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User Manual

A note on copyrights:
Information in this manual, including any URL or other Internet website, is subject to change
without prior notice.
Unless otherwise noted, the companies, organizations, products, e-mail addresses, people,
places and events depicted herein are fictitious, and no association with any real company,
organization, product, e-mail address, person, place or event is intended or should be inferred.
Complying with all copyright laws is the responsibility of the user.
No part of this document may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or
transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or
otherwise), or for any purpose, without the express written permission of e-fense, Inc.
e-fense, Inc. may have trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights covering
subject matter in this document. Except as expressly provided in any written license agreement
from e-fense, Inc., the furnishing of this document does not give you any license to these
trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property.
The names of actual companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their
respective owners.
The goal of this manual was to produce a single reference source for the tools included on the
Helix CD. A large amount of the materials included in this manual have been copied from various
websites, and attempts have been made to ensure that everything is properly documented and
referenced. If you are the copyright owner of the material, and have issues with their inclusion in
this document, please contact me at [email protected], and we will resolve the issue. Thank
you for your contributions, your patience, and your understanding.
Copyright 2000-2009 e-fense, Inc. All rights reserved.
Helix Live Forensics and Incident Response User Manual

e-fense, Inc.
7670 S. Chester St., Suite 130
Centennial, CO 80112

e-fense, Inc. developed Helix3 as an internal tool to provide the ability to acquire forensically
sound images of many types of hard drives and partitions on systems running unique setups such
as RAID arrays. It quickly grew to include many open source, and some closed source, tools for
the forensic investigators at e-fense, and became the internal standard to image live systems
as well as systems running RAID setups. This enabled us to easily deal with the issue in the
corporate world that some systems could never be taken o-line to do a more traditional forensic
acquisition. Since most corporate systems run Microsoft Windows, we developed a Windows
functionality to facilitate the capture of live Windows systems volatile data, as well as to conduct
a forensic acquisition while the system remained on-line.
Helix3 was first publicly released on 23 Nov 2003. Its popularity grew quickly, and Rob Lee
started using it at SANS to teach the forensics track. Helix3 has been going strong ever since and
has been downloaded countless times. Many Government agencies and Law Enforcement
community across the globe have turned to Helix3 as their forensic acquisition standard due to its
functionality and cost eectiveness (who can beat FREE)! The National White Collar Crime Center
(NW3C) has chosen to use Helix3 to teach Law Enforcement Linux forensics on bootable CDs.
The name Helix3 was chosen for no particular reason other than it fit with the sound of the name
Linux. Also since forensics is a science, the DNA double Helix3 symbol seemed to apply. Finally,
the tools included on the CD focused on 3 tasks: Incident Response, Electronic Discovery, and
Forensics. So Helix3 was born.
Helix3 is a work in progress and is not meant to be used by individuals without proper incident
response and/or forensics training. While many complex commands are simplified with a GUI
interface, it is the responsibility of the end user to know what these commands are doing so that
you dont inadvertently delete evidence, or if called upon to testify, you dont look like an idiot
when you cant explain your actions on the witness stand.
Helix3 is distributed as is WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without the implied warranty of

Revision History

Release for 2009R1 version
Release delayed to coincide with the new Helix3 2.0 release
Numerous spelling corrections


Release delayed to coincide with the new Helix3 1.7 release

Fixed FRU description to use the Forensic Server Project
Updated some of the screen shots in Linux sections
Added descriptions for the major tools on the Linux side.
Added missing appendixes
Added icons for each tool
Various spelling corrections
Added Forensic Topics for both the Windows and Linux Sides.
Added Lab1b - Create an Image of a suspect Floppy Disk (Windows, FTK Imager)
Added hardware and software media write protection features.
Continuing to update references
Added new Helix3 Logo
Added Getting Helix Section
Added Using Helix3 in VMWare Section
Added Static Binaries Section
Added FAQ
Added Helix3 Boot options, cheat codes
Added individual package descriptions for Linux side
Added Lab 2 - Create a Floppy Disk from a suspect Image (Windows, FTK Imager)
First Public Release


Proof of concept to Drew Fahey


Thanks & Shoutouts

The list of people who belong on this list is probably incomplete. If you think someone is missing,
or if I have misidentified someone, please let me know
BJ Gleason - Co Author of this User Manual
Nirsoft developers of many of the windows based tools
Jesse Kornblum, Harlan Carvey, George Garner, Kevin Mandia, Chris Prosise, Matt Pepe, Brian
Carrier, Chris Cohen, Ian Marks, Bill Marchant
And to the countless others who have contributed their time and eorts developing these tools.

Advice to Beginners
Helix3 is a very powerful tool. But with great power comes great responsibility, and as a
potential forensics investigator, it is your responsibility to learn how to use this tool properly. It
is expected that if you have downloaded and created a bootable Helix3 CD, and that you have an
interest in digital forensics.
But just as you can use a hammer to build a house, you can not build a house just using a hammer.
To successfully build a house, you need architects, lawyers, construction workers, many tools,
supplies, and inspectors. The same is true in the field of digital forensics. Before you examine
any system, you need to make sure that you have permission to examine that system. You need to
know the legal aspects of collection, documentation, and preservation of digital evidence. You
need to know how to use the tools of the trade (such as those on the Helix3 CD).
Simple mistakes and good intentions can completely destroy digital evidence. It is strongly
recommended that aspiring investigators learn about digital forensics, and practice on controlled
systems before attempting to collect evidence from a real system.
Some recommended books on digital forensics include:
Carrier, B. (2005). File system forensic analysis. Boston, Mass. ; London: Addison-Wesley.
Carvey, H. A. (2005). Windows forensics and incident recovery. Boston: Addison-Wesley.
Carvey, H. A. (2007). Windows forensic analysis : DVD toolkit. Burlington, MA: Syngress Pub.
Casey, E. (2004). Digital evidence and computer crime : forensic science, computers, and the Internet (2nd ed.).
Amsterdam ; Boston: Academic Press.
Farmer, D., & Venema, W. (2005). Forensic discovery. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Addison-Wesley.
Jones, K. J. (2005). Real digital forensics : computer security and incident response. Indianapolis, IN: Addison
Wesley Professional.
Prosise, C., & Mandia, K. (2003). Incident response and computer forensics (2nd ed.). New York, New York:
Marcella, A. J., & Menendez, D. (2008). Cyber forensics : a field manual for collecting, examining, and preserving
evidence of computer crimes (2nd ed.). Boca Raton, NY: Auerbach Publications.
Pogue, C., Altheide, C., & Haverkos, T. (2008). Unix and Linux forensic analysis DVD toolkit. Burlington, MA:
Syngress Publishing.
Schweitzer, D. (2003). Incident response : computer forensics toolkit. Indianapolis, IN: Wiley.
Solomon, M., Barrett, D., & Broom, N. (2005). Computer forensics jumpstart. San Francisco: Sybex.
Technical Working Group for Digital Evidence in the Courtroom, National Center for Forensic Science, & National
Institute of Justice (U.S.). (2007). Digital evidence in the courtroom a guide for law enforcement and
prosecutors. Washington, DC: U.S. : Dept. of Justice, Oce of Justice Programs, National Institute of
Vacca, J. R. (2005). Computer forensics : computer crime scene investigation (2nd ed.). Hingham, Mass.: Charles
River Media.

I would also recommend that you create a home lab in which to practice with these tools. I
recommend 2 systems, running Windows 2000 or XP, with a network connection between them,
either via a switch or a crossover cable. Since some of these tools transfer data via the network,
make sure you disable any firewalls, such as the one built-in to XP service pack 2, which can
interfere with network connections. I would label one machine as Suspect, and at the other as
Forensic. To experiment with disk imaging, I would recommend having machines with floppy
disks, and the suspect system should have a small hard drive (4 gig) or less, since copying larger
drives over a network can take a very long time, and require a lot of space on the forensic system.
For the forensic system, I would recommend having two hard drives (or at least two partitions)
one for the operating system, and one for the collected evidence.

What is Helix3?
Helix3 is a customization of the standard Ubuntu1 distribution. As such it owes much to the
great work done by Canonical Ltd and by all the contributors to the Ubuntu project. In fact,
http://www.ubuntu.com is the first place you should to go if you're looking for more information
on how to use Ubuntu Linux, or if you are interested in more technical information, such as how
to customize the distribution. There are many other LiveCD distributions available that have
been around longer than Helix3, but many of them are no longer maintained or are not updated
on a frequent enough basis: Knoppix-STD2, FIRE3, Morphix4, and Insert5

Why Helix3 is Dierent

Helix3 is a heavily modified version of Ubuntu. However, while there are many variants on the
original Ubuntu, Helix3 is dierent in that much of the code has been tweaked for forensic
purposes. Some of the code has been compiled from scratch and it is a distribution dedicated
strictly for incident response and forensics.
Some of the major changes Helix3 incorporated into Ubuntu are:
1. Helix3 will NEVER use swap space found on a system - even if forced.
2. The Helix3 automounter will set up drives it finds but will force a mount point to be:
ro, noatime, noexec, nodev, noauto, user
3. Helix3 sees all the filesystems identified by Linux such as ext2, ext3, vfat, ntfs, xfs,
resier, jfs and more.
4. Helix3 incorporates as many open source forensics/incident response tools as could be
found and fit onto the CD.
5. Added capability for Knock and Talks. This feature allows a parole ocer to preview a
system for graphic images that may violate a parole.
6. Windows-side executable environment.






Operating Modes
Helix3 operates in two dierent modes Live and Bootable.
Helix3 is a forensically sound bootable Linux environment much like Ubuntu, but a whole lot
more. The other side of Helix, a Microsoft Windows executable feature, contains approximately
90 MB of incident response tools for Windows. The rationale behind this was that a majority of
incidents require interaction with a live Windows system, the dominant operating system in the
computer market.
As such Helix3 was broken down into the live response side and the bootable Linux OS side.
Live: In the Windows Mode, it runs as a standard windows application used to collect information
from live (still turned on and logged in) Windows system. It should be noted, that when a
target system is live, its state is constantly changing. No matter what tools you use on a live
system, you will disturb the state of the live system even doing nothing changes the state of
a live system, since it is still running the operating system. However, since turning o the system
can result in the lost of potentially important forensics information, the tools can be used to
collect volatile information. It can also be used to collect information from systems that can not
be turned o, such as servers and other critical resources that can not be turned o. Finally, the
Windows side of Helix3 can be used as a portable forensic environment since it provides access to
many windows-based forensic utilities.
Linux: In the Linux mode, it is a bootable, self-contained operating system that can be used for
in-depth analysis of dead (powered-o) systems. When Helix3 boots, it runs entirely o the
CD, and only mounts the hard drives in read-only mode, so they can not be modified. Aside from
the standard Linux tools, this side includes numerous forensic analysis tools that can use to
examine the target system.

The Windows Side

For a live response in any Windows environment, one can simply insert the Helix3 CD and
explore the /IR directories on the CD for the needed applications. The binaries are static so
they will run o the CD without any need for any additional libraries and or files. This makes a
perfect trusted CD for an incident response where you cannot rely on the systems tools or
The other option you have, at least in a Windows environment, is the Helix.exe. It will normally
automatically load the menu if auto run is not disabled. Running Helix.exe or relying on auto run
will bring up the Helix3 Windows GUI environment in which several options become available. Of
course these options are not new; a user could duplicate them manually. The Helix3 environment
simply puts the options together in a safe, easy to use, manner.
Lets start by dissecting the live response side of Helix. The cornerstones of the live response
side are the tools. There are many tools, including George Garners Forensic Acquisition Utilities
suite, Windowss tools, Foundstones open source tools, the Windows Forensic Toolchest, and
many more. All of these tools have been tested and available via the Helix3 Windows GUI.
Due to size constraints, Helix3 no longer contains many of the static binaries for Linux, Solaris,
Macintosh, and Windows. Instead all of the static binaries are now located on the http://
helix.e-fense.com/Download.html website where you can download them as you need them.
The Helix3 GUI will only operate within a live Windows environment. It has been tested on
Windows 98SE, Windows NT4, Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Vista. There are slight dierences
in running the Helix3 CD on each. The most important note to remember is that since Windows is
required to run the above interface, many of the Windows DLL files will be used by Helix3 GUI.
This is not a problem however as long as you are aware of it. Some of the DLL files that will be
used are shown in the table to the right.
These DLL files were not included on the CD because of licensing issues, as well the nature of the
various versions of Windows. There is no way with the current build to have the Helix3 executable
not access some of the built-in Windows DLL files. The incident response / forensics tools
included on the Helix3 CD are self sucient - most of them will use their own libraries and not
the libraries and/or files from the running system.

Helix3 can and will use other DLL files

depending upon the system it is
running. The other DLL files that are
used are hooks into the specific
hardware. So you must be aware of
other files you may touch while using
Helix3 in a live environment.
Some of the newer features in Helix3
on the Windows side include the
ability for user input to some of the
major tools like Windows Forensic
Toolchest. Prior to Version 1.5 the
input was static and could not be
changed without remastering the
Helix3 CD.
While many of the more common tools
can be accessed via the Helix3
graphical user interface, many more
tools can be accessed via a forensic
command tool. Many of these tools
are listed on the next page, however,
since Helix3 is updated often, you can
always check the /IR folder on the
Helix3 CD to see what tools are

Quick Tip: Files used by Helix in Windows


Advanced Windows 32 Base API

Clipboard Actions Plugin
User Experience Controls Library
Common Dialogs DLL
Crypto API32
GDI Client DLL
Helix Windows Application
Windows NT Image Helper
Windows NT BASE API Client DLL
User CSA Library
Microsoft MIDI Mapper
Microsoft ACM Audio Filter
Microsoft Sound Mapper
ASN.1 Runtime APIs
Windows NT CRT DLL
Net Win32 API DLL
NT Layer DLL
Microsoft OLE for Windows
OLE 2.0 User Interface Support
Remote Access AutoDial Helper
Rich Text Edit Control, v3.0
Remote Procedure Call Runtime
Security Support Provider
Windows Setup API
Windows Shell Common Dll
Shell Light-weight Utility Library

OLE32 Extensions for Win32

Windows XP USER API Client DLL
Microsoft UxTheme Library
Version Checking/File Installation
WDM Audio driver mapper
Windows Spooler Driver
Microsoft Trust Verification
Windows Socket 2.0 32-Bit DLL
Windows Socket 2.0 Helper for NT
Windows Socket 32-Bit DLL

The Linux Side

One of the greatest benefits of Helix3 is the bootable environment. Helix3 will boot on all x86
architectures which make up a majority of the computers in the world. It is for this reason that
Helix3 for the immediate future will remain on a CDROM. Almost every computer in the world has
a CDROM, but many do not have DVDs, etc. While derivatives like Helix3 USB will be forthcoming,
it is most stable on the CD platform.
Helix, like Ubuntu, will boot into a self contained Linux environment. This environment has been
tweaked for forensic purpose.

Getting Helix
Helix3 is available as a downloadable ISO image from http://www.e-fense.com. Helix3 is
available as a part of a subscription service from e-fense. The subscription service allows you to
download and use Helix3 as well as provides you support. You will also have access to industry
expert white-papers and monthly forensic information.

Checking the Download

After it is downloaded, but before it is burned to a CD, you should check that the file has been
downloaded properly. On the download page is an MD5 signature of the file. For the Helix3
2009R1 release, the MD5 value is 3ac2ca7d8d1dcc494ef5124c1cf37f7c. You should use a
Windows or DOS based MD5 generator to make sure the file you downloaded has the same
signature. If even a single bit is dierent, a dierent MD5 value will be generated. If the values
are the same, great, you can now burn the .ISO to a CD. If the values are dierent, you should try
downloading the file again. Some users have reported having to download the file several times
before the MD5 values matched.
A handy little MD5 tools for Windows is WinMD5free from http://www.winmd5.com/download/
winmd5free.zip. Its free, and doesnt have to be installed. Simply unzip and execute the
WinMD5.exe file.
In the MD5 windows, use the "Browse" button
to navigate to where the downloaded file is
Click on the Verify button to generate the
MD5 signature for the file. Because of the size
of the file, it may take a moment for the value
to display.
This value should match the MD5 value from the website. If the values are the same, you are now
ready to burn the CD.

Burning to a CD with Nero

The Helix3 .ISO file is a copy of the Helix3 CD. You should not just copy this file to a CD, you have
to burn a CD from the image contained inside the .ISO file. To do this, you would normally select
an option from your CD burner software called something like Burn Image or Create CD from
With Nero Burning ROM, select the Recorder from the menu, and then select Burn Image.

Select the .ISO image that you downloaded, and click Open.

At this point, just click Burn and Nero will create the Helix3 CD from the .ISO image. Once the
CD is ejected at the end of the burn process, you will have a bootable Helix3 CD.

For more information on Nero, visit http://ww.nero.com/.

Burning to a CD with Roxio EasyCD Creator

The Roxio EasyCD Creator can create a CD from an ISO file. The installation process automatically
associates .ISO files to the EasyCD Creator. For more information, visit: http://www.roxio.com.
From Windows Explorer, right click on the Helix3 .ISO file that you downloaded, and click Open.
In the CD Creation Setup dialog box, select Disk at Once from the Write Method section for the
best results. Click OK to write the image to the CD.

Checking the CD
Once the CD is burned, it can be checked
again. By place in the CD in a bootable
CDROM, once the Helix3 boot menu appears,
you can use the "Check CD for Defects"
option to make sure the CD was created
Depending on the speed of the CD, they can
take some time to complete.
During the boot process, Helix3 will check
every file to verify its MD5 value. When it is

done checking, it will display the message Everything looks OK, and then give you the
opportunity to reboot the system and select another option.

Forensic Topics (Windows Side)

Write Protecting Media
To ensure that digital evidence media is not modified, before it is placed into a system for
duplication, it should be set to "Read Only", Locked or "Write Protect", to prevent accidental
modification. By default, Windows set all devices as read/write, so they can be easily modified.
The bootable Linux side of Helix3 mounts all media as read-only.
Some media has built-in hardware write protect options, which should be used. If the media
doesn't have a write protect options, other means should be used
(hardware write protect blockers are preferred over software).
5.25 Floppy Disk: 5.25 floppy disks have a small notch. If that
notch is open, the disk can be modified. To write-protect the
floppy, cover the notch with opaque tape, such as electrical tape,
since some drives use mechanical or optical detection of the
notch. Image taken from Computer Hope (2006b).
3.25 Floppy Disk: 3.25 floppy disks have a small window with a
slider in it. If the slider blocks the hole, the disk can be modified.
Moving the slide so that the hole is exposed will write-protect the
disk. Some manufacturers will physically remove the slider from
software distributions to prevent them from being accidentally
overwritten. Image taken from Computer Hope (2006a).
Zip Drives: The Iomega Zip drives have software write-protect
option, but the Zip software must be loaded, and it
probably modifies the content of the drive. However, the
latest 750MB USB drives can not write to 100MB disks,
so they are write-protected when used in the 750MB
drives. If using a USB Zip drives, it is recommended to
use a hardware wr ite-blocker such as Digital
Intelligences UltraBlock Forensic USB Bridge.

MMC/SD (Multimedia Card / Secure Digital): Some MMC/SD cards have a write
protect switch on the side. They are write-enabled by default. Image taken from
The Living Room (2006).
Sony Memory Stick: The Sony memory stick has a lock
switch on the bottom. It is write-enabled by default. Image taken from
MemoryStick.com (2006)

Flash Memory Cards: It is recommended to use a hardware

write-blocker such as Digital Intelligences Forensic Card
Reader which can read the following multimedia card formats:
Compact Flash Card (CFC), MicroDrive (MD), Memory Stick Card
(MSC), Memory Stick Pro (MS Pro), Smart Media Card (SMC), xD
Card (xD), Secure Digital Card (SDC), and MultiMedia Card
USB Thumb Drive: Some USB thumb drives have a write-protect
switch built into them. Sometimes they are recessed and dicult to
change. Many USB thumb drives do not have a write-protect
switch. Image taken from NuLime.com (2006).
USB Devices: It is recommended to use a hardware write-blocker
such as Digital Intelligences UltraBlock Forensic USB Bridge.
IDE / SATA / SCSI: It is recommended to use a hardware writeblocker such as Digital Intelligences Ultrablock.
Other devices: If the device doesn't have a built-in write protect
switch, then the device should be protected via hardware
(preferred) or software. The bootable side of the Helix3 CD mounts
all drives as write-protected by default.

Hardware Write Protection

There are numerous hardware write-blockers available from many sources. These are designed
and tested to allow you to mount and access the media without modifying it. There are writeblockers for three primary devices: Hard Drives, Flash Drives, and USB devices. While the three
devices illustrated are from Digital Intelligence (http://www.digitalintelligence.com/), there are
several companies producing similar devices. The software for these devices are updated
regularly, users should make sure they are using the most recent version.
Hard Drives: Ultrablock
The UltraBlock-IDE is a FireWire/USB to Parallel IDE Bridge Board with Forensic Write Protection.
The UltraBlock-IDE can be connected to your laptop or desktop using the FireWire-A (400 Mb/s),
the new FireWire-B (800 Mb/s), or the USB 1.X/2.0 interface. The UltraBlock-IDE is provided with
write protection enabled by default. By connecting a suspect drive to the UltraBlock-IDE, you can
be certain that no writes, modifications, or alterations can occur to the attached drive (Digital
Intelligence, 2006b). There are also versions of the Ultrablock available for SCSI and SATA.
Flash Drives: Forensic Card Reader
The UltraBlock Forensic Card Readers are available as a set: One Read-Only and One Read-Write.
The Read-Only unit should be used for forensic acquisition of information found on multimedia
and memory cards. The Read-Write unit is included to provide the ability to write to memory cards
for testing or validation. The Forensic Card Readers can be connected directly to a USB 2.0 (or
USB 1.x) port on your workstation or laptop (Digital Intelligence, 2006a).
USB Devices: Forensic USB Bridge
The UltraBlock USB Write Blocker supports USB2.0 High-Speed (480 Mbit/s), USB 1.1 FullSpeed (12 Mbit/s) and Low-Speed (1.2 Mbit/s) devices conforming to the USB Mass Storage
"Bulk-only" class specification. The UltraBlock USB Write Blocker works with USB thumb drives,
external USB disk drives, even USB-based cameras with card-reader capability. (Digital
Intelligence, 2006c)

Software Write Protection

While not completely tested from a forensic standpoint, Windows XP, service pack 2, Microsoft has
created a way to write-protect USB devices (Hurlbut, 2005). This methods requires making
changes to the registry, however, there are utilities available to allow these changes to be done
automatically. For more information on this, see How to disable the use of USB storage devices
at http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;823732

Validating Write Protection Hardware / Software

This process is based on the National Center for Forensic Science (NCFS) 5 step validation process
for testing write protection devices (Erickson, 2004). It was originally designed to test the
Windows XP SP2 USB software write blocker, but has been adapted to test any hardware and/or
software write blockers.
Step #1 Prepare the media
Attach the storage media you will be testing with to your forensic workstation
in write-enabled mode.
Wipe the media - validate that this has been sucsessful.
Format the media with a file format of your choosing.
Copy an amount of data to the media.
Delete a selection of this data from the media.
On the desktop of your forensic workstation create 3 folders. Call these Step-1,
Step-2 and Step-5.
Image the media into the Step-1 folder and note the MD5 hash.
Step #2 Testing the media
Remove and then replace the testing media into your forensic workstation.
Copy some data to the media.
Deleted a selection of this data from the media.
Image the media into the Step-2 folder and note the MD5 hash.
Validate that this hash value is ''dierent'' to that produced in Step #1.
Step #3 Activate the write blocking device
Remove the media from your forensic workstation.
Attach and/or activate the write protection device.
Follow any specific activation procedures for the specific blocker.

Step #4 Test the write blocking device

Insert the media into your forensic workstation.
Attempt to copy files onto the media.
Attempt to delete files from the media.
Attempt to format the media.
Step #5 Check for any changes to the media
Image the media into the Step-3 folder and note the MD5 hash.
Validate that this MD5 hash is the ''same'' as the MD5 hash from Step #2.

Helix3 Main Screen (Windows Side)

Helix3 operates in two modes, a Windows side, and a bootable Linux environment. The windows
side can be used to perform a preliminary evaluation to see if there is any that warrants further
investigation of the system. It can also be used to capture a system that can not be turned o or
taken oine for the extended periods of time it take to perform a forensic duplication.
Note: When performing a live preview of a system, many of the actions taken can and will modify
information on the suspect machine. This method should only be used when the system can not
be taken oine.
Helix3 expects to be run as administrator. It will run as other users, but you may not have full
access to all the tools. If run as non-administrator, the following warning will appear:

Running the Windows GUI Interface

If the CD autorun features is enabled (which is the Windows default), a Helix3 warning window
should appear. If autorun is disabled, you can run Helix3 by double clicking on the helix.exe file
on the CD.
The user can select the default language that Helix3 will use via the drop-down box. English is
the default, but French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Swedish are also

To use Helix3, you should first read the warning. As it has been pointed out several times in the
manual, using Helix3 in a live environment will make changes to the system that is one of the
inherent risks in a live-response situation. But remember, just
inserting this CD has modified the system even just leaving the
system turned on is modifying the system. So what do you do? It
boils down to this will you lose more evidence by using this tool or
by turning o the system? You need to make your decision, and when
ready, press the I Agree button to continue. Once the user accepts
the agreement, the main screen will appear.

Users can select any of these options by clicking on the associated icons.
This Main screen doesnt behave as a standard window it doesnt show up in the taskbar, and
you can not switch to it via the <ALT><TAB> key sequence. Helix3 does place an icon in the
system tray which can be used to access the program. To bring the Helix3 main screen to the
front, you can double-click on the icon, or right-click, and select Restore. Other options on the
right-click menu include Minimize and Exit.
The main screen provides examiners with six main options to examine the system under
investigation. These options are described below.

Preview System Information

This choice will provide you with the basic information of the system. It includes Operating
system version, network information, owner information, and a summary of the drives on the
system. In addition, there is a second page that will show a list of running processes.

