Personal Imprint Remover

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Personal Imprint Remover

For personal and practitioner use only.

Personal Imprint Remover frees you from the bonds others feel is their right
to have with you. If you've felt tugged upon by anyone you've ever been
romantically involved with you know the feeling of someone who thinks that
you should be theirs. Relatives can also cord and tug upon a person if they
want to control you or you aren't behaving as they want.
Personal Imprint Remover is to remove prints you left from where you
stepped before as well as any personal energy others noticed about you.
Personal Imprint Remover channeled and manual written by: Mariah
Couture ~December 31st, 2011 ~All Rights Reserved

Benefits you may receive after targeted activations of

Personal Imprint Remover may include but are not limited to:
Freedom from seemingly random tugs from past lovers.
More peaceful sleep as night dreams become freed of visits and scenarios
of people from your past for their links with you are now dissolved.
Freedom from the barrage of peoples' attempts to energetically cord you.
Gain spiritual maturity and become adept at "cleaning up" after yourself.
Remove traces of where you've been so there are no personal imprints of
you for others to use to "track back" to your body and being.
Selectively choose the imprints you want to remove and the ones you
intentionally want to remain in place as invitations for trusted people.
When you are in the public eye, your message will be remembered
free of your personal energy.
You gain the trust that your image, message or work, personally created
stands on its own, upheld by Source without need of your personal imprint.
You gain the freedom to be energetically sovereign and secure from the any
uninvited tugs or leakage of your energy to other people.
If you are sensitive to subtle energies you may feel the spin of this energy
as you stand in the middle of the orb and its petals spin away your personal
The more you work with Personal Imprint Remover, the more responsive it
becomes to your thought intent.
It becomes very easy to, with a moment and a thought, remove your
personal imprint from anywhere you've been or any images or words.

We all leave energetic prints behind in places where we have walked. These
prints are stronger in places where we've had emotionally charged moments.
Sometimes it does no harm to leave our energy prints where they were left.
The problems can arise when people want to be close to us, and we don't want
to be close to them. Maybe there is still love, but life situations dictate that
being close physically or energetically is not healthy or good for you.
There are people of notoriety whose image is shown across air waves on
television or who are in movies or newspaper. Sometimes others will begin to
reach for these people energetically. If you are in the media, and would like
additional protection personally, this energy system is for you.
Anytime someone is able to notice something about you, whether a photo,
memory of time spent together, or something you wrote or did, your personal
imprint can be "fixed upon" and used to gain access to your energy body.
Most people's natural aura and psychic protection will keep them safe.
When you are tugged upon, the person doing it doesn't have to be a dark
magician or sorcerer. Even well meaning people, who yearn for you or have a
desire to control your actions with the best of intentions, may not realize the
strength of their own intentions. The result is a tug upon your energy body and
emotions that can wear down your natural energetic defenses.
People can "walk" into your night dreams even while they are unconscious,
while you are both asleep, even if miles and continents away.
The strength of their desire to make contact with you or influence your actions
can propel their spirits to connect with you while you are asleep if they have
an imprint of you to "track back" to you. These spirit visits may be
unwelcome, and you have to "shake off" the feeling of having just been with
that person, upon waking in the morning.
Personal Imprint Remover keeps intact your positive intentions and the good
things you've said or done, while removing any "track back" imprints.

Personal Imprint Remover will remove the personal "track back" nature of
your image, memory, words or other imprint of where you've been or what
someone noticed about you.
After you accept your attunement you'll be able to activate these energies in a
general or specific manner. Personal Imprint Removal energies will erase
the personal imprint which pose the biggest risk, first.
These energies will work for 10-15 minutes per activation. Although time is a
relative term, in the spiritual realms, there is still only so much that can be
accomplished per activation. This means that it is necessary for you to activate
these energies several times for optimal benefit.
As with any spiritual work or energy, change happens in the way that is best
for you, and not all at one time. Even too much good change can be difficult
for a person to handle and so your higher self and soul guides this energy.
For example, if you have given lectures and your student look to you for
guidance, they may remember what you said. In times of their crisis, they may
reach for you energetically, instead of directly to Source, for assistance.
You may have intended that your words and message direct them to Source for
their sustenance, but they might not remember how to do that. Instead they
remember you, your energy and the fact that you do know how to connect to
Source. Consciously or unconsciously they may reach for you.
You might not even know who is reaching for you, but you start to feel tired or
grumpy. You might even allow some energy to leak out of you, toward the
person in order to fill that need and get the tugging to go away.
Now you have Personal Imprint Removal that you can use if you ever start to
feel tired or grumpy for no apparent reason. You will be able to activate this
energy system and mentally "send" it toward whoever or whatever may be
pulling on you that has no right to do so. The link will be broken and your
energy reserves can refill securely and your mood can lighten. The person who
was pulling on you will be linked directly to Source, their need met.

