed. They have difficulty doing
away with the past. As a result, they often live with the past in the
present. This is why they are perpetually haunted by their pasts.
See Chapter Seven for a detailed discussion of Prioritising as a Key
Success Tool. Page 23
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They are yet to understand that winners never quit, and quitters
never win. In addition, they often fail to realise that success is
usually preceded by failures, and also that failure could be the
„gateway to‟, „foundation of‟ and „stepping stone to‟ success.
The eleventh category consists of those who are not willing to
accept responsibilities for their lives. Rather, they want others to
take responsibilities for their lives, even as adults. They like to
spend their entire lives as dependents. There are two features that
are common to people in this category. The first is that they are
usually sycophants, flatterers and praise singers. The second
feature is that they usually want to get things of value from people
in exchange of nothing. They always prefer to receive fish from
people rather than being taught how to fish.
The last category consists of people who make informed decisions,
set goals, prioritise, plan, act and persist with their dreams, even
in the face of difficulties, challenges, obstacles, setbacks, mistakes
and failures. It is imperative to take note of the fact that people in
this category, like those in the tenth category above, also
experience failures and setbacks. However, unlike them, they do
not give up after failure. This category is the group of successful
people. There are very few people in this category. The people in
this category are uncommon. They are rare.
When you make informed decisions, set goals, prioritise, plan and
act, but unable to achieve success; it could be because you act
wrongly. Acting wrongly is doing the wrong thing or doing the right
thing in the wrong way. It could also be doing the right thing at the
wrong time. It is easy to identify and correct your mistakes and
failures if you review and evaluate your activities periodically, no
matter the results you get. Otherwise, you will continue to repeat
your mistakes because you are ignorant of them. Page 24
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Eugene C. Onyibo
Lagos, Nigeria
February, 2017. Page 26
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Part One
Success Page 27
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Chapter One
Success Talk
Every intentional human act is meaningful but only in relation to
its ability to contribute to the attainment of a specified goal (either
directly or indirectly). Any deliberate human act that does not
satisfy this condition is unnecessary, if not irrational. Any
calculated human action that does not lead to the accomplishment
of a set goal is uncalled for. Man‟s conscious acts ought to be
rational because man is a conscious and rational being by nature.
Besides, there is a purpose for human existence. Consequently, the
meaning of life is in relation to the purpose of life. Page 28
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People who are celebrated as success are not those who accomplish
any set goal, but people who distinguish themselves from others.
The two basic ways people distinguish themselves from others is
either by doing extraordinary things, or by doing ordinary things
in extraordinary ways. There are few people who achieve this.
This is why successful people are exceptional. This is also why
successful people naturally endear themselves to people with ease,
even unintentionally. Everyone loves being like them, talking
about them and relating with them. Page 31
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Everyone desires success but only few people achieve it. There are
numerous reasons success remains, and will continue to remain,
beyond the reach of many people. One of such reasons is that most
peoples‟ desire for success does not reflect in their daily activities.
The passion for success in the lives of most people is evident in
their words alone. But neither desire nor words, without the right
action, is strong enough to make an individual a success. Your
success is not determined by only your desire or wish, but by what
you are, what you do, and how you do it.
Success is Progressive
Many people are in haste about success. They want to achieve
success overnight. They burden themselves with thoughts about
achieving success. They make themselves restless by their
inordinate ambitions to become successful. They have sleepless
and restless nights because of their immoderate and inordinate
ambitions for success. If they would understand the laws of
success, they would know that their problem (or worry) is
unwarranted. This is one of the reasons success remains beyond
their reach, despite their worries about achieving it. Page 32
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is simple. Do what is right, the right way, at the right time.” You
waste time thinking about success and dreaming of being a success
if you are not working towards achieving it. Page 33
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right results will focus on you. If you are in haste about success,
you may be in haste to nowhere, if not to self-destruction.
Perhaps, this is why David Frost remarks that you should not aim
for success if you want it. Rather, you should just do what you love
and believe in, and success will come naturally. Success is
progressive. It is achieved gradually. The journey to success is also
progressive. It is one step at a time. The journey to success is very
much like a child‟s experience. He first learns how to crawl, learns
how to stand, and learns how to walk before he starts running.
Anyone who tries to run while he cannot walk ventures on an
impossible mission in life.
