RKWC Teaching Practice Lesson Plan: Student Teacher

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RKWC Teaching Practice Lesson Plan


8 November 2016

Student teacher





WellSpring RAK School


Paper bag puppet lesson


KG2 Ms. Maryssa

No of students 18 2 Special Needs students

Context of the lesson (what happened this week/yesterday)
The students had done elements of a story last week character, setting, the beginning, middle and end of a
story. They did some more work earlier in the week on character. This lesson will actively reinforce the concept of
character and more specifically facial features and features which express emotion and behavior.
My Aim: (what am I trying to do better in my teaching?)
Amal & Fatema explain to the students about puppets, showed them one puppet each which we create. One
will be an animal and the other a mermaid with human features. Explain about different facial features. Help
students in their groups on individual work to create their own puppet with facial features. Key concepts and
Cutting with scissors
Using glue
Learning to contrast colors
Learning about different parts of the body
Learning about different parts of the face
Learning about spacial relationships and symmetry
You achieved these aims well and you set these aims up clearly at the beginning of the lesson.
Teaching goal: (refer to ADEC documents)
The students have to identify different parts of face and created their own puppet using these. Students have to
make their own choices of how they make these features making choices about material, shape, color and size.
This goal was achieved but perhaps you need to somewhere in the plan indicate how the students achieved these
goals since they seem to achieve them in different ways and at different paces.
Learning objectives (Students will be able to/WALT):
All students were able to create puppet to make it, using scissors to cut paper and glue to set a parts of face. All
students will be able to identify the major facial parts. Some students were able to create parts of body such as
tail and feet. Some students created extra features. All students tried their puppets out with the puppet theatre
and created a voice and movements for their character.
These are clear objectives that were achieved. You might also want to set up some classroom management and
behavioral objectives too.
Assumptions about prior learning
The students know a character can be a person or an animal. Students will know facial features but they will not
always be able to remember them.
Possible problems and solutions

The students will make puppets by using paper, glue, colored paper and scissors. Some students may have
trouble using scissors and glue. Some students may finish early.
Students Language (what they will say/write)

Teachers language (what you will say/write)

puppet, contrast, cut, straight, round, square,

eyes, nose, ears, face, body, hair, arms, on,
beside, next to, the same, different


How do I make
What should I use to make
I think I will
I want to

puppet, person, animal, contrast, cut, straight, round,

square, eyes, nose, ears, face, body, hair, arms, on,
beside, next to, the same, different

In this session you will be making paper bag

puppets. Place an undecorated paper bag on your
hand with four fingers in the folded section.
Animate the bag, making it talk by opening and
closing the folded area.
We will be making the face of the puppet on the
paper bag.
What are the different parts of the face?
Students go back to their tables and start to cut,
glue and stick the features on the paper bag
Teachers helps students do this.
Students are invited to try their puppets out in the
puppet theatre creating a voice and movements for
the puppets.


Students will

Teacher will

Materials / Learning
Teacher Aids

Whole 1 (on carpet)

Group and Individual

work at tables

Whole 2 (on carpet)

The teacher will

explain the aims
of the lesson and
the focus on
character, facial
and body
features through
making a paper
bag puppet.
The teacher will
help the students
and question
them about their
choices and get
them to use the
target language.
The teacher will
manage the
children one by
one and evaluate
and their
achievement of
the lesson

Pre-made paper
bag puppets
Brown paper
bags (small lunchsize bags)
Glue sticks
sponges to wipe
sticky fingers
Puppet Theatre

Whole 1 (on carpet)

Students will learn

what they have to do.
Students will go over
facial and body

The teacher
explains the
objectives and
aims of the
lesson. Teacher
shows students
paper bag
puppets and gets
students to
explain different
facial features.

Group and Individual

work at tables

Students will identify,

make and put on a
puppet different
facial and body

Teacher helps
students when
the students go
back to their
tables and start
to cut, glue and
stick the features
on the paper bag

Whole 2 (on carpet)

Students will attempt

to make a voice and
movements to help
characterize their
puppets character.

Pre-made Paper Bag


Brown paper
bags (small lunchsize bags)
Glue sticks
sponges to wipe
sticky fingers

The Teacher
Puppet Theatre
invites students
Student made
one by one to try puppets
their puppets out
in the puppet
theatre creating a
voice and
movements for
the puppets.
Feedback The lesson went well. The students were engaged and the sequence of activities went well.
Try to explain what is going to be done in an even slower, clearer and louder voice in the beginning. The
materials worked well but perhaps use glue sticks instead of tubes of glue. Prepare for students to finish
at different times. The end showing went well and you can even focus the reflection on what was learnt
more at the end. Well done. (Mr. Mark Eckersley)

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