Acquire a live image of a Windows System using dd

This option will allow the investigator to make copies of hard drives, floppy disks, or memory, and
store them on local removable media, or over a network.

Incident Response tools for Windows Systems

This option provides access to 20 tools, all of which can be run directly from the CDROM. Once
you click the icon, a small triangle will appear, next to the icon. Clicking on this small triangle
will provide access to the other pages of tools.

Browse contents of the CD-ROM and Host OS

This is a simple file browser that will provide the investigator with information about the selected
file. It will display the filename, created, accessed and modified dates, Attributes, CRC, MD5 and
the file size. Due to the nature of the windows operating system, the first time you select a file; it
will display the access date of the last access. If you select the same file again, it will display the
date and time of the previous access. This is a feature of the windows operating system, and can
not be prevented. This is one of the problems with examining a live system the investigators
actions may modify the system.

Scan for Pictures from a live system

This tool will allow the investigator to quickly scan the system to see if there are any suspect
graphic images on the suspect system. Many dierent graphic formats are recognized, and
displayed as thumbnails.

Investigative Notes
This tool will allow the investigator to quickly add some comments to the transation log being
created when the Helix GUI is running. The notes are added to the transation log, and then saved
in the PDF file when the user exit's the Helix3 GUI.

Menu Bar
In addition to the icons, all the features are directly accessible via the Helix3 menu bar.

File Allows the user create an Investigative Note or to exit the Helix3 application
Quick Launch Allows the user to jump to a number of commonly used tools, such as:
Command Shell, FTK Imager, System Information Viewer, Drive Manager,
Win Audit, Zero View, and Pre-Search
Page Allows the user to jump directly to any of the utility screens
Help Displays information about the program, and the license agreement
Note: Since these tools run directly o the CDROM, and most CDROM spin down when not in use,
when you click on an icon, it may take a moment for the CDROM to spin up before there is a
response from the application.
Note: All the tools run at the same level as the current logged in user. Normal users may have
many restrictions on them that prevent some of these tools from running. Accessing the system
using the Administrator account will provide the most access.

Preview System Information

This screen displays some general information about the system being investigated. Some points
of interest:
Admin: tells us if the current user is the administrator (good security practice to
change the name of the administrator account)
Admin Rights tell us if the current user has administrator privileges.
NIC: is the MAC access of the network card. If this value is 000000000000 it
indicates that the network card is in promiscuous mode, and could be capturing all the
network trac on the system.
IP: is the current IP address this could change if the system is set up for DHCP.
Drive names listed with no additional information (such as A:\ and G:\ in the example
above) typically indicate removable drives with no media inserted.

Clicking on the small triangle next to the Preview Icon will display the second page of
information, which lists the running processes. Clicking the triangle will flip between the two
pages of information.

In addition to displaying all the running processes in memory, double-clicking on any process will
provide the user the option to terminate the selected application.
Care should be taken, and the investigator should be sure they are terminating the proper
process. Terminating the wrong process could result in system damage and loss of forensic

FAQ: Why dont we just use the built in task manager to display this information? If they system
has been hijacked by a rootkit, or some other malicious program, it is possible that the Windows
Task Manager has been modified to not display the malicious code. Since Helix3 is running from
the CD, it can not be modified, and should be able to display all the programs currently running
on the system.

Acquire a live image of a Windows System using dd

There are two tools provided to acquire images of physical memory or disk drives. On the first
page, there is a graphical front-end to the command line version of dd, a common disk
duplication utility. On the second page, the investigator has access to the FTK Imager from
AccessData. The dd utility can capture physical memory and drives, while FTK Imager can only
acquire drives. In addition, dd can image over a network, while FTK imager can only image to
local devices. Clicking on the small triangle next to the Acquisition Icon will display the FTK
Imager. Clicking on the triangle will flip the between the two image acquisition tools.

Using dd
The source field includes a drop-down box for the investigator to select any drive in the system.
The destination can be a local removable drive, network drive or a netcat listener. The image
name is the user chosen name, and the standard extension is .dd.
The Options include:
Attached/Shared: check this option to save the image to a local drive, or a network
NetCat: check this option to transfer the image to a netcat server located on the
network. With this option you will need to specify the IP address and port number of
the netcat server.
Split Image: Allows you to split the image into multiple files if the image will exceed the
capacity of the storage medium. For example, if you are imaging a 10 gig hard drive,
you can split the image so that the resulting files can fit on a CDROM, DVD, or FAT 32 file
system, which has a 4 gig file size limitation.
Once you enter all the parameters, and press the Acquire button, a pop-up windows will display
the command you are about to run:

Once you review the command and click the "Yes" button, the command will execute.
Once the command is finished, there will be 3 files in the destination directory:
filename.dd the image of the floppy disk
filename.dd.md5 a file containing the MD5 of the image file.
Audit.log a file containing the command and the output of the program.

FTK Imager
FTK Imager is a data preview and imaging tool that lets you quickly assess electronic evidence to
determine if further analysis with AccessData Forensic Toolkit (FTK) is warranted. FTK Imager
can also create perfect copies (forensic images) of computer data without making changes to the
original evidence. (Access Data, 2005)
According to the FTK Image Help File (Access Data, 2005), you can:

Preview files and folders on local hard drives, floppy diskettes, Zip disks, CDs, and DVDs.
Create forensic images of local hard drives, floppy diskettes, Zip disks, CDs, and DVDs.
Preview the contents of forensic images stored on the local machine or on a network.
Export files and folders.
Generate hash reports for regular files and disk images (including files in disk images).

To access the FTK Imager, select the second page of the Image Acquisition page. This page will
display the release notes for the current version of the tool. Click on the Imager to launch the
actual application.

Note: FTK Imager can also be launched via the Quick Launch menu on the main screen.
The FTK imager is a powerful and flexible tool. It can be used to examine media and images, and
extracted deleted files. It has extensive information available via the Help menu or the question
mark icon on the toolbar.
To see how to create an image of the floppy disk using FTK imager, see Lab 1b - Create an Image of
a suspect Floppy Disk (Windows, FTK Imager).

Live RAM Acquisition Utilities

On the third acquisition page are three utilities that can be used to capture system RAM.

Guidance Software Winen

RAM Acquisition Tool Provided by Guidance. Winen.exe is suppose to work on all variations of
Windows higher then 2000. The Winen Executable can run as a command line tool, user prompt
or from a configuration file. You do need Local Administrator Privilege.

Quick Tip: Winen Footprint

Winen.exe will use approximately 2.8 Mb of RAM which might also be found in the PageFile.
The following keys will be created or altered:
Changes regarding adding a USB would also apply (e.g. USBStor in the Registry

Mantech MDD
ManTech Memory DD captures a record of physical, or random access memory which is lost when
the computer is shutdown. Released at no charge under the GPL license for government and
private use, ManTech's Memory DD (MDD) is capable of acquiring memory images from the
following Microsoft products: Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003, Windows XP, Windows
Vista, and Windows Server 2008.
ManTech's Memory DD 1.0 acquires a forensic image of physical memory and stores it as a raw
binary file. To help verify data integrity and aid in the preservation of the evidence, the
information captured by ManTech Memory DD is checked by the Message-Digest algorithm 5
(MD5), the common Internet standard used in security applications. The binary file can then be
analyzed using external tools to identify items of interest to the examiner.
Matthieu Suiche win32dd
Win32dd is a free kernel land and 100% open-source tool to acquire physical memory
Because of user-land restriction access to \Device\PhysicalMemory since Windows 2003 SP1, a
kernel-land access is needed to dump the physical memory. With win32dd you can do it for free!
Moreover, the full source-code is provided.

Incident Response tools for Windows Systems

This panel provides the investigator with a number of tools to respond to incidents. There are
three pages in this panel, the other pages can be accessed by clicking on the small triangles next
to the Incident Response icon in the left tool bar.
The tools include:
Windows Forensics Toolchest (WFT)
First Responder Utility (FRU)
Incident Response Collection Report (IRCR2)
Agile Risk Management's Nigilant32
Start a NetCat Listener

The 2nd page of Utilities

Md5 Generator
Command Shell a forensically sound
command shell
File Recovery recover deleted files
VNC Server
Rootkit Revealer detect the
presence of rootkits on the system
Putty SSH
Screen Capture
Win Audit
PC On/O Time

The 3rd page of Utilities

PST Password Viewer

Mail Password Viewer

Messenger Password
Network Password Viewer
Protected Storage Viewer
Asterisk Logger
IE History Viewer
Mozilla Cookie Viewer
IE Cookie Viewer
Registry Viewer
IE Password Viewer
USB Deview

Windows Forensic Toolchest (WFT)

The Windows Forensic Toolchest (WFT) was written by Monty McDougal. It is available from
The Windows Forensic Toolchest (WFT) was written to provide an automated incident response
[or even an audit] on a Windows system and collect security-relevant information from the
system. It is essentially a forensically enhanced batch processing shell capable of running other
security tools and producing HTML based reports in a forensically sound manner. A
knowledgeable security person can use it to help look for signs of an incident (when used in
conjunction with the appropriate tools). WFT is designed to produce output that is useful to the
user, but is also appropriate for use in court proceedings. It provides extensive logging of all its
actions along with computing the MD5 checksums along the way to ensure that its output is
verifiable. The primary benefit of using WFT to perform incident responses is that it provides a
simplified way of scripting such responses using a sound methodology for data
collection. (McDougal, 2005)
When the WFT program is started, it will prompt for an
output folder. The investigator should point to a
folder on removable media (floppy, zip, USB device),
or a shared folder on the network to prevent the tool
from modifying the suspect drive.
Once the folder is selected, the program will prompt
the user if they want to run some detailed collection
utilities. These can take an hour or more to run,
depending on the speed of the system, the amount of
RAM, and many other factors.
Next the program will ask if the user wants to run some
programs that can write information to the suspects
system. These tools can compromise the integrity of the
system, so this option should be used with care.

You will then be prompted for a Case Name and the

Investigator's Name this information will be saved to the
Helix Log file.
Finally, the program will display the
command and ask for conformation.
Once the user clicks Yes,
a command tool will open, and WFT will start in interactive
mode, and prompt you for additional information.

It will ask the following questions (Most of which can be answered by pressing Enter for the
Path for the configuration File
OS Path?
Command Shell
Destination Path
What Drives
Investigator Names
Case Name
Which Hash?

Slow Tools
Tools that write?
HTML Reporting
Enable Prompting?
Automatically Open Report
Is that OK?
Once the questions are answered and confirmed, the collection process will start. Depending on
the options selected, this collection process can take anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours.
Once the collection is finished, the user will be returned to the Helix3 program. If the user
examines the destination folder, there is a now a file index.html. This file can be examined with
a browser of your choice. To prevent additional contamination of the suspect system, it should be
viewed on another system.
A sample output is shown below.

The output can be navigated use the highlight hyperlinks. WFT produces an impressive collection
of information from the system. In addition, the LOG tab shows the commands that were
executed, and the CONFIG tab shows the WFT configuration file.

From the website: Windows Forensic Toolchest (WFT) was designed to be useful both for a security
administrator and as a tool to be used in a court of law. One of the biggest issues involved in a
court case is ensuring that you have an adequate record of all the actions that you have taken. It
is also necessary to have the appropriate safeguards in place to ensure that the data being
presented has not been altered.
WFT seeks to meet both of these requirements. One of the most important features of WFT is the

fact that it logs every action it takes as part of running commands.

An investigator using Windows Forensic Toolchest (WFT) would need some level of knowledge to
interpret the data produced by running it. If the configuration file is used properly, then WFT is
self documenting to some degree as each HTML report produced will have the Description of the
tool as part of its output. Ultimately, the investigator needs to have a working knowledge of the
tools that are being invoked via WFT to be able to interpret its output. WFT's primary benefit to
the investigator is its ability to provide a scripted, automated response while promoting forensic
integrity and detailed logging.

Windows Forensic Toolchest (WFT) provides output in two data formats. Each of these serves a
specific purpose as described below.
The first and more useful format is HTML output. Opening the index.htm file produced by WFT
provides an easy to read and easy to navigate interface to the output of the various tools invoked
via WFT. Each of the reports produced under WFT includes the MD5 checksum for the binary being
run, the exact command line issued to generate the output, a description of the tool, and the
output produced by the tool along with the MD5 checksum associated with the output. The HTML
reports are designed to be self-documenting via the text provided in the configuration file.
The second type of output produced by WFT is the raw text output from the tools. This format
allows the viewer to see the output of the individual command exactly as it was produced. It is
generally a bad idea to, in any way, manipulate data being used as evidence in a court of law. WFT
seeks to preserve the original data while providing a user-friendlier HTML version for viewing.
The MD5 checksums produced for each of the output files during collection provides a safeguard
to ensure the output can be verified at a later date.

First Responder Utility (FRU)

Written by Harlan Carvey. Available from http://www.windows-ir.com/tools.html
From http://windowsir.blogspot.com/2006/02/forensic-server-project.html - The FSP is a
client/server architecture for eective, sound incident response procedures. The FSP, along with
the client application (the First Responder Utility), provides a framework for quick, ecient, and
eective data collection during incident response activities. The FRU can be run from a CD or
thumb drive, and communicates via TCP with the FSP server component in order to get data o of
a system.
To prevent the suspect system from being modified, this tool sends the output to a Forensic
Server Project (FSP) system that is connected via a network connection.
The FSP server is
available on the Helix3 CD in the \IR\FSP directory in the fspc_1_0c.zip file.
Once FSP has been copied to the investigators system, it can be started in one of two ways, by
command line or GUI. To start the GUI, issued the command:

Will start the FSP server.

It will display a
configuration menu (Carvey, 2005).
For the command line, there are numerous options
(from the FSPC-readme file):

FSPC [-d case dir] [-n case name] [-p port] [-i investigator]
[-l logfile] [-c] [-v] [-h]
Forensic Server Project (CLI) v.1.0c, server component of the
Forensics Server Project
-d case dir....Case directory (default: cases)
-n case name...Name of the current case
-i invest......Investigator's name
-p port........Port to listen on (default: 7070)
-v.............Verbose output (more info, good for monitoring
-c.............Close FSP after CLOSELOG command sent (best to

use when collecting data from only one system)

-h.............Help (print this information)
Ex: C:\>fspc -d cases -n testcase -i "H. Carvey"
C:\>fspc -n newcase -p 80

For more information on the FSP, see Carvey, H. A. (2005). Windows forensics and incident
recovery. Boston: Addison-Wesley. Chapter 8 of the book, which deals with the FSP, is available
as a sample chapter from: http://www.informit.com/content/images/0321200985/
On the suspect system, when the FRU program is started, it will prompt the user for the address of
the listener system.

Next, it will ask for the port of the listener. It is important that this post number matches the
port number on the FSP server.

It will then ask for the location of the fruc.ini file. The user should select the default file, unless
they have created their own fruc.ini file. The frun.ini contains a list of command lines to be
executed, along with the filenames in which to store the data.

Finally, it will show the command and ask for confirmation.

Once the user clicks Yes, the command will executed in a command shell window.
information on the suspects system will now be transferred to the Forensics Server Project

Incident Response Collection Report (IRCR2)

Written by John McLeod. Available from http://ircr.tripod.com/
The Incident Response Collection Report is a script to call a collection of tools that gathers and/
or analyzes data on a Microsoft Windows system. You can think of this as a snapshot of the system
in the past. Most of the tools are oriented towards data collection rather than analysis. The idea
of IRCR is that anyone could run the tool and send the output to a skilled computer security
professional for further analysis. (McLeod, 2005)
To prevent the suspect system from being modified, this tool sends the output to a listener system
that is connected via a network connection. On the listener system, you need to run netcat. For
this example, we have executed the command on a machine with the IP address of
nc -l -p 8888 > IRCR2OutputReport.txt
On the suspect system, when the IRCR2 program is started, it will prompt the user for the address
of the listener system.

Next, it will ask for the port of the listener.

Finally, it will show the command and ask for confirmation.

Depending on the speed of the system and the speed of the network, this program can take a
while to run. It is not unusual for the program to generate several errors. Once the program is
finished, the output file will contain a detailed report of the suspect system.
Sample Output File
Incident Response Collection Report
Computer Name: tal_mc
OS: Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------START -- Time: 21:30:47.45 Date: Mon 10/10/2008
Command: AT
AT Schedule List
There are no entries in the list.
Command: doskey /history
MS-DOS history list
Command: ipconfig /all
Displays configuration information
Windows IP Configuration
Host Name . . . . .
Primary Dns Suffix
Node Type . . . . .
IP Routing Enabled.
WINS Proxy Enabled.










Ethernet adapter VMware Network Adapter VMnet8:

Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :
Description . . . . . . . . . . . : VMware Virtual Ethernet Adapter for VMnet8
Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : 00-50-56-C0-00-08
Dhcp Enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : No
IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . :
Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :
Command: MEM.exe /d
Displays memory usage


Size Type

Agile Risk Management's Nigilant32

Written by Agile Risk Management. Available from http://www.agilerm.net/publications_4.html
From the website: Nigilant32 is an incident response tool designed to capture as much
information as possible from a running system with the smallest potential impact. Nigilant32 has
been developed with Windows 2000, XP, and 2003 in mind, and should work fine with computers
running one of those operating systems. Nigilant32 is beta software and may not work in all
From the website:
Nigilant32 For First Responders: The SnapShot,Using Nigilant32 we can review and save a report
of the running system that includes Processes, Services, User accounts, Scheduled Tasks, Network
Ports, etc.
Nigilant32 For First Responders: Filesystem Review, Using Nigilant32 we can explore the file
system and possibly locate hidden files or folders, recently deleted content, or extract files for
oine analysis with limited risk of contamination.
Nigilant32 For First Responders: Active Memory Imaging,Using Nigilant32 we can image the
active physical memory (RAM) of the suspect workstation or server to secure portable media.
In Helix3, click on the Agile Risk Management
Nigilant32 icon to start it.
You will receive a
confirmation prompt. Click Yes, and you will be at the
main screen of the Nigilant32 program.

Select File / Preview and then select the disk you would like to examine:

You can then navigate the file structure and pull up details about the files.

The tools menu provides you with the options to:

Snapshot Computer
Image Physical Memory
Backup Events Logs
Extract File

For more information on Nigilant32, see the following reports:


Start a Netcat Listener

Written by George M. Garner Jr. Available from http://gmgsystemsinc.com/fau/
Netcat is a computer networking utility for writing to and reading from a network connection. IN
forensics, this is typically used to transfer data from a suspect's machine to an investigator's
systems for later analysis. It has a very small footprint, is easy to use, and is often incorporated
into some forensic utilities.
In this case, this button will run a Netcat Server (listener). It should be used only on the
investigator's machine, and once started, it will wait for information from a remote machine (the
suspect's machine). You must choose the port you want to use as well as a destination folder/
When you click on the netcat icon, you will be prompted for the port number to listen on.

You will then b asked for the filename to save the incoming data into.

You will then be allowed to browse to the folder where to save the image.

You will be asked if you want to split the file into smaller chucks go if you want to be able to
burn the file to a CD, DVD, or store it on a FAT32 file system. If you choose "yes", you will be
prompted to enter the segment size in MB: 650 for CD, 4600 for DVD, and 2000 for FAT 32.

Finally, you are prompted to run the command.

When you confirm the command, a command shell will open, and netcat will start to listen. If the
system is running a firewall, you may be prompted to allowed netcat to access the port. Select
"unblock" or "allow" depending on the firewall you are using.

The netcat listen will now wait for incoming data on the specified port, and will save it to the file

Md5 Generator
On page 2 of the Incident Response tools, you will see an input box that will allow you to
generate the MD5 signature of any file.

Start by pressing the button . This will bring up a file manager that you can use to select a file.
Select a file, and once it has been listed in the FILE: textbox, the user can click on the HASH
button to generate the MD5 of the file.

Command Shell
This is a forensically sound command shell, which means it runs only trusted, non-compromised,
binaries that are included on the CD.

The Helix3 GUI will autodetect and run the appropriate command shell for the OS that is in use.
All the standard commands are available, as well as access to the command line versions of many
of the forensics tools included on the CD. The path command will show all the directories that are
searched to find the command.
14:36:53.10 H:\IR> path
14:36:58.82 H:\IR>

Since several directories can contain commands with the same name, if the user wants a specific
command, they should specify the entire path to the specific command.

File Recovery
This button launches PC Inspector File Recovery from http://www.pcinspector.de/file_recovery/
UK/welcome.htm. This freeware utility can be used to detect and recover deleted files. It
supports file recovery from FAT 12/16/32 and NTFS file systems. [Developers note: version 4.0 is
now available].
According to the website, it can find partitions automatically, even if the boot sector or FAT has
been erased or damaged; Recovers files with the original time and date stamp; Supports the
saving of recovered files on network drives; Recovers files, even when a header entry is no longer
available. Competition products cannot recover such files. The "Special Recovery Function"
supports the following disk formats: ARJ AVI BMP CDR DOC DXF DBF XLS EXE GIF HLP HTML HTM
If the hard disk is no longer recognized by the BIOS, or is having mechanical problems (such as
grinding sounds), this program will not be able to help.
To use the program, click on the file recovery icon, and answer yes to
the confirmation dialogue. The main program will start, and open up a
file recovery wizard. The program allows the investigator to select the
language of their choice.

The main window will appear, giving

several options.

Clicking on any of the options will scan the system and present a list of recognized drives.

Select the drive to examine. To continue, select the green checkmark icon. Each option will
provide dierent methods on how to recover data.
In the recovered deleted files options, the program will display a windows explorer-like interface.

In this screen, in the deleted folders, we see that we can recover the _ULA.PDF file. To recover
the file, right click on the filename and select Save To

There are also other options, such displaying the properties, renaming the file, and viewing it
either as a hex dump or as a text file.

VNC Server
From the website: VNC stands for Virtual Network Computing. It is remote control software which
allows you to view and interact with one computer (the "server") using a simple program (the
"viewer") on another computer anywhere on the Internet. The two computers don't even have to
be the same type, so for example you can use VNC to view an oce Linux machine on your
Windows PC at home.
To use VNC, click on the icon next to VNC server.
This option allows VNC to modify
the registry so it can use the
PuTTY SSH to provided encrypted
After you make your decision, it
will provide a confirmation prompt:
Click YES to continue. WinVNC will open a properties box. For the
most part, you can leave it as it is, with one exception. You must
enter a password in the password dialog box. VNC server will not
accept incoming connections without a password.

To access this system from another location, you can use a VNC viewer, or a web browser. To use a
web browser (from the Real VNC website): The VNC servers also contain a small web server. If you
connect to this with a web browser, you can download the Java version of the viewer, and use this
to view the server. You can then see your desktop from any Java-capable browser, unless you are
using a proxy to connect to the web. The server listens for HTTP connections on port 5800+display
number. So to view display 2 on machine 'snoopy', you would point your web browser at:

The applet will prompt you for your password, and
should then display the desktop.
From the viewer, you should now have full control of
the system that the server is running on.
This is useful if the system you are examining and the
system you are using to collect the date are too far
apart to work on them at the same time.

Rootkit Revealer
This is a freeware tool from SysInternals (http://www.sysinternals.com/Utilities/
RootkitRevealer.html). According to the website, It runs on Windows NT 4 and higher and its
output lists Registry and file system API discrepancies that may indicate the presence of a usermode or kernel-mode rootkit. RootkitRevealer successfully detects all persistent rootkits
published at www.rootkit.com, including AFX, Vanquish and HackerDefender.
What is a rootkit? It is a series of malware applications that replace the standard windows
utilities with Trojan horse programs, in an attempt to take over your system. These rootkits
modify the operating system so that it can successfully hide and avoid traditional means of
detection. For example, it may modify the Windows Explorer and DIR commands so the user will
not be able to see the directory the rootkit is installed in. In addition, the rootkits open up
backdoors to the system to allow the remote control of the system for sending out spam,
launching denial-of-service attacks, or for pirating software.
For more information on rootkits, see www.rootkit.com and
Microsofts page on rootkit research research.microsoft.com/
To run the application, click on the rootkit revealer icon. At
the confirmation window, click Yes to run the program. A
Sysinternals License Agreement form will appear select "Agree" to continue.
scanning windows will appear.

The main

As with many other tools, this program will only run at the level of the currently logged in user.
It would be best to run this as the system administrator for the most accurate results. Below is an
example of the program detecting the HackerDefender rootkit (from the Sysinternals website).

When the scan is completed, the output can be saved to a file using the File / Save as option. To
interpret the output, the following information is taken from the sysinternals website.

Hidden from Windows API.

These discrepancies are the ones exhibited by most rootkits, however, if you haven't
checked the Hide NTFS metadata files you should expect to see a number of such entries on
any NTFS volume since NTFS hides its metada files, such as $MFT and $Secure, from the
Windows API. The metadata files present on NTFS volumes varies by version of NTFS and the
NTFS features that have been enabled on the volume. There are also antivirus products,
such as Kaspersky Antivirus, that use rootkit techniques to hide data they store in NTFS
alternate data streams. If you are running such a virus scanner you'll see a Hidden from
Windows API discrepancy for an alternate data stream on every NTFS file. RootkitRevealer
does not support output filters because rootkits can take advantage of any filtering.
Finally, if a file is deleted during a scan you may also see this discrepancy.
This is a list of NTFS metadata files defined as of Windows Server 2003:


















Access is Denied.
RootkitRevealer should never report this discrepancy since it uses mechanisms that allow
it to access any file, directory, or registry key on a system.



Windows API, directory index, but not in MFT.

Windows API, but not in MFT or directory index.
Windows API, MFT, but not in directory index.
directory index, but not Windows API or MFT.

A file system scan consists of three components: the Windows API, the NTFS Master File
Table (MFT), and the NTFS on-disk directory index structures. These discrepancies
indicate that a file appears in only one or two of the scans. A common reason is that a
file is either created or deleted during the scans. This is an example of
RootkitRevealer's discrepancy report for a file created during the scanning:
3/1/2005 5:26 PM
8 bytes
Visible in Windows API, but not in MFT or directory index.

Windows API length not consistent with raw hive data.

