Introduction To Press Tools and Power Press
Introduction To Press Tools and Power Press
Introduction To Press Tools and Power Press
1.1 PRESS TOOLS: Press machines and press tools are considered as a back bone of the modern machine shop of large industry set up, producing wide variety of articles such as furniture, vehicle bodies and electrical accessories. Large number of metal components can be produced in short time with the help of press tools, without removal of metal in the form of chip. Press machine are sometime named as metal forming machines. These machines are divided into two elements: 1. machines 2. utting and forming dies. !ide variety of machines is built because of the growing typical demand, e"pansion and progress. Press working does not involve heating of part, close and high surface finish can be obtained on the part. Press work parts do not re#uire any machining also. Press is a machine tool used to shape or cut metal by applying force. There are three different way of working sheet metal in presses. Shearing: $n this operation, metal is deformed to a shear failure in order to cut various contours from the metallic sheet. Bending: $t is a locali%ed deformation within the plastic range. Drawing: $n drawing there is a deformation with in plastic range involving considerable change of shape.
1.2 TYPES O PRESSES: The classifications of different types of presses are given below: 1. lassification based on source of power: a. hand press or ball press or fly press. b. Power press. 2. lassification based on design of frame: a. &ap b. $nclinable c. 'd(ustable d. )orn e. *traight side f. Pillar 1.! POWER PRESS: Power press are used for producing large #uantities of articles #uickly, accurately and economically from the cold working of mild steel and other ductile materials. The components produced range over an e"tremely wide field and are used throughout industry. *ometimes the pressings may be complicated and more than one pressing operation may be re#uired. +ow,a,days practice is to produce most of the sheet parts of any shape by using specially designed press tools and other combination of operations. -or economical production of #uantities of pressings, consideration has to be given to the rate of production, the cost of the press tools to be employed and the e"penditure involved in setting them. $t is also necessary to plan the operations to reduce scrap material to a minimum and to use waste material for other smaller pressings. -or any operations to be performed on press, the selection of the proper press and the design of the tool or die to be mounted on it are very important.
1.!.1 "an#a$$% &'era(ed )*$%+ '&wer 're,,: .anually operated fly press is a bench mounted press and is very commonly used for the production of small components re#uiring operations, on the metals such as piercing, blanking and assembling parts by crimping etc. -ly press is a simple and low cost press. These are low capacity presses ranging from half a ton to about 1/ tons. $n arbor type of press, a screwed member is used to reciprocate the punch. The screw is turned by means of a handle which is secured to an arm carrying the screw. &enerally a heavy weight is attached to the arm to produce the flywheel effect. $n the flywheel type of presses the effort is applied at the rim of the flywheel. The angle of the heli" in the press is more than the angle of friction so that the potential energy of the shaft and flywheel is changed into kinetic energy as the ram is coming down. The presses of this type are generally mounted on benches and are therefore also called bench model presses. These are mainly used for fitting, assembling, punching and embossing very thin sheets below 1mm thickness. .echanical driven presses are the most commonly used type in the press shops and in range capacity from 0 to 1// tons. The various parts of this pres are motor, pinion, gear, flywheel, crank shaft and ram. $t is further classified according to the method of movement of ram. These presses are suitable for all types of press works e"cept for deep drawing operation where slow motion is desired. )ydraulically driven presses are used for heavy duty work 1forging work hydraulic presses the force is e"erted through high pressure fluid driving a cylinder, position system. Low capacity presses of this type are used for operations like stamping, flattening, coining and deep drawing. $n these presses, the power is stored in the accumulator. Pneumatically driven presses are confined largely to those operations which can be performed with a fast and short 1hammer like2 action.
1.!.2-a' 're,,: The gap press illustrate in fig. has a gap like opening in the frame for feeding the sheet metal from one side of the press. The frame is integral with the base and provides a rigid construction. 1.!.!In.$ined 're,,: The inclined press illustrated in fig. is the most common type of press used in industry. The identifying characteristic of the inclined press is its ability to tilt back on its base, permitting the scrap or finished products to be discharged from the die by gravity without the aid of any type of handling mechanism. The press is not so rigid as a gap press owing to its construction. 1.!./ Ad0#,(a1$e 1ed 're,,: The ad(ustable bed press illustrated in fig. has the mechanical arrangement for raising or lowering the table on which the die is fitted. This enables the sitting of different si%es of work and dies on the machine. The press is not so rigid as the other types. 1.!.2 H&rn 're,,: The horn press illustrated in fig. has a cylindrical horn like pro(ection from the machine frame, which serves as the die support. The horns may be interchanged for the different si%es of work. The press is intended for cylindrical work pieces. 1.!.3 S(raigh( ,ide 're,,: The straight side press illustrated in fig. has two vertical rigid frames mounted on two sides of the base which are intended for absorbing serve load e"erted by the ram. The machine is suitable for heavy work, but due to the presence of side frames, the sheet metal cannot be fed from the side. 1.!.4 Pi$$ar 're,,: The pillar press illustrated in fig. is a hydraulic press having four pillars mounted on the base. The pillars support and guide the ram.
1./ H%dra#$i. Pre,, )ydraulic Press is a machine in which a large force is e"erted on the larger of two pistons in a pair of hydraulically coupled cylinders by means of a relatively small force applied to the smaller piston. They display superior performance through innovative ideas. The hydraulic presses range from 0 Tons to 0/// Tons capacity. O'era(i&n "&de,: The hydraulic presses have specific operation modes: 1. -ully 'utomatic 5PL 5, ontrolled 2. ontractors67elay based ra5e S(r#.(#re,: The frame structures of these presses are: 1. 5)5 T8P9 :7 fabricated 4,column type 2. 5 5 type 3. 4,pillars 1)ard chrome pillars type2 A''$i.a(i&n,: The hydraulic presses have e"clusive applications in the following spheres: 1. ;eep drawing operations 2. <lanking and Punching 3. 7iveting, *tamping and Pressing 4. Powder ompacting 0. :ther applications like: -7P, *. , ;. , 7ubber Plastics etc. Sa$ien( ea(#re, &* h%dra#$i. 're,,e,: 1. These presses provide fast approach slow pressing = fast return speeds. The change in speed can be manually preset to take place at any point of the stroke with the help of limit switches 6 pro"imity switches.
