1.deep-Drawing Process 1.1.fundamentals

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Deep-drawing process
In deep drawing operations forming is carried out with tools(rigid and
flexible),active media(steels pellets,liquid) or active energy(a magnetic field).The
following section covers possible applications for stretch and deep drawing processes
with rigid tools as a first and subsequent operation(cf.Fig.2.1.10 to 2.1.12).Sections
4.2.4 and 4.2.5 will cover deep drawing with active media(cf.Fig 2.1.13.).
Unlike in deep drawing,in stretch forming the sheet metal cannot flow because it is
gripped by clamps or held in a blank holder.The forming process takes place with a
reduction in the thickness of the sheet metal.Mostly large-scale work piece such as,for
example,body panel components used in aircraft or automotive manufacturing,are
produced on special production lines. The advantage of this process is that the tooling
and machining costs are relatively modest
in proportion to the size of the part being produced.
Deep drawing is a compression-tension forming process according to DIN 8582.
The procedure with the greatest range of applications is deepdrawing with rigid tooling,
involving draw punches, a blank holder and a female die (cf. Fig. 2.1.10). In pure deep
drawing, the thickness of the sheet metal remains unchanged since an increase in the
surface area does not
occur, as it occurs in a stretch drawing process.
The material flow in the drawing process can be controlled, as required, by
adjusting the pressure of the blank holder in between pure stretch drawing, in which no
sheet metal can flow out of the flange area into the draw die, and deep drawing, in
which there is a wrinkle-free and
unrestricted material flow (cf. Fig. 2.1.32).In deep drawing, as a first step, a cup is
produced from the flat blank.This cup can then be further processed, for example by an
additional drawing, reverse drawing, ironing or extrusion process. In all deep drawing
processes, the pressing force is applied over the draw punch onto the bottom surface of
the drawn part. It is further transferred from there to the perimeter in the deformation
zone, between the die and the blank holder. The workpiece is subjected to radial tension
forces FR and tangential compression forces FT (Fig. 4.2.1). The material is compressed
in the tangentialdirection and stretched in the radial direction. As the draw depth is
increased, the amount of deformation and the deformation resistance are also increased.
The sheet metal is most severely stretched in the corner of the draw punch. Failure
normally occurs at this point (base fracturing).
Fig. 4.2.1 Pressing forces in deep drawing of a round cup with a blank holder

When drawing with a blank holder, the press must also transfer the blankholding force
onto the die. This is achieved either from above via a blank holder slide or from
underneath via a draw cushion. There are basically three possible ways of applying
blank holder force.

Fig. 4.2.2 A double-action top down drawing die

In double-action drawing operations the press has two slides acting from above:
the drawing slide with the draw punch and the blank holder slide with the blank holder
(Fig. 4.2.2 and cf. Fig. 3.1.8). The blankholding slide transfers the blankholding force
via the blank holder onto the blank and the draw die. The die and the ejector are located
in the lower die on the press bed. During forming, the blank holder brings the sheet
metal into contact against the die, the punch descends from above into the die and
shapes the part while the sheet metal can flow without any wrinkling out of the
blankholding area. In this case, the drawing process is carried out with a fixed blank
holder and moving punch. In double-action drawing operations, the drawing slide can
only apply a pressing force. A disadvantage in double-action drawing is the fact that the
parts for further processing in successive forming and blanking dies need to
be rotated by 180 in an expensive and bulky rotating mechanism (cf. Sect. 3.1.3). With
outer body parts the danger exists, furthermore, that the surface of the part may be
damaged in the rotating operation.Single-action drawing with a draw cushion works the
other way round:
the forming force is exerted by the slide above through the die and the blank holder onto
the draw cushion in the press bed (Fig. 4.2.3 and cf. Fig 3.1.9). The draw punch and the
blank holder of the drawing tool are both located in a base plate on the press bed.
Pressure pins, which come up through the press bed and the base plate transfer the blank
holder force from the draw cushion onto the blank holder. The female die and the
ejector are mounted on the press slide. At the start of the forming process the blank is
held under pressure between the draw die and the blank holder. The slide of the press
pushes the blank holder downwards over the draw die against the upward-acting force
of the draw cushion. The part is formed via the downward movement of the die over the
stationary draw punch. The press slide must apply both the pressing and the blank
holder forces. Thus, using a single-action tool, the part does not have to be rotated after
the drawing process. Furthermore, today the use of hydraulically
controlled draw cushions, even with deep drawing processes up to depths of 250mm,
produces a workpiece quality comparable to that of double-action presses (cf. Sect.
An energy-saving and cost-effective alternative in stamping is counter drawing or
reverse drawing (Fig. 4.2.4 and cf. Fig. 3.1.10). In this operation, once again, a singleaction press with a draw cushion is used normally a hydraulic one. The top die is
attached to the slide. The lower dieis mounted on the press bed with the blank holder.
The punch is located in an opening in the center of the press bed on the draw cushion.