Rootkits can attempt to hide themselves by misrepresenting the size of a Registry value
so that its contents aren't visible to the Windows API. You should examine any such
discrepancy, though it may also appear as a result of Registry values that change during
a scan.

Type mismatch between Windows API and raw hive data.

Registry values have a type, such as DWORD and REG_SZ, and this discrepancy notes that
the type of a value as reported through the Windows API differs from that of the raw hive
data. A rootkit can mask its data by storing it as a REG_BINARY value, for example, and
making the Windows API believe it to be a REG_SZ value; if it stores a 0 at the start of
the data the Windows API will not be able to access subsequent data.

Key name contains embedded nulls.

The Windows API treats key names as null-terminated strings whereas the kernel treats
them as counted strings. Thus, it is possible to create Registry keys that are visible to
the operating system, yet only partially visible to Registry tools like Regedit. The

Reghide sample code at Sysinternals demonstrates this technique, which is used by both
malware and rootkits to hide Registry data.

Data mismatch between Windows API and raw hive data.

This discrepancy will occur if a Registry value is updated while the Registry scan is in
progress. Values that change frequently include timestamps such as the Microsoft SQL
Server uptime value, shown below, and virus scanner "last scan" values. You should
investigate any reported value to ensure that its a valid application or system Registry
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\RECOVERYMANAGER\MSSQLServer\uptime_time_utc
3/1/2005 4:33 PM
8 bytes

This tool will only help find rootkits, and will not remove them. Depending on the nature of the
investigation, the detection of the rootkit needs to be documented, and the system preserved for
further investigation. If the investigator believes a rootkit has been found, and the rootkit needs
to be removed from the production system, there are typically only two ways to remove the
rootkit. The first is to search the web to find removal instructions, and the second is to reformat
the entire system and reinstall windows from a trusted source.

Written and maintained primarily by Simon Tatham.

It is available from


From the website: PuTTY is a free implementation of Telnet and SSH for Win32 and Unix platforms,
along with an xterm terminal emulator.
This tool allows the user to remotely logon to a remote system and issue commands. This can be
used to login into a remote system and run a netcat listener. The remote system must have a SSH
server up and running.
Once selected, the program will display a confirmation.

Clicking on Yes will launch the PuTTY

SSH program and display the
configuration window.
For normal operations, the user should
only have to enter the Host name or IP
address, and click Open.

Screen Capture
From the website: HoverSnap is a free handy snapshot tool with jpg, png, bmp and gif support.
HoverSnap can take snapshots of the full screen, active window or a selected area. It can even
capture layered windows (alphablended ones under 2K / XP). You can even FTP upload your
screenshots. In addition, you can set up the capture folder / filename and format, reduce the
capture size, and auto-generate filename option will add the time stamp (date/time) to your
filename in order to be able to take several captures without having to change the filename.
When you select the HoverSnap icon, it will present a confirmation
prompt. When the user clicks Yes, there will be a HoverSnap icon in
the system tray.
Clicking on this icon will display the configuration screen.

It is recommended that you change the

destination folder to your removable evidence
collection drive. In addition, checking Autogenerate filename on new capture option will
automatically create filenames that start with the
name in the filename box and automatically add a
datetime stamp to the filename. Here is a sample
auto-generated filename:
Capture12-12-2005-11.15.55 PM.png

To capture the full screen, the user presses the PrintScreen button. To capture the active window,
press ALT+PrintScreen, and to select a custom area, press CTRL+PrintScreen.
With CTRL+PrintScreen, the cursor will change to a crosshair. Move the cursor to the upper left
corner, then click and hold the left-mouse button and drag the cursor to the lower right corner.
Release the mouse button to take the picture.
Once you have finished the screen captures, you should generate the MD5 of the screen to ensure
they are not modified.

Win Audit
From the website: WinAudit is easy to use, no special knowledge is required to use the
programme. It is a self-contained single file that needs no installation or configuration. It can be
run from a floppy disk or USB stick. Simply download the programme and double click on it. User
interface translations have been kindly contributed by several people, if possible WinAudit will
automatically start in your language.
The programme reports on virtually every aspect of computer inventory and configuration.
Results are displayed in web-page format, categorised for ease of viewing and text searching.
Whether your interest is in software compliance, hardware inventory, technical support, security
or just plain curiosity, WinAudit has it all. The programme has advanced features such as service
tag detection, hard-drive failure diagnosis, network port to process mapping, network
connection speed, system availability statistics as well as Windows update and firewall settings.
WinAudit is free, you can use it in your commercial applications and distribute it freely to anyone.
The programme requires neither installation nor configuration. Its
small size and ability to create formatted emails means you can audit
just about any Windows based personal computer.
To use it, simply click on the Win Audit icon, and you will be prompted
to run the command. Click Yes, and you will see the WinAudit screen.

In the main WinAudit window, click the blue "HERE" hyperlink to start the scan of the system.
The scan should only take a few minutes.

When the scan is completed, you will be presented with ahighly detailed report on the
configuration of the system you are working on. The menu on the left side allow you to quickly
access the information you are looking for. The report can then be saved to a USB drive, emailed,
or printed.
More details are available at http://www.pxserver.com/WinAudit/contents.html

PC On/O Time
From the website: This free time tracking tool shows the times your computer has been active
during the last 3 weeks, with no previous setup required. The software doesn't need to run in the
background, because Windows OS tracks login and logo times
(working hours) by default, and the program analyses it.
To use it, simply click on the PC On/O Time icon, and you will be
prompted to run the command. Click Yes, and you will see the PC On/
O Time screen.

PST Password Viewer

From the website: PstPassword is a small utility that recover lost password of Outlook .PST
(Personal Folders) file. This utility can recover the PST passwords of Outlook 97, Outlook 2000,
Outlook XP, Outlook 2003, and Outlook 2007. You don't have to install MS-Outlook in order to use
this utility. You only need the original PST file that you locked with a password.
The password encryption in the PST file is very weak, and for each password-protected PST file,
there are many passwords that can open it. PstPassword provides 3 dierent passwords for each
password-protected PST file. It's possible that one of them will be the origianl password that you
typed, and it's also possible that none of these passwords will be identical to the original one.
However, all 3 passwords provided by PstPassword will open the PST file without problems.
When the user clicks on the icon, Helix3 presents a confirmation message.

The file command can be used to open PST files that the program doesn't find automatically.

Mail Password Viewer

From the website: Mail PassView is a small password-recovery tool that reveals the passwords and
other account details for the following email clients:
Outlook Express
Microsoft Outlook 2000 (POP3 and SMTP Accounts only)
Microsoft Outlook 2002/2003 (POP3, IMAP, HTTP and SMTP Accounts)
Netscape 6.x/7.x
Mozilla Thunderbird
Group Mail Free
Yahoo! Mail - If the password is saved in Yahoo! Messenger application.
Hotmail/MSN mail - If the password is saved in MSN Messenger application.
Gmail - If the password is saved by Gmail Notifier application.
For each email account, the following fields are displayed: Account Name, Application, Email,
Server, Server Type (POP3/IMAP/SMTP), User Name, and the Password.
When the user clicks on the icon, Helix3 presents a confirmation message.

Once the user clicks Yes, the program will automatically start and display any passwords it can

Messenger Password
From the website: MessenPass is a password recovery tool that reveals the passwords of the
following instant messenger applications:
MSN Messenger
Windows Messenger (In Windows XP)
Yahoo Messenger (Versions 5.x and 6.x)
ICQ Lite 4.x/2003
AOL Instant Messenger (only older versions, the password in newer versions of AIM cannot
be recovered)
AOL Instant Messenger/Netscape 7
MessenPass can only be used to recover the passwords for the current logged-on user on your
local computer. You cannot use it for grabbing the passwords of other users.
When the user clicks on the icon, Helix3 presents a confirmation message.

Once the user clicks Yes, the program will automatically start and display any passwords it can

From the website: When you run MessenPass, it automatically detects the Instant Messenger
applications installed on your computer, decrypts the passwords they have stored, and displays
all user name/password pairs that it found in the main window of MessenPass. If from some
reason, MessenPass fails to locate the installed Instant Messenger application, you can try to
manually select the right folder of your IM application by using 'Select Folders' option (from the
File menu).
On the main window of MessenPass, you can select one or more password items, and then copy
them to the clipboard in tab-delimited format (you can paste this format into Excel or OpenOce Spreadsheet), or save them into text/html files.

Network Password Viewer

From the website: When you connect to a network share on your LAN or to your .NET Passport
account, Windows XP allows you to save your password in order to use it in each time that you
connect the remote server. This utility recovers all network passwords stored on your system for
the current logged-on user.

Which passwords can this utility can recover?

Login passwords of remote computers on your LAN.
Passwords of mail accounts on exchange server (stored by Outlook 2003)
Password of MSN Messenger account (Only until version 7.0, for Newer versions - Use

When the user clicks on the icon, Helix3 presents a confirmation message.

Once the user clicks Yes, the program will automatically start and display any passwords it can

Protect Storage Viewer

From the website: Protected Storage PassView is a small utility that reveals the passwords stored
on your computer by Internet Explorer, Outlook Express and MSN Explorer. The passwords are
revealed by reading the information from the Protected Storage.
Starting from version 1.60, this utility reveals all AutoComplete strings stored in Internet
Explorer, not only the AutoComplete password, as in the previous versions.
This utility can show 4 types of passwords:
1. Outlook passwords: When you create a mail account in Outlook Express or a POP3 account in
Microsoft Outlook, and you choose the "Remember password" option in the account
properties, the password is saved in the Protected Storage, and this utility can instantly
reveal it.
Be aware that if delete an existing Outlook Express account, the password won't be
removed from the Protected Storage. In such a case, the utility won't be able to obtain the
user-name of the deleted account, and only the password will be shown.
Starting from version 1.50, the passwords of Outlook Express identities are also displayed.
2. AutoComplete passwords in Internet Explorer: Many Web sites provides you a logon screen
with user-name and password fields. When you log into the Web site, Internet Explorer may
ask you if you want to remember the password for the next time that you log into this Web
site. If choose to remember the password, the user-name and the password are saved in the
Protected Storage, and thus they can be revealed by Protected Storage PassView.
In some circumstances, multiple pairs of user-name and passwords are stored for the same
logon window. In such case, the additional passwords will be displayed as sub-items of the
first user-password pair. In sub-items, the resource name is displayed as 3 dots ('...')
3. Password-protected sites in Internet Explorer: Some Web sites allows you to log on by
using "basic authentication" or "challenge/response" authentication. When you enter the
Web site, Internet Explorer displays a special logon dialog-box and asks you to enter your
user-name and password. Internet Explorer also gives you the option to save the username/password pair for the next time you log-on. If you choose to save the logon data, the
user-name and the password are saved in the Protected Storage, and thus they can be
revealed by Protected Storage PassView.
In this category, you can also find the passwords of FTP servers.
4. MSN Explorer Passwords:
The MSN Explorer browser stores 2 types of passwords in the Protected Storage:

Sign-up passwords

AutoComplete passwords

By default, this utility shows all 4 types of passwords. You can select to show or hide a specific
type of password, by choosing the right password type from the View menu.
This utility can only show the passwords of the current logged-on user. it cannot reveal the
passwords of other users.
When the user clicks on the icon, Helix3 presents a confirmation message.

Once the user clicks Yes, the program will automatically start and display any passwords it can

The Protected Storage information is saved in a special location in the Registry. The base key of
the Protected Storage is located under the following key:
"HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Protected Storage System Provider"

You can browse the above key in the Registry Editor (RegEdit), but you won't be able to watch the
passwords, because they are encrypted. Also, some passwords data are hidden by the operating

Asterisk Logger
From the website: Many applications, like CuteFTP, CoeeCup Free FTP, VNC, IncrediMail, Outlook
Express, and others allows you to type a password for using it in the application. The typed
password is not displayed on the screen, and instead of the real password, you see a sequence of
asterisk ('****') characters. This utility can reveal the passwords stored behind the asterisks in
standard password text-boxes.
Asterisk Logger is a successor of AsterWin utility. It reveals the asterisk passwords in the same
way as AsterWin utility, but it has some advantages over the previous utility:

You don't have to press a button in order to reveal the asterisk passwords. Whenever a new
window containing a password box is opened, Asterisk Logger automatically reveals the
password inside the password-box, and adds a record to passwords list in the main window
of Asterisk Logger.
Asterisk Logger displays additional information about the revealed password: The date/
time that the password was revealed, the name of the application that contains the
revealed password box, and the executable file of the application.
Asterisk Logger allows you the save the passwords to an HTML file or 3 other types of files.

When the user clicks on the icon, Helix3 presents a confirmation message.

Once the user clicks Yes, the program will automatically start and display any passwords it can

IE History Viewer
From the website: Each time that you type a URL in the address bar or click on a link in Internet
Explorer browser, the URL address is automatically added to the history index file. When you type
a sequence of characters in the address bar, Internet Explorer automatically suggests you all URLs
that begins with characters sequence that you typed (unless AutoComplete feature for Web
addresses is turned o). However, Internet Explorer doesn't allow you to view and edit the entire
URL list that it stores inside the history file.
This utility reads all information from the history file on your computer, and displays the list of all
URLs that you have visited in the last few days. It also allows you to select one or more URL
addresses, and then remove them from the history file or save them into text, HTML or XML file. In
addition, you are allowed to view the visited URL list of other user profiles on your computer, and
even access the visited URL list on a remote computer, as long as you have permission to access
the history folder.
When the user clicks on the icon, Helix3 presents a confirmation message.

Once the user clicks Yes, the program will automatically display the URL history.

Mozilla Cookie Viewer

From the website: MozillaCookiesView is an alternative to the standard 'Cookie Manager'
provided by Netscape and Mozilla browsers. It displays the details of all cookies stored inside the
cookies file (cookies.txt) in one table, and allows you to save the cookies list into text, HTML or
XML file, delete unwanted cookies, and backup/restore the cookies file.
When the user clicks on the icon, Helix3 presents a confirmation message.

Once the user clicks Yes, the program will automatically display the cookies on the system.

IE Cookie Viewer
From the website: IECookiesView is a small utility that displays the details of all cookies that
Internet Explorer stores on your computer. In addition, It allows you to do the following actions:
Sort the cookies list by any column you want, by clicking the column header. A second click
sorts the column in descending order.
Find a cookie in the list by specifying the name of the Web site.
Select and delete the unwanted cookies.
Save the cookies to a readable text file.
Copy cookie information into the clipboard.
Automatically refresh the cookies list when a Web site sends you a cookie.
Display the cookies of other users and from other computers.
When the user clicks on the icon, Helix3 presents a confirmation message.

Once the user clicks Yes, the program will automatically display the cookies on the system.

Registry Viewer
From the website: RegScanner is a small utility that allows you to scan the Registry, find the
desired Registry values that match the specified search criteria, and display them in one list.
After finding the Registry values, you can easily jump to the right value in RegEdit, simply by
double-clicking the desired Registry item.
When the user clicks on the icon, Helix3 presents a confirmation message.

Once the user clicks Yes, the program will automatically start and display the registry scan
options page. This can be used to limit the searches, which can greatly speed up the process.

Once the user clicks OK, the scanner will display registry keys matching their options.

IE Password Viewer
From the website: IE PassView is a small utility that reveals the passwords stored by Internet
Explorer browser. It supports the new version of Internet Explorer 7.0, the Beta version of
Internet Explorer 8.0, as well as older versions of Internet Explorer, v4.0 - v6.0
When the user clicks on the icon, Helix3 presents a confirmation message.

The program will start and automatically scan for and display the passwords.

IE PassView utility can recover 3 types of passwords:

AutoComplete Passwords: When you enter a Web page that contains a form with user/
password fields and a login button, Internet Explorer may ask you if you want to save the
password, after pressing the login button. If you choose to save the password, the
password is saved as AutoComplete password. Be aware that some Web sites (like Yahoo
login page) deliberately disable the AutoComplete feature, in order to avoid password
stealing by other users.

HTTP Authentication Passwords: Some Web sites allow the user to enter only after typing
user and password in a separated dialog-box. If you choose to save the password in this
login dialog-box, the password is saved as HTTP authentication password.
FTP Passwords: Simply the passwords of FTP addresses (ftp://...)

USB Deview
From the website: USBDeview is a small utility that lists all USB devices that currently connected
to your computer, as well as all USB devices that you previously used. For each USB device,
exteneded information is displayed: Device name/description, device type, serial number (for
mass storage devices), the date/time that device was added, VendorID, ProductID, and more...
USBDeview also allows you to uninstall USB devices that you previously used, and disconnect USB
devices that are currently connected to your computer. You can also use USBDeview on a remote
computer, as long as you login to that computer with admin user.
When the user clicks on the icon, Helix3 presents a confirmation message.

The program will start and automatically scan for and display information about USB devices used
on the system.

Browse contents of the CD-ROM and Host

This is a simple file browser that will provide the investigator with information about the selected
file. It will display the filename, created, accessed and modified dates, Attributes, CRC, MD5 and
the file size.

If the Calculate MD5 hash on files is selected, the MD5 of the hash will also be displayed with
the rest of the file information. It is turned o by default, since it can sometimes take a while to
generate the MD5 for very large files.

Due to the nature of the windows operating system, the first time you select a file (on any read/
write media, such as a hard drive) it will display the access date of the last access. If you select
the same file again, it will display the date and time of the previous access. This is a feature of
the windows operating system, and can not be easily prevented. This is one of the problems with
examining a live system the investigators actions may modify the system.
Here is an example:

In this list of recovered files, we see that the accessed date on CONVAR10.jpg is Thursday,
September 29, 2005. If another file is selected, and then CONVAR10.jpg is selected again, we will
see that the accessed data has changed to the todays date. Everything else has remained the

Quick Tip: Helix File Browser

The built in file browser is NOT forensically sound in any way nor was it meant to be. It will alter the Date
and Time stamps of ALL the files in the system that you click on. If you need to preserve this information
DO NOT use the built in file system browser.

Scan for Pictures from a live system

This tool will allow the investigator to quickly scan the system to see if there are any suspicious
graphic images on the suspect system. Many dierent graphic formats are recognized, and
displayed as thumbnails. This feature was added to support Knock and Talks. This allows a
parole ocer to preview a system for graphic images that may violate a parole.
When the scan for pictures icon is selected, this window appears:

The investigator should select Load Folder and select the drive they wish to examine. Be aware
that depending on the size of the hard drive, the amount of memory, and the speed of the
system, this can take a while. A reminder windows pops up to inform the investigator. Scanning
will not begin until the OK button is pressed.

Investigators will need to examine each drive letter separately.

Double-clicking on any thumbnail will open the image in the local viewer. You can enlarge or
decrease the size of the thumbnails by clicking Enlarge or Decrease. Be advised that this will
increase or decease the size of all the thumbnails, and may take a few moments to complete,
depending on the number of thumbnails.
Also be aware that this application will change the last access time on just about every file on the
system, since it examines the file headers to determine if the file is a graphic.
Quick Tip: Graphic Browser
The built in picture viewer is NOT forensically sound. It will alter the date and time stamps of every file on
the system as it searches for graphic files. DO NOT use this if you need to preserve the date and time

Exiting Helix
There are several ways to exit the Helix3 application.
1. File / Exit for the menu bar this will prompt you to save a PDF of your transactions.
2. Click the close windows button - this will prompt you to save a PDF of your transactions.
3. Right-click on the Helix3 icon in the system tray this will NOT save your transactions.
Note that the first two ways to exit will save a copy of all your transactions, while exiting from the
system tray icon will not.
If you chose to save the output, you will be prompted where to save the file. It should be saved
on a network share or a removable evidence collection drive to prevent any contamination of the
suspect computer. The default filename is Helix_Audit_Log.pdf.
Sample Output

Helix3 from the Command Line (Windows Side)

While the graphical user interface for Helix3 on the Windows side make it very easy to run many of
the tools, there are some who argue that the GUI tramples too much memory, and therefore
contaminates the crime scene. It is possible to run many of the Windows tools (but not all of
them) from a command line.
Note: When performing a live preview of a system, many of the actions taken can and will modify
information on the suspect machine. This method should only be used when the system can not
be taken oine.
Not Starting the GUI
The Helix3 GUI is configured to start automatically via the autorun.inf file on the CD. To prevent
the GUI from starting automatically, there are several techniques that can be used:
1. Hold down the SHIFT key when the Helix3 CD is inserted to the system.
2. Disable the autorun on the target system
3. Remaster the Helix3 CD, and remove the autorun.inf file.
Starting a command shell
The command shell you need to start depends on the host operating system. The command shells
are located in the directory of the CD.
Windows NT
Windows 2000
Windows XP
Windows 2003


Go to the directory for your specific OS, and execute the CMD.EXE. This is a static binary on a CD
ROM, so it will not be compromised by any malware running on the system.

Once the command shell is running, you need to execute an environment configuration file, to set
the path and environment variables to point to utilities on the CD, and not on the target system.
Inside the command shell, execute the command: cmdenv.bat
This will reset the system path to point to the CD, along with adding paths for the various forensic

You should now be running in the same environment as if you selected the Command Shell
option from the second page of the Incident Response menu in the Helix3 GUI.
Tools available from the Command Line
The follow is a list of some of the tools available from the command line in Windows. Some of
these tools launch a GUI for the application; others are pure command line tools.
Some of these tools are very powerful, and can be very destructive, so be very careful when using

MD5 & SHA1 parallel hashing (Windows 9x)

MD5 & SHA1 parallel hashing (Windows XP)
full view of your file system and Registry security settings
NTFS Last Access Time Finder


A TCP/UDP port listener

NTFS SACL Reporter - Finds audited files
Displays what programs are configured to run during at boot or login
Command line version of Autoruns
A file text scanner
Back Orifice Pinger
lists computer names, and the roles they play in the network
Identify potentially vulnerable Cisco devices
Shows processes, process IDs, paths, and commandline parameters
netcat enhanced with twofish encryption
Dumps any ACL that has Denied and Allowed ACE's
System Date and Time
Unix disk duplicator
shows you a graphical map of your disk
scan multiple IP ranges to detect vulnerable systems
dump account names and information
Dump information about Win2K encrypted files
lists the users who decryption keys or recovery keys for an EFS files
change the Ethernet address of the network adapters in Windows
calculates the MD5 or SHA hash for a file
monitors and displays file system activity on a system in real-time
Dumps NTFS security, file, and stream attributes
Monitor specific files
Carve files based on header and footer
TCP/UDP port redirector
TCP/IP Process to Port Mapper
First Responders Evidence Disk (FRED)
First Responder Utility (FRU)
Cookie analyzer for Internet Explorer
lists information about the applied Group Policies
Displays the DACL of any Windows NT service
GUI-based DLL and handle viewer
Hidden file finder with last access times
SMB share enumerator and admin finder
Enumerates the ip's of the computer
Incident Response Collection Report (IRCR2)
List all the DLLs that are currently loaded
lists the modules (EXE's and DLL's) that are loaded into a process
Use Microsoft kernel debuggers to examine a live system.
searches for NTFS streams
List active logon sessions
Dump LSA secrets
search for files by their MAC times without changing them
Recursive MD5 sum with db lookups.
MD5 generator
Scan systems for MS Messenger vulnerability
Decodes and displays NetBIOS Name trac
Displays information about NTFS volumes
Retrieve login information
View all open TCP and UDP ports


Forensic tool for Internet Explorer Analysis

Imaging tool for forensic analysis of Palm OS platform devices
PE file inspection tool
dump the memory contents of a process to a file
Lists files, registry keys and other objects processes have open
Displays process list, associated dlls, md5 sum of each dll.
checks if your network adapter(s) is running in promiscuous mode
Execute processes remotely
See what files are opened remotely
display the SID of a computer or a user
gathers key information about the local or remote Windows system
Terminate local or remote processes
Show information about processes and threads
Show users logged on to a system
command-line event-log viewer
change an account password on the local or remote systems
service viewer and controller
command-line shutdown utility
Suspend and resume processes
lists the contents of the Protected Storage
shows you how long a system has been running since its last reboot
Dump the SAM database
Obtain LM password hashes from a server
Command-line registry manipulation utility
show you which applications are accessing your Registry
"Recycle BIN" analyzer.
command-line utility that allows you to set up or delete shares remotely
Security Reports (SecReport)
list running services on a system
utility for querying service status from a workstation or server
Alternate Data Stream Finder
Recursive sha1 sum with db lookups.
SHA-1 generator
Recursive sha256 sum with db lookups.
Display specific window information
Convert SID to User ID
command-line port scanner
Displays which NTFS files have streams associated with them
Search for ANSI and UNICODE strings in binary images
command-line version of TCPView
View all open TCP and UDP endpoints
Recursive tiger sum with db lookups.
Traceroute and Whois program
Convert User ID to SID
Command line tool to dump basic user info
Displays information on the logical volumes on a system
Windows Forensics Toolchest (WFT)
Recursive whirlpool sum with db lookups.
queries the host for information made available by a NULL session
TCP/UDP forwarder/redirector that works with both IPv4 and IPv6
Secure file deletion

Bootable Helix3 (Linux Side)

One of the greatest benefits of Helix3 is the bootable Linux forensic environment.
Linux is a computer operating system and its kernel. Designed by Linux Torvalds while still in
college, Linux is one of the most prominent examples of free software and of open-source
development: unlike proprietary operating systems such as Windows and Mac OS, all of its
underlying source code is available to the public for anyone to freely use, modify, improve, and
redistribute (Wikipedia, 2006b).
Helix3 was originally based on a version of Linux called Knoppix, but starting with version 2.0,
Helix3 is based on Ubuntu. Ubuntu is a version of Linux that runs entirely o a CD (Wikipedia,
2006a), but can also be installed on a system. This is called a LiveCD. In 2003, Drew Fahey of efense.com modified Ubuntu so that it could be used for digital investigations and forensic
analysis. Helix, like Ubuntu, will boot into a self contained Linux environment. This environment
has been tweaked for forensic purpose. While there are many distributions other live CDs as
Knoppix-STD, Fire, and Backtrack, that provide a number of dierent security related tools, Helix3
only concentrates on Incident Response, Electronic Discovery, and Forensics.
Helix3 will boot on all x86 architectures which make up a majority of the computers in the world.
It is for this reason that Helix3 for the immediate future will remain on a CDROM. Almost every
computer in the world has a CDROM, but many do not have DVDs, etc. While it is possible to
install Helix3 on a bootable USB, it is most stable on the CD platform.
Learning more about Linux
Linux is a rich, complex, operating system. This segment of the manual only covers the Forensic
and Incident response tools included with the Helix3 environment. There are numerous books,
magazines, and tutorials available to help you learn Linux. While it is not Windows, it is similar in
many ways, and it should not be all that long before the user becomes comfortable working with
For more information on Linux, take a look at some of these websites:
http://www.linux.org All about Linux
http://www.ubuntu.com/ - The base installation that Helix3 is based on.