2. The frame is fabricated by ultrasonically tested #uality profiles = plates of suitable thickness to with stand the load = longer life of the press. The frames are stress,relieved. 3. .a"imum frame rigidity is achieved through computer aided frame design = finite element analysis. 4. 9"tra long, precision machined = hardened guides to face slides offer e"ceptional accuracy = alignment which further reduced to wear. 0. $n blanking or punching hydraulic presses a damping system can be fitted. This effectively reduces breakthrough noise = tool wear normally generated by such operations. >. The low noise hydraulic power pack unit is designed as per international practices = assembled with internationally reputed make components. The presses are designed as per $*$ guidelines, hence standard seals, bushes are used. ?. @Programmable logical controls@ 1PL 2 is provided in our presses of international standard make i.e. '<<6'llen,<radley6*iemens6Telemac#nice 6 Aeyence, offering ma"imum production fle"ibility = -ull compatibility with international standards. B. Precise machining of the structural members is done after normali%ing to get the re#uired accuracies like parallelism between platen = bed = right angularity between bed and the moving platen. C. Lubrication: 7am slides 6 guides6 guide bushes are lubricated from a centrali%ed lubrication arrangement. 1/. .oving platen: $t is a fabricated, heavy duty, tested welded plate construction for highest stiffness under heavy loads. The whole platen is stress, relieved after welding. 5T5 slots provided in the platen are as per ;$+ standards.
)ydraulic or mechanical e(ector pins to operate from inside the ram is also provided as optional on re#uest or depending on the application. 11. ;ie transfer rails or bolster sliding arrangement is also provided as optional in front side of the press for heavy tools applications. T%'e,: C *ra5e (%'e 're,,e,: 1. These presses offer ma"imum access to tool area for tool changing = component feeding applications. 2. 7ange: 0 Tons to 3// Tons capacity. 3. *lides guidance can be either twin pillars type or face slides. 4. )ydraulic power pack is inbuilt = all valves are manifold mounted for easy = #uick maintenance = a pressure relief valve protects against overloading of the press. 0. 'dditional e#uipments: a. 9(ectors in either the slide or under the press bed. b. ;ie cushioning arrangement for deep drawing. Hard .hr&5e 'i$$ar, (%'e 're,,e,: 1. The guidance of this press offers e"cellent slide accuracy of the moving ram. Platen, resulting in reduced tool wear = an increased tool life. 2. *lide move on larger si%e phosphorous bron%e 6 ultra bron%e bearing mounted at each corner with suitable lubrication arrangement a proper sealing arrangement at both side of each bush is also provided.
1.2 PRESS OPERATIONS: Press tools may be designed for carrying out the following or more operations: Piercing: 7emoval of a local piece of the material to form a hole of some shape. utting and shearing. <lanking: Production of the contour in flat blank clipping, shearing, etc. urling ;rawing: Production of deep cup component from flat strip. <ending: .aterial is bent in one place. ;eep drawing, shallow drawing, redrawing. 9"trusion. $n addition, the operations of cupping 1production of a cup from disc2, coining and trimming 1truing up the edges of a pressing2, coining, interlocking, riveting, forging, impact e"trusion may also be carried out. 1.3 POWER PRESS PARTS AND ACCESORIES: The different parts of a power press illustrated in fig. are described below: <ase -rame <olster plate 7am or slide Pitman rank shaft or eccentric or other driving mechanism lutch <rake
Anock out ushion. $tDs a barrier re#uiring ad(ustment for each (ob or dies setup.
Ad0#,(a1$e 1arrier g#ard An(ire'ea( The part of the clutch6brake controls system designed to limit the press to a single stroke if the tripping means is held operated. 'ntirepeat re#uires release of all tripping mechanisms before another stroke can be initiated. 'ntirepeat is also called single stroke reset or reset circuit. A#(&5a(i. *eeding $s the feeding wherein the material or part being processed is placed within or removed from the point of operation by a method or means not re#uiring action by an operator on each stroke of the press. B&$,(er '$a(e $s the plate, attached to the top of the bed of the press having drilled holes or T,slots for attaching the lower die or die shoe. Bra6e $t is the mechanism used on a mechanical power press to stop and6or hold the crankshaft, either directly or through a gear train, when the clutch is disengaged. Bra6e 5&ni(&r ' sensor designed, constructed, and arranged to monitor the effectiveness of the press braking system. C$#(.h $tDs the coupling mechanism used on a mechanical power press to couple the flywheel to the crankshaft, either directly or through a gear train. C&n.#rren( $s acting in con(unction, and is used to describe a situation wherein two or more controls e"ist in an operated condition at the same time. C&n(in#&#,
$ts uninterrupted multiple strokes of the slide without intervening stops 1or other clutch control action2 at the end of individual strokes. C&n(r&$ S%,(e5 're the sensors, manual input and mode selection elements, interlocking and decision,making circuitry, and output elements to press mechanism. C&#n(er1a$an.e The mechanism that is used to balance or support the weight of the connecting rods, slide, and slide attachments. De7i.e ;evice is a press control or attachment that: 1i2 7estrains the operator from inadvertently reaching into the point of operation 1ii2 Prevents normal press operation if the operator5s hands are inadvertently within the point of operationE or 1iii2 'utomatically withdraws the operator5s hands, if the operator5s hands are inadvertently within the point of operation as the dies close. Die The tooling used in a press for cutting or forming material. 'n upper and lower die make a complete set. Die 1#i$der 'ny person who builds dies for power presses. Die en.$&,#re g#ard $t is an enclosure, attached to the die shoe or stripper, or both, in a fi"ed position. Die ,e( $s a tool holder held in alignment by guide posts and bushings and consisting of a lower shoe, an upper shoe or punch holder, and guide posts and bushings. Die ,e((er
$s an individual, who places or removes dies in or from mechanical power presses, and who, as a part of his duties, makes the necessary ad(ustments to cause the tooling to function properly and safely. Die ,e((ing $s the process, of placing or removing dies in or from a mechanical power press, and the process of ad(usting the dies, other tooling and safeguarding means to cause them to function properly and safely. Die ,h&e ' plate or block upon which a die holder is mounted. ' die shoe functions primarily as a base for the complete die assembly, and, when used, is bolted or clamped to the bolster plate or the face of slide. Dire.( dri7e $s the type driving arrangement, wherein no clutch is usedE coupling and decoupling of the driving tor#ue is accomplished by energi%ing and de,energi%ing of a motor. 9ven though not employing a clutch, direct drives match the operational characteristics of @part revolution clutches@ because the driving power may be disengaged during the stroke of the press. E0e.(&r $s a mechanism, for removing work or material from between the dies. a.e &* ,$ide $s the bottom surface of the slide, to which the punch or upper die is generally attached. eeding $s the process, of placing or removing material within or from the point of operation. i8ed 1arrier g#ard ' die space barrier attached to the press frame. &&( .&n(r&$
The foot operated control mechanism designed to be used with a clutch or clutch6brake control system.
