Study Skills Syllabus I

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Rancho Mirage High School


Teacher Name: Mr. Dwight Counsel
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (760) 202-6455 ext. 2653
Course Description/Overview
The purpose of the course is to allow students extra time and resource assistance to
classwork, homework and assigned projects, as well as sharpen skills that will help them to
be a successful student
at Rancho Mirage High School.
Students will enhance their note taking, reading, reading comprehension, word knowledge,
mathematics, and
understanding of academic vocabulary.
Students will also work on specific IEP goals and short term objectives.
Study Skills is a course designed to reinforce and build upon the students previously learned
organizational, study, test taking, and advocacy skills. Specific IEP goals and objectives for each
student are integrated into the framework of this class as well. Students will work on individual
and group skills to enhance their learning, and they will be asked to develop their own personal
goals each quarter.

Study Skills class is not exclusively to be used for homework.

It is expected that all students will do homework at home.
Approximately half of the time in this class will be used for students to work on study skills and/or IEP goals
and objectives. The rest of the time students will be expected to work on homework or other educational
Student Learning Expectations/Objectives
Upon successful completion of this course students will be able to:
1. Work independently and collaboratively on assignments.
2. Be socially responsible students, demonstrating respect, honesty, and fairness.
3. IEP Implementation growth in identified IEP goals.
4. Organize assignments in an agenda / homework calendar.
Course requirements:
Attend all classes, arrive on time with an open mind, and demonstrate a willingness to succeed.
Bring the appropriate materials to class (agenda sheet, notebooks, pens/pencils, content area
material for academic support)

Grading System:

Filling out homework planner/agenda each day 5 points per day (25 points/week).
Completing weekly study skills activity/current events review 100 points.
Completing weekly progress reports - 100 points.
Study Skills Positive Point Sheet - 3 points per day (will be converted to a %).
If student is absent they will receive (0) points, as the grade is dependent on being present.

To Achieve Success In This Course:

In order to be successful in this class students must be present, bring assignments, complete study skills
assignments, and be engaged at all times. Disruptive behavior will not be tolerated as students are here to
enhance their study skills and get a jump start on assignments.
Course Materials:

Agenda worksheet filled out
Weekly Progress Report
Texts that you might need

Classroom Policies:
Attendance/Tardies - Attendance will be taken each period. You will be marked tardy if you are not in your seat
when class begins. RMHS tardy policy will be followed:
1st Tardy Warning
2nd Tardy 30 minute after-school detention / phone call home
3rd Tardy 60 minute after-school detention / phone call home
Subsequent tardies will result in an office referral and phone call home.
Homework/Classwork - Ample time is given every period for Study Skills Activities to be completed, if it is not
finished during the class period, it will be due the following day of class. Students will be given time to start
homework assignments for some of their classes, but it is EXPECTED that students will continue to work on
homework at home.
Food/Drink No food or drinks will be allowed in the classroom with the exception of bottled water.
Cheating/Plagiarism Plagiarism is presenting another persons ideas as ones own. This occurs through the
deliberate attempt to pass off another persons work as ones own OR by failure to acknowledge and cite
sources through proper documentation. Both types of plagiarism are serious offenses and will not be tolerated.
Always turn in your own original work and follow your teachers directions for citation. Consequences for
plagiarism are outlined in the RMHS English Department Grading Policy.
Appropriate Behavior Disrespect shown toward teacher, peers, or school
property will not be tolerated. Failure to abide by these rules will result in one or more of the following:


Warning and teacher/student conference

30 minute after school detention along with parent contact
60 minute after school detention along with parent contact
Refer to administrator

List 3 goals you have for yourself this year that you would like to accomplish in your Study Skills course.



Please sign below to indicate that you and your parents have read this syllabus, understand your expectation,
and agree to adhere to the classroom policies. Keep the syllabus in your Study Skills notebook or binder; return
this signed sheet to Mr. Counsel.

Print Student Name____________________________________________________________

Student Signature: ______________________________________

Date: _______________

Print Parent Name:_____________________________________________________________

Parent Signature: _______________________________________


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