Forensic Topics (Linux Side)

Write Protecting Media
To ensure that digital evidence media is not modified, before it is placed into a system for
duplication, it should be set to "Read Only", Locked or "Write Protect", to prevent accidental
modification. By default, Helix3 sets all devices as read only, so they can not be easily modified.
However, it is still recommended to hardware write protect digital media whenever possible. See
the Forensic Topics (Windows Side) for a complete list of media and the various ways to write
protect them.
Setting a USB device to Read/Write
If you are using the Linux side of Helix3 to search for and collect evidence, or imaging a drive, you
may want to save some files to a USB thumb drive or flash drive. When the USB device is inserted,
Helix3 should recognize it and put an icon for it on the desktop. However, in keeping with the
Helix3 philosophy, the device will be read-only. USB devices are normally mounted to the /
media/sda or /media/sda1 mount points.
Warning: Make sure you only issue these commands to a evidence collection device
mounting a suspect's drive as writeable will violate its integrity, and possibly
contaminate or destroy evidence.
To change the device so that data can be saved to it, open a root terminal and execute the
following commands:
umount /media/sda1
This makes sure that the drive is unmounted. It may generate an error if the drive is not mounted,
but that is ok.

mount -o rw /dev/sda1 /media/sda1

This will mount the drive as read/write, while the umask=000 options allows all users to read,
write, and execute files on the media.

umount /media/sda1
Finally, this will unmount the drive, so it can be removed.

Using Helix3 in Virtual Machine

If you have access to a virtualization platform, such as VMWare (http://www.vmware.com/),
Virtual Box (http://www.virtualbox.org), or Parallels (http://www.parallels.com), you can
boot Helix3 in a Virtual machine. This will give you an opportunity to try the Linux side of
Helix3 without having to reboot your physical machine.
To use Helix3 in any of these virtualization packages, you need to create a Virtual Machine. As
part of the emulated CD-ROM, you can typically specify a physical CD Drive or an ISO file. To boot
Helix3 in the Virtual CD-ROM, you can use the physical drive, but the process is faster using the
downloaded ISO image. Point the emulated CD Drive to the Helix3 ISO file, and boot the virtual
machine, and you should be in the Helix3 Linux environment.
Of course, there are some limitations, and complexities of using Helix3 this way. To really learn
Helix3 you need to insert the Helix3 CD into a real machine, and boot it up.

The Helix3 Filesystem

Obviously Helix3 is run from a CDROM which uses the ISO9660 standard for its file system. This
has its benefits and drawbacks. The largest benefit is that files on the CDROM cannot be changed
making it a permanent storage and security solution. You can use the CD in an incident response
role and not have to worry about your files being altered. However this also is the largest
drawback in that you cannot change any of the files once they are in place.
Why would you want to change a file? Well the biggest reason is to updated configuration
settings. So how do you do this on a write once medium like a CDROM? There are actually two
ways to do this, the old way and the new way. The old way consisted of linking the files that
needed to be changed into a specific area that was stored into a RAM disk. This worked but was a
poor solution due to the amount of files that would need to be linked and the fact that the files
would have to be linked prior to burning the iso file to a CDROM.

Raid Essentials
Although RAIDs can be the hardest devices to image, especially the proprietary kind from Dell
and Compaq, Helix3 provides a fairly simple solution. Helix3 can see most hardware RAIDs as the

RAID card initializes the RAID before Helix3 even boots. Helix3 also has many RAID drivers for
both software and hardware RAIDS.
Depending on the actual RAID device, Helix3 may not place the RAID in the /mnt directory like
other devices, but that does not mean Helix3 does not see the RAID. For instance, to identify a
Compaq Raid Device, do a dmesg and look for cpqarray. If you find it, then you should see the
devices that the Compaq RAID sees. The device should show partitions as:
Example Compaq Array Partitions

ida/c0d0: p1 p2 p3
so partitions will be:

Helix3 has many built in RAID drivers in the kernel and many more as loadable modules. If for some reason Helix3
does not see the RAID you will have to try and load the appropriate modules by:
Example Loading a Kernel Module for an Adaptec 2120 RAID

# modprobe aacraid
This will load the aacraid module into the running kernel so that you
can access the Adaptec RAID.

Understanding dd
dd has an interesting history. The most interesting is what dd stands for; most people assume dd
stands for device dump, or device-to-device, or data dump. Some think it stands for copy
and convert but that it was renamed to dd because the letters cc were reserved for the C
compiler. The most interesting definition is that dd stands for death and destruction for what
happens if you mess up the options; which is most definitely true. In actuality dd stands for data
definition, if it can be said to stand for anything at all. The reason is that it was derived from the
IBM OS/360 JCL (Job Control Language) command of the same name. IBM System/360 JCL had
an elaborate dd "Dataset Definition" specification suitable for copying block-oriented I/O

The dd command is used in computer forensics to perform a physical backup of hardware device
media. What makes the dd command special is that it has special flags that make it suitable for
imaging block-oriented devices such as tapes. dd is capable of addressing these block devices
sequentially. In order to proceed, it is very important to understand the basic syntax of the dd
DD Understanding Syntax

dd if=source of=destination
if= input file, or device you are copying (a hard disk, tape, etc.)
source = source of image
of= output file, or copy of image
destination = where you want to place the copy
For example:
if the device to be imaged is /dev/hda, the following would produce
an exact copy with the name of 'ForensicCopy.img':
dd if=/dev/hda of=/mnt/hdd1/ForensicCopy.img

As mentioned earlier, dd is very useful when copying and/or restoring block-oriented devices
such as tapes. Some of the options available to dd which make it very useful are:
bs = block size
ibs = input block size
obs = output block size
count = number of blocks to copy
skip = number of blocks to skip at start of input
seek = number of blocks to skip at start of output
conv = conversion
These options are extremely useful in many instances. For example, if you wanted to just acquire
the Master Boot Record (MBR) from a hard drive, you would need to obtain the first 512 bytes
from the hard drives partition table. In order to do this you would need to pass some options to
dd to only grab the first 512 bytes, otherwise dd would acquire the entire hard drive. So to
accomplish this you would type in:

Example Acquiring the MBR using DD

dd if=/dev/hda of=/mnt/hdd1/MBR.img bs=512 count=1

Another example of using dd is to use it to split up a large image into much smaller images. This
is a long way of accomplishing this as you would normally use the split utility, but this serves as
just an example of the power of dd. For our example lets assume we have a 4GB device and we
want to split the image up into four 1GB files.
Example Splitting an image file using DD

Using dd with the flags below will create four images each 1GB in size.
dd if=/dev/hda count=1000000 of=image1
dd if=/dev/hda count=1000000 skip=1000000 of=image2
dd if=/dev/hda count=1000000 skip=2000000 of=image3
dd if=/dev/hda count=1000000 skip=3000000 of=image4

Now each image is 1GB in size rather than the original 4GB. The first thing you should notice is
that the first command takes 1GB (count=1000000) and copies it, naming the copy 'image1.' The
second command skips the first 1GB (skip=1000000) and then copies the next 1GB
(count=1000000), naming this image 'image2' and so on. This is the purpose of the 'count' and
'skip' flags.

Traditional Acquisition (Dead Imaging)

The process by which an image is acquired when the hard drive has been powered down is also
known as dead imaging. This is the best method for obtaining the most forensically sound image.
It is also the method that law enforcement uses as their primary practice.
There are many ways you can accomplish this task in a lab environment, but one of the easiest
methods to use Helix3. Helix3 is valuable in many ways but mostly for the ability to quickly image
systems that utilize RAID devices. It is far more economical to image a RAID device at the logical
level than to individually image each drive and try to rebuild the RAID device later on.

Boot the Helix3 CD in the system to be imaged (evidence system). You may need to boot into
failsafe mode in order to be operational. There are some instances with proprietary raids like the
Compaq Proliants using the SMART-2/P Raid controller in which Helix3 will not boot normally it
will just hang during the auto detection phase.
Once Helix3 has booted, you have several options that you can use to image the system. You will
need to make a decision whether to image the entire drive (physical) or the individual partitions
(logical). In either case, your image will contain deleted files, slack space, and unallocated
space. If you choose a logical image, the only thing you will be missing is the MBR and swap space
if you forget to image it. Currently Autopsy cannot parse a physical image. Autopsy needs logical
images but you can extract those from the physical image later on so make a physical image.

Imaging to a Netcat/Cryptcat Listener

Netcat is the preferred tool (over Samba) for imaging across a network due to a lower overhead.
Netcat is a networking utility which reads and writes data across network connections using the
TCP/IP protocol. Cryptcat is the standard Netcat enhanced with twofish encryption. Helix3 does
not use the default secret key (metallica), the key has been changed for Helix3. You can change
the key by using the -k option.
You still need to mount your collection/harvest drive which is the same method as above. The
next step would be to set up a Netcat listener on the forensics server depending on what you want
to collect. If you want to acquire the entire physical drive:
Example Using a Netcat/Cryptcat server

Issue the following command the Forensics Server:

nc v n l p 8888 O myimage.img
On the Helix3 system you can then run dd:
dd if=/dev/<device> | nc <IP> 8888

Imaging to a Samba Server

The first thing you need to do after booting the system to be imaged with Helix3 is set up a Samba
server on your Acquisition system.
Samba is very easy to implement but uses additional

bandwidth. Netcat is generally the best method to use. Samba is configured by the smb.conf file
located in /etc/samba. See Appendix 1 for an example of a working Samba Forensics Server
smb.conf file.
There are a few tricks that you must be aware of with a Samba Forensic Server. First you must
mount the drive you want to use as your collection/harvest drive and that drive must be writable.
The easiest way to accomplish this is by the following mount command:
Example Mounting a device for use as a Samba share

mount o rw,umask=000 /dev/hd?? /mnt/images

?? = linux device that is your collection/harvest drive i.e. /dev/hdd1
/mnt/images = mount point of your collection/harvest drive.

Start your Samba server after you have mounted your collection/harvest drive by simply typing:
service smb start OR service smb restart
You are now ready to use the Samba share as your image destination. The only step that remains
is to mount the Samba share on the Helix3 system. To mount the Samba share (ADEPTO WILL DO THIS FOR YOU.):
Example Mounting a Samba or Windows share within Helix
mount -wt smbfs -o username=username,password=password //<IP>/<share> /<mount_point>

wt smbfs = mount read/write and set file system type to samba fs
-o username=username,password=password = set username and password
//<IP> = netbios flag and IP address of the Samba/Windows System
/<share> = share name you want to mount
/<mount_point> = place you want to mount the share drive to
* You can also add dmask=0777,fmask=0777 to the options for read/write

The nice thing about setting up a Samba Forensics Server and imaging to it is that you can direct
all of you commands to the local file system as that is where your Samba/Windows share will be
located. It will appear as if you are writing to another directory on your local system when in fact
the data will be traversing over the network.

EXAMPLE Imaging to a samba share

dcfldd if=<device> | tee >(sha1sum > /<mount dir>/(case#)/<filename.sha1 ) | split -a 3

-d -b 1436m - /<mount dir>/(case#)/<filename_img.>

According to Drew Fahey of e-fense.com, this is the best command line to use to share a drive over samba:
mount -t ntfs -o umask=000,noauto,user,uid=500,gid=100,ro,loop,noexec,noatime,
show_sys_files=true /ntfs.img /mnt/hack/ntfs

Bootable Basics
The first step you must accomplish to boot into Helix3 is to make sure that your BIOS is setup to
boot from the CDROM before any other device. If your BIOS does not support booting from a
CDROM, then you must resort to booting from a floppy disk (time to upgrade your system).
All that is required to boot Helix3 is to place the Helix3 CD into the CDROM drive and reboot/turn
on the computer. When the system passes the POST, you should see the screen:

As you can see you are presented with a graphical boot menu courtesy of Grub (Grand Unified
Bootloader). You can choose the option that is best for you and your environment. The initial
default setting should work for most people; however there are occasions when that wont work.
Some laptops and other hardware do not like some of the standard options like using DMA on all
devices. So you must choose the option to turn o DMA. See Appendix A for a list of all the boot
methods. Helix3 is currently using the 2.6.24 kernel.

While there are many options pre-determined for you in the boot screen, it may sometimes be
necessary to add or delete extra commands. In order to do this within grub you simply press F6
and the actual boot command line will appear on the screen. Now you can edit the boot command
to add or remove parameters.

F1 Help and Cheat Codes

The F1 key will display the help screen, and provide the user with the Cheat Codes, the boot
options to help configure Helix3 to run properly on the target system.
Navigating the Help System
The boot loader online help is context sensitive. It gives information about the selected menu
item or, if you are editing boot options, it tries to look up information about the option in which
the cursor is positioned.
Navigation Keys
Up Arrow
Down Arrow
Left Arrow, Backspace
Right Arrow, Enter, Space
Page Up
Page Down

highlight previous link

highlight next link
return to previous topic
follow link
scroll up one page
scroll down one page
go to page start
go to page end
leave help

Boot Options (aka Cheat Codes)


short introduction to Helix.

advanced configuration and power interface
toggle power management


Clock options
Settings to debug your Helix3 Live CD
Interactive setup for experts
Boot with (almost) no HW-detection.
Use the Framebuer for graphics
Boot from previously copied CD-Image
Mount loopback file.
Use a dierent hostname instead
Use specified horizontal refresh rate for X.
Enable/Disable DMA for IDE-Drives
Use dierent keyboard (text/X)
specify language/keyboard.
Search for Helix3 mainmodules
Specify Memory size in MByte.
Run the memtest86 utility.
Skip specified parts of HW-detection.
some PIC settings.
Runlevel 1, load Helix3 base, Textmode only
influence the behavior of the splash screen.
Check CD data integrity and md5sums
Copy CD to HD partition and run from there
Copy CD to RAM and run from there
Framebuer settings.
Use specified vertical refresh rate for X.
Use specified Screen resolution for X.
Use specified X Window System driver.

Helix3 is a Live CD distribution with an emphasis on forensics and incident response. It
boots from the CD media, while not touching the contents of your harddisk. Helix3 is based
on Ubuntu but has been significantly altered to prevent changes to data. Helix3 has a large
number of users and is used for forensic training. For more information, please take a look
at http://www.e-fense.com/helix

ACPI (Advanced Configuration and Power Interface) is a standard that defines power and
configuration management interfaces between an operating system and the BIOS. By

default, acpi is switched on when a BIOS is detected that is newer than from year 2000.
There are several commonly used parameters to control the behavior of ACPI:

do not use ACPI to route PCI interrupts

only the parts of ACPI that are relevant for booting remain
switch o ACPI completely
switch on ACPI even if your BIOS is dated before 2000

Especially on new computers, it replaces the old apm system.

APM is one of the two power management strategies used on current computers. It is
mainly used with laptops for functions like "suspend to disk", but it may also be
responsible for switching o the computer after power down. APM relies on a correct
working BIOS. If the BIOS is broken, APM may have only limited use or even prevent the
computer from working. Therefore, it may be switched o with the parameter

switch o APM completely

Some very new computers may take more advantage from the newer ACPI.
Use the hardware clock as the GMT time

Sometimes your Helix3 Live CD doesn't work exactly as hoped for. Here are a few options in
order of usefulness:

Try to use conservative defaults

Don't use the framebuer, disables bootsplash
Load the default X driver, don't autodetect
Don't reboot the Live CD after exiting, open a shell

Expert Settings. Use

Boot Helix3 with (almost) no HW-detection. Use

Some Framebuer settings:

used fixed framebuer for graphics

used fixed framebuer for graphics
used fixed framebuer for graphics

Use the command


to boot from previously copied CD image to this partition.

Mount Helix3 homedir.
home=/dev/sda1 Mount loopback file (helix.img) as /home/morph.
Automatic search for Helix3 homedir image.


Modify the default hostname, which is "Helix"


Set the hostname to "mybox"

HRate (Xhrefresh)
Horizontal refresh rate - You can set your horizontal refresh rate with:
xhrefresh=80 (or hsync=80)

Use 80 kHz horizontal refresh rate for X

IDE is, unlike SCSI, commonly used in most desktop workstations. To circumvent some
hardware problems that occur with IDE systems, use the kernel parameter:

switch o dma for IDE drives

Keyboard settings:
keyboard=us xkeyboard=us

Use dierent keyboard (tet/X)

Specifies a language for your keyboard. If available, Helix3 sets the correct locale for your
language. Possible settings are:





Swiss French
US (default)

Scan for mainmodules on this partition

Specify Memory size in MByte. Some systems do not report the proper memory size to the
linux-kernel, which may cause the error "Panic: cannot mount root file system", and then
the system hangs. The mem options allows you to specify the proper amount of memory.
The M must be capitalized.
Check the RAM of your system, doesn't boot Helix
Skip specified parts of HW-detection. Available options are:

turns APIC o.
turns AGP o.
turns APM o.
turns ACPI o.
turns AUDIO o.
turns DDC o.
turns DMA o.
turns FIREWIRE o.
Disable Machine Check Exception
turns PCMCIA o.
turns SCSI o.
turns SWAP o.
turns USB o.
turns o the proprietary NVidia driver minimodule (if available)

To turn almost everything o see failsafe.

Some PCI settings:

Try this, if PS/2 mouse doesn't work.

Workaround for bad PCI controllers.

Boot only the Helix3 base, don't load any modules. Useful for debugging.

The splash screen is the picture shown during system start-up.
The splash screen is switched o. This may be useful with very old monitors or if some error
Activates splash, kernel and boot messages are still shown.
Activates splash, but no messages. Instead a progress bar is drawn.

To verify the proper operation of the Helix3 CD, you can test the CD. If the CD seems to
make a lot of noise, or generates many errors, of programs seem to crash constantly, it is

possible that the image you downloaded is corrupt, or your CD media is bad. Add the
command line option:
to verify the CD data integrity and md5sums of the files.

Use the command


to copy the whole CD to specified partition and boot from there.

Use the command
to copy the whole CD to RAM an boot from there.

VGA Framebuer setting.

No framebuer, but X.
640x480 framebuer.
800x600 framebuer.
1024x786 framebuer.
1280x1024 framebuer.

VRate (Xvrefresh)
Vertical refresh rate. You can set your vertical refresh rate with:
xvrefresh=60 (or vsync=60)

Use 60 Hz vertical refresh rate for X.

WM screen
Sets the Screen Resolution for X (for your window manager).

to use for a resolution of 1280x1024

to use for a resolution of 1024x768

Its possible to use dierent modules, also posiible to combine them:

uses ati module.

uses bdev module.
uses i810 sound module (intel compatible).
uses mga module.
uses NVidia module.
uses Radeon module.
uses Savage module.
uses SiS module.
uses SVGA module.

Default Options for the dierent boot modes

The default Helix3 command line for the GUI mode is:
ramdisk_size=100000 init=/etc/init lang=us apm=power-o nomce unionfs quiet
The default Helix3 command line for the CONSOLE mode is:
ramdisk_size=100000 init=/etc/init lang=us apm=power-o nomce unionfs quiet 2
The default Helix3 command line for the Expert mode:
BOOT_IMAGE=expert ramdisk_size=100000 init=/etc/init lang=us apm=power-o nomce
The default Helix3 command line for the Failsafe mode is:
ramdisk_size=100000 init=/etc/init lang=us vga=normal nosound noapic
noscsi nodma noapm nousb nopcmcia nofireware noagp nomce nodhcp xmodule=vesa

The default Helix3 command line for the Copy Helix3 to RAM (Need 1GB+) is:
ramdisk_size=100000 init=/etc/init lang=us apm=power-o toram
The default Helix3 command line for the Boot using persistent home is:
ramdisk_size=100000 init=/etc/init lang=us noapic apm=power-o home=scan
The default Helix3 command line for the TestCD mode is:
ramdisk_size=100000 init=/etc/init lang=us nomce quiet testcd
The default Helix3 command line for the Framebuer Mode 1280x1024 mode is:
ramdisk_size=100000 init=/etc/init lang=us noapic apm=power-o vga=794
xmodule=fbdev nomce quiet
The default Helix3 command line for the Framebuer Mode 1024x768 mode is:
ramdisk_size=100000 init=/etc/init lang=us noapic apm=power-o vga=791
xmodule=fbdev nomce quiet
The default Helix3 command line for the Framebuer Mode 800x600 mode is:
ramdisk_size=100000 init=/etc/init lang=us noapic apm=power-o vga=788
xmodule=fbdev nomce quiet
The default Helix3 command line for the ACPI on DAM on FB o mode is:
ramdisk_size=100000 init=/etc/init lang=us noapic apm=power-o vga=normal nomce

F2 Language and Keyboard Layout Selection

The F2 key will change language and keyboard layout the boot loader uses. Some of the
currently available languages include: English, Spanish, French, Italian, German, Japanese
and Russian.

F3 Splash Mode Selection

Lets you change the splash screen mode. You can use the splash kernel option directly, if
you prefer.

turns the splash screen o (same as splash=0)

shows nice picture and kernel and boot messages
suppresses all kernel and boot messages and shows a progress bar

F4 Screen Resolution
Text Mode, 640x480, 800x600, 1024x768, 1280x1024, 1600x1200

Once you select your boot options and hit the ENTER key, you will see the boot progress screen.
It shows the devices that Helix3 finds as well as provides you with kernel information, which could
be important if there are problems in loading Helix3.

Helix3 User Interface

Once Helix3 finishes the boot process, X Windows will automatically start and present you with
the Helix3 desktop. Helix3 uses the Gnome (http://www.gnome.org/) desktop environment as it
is very common and very versatile.
Much of what you will need from Helix3 is available via the Helix3 Start Button and the taskbars at
the top and bottom of the screen.

Top Taskbar

Helix Start button and

Applications Menu

Places Menu
Common Folders

Start the Firefox


System Menu




Date and Time



Bottom Taskbar

Power Management
Inhibit Applet


CPU utilization

Memory utilization

Network utilization

Disk performance

Desktop 1

Desktop 2

Helix3 Tools
Clicking on the Helix3 Start Button reveals a number of commands and submenus.
The Main Menu

Forensic & IR
Sound & Video
System Tools

The Forensic Menu

On the Forensics Submenu, the following commands are available:
Adepto was developed to perform image acquisition and generate a
chain of custody.
Autopsy, a Forensic Browser, is a graphical interface to the command
line tools in The Sleuth Kit. They can be used to analyze Windows or
Linux systems.
Bless Hex Editor is a simple binary editor. It lets users view and edit a
binary file in both hex and ASCII with a multiple level undo/redo
GtkHash is a graphical hashing program.
HFS Volume Browser is a Macintosh file system browser.
Linen is an Image Acquisition Tool from Guidence Software, which can be used to capture suspect
media and create images that can be processed by the EnCase Forensic toolkit.

Meld Di Viewer for seeing dierences between files.

Ophcrack is a password cracking program using rainbow tables.
Registry Viewer is a Windows registry file navigator.
Retriever is an image (picture/video) capturing utility for knock & talks, quick peeks, and
general searches. It can scan a mounted device and locate all of the images and movie files.
Root Terminal
Virus Scanner is the GPL Clam AntiVirus toolkit for UNIX.
Wireshark (root) Formerly called Ethereal, it is the classic network protocol analyzer.
Xfprot AntiVirus was developed to identify and remove viruses threatening workstations running

The Oce Menu

The Oce Menu contains 4 applications from the
OpenOce.org suite of utilities:
Drawing is a vector graphics editor.
Word Processor a MS Word compatible word processor.
Presentation a MS PowerPoint compatible presentation program.
Spreadsheet a MS Excel compatible spread sheet program.
These tools make it easy to preview Microsoft documents on the suspect's system.
In addition, there are numerous other Linux based tools available in the other menus.

Adepto is a GUI front-end to dcfldd/a and was designed to simplify the creating of forensic bit
images, and to automatically create a chain of custody.
Adepto has several features and abilities, they include the following:
auto-detection of IDE and SCSI drives, CD-ROMs, and tape drives
choice of using either dd, dcfldd, or sdd
image verification between source and copy via MD5 or SHA1
image compression/decompression via gzip/bzip2
image over a TCP/IP network via Netcat/Cryptcat, or SAMBA (NetBIOS)
supports SCSI tape drives
wiping (zeroing) drives or partitions
splitting images into multiple segments
Detailed logging with date/times and complete command-line used.
Starting Adepto
When you start Adepto, it will prompt you for a
user and a case number.
This is handy for
keeping track of multiple cases, as well as
maintaining a chain-of-custody.
The case number is based on the current date,
but can be modified to fit the format of your
case numbering system.
Once the user clicks Go, the program allows
access to several tabs: Device Info, Acquire,
Restore/Clone, Log, Chain of Custody.

Device Info
The Device Info tab will display information about the various devices on the system. Select the
name of the device using the drop down box.

The dropdown button next to the device box

will list all of the devices connected to the
system. If a device is not listed, click on the
[Rescan Devices] hyperlink.
O n c e t h e d e v i c e i s s e le c t e d, t h e
information, such as the Make, Model, etc.,
for the device will be displayed.

Once a device has been selected, the
Acquire tab will become available, where
the user can select various options for the
actual copy. The user can enter optional
image notes.
Under destination information, the user can
select devices that are physically attached
to the system, or connected to the network
via NetBIOS or Netcat.
The user can also specify options for the dd
command, including the hash type, the
segment size, and advanced options
including block sizes and more.
Once the options are selected, the user cans

select Start to start the acquisition process.