&&( 'eda$ The foot operated lever designed to operate the mechanical linkage that trips a full revolution clutch. #$$ re7&$#(i&n .$#(.h ' type of clutch that, when tripped, can not be disengaged until the crankshaft has completed a full revolution and the press slide a full stroke. -a(e &r 5&7a1$e 1arrier de7i.e ' movable barrier arranged to enclose the point of operation before the press stroke can be started. -#ard ' barrier that prevents entry of the operator5s hands or fingers into the point of operation. -#ide '&,( The pin attached to the upper or lower die shoe, operating within the bushing on the opposing die shoe, to maintain the Hand *eeding (&&$ $s any hand,held tool designed for placing or removing material or parts to be processed within or from the point of operation. H&$d&#( &r re,(rain( de7i.e ' mechanism, including attachments for the operator5s hands that when anchored and ad(usted prevent the operator5s hands from entering the point of operation. In.h 'n intermittent motion imparted to the slide 1on machined using part revolution clutches2 by momentary operation of the @inch@ operating means.
:peration of the @inch@ operating means engages the driving clutch so that a small portion of one stroke or indefinite stroking can occur, depending on the length of time the @inch@ operating means is held operated. @$nch@ is a function used by the die setter for setup of dies and tooling, but is not intended for use during production operations by the operator. In(er$&.6ed 're,, 1arrier g#ard ' barrier attached to the press frame and interlocked so that the press stroke can not be started normally unless the guard itself, or its hinged or movable section, encloses the point of operation. 9&g 'n intermittent motion imparted to the slide by momentary operation of the drive motor, after the clutch is engaged with the flywheel at rest. "an#a$ *eeding $s a feeding, wherein the material or part being processed is handled by the operator on each stroke of the press. O'era(&r:, ,(a(i&n The complete complement of controls used by or available to an operator on a given operation for stroking the press. Par( re7&$#(i&n .$#(.h ' type of clutch that can be disengaged at any point before the crankshaft has completed a full revolution and the press slide a full stroke. Pin.h '&in( 'ny point other than the point of operation at which it is possible for a part of the body to be caught between the moving parts of a press or au"iliary e#uipment, or between moving and stationary parts of a press or au"iliary e#uipment or between the material and moving part or parts of the press or au"iliary e#uipment. P&in( &* &'era(i&n The area of the press where material is actually positioned and work is being performed during any process such as shearing, punching, forming, or assembling.
Pre,en.e ,en,ing de7i.e ' device designed, constructed and arranged to create a sensing field or area and to deactivate the clutch control of the press when an operator5s hand or any other part of his body is within such field or area. Pre,, ' mechanically powered machine that shears, punches, forms or assembles metal or other material by means of cutting, shaping, or combination dies attached to slides. ' press consists of a stationary bed or anvil, and a slide having a controlled reciprocating motion toward and away from the bed surface. P#$$&#( de7i.e ' mechanism attached to the operator5s hands and connected to the upper die or slide of the press, that is designed, when properly ad(usted, to withdraw the operator5s hand as the dies close, if the operator5s hands are inadvertently within the point of operation. Re'ea( $s an unintended or une"pected successive stroke of the press resulting from a malfunction. Sa*e(% 1$&.6 ' prop that, when inserted between the upper and lower dies or between the bolster plate and the face of the slide, prevents the slide from falling of its own deadweight. Se5ia#(&5a(i. *eeding $s a feeding wherein the material or part being processed is placed within or removed from the point of operation by an au"iliary means controlled by the operator on each stroke of the press. Sing$e ,(r&6e
:ne complete stroke of the slide, usually initiated form a full open 1or up2 position, followed by closing 1or down2, and then a return to the full open position. Sing$e ,(r&6e 5e.hani,5 'n arrangement used on a full revolution clutch to limit the travel of the slide to one complete stroke at each engagement of the clutch. S$ide $s the main reciprocating press member. ' slide is also called a ram, plunger, or platen. S(&' .&n(r&$ $s the operator control designed to immediately deactivate the clutch control and activate the brake to stop slide motion. S(ri''er ' mechanism or die part for removing the parts or material from the punch. S(r&6ing ,e$e.(&r The part of the clutch6brake control that determines the type of stroking when the operating means is actuated. The stroking selector generally includes positions for @:ff@ 1 lutch ontrol2, @$nch,@ @*ingle *troke,@ and @ ontinuous@ 1when ontinuous is furnished2. Swee' de7i.e ' single or double arm 1rod2 attached to the upper die or slide of the press and designed to move the operator5s hands to a safe position as the dies close, if the operator5s hands are inadvertently within the point of operation. Tri' &r )(ri''ing+ 'n activation of the clutch to @run@ the press. T#rn&7er 1ar ' bar used in die setting to manually turn the crankshaft of the press. Tw&;hand (ri'
' clutch actuating means re#uiring the concurrent use of both hands of the operator to trip the press.
Tw&;hand .&n(r&$ de7i.e $s the two,hand trip that further re#uires concurrent pressure from both hands of the operator during a substantial part of the die,closing portion of the stroke of the press. Uni(i<ed (&&$ing ' type of die in which the upper and lower members are incorporated into self, contained units arranged as to hold the die members in alignment. Ba,e: The base is the supporting member of the press and provides arrangement for tilting and clamping the frame in an inclined press. ra5e: 'll presses e"cept the straight side type have F G shaped frame to take up the vertical thrust of the ram. B&$,(er '$a(e: The bolster plate is a flat plate fitted on the base for supporting the die block and other accessories of the press. Ra5: The ram is the reciprocating member of the press that slides within the press and guides and supports the punch at its bottom end. Pi(5an: The pitman is the connecting rod in a crank or eccentric driven press. The position of stroke of the ram can be changed by altering the length of the connecting rod. Cran6 e..en(ri. &r &(her dri7ing 5e.hani,5,:
The rotary movement of the motor is converted into the reciprocating movement of the ram by crank and connecting rod, eccentric and connecting rod, or many other mechanisms which are described in articles.
