Table 11
Table 11
Table 11
Please ensure that the observer /critical friend has a copy of the lesson plan.
Peer Observation Number:
Name of Student Teacher to be observed:
8:50 9:40
Area of Focus:
Differentiation activities
Learning Outcomes:
Identify that humans need the right types and amount
of nutrition.
Identify that humans have skeletons and muscles for
support, protection and movement
Grade: 2
Name of Observer/Critical Friend:
Maryam AL Shehhi
Reflection (to be completed after discussion of Peer Review with colleague): e.g
It is a nice time when we do a form observation for the colleague because its benefit me, when I saw
different kind of activities and observe students, it has given me knowledge about different kind of
activity. My colleague was very happy when she sees I observed her because she trusts me and she
want my feedback. In addition, after the lesson I sit with her and I gave her my feedback, it was a
variable time because we discuss together about the lesson and we found some strategy for teaching.
Furthermore, my colleagues like my feedback and she also like my suggestion and she will try to do it
next time.
TP Guide for EPC3903 (EPR) Practicum 3b
Year Three, Semester Two / 2016-17 /