Since Adepto is just a front end to dd, you are really using dd to acquire your images. GRAB just makes the long
and sometimes ugly command line easier to manage. You should be familiar with the dd syntax before you
embark on using Adepto as your acquisition tool, but it is not necessary. Just keep in mind YOU CAN CAUSE
PERMANENT DATA LOSS ON YOUR HARD DRIVES if you reverse the source and destination devices.

You can send the acquired image to a network server through Netcat/Cryptcat or Samba using
NetBIOS. Upon selecting the destination type you will be prompted for the additional information
required to establish the connection.
If you want to use Netcat/Cryptcat, then type in the
servers IP address and port number that the Netcat /
Cryptcat server is listening on. If you select NetBIOS, you
will need to click on the [Get share] hyperlink which will
pop up a Mount Remote Share dialog box.

The Restore/Clone tab allows the user to
restore an image to a device, or recombine
the split images into a single file.
To restore a split image, the user specifies
the first file in the split set (normally
ending with a .000), then selects a
destination drive, or a destination file.
Clicking the Restore button will complete
the task.
This tab also allows the user to clone one
device to another. Similar to utilities like
Drive Image and Ghost, except it will make
a forensic copy of the source device.
In both cases, the destination device must be mounted as read/write.

The log tab displays a details log of all the actions
the user is making.
There is a button, "Add Comments to Log" that will
allow the investigator to add additional comments
that will be include in the log, which can be
printed and saved with a copy of the image.

Chain of Custody
Adepto will automatically create a chain of custody
form based on the device that was imaged. The
user only needs to fill out the evidence number and
click the create button. A chain of custody form
will be saved on your destination drive.

Developed by Brian Carrier. Available from
When Autopsy is started, it opens an
Autopsy Shell tool that needs to stay open
and runs in the background. The Autopsy
browser is web-based and is web-based,
and this command tool is running the web
server that the browser interacts with.

After a moment, the FireFox web-browser

will open, and display the Autopsy
welcome screen.
If you close FireFox by accident, you can access Autopsy again by opening up FireFox and entering http://
localhost:9999/autopsy in the address bar.

The following is taken from http://www.sleuthkit.org/autopsy/desc.php

The Autopsy Forensic Browser is a graphical interface to the command line digital investigation analysis tools in
The Sleuth Kit. Together, they can analyze Windows and UNIX disks and file systems (NTFS, FAT, UFS1/2, Ext2/3).
The Sleuth Kit and Autopsy are both Open Source and run on UNIX platforms. As Autopsy is HTML-based, you can
connect to the Autopsy server from any platform using an HTML browser. Autopsy provides a "File Manager"-like
interface and shows details about deleted data and file system structures.
Analysis Modes

A dead analysis occurs when a dedicated analysis system is used to examine the data from a suspect
system. Autopsy and The Sleuth Kit are run in a trusted environment, typically in a lab.

A live analysis occurs when the suspect system is being analyzed while it is running. In this case, Autopsy
and The Sleuth Kit are run from a CD in an untrusted environment. This is frequently used during incident
response while the incident is being confirmed. After it is confirmed, the system can be acquired and a
dead analysis performed.

Evidence Search Techniques

File Listing: Analyze the files and directories, including the names of deleted files and files with Unicodebased names.

File Content: The contents of files can be viewed in raw, hex, or the ASCII strings can be extracted. When
data is interpreted, Autopsy sanitizes it to prevent damage to the local analysis system. Autopsy does not
use any client-side scripting languages.

Hash Databases: Lookup unknown files in a hash database to quickly identify it as good or bad. Autopsy
uses the NIST National Software Reference Library (NSRL) and user created databases of known good and
known bad files.

File Type Sorting: Sort the files based on their internal signatures to identify files of a known type. Autopsy
can also extract only graphic images (including thumbnails). The extension of the file will also be
compared to the file type to identify files that may have had their extension changed to hide them.

Timeline of File Activity: In some cases, having a timeline of file activity can help identify areas of a file
system that may contain evidence. Autopsy can create timelines that contain entries for the Modified,
Access, and Change (MAC) times of both allocated and unallocated files.

Keyword Search: Keyword searches of the file system image can be performed using ASCII strings and grep
regular expressions. Searches can be performed on either the full file system image or just the unallocated
space. An index file can be created for faster searches. Strings that are frequently searched for can be
easily configured into Autopsy for automated searching.

Meta Data Analysis: Meta Data structures contain the details about files and directories. Autopsy allows
you to view the details of any meta data structure in the file system. This is useful for recovering deleted

content. Autopsy will search the directories to identify the full path of the file that has allocated the

Data Unit Analysis: Data Units are where the file content is stored. Autopsy allows you to view the contents
of any data unit in a variety of formats including ASCII, hexdump, and strings. The file type is also given
and Autopsy will search the meta data structures to identify which has allocated the data unit.

Image Details: File system details can be viewed, including on-disk layout and times of activity. This mode
provides information that is useful during data recovery.

Case Management

Case Management: Investigations are organized by cases, which can contain one or more hosts. Each host
is configured to have its own time zone setting and clock skew so that the times shown are the same as the
original user would have seen. Each host can contain one or more file system images to analyze.

Event Sequencer: Time-based events can be added from file activity or IDS and firewall logs. Autopsy sorts
the events so that the sequence of incident events can be more easily determined.

Notes: Notes can be saved on a per-host and per-investigator basis. These allow you to make quick notes
about files and structures. The original location can be easily recalled with the click of a button when the
notes are later reviewed. All notes are stored in an ASCII file.

Image Integrity: It is crucial to ensure that files are not modified during analysis. Autopsy, by default, will
generate an MD5 value for all files that are imported or created. The integrity of any file that Autopsy uses
can be validated at any time.

Reports: Autopsy can create ASCII reports for files and other file system structures. This enables you to
quickly make consistent data sheets during the investigation.

Logging: Audit logs are created on a case, host, and investigator level so that actions can be easily
recalled. The exact Sleuth Kit commands that are executed are also logged.

Open Design: The code of Autopsy is open source and all files that it uses are in a raw format. All
configuration files are in ASCII text and cases are organized by directories. This makes it easy to export the
data and archive it. It also does not restrict you from using other tools that may solve the specific problem
more appropriately.

Client Server Model: Autopsy is HTML-based and therefore you do not have to be on the same system as
the file system images. This allows multiple investigators to use the same server and connect from their
personal systems.

Autopsy is written in Perl and runs on the same UNIX platforms as The Sleuth Kit:


Mac OS X

Open & FreeBSD


Bless: Hex Editor for Gtk#

Developed by Alexandros Frantzis. Available from http://home.gna.org/bless
A comprehensive manual is available online at http://home.gna.org/bless/bless-manual/index.html
From the website: Bless is a high quality, full featured hex editor. It is written in mono/Gtk# and its primary
platform is GNU/Linux. However it should be able to run without problems on every platform that mono and Gtk#
Bless currently provides the following features:
Ecient editing of large data files and block devices.
Multilevel undo - redo operations.
Customizable data views.
Fast data rendering on screen.
Multiple tabs.
Fast find and replace operations.
A data conversion table.
Advanced copy/paste capabilities.
Highlighting of selection pattern matches in the file.
Plugin based architecture.
Export of data to text and html (others with plugins).
Bitwise operations on data.
A comprehensive user manual.

GTKHash: A GTK+ utility for Computing Digests

Developed by Tristan Heaven. Available from http://gtkhash.sourceforge.net/
From the website: A GTK+ utility for computing message
digests or checksums using the mhash library.
Currently supported hash functions include MD5 SHA1,
The utility will work on a file, text, or list of files. To
display other hashes, use the Edit / Preferences option
to display a list of available hashes, and select the ones
you want to display.

HFS Volume Viewer

Developed by Robert Leslie. Available from http://www.mars.org/home/rob/proj/hfs/
From the website: HFS is the Hierarchical File System, the native volume format used on modern Macintosh
computers. hfsutils is the name of a comprehensive software package being developed to permit manipulation of
HFS volumes from UNIX and other systems.
The Macintosh HFS Volume Viewer allows the investigator to examine Macintosh disks, and transfer files from

The following was taken from http://linuxcommand.org/man_pages/xhfs1.html

The display is divided into two parts, left and right, which can each independently view a directory on either an
HFS volume or the host (UNIX) filesystem. Double-clicking the name of a directory in either view will open that
directory. A pop-up menu at the top of each directory view can be used to navigate to any directory between the
current and the beginning of the hierarchy.
Text files can be viewed by double-clicking them. Any file or set of files can be copied to the directory shown in the
other view by selecting them and clicking the "Copy" button. Copying is performed according to the selected copy

MacBinary II
The file(s) will be copied using the MacBinary II format. This is the recommended mode for transferring
arbitrary Macintosh files.
The file(s) will be copied using the BinHex format. This mode should be used to encode Macintosh files
into strict ASCII format.
In this mode, only the data fork(s) of the selected file(s) are copied. Furthermore, translation is
performed on the datas end-of-line characters to conform to the standard for text files on the
Raw Data
In this mode, only the data fork(s) of the selected file(s) are copied. However, no translation is performed
whatsoever on the data.
A copy mode will be selected automatically according to a set of heuristics.

LinEn: EnCase Image Acquisition Tool.

Developed by EnCase. Available from http://www.guidancesoftware.com
The following is taken from http://www.guidancesoftware.com/products/v5_manualexcerpts.asp
The EnCase Linen utility allows you to acquire any device from a Linux-based forensic computer. The Linen utility
provides an alternate method of acquiring a device via FastBloc in Windows, or EN.EXE in DOS. This method also
allows users to hash any device present on the Linux operating system it is running on. With the introduction of
Linen, users are now able to acquire Linux machines via a crossover cable from the Windows EnCase client by
putting it into Server Mode. Linen is dependent on the distribution of Linux it is installed on. See the chapter in
this document titled EnCase Linen Acquisition Utility for more detailed information.
The following is based on the directions from http://www.guidancesoftware.com/support/articles/
acquire_safely.asp, and have been modified for Helix.
Local: "Linux Drive to Drive"
The Linux Local Method means that you are booting into a Non-Auto Mount distribution of Linux and:

Acquiring the suspect's hard drive from within your own computer, or

Acquiring the suspect's hard drive in his/her computer with your storage hard drive in his/her computer.

CAUTION: To perform this, you need to make certain that the computer containing the suspect hard drive will boot
from your Non-Auto Mount Linux system ONLY. This is exceptionally important because if you accidentally boot up
into the suspects operating system, or if your distribution of Linux "Auto-Mounts" the suspects hard drive, you
will write to the subject's hard drive. Be careful and double check every step.
1. Attach the suspect Hard drive and a FAT32 formatted target drive to the computer
2. Be sure Helix3 CD is loaded, and the system is set to boot from the CD. Turn on the computer
3. Open a command shell. Change the FAT32 target drive to read/write access.
4. Create a Mount Point for your FAT32 storage hard drive by typing "mkdir /media/FAT32"
5. Determine the hard drive device name by examining the output of the command "fdisk -l"
a. As a general reference, Linux follows the below naming conventions:

hda - Primary Master


hdb - Primary Slave


hdc - Secondary Master


hdd - Secondary Slave


SCSI, USB and FireWire devices are labeled as sda, sdb, sdc, etc

6. Mount the storage partition to the mount point by typing "mount /dev/hdx# /media/FAT32" Where
'hdx#' is the drive and partition you found above in step 5 (Example: hda3)
7. Execute the Linen program by typing "linen"

8. Select Acquire
9. Specify the target location, which should be "/media/FAT32"
10. Fill in the remaining required fields and the acquisition will begin
11. Once the acquisition is finished, exit EnCase for Linux
12. Shut down the system
13. Now remove the power and data cables from the suspect hard drive

Meld Di Viewer: Di and merge tool

Developed by Stephen Kennedy. Available from http://meld.sourceforge.net/
From the website: Meld is a visual di and merge tool. You can compare two or three files and edit them in place
(dis update dynamically). You can compare two or three folders and launch file comparisons. You can browse and
view a working copy from popular version control systems such as CVS, Subversion, Bazaar-ng and Mercurial.
Meld can be used to compare two files to determine
the dierences:

Edit files in place. Dis update dynamically.

di2 and di3 support.
User friendly di browsing.
Margins show location of changes.
Tabbed interface - open many dis at once.
Next/prev di.
Unlimited undo.
Middle column shows detailed changes, and
allows merges.
2 and 3 way di and merge. Conflicts are
marked in red.

It can also be used to compare directory


Changed files are marked in red.

New files are marked in green.
Missing files have strikethrough.
Activate a row to view a di of the
2 and 3 way merge.
Right click pops up context menu to

Ophcrack: Rainbow table password cracking

Developed by Cedric Tissieres & Philippe Oechslin. Available from http://ophcrack.sourceforge.net
From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ophcrack:Ophcrack is an open source (GPL license) program that cracks
Windows LM hashes using rainbow tables. The
program includes the ability to import the
hashes from a variety of formats, including
dumping directly from the SAM files of Windows.
There is also a Live CD version which automates
the retrieval, decryption, and cracking of
passwords from a Windows system.
Rainbow tables for LM hashes of alphanumeric
passwords are provided for free by the
developers. These tables can crack 99.9% of
alphanumeric passwords of up to 14 characters
in usually a few seconds, and at most a few
minutes.[citation needed] Larger rainbow tables
(for LM hashes of passwords with all printable
characters, including symbols and space) are
available for purchase from Objectif Securit.
Starting with version 2.3, Ophcrack also cracks NTLM hashes. This is necessary if generation of the LM hash is
disabled (this is default for Windows Vista), or if the password is longer than 14 characters (in which case the LM
hash is not stored).
Due to space limitations, the rainbow tables are not included on the Helix3 CD. It is recommended that the
investigator download them and load them on a USB stick
Once Ophcrack is loaded, use the Load... button to
select the password source file. Ophcrack will
automatically start cracking the passwords.
In this image, taken from http://
Ophcrack.png we see that ophcrack was able to crack
the administrator as ASPNET passwords.

Developed by Chris Eagle. Available from http://sourceforge.net/projects/regviewer/
RegViewer is a windows registry file navigator. It is platform independent allowing for examination of Windows
registry files from any platform. It is particularly useful when conducting forensics of Windows files from *nix
Although the registry appears to be in one file, it is actually placed on your computer in several files. Depending
on your system configuration, registry files can be found in any of the following locations:
For Windows 95, 98, and Me systems:
For Windows 2000, and XP systems
C:\Documents and Settings\User Name\Ntuser.dat
C:\Windows\System32\Config\Security, System.alt, Default, Sam, Software, System
The following images are taken from http://www.cs.usask.ca/undergrads/das322/Cmpt352/DFT/index.html
When the regviewer application is started, you will see the following screen.

By selecting Registry / Import Registry File, a directory window will open. Navigate to the location where the
registry hive you wish to examine is located.

The directory will be displayed, and can be navigated in a way very similar to the Windows Regedit program.

Retriever is a new tool created by me exclusively for the Helix3 CD. Retriever is an image (picture/video)
capturing utility for knock & talks, quick peeks, and general searches. Retriever will scan a mounted device
and locate all of the images and movie files and can place them onto a USB key (or local drive) as well as open an
image viewer to view them.
When the program starts, the user can add
the paths to examine by clicking on the +
Add button, navigating to the directory, and
clicking OK.
Once the paths have been added, the user
selects the type of files they are looking for.
In this case, the user is searching the target
drive mounted at /mnt/hda1, and is looking
for graphic files.

After a few minutes, the list of files matching

the users criteria is displayed.
In this case, we see that 510 graphic files have
been found.
Retriever has created a series of symbolic
links to these files in the /tmp/links directory
(this directory can be changed by accessing
the Options tab.
The Save button will save a list of all the
filenames and paths. It will not save the

Clicking the View button will bring up the file

manager, which will display thumbnails of the
images. Double-clicking on any of the images
will bring up the image full size.

To save the files to a removable device,

such as a USB drive, make sure that the
drive is mounted as read/write, and then
change the settings on the Options tab.

In this case, the user is going to copy the

files to the /mnt/sda1/images directory,
with is located on a removable USB drive.
You must click the Find button again, it
will search for graphics, and as they are
found, they will be copied to the specified
In addition to the images, there will also
be a text file called GRAPHIC-logfile
containing the paths of the all the
Each search type will produce its own

Root terminal
Root Terminal opens a Linux Command shell with root (administrator) privileges.

Unlike the terminal icon on the upper task bar, which opens a Linux Command shell with limited privileges, a root
terminal gives the investigator full access to the entire system.
To tell the dierence between the two types of terminals, look at the last character on the prompt:
$ - user
# - root
Root privileges are very powerful and very dangerous if you do not know what you are doing to can destroy
possibly evidence. It is normally recommended that you use the limited terminal and the "sudo" command to
issue root commands instead of using the root terminal.

Virus Scanner: ClamAV Anti Virus Scanner.

Developed by Tomasz Kojm. Available from http://clamav.net/
Clam AntiVirus is an open source (GPL) anti-virus toolkit for UNIX, designed especially for e-mail scanning on mail
gateways. It provides a number of utilities including a flexible and scalable multi-threaded daemon, a command
line scanner and advanced tool for automatic database updates. The core of the package is an anti-virus engine
available in a form of shared library.
When the program starts, it displays a graphical user interface. The user needs to select where they want the
program to scan.
Clicking on the Add button will allows the user to select the directory to scan. Multiple paths can be added by
repeatly selecting the Add button.

Here the user has added the target system mounted as /mnt/hda1 to be scanned.
Before beginning the scan, it would be a good idea, if the system is connected to the Internet, to update the antivirus signature. Select Database / Update from Internet.

Once the database is updated, you can select Start to start the scan. Depending on the number of files and the
speed of the system, this can take quite some time. When the program is finished, it will display the statistics of
what it has found.

Developed by Gerald Combs. Available from http://www.wireshark.org/
Ethereal is a sophisticated, complex tool what will allow you to interactively browse network trac. To really
learn how to use this tool, head over to http://www.wireshark.org/docs/, where you can download user manuals
and other documentation. Be sure to check out the Ethereal Wiki - http://wiki.ethereal.com/ - a treasure trove of
tutorials, sample files, and how-to guides.
This screen shot is taken from http://glen.mazza.googlepages.com/WireSharkScreen.png

The following is taken from http://www.wireshark.org/about.html

Wireshark is the world's foremost network protocol analyzer, and is the de facto (and often de jure) standard
across many industries and educational institutions. Wireshark development thrives thanks to the contributions
of networking experts across the globe. It is the continuation of a project that started in 1998.
Wireshark has a rich feature set which includes the following:

Deep inspection of hundreds of protocols, with more being added all the time
Live capture and oine analysis
Standard three-pane packet browser
Multi-platform: Runs on Windows, Linux, OS X, Solaris, FreeBSD, NetBSD, and many others
Captured network data can be browsed via a GUI, or via the TTY-mode TShark utility
The most powerful display filters in the industry
Rich VoIP analysis
Read/write many dierent capture file formats: tcpdump (libpcap), Catapult DCT2000, Cisco Secure IDS
iplog, Microsoft Network Monitor, Network General Snier (compressed and uncompressed), Snier Pro,
and NetXray, Network Instruments Observer, Novell LANalyzer, RADCOM WAN/LAN Analyzer, Shomiti/
Finisar Surveyor, Tektronix K12xx, Visual Networks Visual UpTime, WildPackets EtherPeek/TokenPeek/
AiroPeek, and many others
Capture files compressed with gzip can be decompressed on the fly
Live data can be read from Ethernet, IEEE 802.11, PPP/HDLC, ATM, Bluetooth, USB, Token Ring, Frame
Relay, FDDI, and others (depending on your platfrom)
Decryption support for many protocols, including IPsec, ISAKMP, Kerberos, SNMPv3, SSL/TLS, WEP, and
Coloring rules can be applied to the packet list for quick, intuitive analysis
Output can be exported to XML, PostScript, CSV, or plain text

For a quick overview on how to use WireSHark, see http://www.howtoforge.com/wireshark_ubuntu_feisty_p2

Developed by FRISK Software International. Available from http://www.f-prot.com/
From the website: For home users using the Linux open-source operating system, we
oer F-Prot Antivirus for Linux Workstations. F-Prot Antivirus for Linux Workstations
utilizes the renowned F-Prot Antivirus scanning engine for primary scan but has in
addition to that a system of internal heuristics devised to search for unknown viruses
(Frisk Software International, 2006).
F-Prot Antivirus for Linux was especially developed to eectively eradicate viruses threatening workstations
running Linux. It provides full protection against macro viruses and other forms of malicious software - including
Trojans. F-Prot Antivirus can detect a total of 232593 worms, viruses and other malicious programs (Frisk
Software International, 2006).
A command line version of this program is also available.
When the program is started, the user is presented with a menu. The user may choose to scan an entire paritition,
or a file or directory. However, if the system Helix3 is running on is connected to the Internet, it is recommended
that the user first performs choice 4 Do Online-Update.

During an online update, the F-Prot program will access the F-Prot server and see if there is a more current
version of the anti-virus signatures available. If there is, they
will be downloaded.
Taking this step will ensure that the program will be able to
detect the latest malware hiding on the system.

After the signatures have been updates, you can choice either a partitition, directory, or file. In this case, we are
going to check the /bin directory on the Helix3 CD.

F-Prot will examine all the files in the selected directory and identify any suspicious files.

Command Line Tools

While it would be nice for all tools to have graphical user interfaces, the truth is that there many very powerful
tools that are only available from a command line. In fact, some investigators believe that these tools are more
powerful than their GUI counterparts.
The following tools are available on the Linux side of the Helix3 CD, and will only operate from the command shell.
When using these tools, it would be best to use a logged command shell (available from the taskbar) so that all
your actions are logged.
Some of these tools are very powerful, and can be very destructive, so be very careful when using them.

MD5 & SHA1 parallel hashing.

Detect & Recover data in used slackspace.
Trace tcpdump files and extract data.
Look for rootkits.
Change Windows passwords.
dd replacement from the DCFL.
Recover deleted files in ext2 file systems.
Analyze and recover deleted FAT files.
Analyze elf binaries and bash scripts.
debugging, tracing, decompiling.
Carve files based on header and footer.
F-Prot Anti Virus Scanner.
A toolset for forensic data acquisition.
Cookie analyzer for Internet Explorer.
Indexing and query system.
Grep through mailboxes.
EFF logfinder utility.
Log your terminal session (Borrowed from FIRE).
Hardware Lister.
e-fense MAC time utility.
TCT's graverobber written in C.
Recursive md5sum with db lookups.
Stego detection suite.
Forensic tool for Internet Explorer Analysis.
"Recycle BIN" analyzer.
Rootkit hunter.
fast file carver
Specialized dd with better performance.
Recursive sha1sum with db lookups.
Recursive sha1sum with db lookups.
Stego detection suite.
Secure file deletion.

chkrootkit: Look for rootkits.

Developed by Nelson Murilo and Klaus Steding-Jessen. It is available from http://www.chkrootkit.org
chkrootkit is a tool to locally check for signs of a rootkit. It will check the major utilities for infection, and can
currently detect 60 rootkits and their variations.
The following information was taken from http://www.chkrootkit.org/README
chkrootkit must run as root. The simplest way is:
# ./chkrootkit
This will perform all tests. You can also specify only the tests you want, as shown below:
Usage: ./chkrootkit [options] [testname ...]
show this help and exit
show version information and exit
show available tests
quiet mode
expert mode
-r dir
use dir as the root directory
-p dir1:dir2:dirN path for the external commands used by chkrootkit
skip NFS mounted dirs
Where testname stands for one or more from the following list:






For example, the following command checks for trojaned ps and ls binaries and also checks if the network
interface is in promiscuous mode.

# ./chkrootkit ps ls snier
The `-q' option can be used to put chkrootkit in quiet mode in this mode only output messages with `infected'
status are shown.
With the `-x' option the user can examine suspicious strings in the binary programs that may indicate a trojan -all the analysis is left to the user.
Lots of data can be seen with:
# ./chkrootkit -x | more
Pathnames inside system commands:
# ./chkrootkit -x | egrep '^/'
chkrootkit uses the following commands to make its tests: awk, cut, egrep, find, head, id, ls, netstat, ps, strings,
sed, uname. It is possible, with the `-p' option, to supply an alternate path to chkrootkit so it won't use the
system's (possibly) compromised binaries to make its tests.
To use, for example, binaries in /cdrom/bin:
# ./chkrootkit -p /cdrom/bin
It is possible to add more paths with a `:'
# ./chkrootkit -p /cdrom/bin:/floppy/mybin
Sometimes is a good idea to mount the disk from a compromised machine on a machine you trust. Just mount the
disk and specify a new rootdir with the `-r' option.
For example, suppose the disk you want to check is mounted under /mnt, then:
# ./chkrootkit -r /mnt
Output Messages
The following messages are printed by chkrootkit (except with the x and -q command options) during its tests:
"INFECTED": the test has identified a command probably modified by a known rootkit;
"not infected": the test didn't find any known rootkit signature.
"not tested": the test was not performed -- this could happen in the following situations:
a) the test is OS specific;
b) the test depends on an external program that is not available;
c) some specific command line options are given. (e.g. -r ).
"not found": the command to be tested is not available;

"Vulnerable but disabled": the command is infected but not in use. (not running or commented in inetd.conf)
A trojaned command has been found. What should I do now?
Your biggest problem is that your machine has been compromised and this bad guy has root privileges.
Maybe you can solve the problem by just replacing the trojaned command -- the best way is to reinstall the
machine from a safe media and to follow your vendor's security recommendations.
More Information
Adding Chkrootkit to Your Unix Auditing Arsenal, by Bill Hutchison, available from http://www.giac.org/
Understanding Rootkits, by Oktay Altunergil, available from http://www.linuxdevcenter.com/pub/a/linux/
Scanning for Rootkits, by Oktay Altunergil, available from http://www.linuxdevcenter.com/pub/a/linux/

chntpw: Change Windows passwords.