Success is a Process
Success has a starting point, but no end point. This is why every
individual, even the most successful person, can always become
more successful than he is. Simply put, success has no limit. Every
individual can always become „more‟ or „less‟ successful than he
is. This is because of the imperfect nature of the universe. The
word, „perfection‟, simply means tendency to become something
else (which may be better or worse). Hence, someone/something is
perfect when he/she/it cannot be better or worse, bigger or smaller,
etc than he/she/it is. Page 34
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Imperfection in the physical world means that things are not stable
in value. This simply means that they change. They have the
potential to become better or worse than they are. The closer they
are to what/how they ought to be, the better they are, but the
farther they are from what/how they ought to be, the worse they
are. Nothing is perfect in the physical world. Consequently, every
human being, as well as his condition of living, is imperfect. This
is why everyone can always become good or bad, better or worse,
richer or poorer, more successful or less successful, etc.
When you are static, you are actually moving backwards because
the world and the things in it move ahead of you. To stop being
more successful is to start becoming less successful (or
unsuccessful). You should strive for perfection in life, not because
you can attain it, but because the closer you get to it, the better
your life becomes. According to Vince Lombardi, “Perfection is
not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence.” Page 35
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This is why different people get different results from the same
endeavour, even at the same time and place. For instance, this is
why different people get absorbed by an organisation at the same
time, but after sometime, some will be at the top, some at the
middle, and the remaining at the bottom of the organisational
hierarchy. This is also why different people go into business at the
same time, but after a while, some people‟s companies will be
expanding, the businesses of others will be surviving, while the
businesses of the remaining people will be out of existence. Page 36
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The claim that there can neither be strong nor cordial friendship
among unequals has been challenged by some attendees of my
seminars. It has also been challenged by some people during
informal discussions. However, I still hold on to this view because
of some observations and practical experiences. For instance, no
matter the level of relationship between a multimillionaire and a
poor person, the former cannot reveal the amount of money he
makes in business to the latter for several reasons, as he may risk
the relationship.
It is very likely that doing so will provoke jealousy from the poor
person. Besides, such information may induce the poor person to
make irrational financial demands from his wealthy friend or
relation. The relationship may eventually break down if the request
is not granted for any reason. This is one of the reasons rich people
keep information about their financial success away from poor
people, irrespective of how close they are to them. I sincerely
believe that this observation validates the truth that there cannot be
intimacy among unequals. Page 38
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For instance, being wealthy (an end) is good, but stealing in order
to become wealthy (the means) is bad. To say that the end justifies
the means is to admit that it is good to steal if it can assist someone
to become rich. Indeed, this is unethical. Even committing such
wealth at the service of humanity (by assisting those in need) does
not justify the means through which the wealth was acquired,
though it is a positive end. This is why there are some people who
are wealthy but are not numbered among successful people (by an
objective standard) in the society.
Though they have everything money can buy, the society does not
want to associate with them. Such people are not, and should not
be classified among successful people. As a matter of fact, they are
failures. To fail in your moral life is to be a failure in life indeed.
Little wonder the cash cows who amassed stupendous wealth by
looting their country‟s treasury are not numbered among the
richest people in world records. Only those whose sources of
income are morally and socially acceptable and justifiable are
recognised and honoured as rich people. Page 42
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One of the factors that accounts for why there are more successful
people from poor backgrounds is that poverty is usually an
incentive for greater commitment in the pursuit of success and
excellence. Children from poor families are usually convinced that
the quality of life that awaits them in the future will be determined
by what they are able to achieve with their personal efforts, since
they have no back to fall on if they fail in life. Consequently, they
are usually challenged to channel the best of their efforts into the
struggle for achieving success.
On the other hand, children from rich families, despite having all
the advantages life can offer, usually have the tendency to pursue
matters of success with less commitment, as they usually believe
that such will not make any difference in their lives. They usually
do not bother about their futures because they believe that their
parents have secured them. This is why they usually waste time
bragging over their parents‟ achievements, rather than striving for
their own achievements. They forget that they should strive for
their own success because their parents‟ success is not theirs. Page 43
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People who aspire for success should solicit the assistance and
mentorship of successful people rather than trying to enjoy from
their success. In a culture like mine, anyone‟s success is
everyone‟s success. In a similar vein, anyone‟s challenge is also
everyone‟s challenge. The culture obliges people to be one
another‟s keeper. Consequently, people often request numerous
things from their successful relations. Observations show that most
times, most of such requests are unnecessary, as most people
always ask for the wrong things. Page 45
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person how to fish, you feed him for life”. Anyone who gives a
fish to a healthy person, whereas he can teach the person how to
fish, does not really love the beneficiary of his generosity. As a
matter of fact, giving an adult a fish is an insult to him, if he
recognises that dignity and integrity are conferred on him by
nature, irrespective of his status. You are expected to live on the
fruits of your labour, not on the fruits of another person‟s labour.6 Page 48
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luck, ill-fortune, etc. They believe that they are yet to succeed
because fortune is yet to smile on them. To consider success as a
matter of fortune or luck is to consider success as a matter of
chance. This implies considering oneself as not having any role in
shaping his destiny. To believe that success is a product of chance
implies a disbelief in oneself. Page 49
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time to have planted a tree was some years ago, but the second best
time is today. The more you delay the take off of your journey to
success, the more the likelihood that it will never take place. As
always said, the earlier you start, the better for you.
