T Amien OF Olokai: 722 West Main Street - Monongahela, Pennsylvania 15063
T Amien OF Olokai: 722 West Main Street - Monongahela, Pennsylvania 15063
T Amien OF Olokai: 722 West Main Street - Monongahela, Pennsylvania 15063
Parish Office: 724-258-7742 Parish Fax: 724-258-8733 Madonna Catholic Regional School: 724-258-3199
Website: stdamienofmolokai.org Email: [email protected]
Diocesan Victim Hotline: 1-888-808-1235
St. Damien of Molokai is a Catholic parish family which recognizes and
embraces the gifts and talents of our faith filled people. The life of our
patron saint inspires us to lead lives of love, hope and charity. Moving
forward, we will grow through our liturgy, teachings and outreach to all,
with the help of God and the gifts received through the Holy Eucharist.
Page Two
Rest In Peace
In the charity of your prayers we kindly ask
that you please pray for the repose of the
souls of Marie DiBasilio, Frances Pepka
and Eleanor Sirilla. May God grant them
eternal rest, may Perpetual Light shine upon
their souls and may all the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, Rest
In Peace.
They shall name him Emmanuel, which means
God is with us. (Matthew 1:23)
Emmanuel, I step forth today rejoicing in your
faithfulness and in the courage and freedom
that you bring to my life.
Dec. 18: 9:30-10:45am Grades 1-8 &
Baptism Congratulations
Congratulations to the families of
Abigail Daisy Forsyth
Rowen Wesley Rager
Faith Christine Shannon
whose baptisms were recently celebrated.
May they remain close to the Lord Jesus all
the days of their lives and may they be
blessed with good health, much happiness,
and the wisdom of the Lord.
Page Three
First Reconciliation
Page Four
An exciting new ministry is coming to the Mid Mon Valley! Beginning this January, the Parishes of the Mid Mon Valley: Mary, Mother of the Church; Our Lady of the Valley; and St.
Damien of Molokai will be offering the Discovering Christ course.
Discovering Christ is a seven-week series for people who are searching, seeking, or desiring to
deepen their faith and relationship with Jesus. Each week, participants gather for a meal, a dynamic teaching, and small group reflection and sharing. Because Discovering Christ is for
everyone and there is no religious affiliation required, please invite your friends, neighbors,
co-workers, etc. The course begins January 31st and is offered at no charge to participants.
Registration can be completed online at https://goo.gl/AudpzE, by completing a registration
form in the back of the church, or by contacting the parish office.
4:00pm 168
8:30am 154
11:00am 221
Page Five
Pastoral Impressions
By Fr. Bill
In our readings today we hear
how God fulfilled his promise
and made good on his commitment. In the first reading from Isaiah we hear
how the Lord gives Ahaz a signa virgin
shall be with child. God through the words
of the prophet, made a promise, a commitment to the Hebrew people. God, the one
who had always been present to the Hebrews, made a commitment to send a person
to rescue the people. This savior would come
from the house of David. He would be given
a special name, Immanuel, meaning God is
with us.
In the gospel we hear of the fulfillment of
Gods promise to his people. Mary conceives
a son through the power of the Holy Spirit.
It is a miraculous conception; it was not humanly possible. Jesus will be the name of
this promised child, and he will save the people from their sins.
In our second reading from Romans, Paul
tells us that Gods commitment to us must be
a catalyst for us to go forward and be committed to God and Gods people. Paul challenges us to go forward as apostles and
spread the message that Jesus proclaimed.
God has been faithful to his people. We, in
turn, must be faithful to what God asks of us.
We must be committed people in all we do.
Each day we make promises and commitments to ourselves, others, and God. What is
our record of completion? Let us today recommit ourselves to those whom God has
given usfamily, friends, and associates.
And let us especially recommit ourselves to
God, whose presence we seek and whose arrival we await!