Developed by Petter Nordahl-Hagen. Available from http://home.eunet.no/~pnordahl/
This is an incredibly useful tool to reset the password on any Windows NT, 2000, and XP account. In order for this
to work, the drive containing the OS must be mounted as read/write to allow the program to modify the registry
of the target system.
The following is taken from: http://home.eunet.no/~pnordahl/ntpasswd/README.txt
The Oine NT Password Editor
What does it do?
---------------This little program will enable you to view some information and change user passwords in a Windows NT SAM userdatabase file. You do
not need to know the old passwords.
However, you need to get at the file some way or another yourself. In addition it contains a simple registry editor with full write support,
and hex-editor which enables you to fiddle around with bits&bytes in the file as you wish yourself.
---I often forget passwords. Especially on test installations (that I just _must_ have some stu out of half a year later..) On most unixbased boxes you just boot the thingy o some kind of rescue bootmedia (cd/floppy etc), and simply edit the
password file. On Windows NT however, as far as I know, there is no way except reinstalling the userdatabase, losing all users except
admin. (ok, some companies let you pay lotsa $$$$$ for some rescue service..)
---Currently, this thing only runs under linux, but it may just happen to compile on other platforms, too. (there are dos-versions available,
look for links on my webpage)
So, to set a new adminpassword on your NT installation you either:
1) Take the harddrive and mount it on a linux-box
2) Use a linux-bootdisk or CD
one is available at: http://home.eunet.no/~pnordahl/ntpasswd/
ie. you do it oine, with the NT system down.
-----chntpw version 0.99.2 040105, (c) Petter N Hagen
chntpw: change password of a user in a NT SAM file, or invoke registry editor.
chntpw [OPTIONS] <samfile> [systemfile] [securityfile] [otherreghive] [...]
This message
-u <user> Username to change, Administrator is default
list all users in SAM file
Interactive. List users (as -l) then ask for username to change
Registry editor. Now with full write support!
Enter buer debugger instead (hex editor),
Trace. Show hexdump of structs/segments. (deprecated debug function)
Be a little more verbose (for debuging)
Write names of changed files to /tmp/changed
No allocation mode. Only (old style) same length overwrites possible

Normal usage is:

> chntpw sam system security
- open registry hives 'sam' and 'system' and change administrator account.
Verions dated later from Feb 1999 and later also supports
and will find the admin account, even if the name has been changed,
or the name has been localized (dierent languageversion of NT
use dierent admin-names)
The -u option:
Specifies user to change:
> chntpw -u jabbathehutt mysam
- Prompt for password for 'jabbathehutt', if found (otherwise do nothing)
Or you may give RID number in hex:
> chntpw -u 0x1f4 mysam
- Will edit administrator.
Names does not support multibyte (unicode) characters like some russian and asian locales. Give RID in hex to edit users with such
names. Must start with 0x. Ex: 0x2fa
The -l option:
Will list all users in the sam-file.
The -i option:
Go into the interactive menu system.
The -d option:
This will load the file, and then immediately enter the buer debugger.
This is a simple hex-editor with only a few commands, enter ? at the . prompt to see
a short command overview.
'q' exits without saving, 's' exit and saves.
The -e option:
Will enter the registry editor.
You can navigate the registry like a filesystem at the command-line prompt:
See regedit.txt file for more info.
The -t option:
This is a debug function (extended -l) to show how it traces the chain of structs in the file. This also includes a raw interpretation of the
dierent registry structures + a hex dump.
The -L option:
Drops the filenames of the changed hives in /tmp/changed
Used by the floppy scripts.
The -N option:
Will fall back to old edit mode, disable the block allocations and only support overwrite-same-size. Used to ensure safety in testing

dcfldd: dd replacement from the DCFL.

Developed by Nicholas Harbour. Available from http://dcfldd.sourceforge.net/
This tool was originally developed at the Department of Defense Computer Forensics Lab (DCFL), hence the name.
While Nick Harbour is no longer aliated with the DCFL, he still maintains the package. The DCFL does not
maintain, support, or have any other aliation with dcfldd (Harbour, 2006). Helix3 contains dcfldd 1.3.4 which
is now undergoing forensic accreditation.
dcfldd is an enhanced version of GNU dd with features useful for forensics and security. Based on the dd program
found in the GNU Coreutils package, dcfldd has the following additional features (Harbour, 2006):

Hashing on-the-fly - dcfldd can hash the input data as it is being transferred, helping to ensure data
Status output - dcfldd can update the user of its progress in terms of the amount of data transferred and
how much longer operation will take.
Flexible disk wipes - dcfldd can be used to wipe disks quickly and with a known pattern if desired.
Image/wipe Verify - dcfldd can verify that a target drive is a bit-for-bit match of the specified input file or
Multiple outputs - dcfldd can output to multiple files or disks at the same time.
Split output - dcfldd can split output to multiple files with more configurability than the split command.
Piped output and logs - dcfldd can send all its log data and output to commands as well as files natively.

The following is the man page for dcfldd.

dcfldd - manual page for dcfldd (dcfldd) 1.2.4
dcfldd [OPTION]...
Copy a file, converting and formatting according to the options.
force ibs=BYTES and obs=BYTES
convert BYTES bytes at a time
convert the file as per the comma separated keyword list
copy only BLOCKS input blocks
read BYTES bytes at a time
read from FILE instead of stdin

write BYTES bytes at a time

write to FILE instead of stdout
NOTE: of=FILE may be used several times to write
output to multiple files simultaneously
skip BLOCKS obs-sized blocks at start of output
skip BLOCKS ibs-sized blocks at start of input
use the specified binary pattern as input
use repeating TEXT as input
perform a hash on every BYTES amount of data
either md5, sha1, sha256, sha384 or sha512
default algorithm is md5. To select multiple algorithms to run
simultaneously enter the names in a comma separated list
send MD5 hash output to FILE instead of stderr
if you are using multiple hash algorithms you can send each to a
file using the convention ALGORITHMlog=FILE, for
example md5log=FILE1, sha1log=FILE2, etc.
display each hashwindow according to FORMAT
the hash format mini-language is described below
totalhashformat=FORMAT display the total hash value according to
FORMAT status=[on|o] display a continual status message
on stderr
default state is "on"
update the status message every N blocks
default value is 256
determine the size of the input or output file
for use with status messages. (this option gives you a percentage indicator) WARNING: do not use this option against a
tape device.

write every BYTES amount of data to a new file
This operation applies to any of=FILE that follows
the file extension format for split operation.
you may
use any number of 'a' or 'n' in any combo the default
format is "nnn" NOTE: The split and splitformat options take
only for output files specified AFTER these options appear in
the command line. Likewise, you may specify these several times
for for dierent output files within the same command line. you
may use as many digits in any combination you would like. (e.g.
"anaannnaana" would be valid, but quite insane)
verify that FILE matches the specified input
send verify results to FILE instead of stderr
--help display this help and exit
output version information and exit
The structure of of FORMAT may contain any valid text and special variables. The built-in variables are used the following format:
#variable_name# To pass FORMAT strings to the program from a command line,
it may be necessary to surround your FORMAT strings with "quotes." The
built-in variables are listed below:
The beginning byte oset of the hashwindow
The ending byte oset of the hashwindow
The beginning block (by input blocksize) of the window
The ending block (by input blocksize) of the hash window
hash The hash value
The name of the hash algorithm
For example, the default FORMAT for hashformat and totalhashformat are:
hashformat="#window_start# - #window_end#: #hash#" totalhashformat="Total (#algorithm#): #hash#"
The FORMAT structure accepts the following escape codes:
\n Newline




Carriage return


Insert the '\' character


Insert the '#' character as text, not a variable

BLOCKS and BYTES may be followed by the following multiplicative suffixes: xM M, c 1, w 2, b

512, kD 1000, k 1024, MD 1,000,000, M
1,048,576, GD 1,000,000,000, G 1,073,741,824, and so on for T, P, E, Z,
Y. Each KEYWORD may be:
ascii from EBCDIC to ASCII
ebcdic from ASCII to EBCDIC
ibm from ASCII to alternated EBCDIC
block pad newline-terminated records with spaces to cbs-size
replace trailing spaces in cbs-size records with newline
lcase change upper case to lower case
do not truncate the output file
ucase change lower case to upper case
swab swap every pair of input bytes
continue after read errors
sync pad every input block
with NULs to ibs-size; when used with
block or unblock, pad with spaces rather than NULs

f-prot: F-Prot Anti Virus Scanner.

Developed by FRISK Software International. Available from http://www.f-prot.com/products/home_use/linux/
For home users using the Linux open-source operating system, we oer F-Prot Antivirus for Linux Workstations. FProt Antivirus for Linux Workstations utilizes the renowned F-Prot Antivirus scanning engine for primary scan but
has in addition to that a system of internal heuristics devised to search for unknown viruses (Frisk Software
International, 2006).
F-Prot Antivirus for Linux was especially developed to eectively eradicate viruses threatening workstations
running Linux. It provides full protection against macro viruses and other forms of malicious software - including
Trojans. F-Prot Antivirus can detect a total of 232593 worms, viruses and other malicious programs (Frisk
Software International, 2006).
A GUI version of this program is also available.
The following is the man page for f-prot.
f-prot - F-Prot Antivirus for UNIX, Command-Line Scanner

f-prot [options] [file or directory]

f-prot f-prot is a tool for scanning individual files or directory
trees for viruses. The options selected determine which methods are
used for scanning. By default f-prot scans all files, including inside
archives, and reports to STDOUT. F-prot only lists files which are
found to be infected.

By default f-prot reports to STDOUT, and only lists files which have
been found to be infected.

Append to existing report file.
-help Displays

short summary

of available

options for

-list Show a list of all files which have been checked.

Do not abort scan if ESC is pressed.
-old Do not give a warning message when using outdated DEF files.
-page Only show one screen output at a time.


Save output to the <report_name> file.
Do not generate any screen output. This can be useful in the
case of running f-prot in a cron job and using the -report
-wrap Wrap text outpput so it fits in 78 columns. This also applies to
the file used with the -report option.

By default f-prot scans all files, including inside archives.

-ai Enable neural-network virus detection. The -ai option should not
be used with the -noheur option.
-archive=n [default is 5]
Scan inside supported archives n levels deep, the supported
range is between 1 and 99. The older form '-archive' is supported for compatability reasons, in which case n is set to 5.
Supported archives are .zip, .cab, .tar, .gz, .lzh and .arj
files. Currently F-Prot Antivirus does not support disinfection
or removal of infected files within archives. Unix mailboxes are
considered to be archives and therefore F-Prot Antivirus is not
able to remove infected attachments from mailboxes.
-server [default]
to identify infections within password protected
archives. "-server" implies "-archive=5".
Does not attempt to identify infections within password protected archives.
-auto Automatically remove detected viruses. As noted above, this will
not work on archieved files.
Scan a virus collection. This option is intended for advanced
users. When this option is used it will, e.g. scan for
viruses within files, even though the
resides within a file instead of a bootsector.
Delete infected files. User confirmation is required. However,
the -auto option can be used to automatically confirm the
action. F-Prot Antivirus does not support removal of infected
objects located
in archives. Also, the -delete option has no
eect on oce documents, since that could cause the loss of
Disinfect whenever possible. User confirmation is required. However, the -auto option can be used to automatically confirm the
action. F-Prot Antivirus does not support disinfection of
infected objects located in archives.

-dumb [default]
Scans all files
-type Scan files by content. By default f-prot
scans all files. By
using the -type option, you are instructing the scanner to limit
the search to scanning by content.
-ext Scan only files with default extensions. By default f-prot scans
all files. By using the -ext option, you are instructing the
scanner to limit the search to files with default extensions.
Follow symbolic links. This should be used with
care, as the
program does not detect "circular" directories, and may get
stuck in an endless loop.
Disable heuristic scanning. The -noheur option should not be
used with the -ai option.
-nosub Do not scan subdirectories.
Only use heuristics, do not scan for known virus signatures. By
using this option F-Prot Antivirus will only detect a fraction
of infected files.
-packed [default]
Unpack compressed executables. There is no corresponding
-nopacked option. This option is provided for legacy reasons.
Rename extensions of infected files to prevent them from being
executed, e.g. renaming file.com to file.vom and file.exe to
file.vxe. This will not prevent files from being executed on
Unix since on the one hand .exe files and .com files from Windows are not executable on a Unix platform by default, and on
the other hand file extensions are not used on Unix systems with
regards to executability.


By default f-prot scans for macro's within known file-types.

Do not scan for macro viruses.
Only scan for macro viruses.
Remove all macros from all documents. When this option is used
with -disinf or -delete all identified macros will be removed.
Remove new variants of macro viruses by removing all macros from
infected documents.

Remove all macros from documents, if a known virus is found.

These information options are stand-alone, you can not combine them
with other options. (The version information displayed by -verno are
included in the beginning of every scan report by default).

-verno Show version information.

List viruses known to F-Prot Antivirus with the
signature files.

current virus

-virno Give statistical information about viruses known to F-Prot

Antivirus with the current virus signature files.


0 Normal exit. Nothing found, nothing done.

Unrecoverable error (e.g., missing virus signature files).

Selftest failed (program has been modified).

At least one virus-infected object was found.

Reserved, not currently in use.

Abnormal termination (scanning did not finish).

At least one virus was removed.

Error, out of memory.

At least one suspicious object was found.

At least one object was not scanned (encrypted file, unsupported/unknown compression method, unsupported/unknown file format, corrupted or invalid file).


At lest one archive object was not scanned (contains more then N
levels of nested archives, as specified with -archive switch).

foremost: Carve files based on header and footer.

Developed by Jesse Kornblum and Kris Kendall from the United States Air Force Oce of Special Investigations
and The Center for Information Systems Security Studies and Research. Available from http://
Foremost is a console program to recover files based on their headers, footers, and internal data structures. This
process is commonly referred to as data carving. Foremost can work on image files, such as those generated by dd,
Safeback, Encase, etc, or directly on a drive. The headers and footers can be specified by a configuration file or
you can use command line switches to specify built-in file types. These built-in types look at the data structures of
a given file format allowing for a more reliable and faster recovery (Kornblum, 2006).
The man page presented below is from http://foremost.sourceforge.net/foremost.html
foremost - Recover files using their headers, footers, and data structures
foremost[-h][-V][-d][-vqwQT][-b<blocksize>][-o<dir>] [-t<type>][-s<num>][-i<file>]
Recover files from a disk image based on file types specified by the user using the -t switch.

Support for the JFIF and Exif formats including implementations used in modern digital cameras.
Support for windows bmp format.
Support for most MPEG's (must begin with 0x000001BA)
Windows PE executables (also extracts compile time to audit file)
This will extract AVI and RIFF since they use the same file format (RIFF). note faster than running
each separately.
Note may also extract -wma files as they have similar format.
This will grab any file using the OLE file structure. This includes PowerPoint, Word, Excel, Access,
and StarWriter
Note it is more ecient to run OLE as you get more bang for your buck. If you wish to ignore all
other ole files then use this.
Note is will extract .jar files as well because they use a similar format. Open Oce docs are just
zipped XML files so they are extracted as well. These include SXW, SXC, SXI, and SX? for
undetermined OpenOce files.

C source code detection, note this is primitive and may generate documents other than C code.
all Run all pre-defined extraction methods. [Default if no -t is specified]

Recover files from a disk image based on headers and footers specified by the user.

Show a help screen and exit.

Show copyright information and exit.
Turn on indirect block detection, this works well for Unix file systems.
Time stamp the output directory so you dont have to delete the output dir when running
multiple times.
Enables verbose mode. This causes more information regarding the current state of the
program to be displayed on the screen, and is highly recommended.
Enables quick mode. In quick mode, only the start of each sector is searched for matching
headers. That is, the header is searched only up to the length of the longest header. The rest of
the sector, usually about 500 bytes, is ignored. This mode makes foremost run considerably faster,
but it may cause you to miss files that are embedded in other files. For example, using quick
mode you will not be able to find JPEG images embedded in Microsoft Word documents. Quick
mode should not be used when examining NTFS file systems. Because NTFS will store small files
inside the Master File Table, these files will be missed during quick mode.
Enables Quiet mode. Most error messages will be suppressed.
Enables write audit only mode. No files will be extracted.
Enables write all headers, perform no error detection in terms of corrupted files.
-b number Allows you to specify the block size used in foremost. This is relevant for file naming and
quick searches. The default is 512. ie. foremost -b 1024 image.dd
-k number Allows you to specify the chunk size used in foremost. This can improve speed if you have
enough RAM to fit the image in. It reduces the checking that occurs between chunks of the buer.
For example if you had > 500MB of RAM. ie. foremost -k 500 image.dd
-i file The file is used as the input file. If no input file is specified or the input file cannot be read then
stdin is used.
-o directory Recovered files are written to the directory directory.
-c file Sets the configuration file to use. If none is specified, the file "foremost.conf" from the current
direc-tory is used, if that doesnt exist then "/etc/foremost.conf" is used. The format for the
configuration file is described in the default configuration file included with this program. See
the CONFIGURATION FILE section below for more information.
-s number
Skips number blocks in the input file before beginning the search for headers. ie.
foremost -s 512 t jpeg -i /dev/hda1
The configuration file is used to control what types of files foremost searches for. A sample configuration
file, foremost.conf, is included with this distribution. For each file type, the configuration file describes the files
extension, whether the header and footer are case sensitive, the maximum file size, and the header and footer for
the file. The footer field is optional, but header, size, case sensitivity, and extension are not! Any line that begins
with a pound sign is considered a comment and ignored. Thus, to skip a file type just put a pound sign at the
beginning of that line.
Headers and footers are decoded before use. To specify a value in hexadecimal use \x[0-f][0-f], and for
octal use \[1-9][1-9][1-9]. Spaces can be represented by \s. Example: "\x4F\123\I\sCCI" decodes to "OSI
To match any single character (aka a wildcard) use a ?. If you need to search for the ? character, you will
need to change the wildcard line *and* every occurrence of the old wildcard character in the configuration file.
Do not forget those hex and octal values! ? is equal to \x3f and \063.
Search for jpeg format skipping the first 100 blocks

foremost -s 100 -t jpg -i image.dd

Only generate an audit file, and print to the screen (verbose mode)
foremost -av image.dd
Search all defined types
foremost -t all -i image.dd
Search for gif and pdf
foremost -t gif,pdf -i image.dd
Search for oce documents and jpeg files in a Unix file system in verbose mode.
foremost -v -t ole,jpeg -i image.dd
Run the default case
foremost image.dd

galleta: Cookie analyzer for Internet Explorer.

Developed by Keith J. Jones. Available from http://www.foundstone.com/resources/proddesc/galleta.htm
The following is from http://www.foundstone.com/resources/proddesc/galleta.htm
An Internet Explorer Cookie Forensic Analysis Tool.
Author: Keith J. Jones, Principal Computer Forensic Consultant; Foundstone, Inc.
[email protected]
Copyright 2003 (c) by Foundstone, Inc.
Many important files within Microsoft Windows have structures that are undocumented. One of the principals of
computer forensics is that all analysis methodologies must be well documented and repeatable, and they must
have an acceptable margin of error. Currently, there are a lack of open source methods and tools that forensic
analysts can rely upon to examine the data found in proprietary Microsoft files.
Many computer crime investigations require the reconstruction of a subject's Internet Explorer Cookie files. Since
this analysis technique is executed regularly, we researched the structure of the data found in the cookie files.
Galleta, the Spanish word meaning "cookie", was developed to examine the contents of the cookie files. The
foundation of Galleta's examination methodology will be documented in an upcoming whitepaper. Galleta will
parse the information in a Cookie file and output the results in a field delimited manner so that it may be imported
into your favorite spreadsheet program. Galleta is built to work on multiple platforms and will execute on
Windows (through Cygwin), Mac OS X, Linux, and *BSD platforms.
Usage: galleta [options] <filename>
-d Field Delimiter (TAB by default)
Example Usage:
#galleta antihackertoolkit.txt > cookies.txt
Open cookies.txt as a TAB delimited file in MS Excel to further sort and filter your results

grepmail: Grep through mailboxes.

Developed by David Coppit. Available from http://grepmail.sourceforge.net/
The following is taken from http://grepmail.sourceforge.net/
Search for emails in a normal or compressed mailbox using a regular expression or date constraint.
Gzip, bzip2, tzip support
Piped input supported (compressed or not)
Supports complex dates like "between Jan 15, 1999 and 5 weeks ago"
Can ignore non-text MIME attachments
Can search only the header or only the body of an email
Can recurse subdirectories
Automatically optimizes for speed vs. flexibility when searching based on date constraints.
The following is taken from the command: grepmail
grepmail 5.3032
grepmail [--help|--version] [-abBDFhHilmrRuvVw] [-C <cache-file>]
[-j <status>] [-s <sizespec>] [-d <date-specification>]
[-X <signature-pattern>] [-Y <header-pattern>]
[-e] <pattern> <files...>
grepmail [--help|--version] [-abBDFhHilmrRuvVw] [-C <cache-file>]
[-j <status>] [-s <sizespec>] [-d <date-specification>]
[-X <signature-pattern>] [-Y <header-pattern>]
-E <expr> <files...>
grepmail [--help|--version] [-abBDFhHilmrRuvVw] [-C <cache-file>]
[-j <status>] [-s <sizespec>] [-d <date-specification>]
[-X <signature-pattern>] [-Y <header-pattern>]
-f <pattern-file> <files...>
At least one of -s, -d, -u, -e, and -E must be specified, and can appear in any relative order following the other flags. The -e
flag is optional if pattern appears immediately before -s or -d. Files can be plain ASCII or ASCII files compressed with gzip,
tzip, or bzip2. -E allows for complex pattern matches involving logical operators. If no file is provided, normal or compressed
ASCII input is taken from STDIN.
-a Use received date instead of sent date for -d matching
-b Search must match body
-B Print message bodies but with only limited headers
-C Specify the location of the cache file
-d Specify a required date range (see below)
-D Debug mode
-e Explicitly name pattern (when searching for strings beginning with "-")
-E Specify a complex search expression

-f Read patterns from a file

-F Force processing of all data as mailboxes
-h Search must match header
-H Print headers but not bodies of matching emails
-i Ignore case in the search expression
-j Search must match status (A=answered, R=read, D=deleted, O=old, F=flagged)
-l Output the names of files having an email matching the expression
-M Do not search non-text mime attachments
-m Append "X-Mailfolder: <folder>" to all headers to indicate in which folder
the match occurred
-n Print the line number info (and filename if necessary) for the emails
-q Quiet mode -- don't output warnings
-r Output the names of the files and the number of emails matching the
-R Recurse directories
-s Specify a size range in bytes (see below)
-S Ignore signatures
-u Ensure that no duplicate emails are output
-v Output emails that don't match the expression
-V Display the version number
-w Match word boundaries
-X Specify a regular expression for the signature separator
-Y Specify a header to search (implies -h)
--help Print a help message
Date constraints require Date::Parse. Date specifications must be of the form of:
- a date like "today", "1st thursday in June 1992" (requires Date::Manip),
"05/18/93", "12:30 Dec 12th 1880", "8:00pm december tenth",
- "before", "after", or "since", followed by a date as defined above,
- "between <date> and <date>", where <date> is defined as above.
Size constraints must be of the form of:
- 12345: match size of exactly 12345
- <12345, <=12345, >12345, >=12345: match size less than, less than or equal,
greater than, or greater than or equal to 12345
- 10000-12345: match size between 10000 and 12345 inclusive

logfinder.py: EFF logfinder utility.

Developed by Ben Laurie and Seth Schoen. Available from http://www.e.org/osp/
The following is taken from http://www.e.org/osp/
logfinder 0.1 - Locate Log Files on Your Systems
Many system administrators don't know exactly what logs they have until they have looked into the question.
Often, logging was enabled by defaults -- or by previous system administrators -- and so your systems may be
keeping logs you never intended. We have created a program called logfinder as a simple means of locating files
that might be logs on an existing system. logfinder uses regular expressions to find local files with "log-like"
contents; you can customize those expressions if necessary to meet your needs.
logfinder requires Python 2 or greater and finds logs in text files on a POSIX-like system. (It might also find some
log-like data in binary files if the binary files represent that data in textual form.)
The following is taken from http://www.e.org/news/archives/2005_02.php
Logfinder Helps Eliminate Unwanted Logging of Personal Data
San Francisco, CA - Today the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) released logfinder, a software tool to help
people reduce the unnecessary collection of personal information about computer users. Often computer network
servers automatically log information about who has visited a website and when, or who has sent and received
email. Such data tells a lot about a user's browsing and email habits and could be used in privacy-invasive ways.
Moreover, log data must be turned over to government entities with court orders and can be subpoenaed by
opposing sides in court cases.
By finding unwanted log files, logfinder informs system administrators when their servers are collecting personal
data and gives them the opportunity to turn logging o if it isn't gathering information necessary for
administering the system.
Logfinder was conceived by security consultant Ben Laurie and written by EFF Sta Technologist Seth Schoen. It's
intended to complement EFF's recent white paper, "Best Practices for Online Service Providers," in which the
organization argues that administrators should remove as many logs as possible and delete all personally
identifying data from them.
"People who choose to follow our recommendations in the white paper might not know what kinds of logs they
have," said Schoen. "Logfinder is an example of one way a system administrator could become aware of the
presence of logs, as well as discover sensitive information being collected in known logs."