It is very important to be willing to allow your personal imprint to be removed.

Some of you will feel a resistance to this part of the process.
I postulate that your personal imprint is not the part of your image, words,
memory or legacy that is important. The positive impact you wish to leave
with people or on the world will continue strongly without your personal
imprint. It is your personal imprint that give a traceable, track back map for
people to follow directly into your energy fields and emotional body.
Please trust that you can remove your personal imprint and the good you have
already done will only increase.
All you have asked be removed is the road map by which a person,
intentionally or unintentionally might follow directly into your personal energy.
Many of you have wondered why unwanted connections with people from
your past persist years after
you've consciously stepped out of the relationship, job or living situation.
It is our personal imprints, traces of our energy that can be used as roadmaps
or ropes to follow all the back to you, here in this reality, day and time.
Let us claim our personal sovereignty and freedom by removing those links.
An attunement or empowerment is a dose of energy frequencies that match
the energy of this Personal Imprint Remover energy system.
Once you have received that dose of energy, your body and spirit will
recognize that energy and easily access the energy stream from Eternal Sacred
Source that IS the energy stream of this particular energy system.
Attunements can be sent long distance by means of an energy sphere, often
called a chi-ball and it is kept safe by your Angels and guides of Eternal Light.
It is released to you when you call it in, like a prayer to receive it.
Your attunement will easily arrive to you because Eternal Source is not limited
by space or time. Personal Imprint Removal energies arrive to your body
and energy fields, assisting you to clean up the traces you left behind.

Please spend a few minutes to invite the attunement your teacher sent you of
Personal Imprint Remover, to release fully unto you.
Simply say, out loud or in your mind:
I ask to fully receive my Personal Imprint Remover as sent out by my
teacher and made perfect by Eternal Sacred Source, NOW!

Notice where the footprints are located on this symbol of this energy.
Step into the middle of the orb and say, audibly or in your mind:
"Personal Imprint Remover, Activate!"
The petals of Personal Imprint Remover spin under you, erasing your personal
imprints everywhere and every when you wanted them erased.

Personal Imprint Remover is very responsive to your requests, as it follows

your mental thought instructions in alignment with your higher self and Soul's
guidance. Here are some example directions that you can give your Personal
Imprint Remover energy immediately after you activate it.
Tailor these affirmations to be applicable for your specific needs and wants.
"Personal Imprint Remover, activate and remove my personal imprints
from all times and places when I was with (name of person)"
"Personal Imprint Remover, activate and remove my personal energy from
this photo (picture of yourself, think of or look at the picture)."
Many people who are viewable by the public or hold positions of authority in
their company or community will find this energy system very helpful.
When you oversee or are responsible for an organization, company or
municipality there inevitably will be persons who want to influence you.
They may want you to like them. More often they want you to make decisions
that are favorable to their interests. These people may tug on you. They may
not realize that their strong want for you to take certain actions or make
certain decisions is felt by you as a pulling or energy drain.
Most persons are unaware of the power of their intentions. If they've not been
trained in energy work, they might be innocent, but that doesn't mean that their
intentions aren't causing harm. You do not have to be drained by or corded by
anyone. Personal Imprint Remover dissolves the energy signature or imprint
by which a person would consciously or unconsciously reach you.
"Personal Imprint Remover, activate and remove my personal imprint
from my lecture, and all written communications I've made with (name of
lecture or time frame of the written communications and to whom)."
"Personal Imprint Remover, activate and remove my personal imprint
from all conversations I've had with (name of person)."

You can be very creative with this energy system. It has been channeled and is
designed to assist you in your spiritual hygiene and personal energy safety.
It is only as good as your willingness to allow it to work, and how specific you
are in identifying where and when it is to be sent. Yes, this energy system will
time travel in its work for you. When you activate this energy as a general
energy hygiene system, without giving it any particular direction, it is likely to
attend to any immediate threats to your energy well being.
Thereafter, it can start going back in time, to clear other personal energy
imprints that could be used by others to pull at your energy and being.
This Personal Imprint Remover is most effective when used often. Please
notice when you seem to be tired or moody for no apparent reason. Activate
this energy. It will identify and remove any personal traces, imprints that a
person or group of people may be using to tug upon you or influence you.
The single most necessary thing you need to do in order for this energy
system to work optimally is to trust that you personal energy need not
remain with the words you've said, or things you've set into motion, in
order for your intended result to arrive unto you. Eternal Sacred Source
will uphold your intention and keep the effectiveness of your intention.
Your personal energy is only a traceable connection that both skilled and
unskilled people can access your personal energy fields uninvited.
After an interaction is complete, it is correct to remove your personal
imprint. If you want love to grow with a person, that is independent of your
personal energy for it is how the person appreciates and feels about you. It
is not dependent on you leaving a part of yourself there with them.
This is radical thinking to some people. However, love is as bubbles or
spheres, it can arrive and be accepted by you or the other person, no cords
included. There is a misnomer that has caused much damage to both
persons in love. It says that two people who love one another are connected
by energy cords, by ropes or streams of energy that get more solid as time
goes by. This is not the most enlightened nor exalted way to share love.

