Waves and Prose Complete
Waves and Prose Complete
Waves and Prose Complete
Healing through Transfigurative Dreaming
The Gnomes and Fairies through Lilliya Nita Maha
Prose are incantations that cast a spells over the dream through poetic formations of repose
of thought. Incantation spells transfigure the dream to respond to the thoughts causing a
shift in the paradigm of notion of each moment. Moment to moment shifts in dreams
repose down the dimensions catching over the transfigurative action of the field.
Incantations are to be recited only once per day. Pick only those that most deeply resonate
within to intend. You can read the incantations without intention and then re-read the
incantation with intention to cast the transfigurative spell for healing the dream of self for
each given day of transformative action. Intending a particular incantation twice cancels
the transfigurative action over the dream. Intending the incantation the third time
reinstates the transfiguration.
It is best to intend only one to two of the following prose as transfiguration over any given
day of transformation within. Transfigurative action can confuse the dreams if too many
are intended all at once. The purpose of the prose is spiritual and is designed to cause
healing of the self of the self within. The self of the self within is an energetic formation of
field that reposes the consciousness and awareness of the experience of life. It is the self of
the self within that manages all life dreams.
Consciousness expands through self-realization. Humans upon the spiritual path realize self
in many variations of experiences of life. The prose ignite the divine flame of synergy within
the heart accolade of self to aid in the realization over particular realizations of self for the
purposes of forgiveness of karmic debt and difficult or traumatic life happenstance.
Transfigurative action is a formation of dream weaving that is much like an artist with a
paint brush. The prose cause the foundation and colors of the dream to alter into beautiful
formations that attract delightful moments in time to be experienced and expressed.
I hope that each enjoys working with the waves and prose for your own introspection and
spiritual awakening or realization within. The first twelve poetic prose are presented and
an additional twelve will emerge in the year ahead. The art of each prose is a reflection of
the wave formations and colors that form in the field as the motions of transfigurative
action take flight.
Lilliya Nita
Lilliya Nita Maha provides private telephone consultations for those interested
in the self-realization process or partnership of relationship lore issues
If interested please e-mail [email protected]
The Tantric flow prose is an intrinsic attribute of the melody of nonincarcerated love. Incarcerated love is karmic. Non-incarcerated love is
ancestral holographic relay of dreams in a state of forensic synergy. Love
that is non-incarcerated synergizes the vestibules of the challis of love. The
opening to the challis of love accolades the heart of the divine within.
The divine within seeks to synergize with the self to ignite a state of union
in which the two may dance together in magnificence. The two flow
together in a symbiotic union in which one gives and the other receives in
balance. Symbiotic union is a state achieved in light wave mindset.
The challis of love is a sacred space within. The sacredness of the sanctuary
of self is a divine birth right to love. The divine right of each human is to
foray for a dream of union. Union sustains itself within as synergy occurs in
the body mind and spirit accolades of self. The body mind and spirit are
designed to foster a union divine in light wave mindset.
In a union of the divine aspirations of magnificence can unfold in the flow
of the flow within. The flow is a synergized state in which mastery over self
and the dreams self can be fostered. Dreams in the flow are magnificent to
behold. Divine dreams are a synergy of the one, the two or the many in a
synergized state of being in which wholeness is sustained in the tantric
Wholeness is a flow that allows for sustainability to occur. Sustainability is a
state in which the non-whole flows to the compost in which the self of the
self within can be renewed. The mindset of sustainability is a prerequisite to
attaining a wholeness state through mastery of self.
The repose of the symposium of the prose of the sway allows a
transfiguration of self into the dance of wholeness. The prose of flow
allows the issues of dis-synergy of the heart accolade to be healed within.
The prose of Tantric Flow motions a synergy of the two so that they can
flow as one in a united field of self. Oneness of the two is a beautiful foray
of dream to realize within or in a partnership divine.
Tantric Sweetness
Healing through Transfigurative Dreaming
The Gnomes and Fairies through Lilliya Nita Mahalani
Tantric Forthright
Healing through Transfigurative Dreaming
The Gnomes and Fairies through Lilliya Nita Mahalani
Tantric forthright is a prose that allows powerlessness to fade into strength
of self to determine the dream ahead. Forthright is a capability of self to
find the truth within and know where the path leads in each moment in
time. Strength of character is not necessarily a divine characteristic of self.
Some exhibit strength as an act of darkness and a repose of dis-syenrgy of
self. Dis-syenrgy leads to a sensation of powerlessness within. The one that
synergizes against another who dis-synergizes appears powerful but not
out of an act of love or divine action.
Strength in a divine sense is a gentle foray that blesses and empowers self
and others. Self stands tall through the predicament of a difficult dream to
surge forward to uncover the lesson of the day in order to forgive. Self is
always seeking to forgive and sometimes finds itself in dandered positions
of experiences that are less than pleasant to experience. Sometimes others
are quite difficult in their expression to viscious in nature when corndered
in difficult happenstance.
The self that stands tall in its truth finds its way into a state of synergy of
strength in order to defeat the difficult moments of strife in life. Out of a
strength of character the self of the self within accolades a new dream into
the vision of the two or the group. The new vision leads the way into a
state of centeredness from which the path opens to a release of the strife.
As the strife releases tantric forthrightness is recovered and the motions
within defeat the darkness into a foray of a happenstance of synergy of the
warrior upon the path.
The spiritual warrior is not a happenstance of anger or a repose of vicious
behavior. The spiritual warrior is one to stands tall in the truth of the
strength of the repose within. The repose of the warrior is of a forthright
nature that speaks its truth without the need to condescend or fail at
compassionate action accolades of self. The tantric forthright prose
transfigures the dream to find the strength within in difficult moments of
lifes strife. This prose is associated with Chapter 9 of the relationship
Tantric Support
Healing through Transfigurative Dreaming
The Gnomes and Fairies through Lilliya Nita Maha
Tantric Journey
Healing through Transfigurative Dreaming
The Gnomes and Fairies through Lilliya Nita Maha