$%whee$: The fly wheel is mounted at the end of the driving shaft and is connected to it through a clutch. The energy is stored up in the flywheel during idle periods and it is e"pended to maintain the constant speed of the ram when the punch is pressed into work. The flywheel is directly coupled with the eccentric motor. C$#(.h: The clutch is used for connecting and disconnecting the driving shaft with the flywheel when it is necessary to start or stop the movement of the ram. Bra6e,: The brakes are used to stop the movement of the driving shaft immediately after it is disconnected from the flywheel. =n&.6&#(: $t is a mechanism operating on the upstroke of a press which e(ects the work pieces or blanks from press tool. C#,hi&n: $t is a press accessory located beneath or within the bolster for producing an upward motion or force and is actuated by air, oil, rubber or springs or a combination of both. 1.4 PUNCHIN-: ' piece removed from a sheet of metal or other material by a punch press. ' method of e"trusion, cold heading, hot forging, or stamping in a machine for which mating die sections determine the shape or contour of the work is referred to be punching. 1.4.1 P#n.hing in 5e(a$,:
Punching in metal fabrication is the process of using a machine to press a shape through a sheet of metal and into a die to create that shape in the metal. This is most commonly done by use of a turret, a computer numerical controlled machine that houses tools and their corresponding dies in a revolving inde"ed turret. These machines use hydraulic, pneumatic, or electrical power to press the shape with enough force to cut the metal. ' misconception about punching is that the shape does the cutting, when in fact the shape presses the material into a die that cuts the metal. The die is also given a tolerance that is measured in thousands of an inch. Punching can be better understand as pressing the material against die with a huge force, this force pushes the material into the die and shears off the waste material. 1.4.2 P#n.hing in '$a,(i.,: Punching in plastics fabrication usually refers to the removal of scrap plastic from the desired article. -or e"ample, in e"trusion blow molding it is common to use punching dies to remove tails, molding flash 1scrap plastic2 and handle slugs from bottles or other molded containers. $n shuttle machinery, the containers are usually trimmed in the machines, and finished containers leave the blow molding machine. :ther blow molding e#uipment, such as rotary wheel machinery, re#uires the use of downstream trimming. Types of downstream trimming e#uipment include disablers for tail removal, rotary or reciprocating punch trimmers, and spin trimmers. 1.> SALIENT EATURES O HYDRAULIC PRESS 1. -abricated ultrasonically tested steel construction of frame:
-rame is fabricated from prime steel plates of proper thickness for greater strength = rigidity. 'll frame is designed on latest softwareDs to resist any deflection = capable enough to withstand high pressure = vibration damping capabilities. 2. 'ccurate slide &uiding 'rrangement ;ifferent kind of guiding arrangement are provided to suit the application of the press long guiding length = suitable guide with centrali%ed lubrication system is provided in the presses. 3. <ottom ushioning 'rrangement: The function of the draw cushion is to hold the blank during deep drawing operations. The cushion thus prevents the formation of wrinkles = as a reset of the e(ection function, raises the parts to the transport level or e(ection level during the return motion of the slide. The cushion is designed for about 3/H of the main ram tonnage when in cushion mode. 4. *troke Limiters = ;amping device: .echanical stoppers are provided as a safety feature to limit the ma"imum stroke of the main ram after pressing, to protect the tool from damage. 0. :peratorDs *afety *ystems: Two hand push buttons operation facility to engage operatorDs hand. Photo,electric safety guards = hydraulic 6 mechanical operated moving protected guards may be provided at the front = back side. )ydraulic locking of the main slide = <lank holder at top dead centre 1T; 2 to ensure safety when operator is working in the tooling area or under the moving ram.
>. 'ccurate *lide Parallelism arrangement: ' slide position sensor to detect deviation = the servo valve to increase pressure on underside of the piston are provided = at the same time the pressure on other connecting pipe is reduced. The ma"imum deviation measured at the parallel control cylinders is between /.> = /.B mm during drawing, bending, smc mounding = other forming operations. 1.? SELECTIN- A HYDRAULIC PRESS: 1.?.1 T&nnage. The tonnage re#uired to do a (ob is same for a hydraulic press as well as for a mechanical press. There is no real difference. The same formulae are used to determine tonnage. The tooling is usually interchangeable. There may be certain applications such as deep drawing where the full power stroke characteristic of a hydraulic press reduces the tonnage, but there are no known instances where using a hydraulic press re#uires more tonnage. *electing press tonnage in the typical press room is often little more than guesswork. $f, for e"ample, a (ob is successful on a 1//,ton mechanical press, it tends to stay there for the life of that (ob. The (ob may never have been tried at ?0 tons or at 0/ tons. !ith a hydraulic press, however, you can ad(ust tonnage #uickly and easily, tuning the press to precisely the right tonnage for each specific (ob. 1.?.2. The a.(i&n &* (he 5a.hine. 9ven though the tonnage #uestion might be settled, the #uestion of the effect of the stroke on the work is often asked. $s it the same as with a mechanical pressI
The answer, again, is yes in most cases. There are some specific limitations. ;rop hammers and some mechanical presses seem to do a better (ob on soft (ewelry pieces and impact (obs. The coining action seems sharper if the impact is there. $n deep drawing, however, the full power stroke of a hydraulic press produces significantly better results. :therwise there are very few e"amples where the application of 1// tons of hydraulic force produces any significant difference in the character of the part given the same tooling. *hear in the dies will reduce blanking tonnage for hydraulic presses in the same way it does for mechanical presses. 1.?.!. T%'e &* 're,, ,e$e.(i&n. :pen,gap presses provide easy access from three sides. 4,column presses insure even pressure distribution. *traight,side presses offer the rigidity re#uired for off,center loading in progressive die applications. The more critical the work and the more demanding the tolerances, the greater the reserve tonnage capacity should be. 1.?./. A..e,,&rie,. .ost hydraulic press builders offer a wide array of accessories. These commonly include: ;istance reversal limit switches Pressure reversal hydraulic switches 'utomatic 1continuous2 cycling ;well timers *liding bolsters and rotary inde" tables ;ie cushions 9(ection cylinders or knockouts 9lectronic light curtains and other devices Touch screen controls *ervo system feedback for precise, consistent, repeatable stroke control
1.?.2. @#a$i(%. The industry offers various levels of #uality. There are light,duty presses that are capable of @spanking@ the work momentarily and reversing, and there are heavy, duty machines designed for general purpose metalworking applications. )ere are (ust a few construction points that will provide a basis for comparison of one machine with another: A. ra5e. Look at frame construction,rigidity, bolster thickness, dimensional capacity, and other factors. B. C%$inder. !hat diameter is itI )ow is it constructedI !ho makes itI )ow serviceable is itI !hat kind of seals usedI C. "a8i5#5 ,%,(e5 're,,#re. 't what psi does the press develop full tonnageI The most common range for industrial presses is 1/// to 3/// psi. D. H&r,e'&wer. The duration, length, and speed of the pressing stroke determine the horsepower re#uired. ompare horsepower ratings. E. S'eed. )ow fast the press operates.