No one was born with the success he enjoys. Do you know that
some (exceptionally) successful people were considered failures at
some points in their lives? Do you know that Abraham Lincoln
failed many times in politics before becoming the president of the
United States of America? Do you know that Michael Jordan was
rejected by the basketball team of his school as a student? Do you
also know that Thomas Edison was rejected by his school as a
child because he was considered addled (mentally ill)? But that did
not stop him from becoming the genius of the century.
There are many people who are numbered among common people
today but who will have the best of success and fame in the future,
only if they will start doing the right things now. A truth that may
be unknown to you is that you could be one of such people. This
message may be your wakeup call to pursue your destiny in life.
Today is early enough to start searching for the purpose of your
existence, and start making conscious efforts to fulfill it, but Page 51
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tomorrow may be too late. Besides, you may never have another
opportunity to start if you do not start today. Page 52
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From the above, it is obvious that the things you do today are the
foundation of tomorrow‟s success, while the things you fail to do
today are the foundation of tomorrow‟s failure. The future is
buried in the present. Fear is an enemy of success you should avoid
at all costs because it drains you of courage to confront the
challenges of life with bravery. It makes you see problems in
opportunities rather than see opportunities in problems. It also
prevents you from making attempts, forgetting that no one will
ever succeed in what he did not attempt. Page 53
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The two basic motivations for success are the fear of failure and
the pleasure of success. The shame, disgrace, embarrassment,
discomfort, dishonour, humiliation, pain and sadness of failure and
the joy, pleasure, delight, bliss, ecstasy, elation and happiness of
success are the incentives for greater commitment in the pursuit of
success. They are also the enthusiasms, incentives, inspirations and
stimulations for the pursuit of success. Page 55
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the most difficult goal to accomplish. For some of them, after their
successive efforts at achieving success continuously fail, they
believe that they require the knowledge of some mysteries, not just
secrets, to accomplish success.7
Some people believe that they can remain at the top if anyone can
assist them get there. This is very incorrect because it is more
difficult to remain at the top than to get to the top. The implication
of this is that if you can remain at the top if you were there, then
you can get to the top if you are not yet there. In other words, if
you can remain being a success (if you were a success), then you
can become a success. If it is more difficult to remain successful
than to become successful, then whoever can maintain being a
success can also become a success.
There are many people who (have) tasted success but are failures
today. There are many people who were once rich but very poor
See Eugene C. Onyibo and Ethelbert Arua OSJ, Rich God, Poor
Believers: The Secrets of Overcoming Poverty by God’s
Children, (Lagos: Skyheight Success Consult, 2013.), p. 29 - 31
for a detailed discussion on Mystery and Secret. Page 57
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today. There are also many people who were the bests in their
fields at a time, but have been displaced and rendered irrelevant.
The realisation of this truth speaks very eloquently on the fact that
everyone who achieves success may not be able to remain a
success. The implication of this is that the failure of some
successful people is only a matter of time. It is a pity that many
successful people are ignorant of this truth. Page 58
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Success has a power of its own, and it usually affects the subject‟s
sense of reasoning in negative ways. Many people cannot sustain
their success because they cannot manage it. They are controlled
by their achievements because they cannot control them (their
achievements). Many people change after becoming successful,
and the change is usually not for the better. This is a challenge of
success. Many people easily acquire failure catalysts (arrogance,
pride, extravagance, rudeness, etc) after becoming successful. Page 59
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Chapter Two
It is only when such is done that the audience will be afforded the
opportunity of knowing and understanding what they are pursuing,
so that they can pursue what they know and understand. Though
there are many definitions of success, all of them are not, and
cannot be, acceptable. When people are taught a pathway to
success without the meaning of success, they may pursue what
they do not know; since many people have wrong notions of
success. This could be, and is actually, very dangerous. Page 61
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got from many of them. I then asked myself, “If people cannot
define success, how can they achieve it?” Let us consider some
common erroneous definitions and notions of success.
The belief that being a success is having more money than others is
wrong in its entirety. This notion of success is not only incorrect,
but also very misleading. This is why it is unacceptable, though it
is the right meaning of success in the opinion of many people.