For 2012 and onward, the most exalted love interactions are those which
are as two orbs, spheres of love. Dollops or large droplets of love and life
energy that move as a delightful dance between the two people.
These orbs of love arrive out of one person's personal heart space and then
merge into the other person's. They don't leave cords or lines of light
behind them.
The other person also sends energy out to the one they love, but they don't
anchor in with a cord. Each person, even very spiritual ones will be
growing at different rates. If people are corded one into another, they will
feel and be adversely affected by the other person's ascension symptoms.
This is counter indicated and is not what Eternal Sacred Source wishes for
each person to endure simply to be "in love" or relationship with others.
You can have all of the closeness without having to process or endure the
other person's clearing and ascension symptoms. Some people get nervous
if they can't feel what is happening with their mate at all times.
I am here to tell you that you can merge in and out of your love's energy
without dwelling there constantly. This provides a greater range of creative
movement for both people. Leaps in spiritual growth can happen for one
person even if the other one is not ready right now.
You will be able to help you love grow better if you are not corded with him
or her. People who are corded energetically may have that additional sense
of constant feeling with the other person.
However, both people endure more challenges in their relationship and
their every day lives when their bodies must process the other person's
Many people are convinced that they can be corded with their love and not
"process" that person's emotional "stuff". In only very rare occurrences is
this possible.

Eternal Sacred Source and my helping healing team of eternal love, light
and life in the spiritual realms tell me clearly that in 2012 and onward, all
persons will be called to step up their service to Source, Earth and her
inhabitants. This spiritual service will require 100% of each persons focus,
and concentration of life energy in synergy with Source.
If you are corded with your love, and each of you are called to do different
work in that moment, neither of you will be at your best. Yes, there are
times when the two of you will be energetically working on the same
spiritual project and desire to link together. That is easily done and proper
for that particular purpose, not for every day optimal connection.
It is optimal to connect with your love in an energetic dance. Think of you
both as spheres of love, light and life which send energy to one another in
self contained spheres of energy. There are times when the two of you
consciously merge together, and there are times when you operate
independently, both holding the flame of love for the other strongly.
I was guided to include this information about romantic relationships
because it is slightly different than how most people try to connect.
Personal Imprint Remover is an original energy system channeled by Rev. Mariah Windsong Couture, RGMT
and is unlike any other or any system that may arrive in the future by anyone. December 31st, 2011 ~All
Rights Reserved
By accepting these attunements, you agree that Personal Imprint Remover may NEVER be traded for another

For Legal Reasons, Mariah Windsong Couture states that this Personal Imprint Remover attunement/empowerments with is/are for

entertainment purposes only. It is not affiliated with any form of natural energy healing, and is not to be confused with any other system of attunement,
empowerment or initiation now, in the past, or to come in the future. This empowerment/attunement is not meant to replace any professional medical or
legal advice. Mariah Windsong Couture is not engaged in rendering medical service or diagnosis of any kind. Mariah Windsong Couture has made every effort
to provide accurate information and takes no responsibility for recommendations made and no guarantees are issued toward the validity of information. By
receiving the empowerment/attunement in this manual you are agreeing to indemnify Mariah Couture from and against any and all claims of libel,
defamation, and violation of rights of privacy or publicity and infringement of intellectual property or loss or damage allegedly caused. Mariah Windsong
Couture is not responsible for claims made by others in advertising this empowerment. December 31st , 2011

Uncertified self attunements of this energy system may be used for personal self healing,
but do not certify you as a Master or teacher of this system.
If you copy text or any portion of this manual please display my name prominently as author.
Please contact Mariah at [email protected] for permission to translate this manual.
If you translate you agree to send author a copy and manual must
portray the meanings of the energy descriptions accurately.
Some content falls under the fair use permission to copy.
All photos I own lifetime license to use commercially.


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