CHAPTER A 2 DESCRIPTION O THE PROBLE" 2.1 DESCRIPTION: Power presses are used to produce large #uantities of articles economically, #uickly and accurately. )ere a J D framed power press is taken into consideration, for punching operation. There are many operations performed in a power press, but in this pro(ect we consider punching operation. !hile punching, the 7am has to travel from the punch holder to the die block. *o in this operation, due to the ram speed and force, some deflections are undergone in the structure. )ere we are going to consider the deflections and stresses in the structure and minimi%e the material wherever there is no deflection and stress. )ence this reduces the weight of the power press and minimi%es the cost of the production. 2.2 SOURCE O THE PRO9ECT: The source of the pro(ect is from the company, <)'7'T) P79**$+&*, Pvt Ltd, hennai. The dimensions and specifications of a 1/ tonne capacity press are framed power press is obtained from this company. The manufacturer of the <9. : P79**9*, Pune. 2.! NEED O THE PRO9ECT:
,-rame presses bring hydraulic precision and control to most , frame press is considered because of its high
pressroom applications including punching, blanking, coining, forming, bending, drawing and assembly work. The rigid frame construction and also the maintenance cost of the press is less compared to other. $n most of the presses there are some waste materials where no stress is acting there. This increases the material weight and cost for the manufacturer. *o these materials should be removed to reduce the material usage to increase the profit for the manufacturer. 2./ "ETHODOLO-Y: -irst the dimensions and specifications for a framed power press is framed power taken from a manufacturer. Ksing the specifications and dimensions a
press is modeled in pro69, and then the model is imported to 'nsys package for analysis. The static load condition is considered for analysis. 's per the specifications the load is applied on the ram and the deflections and stresses acting on the structure are calculated. 'ccording to the analysis results, the materials can be removed as the defections are less in certain areas. Then again an analysis is made to the modified press, so that the deflections and stresses underwent by this modified one is same as that of the original model. -inally the stresses and deflections of the presses are compared. 2.2 DESI-N SPECI ICATIONS -rame thickness Total )eight of the press 'rea of the bed <ed thickness <readth of the frame -loor to top of bed ;iameter of the 7am , , , , , , , 20mm 1CC/mm >//"4//mm 1//mm 1/3/mm ?1/mm 12/mm
*troke Length
I- 2.1
-$& 2.2
-$& 2.3
!.2 PARA"ETRIC NATURE O PROEEN-INEER WILD IRE PROEEN-INEER !ildfire is parametric in nature. The parametric nature of Pro69ngineer means that the features of a part become interrelated if they are drawn by taking the reference of each other. !e can redefine the dimensions or the attributes of a feature at any time. The changes will propagate automatically throughout the model. Thus, they develop a relationship among themselves. This relationship is known as the parent,child relationship. *o if we want to change the placement of the child feature, we can make alterations in the dimensions of the references and hence change the design as per our re#uirement. !.! I"PORTANT TER"S: En(i(%: 'n element of a section geometry is called an entity. The entity can be an arc, line, circle, point, co,ordinate system and so on. !hen one entity is divided at a point then the total number of entities is said to be two. Di5en,i&n: $t is the measurement of one or more entities. C&n,(rain(,: other geometry. Para5e(er: $t is defined as a numeric value or any definition that defines a feature. -or e"ample, all the dimensions in a sketch are parameters. The parameters can be modified at any time. Re$a(i&n: ' relation is an e#uation that relates two entities. onstraints are logical operations that are performed on the selected geometry to make it more accurate in defining its positions and si%e with respect to the
!ith Pro69 !ildfire you can easily create features through direct modeling and a user interface element called the dashboard. !./.2 ea(#reC&n,&$ida(i&n -eatures with similar definitions use common controls. The ut feature is an e"ample of this principle. $n Pro69 !ildfire both cuts and protrusions are subsets of a category called e"truded features. 8ou create them both using the same tool, with a toggle to add or remove material. !./.!O10e.( &r A.(i&n ir,( !hen you select an ob(ect and use a feature tool to act on it, Pro69 !ildfire interpolates what it can from the type of ob(ect you selected and, if possible, immediately produces geometry for you to fine,tune. :n the other hand, if you first select a feature tool, it presents you with a dashboard on which to specify e"actly what you want to do and prompts you for the appropriate references. !././ Dire.( "&de$ing Pro69 !ildfire is a progressive environment in which you create and change your models through direct manipulation. )andles and geometry controls are provided to #uickly manipulate dimensions and value settings. represented instantly. !./.2 Da,h1&ard U,er In(er*a.e The dashboard provides conte"t,sensitive options for the feature being created. $t provides the most common settings front and center, while less used settings are tucked away in slide,up panels. hanges to the model are
!.2 ASSE"BLY "ODELLIN'n assembly is defined as a design consisting of more than one component bonded together at their respective working positions. These assembly designs are created in the assembly mode of Pro69ngineer.
!.2.1 T&';D&wn A''r&a.h: This is the method of assembling the components in which the components of the assembly are created in the same assembly file. $n this type of approach of assembly, the components are created in the assembly file and then assembled using the assembly constraints. The parts we create in the assembly mode are saved in .prt files. !.2.2. B&((&5;U' A''r&a.h: This is the method of assembling the components that are created as separate parts in the part mode and are saved as .prt files. :nce all the parts of an assembly have been created, we create a new assembly file 1.asm2 and then assemble constraints available in the assembly mode to create the assembly. *ince the assembly file has information related only to the assembling of components. This file is not very heavy and therefore re#uires less hard disk space. !.3 PLACE"ENT CONSTRAINTS The placement constraints are the constraints that are used to rigidly bind the components of the assembly to their respective positions of assembly. These constraints are also called as the assembly constraints. &enerally these are used to constrain all the si" degrees of freedom of a component. The placement constraints available are: !.3.1 A#(&5a(i.: !hen we choose this constraint, Pro69ngineer assumes the constraint and applies according to the type of entity selected. -or e"ample, if we select a"es of two
components to assemble then it will understand that we want to apply the align constraint and the A$ign constraint will be applied to the two components. !.3.2 "a(e: The mate placement constraint allows us to make two selected planes, datum planes, faces, or a combination of a datum plane and a face coplanar with respect to each other. The faces or datumDs selected may or may not be in contact with each other. These are three options that the "a(e constraint is used in combination with. $t is used in O**,e(F C&in.iden( and Orien(ed constraints. !.3.! A$ign: The align constraint is used to assemble two components by making the selected face, or planes coplanar such that the aligned faces or planes are facing in the same direction. 'part from planes and faces, we can also select datum a"es, datum points, edges, or vertices for applying the align constraint. These are three options that the A$ign constraint is used in combination with. $t is used in O**,e(F C&in.iden( and Orien(ed constraints. !.3./ In,er(: The $nsert constraint is used to assemble the revolved components. 'pplying this constraint allows the revolved component, holes, or a combination of both to share the same orientation of the central a"is. !.3.2 C&&rdina(e S%,(e5: The oordinate system aligns the coordinate system of the first component with the coordinate system of the second component. !.3.3 Tangen(: The Tangent constraint is used to make the selected circular face tangent to the other selected face or plane and at the same time make them coplanar !.3.4 P&in( &n Line: The point on line constraint is used to align the selected datum point or verte" on the first part with the selected edge, datum a"is, or datum curve on the second part.
