Possessive Nouns-Last-1
Possessive Nouns-Last-1
Possessive Nouns-Last-1
Possessive Nouns
Grade Level Rationale Where/How would this lesson fit in to the overall unit plan? Estimated length of time to teach this lesson CCSS
1 Grade
Students need to know how to change a noun into a possessive noun so they can learn to write clearly and correctly. This lesson will be taught after the lessons on nouns, common nouns, and proper nouns. It will be the last lesson in the unit before the unit project. 30 minutes
-Unit Objectives: Students will learn what different forms of nouns are, how to find them, and how to distinguish them from one another. -Lesson Objectives: Students will learn what possessive nouns are, what an apostrophe is, how to use it to make nouns possessive. -Performance Objectives: Students will know what an apostrophe is, know what possessive nouns are, know how to make nouns possessive, and be able to write an apostrophe.
Computer/screen to show video on Paper Pencils Homework sheet for each student
Materials Needed
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h0m89e9oZko Crayons In-class worksheet for each student Board/markers (or Smartboard)
Students will review nouns by watching the Schoolhouse Rock noun video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h0m89e9oZko) , then the teacher will explain that they will be
learning more about nouns today. -Teacher Input: The teacher will review what a noun, common noun, and proper noun are, explain what possessive nouns are, explain activities to students, and monitor activities to make sure they are done correctly and to assess students as they work. The teacher will also demonstrate how to write an apostrophe on the board, and explain what it is and how to use it. -Checking for Understanding :The teacher will check the homework they bring back the next day, check their group work, and check their projects they did. The teacher will also walk around the room during each activity to make sure students are doing each activity correctly and understand what theyre doing. -Guided Practice : 1. Students will watch video in anticipatory set.. 2. Teacher will pass out inclass activity sheets and explain directions to students, then group students. Students will work in groups to make the nouns in the worksheets possessive. Students will be placed in groups by ability (high ability placed with lower ability). There will be 3 students in each group. 3. Students will each get a sheet of paper and crayons. They will each be assigned a letter, and will have to come up with a noun they can make possessive that begins with that letter and their own name for the owner of the object. The teacher will help students who cannot come up with a word, and the teacher will also help if students want help spelling. They will then draw/color a picture of their word and the words owner on the paper. -Closure: Teacher will have students gather on rug and ask if anyone would like to show the class their work (the picture with the possessive noun and the objects owner). Student volunteers may show their work to the class. -Independent Practice: Students will take home an assignment sheet explaining directions to parents. Students will search around their house for objects belonging to different family
Procedures/Activities: -Teacher Input -Checking for Understanding -Guided Practice -Closure -Independent Practice
members, then write down on the sheet what the object is and who owns it.
Self-evaluation/ Reflection
Do students meet learning objectives? Did students enjoy activities? Did students behave during group activity? Were students confident enough in their work to show class their pictures/nouns? Did students complete homework correctly? Did students remember what nouns are from previous lessons/review? Did I group students to here they helped each other? Was using groups successful/helpful? Were the activities helpful in helping students learn lesson objectives? Did I explain the teacher input clearly? Did I answer all student questions?
During the group activity, the teacher will group students based on ability level. The teacher will place students who understand language arts with students who struggle with it so they may help each other.