October 21, 2012

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Sunday, October 21, 2012

6310 Dayton Boulevard - Hixson, Tennessee 37343

Church Office (423) 842-5919 www.chattanoogagrace.com

We Gather To Worship The Lord


Prelude How Awesome Is The Lord Most High Welcome & Fellowship Time Forever Great Is Thy Faithfulness Receiving of Gods Tithes and Offerings How Great Is Our God All To Us Morning Message - Pastor Micah Sturm Totally Into The Holiness Ethic

Malachi 3:6-12


Youth Service

This Evening

As a courtesy to those around you, please silence or turn off your cell phone during worship. Thank you.

Schedule & Events

Today at Grace
9:45am - Sunday School 10:50am - Morning Worship Service 5:00pm - Celebration Choir Practice 6:00pm - Youth Service

Grace Church Trunk N Treat

Wednesday, October 31st 6pm-8pm A great outreach to the community! Candy donations can be placed in the marked bin in the foyer or mark your donation Trunk N Treat and place in the offering. Trunk sign-up sheet is located on the Welcome Desk.

This Week at Grace

Tues. 6:00pm - Zone Senior Adult Gathering Wed. 7:00pm - Bible Study, The Dock, & Childrens Activities Thur. 7:00pm - Recovery Bible Study Fri.-Sunday - Ladies Retreat in Pigeon Forge

Please Remember Our Pastors!!!

Please take time throughout the month of October to show appreciation to Pastor Micah and Geron and their families. Baskets for cards will be in the foyer through the month of October. Please remember to support our pastors with regular prayer, love, and encouragement.

NYI Dessert Auction

Saturday November 3rd at 6:00pm in the Fireside Room. Please sign up at the Welcome Desk to bring a dessert. We are asking that you limit the amount of desserts this year. Please see the sign up sheet for more details or contact Pastor D.

Looking Ahead
October 29 Womens Ministry Volunteer Night at Ronald McDonald House, 4:30pm October 31 - Trunk N Treat at Grace Church November 3 - NYI Dessert Auction, 6:00pm November 10 - Childrens Quiz November 20 - Zone Thanksgiving Service at East Ridge Church of the Nazarene

Zone Senior Adult Gathering

This Tuesday evening at 6:30 pm in the Fireside Room. Pattie Pearl is the special speaker for the evening. Please bring finger foods.

Ladies Retreat Meeting

There will be a brief meeting today at the close of the service for all ladies attending our Fall Retreat.

Prayer List
Jim & Kaye Williams - LINKS Missionaries Our Country, Leaders and Troops Bessie Peavyhouse - at home Michelle Crowe - Margaret Tuggles granddaughter Martha Casteel - at home Warren Newberry - at home Mildred Woody -at home Edith Martin - Beverlys aunt Judy Winkler - undergoing cancer treatments Bro. Lynn Casseday - recovering from colon surgery Skip Taylor - seriously ill (Kilas cousin) Ed Hunsucker - recovering at home George Crossen - Sharon Whitlocks father Patty Brackett - cancer Chip Workman and family Tommy Gray The family of Dorothy Ratledge Dorothy Walker-Recovering from a fall at Memorial Hospital The family of Ruth Marler

Ministry Team
Micah Sturm
Pastor [email protected]

Becky Ratledge
Office Manager [email protected]

Geron Brown
Minister of Music [email protected]

Daniel Winn
Youth Pastor [email protected]

Amanda Paradis
Children's Leader [email protected]

Charlie Ellis
Recovery Ministry [email protected]

Beth Humberd
Grace Christian Academy Dir. [email protected]

Attendance (October 14) Prayer requests will stay on the list for 4 weeks unless asked to be continued. Sunday School Morning Worship 98 127

Finances (through October 14)

Todays Volunteer Schedule Nursery I Lynn McCullough Nursery II The Zone Janet & Kevin Evening

Next Week (October 28) Nursery I Lynn McCullough Nursery II Christine Woody The Zone no zone Evening Jim & Carol Woody

Sunday School Tithes Faith Promise Total

56.00 5,523 70.00 $5,649

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