!.3.> P&in( &n S#r*a.e: The point on surface constraint is used to align the selected datum point or verte" on the first with the selected surface or datum plane on the second part. !.3.? Edge &n S#r*a.e: The edge on surface constraint is used to align the selected edge of the first part with the selected surface or datum plane on the second part.
!.3.1G De*a#$(: The default constraint is used to assemble the component in assembly by aligning the default coordinate system of the component with the default coordinate system of the assembly. !.3.11 i8: The i8 .&5'&nen( (& .#rren( '&,i(i&n button packs the two components and displays that the two components are fully constrained.
/.1 INTRODUCTION The '+*8* computer program is a large,scale multi,purpose finite element program, which may be used for solving several problems. The analysis capabilities of '+*8* include the ability to solve static and dynamic structural analysis, steady state and transient heat transfer problems, mode,fre#uency and buckling 9igen value problems, static or time varying magnetic analysis and various types of field and coupled field applications. The program contains many special features which allow non linearity or secondary effects to be included in the solution, such as plasticity, large strain, hyper elasticity, creep, swelling, large deflections, contact, stress stiffening, temperature dependency, material anisotropy and radiation. 'n '+*8* has been developed other special capabilities, such as sub structuring, sub modeling, random vibration, kinetodynamics, and free convention fluid analysis, acoustics, magnetic, pie%oelectric, coupled,field analysis and design optimi%ation have been added to the program. These capabilities contribute further to making of '+*8* a multi,purpose analysis tool for various engineering disciplines.
'+*8* finite element analysis software enables engineers to perform the following tasks: <uild computer models or transfer components. 'pply operating loads or other design performance conditions. *tudy physical responses, such as stress levels, temperatures distributions, or impact of electromagnetic fields. :ptimi%e a design early in the development process to reduce production costs. ;o prototype testing environments where it otherwise would be undesirable or impossible 1for e"ample, <io medical applications2. The 'nsys program has a comprehensive graphical user interface 1&K$2 that gives users easy, interactive access to program functions, commands and documentation and reference material. 'n intuitive menu system helps users navigate through the '+*8* program. Ksers can input data using a mouse, a keyboard, or a combination of both. The '+*8* program has been in commercial use since 1C?/ and has been used e"tensively in the aerospace, automotive, construction, electronic energy services, manufacturing, nuclear, plastics, oil and steel industries. $n addition, many consulting firms and hundreds of universities use '+*8* for analysis, research and educational use. '+*8* is recogni%ed worldwide as one of the most widely used and capable programs of its type. '; models of structure, products, and
/.2 STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS /.2.1 De*ini(i&n *tructural analysis is probably the most common application of the finite element method. The term structural implies not only civil engineering services such as bridges and buildings but also naval, aeronautical and mechanical
structures such as ship hulls, aircraft bodies, and machine housings as well as mechanical components such as pistons, machine parts and tools. /.2.2 T%'e, The seven types of structural analysis available in '+*8* family of products are e"plained below. The primary unknowns calculated in a structural analysis are displacements. :ther #uantities, such as strains, stresses and reaction forces are then derived from the nodal displacements.
*tatic 'nalysis .odal 'nalysis )armonic 'nalysis Transient ;ynamic 'nalysis *pectrum 'nalysis <uckling 'nalysis 9"plicit ;ynamic 'nalysis.
/.! DE INITION O STATIC ANALYSIS: ' static analysis calculates the effects of steady loading conditions on a structure, while ignoring inertia and damping effects, such as those caused by time, varying loads. ' static analysis can, however, include steady inertia loads 1such as gravity and rotational velocity2, and time,varying loads that can be appro"imated as
static e#uivalent loads 1such as the static e#uivalent wind and seismic loads commonly defined in many building codes2. *tatic analysis is used to determine the displacements, stresses, strains, and forces in structures or components caused by loads that do not induce significant inertia and damping effects. Steady loading and response conditions are assumedE that is, the loads and the structure5s response are assumed to vary slowly with respect to time. The kinds of loading that can be applied in a static analysis include: 9"ternally applied forces and pressures *teady,state inertial forces 1such as gravity or rotational velocity2 $mposed 1non%ero2 displacements Temperatures 1for thermal strain2
/./ PER OR"IN- A STATIC ANALYSIS The procedure for a static analysis consists of these tasks: 1. <uild the .odel 2. *et *olution ontrols 3. *et 'dditional *olution :ptions 4. 'pply the Loads 0. *olve the 'nalysis
/.2 ELE"ENT TYPES: ;ifferent types of elements are used for analysis. :n meshing a continuum, it is divided in to small elements and these elements are solved to obtain the described solution. )ence, it is very important to have a good knowledge of the different elements available for the analysis. The various types of elements are listed Line Triangular Luadrilateral Parallelogram 7ectangular prism )e"ahedron The choice of the element depends on the nature of the problem and geometry of the ob(ect. The elements listed above are some of the basic elements. -or a particular problem the element used may be two,dimensional or three,dimensional.
/.2.1 E$e5en(, are #,#a$$% di7ided in(& :ne,dimensional elements Two,dimensional elements Three,dimensional elements
-or one dimensional element there is one independent variable and elements are line segments. The number of nodes per elements depends on the nodal variables 1degree of freedom2 and continuity re#uirements between the elements. )owever this is not necessary because it is usually governed by linear or non,linear ordinary differential e#uations whose solution can be obtained via analytic or numeric techni#ue. )owever these elements are useful in modeling 2d or 3d problems. $n two dimensional ob(ects, the three,node flat triangular element is the simplest two,dimensional element. Two dimensional elements can model two and two,a,half dimensional ob(ects 1continuum2. Three,dimensional elements are usually three,dimensional counterparts of two,dimensional elements. These elements can be used to discreti%e three, dimensional ob(ects 1continuums2. reating and visuali%ing three,dimensional finite element meshes is usually labor intensive and an error process. Thus, using preprocessors and automatic mesh generation algorithms are beneficial in discrediting three,dimensional ob(ects. /.3 "ESHIN- AND "ESH RE@UIRE"ENTS The process of dividing the ob(ects in to different elements is called as meshing. .eshing thus holds a very important place in the finite element analysis. 'n in,depth study of meshing assumes a very important role.
