The Extended Family
The Extended Family
The Extended Family
In days past, extended families played a big part in helping new parents. Grandparents
were often present to help with the new baby. Extended-family members often lived
under one roof or just down the road; children saw their relatives often enough to
know who was who. Today, this is frequently not the case. Modern extended families
can be quite different from extended families of years past.
The New Extended Family
While it's true that today's extended family is often spread out across the country, and
children may be walking -- or even driving -- before they meet some of the extended
family members, most families still have some extended family nearby. Geographical
isolation is far more common among upper-middle- class families, who move for
occupational opportunity, than it is among middle- and lower-class families, who tend
to move to cities where they already have relatives.
But even when extended family members are relatively close by, there is no escaping
the fact that families do live more privately than they once did. In some cases,
extended families still give each other day-to-day assistance with shopping, child
care, and household tasks. More often, though, each branch of the family retains its
basic independence.
What does all this mean for kids? Essentially, with fewer significant adults in their
lives, children become more emotionally dependent on their parents. Don't expect
your child to consider a seldom-seen relative important. Unless you find a way to
open up your family's network, your children will probably be isolated from the
extended family.
Some families hold regular family get-togethers or large family reunions to
reestablish a more integrated sense of family. Of course, holidays and the children's
birthdays provide opportunities for any family members who live close by to get
together. You can help your toddler begin to understand the idea of extended family
by creating a special "My Family" photo album with pictures and names. When he is
a little older, you can begin to illustrate the nature of the relationships with a family
Other families experiment with alternate ways to open up the family. For instance,
some form babysitting, food, and other kinds of cooperatives. This simply means
several couples pool specific resources. This lessens the burden of couples having to
do everything solo.
A family cluster is a way to create a surrogate extended family. Several families meet
regularly and become emotionally close. They share values, attitudes, and tasks.
Often, family clusters share possessions, such as vacation homes and cars. For
children, this provides an enlarged number of significant adults and playmates.
One area where grandparents can be an enormous help is watching younger children
while the parents are at work.
say their parents place too much responsibility on them in the family, and parental
expectations for them are too high.
Since the firstborn child is an only child, at least for a while, she is the one child in the
family who will ever know what it's like not to have to share her parents' attention
with a sibling. For this reason, it's especially difficult for some firstborns to deal with
the birth of the second child. The second child may always be seen as a threat by a
firstborn, since if it were not for him, the firstborn would still have exclusive claim to
parental attention and energy. It's not unusual for a firstborn child to plot ways to get
rid of the second child. This may involve backbiting or actual physical attacks against
the second child or attention-getting behaviors such as whining and crying.
The second child often experiences a much different world than his older brother or
sister does. Second children often take the role of rebel, clown, entertainer, artist,
troublemaker, peacemaker, or negotiator in families.
But second children often feel they don't get enough attention from their parents and,
unlike firstborns, their parents don't expect much from them. They complain they are
compared with their older siblings and often express the wish that they would just be
appreciated for who they are. They may resent being bossed around by their older
Some middle children express relief about being in the middle. Their parents are
accustomed to parenting by the time they arrive, so some of the pressure is off. But
middle children often feel unappreciated by and uninvolved with the rest of the
family. They usually end up with all the hand- me-downs from the older child, which
doesn't help them feel very special either (unless they happen to be the first sister or
brother born into the family, a situation that changes the family dynamics a great
deal). Middle children often see themselves as dependable, self-reliant, diplomatic,
and easygoing. Because they do tend to be very independent, they often end up in
very independent sorts of jobs. As children, they often wish their parents would get
more excited about their achievements, spend more time alone with them, and, for
heaven's sake, buy them some thing new once in a while.
The order your children are born in may affect their personality. The baby, or
youngest child in a family, usually has special status. The parents' expectations of the
youngest child may be lower, and this child doesn't have to do much to get all her
needs met. By the time the baby of the family is born, the parents may have attained a
healthy earning power, so the family's financial situation may be considerably easier
than it was when the first child was born. The baby may be showered with material
possessions and special attention. She knows she has a special place in the family and
learns to charm and manipulate other family members to get what she wants.
Nonetheless these youngest children don't like being called the baby; they want to be
taken seriously just like other children. They often see themselves playing the role of
the little one, the cute one, the spoiled one, or the one with the temper. Some babies
don't ever really grow up or shed the role they played as a child often because their
parents don't ever really allow them to grow up, wanting them to forever remain their
cute, precious, final child.
Only Children
There are lots of reasons for having only one child-sometimes the parents plan it that
way; sometimes stillbirths, miscarriages, deaths, medical problems, or other factors
prevent parents from having other children. These factors affect how an only child
views himself and how his parents view him.
Most only children relish their position, even if they occasionally wish they had the
companionship of brothers and sisters. Unfortunately, as parents age, an only child
often becomes the sole caretaker with no siblings to help out.
Only children may feel lonely for lack of peer interaction. Due to their exposure
within the home to adults only, they might have difficulty being around other kids
even when the opportunities for such interaction exist, or they may simply prefer to be
around adults. They often feel incredible pressure from their parents, since they may
be viewed as the first, last, and only hope for the future of the family. While parents of
larger families may hope to fulfill their own dreams through several children, all such
wishes may be focused on an only child.
Late-Born Only Children
A child born several years after other siblings shares some of the experiences of an
only child, especially if the older children have already grown up and left home. But
he is also the baby of the family, and his role reflects this dual situation. Parents aren't
as likely to pressure this child as much as they might a true only child. He does not
have to share attention with his siblings but can experience the loneliness and
different ness the only child feels, particularly if his parents are much older. This latter
situation comes into play with special clarity when the child reaches school age and
meets other children's parents.
Advantages to having so-called late children are many. There is little sibling rivalry,
and the older siblings may be able to help their parents with the baby. Many of the
anxieties of first-time parenting are gone. For the older children, having a baby in the
house may teach nurturing skills and increase their appreciation for what was once
done for them. What often ensues is more open affection among everyone in the