W. J. Beal: of Interest This Week at Beal... Angel's Trumpets Datura Inoxia
W. J. Beal: of Interest This Week at Beal... Angel's Trumpets Datura Inoxia
W. J. Beal: of Interest This Week at Beal... Angel's Trumpets Datura Inoxia
Angels Trumpets
Datura inoxia
W. J. Beal
Botanical Garden
Angel Trumpets are grey-tinted semi-woody bushes of waste places, weed patches, and
semi-desert communities. Although perennial, they often die back to ground level after
a particularly dry season, and are grown as annuals in colder, more northerly temperate
parts of the U.S. They can reach heights of 6 feet (2 meters), and in the last half of
the summer produce abundant bright white (sometimes slightly yellow or purple),
solitary flowers exceeding 7 inches (18 cm) in diameter. The large leaves are covered
with short fuzz that yield a rather blue/gray appearance. Before the flowers open, they
are twirled into a spiral, as seen from the far end. The flowers develop into a slightly
elongated, very spiky seedpod (often called Thornapple) about 2 (5 cm) in diameter.
The two most prominent toxins associated with Datura inoxia are atropine and
scopalomine. The inventory of defensive chemistry also includes hyoscyamine,
hyoscine, norscopalomine, and meteloidine. While these are the source of its
hallucinatory reputation, they are also a source of dementia, psychosis, heart distress
with tachycardia and increase of systolic blood pressure. The main use of angel
trumpets in the present day is as an accent plant for the garden or landscape.
Angels trumpets can be kept in almost any location, in the lower 48 states, provided
it receives full sun for the summer months. It is not recommended for use around
childrens play areas because the sweet smelling flowers attract attention and
experimentation from small children. A minuscule piece of leaf or flower, eaten by a
very young child is a clinical dose. This large and imposing plant has a rather rank,
almost stale-popcorn aroma that is irritating to some people.