/.3.1 N&da$ $&.a(i&n,: +ode is nothing but it connects the various elements while discreti%ing the continuum into a finite element. +odes must lie inside or on the boundaries of the geometric model to be meshed. +odes that are very close to the boundaries must be
pulled to lie on them to accurately mesh the model. +odes are divided into interior nodes and e"terior nodes. /.3.2 Sha'e #n.(i&n,: *hape function is the important function while solving the finite element problem. :nce the element and corresponding shape function are determined subse#uent operation follow a standard well known procedure. This is the choice of shape function remains one of human intelligence. *hape function used in the displacement formulation of elasticity problem should satisfy the following convergence criterion. a. ontinuity of the unknown only had to occur between element or continuity. constrain 1constant first derivative could be absorbed2. /.3.! E$e5en( T%'e and Sha'e: $t is desirable if the various elements 1large elements library2 can be generated to provide users with the re#uired fle"ibility to meet the compatibility and completeness re#uirement. /.3./ "e,h -enera(i&n This refers to mesh grading and density control. .ost often, ob(ects on which -9' is performed may have holes or sharp corners. $t is usually re#uired that mesh density 1number of nodes and elements2 is increased around these regions to capture the rapid change 1stress variation and sharp corners2 of the field variable. /.3.2 "e,h C&n7er,i&n:
b. -unction has to allow any arbitrary linear from to be taken so that constant
$n some cases, poorly formed elements may result. $t may be desirable, under such circumstances, to convert a mesh type of one element to that of another. onversions between #uadrilaterals, triangular and tetrahedral elements are common. /.3.3 "e,h -e&5e(r% And T&'&$&g%: .esh geometry refers to the co,ordinates of nodal points and the connectivity information of elements. .esh topology refers to the mesh orientation relative to the ob(ect topology. $t always determines the mesh topology.
2.1 INTRODUCTION: The modeling of power press is carried out in Pro69ngineer software. Pro69ngineer wildfire is a feature based solid modeling tool. ' feature is defined as the smallest building block and any solid model created in Pro69ngineer wildfire is an integration of a number of these building blocks. 9ach feature can be edited individually to bring in any change in the solid model. The use of the feature,based property provides greater fle"ibility to the parts created. The accuracy rate is high compared to other modeling softwareDs. 'ccording to these features the modeling of the power press is done in Pro69ngineer software. 2.2 STEPS INBOLBED IN "ODELIN- O POWER PRESS: 1. Se((ing (he w&r6ing dire.(&r%: !hen the Pro6e session is started, the first task is to set the working directory. ' working is a directory on the system where we can save the work done in the current session of Pro6e. we can set any directory e"isting. 2. Crea(ing a New O10e.( i$e *&r (he ra5e: The solid models are created in the part mode of Pro69ngineer. The e"tension for the file created in this mode is .prt. The first component is the -rame. The base feature is created by e"truding the sketch, drawn according to the specifications and dimensions collected from the company. The e"trude tool will be used to create the base feature. 'fter the e"trusion is done the cut is used at the section according to the model. Then in the corners 7ound is made. ' hole is made for the 7am location. This gives out the frame modeling for the power press.
!. Sa7ing (he 5&de$: 'fter the modeling of the base feature the model is to be saved, so that it can be used to retrieve for assembling.
/. Crea(ing Bed: The second component is the <ed for the power press. )ere the 9"trude option is selected for the modeling. To create the protrusion feature for this component, Top datum plane is selected as a sketching plane. This is because the direction of e"trusion is normal to the top datum plane. The dimensions are referred from the table given below. Then the feature is drawn according to dimensions, and e"truded. 'fter the model is generated it is saved as part file. 2. Crea(ing a B&$,(er '$a(e: The bolster plate is used for the mounting of press tools. $t is modeled from the sketcher and 9"truded to the dimensions specified below. The holes are made to fi" the plate on the bed. <efore creating a hole feature, we have to create a datum a"is. This a"is will act as an a"ial reference for the hole that will be created on the <olt ircle ;iameter 1< ;2 of 2mm. then the feature is saved in .prt e"tension. 3. Crea(i&n &* Ra5: The 7am is modeled by selecting the 7evolve feature and then the angle of revolution is 3>/ degrees. 'n a"is is created in the sketcher window so that the feature we draw in will rotate according to this a"is of revolution. 2.! STEPS INBOLBED IN ASSE"BLIN- O THE POWER PRESS 'fter the modeling is done we have to assemble all the components of the fi"ture assembly. 's mentioned earlier an assembly is defined as a design consisting of two or more than components in which we can apply some specific assembly constraints to the parts so that their Degree &* reed&5 )DO + is controlled or restricted. Marious assembly constraints, such as .ate, 'lign, $nsert, and :rient and so on are used to control the ;:- between the components. The various steps involved in the assembling of power press are: 1. Crea(ing a New A,,e51$% i$e:
To start with an assembly we have to create a new assembly file. Then first base feature, -rame is inserted by selecting 'dd omponent in the 7ight Tool chest. Then ;efault onstraint is selected to place the -rame model in the default coordinate system of the assembly. 2. A,,e51$ing (he Bed: The second component in the Power press assembly is the bed. hoosing the 'dd omponent button the <ed.prt part model is inserted. Then proper constraints are made to fi" the bed. .ate, 'lign of the surface and a"is are used to constraint the bed until fully constrained message appears. !. A,,e51$ing &* B&$,(er '$a(e: The third component is the <olster Plate. *imilarly the 'dd component is selected and the <olster.prt is inserted into the 'ssembly screen. )ere the constraints such as .ate and align are used to fi" the model on the bed and it is fully constrained. /. A,,e51$ing &* Die Se(: The fourth component in the assembly of power press is ;ie set. *imilarly the ;ie set is insertedE it is assembled and constrained for degrees of freedom arrest. 2. A,,e51$ing &* Ra5: The ne"t component for the power press assembly is 7am. The ram is fi"ed in the hole provided in the frame. )ere insert option is selected and the a"is of the hole and ram is selected. Then mate, align options are used to fully constrain the 7am. 'fter completion of the 'ssembly of the Power Press, the model is saved in $&9* format, to e"port the assembled model to 'nsys *oftware. -or saving in $&9* format, we have to choose *ave a opy option.