The following is from the command: logfinder.py h


Please consider the limitations of this program, which is not able to find every possible kind of log file or identify
every potential data retention concern. See README for more information.
For more information about data retention, please consult EFF's resources for on-line service providers at
# logfinder.py [-w] [-l lines] [-c] [-h | --help] [path] [path] [...]
With -c or no path specified, look for current logging activity in open files system wide.
With a path or paths specified, look for log-like text in files within the specified path or paths. By default,
look at the first 100 lines of such files; if -l is specified, look at the specified number of lines instead; if -w
is specified, look at the whole file.
For maximum coverage, specify the path "/".

logsh: Log your terminal session

Developed by Amir Guindehi. Available from http://open.datacore.ch/download/
The following is taken from the README file.
The Log Shell is a restricted shell allowing a logged in user to do nothing more than look at a logfile. The Log
Shell does in essence a 'tail -f' on a hardcoded log file on the filesystem.
The Log Shell is capable of filtering that log file according to simple regular expressions defined in filter list and
grep list config files. These filters allow the system administrator to filter away regular - not important - log
messages allowing the user to view only those messages really important. Log filter lists and grep lists can be
combined to logical expressions using & (and) and | (or) expressions.
Furthermore the user has the abillity to further view only log messages containing specific patterns (eg. grep)
and to view only log messages originating from a specific host. You an use & (and) as well as | (or) to give Log
Shell logical expressions of patterns which have to match.
The Log Shell allows the user drop marks into the output and to add new lines to the output for log message
separation purposes. It's also possible to clear the output screen.
The user is able to reload the configuration and filter lists of running Log Shells by sending a SIGUSR1 to the
process or by user command.
At any moment the user is able to scroll back 5kB or 15kB of log messages by single keypress.
Helix3 Implementation
When logsh is started in Helix, it displays the following information:
All activity is logged to ~/ttylog/
Stop logging by typing exit
Play back log files with:
Replay DATE_tty.log.timing DATE_tty.log
In the ~/ttylog/ directory, the investigator will find logs with names like:
The .log file is a copy of all the console I/O, while the .timing file is keep track of the sequencing of the commands
so the session can be played back using the replay command.

lshw: Hardware Lister.

Created by Lyonel Vincent, available from http://ezix.sourceforge.net/software/lshw.html
lshw (Hardware Lister) is a small tool to provide detailed information on the hardware configuration of the
machine. It can report exact memory configuration, firmware version, mainboard configuration, CPU version and
speed, cache configuration, bus speed, etc. on DMI-capable x86 or EFI (IA-64) systems and on some PowerPC
machines (PowerMac G4 is known to work). Information can be output in plain text, XML or HTML. It currently
supports DMI (x86 and EFI only), OpenFirmware device tree (PowerPC only), PCI/AGP, ISA PnP (x86), CPUID (x86),
IDE/ATA/ATAPI, PCMCIA (only tested on x86), USB and SCSI (Vincent, 2006).
lshw [format] [options... ]
where format can be

to launch the GUI (if available)

to activate HTML mode
to activate XML mode
to print hardware paths
to print bus information

and options can be

-enable TEST to enable a test
-disable TEST to disable a test
-class CLASS to limit the output to a given class
alias for -class CLASS
NOTE: to use some features (like DMI on x86 platforms), you need to run lshw as root or it will only report partial

md5deep: Recursive md5sum with db lookups.

Developed by Special Agent Jesse Kornblum of the United States Air Force Oce of Special Investigations. It is
available from http://md5deep.sourceforge.net/
md5deep is a cross-platform tool that can calculate the MD5 signatures of files. md5deep is similar to the md5sum
but it can also process recursive directories, produce an estimated completion time, compare files to known hash
sets, and be set to only process certain types of files. There are also companion tools that will calculate SHA-1,
SHA-256 Tiger, or Whirlpool message digests for files as well.
The following was taken from http://md5deep.sourceforge.net/manpage.html
md5deep -v | -V | -h
md5deep [-m|-M|-x|-X <file>] [-a|-A <hash>] [-nwzres0lbkq] [-o <fbcplsd>] [FILES]

Computes the hashes, or message digest, for any number of files
optionally recursively
through the directory structure. Can
also take a list of known hashes and display the filenames of
files whose hashes either do or do not match any of the known hashes.
Errors are reported to standard error. If no FILES are specified, reads
from standard input.

Enables recursive mode. All subdirectories are traversed. Please

note that recursive mode cannot be used to examine all files of
file extension. For example, calling md5deep -r *.txt
will examine all files in directories that end in .txt.


Displays a progress indicator and estimate of time remaining for

each file being processed. Time estimates for files larger than
4GB are not available on Windows.

-m <file>
Enables matching mode. The file given should be a list of known
hashes. The input files are examined one at a time, and only
those files that match the list of known hashes are output. This
flag may
be used more than once to add multiple sets of known
hashes. Acceptable formats for lists of known hashes are plain
(such as those
generated by md5deep or md5sum), Hashkeeper
files, iLook, and the National Software Reference Library (NSRL)
as produced by the National Institute for Standards in Technology.
If standard input is used with the -m flag, displays "stdin" if
the input matches one of the hashes in the list of known hashes.
If the hash does not match, the program displays no output.
This flag may not be used in conjunction with the -x, -X, or -A
-x <file>
Same as the -m flag above, but does negative matching. That is,
only those files NOT in the list of known hashes are displayed.

This flag may not be used in conjunction with the -m, -M, or -a

-M and -X <file>
Same as -m and -x above, but displays the hash for each file
that does (or does not) match the list of known hashes.
-a <hash>
Adds a single hash to the list of known hashes used for matching
mode, and if not already enabled, enables matching mode. Adding
single hashes cannot, by itself, be used to print the hashes of
matching files like the -M flag does. When used in conjunction
with the -w flag, the filename displayed is just the hash submitted on the command line.
This flag may not be used in conjunction with the -x, -X, or -A
-A <hash>
Same as -a above, but does negative matching. This flag may not
be used in conjunction with the -m, -M, or -A flags.

During any of the matching modes (-m,-M,-x,or -X), displays the

filename of the known hash that matched the input file.


During any of the matching modes (-m,-M,-x,or -X), displays only

the filenames of any known hashes that were not matched by any
of the input files.


Enables silent mode. All error messages are supressed.


Enables file size mode. Prepends the hash with a ten digit representation of the size of each file processed. If the file size
is greater than 9999999999 bytes (about 9.3GB) the program displays 9999999999 for the size.


Quiet mode. File names are omitted from the output.


Uses a NULL character (/0) to terminate each line instead

of a
newline. Useful
for processing filenames with strange characters.


Enables relative file paths. Instead of printing

the absolute
path for each file, displays the relative file path as indicated
on the command line. This flag may not be used in conjunction
with the -b flag.


Enables bare mode. Strips any leading directory information from

displayed filenames.
This flag may not be used in conjunction with the -l flag.


Enables asterisk mode. An asterisk is inserted in lieu of a second space between the filename and the hash, just like md5sum in
its binary (-b) mode.

-o <bcpflsd>
Enables expert mode. Allows the user specify which (and only

which) types of files are processed. Directory processing is

still controlled with the -r flag. The expert mode options
allowed are:
f - Regular files
b - Block Devices
c - Character Devices
p - Named Pipes
l - Symbolic Links
s - Sockets
d - Solaris Doors

Show a help screen and exit.


Show the version number and exit.


Show copyright information and exit.

Returns a bit-wise value based on the success of the operation and the
status of any matching operations.

Success. Note that the program considers itself successful even

when it encounters read errors, permission denied errors, or
finds directories when not in recursive mode.

Unused hashes. Under any of the matching

returns this
value if one or more of the known hashes was not matched by any
of the input files.

Unmatched inputs. Under any of the matching modes, returns this

value if one or more of the input values did not match any of
the known hashes.


User error, such as trying to do

matching at the same time.

both positive

and negative

128 Internal
such as memory corruption or uncaught cycle.
All internal errors should be reported to the developer! See the
section "Reporting Bugs" below.

outguess : Steganography detection suite.

Developed by Niels Provos. Available from http://www.outguess.org/
The following is taken from http://www.outguess.org/

What is OutGuess?
OutGuess is a universal steganographic tool that allows the insertion of hidden information into the redundant
bits of data sources. The nature of the data source is irrelevant to the core of OutGuess. The program relies on
data specific handlers that will extract redundant bits and write them back after modification. In this version the
PNM and JPEG image formats are supported. In the next paragraphs, images will be used as concrete example of
data objects, though OutGuess can use any kind of data, as long as a handler is provided.
What is Steganography
Steganography is the art and science of hiding that communication is happening. Classical steganography
systems depend on keeping the encoding system secret, but modern steganography is detectable only if secret
information is known, e.g. a secret key. Because of their invasive nature, steganography systems leave detectable
traces within a medium's characteristics. This allows an eavesdropper to detect media that has been modified,
revealing that secret communication is taking place. Although the secrecy of the information is not degraded, its
hidden nature is revealed, defeating the main purpose of Steganography.
What does OutGuess do dierently
For JPEG images, OutGuess preserves statistics based on frequency counts. As a result, statistical tests based on
frequency counts are unable to detect the presence of steganographic content. Before embedding data into an
image, OutGuess can determine the maximum message size that can be hidden while still being able to maintain
statistics based on frequency counts. This approach has been described in
Niels Provos (2001) Defending Against Statistical Steganalysis, 10th USENIX Security Symposium.
Washington, DC, August 2001. Available from http://www.citi.umich.edu/u/provos/papers/defending.ps
OutGuess uses a generic iterator object to select which bits in the data should be modified. A seed can be used to
modify the behavior of the iterator. It is embedded in the data along with the rest of the message. By altering the
seed, OutGuess tries to find a sequence of bits that minimizes the number of changes in the data that have to be
Data Embedding
Below you can see an example run of OutGuess. The table gives an explanation of the dierent columns in the
$ outguess -k "my secret key" -d hidden.txt demo.jpg out.jpg
Reading demo.jpg....
JPEG compression quality set to 75
Extracting usable bits: 40059 bits

Correctable message size: 21194 bits, 52.91%

Encoded 'snark.bz2': 14712 bits, 1839 bytes
Finding best embedding...
0: 7467(50.6%)[50.8%], bias 8137(1.09), saved: -13, total: 18.64%
1: 7311(49.6%)[49.7%], bias 8079(1.11), saved: 5, total: 18.25%
4: 7250(49.2%)[49.3%], bias 7906(1.09), saved: 13, total: 18.10%
59: 7225(49.0%)[49.1%], bias 7889(1.09), saved: 16, total: 18.04%
59, 7225: Embedding data: 14712 in 40059
Bits embedded: 14744, changed: 7225(49.0%)[49.1%], bias: 7889, tot: 40032, skip: 25288
Foiling statistics: corrections: 2590, failed: 1, oset: 122.585494 +- 239.664983
Total bits changed: 15114 (change 7225 + bias 7889)
Storing bitmap into data...
Writing foil/out.jpg....

Data Retrieval
You can retrieve data from an image in the following way:
$ outguess -k "my secret key" -r out.jpg hidden.txt
Reading out.jpg....
Extracting usable bits: 40059 bits
Steg retrieve: seed: 7225, len: 1839
The following is the manpage for outguess
OutGuess 0.2 Universal Stego (c) 1999-2001 Niels Provos
outguess [options] [<input file> [<output file>]]
-[sS] <n> iteration start, capital letter for 2nd dataset
-[iI] <n> iteration limit
-[kK] <key> key
-[dD] <name> filename of dataset
use error correcting encoding
-p <param> parameter passed to destination data handler
retrieve message from data
-x <n> number of key derivations to be tried
mark pixels that have been modified
collect statistic information
-F[+-] turns statistical steganalysis foiling on/o.
The default is on.
outguess - universal steganographic tool
outguess [ -emt ] [ -r ] [ -k key ] [ -F [+-] ] [ -d datafile ] [ -s
seed ] [ -i limit ] [ -x maxkeys ] [ -p param ] [ inputfile [ outputfile ]]

Outguess is a universal steganographic tool that allows the insertion
of hidden information into the redundant bits of data
sources. The
nature of the data source is irrelevant to the core of outguess. The
program relies on data specific handlers that will extract redundant
bits and write them back after modification. Currently only the PPM,
PNM, and JPEG image formats are supported, although outguess could use
any kind of data, as long as a handler were provided.
Outguess uses a generic iterator object to select which bits in the
data should be modified. A seed can be used to modify the behavior of
the iterator. It is embedded in the data along with the rest of the
message. By altering the seed, outguess tries to find a sequence of
bits that minimizes the number of changes in the data that have to be
A bias is introduced that favors the modification of bits that were
extracted from
a high value, and tries to avoid the modification of
bits that were extracted from a low value.
Additionally, Outguess allows for the hiding of two distinct messages
in the
data, thus providing plausible deniablity. It keeps track of
the bits that have been modified previously and locks them. A
(23,12,7) Golay code is used for error correction to tolerate collisions on locked bits. Artifical errors are introduced to avoid modifying bits that have a high bias.
The following command line options, when specified as capital letters,
indicate options for the second message.
-F [+-]
Specifies that OutGuess should preserve statistics based on frequency counts.
As a result, no statistical test that is based
on frequency counts will be able to detect steganographic content. This option is on by default.
-kK key
Specify the secret key used to encrypt and hide the message in
the provided data.
-dD datafile
Specify the filename containing a message to be hidden in the
-sS seed
Specify the initial seed the iterator object uses for selecting
bits in the redundant data. If no upper limit is specified, the
iterator will use this seed without searching for a more optimal
-iI limit
Specify the upper limit for finding an optimal iterator seed.
The maximum value for the limit is 65535.
-eE Use error correction for data encoding and decoding.
Other options that apply to the general execution of outguess:


Retrieve a message from a data object. If this option is not

specified, outguess will embed messages.

-x maxkeys
If the second key does not create an iterator object that is
successful in embedding the data, the program will derive up to
specified number of new keys.
-p param
Passes a string as parameter to the destination
data handler.
For the
JPEG image format, this is the compression quality, it
can take values between 75 and 100. The higher the quality the
more bits to hide a message in the data are available.

Mark pixels that have been modified.

Collect statistics about redundant bit usage. Repeated use
increases output level.

For embedding messages, you need to specify a source and a destination

filename. Outguess determines the data format by the filename extension. If no filenames are specified outguess operates as a filter and
assumes the PPM data format.
To embed the message hidden.txt into the monkey.jpg image:
-k "my secret pass phrase"
-d hidden.txt monkey.jpg
And in the other direction:
outguess -k "my secret pass phrase" -r
out.jpg message.txt
will retrieve the hidden message from the image.
If you want to embed a second message, use:
outguess -k "secret1" -d hide1.txt -E -K
"secret2" -D hide2.txt
monkey.jpg out.jpg
Outguess will first embed hide1.txt and then
hide2.txt on top of it,
using error correcting codes. The second message
hide2.txt can be
retrieved with
outguess -k "secret2" -e -r out.jpg message.txt

pasco: Forensic tool for Internet Explorer Analysis.

Developed by Keith J. Jones. Available from http://www.foundstone.com/resources/proddesc/pasco.htm
The following is from http://www.foundstone.com/resources/proddesc/pasco.htm
An Internet Explorer activity forensic analysis tool.
Author: Keith J. Jones, Principal Computer Forensic Consultant; Foundstone, Inc.
[email protected]
Copyright 2003 (c) by Foundstone, Inc.
Many important files within Microsoft Windows have structures that are undocumented. One of the principals of
computer forensics is that all analysis methodologies must be well documented and repeatable, and they must
have an acceptable margin of error. Currently, there is a lack of open source methods and tools that forensic
analysts can rely upon to examine the data found in proprietary Microsoft files.
Many computer crime investigations require the reconstruction of a subject's internet activity. Since this analysis
technique is executed regularly, we researched the structure of the data found in Internet Explorer activity files
(index.dat files). Pasco, the latin word meaning "browse", was developed to examine the contents of Internet
Explorer's cache files. The foundation of Pasco's examination methodology is presented in the white paper
located here. Pasco will parse the information in an index.dat file and output the results in a field delimited
manner so that it may be imported into your favorite spreadsheet program. Pasco is built to work on multiple
platforms and will execute on Windows (through Cygwin), Mac OS X, Linux, and *BSD platforms.
Usage: pasco [options] <filename>
-d Undelete Activity Records
-t Field Delimiter (TAB by default)
Example Usage:
# pasco index.dat > index.txt
Open index.txt as a TAB delimited file in MS Excel to further sort and filter your results.

scalpel: Fast File Carver

Developed by Golden G. Richard III. Available from http://www.microforensics.com/
The following is taken from http://www.microforensics.com/
Scalpel is a computer forensic tool designed to identify, isolate and recover data artifacts from computer media
during forensics investigations. Scalpel searches hard drives, bit-stream images, unallocated space files, or any
computer file for selected characteristics, contents or attributes, and produces reports of the locations and
contents of artifacts it finds during the electronic discovery process. Scalpel also 'carves' (produces copies of)
the found artifacts as individual files.
The following is from the command: scalpel h
scalpel version 1.53
Written by Golden G. Richard III, based on foremost 0.69
Carves files from a disk image based on file headers and footers.
Usage: scalpel [-b] [-h|V] [-v] [-s num] [-i <file>] [-o <outputdir>]
[-n] [-c <config file>] <imgfile> [<imgfile>] ...
-b Carve files even if defined footers aren't discovered within
maximum carve size for file type [foremost 0.69 compat mode]
-c Choose configuration file
-h Print this help message and exit
-i Read names of files to dig from a file
-o Set output directory for carved files
-n Don't add extensions to extracted files
-r Find only first of overlapping headers/footers [foremost 0.69 compat mode]
-s Skip n bytes in each disk image before carving
-V Print copyright information and exit
-v Verbose mode

sha1deep: Recursive sha1sum with db lookups.

Developed by Special Agent Jesse Kornblum of the United States Air Force Oce of Special Investigations. It is
available from http://md5deep.sourceforge.net/
sha1deep is a cross-platform tool that can calculate the SHA1 signatures of files. sha1deep is similar to the
md5sum but it can also process recursive directories, produce an estimated completion time, compare files to
known hash sets, and be set to only process certain types of files. There are also companion tools that will
calculate MD5, SHA-256 Tiger, or Whirlpool message digests for files as well.
The following was taken from http://md5deep.sourceforge.net/manpage.html
sha1deep -v | -V | -h
sha1deep [-m|-M|-x|-X <file>] [-a|-A <hash>] [-nwzres0lbkq] [-o <fbcplsd>] [FILES]

Computes the hashes, or message digest, for any number of files
optionally recursively
through the directory structure. Can
also take a list of known hashes and display the filenames of
files whose hashes either do or do not match any of the known hashes.
Errors are reported to standard error. If no FILES are specified, reads
from standard input.

Enables recursive mode. All subdirectories are traversed. Please

note that recursive mode cannot be used to examine all files of
file extension. For example, calling md5deep -r *.txt
will examine all files in directories that end in .txt.


Displays a progress indicator and estimate of time remaining for

each file being processed. Time estimates for files larger than
4GB are not available on Windows.

-m <file>
Enables matching mode. The file given should be a list of known
hashes. The input files are examined one at a time, and only
those files that match the list of known hashes are output. This
flag may
be used more than once to add multiple sets of known
hashes. Acceptable formats for lists of known hashes are plain
(such as those
generated by md5deep or md5sum), Hashkeeper
files, iLook, and the National Software Reference Library (NSRL)
as produced by the National Institute for Standards in Technology.
If standard input is used with the -m flag, displays "stdin" if
the input matches one of the hashes in the list of known hashes.
If the hash does not match, the program displays no output.
This flag may not be used in conjunction with the -x, -X, or -A
-x <file>
Same as the -m flag above, but does negative matching. That is,
only those files NOT in the list of known hashes are displayed.

This flag may not be used in conjunction with the -m, -M, or -a

-M and -X <file>
Same as -m and -x above, but displays the hash for each file
that does (or does not) match the list of known hashes.
-a <hash>
Adds a single hash to the list of known hashes used for matching
mode, and if not already enabled, enables matching mode. Adding
single hashes cannot, by itself, be used to print the hashes of
matching files like the -M flag does. When used in conjunction
with the -w flag, the filename displayed is just the hash submitted on the command line.
This flag may not be used in conjunction with the -x, -X, or -A
-A <hash>
Same as -a above, but does negative matching. This flag may not
be used in conjunction with the -m, -M, or -A flags.

During any of the matching modes (-m,-M,-x,or -X), displays the

filename of the known hash that matched the input file.


During any of the matching modes (-m,-M,-x,or -X), displays only

the filenames of any known hashes that were not matched by any
of the input files.


Enables silent mode. All error messages are supressed.


Enables file size mode. Prepends the hash with a ten digit representation of the size of each file processed. If the file size
is greater than 9999999999 bytes (about 9.3GB) the program displays 9999999999 for the size.


Quiet mode. File names are omitted from the output.


Uses a NULL character (/0) to terminate each line instead

of a
newline. Useful
for processing filenames with strange characters.


Enables relative file paths. Instead of printing

the absolute
path for each file, displays the relative file path as indicated
on the command line. This flag may not be used in conjunction
with the -b flag.


Enables bare mode. Strips any leading directory information from

displayed filenames.
This flag may not be used in conjunction with the -l flag.


Enables asterisk mode. An asterisk is inserted in lieu of a second space between the filename and the hash, just like md5sum in
its binary (-b) mode.

-o <bcpflsd>
Enables expert mode. Allows the user specify which (and only

which) types of files are processed. Directory processing is

still controlled with the -r flag. The expert mode options
allowed are:
f - Regular files
b - Block Devices
c - Character Devices
p - Named Pipes
l - Symbolic Links
s - Sockets
d - Solaris Doors

Show a help screen and exit.


Show the version number and exit.


Show copyright information and exit.

Returns a bit-wise value based on the success of the operation and the
status of any matching operations.

Success. Note that the program considers itself successful even

when it encounters read errors, permission denied errors, or
finds directories when not in recursive mode.

Unused hashes. Under any of the matching

returns this
value if one or more of the known hashes was not matched by any
of the input files.

Unmatched inputs. Under any of the matching modes, returns this

value if one or more of the input values did not match any of
the known hashes.


User error, such as trying to do

matching at the same time.

both positive

and negative

128 Internal
such as memory corruption or uncaught cycle.
All internal errors should be reported to the developer! See the
section "Reporting Bugs" below.

sha256eep: Recursive sha1sum with db lookups.

Developed by Special Agent Jesse Kornblum of the United States Air Force Oce of Special Investigations. It is
available from http://md5deep.sourceforge.net/
sha256deep is a cross-platform tool that can calculate the SHA1 signatures of files. sha1deep is similar to the
md5sum but it can also process recursive directories, produce an estimated completion time, compare files to
known hash sets, and be set to only process certain types of files. There are also companion tools that will
calculate MD5, SHA-1, Tiger, or Whirlpool message digests for files as well.
The following was taken from http://md5deep.sourceforge.net/manpage.html
sha256deep -v | -V | -h
sha256deep [-m|-M|-x|-X <file>] [-a|-A <hash>] [-nwzres0lbkq] [-o <fbcplsd>] [FILES]

Computes the hashes, or message digest, for any number of files
optionally recursively
through the directory structure. Can
also take a list of known hashes and display the filenames of
files whose hashes either do or do not match any of the known hashes.
Errors are reported to standard error. If no FILES are specified, reads
from standard input.

Enables recursive mode. All subdirectories are traversed. Please

note that recursive mode cannot be used to examine all files of
file extension. For example, calling md5deep -r *.txt
will examine all files in directories that end in .txt.


Displays a progress indicator and estimate of time remaining for

each file being processed. Time estimates for files larger than
4GB are not available on Windows.

-m <file>
Enables matching mode. The file given should be a list of known
hashes. The input files are examined one at a time, and only
those files that match the list of known hashes are output. This
flag may
be used more than once to add multiple sets of known
hashes. Acceptable formats for lists of known hashes are plain
(such as those
generated by md5deep or md5sum), Hashkeeper
files, iLook, and the National Software Reference Library (NSRL)
as produced by the National Institute for Standards in Technology.
If standard input is used with the -m flag, displays "stdin" if
the input matches one of the hashes in the list of known hashes.
If the hash does not match, the program displays no output.
This flag may not be used in conjunction with the -x, -X, or -A
-x <file>
Same as the -m flag above, but does negative matching. That is,
only those files NOT in the list of known hashes are displayed.

This flag may not be used in conjunction with the -m, -M, or -a

-M and -X <file>
Same as -m and -x above, but displays the hash for each file
that does (or does not) match the list of known hashes.
-a <hash>
Adds a single hash to the list of known hashes used for matching
mode, and if not already enabled, enables matching mode. Adding
single hashes cannot, by itself, be used to print the hashes of
matching files like the -M flag does. When used in conjunction
with the -w flag, the filename displayed is just the hash submitted on the command line.
This flag may not be used in conjunction with the -x, -X, or -A
-A <hash>
Same as -a above, but does negative matching. This flag may not
be used in conjunction with the -m, -M, or -A flags.

During any of the matching modes (-m,-M,-x,or -X), displays the

filename of the known hash that matched the input file.


During any of the matching modes (-m,-M,-x,or -X), displays only

the filenames of any known hashes that were not matched by any
of the input files.


Enables silent mode. All error messages are supressed.


Enables file size mode. Prepends the hash with a ten digit representation of the size of each file processed. If the file size
is greater than 9999999999 bytes (about 9.3GB) the program displays 9999999999 for the size.


Quiet mode. File names are omitted from the output.


Uses a NULL character (/0) to terminate each line instead

of a
newline. Useful
for processing filenames with strange characters.


Enables relative file paths. Instead of printing

the absolute
path for each file, displays the relative file path as indicated
on the command line. This flag may not be used in conjunction
with the -b flag.


Enables bare mode. Strips any leading directory information from

displayed filenames.
This flag may not be used in conjunction with the -l flag.


Enables asterisk mode. An asterisk is inserted in lieu of a second space between the filename and the hash, just like md5sum in
its binary (-b) mode.

-o <bcpflsd>
Enables expert mode. Allows the user specify which (and only

which) types of files are processed. Directory processing is

still controlled with the -r flag. The expert mode options
allowed are:
f - Regular files
b - Block Devices
c - Character Devices
p - Named Pipes
l - Symbolic Links
s - Sockets
d - Solaris Doors

Show a help screen and exit.


Show the version number and exit.


Show copyright information and exit.

Returns a bit-wise value based on the success of the operation and the
status of any matching operations.

Success. Note that the program considers itself successful even

when it encounters read errors, permission denied errors, or
finds directories when not in recursive mode.

Unused hashes. Under any of the matching

returns this
value if one or more of the known hashes was not matched by any
of the input files.

Unmatched inputs. Under any of the matching modes, returns this

value if one or more of the input values did not match any of
the known hashes.