Fig. 4.2.3 Single-action die with draw cushion

The active counter drawing combines the advantages of static blankholding and the
low power usage of double-action dies with the advantage of a single-action die, in
which it is not necessary to rotate the part. Admittedly, it is necessary to have a special
modification of the dies for performing this operation, since the forces operate in the
opposite direction to those of a normal single-action deep drawing press with draw
cushion. Thus, these dies cannot be installed in a normal single-action press.

Fig. 4.2.4 Counter drawing die/reverse drawing die

1.2.Deep-drawing equipment
Universal presses are characterized by their high degree of flexibility.They are
suitable both for blanking and forming operations (Fig. 4.4.1).In combination with
individual, progressive blanking, compound andtransfer dies, this opens up a wide range
of application possibilities forthe production of small to medium-sized parts (cf. Sect.
4.1.1). Toincrease the number of formed parts and so enhance the cost-effectiveness
of the production process, universal presses are equipped with coillines (cf. Fig. 4.3.1),
scrap disposal systems and stacking units for finishedproducts (Fig. 4.4.41). Fully
automatic die change plays an importantrole in ensuring economical production (cf.
Sect. 3.4). For a mechanical and a hydraulic press with a forming stroke of approx. 100
mm, the stroke versus time, the time required for one work cycle (cycle time) and the
time available for part handling (transportation time), are shown in Fig. 4.4.2. It is seen
that the handling time available is 2.4 s, the cycle time of the mechanical press is 3.6 s,
so that the corresponding stroking rate is around 17 strokes per minute.

Fig. 4.4.1
Hydraulic universal press
(nominal press force 5,000 kN)

In the case of hydraulic universal presses, the slide velocity is adjusted to the
process. Compared to mechanical presses, the impact speed of the slide on the
workpiece can be drastically reduced.The desired gentle impact of the top die leads to
lower tool stresses and smoother material flow, but increases the cycle time. In
hydraulic presses,the pressure has to be released at the bottom dead center (BDC)
without causing an impact, and the hydraulic system has to be reversed.
High-performance transfer presses
The high-performance transfer press is derived from a mechanical universal
press with particularly high output, developed for high-precision parts (Fig. 4.4.4). This
type of press is used for example for the productionof ball and needle bearing sleeves.
Depending on the press size
the rated press force of standard presses ranges from 1,250 to 4,000 kN
up to 300 strokes per minute can be achieved using a special tri-axis transfer system.
The desired quality and output of the produced partsplace stringent demands on the
press configuration, in particular on the frame, drive system and slide gibs.

Fig. 4.4.4 Components and design of a high-performance transfer press

Hybrid presses
Mechanical hydraulic presses, also known as hybrid presses, represent a new
development in the field of press engineering (Fig. 4.4.5). This type of press combines
the benefits of mechanical and hydraulic presses. The hybrid drive system allows gentle
impact of the top die on the workpiece,and also optimum control of the force exerted
during the forming process. In contrast to hydraulic presses, hybrid presses offer higher
output due to their mechanical basic drive system. Hybrid presses are configured for
both deep drawing and also complex stamping, blanking and coining work, combining
good flexibility and equipment availabilitywith high output.As in mechanical universal
presses, the top slide is driven by theelectric motor via the compact drive system,
eccentric shaft and connecting rod (pitman aim) with eccentric bushings for adjustable
stroke (Fig. 4.4.6). The hydraulic bottom slide is used to alter the motion characteristics
and for tilt angle compensation. The impact speed on the workpiece can be reduced by
penetration of the bottom slide into the top slide by up to 200mm/s. If the top slide
passes through the bottom dead center (BDC) position, the bottom slide can be moved
up again, for example for coining. During this process, the bottom slide and top die
remain in the BDC position while the top slide is already moving upwards.

Fig. 4.4.5 Hybrid press (nominal press force 3,150 kN)

In order to compensate for the lateral offset between the top and bottom die, in
particular when dies are used without guide posts or gibs, an automatic centering device
has been developed. This type of device is commonly used, for example, in the cutlery
industry. The bed plate position is detected by position sensing systems and corrected
by comparison with the workpiece geometry.

Fig. 4.4.6 Components and design of a hybrid press

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