Success is not all about having more money than others. Success is
also not all about money or material riches. As a matter of fact, Page 63
Pathway to Success: Roadmap to Unlimited Sustainable Success
The belief that being a success is all about having more money
than others, or about having more money than one needs, is a
popular error. However, truth does not depend on popularity or
convention. The existence of truth is independent of people‟s
Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein, Pope John Paul II, Mother
Teresa, Winston Churchill, Helen Keller, Martin Luther King Jnr.,
C. S. Lewis, Abraham Lincoln, Nelson Mandela, Sir Issac
Newton, Nnamdi Azikiwe, Obafemi Awolowo, etc are celebrated
as exceptionally successful people globally. But their success has
nothing to do with the accumulation of material riches. Page 64
Pathway to Success: Roadmap to Unlimited Sustainable Success
However, though success is not all about having more money than
others, there could be a financial dimension to success.9 This
implies that there is a minimal financial requirement for becoming
a successful person (especially in the secular world). This is why
success in other aspects of life should be balanced with basic
success in an individual‟s finances before he can be truly
considered a successful person. Otherwise, the person‟s success
status may be questionable or dented.
There are numerous celebrities who are not successful people, just
as there are numerous successful people who are not celebrities.
Hence, all celebrities are not successful people and all successful
people are not celebrities. This implies that there are some
celebrities who are successful people, and there are also some
celebrities who are not successful people. As a matter of fact, there
are numerous celebrities who are woeful failures in life, despite
excelling in their various professions.
The above argument also implies that there are some successful
people who are celebrities, and some celebrities who are successful
people. As a matter of fact, most successful people are not
celebrities. The above argument implies that being a celebrity is
not synonymous with being successful, neither is being successful
synonymous with being a celebrity. Hence, you can be a success
without being a celebrity and you can also be a celebrity without
being a success. Page 66
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Pathway to Success: Roadmap to Unlimited Sustainable Success
public positions, this is also the reason such people are also
regarded as successful people. It is worthy of note that this notion
of success, to a very reasonable extent, is very common in the
society. It is an obvious truth that many people who are regarded
as successful people belong to this category. Page 68
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Pathway to Success: Roadmap to Unlimited Sustainable Success Page 70
Pathway to Success: Roadmap to Unlimited Sustainable Success
You can also copy the link below and paste on your web browser
to get the books. Page 71
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If you are resident in Nigeria, you can Click Here to see the
official distributors of the hard copies of this book close to you.
Alternatively, you may copy the link below and paste in the
space bar Page 73
Pathway to Success: Roadmap to Unlimited Sustainable Success
Job interview is usually the last and most difficult stage in getting a
job. Most job seekers are rejected after successive interviews
because they cannot justify why they are the best candidates for the
positions they applied for. Consequently, they stare at amazing job
opportunities slipping through their fingers, despite the fact that
they are in dire need of the jobs. Worse still, some organizations
are unable to employ most (and sometimes, none) of their
applicants after their screening because they are unable to convince
them on why they need the jobs. Many job seekers, even those who
graduated with good grades, will remain unemployed because they
are ignorant of the expectations of prospective employers from job
seekers during job interviews. This book, Best Answers to 400
Most Frequently Asked Job Interview Questions: A Guide to
Preparing for Job Interview, offers a reliable guide to job seekers
on how to excel in job interviews. It is recommended to all
categories of job seekers. This book is also available online at {in soft copy ( and
hard copy ( formats}. Page 74
Pathway to Success: Roadmap to Unlimited Sustainable Success
The organisation was born out of the conviction that one of the
best solutions to the challenges of humanity is knowledge.
Hence, the organisation is relentlessly committed to improving
man's condition on eath through information dissemination and
intellectual / mental empowerment. The key areas of interest of
the organisation in her training and services are (though not
limited to):
1. Leadership Education
2. Recruitment Education
3. Career Improvement Education
4. Personal Financial Management
5. Personal Development Education
6. Practical Entrepreneurship Education and
7. Management Consultancy Page 75
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Pathway to Success: Roadmap to Unlimited Sustainable Success
Let’s Relate!
Email: [email protected]
Eugene C. Onyibo
Eugene C. Onyibo is a motivational speaker, trainer, business
coach, entrepreneur, personal financial management expert,
philosopher and prolific writer. He is the Director of Skyheight
Success Consult, the Organization that provides the platform
through which he empowers people for optimum success in life.
He has transformed numerous lives with his inspirational teachings
in recruitment education, career improvement education, personal
financial management, personal development, entrepreneurship,
leadership, etc. He is a much sought after and wildly traveled
speaker at empowerment and capacity building programs of public
and private organizations. He lives with his spouse and children in
Lagos, Nigeria. Page 77
Pathway to Success: Roadmap to Unlimited Sustainable Success
Contact Details:
Skyheight Success Consult
[email protected],,
+2348037471052, +2348097999455 Page 78
Pathway to Success: Roadmap to Unlimited Sustainable Success