User error, such as trying to do

matching at the same time.

both positive

and negative

128 Internal
such as memory corruption or uncaught cycle.
All internal errors should be reported to the developer! See the
section "Reporting Bugs" below.

stegdetect: Steganography detection suite.

Developed by Niels Provos. Available from http://www.outguess.org/detection.php
The following is taken from http://www.outguess.org/detection.php
Stegdetect is an automated tool for detecting steganographic content in images. It is capable of detecting several
dierent steganographic methods to embed hidden information in JPEG images.
Currently, the detectable schemes are
jphide (unix and windows),
invisible secrets,
outguess 01.3b,
F5 (header analysis),
appendX and camouflage.
Stegbreak is used to launch dictionary attacks against JSteg-Shell, JPHide and OutGuess 0.13b.
Automated Detection of New Steganographic Methods
Stegdetect 0.6 supports linear discriminant analysis. Given a set of normal images and a set of images that
contain hidden content by a new steganographic application, Stegdetect can automatically determine a linear
detection function that can be applied to yet unclassified images.
Linear discriminant analysis computes a dividing hyperplane that separates the no-stego images from the stego
images. The hyperplane is characterized as a linear function. The learned function can be saved for later use on
new images.
Stegdetect supports several dierent feature vectors and automatically computes receiver operating
characteristic which can be used to evaluate the quality of the automatically learned detection function.
# stegdetect *.jpg
cold_dvd.jpg : outguess(old)(***) jphide(*)
dscf0001.jpg : negative
dscf0002.jpg : jsteg(***)
dscf0003.jpg : jphide(***)
# stegbreak -tj dscf0002.jpg
Loaded 1 files...
dscf0002.jpg : jsteg(wonderland)
Processed 1 files, found 1 embeddings.
Time: 36 seconds: Cracks: 324123, 8915 c/s
For more information on how stegdetect works and on how to use it can be found see:
Niels Provos and Peter Honeyman (2003) Hide and Seek: An Introduction to Stegangography, IEEE
Security & Privacy Magazine, May/June. Available from http://niels.xtdnet.nl/papers/practical.pdf

The following is the man page for stegdetect

stegdetect - finds image files with steganographic content
stegdetect [-qhnV] [-s float] [-C num,tfname] [-c file ... name]
[-D file] [-d num] [-t tests] [file ...]
The stegdetect utility analyses image files for steganographic content.
It runs statistical tests to determine if steganographic content is
present, and also tries to find the system that has been used to embed
the hidden information.
The options are as follows:

Only reports images that are likely to have steganographic content.


Only calculates the DCT histogram. Use the -d option to display the values.


Enables checking of JPEG header information to surpress false

positives. If enabled, all JPEG images that contain comment
fields will be treated as negatives. OutGuess checking will be
disabled if the JFIF marker does not match version 1.1.


Displays the version number of the software.

-s float Changes the sensitivity of the detection algorithms. Their

results are multiplied by the specified number.
The higher the
number the more sensitive the test will become. The default is
-C num,tfname
Feature vectors are being extraced from the images. The argument num can either be zero or one. A zero indicates that the
provided images do not contain steganographic content, a one
indicates that they do. The argument tfname is the name of
transform used for feature extraction. The features vectores
are printed to stdout.
-c file Reads the data created by the -C options and computes the necessary values to detect steganographic content in yet unknown
The option can be used multiple times.
It expects
that the name of the scheme provided as additional argument.
The result is a decision object that can be used with the -D
The decision object contains a the parameters for a
linear discriminant function based on the Neyman-Pearson theorem.
-D file Reads a decision object that contains detection information
about a new steganographic scheme.
-d num Prints debug information.

-t tests Sets the tests that are being run on the image.
characters are understood:

The following

Tests if information has been embedded with jsteg.

Tests if information has been embedded with outguess.

Tests if information has been embedded with jphide.

Tests if information has been hidden with invisible


Tests if information has been hidden with F5.

Tests if information has been hidden with F5 using a

more sophisticated but fairly slow detection algorithm.

Tests if information has been added at the end of file,

for example by camouflage or appendX.

The default value is jopifa.

The stegdetect utility indicates the accuracy of the detection with a
number of stars behind the detected system. If no filenames have been
specified, stegdetect will read the filenames from stdin.
stegdetect -t p auto.jpg
Tries to detect the presence of jphide embedded information in auto.jpg.
stegdetect works only for JPEG images.
Currently, there is no support for parameter training. The only exported
knob is the sensitivity level. Future versions will export all detection
parameters via a configuration file.

Static Binaries
Due to size constraints, Helix3 no longer contains many of the static binaries for Linux, Solaris, Maintosh, and
Windows. All of the static binaries are now located on the http://helix.e-fense.com/Download.html website
where you can download them as you need them. Once downloaded, they should be burned to a CD, or another
form a read-only storage so that they can not be modified by any malware residing on the system under

The Need for Static Binaries

When performing an incident response, it is possible that the command commands on the target machine has
been compromised, and modified to hide signs that the system has been attacked. Rootkits will often replace
command system utilities such as ls, dir, and ps, with modified version to prevent users from detecting rogue
processes and files. Even the command dynamic libraries on the target machine can not be trusted.
That is where static binaries come in. They are complete, self-contained executables that do not rely on or use
any of the commands on the target system. Since these commands are on a CD-ROM, they can not be
compromised or replace by the viruses, worms or rootkits. These are trusted tools.
One of the more common ways to determine if a system has been compromised is to compare the output of the ps
command from the target system with the static binary ps command on the Helix3 CD. If there is a dierence, it is
possible that the target system has been compromised.
These commands can be run on a live system without rebooting. Once the CD-ROM is mounted, change into the
\Static-Binaries and then change into the specific directory for the system being investigated. Helix3 provides
static binaries for Windows, Linux and Solaris.

On a windows system, these tools are available, as well the Helix3 graphical user interface. The GUI also provides
a number of other incident response tools.
The Win32 binaries are GNU from http://unxutils.sourceforge.net, courtesy of Karl M. Syring.
These tools are now all located under the /ir directory in respective directories.










On a Linux system, in the \Static-Binaries directory, there is a shell script called linux-ir.sh. This is a simple
incident response shell script that will collect system information using the static binaries. The output will be
displayed on the console, but can be redirected using the standard Linux >> option.
linux-ir.sh >> /mnt/sda1/IRoutput.txt
This will save the output to the IRoutput.txt on the /mnt/sda1 device. The /mnt/sda1 must be mounted as read/
The Linux Static Binaries are from http://www.e-fense.com, courtesy of Drew Fahey.
Directory: \Static-Binaries\linux_x86










For an Intel-based Solaris x86 system, in the \Static-Binaries directory, there is a shell script called solaris-ir.sh.
This is a simple incident response shell script that will collect system information using the static binaries. The
output will be displayed on the console, but can be redirected using the standard Unix >> option.
solaris-ir.sh >> /mnt/sda1/IRoutput.txt
This will save the output to the IRoutput.txt on the /mnt/sda1 device. The /mnt/sda1 must be mounted as read/
The Solaris Binaries were obtained from http://www.incident-response.org, courtesy of Rob Lee.
Directory: \Static-Binaries\solaris_2.7





Appendix 2 Linux Commands


adduser dsoneil

| This command will automatically add a new user to the system

| The Bash script can be found in /usr/sbin if it needs to be changes


alias help=man
alias long=ls -al

| The alias command allows you to substitute a new name for a command
| An alias can also contain command line options
| Unless the alias definition is included in your .login file it is only temporary


apropos keyword

| Display command names based on keyword search


at 1:23 lp /home/index.html
at 1:50 echo lp Job Done
at -l
at -d 5555

| The at command runs a list of commands at a specified time (e.g. print @ 1:23)
| This uses the echo command to send a message at 1:50 saying a print job is done
| Lists all scheduled jobs; an alias for the atq command
| This will cancel job number 5555; an alias for the atrm command



| Temporarily blank


cat /etc/filename
cat file.a > file.b
cat -n file.a
cat /proc/scsi/scsi

| Prints specified file to the screen

| Moves file.a to file.b
| This will show the contents of the file with line numbers (-b number only no blank lines)
| This will list all the SCSI processes running on your system


cd /home/dsoneil
cd ~username

| Changes directories to the specified one

| This will move you to the users specified home directory


chattr +i /etc/passwd

| makes the named file immutable. Attributes are not shown by ls; use lsattr


chfn dsoneil

| This will allow you to change finger information on that user

| As an example it will allow you to change dsoneil to Darcy S. ONeil


chmod 666 filename

chmod 777 filename
chmod a=rwx file

| This command will give a file Read - Write permission for everyone
| This command gives Read - Write - Execute permission to everyone
| This gives Read - Write - Execute permission to all users


chown dso /home/html

chown dso /home/file.a

| This command will change the owner of the specified directory to dso
| This command will change the owner of the specified file to dso



| This will clear your screen


cmp -s file.a file.b

| Compares 2 files of any type. The -s option will return nothing in the files arethe same


cp file.a file.b

| This will create a duplicate of file.a under a new file name, file.b


ls /home | cpio -o > /root

cpio -it < /root > bk.indx

| This will copy the files of /home to the directory /root

| This will extract all of the files to /root and creates an index file called bk.indx
| Graphical front end to installpkg, removepkg, makepkg that uses ncurses.


crontab -e

| Edit your personnel crontab file

| The main crontab files can be found in the /etc directory


| Will outout the present date to the screen
date --date=2001-3-15
| This will set date to 2001-Mar-15
date --date=2001-3-15 11:59 AM
| This will set the date as well as time


df -hT

| Displays the total size, used and available space on all mounted file systems



|Prints out the bootup messages so you can locate errors


du -k /home/html
du -k /home/html/file.a

| Provides a summary of the disk space usage, in kb, within the specified path
| Provides a summary of disk spaced used by a particular file


e2fsck /dev/fd0
e2fsck /dev/hda1

| To "scandisk" a floppy (run while the floppy is unmounted)

| Also can be used to scan for disk errors on hard drive partitions


fc -l

| Lists your recent commands (Beware that fc is dangerous w/o -l because it

| will run commands)


fdformat /dev/fd0
fdformat /dev/fd0H1440

| low level format of a floppy device in drive fd0

| This will fromat a Double Sided High Densitydisk



fdisk l /dev/hda
fdisk /dev/had

| List all partitions on drive had, with out mounting

| n: P, primary: 1: t, c (Fat 32 LBA)


file file.a
file -z file.a.tar
file -L file.a
file k file.a

| This command will try to determine what type of file file.a is. (exec, text, etc.)
| Looks inside a compressed file to determine its type.
| Follows symbolic links to be followed to determine file type
| Do not stop at the first matched test


find /path -name passwd

| Locates the specified string (passwd), starting in the specified directory (/path)
| All filenames or directories containing the string will be printed to the screen



| This will list all users currently logged into the UNIX system


free -t -o

| Provides a snapshot of the system memory usage


fsck /hda

| file system check and repair


| This is a file system viewer (Use F10 to exit)Group


cat /etc/passwd | grep dso

| This searches for and limits the command output to the pattern specified
| In this case all instances of dso from the /etc/passwd file are printed
grep -i Sample /home/dsoneil | The -i option makes the search indierent to case (e.g. sample or SAMPLE)

groupadd sudos

| Create a new group called sudos on the system



| Shows which groups you are in


gzip file.a
gzip -d file.a.gz
tar -zxvf file.a.tar.qz

| This will zip file.a and give it the extension file.a.gz

| This will unzip the file file.a.gz
| The z flag allow you to decompress the tar file on the fly


history | grep sneak

history -d 1061

| To retrive your recent commands with "sneak" somewhere in them. 6/00

| To delete history entry 1061, which may be a password in cleartext.


| Get or set hostname. Typically, the host name is stored in the file /etc/HOSTNAME.
ifconfig eth0
ifconfig eth0 up
ifconfig eth1 up


| This will display the status of the currently defined interface (.e.g Ethernet Card 0)
| This flag causes the iterface to be activated (To deactivate an interface use down)
| Makes eth1 active with IP address
| used (by root) to install modular device drivers


installpkg -r packagename.tgz


ipchains [-A -s -d -j] [Input / Output]

ipchains -A input -s -j DENY
ipchains -A output -d -j DENY

| This command is used to ACCEPT or DENY access to your system

| This will block the IP address from accessing your system
| This command will DENY your system from accesing this IP address
| [-A append] [-s source] [-d destination] [-j join]



| This will list all jobs presently running on your system


| This will install a Slackware package with the name you specify (-r option)

| GUI to add/remove kernel modules (as root in X terminal).


kill 2587
kill -9 2587

| Kills the process specified by the Process ID Number (2587)

| The -9 flag forces the process to die


last -300

| Prints to the screen the username, location, log-in and log-o times of
| the last
| -x logins to the system. The username will select the last x time that person
| has used the system. The last command is not traceable.

last -5 username



| Displays a list of the login attempts / times of all users on the

| system (security check)


ldd ./test.exe

| Display shard library Dependencies


less /html/index.html

| Less displays information a screen at a time, you can also page

| back and forth


lilo -v

| To write or correct boot config to disk. Use this comand after

| modifying /etc/lilo.conf

| Do this before rebooting (to avoid "LIL-" on startup) if it's been

| a while lilo -b /dev/fd0 This command will make a boot disk

ln -s /usr/dso ./home/html

| Creates a symbolic link from the first directory or file to the second.
| A user changing into ./home/html will actually be directed to the
| /usr/dso directory.


locate wordperfect

| The locate command will locate the file specified aand output a
| directory path (see updatedb)


lpr /home/html/index.html

| This command will print the file index.html to the printer


lprm 12

| This command will cancel pint job 12 in the printer queue



| This will show the contents of the print queue


ls -al

| Lists all information on all files (-a) in the current directory in single line
| format (-l). Includes permissions, owners, modification time, file size
| and name
| Marks (directories with a trailing / ) - ( executables with an *)
| (symbolic links w/ @)
| This will ist all IP4 (masquerading) entries in the system
| processes directories
| List files by last access time

ls -F
ls /proc/sys/net/ipv4
ls alRu


make modules

| used (by root) to show kernel modules currently loaded

lsof |grep :<port number>
lsof i
lsof t

| This will show you what program has that port open.
| This will show Internet connections like netstat.
| This will show processes
| Lists your PCI devices

make mrproper
make menuconfig

| Cleans up junk accidentally left behind by the development team

| This will ask you a series of questions about your system and
| drive requirements
make dep
| This will use dependencies
make clean
| The clean command will clean up any unnecessary files left lying around
make bzImage
| This will begin the process of compiling your new kernel
make lnx
| This specified that the source will be compiled under a Linux system
make install
| After the make command this will install the compiled binaries to
| their directories
| This will compile all the necessary modules
make modules_install
| This will install modules into the /lib/modules directory


man vi

| Prints the manual page on the specific topic (vi) to the screen. To scroll down
| the page use the Space Bar, to scroll up use the letter b, to exit press q.


md5sum filename.tgz
md5sum b
md5sum t

| To ensure a copy between machines went perfectly

| Reads files in binary mode
| Reads files in text mode


mkdir pascal

| This will create new directory (pascal) in the present directory


mkfs -t msdos -c -v /dos-drive

mkfs -t xfs -c -v /home
mkfs.vfat v F32 n DATA /dev/hda1

| Formats a partition and builds a new filesystem on it

| -t specifies filesystem type, -v produces verbose output, -c checks bad blocks
| -n Labels volume


more /home/html/index.htm

| Paginates the specified file so it can be read line by line (using Enter key) or
| screen by screen using the Space Bar. Use b key to move back and q to quit.


mount -t msdos /dev/hda5 /dos

mount -t iso9660/dev/sr0 /cd
mount -t msdos /dev/fd0 /mnt
mount -a /etc/fstab

| Mounts the msdos partition on the Hard Drive (hda5) to the directory /dos
| Mounts the CD-ROM under the directory /cd
| Mounts the floppy drive with an msdos file system to /mnt
| Attempts to mount all file systems located in the /etc/fstab file


mv ./home/file ./dso/file

| Moves the specified file to another directory


netstat -tap | grep LISTEN

netstat -t -u -a

|This will give us a list of all currently running TCP servers that
| are LISTENing on a port
| This will list all UDP and TCP ports that are open

nice -5 sort one.a > two.b

| This command adjusts the priority of a process before it starts


| The higher the number the lower the priority. All process start at 10

nmap localhost
nmap -sT -sU -p 1-65535 localhost


| This will port scan the localhost server to determine open ports
| This will thoroughly check all ports on the system (both UDP and TCP)
| This command allows a process to continue after you log out



| Launches the password program so the user can change their password


ps -ef | grep dsoneil

| Lists all current running processes, their corresponding pids, and their status
| This will find all of the processes for user dsoneil


pstree -p

| Provides a list of running processes in a tree structure



| Prints the current working directory



| Lists the users quotas for both ada (/home/ada/a#/username) and amelia
| (/var/spool/mail/username), indicating the number of blocks used and
| the users quota.


renice -5 6641

| Adjusts the priority of the running process 6641 (The 5 lowers the
| priority to use less resources)


removepkg -copy packagename

| This will remove the named package but make a copy in the /tmp directory


rm file.a
rm -i file.a
rm -r /home/dso

| Removes the specified file in your current directory

| Removes specified file but prompts for confirmation before deleting
| Removes the specified directory and all files in that directory


rmdir pascal

rmdir -r pascal

| Removes the empty directory specified, if not empty you will

| receive an error
| Removes the directory and all files in that directory (if supported)


route -n
route add -net eth0
route add default gw eth0

| Displays the Linux Kernel IP routing table

| This will tell other systems what network to route your system on
| This will tell the your system where the Internet gateway is located
| This information can be added to you /etc/rc.d/rc.local system files


rpm -i file.2.0-i386.rpm
rpm -U file.2.0-i386.rpm
rpm -i force file.rpm
rpm -e file.2.0-i386.rpm

| This will unpack an RPM file. This is the most basic method of installation
| This will install an upgrade to a previous RPM package.
| The force option will force the package to re-install
| This will remove and RPM package. (You do not need to use the
| complete name)
| This command uses the no dependencies flag.
| This will give a screen print out of all packages installed (q is query)
| This will print out all of the rpm packages will gtk in the file name
| This will provide information on the package you are about to install
| This will rebuild a package if it has been corrupted by another
| installation process

rpm -i nodeps file.rpm

rpm -qa
rpm -qa | grep gtk
rpm -qi file.2.0-i386.rpm
rpm rebuild file.2.0.rpm

rpm2targz rpm2targz filename.rpm

| This will convert an RPM file to a Slackware .tgz package


service smb status

service status-all

| This will check the status of the smb service

| Display status of all services


sha1sum filename.tgz
sha1sum b
sha1sum t

| To ensure a copy between machines went perfectly

| Reads files in binary mode
| Reads files in text mode


shutdown -t 10.00

shutdown -f

| This will notify all logged in users that the system will shut down at
| 10:00 AM
| This will reboot the system at 8:00 PM
| This will shutdown the system in 10 minutes with the message
| good day sent
| The -f flag will cause Linux to do a fast reboot


sort myfile

| To sort files. (Options -r Reverse normal order, -n Sort in numeric order


strings myfile

| Displays printable characters


su username

| This will allow you to access the Superuser privileges.

shutdown -r -t 20.00
shutdown -t +10 good day

| Type exit to revert back to normal


tar -cf /usr/dso.tar /home

tar cvf /backup.tar /dso
tar -xvf file.a.tar
tar -tvf file.a.tar | more
tar -zxvf file.a.tgz


M for memory usage information

| This program shows a lot of stu that goes on with your system. In the
P for CPU information
| program, you can type: q to quit


touch file.a

| Creates an empty file in the current directory with the name file



| This will update the locate database


upgradepkg packagename.tgz

| This will upgrade a Slackware package and remove any old or no used files


umask -S u=rw,g=,o=

| Specify the permission for files when files are created for owner(u),
| group(g), and others(o)
| you can use 022 for read only file permission for others and 077 for read
| and write permission

umask 022

| This command copies the directory /home to the file /user/dso.tar

| This will create a tar archive of everything in the directory /dso
| This command will extract the tar archive
| This will allow you to check whether the tar archive starts with a directory
| This command will unzip and extract the file in one step as opposed
| to using gzip


uname -a

| This will print to the screen the Linux Kernel in use on your system


uptime -a

| Shows system uptime and includes a list of users who have been
| idle for more than one hour


userdel -r dsoneil

| This will delete the user dsoneil from the system, the -r option will delete
| the users /home

| Lists all users currently logged into the UNIX system. Provides information
| such as username, login time, idle time, and current action


whatis cat

| Provides a one-line summary of the command


which -a filename

| This will search through all directories in your current path and find all
| files named filename



| Lists currently logged on users username, port, and when they logged in



| Tells the user who they are acting as; usually their own username.



dcat f linux-ext2 -h /*.img 357 | less

dcalc u 345 /*.img 644

| Display the contents of a disk block (h hex view)

| Maps between dd images and dls results


dls f linux-ext2 /*.img > *.img.dls

| (unrm in TCT) Lists contents of deleted disk blocks


dstat f linux-ext2 /*.img 357

| List statistics associated with specific disk block from an image


debugfs [options] *.img

debugfs: lsdel
debugfs: write
debugfs: cat <inode#>
debugfs: dump<inode#> /mnt/file.txt
debugfs: dump R stat <inode#> *.img

| View and edit ext2 files FROM A DEBUGFS COMMAND PROMPT:

| List deleted Inodes
| Write a file out from the img.
| Read the contents of an Inode
| Dumps the contents of an Inode.
| Provides greater data about the Inode.




File Types: linux-ext2, linux-ext3, solaris, openbsd, freebsd, ntfs, fat, fat12, fat16, fat32

nd f linux-ext2 /*.img 2060

fls f linux-ext2 hda2.dd 33

| Determine which file has allocated to an inode in an image

| Finds all occurrences of that file
| Displays file & Directory entries in Directory Inode
| Display . and .. directories
| Display deleted entries only


fsstat f linux-ext2 /*.img | less

| Display undeleted entries only

| Display Directory entries only
| Display File entries only
| Recurse on Directories
| Display full path when recursing
| Display in timeline import format
| Display long version (all times and info)
| Specify the timezone (for -l listing)
| Clock skew in seconds (-l and m only)
| Displays details about the file system


fsgrab c 1 s 57 *.img > *.txt

-c #
-s #

| Can grab blocks directly o of the disk

| Number of blocks to grab
| Number of blocks to skip


lazarus h /*.img.dls

| Takes unallocated space from raw data and puts it in order

| -h directs the output to html


| Standalone MACTIME analysis, writes STD-OUT to netcat.


| Used to correlate data files; from fls/ils, grave-robber, mac-robber

| Run mactime STARTING at 01/01/2001
| Password file location (to replace UID)
| Group file location (to replace GID)
| Dates use the year first
| Specify timezone

mactime b /*.mac > /*.all

mactime b 01/01/2001 /*.mac > /*.all



icat hf linux-ext2 /*.img 2060

-h / -H

| Displays contents of a disk block allocated to an Inode

| -h DO NOT Display file holes, -H DO Display holes


ifind f linux-ext2 /*.img 2060

| Determine which Inode has allocated a block in an image


ils of linux-ext2 /dev/hda1


| Display inode information, even those deleted

| Open but unlinked files on a live system, the process is running but the file is deleted
| List Every Inode
| Removed files, by default
| Tells ils which file system structure to read
Extracts data from deleted inodes


istat f linux-ext2 /*.img 2060

| Displays information about a specific inode

sorter f linux-ext2 d /*.img /sorter


| Sorter runs both fls r and icat to identify content

| Extension mismatch only
| Category Indexing Only
| List details to STDOUT only (for IR)
| Save the data to category directories
| Config file




grave-robber [options] > STD-OUT | Data Capture Tool

| Grabs Everything
| Collects Inode data from unallocated space
| Run Process commands
| Gather network and host info
| Grabs all trust information
| Run lstat() on all files to get Inode information


| Run on a live system to create a timeline.


| Run on a live system to create a timeline.

pcat process_ID

| Copy process memory from live system


| Operating System and Version.

| Operating System installation date or file list.
| System timezone.
| Boot Dates.
| Partition Information.

Other Useful Commands

Ctrl-Alt-F1: installation dialog
Ctrl-Alt-F2: shell prompt
Ctrl-Alt-F3: install log
Ctrl-Alt-F4: system related messages
Ctrl-Alt-F5: other messages
Ctrl-Alt-F7: X graphical display

Access Data. (2005). FTK Imager Help File.
Carvey, H. (2005). Windows forensics and incident recovery. Boston: Addison-Wesley.
Computer Hope. (2006a). 3.5 Floppy. Retrieved 31 Jan, 2006, from http://www.computerhope.com/jargon/h/
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Digital Intelligence. (2006a). Forensic Card Readers. Retrieved 31 Jan, 2006, from http://
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Harbour, N. (2006). dcfldd. Retrieved 4 Feb, 2006, from http://dcfldd.sourceforge.net/
Hurlbut, D. (2005). Write Protect USB Devices in Windows XP. Retrieved 31 Jan, 2006, from http://
Kornblum, J. (2006). Foremost. Retrieved 3 Feb, 2006, from http://foremost.sourceforge.net/
McDougal, M. (2005). Windows Forensic Toolchest. Retrieved 31 Jan, 2006, from http://www.foolmoon.net/
McLeod, J. (2005). Incident Response Collection Report (IRCR2) readme file. Retrieved 31 Jan, 2006, from
MemoryStick.com. (2006). MemoryStick Write Protect. Retrieved 31 Jan, 2006, from http://
The Living Room. (2006). MMC/SD Card. Retrieved 31 Jan, 2006, from http://www.livingroom.org.au/photolog/
Vincent, L. (2006). Hardware Lister (lshw). Retrieved 5 Feb, 2006, from http://ezix.sourceforge.net/software/
Wikipedia. (2006a). Knoppix. Retrieved 7 Feb, 2006, from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knoppix
Wikipedia. (2006b). Linux. Retrieved 7 Feb, 2006, from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux

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