The procedure in using an -9' program consists of three essential stages. a. Preparation of the model data 1Pre,Processing2 b. 'nalysis of the model. c. 'ssessment of the result 1Post,Processing2 The pre,processor is a program, which enables the engineer to build a model of a component design. -rom this model, the re#uired mesh of finite elements may be generated. 7e#uired inputs to the pre,processor include: &eometric parameters Loading characteristics <oundary conditions .aterial properties The post,processor is a program, which provides the engineer with tools to access the result of the model analysis. 'naly%ed results output from the post, processor may be in either data from 1screen or printer2 or graphical display 1screen, plotter, printer screen dump2. The post,processor outputs include: 1. printed nodal displacement values 2. printed element stress values 3. &raphical display of disported component meshed under load 1with ability to magnify displacements by a stated multiplication factor2. 4. &raphical display of stress contours. 0. olor or tone variations of element display according to stress range values. dynamic loading. 3.1.1 Pre;'r&.e,,ing: The pre,processing module is the first module in '+*8* package. This is used for -9'. Their coordinates define the nodes while their type and a list of their nodes characteri%ed. >. 'nimated display of moving displacements and varying elements patterns for
$t is also necessary to describe the physical characteristics of the element, such as description of the material properties 1thermal conductivity, modulus of elasticity, density, poisonDs ratio2 descriptions of the heat sources, description of the boundary condition and descriptions of the initial conditions for the time dependent problems more than one type of element can be used in a model, so that we can e"pect more accurate results. 3.1.2 Ana$%,i,: The analysis module is the second module in the '+*8* package. This part computes the unknown in the finite element problem i.e. it solves the linear or non, linear problem system e#uation coming from the variation or pro(ective formulations. The input is the finite element models the physical characteristics and the boundary condition. $tDs output is the value of the unknown #uantity at each the nodes of the grid. 3.1.! P&,(;'r&.e,,ing: The post,processor subroutine of the '+*8* software performs additional calculations display result and in some cases writes additional files. The ma(ority of the data used by post routine are nodal data element data such as stress for each element are on element by basis and must be converted. +odal component stresses are in the element co,ordinate system
*:L$;40 is used for the 3,; modeling of solid structures. The element is defined by eight nodes having three degrees of freedom at each node: translations in the nodal ", y, and % directions. The element has plasticity, creep, swelling, stress stiffening, large deflection, and large strain capabilities. ' reduced integration option with hourglass control is available. *ee *:L$;40 in the '+*8*, $nc. Theory 7eference for more details about this element. ' similar element with anisotropic properties is *:L$;>4. ' higher, order version of the *:L$;40 element is *:L$;C0. 3.! STATIC ANALYSIS O POWER PRESS 3.!.1 Pr&1$e5 S'e.i*i.a(i&n Ta1$e 3.1 A''$i.a1$e ANSYS '+*8* .ulti physics, '+*8* .echanical, '+*8* Pr&d#.(,: Di,.i'$ine: Ana$%,i, T%'e: E$e5en( T%'e, U,ed: ANSYS ea(#re, De5&n,(ra(ed: solid modeling including primitives, <oolean operations, and filletsE tapered pressure loadE deformed shape and stress displaysE listing of reaction forcesE e"amination of structural energy error *tructural, '+*8* 9; structural static *olid brick B node 40
3.!.2 Te.hni.a$ ,'e.i*i.a(i&n, &* (he '&wer 're,, H%dra#$i. :C: ra5e T%'e Pre,,e, : Ta1$e 3.2
Pi,(&n "&de$, Ca'a.i(% )T&n,+ &r Si<e )55+ ) PO 1/ 1/ 12/ 3// 30/ S(r&6e )55+ Ra5 Leng(h
E$e.(ri. "&(&r
>//"4// 3/ , 4/
0 to B
3/ , 4/
3./ PROBLE" DESCRIPTION: The ,framed power press is modeled in P7:69 software package according the specifications, and it is analy%ed in '+*8* environment. )ere the stress and deformations are calculated and according to this the frame thickness, web thickness, material, weight are modified. -i7en: The material properties of the power press: .aterial used 8oungDs .odulus PoissonDs 7atio ;ensity Thermal e"pansion : : : : : *teel 2.1N1/0 +6mm2 /.3 ?B>/Ag6metres cube /.////1?
3.2 SU""ARY O STEPS: 3.2.1 B#i$d ge&5e(r% 1. The Pro69 software is used to model the power press according to the dimensions. 2. 'fter modeling, save a copy in $&9* format in solid.
3. The $&9* format is imported into '+*8* environment. 3.2.2 De*ine "a(eria$, 4. *et Preferences. 0. ;efine .aterial Properties. >. ;efine element types and options. ?. ;efine real constants. 3.2.! -enera(e "e,h B. .esh the area. C. *ave the database as mesh.db. 3.2./ A''$% L&ad, 1/. 'pply displacement constraints. 11. 'pply pressure load. 3.2.2 O1(ain S&$#(i&n 12. *olve.
2.2.3 Re7iew Re,#$(, 13. 9nter the general postprocessor and read in the results. 14. Plot the deformed shape. 10. Plot the Mon .isses e#uivalent stress. 1>. List the reaction solution. 1?. 9"it the '+*8* program.
STRESS ON PRESS : CASE 1: -or frame thickness <ed thickness : 20mm : 1//mm
Ta1$e ?.1 PARA"ETERS BED THIC=NESS RA"E THIC=NESS WEI-HT STRESS DE LECTION EHISTIN1GG 55 2255 1.?2 (&ne, 23.3>NE552 1.2!!55 "ODI IED 4G55 1>55 1.33 (&ne, 23./2NE552 1.3/455
$n the e"isting design, the ma"imum stress acting on the structure is 0>.>B +6mm2 and the ma"imum deflection is 1.033mm. $n the suggested design, the ma"imum stress acting on the structure is 0>.42 +6mm 2 and the ma"imum deflection is 1.>4?mm. 7egarding static analysis, the design is safe. $n this design, the decrease in frame and bed thickness is done. *o there is a reduction in weight. The reduction in weight is 13.0H. finally we conclude that this design is the better design. 9"isting weight of the power press: 1C2/Ags .odified weight of the power press: 1>>/Ags
$n this pro(ect the framed Power Press is studied and the design was done as
per the dimensions. The model of the power press is done in P7:69+&$+997
software. The analysis of the power press is carried out using '+*8* package. -inally the modified design is obtained by changing or varying the frame thickness and bed thickness and thus the ob(ective of the study is achieved.
RE ERENCES: 1. Ahurmi. 7.*, &uota. P.A, JMachine Design, 9K7'*$' publishing house. 2. Prabhu. T.P, JDesign of Transmission Elements, M 9dition, 2//2 3. PSG DESIGN DATA B !, ;PM printers, 7eprinted .ay 2//1.
4. Prof. *ham Tickoo, J A g"ide to Pro#E $ildfireD, Purdue Kniversity alumet, K.*.' 0. '+*8* Merification .anual version C./.